def haversine(location1, location2=None): # calculates great circle distance __doc__ = """Returns the great circle distance of the given coordinates. INPUT: location1 = ((lat1, lon1), ..., n(lat1, lon1)) *location2 = ((lat2, lon2), ..., n(lat2, lon2)) *if location2 is not given a square matrix of distances for location1 will be put out OUTPUT: distance in km (dist1 ... ndist : : ndist1 ... ndist) shape will depend on the input METHOD: a = sin(dLat / 2) * sin(dLat / 2) + sin(dLon / 2) * sin(dLon / 2) * cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) c = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a)) d = R * c where R is the earth's radius (6371 km) and d is the distance in km""" from itertools import product, combinations from pylab import deg2rad, sin, cos, arctan2, \ meshgrid, sqrt, array, arange if location2: location1 = array(location1, ndmin=2) location2 = array(location2, ndmin=2) elif location2 is None: location1 = array(location1, ndmin=2) location2 = location1.copy() # get all combinations using indicies ind1 = arange(location1.shape[0]) ind2 = arange(location2.shape[0]) ind = array(list(product(ind1, ind2))) # using combination inds to get lats and lons lat1, lon1 = location1[ind[:, 0]].T lat2, lon2 = location2[ind[:, 1]].T # setting up variables for haversine R = 6371. dLat = deg2rad(lat2 - lat1) dLon = deg2rad(lon2 - lon1) lat1 = deg2rad(lat1) lat2 = deg2rad(lat2) # haversine formula a = sin(dLat / 2) * sin(dLat / 2) + \ sin(dLon / 2) * sin(dLon / 2) * \ cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) c = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a)) d = R * c # reshape accodring to the input D = d.reshape(location1.shape[0], location2.shape[0]) return D
def haversine(location1, location2=None): # calculates great circle distance __doc__ = """Returns the great circle distance of the given coordinates. INPUT: location1 = ((lat1, lon1), ..., n(lat1, lon1)) *location2 = ((lat2, lon2), ..., n(lat2, lon2)) *if location2 is not given a square matrix of distances for location1 will be put out OUTPUT: distance in km (dist1 ... ndist : : ndist1 ... ndist) shape will depend on the input METHOD: a = sin(dLat / 2) * sin(dLat / 2) + sin(dLon / 2) * sin(dLon / 2) * cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) c = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a)) d = R * c where R is the earth's radius (6371 km) and d is the distance in km""" from itertools import product, combinations from pylab import deg2rad, sin, cos, arctan2, \ meshgrid, sqrt, array, arange if location2: location1 = array(location1, ndmin=2) location2 = array(location2, ndmin=2) elif location2 is None: location1 = array(location1, ndmin=2) location2 = location1.copy() # get all combinations using indicies ind1 = arange(location1.shape[0]) ind2 = arange(location2.shape[0]) ind = array(list(product(ind1, ind2))) # using combination inds to get lats and lons lat1, lon1 = location1[ind[:,0]].T lat2, lon2 = location2[ind[:,1]].T # setting up variables for haversine R = 6371. dLat = deg2rad(lat2 - lat1) dLon = deg2rad(lon2 - lon1) lat1 = deg2rad(lat1) lat2 = deg2rad(lat2) # haversine formula a = sin(dLat / 2) * sin(dLat / 2) + \ sin(dLon / 2) * sin(dLon / 2) * \ cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) c = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a)) d = R * c # reshape accodring to the input D = d.reshape(location1.shape[0], location2.shape[0]) return D
def get_lines_for_frame(self, frame, root_offset=None): lines = [] def draw_line_to_children(bone, ppos, P, rpos): for child in self.hierarchy[bone]: cbone = self.bones[child] C = self.__local_matrices[child + '__C'] Cinv = self.__local_matrices[child + '__Cinv'] B = self.__local_matrices[child + '__B'] #Motion matrix M = eye(4) try: for dof, val in zip(cbone.dof, frame[child]): val = pl.deg2rad(val) R = eye(4) if dof == 'rx': R = Rx(val) elif dof == 'ry': R = Ry(val) elif dof == 'rz': R = Rz(val) #M = dot(M, R) M = dot(R, M) except: #We might not have dof data for the current bone pass #Local transform L = #Full transform A = dot(P, L) cpos = dot(A, [0, 0, 0, 1]) + rpos if child[0] == 'rtoes' or child == 'ltoes': continue lines.append([ppos[:3], cpos[:3]]) draw_line_to_children(child, cpos, A, rpos) #Root orientation and translation transf = frame['root'].copy() if root_offset is not None: transf[0:3] += root_offset R = dot(Rz(pl.deg2rad(transf[5])), dot(Ry(pl.deg2rad(transf[4])), Rx(pl.deg2rad(transf[3])))) B = T(transf[0:3]) rpos = dot(B, [0, 0, 0, 1]) / 0.45 * Skeleton.SCALE draw_line_to_children('root', rpos, R, rpos) return lines
def draw_line_to_children(bone, ppos, P, rpos, ppindex): for child in self.hierarchy[bone]: cbone = self.bones[child] C = self.__local_matrices[child + '__C'] Cinv = self.__local_matrices[child + '__Cinv'] B = self.__local_matrices[child + '__B'] #Motion matrix M = eye(4) try: for dof, val in zip(cbone.dof, frame[child]): val = pl.deg2rad(val) R = eye(4) if dof == 'rx': R = Rx(val) elif dof == 'ry': R = Ry(val) elif dof == 'rz': R = Rz(val) M = dot(R, M) except: #We might not have dof data for the current bone pass L = #Full transform A = dot(P, L) cpos = dot(A, [0, 0, 0, 1]) + rpos coords.append(cpos[:3]) draw_line_to_children(child, cpos, A, rpos, len(coords) - 1)
def estimate_haversine(self): if self.verbose: print("Estimating Spatial locality with Haversine distance .") self.haversine = DistanceMetric.get_metric("haversine") # prepare features Coordinates longi, lat = pl.deg2rad( hp.pix2ang( nside=self._nside, ipix=pl.arange(hp.nside2npix(self._nside)), lonlat=True, )) mask =, 0, pl.pi).mask longi[mask] = -longi[mask] longi[pl.logical_not(mask)] = 2 * pl.pi - longi[pl.logical_not(mask)] Theta = pl.array([lat[self.galactic_mask], longi[self.galactic_mask]]).T angdist_matr = self.haversine.pairwise(Theta) angdist_matr =, fill_value=pl.pi).data # all the distances are equally weighted and so far range in 0,1 weight_eucl = 1.0 / self._distance_matr.max() weight_hav = 1.0 / angdist_matr.max() self._distance_matr = pl.multiply(weight_eucl * self._distance_matr, weight_hav * angdist_matr) self._X = pl.concatenate([self._X, Theta], axis=1) pass
def convert(node): if node is 'root': transf = [pl.deg2rad(x) for x in frame['root']] return[5]),[4]), Rx(transf[3]))) cbone = skeleton.bones[node] #Motion matrix M = pl.eye(4) try: for dof, val in zip(cbone.dof, frame[node]): val = pl.deg2rad(val) R = pl.eye(4) if dof == 'rx': R = Rx(val) elif dof == 'ry': R = Ry(val) elif dof == 'rz': R = Rz(val) M =, M) except: #We might not have dof data for the current bone pass return M
def checkFOV(self, aOther_Pt): #Get Angle (in Radians) Limits (and their Slopes) nAngView = pylab.deg2rad(25) if self.nHeading == '-': return False aThis_Pt, aOther_Pt = list(self.aPos), list(aOther_Pt) nRad1, nRad2 = self.nHeading + nAngView, self.nHeading - nAngView nSlope1, nSlope2, nMaxSlope = pylab.tan(nRad1), pylab.tan(nRad2), 10000 # @UnusedVariable aThis_Pt[1], aOther_Pt[1] = self.nFrm_Height - aThis_Pt[ 1], self.nFrm_Height - aOther_Pt[1] aOther_Pt[0], b = (aOther_Pt[0] - aThis_Pt[0]), aThis_Pt[1] nOtherX, nOtherY = aOther_Pt[0], aOther_Pt[1] # #Avoid Multiplications where the Slope is close to Infinite # if abs(nSlope1) >= nMaxSlope: # y2 = nSlope2*nOtherX + b; # if nRad2 < pylab.pi/2.0: return (nOtherX>=0) and (nOtherY>=y2); # else: return (nOtherX<=0) and (nOtherY<=y2); # if abs(nSlope2) >= nMaxSlope: # y1 = nSlope1*nOtherX + b; # if nRad1 > (3*pylab.pi)/2.0: return (nOtherX>=0) and (nOtherY<=y1); # else: return (nOtherX<=0) and (nOtherY>=y1); #Check position of AngViews y1 = nSlope1 * nOtherX + b y2 = nSlope2 * nOtherX + b nUpLeft, nDownLeft = pylab.pi / 2.0, (3 * pylab.pi) / 2.0 bAngView1_Left = (nRad1 > nUpLeft) and (nRad1 < nDownLeft) #AngView1 on Left Side bAngView2_Left = (nRad2 > nUpLeft) and (nRad2 < nDownLeft) #AngView2 on Left Side bBothLeft = (bAngView1_Left) and (bAngView2_Left) bBothRight = (bAngView1_Left == False) and (bAngView2_Left == False) bBothUp = (bAngView1_Left) and (bAngView2_Left == False) bBothDown = (bAngView1_Left == False) and (bAngView2_Left) if bBothLeft and (nOtherY >= y1) and (nOtherY <= y2): return True if bBothRight and (nOtherY <= y1) and (nOtherY >= y2): return True if bBothUp and (nOtherY >= y1) and (nOtherY >= y2): return True if bBothDown and (nOtherY <= y1) and (nOtherY <= y2): return True return False
b_coils_list = [] r_b_coils_list = [] z_b_coils_list = [] b_coils_r_width_list = [] b_coils_z_width_list = [] r_floop_list = [] z_floop_list = [] array_radius = 1.15 array_r_width = 0.1 array_z_width = 0.1 delta_theta_degrees = 15.0 delta_theta = P.deg2rad(delta_theta_degrees) n_coils_each_side = 5 theta_start_degrees = 270.0 theta_start = P.deg2rad(theta_start_degrees) theta_end = theta_start + (n_coils_each_side - 1) * delta_theta for theta in P.linspace(theta_start, theta_end, n_coils_each_side): r_coil = r_0 + array_radius * P.cos(theta) z_coil = array_radius * P.sin(theta) r_b_coils_list.append(r_coil) z_b_coils_list.append(z_coil) r_floop = r_0 + a * P.cos(theta) z_floop = a * P.sin(theta) r_floop_list.append(r_floop)
print "diff(sin(2*x), x, 2) =", diff(sin(2 * x), x, 2) print "diff(sin(2*x), x, 3) =", diff(sin(2 * x), x, 3) print '''''' print "series(cos(x), x) =", series(cos(x), x) print "series(1/cos(x), x) =", series(1 / cos(x), x) # Series 설명을 위하여 그래프를 그림 # 그래프 그리기 관련 기능 등을 담고 있는 pylab 모듈을 불러 들임 import pylab x_deg = pylab.arange(-90, 90 + 1) x_rad = pylab.deg2rad(x_deg) y_cos = pylab.cos(x_rad) y_series_1 = 1 * pylab.ones_like(x_rad) y_series_2 = 1 - x_rad ** 2 / 2 y_series_3 = 1 - x_rad ** 2 / 2 + x_rad ** 4 / 24 pylab.plot(x_deg, y_cos, label='cos') pylab.plot(x_deg, y_series_1, label='series 1') pylab.plot(x_deg, y_series_2, label='series 2') pylab.plot(x_deg, y_series_3, label='series 3') pylab.grid() pylab.legend(loc=0) # print '''''' print "integrate(6*x**5, x) =", integrate(6 * x ** 5, x)
ny = 50 nz = 8 m = dolfin.UnitCubeMesh(nx,ny,nz) Q = dolfin.FunctionSpace(m,"CG",1) u = dolfin.Function(Q) v = dolfin.Function(Q) w = dolfin.Function(Q) S = dolfin.Function(Q) dolfin.File('./results_stokes/u.xml') >> u dolfin.File('./results_stokes/v.xml') >> v dolfin.File('./results_stokes/w.xml') >> w dolfin.File('./results_stokes/S.xml') >> S theta = pylab.deg2rad(-3.0) profile = pylab.linspace(0,1,100) S0 = pylab.sin(theta)/pylab.cos(theta)*profile*100000.0 U = pylab.zeros(100) s = pylab.zeros(100) for ii,x in enumerate(profile): uu = u(x,0.5,0.99999) vv = v(x,0.5,0.99999) ww = w(x,0.5,0.99999) SS = S(x,0.5,0.99999) U[ii] = pylab.sqrt(uu**2 + vv**2 + ww**2) s[ii] = SS data = zip(profile,s-S0,U) pickle.dump(data,open("djb2f{0:03d}.p".format(0),'w'))
def parse_asf(filename, description = "", remove_noisy_channels = True): noisy_channels = {'rtoes', 'ltoes', 'rthumb', 'lthumb', 'rfingers', 'lfingers', 'rhand', 'lhand'} data = [] with open(filename,'r') as asf: data = asf.readlines() data = [line.strip() for line in data] # Remove leading and trailing whitespace to simplify matters #--- #Skip to bonedata bonedata = -1 for i, line in enumerate(data): if line == ':bonedata': bonedata = i break if bonedata < 0: print('No bonedata found!') return bones = dict() bone = None end_bones = -1 in_limits = False for i, line in enumerate(data[bonedata+1:]): tokens = line.split() #End of bonedata structure? if tokens[0][0] == ':': end_bones = i break #Begin of a single bone? if tokens[0] == 'begin': bone = Bone() #End of a single bone? if tokens[0] == 'end': if remove_noisy_channels and in noisy_channels: continue bones[] = bone #Bone data if tokens[0] == 'name': = tokens[1] if tokens[0] == 'direction': bone.direction = parse_array(tokens[1:4]) if tokens[0] == 'length': bone.length = float(tokens[1])/0.45 * Skeleton.SCALE #TODO: Do I need to take the axis order into account for our data? if tokens[0] == 'axis': bone.axis = pl.deg2rad(parse_array(tokens[1:4])) if tokens[0] == 'dof': bone.dof = tokens[1:] #--- #Axis limits #Assumes that "dof" was already set up if tokens[0] == 'limits': in_limits = True bone.limits.append((float(tokens[1][1:]), float(tokens[2][:-1]))) elif in_limits: bone.limits.append((float(tokens[0][1:]), float(tokens[1][:-1]))) if len(bone.limits) == len(bone.dof): in_limits = False #--- #Skip to hierarchy hierarchy_index = -1 for i, line in enumerate(data[bonedata+end_bones:]): if line == ':hierarchy': hierarchy_index = i break if hierarchy_index < 0: print('No hierarchy found!') return hierarchy_index += bonedata + end_bones skeleton = Skeleton(description) skeleton.bones = bones for line in data[hierarchy_index+1:]: tokens = line.split() #Begin of hierarchy? if tokens[0] == 'begin': continue #End of hierarchy? if tokens[0] == 'end': break skeleton.hierarchy[tokens[0]] = [c for c in tokens[1:] if c not in noisy_channels] return skeleton
def cart2spherical(x, y, z): return array([ arctan2(y, x) * 180 / pi, arccos(z / (sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2))) * 180 / pi ]) def cart2spherical_dcase(x, y, z): phi = arctan2(y, x) * 180 / pi theta = arccos(z / (sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2))) * 180 / pi return array([phi, 90 - theta]) # Gradangaben von Theta im Intervall [0,180] statt wie bei DCASE [90,-90] M1 = spherical2cart(deg2rad(45), deg2rad(55), 0.042) M2 = spherical2cart(deg2rad(315), deg2rad(125), 0.042) M3 = spherical2cart(deg2rad(135), deg2rad(125), 0.042) M4 = spherical2cart(deg2rad(225), deg2rad(55), 0.042) mg = MicGeom() mg.mpos_tot = array([M1, M2, M3, M4]).T # add microphone positions to MicGeom object # define evaluation grid # Hier könntest du vielleicht eine neue Spherical Grid Klasse schreiben oder # eine ArbitraryGrid Klasse, damit wir ein sinnvolles Gitter zur Lokalisierung # verwenden können. # Als Anregung siehe: # rg = SphericalGrid_Equiangular(NPOINTS_AZI, NPOINTS_ELE)
import sys src_directory = '../../../' sys.path.append(src_directory) from src.model import Model from src.solvers import SteadySolver from src.physical_constants import IceParameters from src.helper import default_nonlin_solver_params from dolfin import set_log_active, File, Expression, pi from pylab import sin, tan, deg2rad set_log_active(True) alpha = deg2rad(0.1) lengths = [40000] for L in [40000]: class Surface(Expression): def __init__(self): pass def eval(self,values,x): values[0] = -x[0]*tan(alpha) class Bed(Expression): def __init__(self): pass def eval(self,values,x): values[0] = -x[0]*tan(alpha) - 1000.0 class Beta2(Expression): def __init__(self): pass
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # Soubor: # Autor: Marek Nožka, nozka <@t> spseol <d.t> cz # Licence: GNU/GPL # Úloha: výkon střídavého proudu ############################################################################## from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals import pylab as lab from pylab import pi f = 50 T = 1/f fi = lab.deg2rad(int(raw_input("zadej fázový posuv > "))) t = lab.linspace(0, 1.8 * T, 300) u = 1.5 * lab.sin(2*pi*f*t) i = 1.2 * lab.sin(2*pi*f*t + fi) lab.figure(1) lab.plot(t, u, label='napětí') lab.plot(t, i, label='proud') lab.plot(t, u*i, label='výkon') lab.grid(True) lab.xlim(min(t), max(t)) lab.legend()
import sys src_directory = '../../../' sys.path.append(src_directory) from src.model import Model from src.solvers import SteadySolver from src.physical_constants import IceParameters from src.helper import default_nonlin_solver_params from dolfin import set_log_active, File, Expression, pi from pylab import sin, tan, deg2rad set_log_active(True) alpha = deg2rad(0.5) lengths = [40000] for L in lengths: class Surface(Expression): def __init__(self): pass def eval(self,values,x): values[0] = - x[0] * tan(alpha) class Bed(Expression): def __init__(self): pass def eval(self,values,x): values[0] = - x[0] * tan(alpha) \ - 1000.0 \ + 500.0 * sin(2*pi*x[0]/L) * sin(2*pi*x[1]/L)
print "diff(sin(x), x) = ", diff(sin(x), x) print "diff(sin(2*x), x)", diff(sin(2 * x), x) print "diff(tan(x), x) = ", diff(tan(x), x) print "limit((tan(x+y)-tan(x))/y,y,0) =", limit((tan(x + y) - tan(x)) / y, y, 0) print "diff(sin(2*x), x, 1) =", diff(sin(2 * x), x, 1) print "diff(sin(2*x), x, 2) =", diff(sin(2 * x), x, 2) print "diff(sin(2*x), x, 3) =", diff(sin(2 * x), x, 3) print '''''' print "series(cos(x), x) =", series(cos(x), x) print "series(1/cos(x), x) = ", series(1 / cos(x), x) import pylab x_deg = pylab.arange(-90, 90 + 1) x_rad = pylab.deg2rad(x_deg) y_cos = pylab.cos(x_rad) y_series_1 = 1 * pylab.ones_like(x_rad) y_series_2 = 1 - x_rad**2 / 2 y_series_3 = 1 - x_rad**2 / 2 + x_rad**4 / 24 pylab.plot(x_deg, y_cos, label='cos') pylab.plot(x_deg, y_series_1, label='series 1') pylab.plot(x_deg, y_series_2, label='series 2') pylab.plot(x_deg, y_series_3, label='series 3') pylab.grid() pylab.legend(loc=0) print '''''' print "integrate(6*x**5, x) =", integrate(6 * x**5, x)
import sys src_directory = '../../../' sys.path.append(src_directory) import src.model import src.solvers import src.physical_constants import src.helper from pylab import sin, cos, exp, deg2rad from dolfin import Expression, File, set_log_active set_log_active(True) theta = deg2rad(-3.0) L = 100000. H = 1000.0 a0 = 100 sigma = 10000 class Surface(Expression): def __init__(self): pass def eval(self, values, x): values[0] = sin(theta) / cos(theta) * x[0] class Bed(Expression): def __init__(self): pass def eval(self, values, x): y_0 = -H + a0 * (exp(-((x[0]-L/2.)**2 + (x[1]-L/2.)**2) / sigma**2)) values[0] = sin(theta)/cos(theta) * (x[0] + sin(theta)*y_0) + cos(theta)*y_0
import sys src_directory = '../../../' sys.path.append(src_directory) import src.model import src.solvers import src.physical_constants from src.helper import default_nonlin_solver_params import pylab import dolfin dolfin.set_log_active(True) alpha = pylab.deg2rad(0.5) lengths = [40000] for L in lengths: class Surface(dolfin.Expression): def __init__(self): pass def eval(self,values,x): values[0] = -x[0]*pylab.tan(alpha) class Bed(dolfin.Expression): def __init__(self): pass def eval(self,values,x): values[0] = -x[0]*pylab.tan(alpha) - 1000.0 + 500.0*pylab.sin(2*pylab.pi*x[0]/L)*pylab.sin(2*pylab.pi*x[1]/L) nonlin_solver_params = default_nonlin_solver_params()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pylab as pl theta_deg = pl.arange(0, 360 + 0.05, 0.1) theta_rad = pl.deg2rad(theta_deg) sine = pl.sin(theta_rad) pl.plot(theta_deg, sine) pl.grid(True) #[F5] or right click & "Run Python File in Terminal"
PHI = x[0:4] p_guess = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] system = cp.system.System(x = x, u = u, p = p, f = f, phi = PHI) ## set the bound # state vt_max = 3; # deviation on airspeed alpha_max = 0.0698; # deviation in angle of attack 4 deg theta_min = -0.4712; # pitchAngleMinimum [rad] theta_max = 0.6283; # pitchAngleMaximum [rad] q_max = 0.6283; # pitchRateMaximum [rad/s] de_bound = pl.deg2rad(5); # elevator deflection [rad] # input dde_bound = 3.25; # 3.25 FCC [rad/s] # [ vt , alpha , theta , q , de ] xmin = [-vt_max, -alpha_max, theta_min, -q_max, -de_bound] xmax = [ vt_max, alpha_max, theta_max, q_max, de_bound] # derivatives of elevator deflection bound bound 3.25 FCC [rad/s] umin = [-dde_bound] umax = [+dde_bound] doe = cp.doe.DoE(system = system, time_points = time, uinit = u_guess, pdata = p_guess, x0 = x0, \ umin = umin, umax = umax, xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, wv = wv) doe.print_initial_experimental_properties()
lab.xlim(0,0.6) # nastavím začátek a konec os lab.ylim(-1,5) lab.title(u'Můj první graf $x_{12} = \\frac{-b\\pm\\sqrt{D}}{2a}$') lab.xlabel('t[s]') # popisek os lab.ylabel('$u_1[V]$') lab.grid() # mřížka ################################################## # teď už fakt nakreslím ten sinus from pylab import pi f = 3 # frakvence fi = lab.deg2rad(60) # počáteční fáce # vytvořím časovou osu t = lab.linspace(0,1,1000) # vypočítám napětí pro všechny časy u = 3*lab.sin(2*pi*f*t+fi) lab.figure() # nový obrázek lab.plot(t,u,':') lab.title('Funkce sinus') lab.xlabel('t[s]') lab.ylabel('u[V]') lab.grid()
# interactive mode # lab.ion() # lab.ioff() f = 50 t = lab.linspace(0, 0.035, 100) u = 2 * lab.sin(2 * pi * f * t) lab.plot(t, u) lab.grid(which="both") lab.xlim([min(t), max(t)]) lab.ylim([-4, 4]) # lab.xticks(lab.arange(0,0.035,0.002), 1000* lab.arange(0,0.035,0.002)) # lab.yticks( lab.arange(-4,4,0.5) ) lab.xlabel("t[s]") lab.ylabel("u[V]") lab.title(ur"$u=\sin(2 \pi f t)$") i = 2 * lab.sin(2 * pi * f * t + lab.deg2rad(0)) lab.plot(t, i) lab.plot(t, u * i)