def place_square(area, x, y, colour=N.array([255, 255, 255])): edge_len = int((area**.5) * dpi) if edge_len: offset = (dpi - edge_len) / 2. array = N.ones((edge_len, edge_len, 3)) array[:, :] = colour P.figimage(array, xo=dpi * x + offset, yo=dpi * y + offset)
def place_square(area, x, y, colour=N.array([255,255,255])): edge_len = int((area**.5)*dpi) if edge_len: offset = (dpi-edge_len)/2. array = N.ones((edge_len, edge_len, 3)) array[:,:] = colour P.figimage(array, xo=dpi*x+offset, yo=dpi*y+offset)
def plot_image(self, bstack=False, bsigma=False, minval=None, maxval=None, figsize=9, bsave=False, filename="fig_image.pdf", title='', bfullresolution=False, dpi=80, colorscale='jet', bcolorbar=True, colorbar_label=''): arr = self.get_array(bstack=bstack) minval, maxval = PlotTools.set_minmax(arr, minval=minval, maxval=maxval, bsigma=bsigma) if bfullresolution: import as cm fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(self.columns * 0.01, self.rows * 0.01)) #pylab.figimage(arr,cmap=cm.jet,vmin=minval,vmax=maxval,origin='upper') pylab.figimage(arr,, vmin=minval, vmax=maxval, origin='upper') else: fig = pylab.figure(1, (4 / 3. * figsize, figsize)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) image = pylab.imshow(arr, interpolation='nearest') norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=minval, vmax=maxval) image.set_norm(norm) pylab.title(title) image.set_cmap(colorscale) # gray/hot/jet if bcolorbar: pylab.colorbar(label=colorbar_label) if bsave: print("Saving image: %s" % filename) if bfullresolution: pylab.savefig(filename) else: pylab.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi) pylab.clf() pylab.close() else:
def disp_save_image(ser, mask_data, out_filename): pixels = read_data(ser) pixels = np.array(pixels,dtype='uint16') pixels -= mask_data img = pylab.figure() pylab.figimage(pixels, cmap = img.set_size_inches(1, 1) pylab.savefig(out_filename, dpi=112)
def disp_save_images(image_file, mask_data, out_filename): images = read_all_packed_images(image_file) img = pylab.figure() for i, image in enumerate(images): image -= mask_data pylab.figimage(image, cmap = img.set_size_inches(1, 1) if (len(images) == 1): pylab.savefig(out_filename + ".png", dpi=112) else: pylab.savefig(out_filename + str(i) + ".png", dpi=112)
def conditional_logo(joint): """ Produces an image summarising the marginal, conditional and joint distributions of 2 bases. """ import pylab as P, numpy as N, hmm.pssm.logo as L #dpi = 150 #fig = P.figure(figsize=(9,10), dpi=dpi, facecolor='white') #dpi = 150 fig = P.figure(figsize=(6, 6), facecolor='white') dpi = fig.dpi def logo_from_dist(dist): return L.dist_as_image(dist / dist.sum(), (dpi, dpi)) def place_logo(logo, x, y): P.figimage(N.asarray(logo, dtype=N.float32) / 255., x * dpi, y * dpi) # conditionals: logo for x in xrange(4): cond = joint[x] place_logo(logo_from_dist(cond / cond.sum()), x + 1, 0) for y in xrange(4): cond = joint[:, y] place_logo(logo_from_dist(cond / cond.sum()), 5, 4 - y) # marginals: logo x_marg = joint.sum(axis=1) place_logo(logo_from_dist(x_marg / x_marg.sum()), 2.5, 5) y_marg = joint.sum(axis=0) place_logo(logo_from_dist(y_marg / y_marg.sum()), 0, 2.5) # joint distribution: heat map Z = N.ones((dpi, dpi)) for x in xrange(4): for y in xrange(4): area = joint[x, y] edge_len = int(area * dpi) if edge_len: offset = (dpi - edge_len) / 2. P.figimage(N.ones((edge_len, edge_len)), xo=dpi * (x + 1) + offset, yo=dpi * (4 - y) + offset) return fig
def generate_mask(data_file, mask_output): pixels = read_packed_image(data_file) pixels = np.array(pixels,dtype='uint16') # pixels[0] = pixels[1] pixels -= np.amin(pixels) pickle.dump(pixels, mask_output) img = pylab.figure() pylab.figimage(pixels, cmap = img.set_size_inches(1, 1) pylab.savefig("mask.png", dpi=112)
def conditional_logo(joint): """ Produces an image summarising the marginal, conditional and joint distributions of 2 bases. """ import pylab as P, numpy as N, hmm.pssm.logo as L #dpi = 150 #fig = P.figure(figsize=(9,10), dpi=dpi, facecolor='white') #dpi = 150 fig = P.figure(figsize=(6, 6), facecolor='white') dpi = fig.dpi def logo_from_dist(dist): return L.dist_as_image(dist/dist.sum(), (dpi, dpi)) def place_logo(logo, x, y): P.figimage(N.asarray(logo, dtype=N.float32) / 255., x*dpi, y*dpi) # conditionals: logo for x in xrange(4): cond = joint[x] place_logo(logo_from_dist(cond/cond.sum()), x+1, 0) for y in xrange(4): cond = joint[:,y] place_logo(logo_from_dist(cond/cond.sum()), 5, 4-y) # marginals: logo x_marg = joint.sum(axis=1) place_logo(logo_from_dist(x_marg/x_marg.sum()), 2.5, 5) y_marg = joint.sum(axis=0) place_logo(logo_from_dist(y_marg/y_marg.sum()), 0, 2.5) # joint distribution: heat map Z = N.ones((dpi, dpi)) for x in xrange(4): for y in xrange(4): area = joint[x,y] edge_len = int(area * dpi) if edge_len: offset = (dpi-edge_len)/2. P.figimage(N.ones((edge_len, edge_len)), xo=dpi*(x+1)+offset, yo=dpi*(4-y)+offset) return fig
def generate_mask(ser, mask_file): pixels = read_data(ser) #f = open('mask_'+str(out_voltage)+'_'+str(out_round)+'.txt', 'w') #for i in range(0,112): # for j in range(0,112): # f.write('%d '%pixels[i][j]) # f.write('\n') # f.close() pixels = np.array(pixels,dtype='uint16') pixels -= np.amin(pixels) pickle.dump(pixels, mask_file) img = pylab.figure() pylab.figimage(pixels, cmap = img.set_size_inches(1, 1) pylab.savefig("mask_test.png", dpi=112)
def icons(users, distance): """Visualization using user profile images as the points.""" # It would be pretty cool to put user thumbails where points are. # but i'm still not sure how to do this yet. images = [] try: print 'getting images..' for p in users: print p f = p.image img = imread('image.tmp') images.append(img) except Exception as e: print 'got an error...' import traceback etype, evalue, tb = sys.exc_info() print yellow % '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(etype, evalue, tb)) ip() (W, H, _) = shape(img) # thumbnails should all be the same size count = len(images) pl.figure() P2, _ = mds(distance, 2) X, Y = P2[:, 0], P2[:, 1] ## XXX: not a great transformation b/c we might stretch more in one dimension def N(x): "force x to fit in interval [0,1]" x = (x - x.min()) x = x / x.max() assert all(x >= 0) and all(x <= 1) return x X = N(X) * 475 Y = N(Y) * 425 figimages = [ pl.figimage(img, xo=x, yo=y) for img, x, y in zip(images, X, Y) ]
def icons(users, distance): """Visualization using user profile images as the points.""" # It would be pretty cool to put user thumbails where points are. # but i'm still not sure how to do this yet. images = [] try: print 'getting images..' for p in users: print p f = p.image img = imread('image.tmp') images.append(img) except Exception as e: print 'got an error...' import traceback etype, evalue, tb = sys.exc_info() print yellow % '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(etype, evalue, tb)) ip() (W, H, _) = shape(img) # thumbnails should all be the same size count = len(images) pl.figure() P2, _ = mds(distance, 2) X,Y = P2[:,0], P2[:,1] ## XXX: not a great transformation b/c we might stretch more in one dimension def N(x): "force x to fit in interval [0,1]" x = (x - x.min()) x = x / x.max() assert all(x >= 0) and all(x <= 1) return x X = N(X)*475 Y = N(Y)*425 figimages = [pl.figimage(img, xo=x, yo=y) for img, x, y in zip(images, X, Y)]
xs = np.linspace(-1,1,size).astype(np.float32)[None,:] ys = np.linspace(-1,1,size).astype(np.float32)[:,None] vectors = np.zeros((size,size,2),dtype=np.float32) #for (x,y) in vortices: # rsq = (xs-x)**2+(ys-y)**2 # vectors[...,0] += (ys-y)/rsq # vectors[...,1] += -(xs-x)/rsq print np.shape(vectors) asdf() texture = np.random.rand(size,size).astype(np.float32) plt.bone() frame=0 kernellen=100 kernel = np.arange(kernellen) #np.sin(np.arange(kernellen)*np.pi/kernellen) kernel = kernel.astype(np.float32) image = lic_internal.line_integral_convolution(vectors, texture, kernel) plt.clf() plt.axis('off') plt.figimage(image) plt.gcf().set_size_inches((size/float(dpi),size/float(dpi))) plt.savefig("flow-image.png",dpi=dpi)
def skewtlogp(olga, si): """ Get directory of script for saving arrays """ tmpPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/tmp/' if (not os.path.isdir(tmpPath)): os.mkdir(tmpPath) """ Settings for high and low sounding top """ if (si.stype == 0): pbottom = 105000. # highest pressure in diagram (bottom) ptop = 20000. # lowest pressue in diagram (top) ptop_thd = 40000 # top of dry adiabats ptop_mxr = 60000 # top of mixing ratio lines pbottom_thw = pbottom # bottom of moist adiabats dp = 100. # pressure interval used in some calculations Tleft = -35. # lowest temperature (@pb) in diagram (left) Tright = 35. # highest temperature (@pb) in diagram (right) dp_label = 7000 isotherms = np.arange(-100, 30.001, 10) isobars = np.array([ 1050., 1000., 850., 700., 500., 400., 300., 250., 200., 150., 100., 50 ]) * 100. dryadiabats = np.arange(-30, 50.001, 10) moistadiabats = np.array([28., 24., 20., 16., 12., 8., 4., 0.]) mixrat = np.array([20., 12., 8., 5., 3., 2., 1.]) elif (si.stype == 1): pbottom = 105000. # highest pressure in diagram (bottom) ptop = 50000. # lowest pressue in diagram (top) ptop_thd = 70000 # top of dry adiabats ptop_mxr = 70000 # top of mixing ratio lines pbottom_thw = pbottom # bottom of moist adiabats dp = 100. # pressure interval used in some calculations Tleft = -11. # lowest temperature (@pb) in diagram (left) Tright = 35. # highest temperature (@pb) in diagram (right) dp_label = 2500 # spacing (in pressure coords) of some label placement isotherms = np.arange(-100, 60.001, 10) isobars = np.array([1050., 1000., 900., 850., 700., 600., 500.]) * 100. dryadiabats = np.arange(-10, 30.001, 5) moistadiabats = np.array([28., 24., 20., 16., 12., 8., 4., 0.]) mixrat = np.array([20., 12., 8., 5., 3., 2., 1.]) else: sys.exit('stype=%i not supported!' % stype) """ Setup figure """ if (olga != -1): fig = pl.figure(figsize=(olga.fig_width_px / float(olga.fig_dpi), olga.fig_width_px / float(olga.fig_dpi))) else: fig = pl.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) # L B R T ws hs fig.subplots_adjust(0.08, 0.10, 1.0, 0.93, 0.2, 0.08) pl.subplot(111) # Calculate bounds in figure coordinates y00 = skewty(pbottom) y11 = skewty(ptop) x00 = skewtx(Tleft, y00) x11 = skewtx(Tright, y00) # Spacing for some labels hs = np.abs(x11 - x00) / 200. vs = np.abs(y11 - y00) / 200. """ 1. Create isotherms """ for T in isotherms: y = np.array([skewty(pbottom), skewty(ptop)]) x = np.array([skewtx(T, y[0]), skewtx(T, y[1])]) # Check if partially out of bounds lloc = 0 if (x[0] < x00): x[0] = x00 y[0] = iskewtxT(x00, T) if (x[1] > x11): x[1] = x11 y[1] = iskewtxT(x11, T) if (x[1] >= x00 and y[1] >= y00): pl.plot(x, y, color=c2, alpha=a1) if (x[0] > x00 and x[0] < x11): pl.text(x[0], y[0] - 2 * hs, int(T), ha='center', va='top', color=c2) else: pl.text(x[1] - 5 * hs, y[1] - 5 * vs, int(T), ha='center', va='center', color=c2, alpha=a2) """ 2. Create isobars """ for p in isobars: # Check if out of bounds if ((p >= ptop) and (p <= pbottom)): y = skewty(p) pl.plot([x00, x11], [y, y], color=c2, alpha=a1) pl.text(x00 - hs, y, int(p / 100.), ha='right', va='center', color=c2) """ 3. Create dry adiabats """ # Try loading the data from the tmp directory. If not available, calculate # and save the arrays try: p = np.load(tmpPath + 'theta_p_%i.arr' % si.stype) y = np.load(tmpPath + 'theta_y_%i.arr' % si.stype) x = np.load(tmpPath + 'theta_x_%i.arr' % si.stype) except: p = np.arange(pbottom, (np.max(([ptop, ptop_thd])) - dp), -dp) x = np.zeros((dryadiabats.size, p.size)) y = np.zeros(p.size) for k in range(p.size): y[k] = skewty(p[k]) for i in range(dryadiabats.size): x[i, :] = 0. for k in range(p.size): xtmp = skewtx(((dryadiabats[i] + T0) * exner(p[k])) - T0, y[k]) if (xtmp >= x00 and xtmp <= x11): x[i, k] = xtmp else: x[i, k] = -9999 p.dump(tmpPath + 'theta_p_%i.arr' % si.stype) y.dump(tmpPath + 'theta_y_%i.arr' % si.stype) x.dump(tmpPath + 'theta_x_%i.arr' % si.stype) # Plot the dry adiabats for i in range(dryadiabats.size): doPlot = np.where(x[i, :] != -9999)[0] if (doPlot[0].size > 0): lloc = max(0, np.size(x[i, doPlot]) - int(5000. / dp)) pl.plot(x[i, doPlot], y[doPlot], color=c1) pl.text(x[i, doPlot][lloc], y[doPlot][lloc], int(dryadiabats[i]), color=c1, ha='center', va='center', backgroundcolor='w') """ 4. Create moist adiabats """ # Try loading the data from the tmp directory. If not available, calculate # and save the arrays try: p = np.load(tmpPath + 'thetam_p_%i.arr' % si.stype) y = np.load(tmpPath + 'thetam_y_%i.arr' % si.stype) x = np.load(tmpPath + 'thetam_x_%i.arr' % si.stype) except: p = np.arange(np.min(([pbottom, pbottom_thw])), ptop - dp, -dp) x = np.zeros((moistadiabats.size, p.size)) y = np.zeros(p.size) for k in range(p.size): y[k] = skewty(p[k]) for i in range(moistadiabats.size): for k in range(p.size): thw = dsatlftskewt(moistadiabats[i], p[k]) xtmp = skewtx(thw, y[k]) if (xtmp >= x00 and xtmp <= x11): x[i, k] = xtmp else: x[i, k] = -9999 p.dump(tmpPath + 'thetam_p_%i.arr' % si.stype) y.dump(tmpPath + 'thetam_y_%i.arr' % si.stype) x.dump(tmpPath + 'thetam_x_%i.arr' % si.stype) # Plot the moist adiabats for i in range(moistadiabats.size): doPlot = np.where(x[i, :] != -9999)[0] if (doPlot[0].size > 0): lloc = max(0, np.size(x[i, doPlot]) - int(8000. / dp)) pl.plot(x[i, doPlot], y[doPlot], '--', color=c3) pl.text(x[i, doPlot][lloc], y[doPlot][lloc], int(moistadiabats[i]), color=c3, ha='center', va='center', backgroundcolor='w') """ 5. Create isohumes / mixing ratio lines """ # Try loading the data from the tmp directory. If not available, calculate # and save the arrays try: p = np.load(tmpPath + 'mixr_p_%i.arr' % si.stype) y = np.load(tmpPath + 'mixr_y_%i.arr' % si.stype) x = np.load(tmpPath + 'mixr_x_%i.arr' % si.stype) except: p = np.arange(pbottom, (np.max(([ptop, ptop_mxr])) - dp), -dp) x = np.zeros((mixrat.size, p.size)) y = np.zeros(p.size) for k in range(p.size): y[k] = skewty(p[k]) for i in range(mixrat.size): for k in range(p.size): mix = Td(mixrat[i] / 1000., p[k]) - T0 xtmp = skewtx(mix, y[k]) if (xtmp >= x00 and xtmp <= x11): x[i, k] = xtmp else: x[i, k] = -9999 p.dump(tmpPath + 'mixr_p_%i.arr' % si.stype) y.dump(tmpPath + 'mixr_y_%i.arr' % si.stype) x.dump(tmpPath + 'mixr_x_%i.arr' % si.stype) # Plot the mixing ratio lines for i in range(mixrat.size): doPlot = np.where(x[i, :] != -9999)[0] if (doPlot[0].size > 0): pl.plot(x[i, doPlot], y[doPlot], color=c5, dashes=[3, 2]) pl.text(x[i, doPlot][-1], y[doPlot][-1] + vs, int(mixrat[i]), color=c5, ha='center', va='bottom', backgroundcolor='w') """ 6. Add sounding data """ # 6.1 Temperature and dewpoint temperature if (si.T.size > 0): y = skewty(si.p) x1 = skewtx(si.T - T0, y) x2 = skewtx(si.Td - T0, y) pl.plot(x1, y, '-', color=cT, linewidth=2) pl.plot(x2, y, '-', color=cTd, linewidth=2) # 6.2 Add height labels to axis if (si.z.size > 0 and si.z.size == si.p.size): y = skewty(si.p) p_last = 1e9 for k in range(si.z.size): if (y[k] <= y11 and np.abs(si.p[k] - p_last) > dp_label): pl.text(x11 + hs, y[k], str(int(si.z[k])) + 'm', color=c2, ha='right', va='center', size=7, backgroundcolor='w') p_last = si.p[k] # 6.2 Wind barbs if (si.u.size > 0): y = skewty(si.p) u = si.u * 1.95 v = si.v * 1.95 xb = x11 + 9 * hs p_last = 1e9 for k in range(si.z.size): if (y[k] <= y11 and np.abs(si.p[k] - p_last) > dp_label): pl.barbs(xb, y[k], u[k], v[k], length=5.2, linewidth=0.5, pivot='middle') p_last = si.p[k] """ 6.1 :) Try to add measured data """ # 6.1 Temperature and dewpoint temperature if (si.Tm.size > 0): y = skewty( x1 = skewtx(si.Tm, y) x2 = skewtx(si.Tdm, y) pl.plot(x1, y, '--', color=cT, linewidth=1) pl.plot(x2, y, '--', color=cTd, linewidth=1) """ 7. Lauch parcel """ if (si.parcel == True): # Plot starting position: p0s = skewty( T0s = skewtx(si.Ts - T0, p0s) Td0s = skewtx(Td(, - T0, p0s) pl.scatter(T0s, p0s, facecolor='none') pl.scatter(Td0s, p0s, facecolor='none') # Lists to hold parcel pressure, temp and dewpoint temp during ascent pp = [] Tp = [si.Ts] Tdp = [Td(,] # Launch parcel n = 0 while (Tp[-1] > Tdp[-1] and n < 1000): n += 1 dp2 = max(1, (Tp[-1] - Tdp[-1]) * 300) # bit weird, but fast pp.append(pp[-1] - dp2) Tp.append(si.Ts * exner(pp[-1], Tdp.append(Td(, pp[-1])) # Plot lines from surface --> LCL ps = skewty(np.array(pp)) Tps = skewtx(np.array(Tp) - T0, ps) Tdps = skewtx(np.array(Tdp) - T0, ps) pl.plot(Tps, ps, 'k', linewidth=1.5, dashes=[4, 2]) pl.plot(Tdps, ps, 'k', linewidth=1.5, dashes=[4, 2]) pl.scatter(Tps[-1], ps[-1], facecolor='none') # Iteratively find the moist adiabat starting at p0, which goes through the temperature at LCL Ths = si.Ts / exner(, p0) # potential temperature surface (@p0) ThwsLCL = dsatlftskewt( Ths - T0, pp[-1]) + T0 # Temp moist adiabat at plcl, through Ths thw0 = Ths - (ThwsLCL - Tp[-1] ) # First estimate of moist adiabat passing through Tlcl ThwLCL = dsatlftskewt(thw0 - T0, pp[-1]) + T0 while (np.abs(ThwLCL - Tp[-1]) > 0.1): thw0 -= ThwLCL - Tp[-1] ThwLCL = dsatlftskewt(thw0 - T0, pp[-1]) + T0 # Plot moist adiabat from LCL upwards p = np.arange(pp[-1], ptop, -dp) x = np.zeros(p.size) y = np.zeros(p.size) for k in range(p.size): thw = dsatlftskewt(thw0 - T0, p[k]) y[k] = skewty(p[k]) x[k] = skewtx(thw, y[k]) pl.plot(x, y, 'k', linewidth=1.5, dashes=[4, 2]) """ Add info from TEMF boundary layer scheme """ if (si.Tu.size > 0): # Cloud fraction dw = (x11 - x00) # width of diagram y = skewty(si.p) x = x00 + si.cfru * 0.2 * (x11 - x00) pl.plot(x, y, '-', linewidth=1.5, color=c6) # cloud cover cfr_pos = np.where(si.cfru > 0.001)[0] if (np.size(cfr_pos) > 1): pl.text(x00, y[cfr_pos[0] - 1], '- %im' % (si.z[cfr_pos[0] - 1]), ha='left', va='center', size=8, color=c6) pl.text(x00, y[cfr_pos[-1]], '- %im' % (si.z[cfr_pos[-1]]), ha='left', va='center', size=8, color=c6) kmax = np.where(si.cfru == si.cfru.max())[0][0] pl.text(x.max(), y[kmax], '- %i%%' % (si.cfru[kmax] * 100.), ha='left', va='center', size=8, color=c6) """ 6. Finish diagram """ pl.xticks([]) pl.yticks([])'off') pl.xlim(x00 - 0.1, x11 + 16 * hs) pl.ylim(y00 - 0.1, y11 + 0.1) # draw axis pl.plot([x00, x11], [y00, y00], 'k-') pl.plot([x00, x00], [y00, y11], 'k-') pl.figtext(0.5, 0.05, 'Temperature (C)', ha='center') pl.figtext(0.015, 0.52, 'Pressure (hPa)', rotation=90) label = 'Skew-T log-P, %s, %s UTC' % (, si.time) pl.figtext(0.5, 0.97, label, ha='center') if (olga != -1): img = image.imread(olga.olgaRoot + 'include/olga_left.png') pl.figimage(img, 7, 5) #pl.figimage(img,10,olga.fig_width_px-45) pl.figtext(0.99, 0.011, '%s' % olga.map_desc[0], size=7, ha='right') return fig
def place_image(logo, x, y): P.figimage(N.asarray(logo, dtype=N.float32) / 255., x * dpi, y * dpi)
def createFigure(olga, dom, wrf, basem, var, t, figwi, fighi, dpi, axl, axb, axw, axh): # This is ugly :( TODO: fix if (var == 'pfd' or var == 'pfd2'): nFig = np.size(olga.pfdNames) else: nFig = 1 for n in range(nFig): fig = pl.figure(figsize=(figwi, fighi), dpi=dpi) m = deepcopy(basem) axloc = [axl, axb, axw, axh] ax = fig.add_axes(axloc) lon, lat = m(wrf.lon, minlon = lon.min() maxlon = lon.max() minlat = lat.min() maxlat = lat.max() doplot = False # Default color line country boundaries countryLines = '0.3' # ------------------------------------------------- # stream lines of wind # ------------------------------------------------- if (var[:4] == 'wind'): doplot = True units = 'kts' fsigma = 0.5 if (var == 'wind10m'): title = '10m wind (kts)' ufilt = gaussianFilter(wrf.U10[t, :, :], fsigma, mode='reflect') vfilt = gaussianFilter(wrf.V10[t, :, :], fsigma, mode='reflect') sf = 25. elif (var == 'wind1000m'): title = '1000m wind' ufilt = gaussianFilter(wrf.U1000[t, :, :], fsigma, mode='reflect') vfilt = gaussianFilter(wrf.V1000[t, :, :], fsigma, mode='reflect') sf = 35. umax = 40. levs = np.arange(0, umax + 0.01, 1.) utot = ((ufilt[:, :] * m2k)**2. + (vfilt[:, :] * m2k)**2.)**0.5 cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, utot, levs, extend='both', cmap=wnd) stream = m.streamplot(lon[0, :], lat[:, 0], ufilt[:, :], vfilt[:, :], density=3, linewidth=utot / sf, color='k') # ------------------------------------------------- # rain # ------------------------------------------------- elif (var == 'rain'): doplot = True title = 'Precip. between t=%02i-%02i UTC (mm, //=convective)' % ( wrf.hour[t - 1], wrf.hour[t]) units = 'mm' fSigma = 0.25 # At first output time instantaneous precipitation field is given # At consecutive steps, precipitation is accumulated. Calculate difference # between output time steps, so plotted field is precipitation over last period! if (t == 0): rr = wrf.rr_mp[t, :, :] + wrf.rr_con[t, :, :] rrc = wrf.rr_con[t, :, :] else: rr = wrf.rr_mp[t, :, :] + wrf.rr_con[t, :, :] - wrf.rr_mp[ t - 1, :, :] - wrf.rr_con[t - 1, :, :] rrc = wrf.rr_con[t, :, :] - wrf.rr_con[t - 1, :, :] if (smoothPlot): rr = gaussianFilter(rr, fSigma, mode='reflect') rrc = gaussianFilter(rrc, fSigma, mode='reflect') # Draw shaded contours for precipitation intensity levs = [ 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 ] cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, rr, levs, alpha=1., extend='both', cmap=rain3nl) # Hatch area where precipitation is convective levs = [0.1, 100] cf2 = m.contourf(lon, lat, rrc, levs, colors='none', hatches=['//']) # ------------------------------------------------- # Cloud cover # ------------------------------------------------- elif (var == 'clouds'): doplot = True title = 'Cloud fraction (- low / mid . high)' units = 'fraction' fSigma = 0.25 cclow = gaussianFilter( wrf.cclow[t, :, :], fSigma, mode='reflect') if smoothPlot else wrf.cclow[t, :, :] ccmid = gaussianFilter( wrf.ccmid[t, :, :], fSigma, mode='reflect') if smoothPlot else wrf.ccmid[t, :, :] cchig = gaussianFilter( wrf.cchig[t, :, :], fSigma, mode='reflect') if smoothPlot else wrf.cchig[t, :, :] ccsum = gaussianFilter( wrf.ccsum[t, :, :], fSigma, mode='reflect') if smoothPlot else wrf.ccsum[t, :, :] # Draw shaded contours for cloud cover levs = np.arange(0.00, 1.001, 0.1) levs[0] = 0.02 cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, ccsum, levs, alpha=1., cmap=cm.GnBu) # Hatch areas of low/mid/high clouds levs = [0.05, 100] cf2 = m.contourf(lon, lat, cclow, levs, colors='none', hatches=['-']) cf2 = m.contourf(lon, lat, ccmid, levs, colors='none', hatches=['/']) cf2 = m.contourf(lon, lat, cchig, levs, colors='none', hatches=['.']) # ------------------------------------------------- # Fraction of potential incoming shortwave radiation at surface # ------------------------------------------------- elif (var == 'swd'): doplot = True title = 'Incoming solar radiation (// = night)' units = 'percentage' fSigma = 0.25 data = gaussianFilter( wrf.swdf[t, :, :], fSigma, mode='reflect') if smoothPlot else wrf.swdf[t, :, :] # Draw shaded contours for cloud cover levs = np.arange(0.00, 100.01, 5) cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, data * 100., levs, extend='both', alpha=1., cmap=cloud) # Hatch night area levs = [-2, -0.5] cf2 = m.contourf(lon, lat, data, levs, colors='none', hatches=['/']) # ------------------------------------------------- # Updraft velocity wstar # ------------------------------------------------- elif (var == 'wglider'): doplot = True title = 'Updraft velocity w* - %.1f m/s' % olga.sinkGlider units = 'm/s' fSigma = 0.5 levs = np.arange(0, 3.001, 0.5) data = gaussianFilter( wrf.wglider[t, :, :], fSigma, mode='reflect') if smoothPlot else wrf.wglider[t, :, :] cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, data, levs, extend='both', cmap=wup) # ------------------------------------------------- # Updraft velocity TEMF # ------------------------------------------------- elif (var == 'wgliderTEMF'): doplot = True title = 'Updraft velocity TEMF - %.1f m/s' % olga.sinkGlider units = 'm/s' fSigma = 0.5 levs = np.arange(0, 3.001, 0.5) data = gaussianFilter( wrf.wglider2[t, :, :], fSigma, mode='reflect') if smoothPlot else wrf.wglider2[t, :, :] cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, data, levs, extend='both', cmap=wup) # ------------------------------------------------- # Top of updraft (dry convection) # ------------------------------------------------- elif (var == 'zidry'): doplot = True units = 'm AMSL' title = 'Updraft height [m AMSL]' fSigma = 0.5 levs = np.arange(0, 2500.01, 300.) data = gaussianFilter( wrf.zi[t, :, :] + wrf.hgt[:, :], fSigma, mode='reflect' ) if smoothPlot else wrf.zi[t, :, :] + wrf.hgt[:, :] cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, data, levs, extend='both', cmap=wup) # ------------------------------------------------- # Top of updraft (minus glider sink) # ------------------------------------------------- elif (var == 'ziglider'): doplot = True units = 'm AMSL' title = 'Updraft height with %.1f m/s sink [m AMSL]' % olga.sinkGlider fSigma = 0.5 levs = np.arange(0, 2500.01, 300.) data = gaussianFilter( wrf.zi2[t, :, :] + wrf.hgt[:, :], fSigma, mode='reflect' ) if smoothPlot else wrf.zi2[t, :, :] + wrf.hgt[:, :] cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, data, levs, extend='both', cmap=wup) # ------------------------------------------------- # Cumulus depth # ------------------------------------------------- elif (var == 'cudepth'): doplot = True title = 'Cumulus depth [m]' units = 'm' fSigma = 0.5 levs = np.arange(0, 4000, 400) data = gaussianFilter( wrf.zct[t, :, :] - wrf.zi[t, :, :], fSigma, mode='reflect' ) if filter else wrf.zct[t, :, :] - wrf.zi[t, :, :] cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, data, levs, extend='both', cmap=wupnl) # ------------------------------------------------- # Potential flight distance per day # ------------------------------------------------- elif ((var == 'pfd') and t < np.size(wrf.date_PFD)): doplot = True title = 'PFD (w*) %s [km]' % olga.pfdNotes[n] units = 'km' fSigma = 0.5 levs = np.arange(0, 800.1, 100) data = gaussianFilter( wrf.PFD1[t, n, :, :], fSigma, mode='reflect') if filter else wrf.PFD1[t, n, :, :] cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, data, levs, extend='both', cmap=wup) # ------------------------------------------------- # Potential flight distance per day: TEMF corrected updraft velocity / height # ------------------------------------------------- elif ((var == 'pfd2') and t < np.size(wrf.date_PFD)): doplot = True title = 'PFD (TEMF) %s [km]' % olga.pfdNotes[n] units = 'km' fSigma = 0.5 levs = np.arange(0, 800.1, 100) data = gaussianFilter( wrf.PFD2[t, n, :, :], fSigma, mode='reflect') if filter else wrf.PFD2[t, n, :, :] cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, data, levs, extend='both', cmap=wup) # ------------------------------------------------- # Finish plot! # ------------------------------------------------- if (doplot): # Plot terrain height contours if (False): levs = arange(50, 4000.01, 50.) contour(lon, lat, wrf.hgt, levs, cmap=cm.PuBu, alpha=0.5) # Plot cities if (olga.drawCities[dom]): for i in range(len(olga.cityLonM)): m.scatter(olga.cityLonM[i], olga.cityLatM[i], s=4, alpha=1.0) pl.text(olga.cityLonM[i], olga.cityLatM[i], ' ' + olga.cityLoc[dom].shortName[i], size=8, ha='left', va='center', color='0.1') # Plot airspace if (False): plotairspace(m) # If filled contour, add colorbar if (cf != False): cax = pl.axes( [axl + axw + 0.02, axb + 0.1 * axh, 0.02, 0.8 * axh]) cb = pl.colorbar(cf, drawedges=True, cax=cax) # cb.outline.set_color('white') cb.set_label(units) pl.axes(ax) # Draw coast and country outlines m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=1.5, color=countryLines) m.drawcountries(linewidth=1.5, color=countryLines) # Draw rivers if (olga.drawRivers[dom]): m.drawrivers(linewidth=0.5, color='#0066FF') # Add description variables, units, OLGA label, logo, etc. pl.figtext(axl, axb / 2, '%s' % olga.map_desc[dom], size=7, ha='left', va='center') if (var == 'pfd'): subtitle = 'cumulative distance over: %s' % str( wrf.date_PFD[t]) else: subtitle = 'valid: %s UTC' % str(wrf.datetime[t]) # Add figure info (variable, units, time) ax.set_title(title, loc='left', size=8) ax.set_title(subtitle, loc='right', size=8) # Add OLGA logo pl.figimage(olga.olga_logo, olga.fig_width_px - 121, 4) # Get name and save figure if (var == 'pfd' or var == 'pfd2'): tmp = '%06i' % (olga.islice * 24 * 100) else: xtime = wrf.time[t] / 3600. hour = int(np.floor(xtime)) minute = int((xtime - hour) * 60.) tmp = str(hour).zfill(4) + str(minute).zfill(2) if (var == 'pfd' or var == 'pfd2'): name = '%s%04i%02i%02i_t%02iz/%s_%s_%02i_%s.png' % ( olga.figRoot, olga.year, olga.month,, olga.cycle, var, olga.pfdNames[n], dom + 1, tmp) else: name = '%s%04i%02i%02i_t%02iz/%s_%02i_%s.png' % ( olga.figRoot, olga.year, olga.month,, olga.cycle, var, dom + 1, tmp) pl.savefig(name, dpi=olga.fig_dpi) # Cleanup! fig.clf() pl.close() gc.collect()
def createFigure(olga, dom, wrf, basem, var, t, figwi, fighi, dpi, axl, axb, axw, axh): # This is ugly :( TODO: fix if(var == 'pfd' or var == 'pfd2'): nFig = np.size(olga.pfdNames) else: nFig = 1 for n in range(nFig): fig = pl.figure(figsize=(figwi, fighi), dpi=dpi) m = deepcopy(basem) axloc = [axl, axb, axw, axh] ax = fig.add_axes(axloc) lon,lat = m(wrf.lon, minlon = lon.min() maxlon = lon.max() minlat = lat.min() maxlat = lat.max() doplot = False # Default color line country boundaries countryLines = '0.3' # ------------------------------------------------- # stream lines of wind # ------------------------------------------------- if(var[:4] == 'wind'): doplot = True units = 'kts' fsigma = 0.5 if(var=='wind10m'): title = '10m wind (kts)' ufilt = gaussianFilter(wrf.U10[t,:,:], fsigma, mode='reflect') vfilt = gaussianFilter(wrf.V10[t,:,:], fsigma, mode='reflect') sf = 25. elif(var=='wind1000m'): title = '1000m wind' ufilt = gaussianFilter(wrf.U1000[t,:,:], fsigma, mode='reflect') vfilt = gaussianFilter(wrf.V1000[t,:,:], fsigma, mode='reflect') sf = 35. umax = 40. levs = np.arange(0, umax+0.01, 1.) utot = ((ufilt[:,:]*m2k)**2. + (vfilt[:,:]*m2k)**2.)**0.5 cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, utot, levs, extend='both', cmap=wnd) stream = m.streamplot(lon[0,:], lat[:,0], ufilt[:,:], vfilt[:,:], density=3, linewidth=utot/sf, color='k') # ------------------------------------------------- # rain # ------------------------------------------------- elif(var == 'rain'): doplot = True title = 'Precip. between t=%02i-%02i UTC (mm, //=convective)'%(wrf.hour[t-1],wrf.hour[t]) units = 'mm' fSigma = 0.25 # At first output time instantaneous precipitation field is given # At consecutive steps, precipitation is accumulated. Calculate difference # between output time steps, so plotted field is precipitation over last period! if(t==0): rr = wrf.rr_mp[t,:,:] + wrf.rr_con[t,:,:] rrc = wrf.rr_con[t,:,:] else: rr = wrf.rr_mp[t,:,:] + wrf.rr_con[t,:,:] - wrf.rr_mp[t-1,:,:] - wrf.rr_con[t-1,:,:] rrc = wrf.rr_con[t,:,:] - wrf.rr_con[t-1,:,:] if(smoothPlot): rr = gaussianFilter(rr, fSigma, mode='reflect') rrc = gaussianFilter(rrc, fSigma, mode='reflect') # Draw shaded contours for precipitation intensity levs = [0,0.1,0.2,0.4,0.8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,14] cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, rr, levs, alpha=1., extend='both', cmap=rain3nl) # Hatch area where precipitation is convective levs = [0.1,100] cf2 = m.contourf(lon, lat, rrc, levs, colors='none', hatches=['//']) # ------------------------------------------------- # Cloud cover # ------------------------------------------------- elif(var == 'clouds'): doplot = True title = 'Cloud fraction (- low / mid . high)' units = 'fraction' fSigma = 0.25 cclow = gaussianFilter(wrf.cclow[t,:,:], fSigma, mode='reflect') if smoothPlot else wrf.cclow[t,:,:] ccmid = gaussianFilter(wrf.ccmid[t,:,:], fSigma, mode='reflect') if smoothPlot else wrf.ccmid[t,:,:] cchig = gaussianFilter(wrf.cchig[t,:,:], fSigma, mode='reflect') if smoothPlot else wrf.cchig[t,:,:] ccsum = gaussianFilter(wrf.ccsum[t,:,:], fSigma, mode='reflect') if smoothPlot else wrf.ccsum[t,:,:] # Draw shaded contours for cloud cover levs = np.arange(0.00, 1.001, 0.1) levs[0] = 0.02 cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, ccsum, levs, alpha=1., cmap=cm.GnBu) # Hatch areas of low/mid/high clouds levs = [0.05,100] cf2 = m.contourf(lon, lat, cclow, levs, colors='none', hatches=['-']) cf2 = m.contourf(lon, lat, ccmid, levs, colors='none', hatches=['/']) cf2 = m.contourf(lon, lat, cchig, levs, colors='none', hatches=['.']) # ------------------------------------------------- # Fraction of potential incoming shortwave radiation at surface # ------------------------------------------------- elif(var == 'swd'): doplot = True title = 'Incoming solar radiation (// = night)' units = 'percentage' fSigma = 0.25 data = gaussianFilter(wrf.swdf[t,:,:], fSigma, mode='reflect') if smoothPlot else wrf.swdf[t,:,:] # Draw shaded contours for cloud cover levs = np.arange(0.00, 100.01, 5) cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, data*100., levs, extend='both', alpha=1., cmap=cloud) # Hatch night area levs = [-2,-0.5] cf2 = m.contourf(lon, lat, data, levs, colors='none', hatches=['/']) # ------------------------------------------------- # Updraft velocity wstar # ------------------------------------------------- elif(var == 'wglider'): doplot = True title = 'Updraft velocity w* - %.1f m/s'%olga.sinkGlider units = 'm/s' fSigma = 0.5 levs = np.arange(0, 3.001, 0.5) data = gaussianFilter(wrf.wglider[t,:,:], fSigma, mode='reflect') if smoothPlot else wrf.wglider[t,:,:] cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, data, levs, extend='both', cmap=wup) # ------------------------------------------------- # Updraft velocity TEMF # ------------------------------------------------- elif(var == 'wgliderTEMF'): doplot = True title = 'Updraft velocity TEMF - %.1f m/s'%olga.sinkGlider units = 'm/s' fSigma = 0.5 levs = np.arange(0, 3.001, 0.5) data = gaussianFilter(wrf.wglider2[t,:,:], fSigma, mode='reflect') if smoothPlot else wrf.wglider2[t,:,:] cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, data, levs, extend='both', cmap=wup) # ------------------------------------------------- # Top of updraft (dry convection) # ------------------------------------------------- elif(var == 'zidry'): doplot = True units = 'm AMSL' title = 'Updraft height [m AMSL]' fSigma = 0.5 levs = np.arange(0, 2500.01, 300.) data = gaussianFilter(wrf.zi[t,:,:] + wrf.hgt[:,:], fSigma, mode='reflect') if smoothPlot else wrf.zi[t,:,:] + wrf.hgt[:,:] cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, data, levs, extend='both', cmap=wup) # ------------------------------------------------- # Top of updraft (minus glider sink) # ------------------------------------------------- elif(var == 'ziglider'): doplot = True units = 'm AMSL' title = 'Updraft height with %.1f m/s sink [m AMSL]'%olga.sinkGlider fSigma = 0.5 levs = np.arange(0, 2500.01, 300.) data = gaussianFilter(wrf.zi2[t,:,:] + wrf.hgt[:,:], fSigma, mode='reflect') if smoothPlot else wrf.zi2[t,:,:] + wrf.hgt[:,:] cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, data, levs, extend='both', cmap=wup) # ------------------------------------------------- # Cumulus depth # ------------------------------------------------- elif(var == 'cudepth'): doplot = True title = 'Cumulus depth [m]' units = 'm' fSigma = 0.5 levs = np.arange(0, 4000, 400) data = gaussianFilter(wrf.zct[t,:,:] - wrf.zi[t,:,:], fSigma, mode='reflect') if filter else wrf.zct[t,:,:] - wrf.zi[t,:,:] cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, data, levs, extend='both', cmap=wupnl) # ------------------------------------------------- # Potential flight distance per day # ------------------------------------------------- elif((var == 'pfd') and t < np.size(wrf.date_PFD)): doplot = True title = 'PFD (w*) %s [km]'%olga.pfdNotes[n] units = 'km' fSigma = 0.5 levs = np.arange(0, 800.1, 100) data = gaussianFilter(wrf.PFD1[t,n,:,:], fSigma, mode='reflect') if filter else wrf.PFD1[t,n,:,:] cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, data, levs, extend='both', cmap=wup) # ------------------------------------------------- # Potential flight distance per day: TEMF corrected updraft velocity / height # ------------------------------------------------- elif((var == 'pfd2') and t < np.size(wrf.date_PFD)): doplot = True title = 'PFD (TEMF) %s [km]'%olga.pfdNotes[n] units = 'km' fSigma = 0.5 levs = np.arange(0, 800.1, 100) data = gaussianFilter(wrf.PFD2[t,n,:,:], fSigma, mode='reflect') if filter else wrf.PFD2[t,n,:,:] cf = m.contourf(lon, lat, data, levs, extend='both', cmap=wup) # ------------------------------------------------- # Finish plot! # ------------------------------------------------- if(doplot): # Plot terrain height contours if(False): levs = arange(50, 4000.01, 50.) contour(lon, lat, wrf.hgt, levs, cmap=cm.PuBu, alpha=0.5) # Plot cities if(olga.drawCities[dom]): for i in range(len(olga.cityLonM)): m.scatter(olga.cityLonM[i], olga.cityLatM[i], s=4, alpha=1.0) pl.text(olga.cityLonM[i], olga.cityLatM[i],' '+olga.cityLoc[dom].shortName[i], size=8, ha='left', va='center', color='0.1') # Plot airspace if(False): plotairspace(m) # If filled contour, add colorbar if(cf != False): cax = pl.axes([axl+axw+0.02, axb+ 0.1*axh, 0.02, 0.8*axh]) cb = pl.colorbar(cf, drawedges=True, cax=cax) = 8) = 0) # cb.outline.set_color('white') cb.set_label(units) pl.axes(ax) # Draw coast and country outlines m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=1.5, color=countryLines) m.drawcountries(linewidth=1.5, color=countryLines) # Draw rivers if(olga.drawRivers[dom]): m.drawrivers(linewidth=0.5, color='#0066FF') # Add description variables, units, OLGA label, logo, etc. pl.figtext(axl, axb/2,'%s'%olga.map_desc[dom],size=7,ha='left', va='center') if(var=='pfd'): subtitle = 'cumulative distance over: %s'%str(wrf.date_PFD[t]) else: subtitle = 'valid: %s UTC'%str(wrf.datetime[t]) # Add figure info (variable, units, time) ax.set_title(title, loc='left', size=8) ax.set_title(subtitle, loc='right', size=8) # Add OLGA logo pl.figimage(olga.olga_logo, olga.fig_width_px-121, 4) # Get name and save figure if(var=='pfd' or var == 'pfd2'): tmp = '%06i'%(olga.islice*24*100) else: xtime = wrf.time[t] / 3600. hour = int(np.floor(xtime)) minute = int((xtime - hour) * 60.) tmp = str(hour).zfill(4) + str(minute).zfill(2) if(var == 'pfd' or var == 'pfd2'): name = '%s%04i%02i%02i_t%02iz/%s_%s_%02i_%s.png'%(olga.figRoot, olga.year, olga.month,, olga.cycle, var, olga.pfdNames[n], dom+1, tmp) else: name = '%s%04i%02i%02i_t%02iz/%s_%02i_%s.png'%(olga.figRoot, olga.year, olga.month,, olga.cycle, var, dom+1, tmp) pl.savefig(name, dpi=olga.fig_dpi) # Cleanup! fig.clf() pl.close() gc.collect()
def place_image(logo, x, y): P.figimage(N.asarray(logo, dtype=N.float32) / 255., x*dpi, y*dpi)
def create_timeseries(olga, wrfout, dom, times): # colormap for cloud cover cld = make_colormap({0.: '#05b5ff', 0.3: '#bdecff', 1.0: '#ffffff'}) olga_logo = pl.matplotlib.image.imread(olga.olgaRoot + 'include/olga_left.png') # Loop over requested locations for name, longName, lon, lat, type in zip(olga.soundLoc[dom].shortName, olga.soundLoc[dom].longName, olga.soundLoc[dom].lon, olga.soundLoc[dom].lat, olga.soundLoc[dom].type): if (type == 0 or type == 2): # Read WRF data d = readwrf_loc(olga, wrfout, lon, lat, times[0], times[-1]) # DEBUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG #figure() #for t in range(np.size(d.t0_ana)): # t0 = d.t0_ana[t] # t1 = d.t1_ana[t] # figure() # for tt in range(t0,t1): # sp = tt-t0 # ax=subplot(5,4,sp+1) # title(str(tt)) # d.w[tt,d.w[tt,:]<0] = 0 # plot(d.w[tt,:], d.zf[tt,:],'r-',label='w_up') # plot(d.qltemf[tt,:]*10000, d.zf[tt,:],'b-',label='ql_up*1e4') # ylim(0,3000) # xlim(0,3) # if(tt == t0): legend(frameon=False) # if(sp % 4 != 0): ax.tick_params(labelleft='off') # if(sp < 16): ax.tick_params(labelbottom='off') # grid() # savefig('test_%s.png'%name) # Loop over diffent day (if available): for t in range(np.size(d.t0_ana)): t0 = d.t0_ana[t] t1 = d.t1_ana[t] x0 = d.hour[t0] x1 = d.hour[t1] fig = pl.figure( figsize=(olga.fig_width_px / float(olga.fig_dpi), olga.fig_width_px / float(olga.fig_dpi))) # L B R T ws hs fig.subplots_adjust(0.10, 0.11, 0.98, 0.88, 0.35, 0.55) pl.figtext(0.5, 0.95, '%s [%.2fN, %.2fE]' % (longName, lat, lon), size=9, ha='center') pl.figtext(0.5, 0.93, '%s' % ([t0]), size=8, ha='center') gs = pl.matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec( 4, 2, height_ratios=[1., 1., 0.4, 1], width_ratios=[2, 1]) # ------------------------------------------------- # Updraft velocity / height: wstar # ------------------------------------------------- #ax = pl.subplot(gs[:2,0]); modplot(ax) #ax.set_title('Updraft velocity and height',loc='left') #zs = d.z[0,0] # terrain height (lowest half level) #wm = 3.5 # scaling for colormap #bw1 = 0.6 # width of sub-cloud updrafts #bw2 = 0.8 # width of cloud updrafts #for i in range(t0,t1+1): # if(d.wglider[i] > 0.0): # color = wup((np.floor(d.wglider[i])+0.5)/wm) #[i]-0.5*bw1, d.zi[i], width=bw1, bottom=zs, color=color, edgecolor='none') #[i]-0.5*bw2, d.ct[i]-d.zi[i], width=bw2, bottom=d.zi[i]+zs, color='k', alpha=0.3, edgecolor='none') ## Add surface #pl.plot([d.hour[t0], d.hour[t1]],[zs, zs], 'k:') #pl.text(d.hour[t0]+0.2,zs,'surface',size=7,ha='left',va='bottom') ## Add sort-of colorbar #wups = ([0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5]) #names = (['0-1 m/s','1-2 m/s','2-3 m/s','>3 m/s']) #for wu,nam in zip(wups,names): # pl.scatter([-10],[300],color=wup(wu/wm),label=nam) #pl.legend(frameon=False,loc=2) #pl.xlim(d.hour[t0],d.hour[t1]) #pl.ylim(0,3000) #pl.ylabel('z [m AMSL]') #pl.xticks(np.arange(d.hour[t0],d.hour[t1]+0.001,2)) #pl.yticks(np.arange(0,3000.001,500)) # ------------------------------------------------- # Updraft velocity / height: vertical velocity TEMF # ------------------------------------------------- ax = pl.subplot(gs[:2, 0]) modplot(ax) ax.set_title('Updraft velocity and height', loc='left', size=8) zs = d.z[0, 0] # terrain height (lowest half level) wm = 4 # scaling for colormap bw1 = 0.70 # width of sub-cloud updrafts bw2 = 0.85 # width of cloud updrafts # Loop over all time steps for tt in range(d.nt): # TO-DO: TEMF often doesn't decay updraft velocity after convection stop. # Limit plot to conditions with unstable near-surface layer: if (d.thv[tt, 1] < d.thv[tt, 0]): # Plot updraft velocity wc_p, cc_p = w_discretized(d.w[tt, 0]) k_p = 0 wc_max = 0 for k in range(key_nearest(d.zf[tt, :], 3000) + 1): # Current discretized updraft velocity wc_a, cc_a = w_discretized(d.w[tt, k]) wc_max = np.max((wc_max, wc_a)) # If current velocity differs from previous, draw bar from k_p to k if (wc_a != wc_p):[tt] - 0.5 * bw1, d.z[tt, k] - d.z[tt, k_p], width=bw1, bottom=d.z[tt, k_p], color=cc_p, edgecolor='none') wc_p = wc_a cc_p = cc_a k_p = k # Plot cumulus clouds, only if there is something like an updraft below if (wc_max > 0): cloud = False # flag to see if we have cumulus for k in range(key_nearest(d.zf[tt, :], 3000) + 1): ql = np.max((0, d.qltemf[tt, k])) if (ql >= 5e-5 and cloud == False): cloud = True kc_p = k if (ql < 5e-5 and cloud == True):[tt] - 0.5 * bw2, d.z[tt, k + 1] - d.z[tt, kc_p], width=bw2, bottom=d.z[tt, kc_p], color='0.9', edgecolor='k', alpha=0.5) cloud = False # Add line at surface pl.plot([d.hour[t0], d.hour[t1]], [zs, zs], 'k:') pl.text(d.hour[t0] + 0.2, zs, 'surface', size=7, ha='left', va='bottom') # Add sort-of colorbar wups = ([0.7, 1, 2, 3]) names = (['0.7-1 m/s', '1-2 m/s', '2-3 m/s', '>3 m/s']) for wu, nam in zip(wups, names): tmp, cc = w_discretized(wu) pl.scatter([-10], [300], marker='s', color=cc, label=nam) pl.plot([-10, -10], [300, 300], 'k-', label='cumulus') pl.legend(frameon=False, loc=2, scatterpoints=1) pl.xlim(d.hour[t0], d.hour[t1]) pl.ylim(0, 3000) pl.ylabel('z [m AMSL]') pl.xticks(np.arange(d.hour[t0], d.hour[t1] + 0.001, 2)) pl.yticks(np.arange(0, 3000.001, 500)) # ------------------------------------------------- # Pressure # ------------------------------------------------- ax = pl.subplot(gs[0, 1]) modplot(ax) ax.set_title('Surface pressure', loc='left', size=8) slp = d.slps[t0:t1] / 100. pl.plot(d.hour[t0:t1], slp, 'k-') pl.xlim(d.hour[t0], d.hour[t1]) pl.ylabel('hPa') pl.xticks(np.arange(d.hour[t0], d.hour[t1] + 0.001, 2)) if (slp.max() - slp.min() < 10): pl.ylim( roundNumber(slp.mean(), 1, DOWN) - 5, roundNumber(slp.mean(), 1, UP) + 5) # ------------------------------------------------- # Air temperature / dew poiunt temperature # ------------------------------------------------- ax = pl.subplot(gs[1, 1]) modplot(ax) ax.set_title('T and Td at 2m', loc='left', size=8) pl.plot(d.hour[t0:t1], d.T2[t0:t1] - 273.15, 'k-', label='T') pl.plot(d.hour[t0:t1], d.Td2[t0:t1] - 273.15, 'k-', label='Td', dashes=[4, 2]) pl.ylabel('celcius') pl.xlim(d.hour[t0], d.hour[t1]) pl.xticks(np.arange(d.hour[t0], d.hour[t1] + 0.001, 2)) pl.legend(frameon=False, loc=2) # ------------------------------------------------- # Rain # ------------------------------------------------- ax = pl.subplot(gs[2, 1]) modplot(ax) ax.set_title('Rain', loc='left', size=8)[t0:t1], d.drr_mp[t0:t1], color='g', edgecolor='none')[t0:t1], d.drr_con[t0:t1], bottom=d.drr_mp[t0:t1], color='b', edgecolor='none') pl.ylabel('mm') pl.xlim(d.hour[t0], d.hour[t1]) pl.xticks(np.arange(d.hour[t0], d.hour[t1] + 0.001, 2)) pl.ylim( 0, max( 1, roundNumber((d.drr_mp[t0:t1] + d.drr_con[t0:t1]).max(), 1, UP))) # ------------------------------------------------- # Shortwave radiation # ------------------------------------------------- ax = pl.subplot(gs[3, 1]) modplot(ax) ax.set_title('Shortwave radiation', loc='left', size=8) pl.plot(d.hour[t0:t1], d.swd[t0:t1], 'k-') pl.plot(d.hour[t0:t1], d.swdc[t0:t1], 'k-', label='Pot.', dashes=[4, 2]) pl.ylabel('W/m2') pl.xlabel('time UTC [h]') pl.xlim(d.hour[t0], d.hour[t1]) pl.xticks(np.arange(d.hour[t0], d.hour[t1] + 0.001, 2)) pl.ylim(0, 1000) pl.yticks(np.arange(0, 1000.01, 200)) pl.legend(frameon=False, loc=2, borderpad=0) # ------------------------------------------------- # Cloud cover # ------------------------------------------------- ax = pl.subplot(gs[2, 0]) modplot(ax) ax.set_title('Cloud cover', loc='left', size=8) pl.pcolormesh(d.ccl, cmap=cld, vmin=0, vmax=1) pl.text(d.hour[t0] - 0.4, 0.5, 'low', size=7, ha='right', va='center') pl.text(d.hour[t0] - 0.4, 1.5, 'middle', size=7, ha='right', va='center') pl.text(d.hour[t0] - 0.4, 2.5, 'high', size=7, ha='right', va='center') pl.xlim(d.hour[t0], d.hour[t1]) ax.set_yticks([]) pl.xticks(np.arange(d.hour[t0], d.hour[t1] + 0.001, 2)) # ------------------------------------------------- # Wind # ------------------------------------------------- ax = pl.subplot(gs[3, 0]) modplot(ax) ax.set_title('Wind', loc='left', size=8) k500 = key_nearest(d.zf[0, :], 500) k1000 = key_nearest(d.zf[0, :], 1000) k2000 = key_nearest(d.zf[0, :], 2000) pl.barbs(d.hour[t0:t1 + 1], 0.5, d.u10[t0:t1 + 1] * m2k, d.v10[t0:t1 + 1] * m2k, length=5, linewidth=0.5, pivot='middle') pl.barbs(d.hour[t0:t1 + 1], 1.5, d.u[t0:t1 + 1, k500] * m2k, d.v[t0:t1 + 1, k500] * m2k, length=5, linewidth=0.5, pivot='middle') pl.barbs(d.hour[t0:t1 + 1], 2.5, d.u[t0:t1 + 1, k1000] * m2k, d.v[t0:t1 + 1, k1000] * m2k, length=5, linewidth=0.5, pivot='middle') pl.barbs(d.hour[t0:t1 + 1], 3.5, d.u[t0:t1 + 1, k2000] * m2k, d.v[t0:t1 + 1, k2000] * m2k, length=5, linewidth=0.5, pivot='middle') pl.text(d.hour[t0] - 0.4, 0.5, '10m', size=7, ha='right', va='center') pl.text(d.hour[t0] - 0.4, 1.5, '500m', size=7, ha='right', va='center') pl.text(d.hour[t0] - 0.4, 2.5, '1000m', size=7, ha='right', va='center') pl.text(d.hour[t0] - 0.4, 3.5, '2000m', size=7, ha='right', va='center') pl.xlim(0, 24) pl.xlim(d.hour[t0], d.hour[t1]) ax.set_yticks([]) pl.xticks(np.arange(d.hour[t0], d.hour[t1] + 0.001, 2)) pl.xlabel('time UTC [h]') # Add logo (105px wide) pl.figimage(olga_logo, 10, olga.fig_width_px - 40) pl.figtext(0.01, 0.011, '%s' % (olga.map_desc[dom]), size=7, ha='left') # Save figure tmp = '%06i' % (olga.islice * 24 * 100) name = '%s%04i%02i%02i_t%02iz/tser_%s_%02i_%s.png' % ( olga.figRoot, olga.year, olga.month,, olga.cycle, name, dom + 1, tmp) pl.savefig(name, dpi=olga.fig_dpi)
plt.bone() frame = 0 if video: kernellen = 31 steps = 125 turns = 3 for t in np.linspace(0, turns, steps, endpoint=False): k = kernels.hanning_ripples(shift=t) k = k.astype(np.float32) image = lic_internal.line_integral_convolution(u, v, texture, k) plt.clf() plt.axis('off') plt.figimage(image) plt.gcf().set_size_inches((size / float(dpi), size / float(dpi))) plt.savefig("flow-%04d.png" % frame, dpi=dpi) frame += 1 else: kernellen = 31 kernel = np.sin(np.arange(kernellen) * np.pi / kernellen) kernel = kernel.astype(np.float32) image = lic_internal.line_integral_convolution(u, v, texture, kernel) plt.clf() plt.axis('off') plt.figimage(image) plt.gcf().set_size_inches((size / float(dpi), size / float(dpi))) plt.savefig("flow-image.png", dpi=dpi)
def skewtlogp(olga, si): """ Get directory of script for saving arrays """ tmpPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+'/tmp/' if(not os.path.isdir(tmpPath)): os.mkdir(tmpPath) """ Settings for high and low sounding top """ if(si.stype==0): pbottom = 105000. # highest pressure in diagram (bottom) ptop = 20000. # lowest pressue in diagram (top) ptop_thd = 40000 # top of dry adiabats ptop_mxr = 60000 # top of mixing ratio lines pbottom_thw = pbottom # bottom of moist adiabats dp = 100. # pressure interval used in some calculations Tleft = -35. # lowest temperature (@pb) in diagram (left) Tright = 35. # highest temperature (@pb) in diagram (right) dp_label = 7000 isotherms = np.arange(-100,30.001,10) isobars = np.array([1050.,1000.,850.,700.,500.,400.,300.,250.,200.,150.,100.,50])*100. dryadiabats = np.arange(-30,50.001,10) moistadiabats = np.array([28.,24.,20.,16.,12.,8.,4.,0.]) mixrat = np.array([20.,12.,8.,5.,3.,2.,1.]) elif(si.stype==1): pbottom = 105000. # highest pressure in diagram (bottom) ptop = 50000. # lowest pressue in diagram (top) ptop_thd = 70000 # top of dry adiabats ptop_mxr = 70000 # top of mixing ratio lines pbottom_thw = pbottom # bottom of moist adiabats dp = 100. # pressure interval used in some calculations Tleft = -11. # lowest temperature (@pb) in diagram (left) Tright = 35. # highest temperature (@pb) in diagram (right) dp_label = 2500 # spacing (in pressure coords) of some label placement isotherms = np.arange(-100,60.001,10) isobars = np.array([1050.,1000.,900.,850.,700.,600.,500.])*100. dryadiabats = np.arange(-10,30.001,5) moistadiabats = np.array([28.,24.,20.,16.,12.,8.,4.,0.]) mixrat = np.array([20.,12.,8.,5.,3.,2.,1.]) else: sys.exit('stype=%i not supported!'%stype) """ Setup figure """ if(olga != -1): fig = pl.figure(figsize=(olga.fig_width_px/float(olga.fig_dpi), olga.fig_width_px/float(olga.fig_dpi))) else: fig = pl.figure(figsize=(8,8)) # L B R T ws hs fig.subplots_adjust(0.08,0.10,1.0,0.93,0.2,0.08) pl.subplot(111) # Calculate bounds in figure coordinates y00 = skewty(pbottom) y11 = skewty(ptop) x00 = skewtx(Tleft,y00) x11 = skewtx(Tright,y00) # Spacing for some labels hs = np.abs(x11-x00)/200. vs = np.abs(y11-y00)/200. """ 1. Create isotherms """ for T in isotherms: y = np.array([skewty(pbottom),skewty(ptop)]) x = np.array([skewtx(T,y[0]),skewtx(T,y[1])]) # Check if partially out of bounds lloc = 0 if(x[0] < x00): x[0] = x00 y[0] = iskewtxT(x00,T) if(x[1] > x11): x[1] = x11 y[1] = iskewtxT(x11,T) if(x[1] >= x00 and y[1] >= y00): pl.plot(x,y,color=c2,alpha=a1) if(x[0] > x00 and x[0] < x11): pl.text(x[0],y[0]-2*hs,int(T),ha='center',va='top',color=c2) else: pl.text(x[1]-5*hs,y[1]-5*vs,int(T),ha='center',va='center',color=c2,alpha=a2) """ 2. Create isobars """ for p in isobars: # Check if out of bounds if((p >= ptop) and (p <= pbottom)): y = skewty(p) pl.plot([x00,x11],[y,y],color=c2,alpha=a1) pl.text(x00-hs,y,int(p/100.),ha='right',va='center',color=c2) """ 3. Create dry adiabats """ # Try loading the data from the tmp directory. If not available, calculate # and save the arrays try: p = np.load(tmpPath+'theta_p_%i.arr'%si.stype) y = np.load(tmpPath+'theta_y_%i.arr'%si.stype) x = np.load(tmpPath+'theta_x_%i.arr'%si.stype) except: p = np.arange(pbottom,(np.max(([ptop,ptop_thd]))-dp),-dp) x = np.zeros((dryadiabats.size, p.size)) y = np.zeros(p.size) for k in range(p.size): y[k] = skewty(p[k]) for i in range(dryadiabats.size): x[i,:] = 0. for k in range(p.size): xtmp = skewtx(((dryadiabats[i]+T0) * exner(p[k]))-T0, y[k]) if(xtmp >= x00 and xtmp <= x11): x[i,k] = xtmp else: x[i,k] = -9999 p.dump(tmpPath+'theta_p_%i.arr'%si.stype) y.dump(tmpPath+'theta_y_%i.arr'%si.stype) x.dump(tmpPath+'theta_x_%i.arr'%si.stype) # Plot the dry adiabats for i in range(dryadiabats.size): doPlot = np.where(x[i,:] != -9999)[0] if(doPlot[0].size > 0): lloc = max(0,np.size(x[i,doPlot])-int(5000./dp)) pl.plot(x[i,doPlot],y[doPlot],color=c1) pl.text(x[i,doPlot][lloc],y[doPlot][lloc],int(dryadiabats[i]),color=c1,ha='center',va='center',backgroundcolor='w') """ 4. Create moist adiabats """ # Try loading the data from the tmp directory. If not available, calculate # and save the arrays try: p = np.load(tmpPath+'thetam_p_%i.arr'%si.stype) y = np.load(tmpPath+'thetam_y_%i.arr'%si.stype) x = np.load(tmpPath+'thetam_x_%i.arr'%si.stype) except: p = np.arange(np.min(([pbottom,pbottom_thw])),ptop-dp,-dp) x = np.zeros((moistadiabats.size, p.size)) y = np.zeros(p.size) for k in range(p.size): y[k] = skewty(p[k]) for i in range(moistadiabats.size): for k in range(p.size): thw = dsatlftskewt(moistadiabats[i], p[k]) xtmp = skewtx(thw, y[k]) if(xtmp >= x00 and xtmp <= x11): x[i,k] = xtmp else: x[i,k] = -9999 p.dump(tmpPath+'thetam_p_%i.arr'%si.stype) y.dump(tmpPath+'thetam_y_%i.arr'%si.stype) x.dump(tmpPath+'thetam_x_%i.arr'%si.stype) # Plot the moist adiabats for i in range(moistadiabats.size): doPlot = np.where(x[i,:] != -9999)[0] if(doPlot[0].size > 0): lloc = max(0,np.size(x[i,doPlot])-int(8000./dp)) pl.plot(x[i,doPlot],y[doPlot],'--',color=c3) pl.text(x[i,doPlot][lloc],y[doPlot][lloc],int(moistadiabats[i]),color=c3,ha='center',va='center',backgroundcolor='w') """ 5. Create isohumes / mixing ratio lines """ # Try loading the data from the tmp directory. If not available, calculate # and save the arrays try: p = np.load(tmpPath+'mixr_p_%i.arr'%si.stype) y = np.load(tmpPath+'mixr_y_%i.arr'%si.stype) x = np.load(tmpPath+'mixr_x_%i.arr'%si.stype) except: p = np.arange(pbottom,(np.max(([ptop,ptop_mxr]))-dp),-dp) x = np.zeros((mixrat.size, p.size)) y = np.zeros(p.size) for k in range(p.size): y[k] = skewty(p[k]) for i in range(mixrat.size): for k in range(p.size): mix = Td(mixrat[i]/1000.,p[k])-T0 xtmp = skewtx(mix,y[k]) if(xtmp >= x00 and xtmp <= x11): x[i,k] = xtmp else: x[i,k] = -9999 p.dump(tmpPath+'mixr_p_%i.arr'%si.stype) y.dump(tmpPath+'mixr_y_%i.arr'%si.stype) x.dump(tmpPath+'mixr_x_%i.arr'%si.stype) # Plot the mixing ratio lines for i in range(mixrat.size): doPlot = np.where(x[i,:] != -9999)[0] if(doPlot[0].size > 0): pl.plot(x[i,doPlot],y[doPlot],color=c5,dashes=[3,2]) pl.text(x[i,doPlot][-1],y[doPlot][-1]+vs,int(mixrat[i]),color=c5,ha='center',va='bottom',backgroundcolor='w') """ 6. Add sounding data """ # 6.1 Temperature and dewpoint temperature if(si.T.size > 0): y = skewty(si.p) x1 = skewtx(si.T-T0,y) x2 = skewtx(si.Td-T0,y) pl.plot(x1,y,'-',color=cT,linewidth=2) pl.plot(x2,y,'-',color=cTd,linewidth=2) # 6.2 Add height labels to axis if(si.z.size > 0 and si.z.size==si.p.size): y = skewty(si.p) p_last = 1e9 for k in range(si.z.size): if(y[k] <= y11 and np.abs(si.p[k]-p_last) > dp_label): pl.text(x11+hs,y[k],str(int(si.z[k]))+'m',color=c2,ha='right',va='center',size=7,backgroundcolor='w') p_last = si.p[k] # 6.2 Wind barbs if(si.u.size > 0): y = skewty(si.p) u = si.u * 1.95 v = si.v * 1.95 xb = x11 + 9*hs p_last = 1e9 for k in range(si.z.size): if(y[k] <= y11 and np.abs(si.p[k]-p_last) > dp_label): pl.barbs(xb,y[k],u[k],v[k],length=5.2,linewidth=0.5,pivot='middle') p_last = si.p[k] """ 6.1 :) Try to add measured data """ # 6.1 Temperature and dewpoint temperature if(si.Tm.size > 0): y = skewty( x1 = skewtx(si.Tm,y) x2 = skewtx(si.Tdm,y) pl.plot(x1,y,'--',color=cT,linewidth=1) pl.plot(x2,y,'--',color=cTd,linewidth=1) """ 7. Lauch parcel """ if(si.parcel == True): # Plot starting position: p0s = skewty( T0s = skewtx(si.Ts-T0, p0s) Td0s = skewtx(Td(,, p0s) pl.scatter(T0s, p0s, facecolor='none') pl.scatter(Td0s,p0s, facecolor='none') # Lists to hold parcel pressure, temp and dewpoint temp during ascent pp = [] Tp = [si.Ts] Tdp = [Td(,] # Launch parcel n = 0 while(Tp[-1] > Tdp[-1] and n<1000): n += 1 dp2 = max(1,(Tp[-1] - Tdp[-1])*300) # bit weird, but fast pp. append(pp[-1] - dp2) Tp. append(si.Ts*exner(pp[-1], Tdp.append(Td(, pp[-1])) # Plot lines from surface --> LCL ps = skewty(np.array(pp)) Tps = skewtx(np.array(Tp)-T0, ps) Tdps = skewtx(np.array(Tdp)-T0, ps) pl.plot(Tps, ps, 'k', linewidth=1.5, dashes=[4,2]) pl.plot(Tdps, ps, 'k', linewidth=1.5, dashes=[4,2]) pl.scatter(Tps[-1], ps[-1], facecolor='none') # Iteratively find the moist adiabat starting at p0, which goes through the temperature at LCL Ths = si.Ts / exner(, p0) # potential temperature surface (@p0) ThwsLCL = dsatlftskewt(Ths-T0, pp[-1])+T0 # Temp moist adiabat at plcl, through Ths thw0 = Ths - (ThwsLCL - Tp[-1]) # First estimate of moist adiabat passing through Tlcl ThwLCL = dsatlftskewt(thw0-T0, pp[-1])+T0 while(np.abs(ThwLCL-Tp[-1]) > 0.1): thw0 -= ThwLCL-Tp[-1] ThwLCL = dsatlftskewt(thw0-T0, pp[-1])+T0 # Plot moist adiabat from LCL upwards p = np.arange(pp[-1], ptop, -dp) x = np.zeros(p.size) y = np.zeros(p.size) for k in range(p.size): thw = dsatlftskewt(thw0-T0,p[k]) y[k] = skewty(p[k]) x[k] = skewtx(thw,y[k]) pl.plot(x,y,'k', linewidth=1.5, dashes=[4,2]) """ Add info from TEMF boundary layer scheme """ if(si.Tu.size > 0): # Cloud fraction dw = (x11-x00) # width of diagram y = skewty(si.p) x = x00 + si.cfru * 0.2 * (x11-x00) pl.plot(x,y,'-',linewidth=1.5,color=c6) # cloud cover cfr_pos = np.where(si.cfru > 0.001)[0] if(np.size(cfr_pos)>1): pl.text(x00,y[cfr_pos[0]-1],'- %im'%(si.z[cfr_pos[0]-1]),ha='left',va='center',size=8,color=c6) pl.text(x00,y[cfr_pos[-1]],'- %im'%(si.z[cfr_pos[-1]]),ha='left',va='center',size=8,color=c6) kmax=np.where(si.cfru == si.cfru.max())[0][0] pl.text(x.max(),y[kmax],'- %i%%'%(si.cfru[kmax]*100.),ha='left',va='center',size=8,color=c6) """ 6. Finish diagram """ pl.xticks([]) pl.yticks([])'off') pl.xlim(x00-0.1,x11+16*hs) pl.ylim(y00-0.1,y11+0.1) # draw axis pl.plot([x00,x11],[y00,y00],'k-') pl.plot([x00,x00],[y00,y11],'k-') pl.figtext(0.5,0.05,'Temperature (C)',ha='center') pl.figtext(0.015,0.52,'Pressure (hPa)',rotation=90) label = 'Skew-T log-P, %s, %s UTC'%(,si.time) pl.figtext(0.5,0.97,label,ha='center') if(olga != -1): img = image.imread(olga.olgaRoot+'include/olga_left.png') pl.figimage(img,7,5) #pl.figimage(img,10,olga.fig_width_px-45) pl.figtext(0.99,0.011,'%s'%olga.map_desc[0],size=7,ha='right') return fig
def plot_light_curves(pfn, ucal=False): lightcurves = unpickle_from_file(pfn) if ucal: tag = 'ucal-' else: tag = '' survey = LegacySurveyData() brickname = '0364m042' catfn = survey.find_file('tractor', brick=brickname) print('Reading catalog from', catfn) cat = fits_table(catfn) print(len(cat), 'catalog entries') cat.cut(cat.brick_primary) print(len(cat), 'brick primary') I = [] for i, oid in enumerate(cat.objid): if (brickname, oid) in lightcurves: I.append(i) I = np.array(I) cat.cut(I) print('Cut to', len(cat), 'with light curves') S = fits_table('specObj-dr12-trim-2.fits') from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match_radec I, J, d = match_radec(S.ra, S.dec, cat.ra, cat.dec, 2. / 3600.) print('Matched', len(I), 'to spectra') plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) movie_jpegs = [] movie_wcs = None for i in range(28): fn = os.path.join('des-sn-movie', 'epoch%i' % i, 'coadd', brickname[:3], brickname, 'legacysurvey-%s-image.jpg' % brickname) print(fn) if not os.path.exists(fn): continue img = plt.imread(fn) img = np.flipud(img) h, w, d = img.shape fn = os.path.join('des-sn-movie', 'epoch%i' % i, 'coadd', brickname[:3], brickname, 'legacysurvey-%s-image-r.fits' % brickname) if not os.path.exists(fn): continue wcs = Tan(fn) movie_jpegs.append(img) movie_wcs = wcs plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=100) n = 0 fluxtags = [('flux', 'flux_ivar', '', 'a')] if ucal: fluxtags.append(('uflux', 'uflux_ivar', ': ucal', 'b')) for oid, ii in zip(cat.objid[J], I): print('Objid', oid) spec = S[ii] k = (brickname, oid) v = lightcurves[k] # Cut bad CCDs v.cut(np.array([e not in [230151, 230152, 230153] for e in v.expnum])) plt.clf() print('obj', k, 'has', len(v), 'measurements') T = v for fluxtag, fluxivtag, fluxname, plottag in fluxtags: plt.clf() filts = np.unique(T.filter) for i, f in enumerate(filts): from tractor.brightness import NanoMaggies plt.subplot(len(filts), 1, i + 1) fluxes = np.hstack( [T.get(ft[0])[T.filter == f] for ft in fluxtags]) fluxes = fluxes[np.isfinite(fluxes)] mn, mx = np.percentile(fluxes, [5, 95]) print('Flux percentiles for filter', f, ':', mn, mx) # note swap mn, mx = NanoMaggies.nanomaggiesToMag( mx), NanoMaggies.nanomaggiesToMag(mn) print('-> mags', mn, mx) cut = (T.filter == f) * (T.flux_ivar > 0) if ucal: cut *= np.isfinite(T.uflux) I = np.flatnonzero(cut) print(' ', len(I), 'in', f, 'band') I = I[np.argsort(T.mjd[I])] mediv = np.median(T.flux_ivar[I]) # cut really noisy ones I = I[T.flux_ivar[I] > 0.25 * mediv] #plt.plot(T.mjd[I], T.flux[I], '.-', color=dict(g='g',r='r',z='m')[f]) # plt.errorbar(T.mjd[I], T.flux[I], yerr=1/np.sqrt(T.fluxiv[I]), # fmt='.-', color=dict(g='g',r='r',z='m')[f]) #plt.errorbar(T.mjd[I], T.flux[I], yerr=1/np.sqrt(T.fluxiv[I]), # fmt='.', color=dict(g='g',r='r',z='m')[f]) # if ucal: # mag,dmag = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors(T.flux[I], T.flux_ivar[I]) # else: # mag,dmag = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors(T.uflux[I], T.uflux_ivar[I]) mag, dmag = NanoMaggies.fluxErrorsToMagErrors( T.get(fluxtag)[I], T.get(fluxivtag)[I]) plt.errorbar(T.mjd[I], mag, yerr=dmag, fmt='.', color=dict(g='g', r='r', z='m')[f]) #yl,yh = plt.ylim() #plt.ylim(yh,yl) plt.ylim(mx, mn) plt.ylabel(f) if i + 1 < len(filts): plt.xticks([]) #plt.yscale('symlog') outfn = 'cutout_%.4f_%.4f.jpg' % (spec.ra, spec.dec) if not os.path.exists(outfn): url = '' % ( spec.ra, spec.dec) cmd = 'wget -O %s "%s"' % (outfn, url) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) pix = plt.imread(outfn) h, w, d = pix.shape fig = plt.gcf() #print('fig bbox:', fig.bbox) #print('xmax, ymax', fig.bbox.xmax, fig.bbox.ymax) #plt.figimage(pix, 0, fig.bbox.ymax - h, zorder=10) #plt.figimage(pix, 0, fig.bbox.ymax, zorder=10) #plt.figimage(pix, fig.bbox.xmax - w, fig.bbox.ymax, zorder=10) plt.figimage(pix, fig.bbox.xmax - (w + 2), fig.bbox.ymax - (h + 2), zorder=10) plt.suptitle('SDSS spectro object: %s at (%.4f, %.4f)%s' % (spec.label.strip(), spec.ra, spec.dec, fluxname)) plt.savefig('forced-%s%i-%s.png' % (tag, n, plottag)) ok, x, y = movie_wcs.radec2pixelxy(spec.ra, spec.dec) x = int(np.round(x - 1)) y = int(np.round(y - 1)) sz = 32 plt.clf() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0) k = 1 for i, img in enumerate(movie_jpegs): stamp = img[y - sz:y + sz + 1, x - sz:x + sz + 1] plt.subplot(5, 6, k) plt.imshow(stamp, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) k += 1 plt.suptitle('SDSS spectro object: %s at (%.4f, %.4f): DES images' % (spec.label.strip(), spec.ra, spec.dec)) plt.savefig('forced-%s%i-c.png' % (tag, n)) n += 1