Пример #1
def plotatemp(vec, sessoes_sujeito):
    for i in range(len(sessoes_sujeito)):
        #intervalos de tempo da sessao
        x = vec[vec[:, 13] == sessoes_sujeito[i], 14]
        #fluxo de temperatura
        y1 = vec[vec[:, 13] == sessoes_sujeito[i], 3]
        y1norm = y1 / max(y1)
        y1norm_mavg = movavg(y1norm, 11)
        #temperatura proxima ao corpo
        y2 = vec[vec[:, 13] == sessoes_sujeito[i], 5]
        y2norm = y2 / max(y2)
        y2norm_mavg = movavg(y2norm, 3)
        #temperatura da pele
        y3 = vec[vec[:, 13] == sessoes_sujeito[i], 7]
        y3norm = y3 / max(y3)
        y3norm_mavg = movavg(y3norm, 3)

        figure(i + 1)
        #scatter(x,y1, c='r', marker = 'o')
        #scatter(x,y2, c='b', marker = 'o')
        #scatter(x,y3, c='g', marker = 'o')
        #scatter(x,y1norm, c='r', marker = 'o')
        #scatter(x,y2norm, c='b', marker = 'o')
        #scatter(x,y3norm, c='g', marker = 'o')
        #scatter(x,y2-y3, c='g', marker = 'o')
        scatter(x[5:-5], y1norm_mavg, c='r', marker='+')
        scatter(x[1:-1], y2norm_mavg - 0.2, c='b', marker='o')
        scatter(x[1:-1], y3norm_mavg, c='g', marker='o')
Пример #2
def plotaacelerom(vec, sessoes_sujeito):
    for i in range(len(sessoes_sujeito)):
        #intervalos de tempo da sessao
        x = vec[vec[:, 13] == sessoes_sujeito[i], 14]
        xtrim = x[5:-5]
        y1 = vec[vec[:, 13] == sessoes_sujeito[i], 6]
        y1norm = y1 / max(y1)
        y1norm_mavg = movavg(y1norm, 11)
        # acelerometro 1
        y2 = vec[vec[:, 13] == sessoes_sujeito[i], 8]
        y2norm = y2 / max(y2)
        y2norm_mavg = movavg(y2norm, 11)
        # acelerometro 2
        y3 = vec[vec[:, 13] == sessoes_sujeito[i], 9]
        y3norm = y3 / max(y3)
        y3norm_mavg = movavg(y3norm, 11)
        # acelerometro 3
        y4 = vec[vec[:, 13] == sessoes_sujeito[i], 10]
        y4norm = y4 / max(y4)
        y4norm_mavg = movavg(y4norm, 11)
        # acelerometro 4
        y5 = vec[vec[:, 13] == sessoes_sujeito[i], 11]
        y5norm = y5 / max(y5)
        y5norm_mavg = movavg(y5norm, 11)

        figure(i + 1)
        #scatter(xtrim,y1norm_mavg, c='g', marker = 'o')
        scatter(xtrim, y2norm_mavg, c='r', marker='>')
        #scatter(xtrim,y3norm_mavg, c='r', marker = '<')
        scatter(xtrim, y4norm_mavg, c='b', marker='>')
        #scatter(xtrim,y5norm_mavg, c='b', marker = '<')
def plotaacelerom(vec, sessoes_sujeito):
    for i in range(len(sessoes_sujeito)):
        #intervalos de tempo da sessao
        x = vec[vec[:,13] == sessoes_sujeito[i],14]
        xtrim = x[5:-5]
        y1 = vec[vec[:,13] == sessoes_sujeito[i],6]
        y1norm = y1/max(y1)
        y1norm_mavg = movavg(y1norm,11)        
        # acelerometro 1        
        y2 = vec[vec[:,13] == sessoes_sujeito[i],8]
        y2norm = y2/max(y2)        
        y2norm_mavg = movavg(y2norm,11)
        # acelerometro 2        
        y3 = vec[vec[:,13] == sessoes_sujeito[i],9]
        y3norm = y3/max(y3)        
        y3norm_mavg = movavg(y3norm,11)
        # acelerometro 3        
        y4 = vec[vec[:,13] == sessoes_sujeito[i],10]
        y4norm = y4/max(y4)        
        y4norm_mavg = movavg(y4norm,11)
        # acelerometro 4        
        y5 = vec[vec[:,13] == sessoes_sujeito[i],11]
        y5norm = y5/max(y5)        
        y5norm_mavg = movavg(y5norm,11)
        #scatter(xtrim,y1norm_mavg, c='g', marker = 'o')
        scatter(xtrim,y2norm_mavg, c='r', marker = '>')
        #scatter(xtrim,y3norm_mavg, c='r', marker = '<')
        scatter(xtrim,y4norm_mavg, c='b', marker = '>')
        #scatter(xtrim,y5norm_mavg, c='b', marker = '<')
def plotatemp(vec, sessoes_sujeito):
    for i in range(len(sessoes_sujeito)):
        #intervalos de tempo da sessao
        x = vec[vec[:,13] == sessoes_sujeito[i],14]
        #fluxo de temperatura
        y1 = vec[vec[:,13] == sessoes_sujeito[i],3]
        y1norm = y1/max(y1)
        y1norm_mavg = movavg(y1norm,11)        
        #temperatura proxima ao corpo
        y2 = vec[vec[:,13] == sessoes_sujeito[i],5]
        y2norm = y2/max(y2)        
        y2norm_mavg = movavg(y2norm,3)
        #temperatura da pele
        y3 = vec[vec[:,13] == sessoes_sujeito[i],7]
        y3norm = y3/max(y3)        
        y3norm_mavg = movavg(y3norm,3)

        #scatter(x,y1, c='r', marker = 'o')
        #scatter(x,y2, c='b', marker = 'o')
        #scatter(x,y3, c='g', marker = 'o')
        #scatter(x,y1norm, c='r', marker = 'o')
        #scatter(x,y2norm, c='b', marker = 'o')
        #scatter(x,y3norm, c='g', marker = 'o')
        #scatter(x,y2-y3, c='g', marker = 'o')
        scatter(x[5:-5],y1norm_mavg, c='r', marker = '+')
        scatter(x[1:-1],y2norm_mavg-0.2, c='b', marker = 'o')
        scatter(x[1:-1],y3norm_mavg, c='g', marker = 'o')
Пример #5
We can use argsort to order an array by one of its columns (or rows)
ord_cot = cotacoes[cotacoes[:, 0].argsort(), :]

"""We can see there is a great scale change... 
maybe it's a good idea to treat as two separate series"""
cot_after = cotacoes[0:3555, :]
title("Bovespa Trunked Series")
plot(cot_after[:, 0], cot_after[:, 1])

"""Applying smoothing, as before,
with windows varying its size:"""
title("Bovespa - one week smoothing")
plot(cot_after[5:-5, 0], movavg(cot_after[:, 1], 11))
title("Bovespa - one month smoothing")
plot(cot_after[10:-10, 0], movavg(cot_after[:, 1], 21))
title("Bovespa - six months smoothing")
plot(cot_after[60:-60, 0], movavg(cot_after[:, 1], 121))

Smoothing with a gaussian filter
1) Building a gaussian filter with 31 points and standard deviation of 4
2) Normalizing the filter dividing by the sum of the elements
3) Convoluting the serie with the filter
4) Comparing the series (original, moving averages and Gaussian smoothed)
Пример #6
title('Bovespa Historical Series')
'''And what if the dates were not ordered?
We can use argsort to order an array by one of its columns (or rows)
ord_cot = cotacoes[cotacoes[:, 0].argsort(), :]
'''We can see there is a great scale change... 
maybe it's a good idea to treat as two separate series'''
cot_after = cotacoes[0:3555, :]
title('Bovespa Trunked Series')
plot(cot_after[:, 0], cot_after[:, 1])
'''Applying smoothing, as before,
with windows varying its size:'''
title('Bovespa - one week smoothing')
plot(cot_after[5:-5, 0], movavg(cot_after[:, 1], 11))
title('Bovespa - one month smoothing')
plot(cot_after[10:-10, 0], movavg(cot_after[:, 1], 21))
title('Bovespa - six months smoothing')
plot(cot_after[60:-60, 0], movavg(cot_after[:, 1], 121))
Smoothing with a gaussian filter
1) Building a gaussian filter with 31 points and standard deviation of 4
2) Normalizing the filter dividing by the sum of the elements
3) Convoluting the serie with the filter
4) Comparing the series (original, moving averages and Gaussian smoothed)
Пример #7

# ephemeris
T0 = 2453964.3307097
P = 0.1545255

# make all the plots
for line,color,marker,n in zip([r'$H_{\alpha}$',r'$H_{\beta}$',r'$He_{II}$ '],['r','g','b'],['.','x','+'],[1,2,3]):
    # plot the lightcurves
    X = pl.load(Lines[line])
    x = X[:,0]
    p = (x-T0)/P
    ew = X[:,1]
    p_ave = pl.movavg(p,40)
    ew_ave = pl.movavg(ew,40)
    pl.legend(loc='lower left')

    # plot periodograms
    if n ==1:
    if n == 2:
        pl.xlabel('Frequency (c/d)')

    # calculate periodograms