def scatter_classic(x, y, s=None, c='b'): """ SCATTER_CLASSIC(x, y, s=None, c='b') Make a scatter plot of x versus y. s is a size (in data coords) and can be either a scalar or an array of the same length as x or y. c is a color and can be a single color format string or an length(x) array of intensities which will be mapped by the colormap jet. If size is None a default size will be used Copied from older version of matplotlib -- removed in version 0.9.1 for whatever reason. """ self = gca() if not self._hold: self.cla() if is_string_like(c): c = [c] * len(x) elif not iterable(c): c = [c] * len(x) else: norm = normalize() norm(c) c = cm.jet(c) if s is None: s = [abs(0.015 * (amax(y) - amin(y)))] * len(x) elif not iterable(s): s = [s] * len(x) if len(c) != len(x): raise ValueError, 'c and x are not equal lengths' if len(s) != len(x): raise ValueError, 's and x are not equal lengths' patches = [] for thisX, thisY, thisS, thisC in zip(x, y, s, c): circ = Circle( (thisX, thisY), radius=thisS, ) circ.set_facecolor(thisC) self.add_patch(circ) patches.append(circ) self.autoscale_view() return patches
def scatter_classic(x, y, s=None, c='b'): """ SCATTER_CLASSIC(x, y, s=None, c='b') Make a scatter plot of x versus y. s is a size (in data coords) and can be either a scalar or an array of the same length as x or y. c is a color and can be a single color format string or an length(x) array of intensities which will be mapped by the colormap jet. If size is None a default size will be used Copied from older version of matplotlib -- removed in version 0.9.1 for whatever reason. """ self = gca() if not self._hold: self.cla() if is_string_like(c): c = [c]*len(x) elif not iterable(c): c = [c]*len(x) else: norm = normalize() norm(c) c = cm.jet(c) if s is None: s = [abs(0.015*(amax(y)-amin(y)))]*len(x) elif not iterable(s): s = [s]*len(x) if len(c)!=len(x): raise ValueError, 'c and x are not equal lengths' if len(s)!=len(x): raise ValueError, 's and x are not equal lengths' patches = [] for thisX, thisY, thisS, thisC in zip(x,y,s,c): circ = Circle( (thisX, thisY), radius=thisS, ) circ.set_facecolor(thisC) self.add_patch(circ) patches.append(circ) self.autoscale_view() return patches
def setupDummyArm(self): if self.anim: ion() self.fig = figure() # create figure l = 1.1*sum(self.armLen) = self.fig.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False, xlim=(-l/2, +l), ylim=(-l/2, +l)) # create subplot self.line, =[], [], 'o-', lw=2) = Circle((0,0),0.04, color='g', fill=False)
def plot_targets(ax=None, targets=None, facecolor='none', radius=2, **kwargs): if ax == None: plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111) from pylab import Circle patches = [] for target in targets: c = Circle(target[[0,2]], radius=radius, facecolor=facecolor, **kwargs) patches.append(c) ax.add_patch(c)
def plotTraj(self): fig = figure() l = 1.1*sum(self.armLen) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False, xlim=(-l/2, +l), ylim=(-l/2, +l)) # create subplot posX, posY = zip(*[self.angles2pos([x[SH],x[EL]], self.armLen) for x in self.angAll]) ax.plot(posX, posY, 'r') targ = Circle((self.targetPos),0.04, color='g', fill=False) # target ax.add_artist(targ) ax.grid() ax.set_title('X-Y Hand trajectory') xlabel('x') ylabel('y')
def add_to_polar(self, ax, draw_bearing_change=False): """ Draw the beetle's path onto the 2D polar axes. :param ax: 2D axes for display. :param draw_bearing_change: Boolean, set to tru if you want to draw the beetle's second roll. :return: Unused """ o_x = 0 o_y = 0 # Plot the beetle start point ax.plot(o_x, o_y, color=colours.BEETLE_COLOUR, marker='o', markersize=5) # Plot the first roll roll_vector = self.__first_roll.get_polar_as_list() cue_vector = self.__first_cue.get_polar_as_list() if draw_bearing_change: # Plot the second roll roll_vector = self.__second_roll.get_polar_as_list() cue_vector = self.__second_cue.get_polar_as_list() print("Roll Vector length: " + str(len(roll_vector))) print("Cue Vector length: " + str(len(cue_vector))) # Quiver plot ax.quiver([o_x, o_x], [o_y, o_y], [roll_vector[0], cue_vector[0]], [roll_vector[1], cue_vector[1]], color=[colours.BEETLE_ROLL_COLOUR, colours.CUE_COLOUR], angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1) # If a confidence threshold has been set, draw it on the polar plot if self.__confidence_threshold > 0: confidence_ring = Circle( (0, 0), self.__confidence_threshold, alpha=0.3, color=colours.CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD_COLOUR, transform=ax.transData. _b # Required to get the circle to plot correctly in polar axes. ) ax.add_artist(confidence_ring)
def plot_targets(self, ax=None, targets=None, facecolor='none', **kwargs): if ax == None: plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111) if targets == None: targets = self.get_targets() from pylab import Circle target_radius = self.target_radius patches = [] for target in targets: c = Circle(target[[0,2]], radius=target_radius, facecolor=facecolor, **kwargs) patches.append(c) ax.add_patch(c) return ax, patches
z = np.array([[0.0, 3.0], [3.0, 2.0]], dtype='d') lambdaK = 0.8 minHDist = 0.01 hv = 0.2 # for velocity field grid y_crcl = 1.5 thet = np.linspace(2 * np.pi, 0, n + 1, endpoint=True) x = np.array([np.cos(thet), y_crcl + np.sin(thet)]) A, f = ieFredgolm2dk(x, x, lambdaK, 0.0, q, z, varphiSources, Py, Phi1) g = np.linalg.solve(A, f) xs = np.mgrid[-4.:4.0001:hv, 0.0001:4.0001:hv] xs = xs[:, ((xs[0] - z[0][0])**2 + (xs[1] - z[1][0])**2) > 0.4] xs = xs[:, ((xs[0] - z[0][1])**2 + (xs[1] - z[1][1])**2) > 0.4] Ws = VSources(q, xs, z, Kx, Phi1) + VDL(xs, x, g, Hx, Psi2) from pylab import quiver, show, gca, Circle, text, axis, grid gca().add_patch(Circle((0, y_crcl), radius=1, alpha=.5, fc='y')) quiver(xs[0], xs[1], Ws[0], Ws[1], color='r') """ # Testing on the exact solution qOut=np.array([np.pi,lambdaK*np.pi,-lambdaK*np.pi]) zOut=np.array([[0.0,0.0,0.0],[2.0,0.5,0.0]],dtype='d') xOut=xs[:,(xs[0]**2+xs[1]**2)>(1+minHDist)**2] WOut=VSources(qOut,xOut,zOut) WNOut=VSources(q,xOut,z)+VDL(xOut,x,g) etaOut=(1.-np.sqrt(WNOut[0]**2+WNOut[1]**2)/np.sqrt(WOut[0]**2+WOut[1]**2))*100 etaOutMax=np.max(etaOut) print etaOut text(-2.5,3.1,ur"$\eta_{Out,max}=%6.4f$per." % etaOutMax) qIn=np.array([(1-lambdaK)*np.pi]) xIn=xs[:,(xs[0]**2+xs[1]**2)<(1-minHDist)**2]
def plot_mediatrix_circle(mediatrix_data,ps_name, keydots=False, colors= {'object': "g", 'vector': "b", 'keydots': "k"}, mediatrix_vectors=False, save=True, plot_title="Mediatrix Plot", out_image=""): """ Make a plot presenting the object, keydots and mediatrix vectors. Input: - mediatrix_data <list> : the output from mediatrix_decomposition. - image_dir <str> : the image directory. If it is on the same directory directory=''. - keydots <bool> : 'True' if you want to display the keydots and 'False' if you do not. - colors <dic> : set the plot colors. The possible keys are 'object', 'vector' and 'keydots'. Output: <bool> """ if out_image=='': out_image=ps_name.replace(".fits","")+"_mediatrix_circle.png" image,hdr = getdata(ps_name, header = True ) pixels=where(image>0) A = subplot(111) for i in range (0,len(pixels[0])): xy=[pixels[1][i]-0.5,pixels[0][i]-0.5] rec=Rectangle(xy, 1, 1, ec=colors['object'], fc=colors['object'], zorder=100) A.add_patch(rec) #A.scatter(pixels[1], pixels[0], s=200, c='b', marker='s', edgecolors='none') #A.plot(pixels[1],pixels[0],colors['object']) Length=0 for i in range(0,len(mediatrix_data['origin'])): origin_x=mediatrix_data['origin'][i].real origin_y=mediatrix_data['origin'][i].imag end_x=mediatrix_data['end'][i].real end_y=mediatrix_data['end'][i].imag Length_aux=(origin_x - end_x)**2 + (origin_y - end_y)**2 Length=Length+ sqrt(Length_aux) if mediatrix_vectors==True: d_x= end_x - origin_x d_y= mediatrix_data['end'][i].imag - mediatrix_data['origin'][i].imag arr = Arrow(origin_y, origin_x, d_y, d_x, width=0.05*Length, fc=colors['vector'], ec='none',zorder=1000) A.add_patch(arr) if keydots==True: E1,E2=get_extrema_2loops(pixels[0], pixels[1], 0 ) Area=len(pixels[1]) p1=pixels[0][E1]+ pixels[1][E1]*1j # the extreme points p_1 and p_2 p2=pixels[0][E2]+ pixels[1][E2]*1j keydots=[p1,p2] keydots=find_keydots_c(p1,p2,pixels,image,keydots,Area, method="brightest",alpha=1) keyX=[] keyY=[] for j in range(0,len(keydots)): keyX.append(keydots[j].real) keyY.append(keydots[j].imag) A.plot(keyY,keyX,colors['keydots']+'.',zorder=500) #A.scatter(keyY, keyX, s=20, c='b', marker='s') last=len(mediatrix_data['origin'])-1 x=[pixels[0][E1],mediatrix_data['center'].real,pixels[0][E2]] y=[pixels[1][E1],mediatrix_data['center'].imag,pixels[1][E2]] p1_vec=[pixels[0][E1],pixels[1][E1]] # the extreme points p_1 and p_2 p2_vec=[pixels[0][E2],pixels[1][E2]] p3_vec=[mediatrix_vectors['center'].real,mediatrix_vectors['center'].imag] x_c,y_c,r=three_points_to_circle(p1_vec,p3_vec,p2_vec) if r>0: xy=[y_c,x_c] cir=Circle(xy,r,fc='none',ec='m', zorder=501) A.add_patch(cir) else: print "impossible to define a circle " xmin, xmax = xlim() ymin, ymax = ylim() min_inc_axis=40 #x_axis_length=(xmax+1*Length)-(xmin-1*Length) #y_axis_length=(ymax+1*Length)-(ymin-1*Length) #if x_axis_length<min_inc_axis A.axis("equal") A.set_xlim(xmin-1*Length,xmax+1*Length) A.set_ylim(ymin-1*Length,ymax+1*Length) ylabel("Y") xlabel("X") #A.axis("equal") title(plot_title) if save==True and r>0: savefig(out_image) A.clear() return True else: return A
def __call__(self, inputs): from pylab import Circle c = Circle((self.get_input('x'), self.get_input('y')), self.get_input('radius'), **self.get_input('patch')) return c