Пример #1
def test_triangle_code():
    rng = np.random.RandomState([20,18,9])

    m = 5
    n = 6
    k = 7

    X = as_floatX(rng.randn(m,n))
    D = as_floatX(rng.randn(k,n))

    D_norm_squared = np.sum(D**2,axis=1)
    X_norm_squared = np.sum(X**2,axis=1)
    sq_distance = -2.0 * np.dot(X,D.T) + D_norm_squared + np.atleast_2d(X_norm_squared).T
    distance = np.sqrt(sq_distance)

    mu = np.mean(distance, axis = 1)
    expected = np.maximum(0.0,mu.reshape(mu.size,1)-distance)

    Xv = T.matrix()
    Dv = T.matrix()

    code = triangle_code(X = Xv, centroids = Dv)
    actual = function([Xv,Dv],code)(X,D)

    assert np.allclose(expected, actual)
Пример #2
    def _execute(self):

        global num_superpixels
        num_output_features = self.num_output_features
        idxs = self.idxs
        top = self.top
        bottom = self.bottom
        left = self.left
        right = self.right

        save_path = self.save_path
        batch_size = self.batch_size
        dataset_family = self.dataset_family
        which_set = self.which_set
        model = self.model
        size = self.size

        nan = 0

        dataset_descriptor = dataset_family[which_set][size]

        dataset = dataset_descriptor.dataset_maker()
        expected_num_examples = dataset_descriptor.num_examples

        full_X = dataset.get_design_matrix()
        num_examples = full_X.shape[0]
        assert num_examples == expected_num_examples

        if self.restrict is not None:
            assert self.restrict[1]  <= full_X.shape[0]

            print('restricting to examples ',self.restrict[0],' through ',self.restrict[1],' exclusive')
            full_X = full_X[self.restrict[0]:self.restrict[1],:]

            assert self.restrict[1] > self.restrict[0]

        #update for after restriction
        num_examples = full_X.shape[0]

        assert num_examples > 0

        dataset.X = None
        dataset.design_loc = None
        dataset.compress = False

        patchifier = ExtractGridPatches( patch_shape = (size,size), patch_stride = (1,1) )

        pipeline = serial.load(dataset_descriptor.pipeline_path)

        assert isinstance(pipeline.items[0], ExtractPatches)
        pipeline.items[0] = patchifier

        print('defining features')
        V = T.matrix('V')

        mu = model.mu

        feat = triangle_code(V, mu)

        assert feat.dtype == 'float32'
        print('compiling theano function')
        f = function([V],feat)

        nhid = model.mu.get_value().shape[0]

        if config.device.startswith('gpu') and nhid >= 4000:
            f = halver(f, model.nhid)

        topo_feat_var = T.TensorType(broadcastable = (False,False,False,False), dtype='float32')()
        if self.pool_mode == 'mean':
            region_features = function([topo_feat_var],
                topo_feat_var.mean(axis=(1,2)) )
        elif self.pool_mode == 'max':
            region_features = function([topo_feat_var],
                    topo_feat_var.max(axis=(1,2)) )
            assert False

        def average_pool( stride ):
            def point( p ):
                return p * ns / stride

            rval = np.zeros( (topo_feat.shape[0], stride, stride, topo_feat.shape[3] ) , dtype = 'float32')

            for i in xrange(stride):
                for j in xrange(stride):
                    rval[:,i,j,:] = region_features( topo_feat[:,point(i):point(i+1), point(j):point(j+1),:] )

            return rval

        output =  np.zeros((num_examples,num_output_features),dtype='float32')

        fd = DenseDesignMatrix(X = np.zeros((1,1),dtype='float32'), view_converter = DefaultViewConverter([1, 1, nhid] ) )

        ns = 32 - size + 1
        depatchifier = ReassembleGridPatches( orig_shape  = (ns, ns), patch_shape=(1,1) )

        if len(range(0,num_examples-batch_size+1,batch_size)) <= 0:

        for i in xrange(0,num_examples-batch_size+1,batch_size):
            t1 = time.time()

            d = copy.copy(dataset)

            t2 = time.time()

            #print '\tapplying preprocessor'
            d.apply_preprocessor(pipeline, can_fit = False)
            X2 = d.get_design_matrix()

            t3 = time.time()

            #print '\trunning theano function'
            feat = f(X2)

            t4 = time.time()

            assert feat.dtype == 'float32'

            feat_dataset = copy.copy(fd)

            if contains_nan(feat):
                nan += np.isnan(feat).sum()
                feat[np.isnan(feat)] = 0


            #print '\treassembling features'

            #print '\tmaking topological view'
            topo_feat = feat_dataset.get_topological_view()
            assert topo_feat.shape[0] == batch_size

            t5 = time.time()

            #average pooling
            superpixels = average_pool(num_superpixels)

            assert batch_size == 1

            if self.pool_mode == 'mean':
                for j in xrange(num_output_features):
                    output[i:i+batch_size, j] = superpixels[:,top[j]:bottom[j]+1,
                            left[j]:right[j]+1, idxs[j]].mean()
            elif self.pool_mode == 'max':
                for j in xrange(num_output_features):
                    output[i:i+batch_size, j] = superpixels[:,top[j]:bottom[j]+1,
                            left[j]:right[j]+1, idxs[j]].max()
                assert False

            assert output[i:i+batch_size,:].max() < 1e20

            t6 = time.time()

            print((t6-t1, t2-t1, t3-t2, t4-t3, t5-t4, t6-t5))

        if self.chunk_size is not None:
            assert save_path.endswith('.npy')
            save_path_pieces = save_path.split('.npy')
            assert len(save_path_pieces) == 2
            assert save_path_pieces[1] == ''
            save_path = save_path_pieces[0] + '_' + chr(ord('A')+self.chunk_id)+'.npy'

        if nan > 0:
            warnings.warn(str(nan)+' features were nan')
Пример #3
    def _execute(self):

        global num_superpixels
        num_output_features = self.num_output_features
        idxs = self.idxs
        top = self.top
        bottom = self.bottom
        left = self.left
        right = self.right

        save_path = self.save_path
        batch_size = self.batch_size
        dataset_family = self.dataset_family
        which_set = self.which_set
        model = self.model
        size = self.size

        nan = 0

        dataset_descriptor = dataset_family[which_set][size]

        dataset = dataset_descriptor.dataset_maker()
        expected_num_examples = dataset_descriptor.num_examples

        full_X = dataset.get_design_matrix()
        num_examples = full_X.shape[0]
        assert num_examples == expected_num_examples

        if self.restrict is not None:
            assert self.restrict[1] <= full_X.shape[0]

            print 'restricting to examples ', self.restrict[
                0], ' through ', self.restrict[1], ' exclusive'
            full_X = full_X[self.restrict[0]:self.restrict[1], :]

            assert self.restrict[1] > self.restrict[0]

        #update for after restriction
        num_examples = full_X.shape[0]

        assert num_examples > 0

        dataset.X = None
        dataset.design_loc = None
        dataset.compress = False

        patchifier = ExtractGridPatches(patch_shape=(size, size),
                                        patch_stride=(1, 1))

        pipeline = serial.load(dataset_descriptor.pipeline_path)

        assert isinstance(pipeline.items[0], ExtractPatches)
        pipeline.items[0] = patchifier

        print 'defining features'
        V = T.matrix('V')

        mu = model.mu

        feat = triangle_code(V, mu)

        assert feat.dtype == 'float32'
        print 'compiling theano function'
        f = function([V], feat)

        nhid = model.mu.get_value().shape[0]

        if config.device.startswith('gpu') and nhid >= 4000:
            f = halver(f, model.nhid)

        topo_feat_var = T.TensorType(broadcastable=(False, False, False,
        if self.pool_mode == 'mean':
            region_features = function([topo_feat_var],
                                       topo_feat_var.mean(axis=(1, 2)))
        elif self.pool_mode == 'max':
            region_features = function([topo_feat_var],
                                       topo_feat_var.max(axis=(1, 2)))
            assert False

        def average_pool(stride):
            def point(p):
                return p * ns / stride

            rval = np.zeros(
                (topo_feat.shape[0], stride, stride, topo_feat.shape[3]),

            for i in xrange(stride):
                for j in xrange(stride):
                    rval[:, i, j, :] = region_features(
                                  point(i):point(i + 1),
                                  point(j):point(j + 1), :])

            return rval

        output = np.zeros((num_examples, num_output_features), dtype='float32')

        fd = DenseDesignMatrix(X=np.zeros((1, 1), dtype='float32'),
                                   [1, 1, nhid]))

        ns = 32 - size + 1
        depatchifier = ReassembleGridPatches(orig_shape=(ns, ns),
                                             patch_shape=(1, 1))

        if len(range(0, num_examples - batch_size + 1, batch_size)) <= 0:
            print num_examples
            print batch_size

        for i in xrange(0, num_examples - batch_size + 1, batch_size):
            print i
            t1 = time.time()

            d = copy.copy(dataset)
            d.set_design_matrix(full_X[i:i + batch_size, :])

            t2 = time.time()

            #print '\tapplying preprocessor'
            d.apply_preprocessor(pipeline, can_fit=False)
            X2 = d.get_design_matrix()

            t3 = time.time()

            #print '\trunning theano function'
            feat = f(X2)

            t4 = time.time()

            assert feat.dtype == 'float32'

            feat_dataset = copy.copy(fd)

            if np.any(np.isnan(feat)):
                nan += np.isnan(feat).sum()
                feat[np.isnan(feat)] = 0


            #print '\treassembling features'

            #print '\tmaking topological view'
            topo_feat = feat_dataset.get_topological_view()
            assert topo_feat.shape[0] == batch_size

            t5 = time.time()

            #average pooling
            superpixels = average_pool(num_superpixels)

            assert batch_size == 1

            if self.pool_mode == 'mean':
                for j in xrange(num_output_features):
                    output[i:i + batch_size,
                           j] = superpixels[:, top[j]:bottom[j] + 1,
                                            left[j]:right[j] + 1,
            elif self.pool_mode == 'max':
                for j in xrange(num_output_features):
                    output[i:i + batch_size,
                           j] = superpixels[:, top[j]:bottom[j] + 1,
                                            left[j]:right[j] + 1,
                assert False

            assert output[i:i + batch_size, :].max() < 1e20

            t6 = time.time()

            print(t6 - t1, t2 - t1, t3 - t2, t4 - t3, t5 - t4, t6 - t5)

        if self.chunk_size is not None:
            assert save_path.endswith('.npy')
            save_path_pieces = save_path.split('.npy')
            assert len(save_path_pieces) == 2
            assert save_path_pieces[1] == ''
            save_path = save_path_pieces[0] + '_' + chr(
                ord('A') + self.chunk_id) + '.npy'
        np.save(save_path, output)

        if nan > 0:
            warnings.warn(str(nan) + ' features were nan')