Пример #1
def demo():
    num_frames = 300
    height = 10
    width  = 10

    config = BilliardVideoConfig(
        num_frames = num_frames,
        height = height,
        width  = width,
        ball_diameter = 5,
        min_val = .1,
        max_val = .9,
        vel_multiplier = 4.0,
        vel_noise = .04,
        vel_decay = .001,
        frames_burnin = 1000,
        frames_simulate = 20000,

    bil = BilliardVideo('train', config)

    iterator = bil.iterator(mode = None,
                            batch_size = 10,
                            num_batches = 2,
                            ignore_data_specs = True)

    for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(iterator):
        #print batch.shape
        #print batch.sum()
        assert len(batch.shape) == 5
        assert batch.shape[4] == 1   # single channel

        if batch_idx == 0:
            prefix = 'billiard_frame_'
            for frame_idx in xrange(num_frames):
                frameIm = image.tile_raster_images(batch[0,frame_idx:frame_idx+1], img_shape = (height,width), tile_shape=(1,1))
                image.save('%s%03d.png' % (prefix, frame_idx), frameIm)
            print 'Saved: %s*.png' % prefix
            print 'Convert to gif by running:\n  convert -delay 3 %s* billiard_video.gif' % (prefix)

        flattened = np.reshape(batch,

        tiled = image.tile_raster_images(-flattened,
                                         img_shape=[height, width],
                                         tile_shape=[batch.shape[0], batch.shape[1]],
        filename = 'billiard_batch_%03d.png' % batch_idx
        image.save(filename, tiled)
        #image.save(filename, 255-tiled)
        print 'Saved:', filename
Пример #2
def test_sample_ae():
    Visualize some samples from the trained unsupervised GSN.
    with open("gsn_ae_example.pkl") as f:
        gsn = pickle.load(f)

    # random point to start at
    mb_data = MNIST(which_set='test').X[105:106, :]

    history = gsn.get_samples([(0, mb_data)], walkback=1000,
                              symbolic=False, include_first=True)

    history = list(itertools.chain(*history))
    history = np.vstack(history)

    tiled = image.tile_raster_images(history,
    image.save("gsn_ae_example.png", tiled)

    # code to get log likelihood from kernel density estimator
    # this crashed on GPU (out of memory), but works on CPU
    pw = ParzenWindows(MNIST(which_set='test').X, .20)
    print pw.get_ll(history)
Пример #3
def test_sample_supervised(idxs=None, noisy=True):
    Visualize samples and labels produced by GSN.
    with open("gsn_sup_example.pkl") as f:
        gsn = pickle.load(f)

    gsn._corrupt_switch = noisy

    ds = MNIST(which_set='test', one_hot=True)

    if idxs is None:
        data = ds.X[100:150]
        data = ds.X[idxs]

    # change the walkback parameter to make the data fill up rows in image
    samples = gsn.get_samples([(0, data)],
                              indices=[0, 2],
                              walkback=21, symbolic=False,
    stacked = vis_samples(samples)
    tiled = image.tile_raster_images(stacked,
    image.save("gsn_sup_example.png", tiled)
Пример #4
def test_sample_ae():
    Visualize some samples from the trained unsupervised GSN.
    with open("gsn_ae_example.pkl") as f:
        gsn = pickle.load(f)

    # random point to start at
    mb_data = MNIST(which_set='test').X[105:106, :]

    history = gsn.get_samples([(0, mb_data)],

    history = list(itertools.chain(*history))
    history = np.vstack(history)

    tiled = image.tile_raster_images(history,
                                     img_shape=[28, 28],
                                     tile_shape=[50, 50],
                                     tile_spacing=(2, 2))
    image.save("gsn_ae_example.png", tiled)

    # code to get log likelihood from kernel density estimator
    # this crashed on GPU (out of memory), but works on CPU
    pw = ParzenWindows(MNIST(which_set='test').X, .20)
Пример #5
def test_sample_supervised(idxs=None, noisy=True):
    Visualize samples and labels produced by GSN.
    with open("gsn_sup_example.pkl") as f:
        gsn = pickle.load(f)

    gsn._corrupt_switch = noisy

    ds = MNIST(which_set='test')

    if idxs is None:
        data = ds.X[100:150]
        data = ds.X[idxs]

    # change the walkback parameter to make the data fill up rows in image
    samples = gsn.get_samples([(0, data)],
                              indices=[0, 2],
    stacked = vis_samples(samples)
    tiled = image.tile_raster_images(stacked,
                                     img_shape=[28, 28],
                                     tile_shape=[50, 50],
                                     tile_spacing=(2, 2))
    image.save("gsn_sup_example.png", tiled)
Пример #6
def save_layer_output(layer, name, shape):
    tensor = layer.inbound_nodes[-1].output_tensors[0]
    model = Model(input_tensor, tensor)
    model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mse')
    pred = model.predict(X_test[idx-1:idx])  # @UndefinedVariable
    reshaped = pred.reshape(*shape)
    tiled = tile_raster_images(X=reshaped.T, img_shape=shape[:-1], tile_shape=(2, shape[-1]/2), tile_spacing=(1, 1))
    image = Image.fromarray(tiled)
    image.save('%s/%s' % (folder, name))
Пример #7
def save_weights(layer, name, shape):
    weights = layer.get_weights()[0].reshape(*shape)
    tiled = tile_raster_images(X=weights.T, img_shape=shape[:-1], tile_shape=(4, 4), tile_spacing=(1, 1))
    image = Image.fromarray(tiled)
    image.save('%s/%s' % (folder, name))
Пример #8
def save_weights(layer, name, shape):
    weights = layer.get_weights()[0].reshape(*shape)
    tiled = tile_raster_images(X=weights.T, img_shape=shape[:-1], tile_shape=(4, 4), tile_spacing=(1, 1))
    image = Image.fromarray(tiled)
    image.save('%s/%s' % (folder, name))

for i in range(2, 6):
    # get only the residual
    layer1 = model.get_layer('residual_%d' % (i - 1))
    layer2 = model.get_layer('residual_%d' % i)
    l1_tensor = layer1.inbound_nodes[-1].output_tensors[0]
    l2_tensor = layer2.inbound_nodes[-1].output_tensors[0]
    diff = merge([l2_tensor, l1_tensor], mode=lambda x: x[1] - x[0], output_shape=lambda x: x[0])
    diff_model = Model(input_tensor, diff)
    diff_model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mse')
    pred = diff_model.predict(X_test[idx-1:idx])
    reshaped = pred.reshape(28, 28, 8)
    tiled = tile_raster_images(reshaped.T, (28, 28), (2, 4), (1, 1))
    image = Image.fromarray(tiled)
    image.save('%s/residual_at_layer_%d.png' % (folder, i))

    # save the filters
    save_weights(model.get_layer('residual_%d' % i), 'filters_at_layer_%d.png' % i, (3, 3, 64))

    # get the output before applying the activation function
    save_layer_output(model.get_layer('residual_%d' % i), 'preactivation_at_layer_%d.png' % i, (28, 28, 8))

    # get the output after applying the actvation function
    save_layer_output(model.get_layer('activation_%d' % i), 'activation_at_layer_%d.png' % i, (28, 28, 8))

Пример #9
def evaluate_picture(model, **kwargs):
    """ Currently this doesn't work very well """

    if 'MY_PICTURE' not in os.environ:
        print('Set MY_PICTURE as an environment variable (path to picture you want to train on)')
    picture_path = os.environ['MY_PICTURE']
    if not os.path.isfile(picture_path):
        print('Nothing found at "%s"' % picture_path)

    if 'IMAGE_PATH' not in os.environ:
        print('Set IMAGE_PATH as an environment variable (parent directory to save generaged images)')
    image_path = os.path.join(os.environ['IMAGE_PATH'], kwargs.get('save_dir', 'picture'))

    if not os.path.exists(image_path):

    im = Image.open(picture_path).convert('L')

    height, width = im.size
    greyscale_map = im.getdata()
    greyscale_map = np.array(greyscale_map, dtype='uint8')
    data = greyscale_map.reshape(width, height)

    output = Image.fromarray(data)

    data = np.asarray(data, dtype=dtype) / np.max(data)

    n_train_batches = 500
    batch_size = 25
    nb_epochs = 15
    k = 15
    lr = 0.1
    use_momentum = True
    momentum = 0.5
    persistent = True

    train_data = np.zeros((n_train_batches, width * height), dtype='uint8')

    for i in range(n_train_batches):
        translated = shift(data, (random.randint(-3, 3), random.randint(-3, 3)), mode='wrap')
        # if random.random() > 0.8:
        #     translated = rotate(translated, 180, reshape=False, mode='wrap')
        # if random.random() > 0.8:
        #     translated = np.fliplr(translated)
        rotated = rotate(translated, random.random() * 6 - 3, reshape=False, mode='wrap')
        rotated[np.random.rand(width, height) > 0.8] = 0
        train_data[i] = rotated.reshape(1, width * height)

    for epoch in range(nb_epochs):
        model.train(train_data, nb_epochs=20, batch_size=batch_size, k=k, lr=lr, use_momentum=use_momentum,
                    momentum=momentum, persistent=persistent)
        image = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images(X=model.W.get_value(borrow=True).T, img_shape=(width, height),
                                                   tile_shape=(5, 5), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))
        image.save('filters_at_epoch_%i.png' % epoch)
        lr *= 0.9
        print('Completed metaepoch %d, learning rate is now %.3e' % (epoch, lr))

        if epoch > nb_epochs / 2:
            momentum = 0.9

    n_chains = 1
    n_samples = 10
    n_steps = 10

    data = data.reshape(1, width * height)

    sample_function = model.get_sampler(data)
    image_data = np.zeros(((width + 1) * n_samples + 1, (height + 1) * n_chains - 1), dtype='uint8')

    for idx in range(n_samples):
        image_data[(width + 1) * idx: (width + 1) * idx + width, :] = tile_raster_images(X=data, img_shape=(width, height),
                                                                                         tile_shape=(1, n_chains), tile_spacing=(1, 1))
        data = sample_function(n_steps)

    image = Image.fromarray(image_data)
Пример #10
def evaluate_mnist(model, **kwargs):
    if 'MNIST_PATH' not in os.environ:
        print('You must set MNIST_PATH as an environment variable (pointing at mnist.pkl.gz). You can download the ' +
              'MNIST data from http://deeplearning.net/data/mnist/mnist.pkl.gz')
    mnist_path = os.environ['MNIST_PATH']

    if 'IMAGE_PATH' not in os.environ:
        print('Set IMAGE_PATH as an environment variable (parent directory to save generaged images)')
    image_path = os.path.join(os.environ['IMAGE_PATH'], kwargs.get('save_dir', 'mnist'))

    print('Loading MNIST files from "%s"' % mnist_path)
    print('Saving files in "%s"' % image_path)

    if not os.path.exists(image_path):

    f = gzip.open(mnist_path, 'rb')
    train_set, validation_set, test_set = pkl.load(f)

    def split_data(xy):
        x, y = xy
        x = np.asarray(x, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        y = np.asarray(y, dtype='int32')
        return x, y

    train_X, train_y = split_data(train_set)
    validation_X, validation_y = split_data(validation_set)
    test_X, test_y = split_data(test_set)

    # hyperparameters
    batch_size = 20
    nb_epochs = 50
    k = 1
    lr = 0.1
    use_momentum = True
    momentum = 0.5
    persistent = True

    for epoch in range(nb_epochs):
        model.train(train_X, nb_epochs=1, batch_size=batch_size, k=k, lr=lr, use_momentum=use_momentum,
                    momentum=momentum, validation_data=validation_X[0:256], persistent=persistent)
        image = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images(X=model.W.get_value(borrow=True).T, img_shape=(28, 28),
                                                   tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))
        image.save('filters_at_epoch_%i.png' % epoch)

        if epoch == 20:
            momentum = 0.9

        k = epoch / 5 + 1
        lr *= 0.95

    # testing params
    number_of_test_samples = test_X.shape[0]
    n_chains = 10
    n_samples = 10
    n_steps = 1000

    test_idx = rng.randint(number_of_test_samples - n_chains)
    v_sample = test_X[test_idx:test_idx+n_chains]

    sample_function = model.get_sampler(v_sample)
    image_data = np.zeros((29 * n_samples + 1, 29 * n_chains - 1), dtype='uint8')

    for idx in range(n_samples):
        image_data[29 * idx: 29 * idx + 28, :] = tile_raster_images(X=v_sample, img_shape=(28, 28),
                                                                    tile_shape=(1, n_chains), tile_spacing=(1, 1))
        v_sample = sample_function(n_steps)

    image = Image.fromarray(image_data)

    # a prediction model (needs improvement)
    model.build(batch_size, test_X.shape[1])

    input = T.matrix('input', dtype=dtype)
    target = T.matrix('target', dtype=dtype)
    target_idx = T.vector('target_idx', dtype='int32')
    W2 = init_glorot('W2', shape=(model.n_hid, 10))
    b2 = init_zeros('b2', shape=(10,))
    z1 = model.visible_to_hidden(input)
    z2 = T.nnet.softmax(T.dot(z1, W2) + b2)
    params = [W2, b2]
    cost = ((target - z2) ** 2).mean()
    eval_cost = T.cast(T.eq(T.argmax(z2, axis=1), target_idx), dtype='int32').mean()
    updates = [(p, p - 0.1 * T.grad(cost, p)) for p in params]
    train = theano.function(inputs=[input, target], outputs=[], updates=updates)
    test = theano.function(inputs=[input, target_idx], outputs=eval_cost)

    n_batches = train_X.shape[0] // batch_size
    nb_epochs = 50

    for epoch in range(nb_epochs):
        for batch in range(n_batches):
            data_X = train_X[batch * batch_size: (batch + 1) * batch_size]
            idx_y = train_y[batch * batch_size: (batch + 1) * batch_size]
            data_y = np.zeros(shape=(idx_y.shape[0], 10), dtype=dtype)
            data_y[np.arange(idx_y.shape[0]), idx_y] = 1
            train(data_X, data_y)
        print('Epoch %d: %.3f' % (epoch, test(test_X, test_y)))