def __init__(self, device, tool, build_type, push_deps=True, cleanup_test_files=False): """ Args: device: Tests will run on the device of this ID. tool: Name of the Valgrind tool. build_type: 'Release' or 'Debug'. push_deps: If True, push all dependencies to the device. cleanup_test_files: Whether or not to cleanup test files on device. """ self.device = device self.adb = android_commands.AndroidCommands(device=device) self.tool = CreateTool(tool, self.adb) self._http_server = None self._forwarder_device_port = 8000 self.forwarder_base_url = ('http://localhost:%d' % self._forwarder_device_port) self.flags = FlagChanger(self.adb) self.flags.AddFlags(['--disable-fre']) self._spawning_server = None # We will allocate port for test server spawner when calling method # LaunchChromeTestServerSpawner and allocate port for test server when # starting it in TestServerThread. self.test_server_spawner_port = 0 self.test_server_port = 0 self.build_type = build_type self._push_deps = push_deps self._cleanup_test_files = cleanup_test_files
def __init__(self, device, tool, build_type): """ Args: device: Tests will run on the device of this ID. shard_index: Index number of the shard on which the test suite will run. build_type: 'Release' or 'Debug'. """ self.device = device self.adb = android_commands.AndroidCommands(device=device) self.tool = CreateTool(tool, self.adb) self._http_server = None self._forwarder = None self._forwarder_device_port = 8000 self.forwarder_base_url = ('http://localhost:%d' % self._forwarder_device_port) self.flags = FlagChanger(self.adb) self.flags.AddFlags(['--disable-fre']) self._spawning_server = None self._spawner_forwarder = None # We will allocate port for test server spawner when calling method # LaunchChromeTestServerSpawner and allocate port for test server when # starting it in TestServerThread. self.test_server_spawner_port = 0 self.test_server_port = 0 self.build_type = build_type
def __init__(self, device_serial, tool, push_deps=True, cleanup_test_files=False): """ Args: device: Tests will run on the device of this ID. tool: Name of the Valgrind tool. push_deps: If True, push all dependencies to the device. cleanup_test_files: Whether or not to cleanup test files on device. """ self.device_serial = device_serial self.device = device_utils.DeviceUtils(device_serial) self.tool = CreateTool(tool, self.device) self._http_server = None self._forwarder_device_port = 8000 self.forwarder_base_url = ('http://localhost:%d' % self._forwarder_device_port) self._spawning_server = None # We will allocate port for test server spawner when calling method # LaunchChromeTestServerSpawner and allocate port for test server when # starting it in TestServerThread. self.test_server_spawner_port = 0 self.test_server_port = 0 self._push_deps = push_deps self._cleanup_test_files = cleanup_test_files
def main(argv): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='Usage: %prog [options] device_port ' 'host_port [device_port_2 host_port_2] ...', description=__doc__) parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose_count', default=0, action='count', help='Verbose level (multiple times for more)') parser.add_option('--device', help='Serial number of device we should use.') parser.add_option('--host', help='Host address to forward to from the host machine. ' ' by default', default='') parser.add_option('--debug', action='store_const', const='Debug', dest='build_type', default='Release', help='Use Debug build of host tools instead of Release.') options, args = parser.parse_args(argv) run_tests_helper.SetLogLevel(options.verbose_count) if len(args) < 2 or not len(args) % 2: parser.error('Need even number of port pairs') sys.exit(1) try: port_pairs = map(int, args[1:]) port_pairs = zip(port_pairs[::2], port_pairs[1::2]) except ValueError: parser.error('Bad port number') sys.exit(1) adb = android_commands.AndroidCommands(options.device) tool = CreateTool(None, adb) forwarder_instance = forwarder.Forwarder(adb, options.build_type) try: forwarder_instance.Run(port_pairs, tool, while True: time.sleep(60) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) finally: forwarder_instance.Close()
def __init__(self, device_serial, tool): """ Args: device: Tests will run on the device of this ID. tool: Name of the Valgrind tool. """ self.device_serial = device_serial self.device = device_utils.DeviceUtils(device_serial) self.tool = CreateTool(tool, self.device) self._http_server = None self._forwarder_device_port = 8000 self.forwarder_base_url = ('http://localhost:%d' % self._forwarder_device_port) # We will allocate port for test server spawner when calling method # LaunchChromeTestServerSpawner and allocate port for test server when # starting it in TestServerThread. self.test_server_spawner_port = 0 self.test_server_port = 0
def __init__(self, device, tool): """ Args: device: An instance of DeviceUtils that the tests will run on. tool: Name of the Valgrind tool. """ assert isinstance(device, device_utils.DeviceUtils) self.device = device self.device_serial = self.device.adb.GetDeviceSerial() self.tool = CreateTool(tool, self.device) self._http_server = None self._forwarder_device_port = 8000 self.forwarder_base_url = ('http://localhost:%d' % self._forwarder_device_port) # We will allocate port for test server spawner when calling method # LaunchChromeTestServerSpawner and allocate port for test server when # starting it in TestServerThread. self.test_server_spawner_port = 0 self.test_server_port = 0