Пример #1
    def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, idx=None, value=None, as_int=False):
        x : number-like, Point, iterable
            x-coordinate or iterable type containing all coordinates. If iterable, values are assumed to be in order: (x,y,z).
        y : number-like, optional
        idx : int, optional
            Index of point. Useful for sequential coordinates; e.g. a point on a circle profile is sometimes easier to describe
            in terms of its index rather than x,y coords.
        value : number-like, optional
            value at point location (e.g. pixel value of an image)
        as_int : boolean
            If True, coordinates are converted to integers.
        if isinstance(x, Point):
            for attr in ['x', 'y', 'idx', 'value']:
                item = getattr(x, attr)
                setattr(self, attr, item)
        elif is_iterable(x):
            for attr, item in zip(['x', 'y', 'idx', 'value'], x):
                setattr(self, attr, item)
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.idx = idx
            self.value = value

        if as_int:
            self.x = int(round(self.x))
            self.y = int(round(self.y))
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, z=0, idx=None, value=None, as_int=False):
        x : number-like, Point, iterable
            x-coordinate or iterable type containing all coordinates. If iterable, values are assumed to be in order: (x,y,z).
        y : number-like, optional
        idx : int, optional
            Index of point. Useful for sequential coordinates; e.g. a point on a circle profile is sometimes easier to describe
            in terms of its index rather than x,y coords.
        value : number-like, optional
            value at point location (e.g. pixel value of an image)
        as_int : boolean
            If True, coordinates are converted to integers.
        if isinstance(x, Point):
            for attr in self._attr_list:
                item = getattr(x, attr, None)
                setattr(self, attr, item)
        elif is_iterable(x):
            for attr, item in zip_longest(self._attr_list, x, fillvalue=0):
                setattr(self, attr, item)
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.z = z
            self.idx = idx
            self.value = value

        if as_int:
            self.x = int(round(self.x))
            self.y = int(round(self.y))
            self.z = int(round(self.z))
Пример #3
    def plot_flatness(self, plane='both', position='auto', method='varian', ax=None, show=True):
        """Plot the profile showing the min and max points.

        ax : None, matplotlib.Axes, list of matplotlib.Axes
            If None, the plot will be created on a new figure/axes, otherwise it will be plotted to the passed axes.
        show : bool
            If True (default), the plot will be drawn/shown at the end of the method call. Not showing the
            plot is useful when plotting multiple flat/sym plots.

        .. seealso:: :meth:`~pylinac.flatsym.BeamImage.plot_flatsym()` for ``plane``, ``position``, and ``method`` parameter info.
        position = self._convert_position(position, plane)

        if ax is None:
            ncols = 3 if _is_both_planes(plane) else 2
            fig, (*axs, img_ax) = plt.subplots(ncols=ncols)
            self._plot_image(img_ax, plane, position)
            if not is_iterable(ax):
                axs = [ax,]
                axs = ax

        if _is_both_planes(plane):
            planes = ('x', 'in')
            planes = (plane, )

        for ax, plane, pos in zip(axs, planes, position):
            profile = self._get_profile(plane, pos)
            flatness, dmax, dmin, lt_edge, rt_edge = self._get_flatness(profile, method)


            ax.axhline(dmax, color='r')
            ax.axhline(dmin, color='r')
            ax.axvline(lt_edge, color='g', linestyle='-.')
            ax.axvline(rt_edge, color='g', linestyle='-.')

            self._plot_annotation(ax, flatness, method, profile, 'flat')

            self._plot_title(ax, plane, 'flat')


        if show:

        return axs
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, center_point=None, radius=None):
        center_point : Point, optional
            Center point of the wobble circle.
        radius : float, optional
            Radius of the wobble circle.
        if center_point is None:
            center_point = Point()
        elif isinstance(center_point, Point) or is_iterable(center_point):
            center_point = Point(center_point)
            raise TypeError("Circle center must be of type Point or iterable")

        self.center = center_point
        self.radius = radius
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, center_point=None, radius=None):
        center_point : Point, optional
            Center point of the wobble circle.
        radius : float, optional
            Radius of the wobble circle.
        if center_point is None:
            center_point = Point()
        elif isinstance(center_point, Point) or is_iterable(center_point):
            center_point = Point(center_point)
            raise TypeError("Circle center must be of type Point or iterable")

        self.center = center_point
        self.radius = radius
Пример #6
    def plot_symmetry(self, plane='both', position='auto', method='varian', plot_mirror=True, show=True, ax=None):
        """Plot the profile, highlighting symmetry.

        show_mirror : bool
            If True (default), shows the "mirrored" profile, making visual comparison easier.
        ax : None, matplotlib.Axes, list containing matplotlib.Axes
            If None, the plot will be created on a new figure/axes, otherwise it will be plotted to the passed axes.
        show : bool
            If True (default), the plot will be drawn/shown at the end of the method call. Not showing the
            plot is useful when plotting multiple flat/sym plots.

        .. seealso:: :meth:`~pylinac.flatsym.BeamImage.plot_flatsym()` for ``plane``, ``position``, and ``method`` parameter info.
        position = self._convert_position(position, plane)

        if ax is None:
            ncols = 3 if _is_both_planes(plane) else 2
            fig, (*axs, img_ax) = plt.subplots(ncols=ncols)
            self._plot_image(img_ax, plane, position)
            if not is_iterable(ax):
                axs = [ax, ]
                axs = ax

        if _is_both_planes(plane):
            planes = ('x', 'in')
            planes = (plane, )

        for axis, plane, position in zip(axs, planes, position):
            profile = self._get_profile(plane, position)
            symmetry, lt_edge, rt_edge, max_idx = self._get_symmetry(profile, method)
            # plot

            self._plot_annotation(axis, symmetry, method, profile, 'sym')

            self._plot_title(axis, plane, 'sym')

            # Add CAX and field edge lines
            cax_idx = profile.fwxm_center()
            axis.axvline(cax_idx, color='m', linestyle='-.')
            axis.axvline(lt_edge, color='g', linestyle='-.')
            axis.axvline(rt_edge, color='g', linestyle='-.')

            # Show max variation points
            axis.plot(profile._indices[max_idx], profile.values[max_idx], 'rx')
            axis.plot(profile._indices[rt_edge - (max_idx - lt_edge)], profile.values[rt_edge - (max_idx - lt_edge)], 'rx')

            if plot_mirror:
                central_idx = int(round(profile.values.size/2))
                offset = cax_idx - central_idx
                mirror_vals = profile.values[::-1]
                axis.plot(profile._indices + 2*offset, mirror_vals)


        if show:

        return axs