Пример #1
def base_link(ext, *sources, **options):
    from pylons import config
    from pylons.decorators.cache import beaker_cache

    combined = options.pop('combined', False)
    minified = options.pop('minified', False)
    beaker_options = options.pop('beaker_kwargs', False)
    fs_root = config.get('pylons.paths').get('static_files')

    if not (config.get('debug', False) or options.get('builtins', False)):
        if beaker_options:

        if combined:
            sources = beaker_cache(**beaker_kwargs)(combine_sources)(
                list(sources), ext, fs_root)

        if minified:
            sources = beaker_cache(**beaker_kwargs)(minify_sources)(
                list(sources), '.min.' + ext, fs_root)

    if 'js' in ext:
        return __javascript_link(*sources, **options)
    if 'css' in ext:
        return __stylesheet_link(*sources, **options)
Пример #2
class CacheController(BaseController):
    def test_default_cache_decorator(self):
        g.counter += 1
        return Response('Counter=%s' % g.counter)

    test_default_cache_decorator = beaker_cache(

    def test_get_cache_decorator(self):
        g.counter += 1
        return Response('Counter=%s' % g.counter)

    test_get_cache_decorator = beaker_cache(
        key="param", query_args=True)(test_get_cache_decorator)

    def test_expire_cache_decorator(self):
        g.counter += 1
        return Response('Counter=%s' % g.counter)

    test_expire_cache_decorator = beaker_cache(

    def test_key_cache_decorator(self, id):
        g.counter += 1
        return Response('Counter=%s, id=%s' % (g.counter, id))

    test_key_cache_decorator = beaker_cache(key="id")(test_key_cache_decorator)

    def test_keyslist_cache_decorator(self, id, id2="123"):
        g.counter += 1
        return Response('Counter=%s, id=%s' % (g.counter, id))

    test_keyslist_cache_decorator = beaker_cache(
        key=["id", "id2"])(test_keyslist_cache_decorator)
Пример #3
 def test_response_cache_func(self, use_cache_status=True):
     pylons.response.status_int = 404
     def func():
         pylons.app_globals.counter += 1
         return 'Counter=%s' % pylons.app_globals.counter
     if use_cache_status:
         func = beaker_cache(key=None)(func)
         func = beaker_cache(key=None, cache_response=False)(func)
     return func()
Пример #4
        def test_response_cache_func(self, use_cache_status=True):
            pylons.response.status_int = 404

            def func():
                pylons.app_globals.counter += 1
                return 'Counter=%s' % pylons.app_globals.counter

            if use_cache_status:
                func = beaker_cache(key=None)(func)
                func = beaker_cache(key=None, cache_response=False)(func)
            return func()
Пример #5
def u_cache(**kwargs):
    if 'expire' in kwargs:
        # Vary expiration times by +/- 20%.
        factor = 0.8 + (random.random() * 0.4)
        kwargs['expire'] = int(kwargs['expire'] * factor)
    kwargs['cache_response'] = False
    return beaker_cache(**kwargs)
Пример #6
        def test_default_cache_decorator_func(self):
            def func():
                pylons.app_globals.counter += 1
                return 'Counter=%s' % pylons.app_globals.counter

            func = beaker_cache(key=None)(func)
            return func()
Пример #7
def pre_cache(*args, **kwargs):
    if config["debug"]:
        decorate = lambda f: f
        decorate = beaker_cache(*args, **kwargs)

    return decorate
Пример #8
def base_link(ext, *sources, **options):
    """Base function that glues all logic together.

    It parses options and calls :func:`process_sources`.

    :param ext: js or css helper
    :param sources: a list of source files. Can be a dicts with keys:
            file='/script.js':              a path to your file
            minify=False|'strip'|'minify':  should this file be minified,
                                            stripped or left as it is?
            dest='/script.min.js':          minified file destination (needed if
                                            files are not combined)
        Alternatively you can provide strings in which case they will be treated
            {file='<your string>', minify=False}
        In this case the files will not be minified and 'combined' must be
    :param combined: the combined file name if the files need to be combined.
        Otherwise they have to have 'dest' keys
    :param beaker_kwargs: Beaker options to pass to caching decorators
    :param timestamp: append timestamp to links, eg. test.js?t=123012343
    :type ext: string
    :type sources: list of strings or dicts or any combination
    :type combined: string
    :type beaker_kwargs: dict
    :type timestamp: bool
    :returns: HTML source code
    .. versionadded:: 0.3.1
        `beaker_kwargs` parameter

    .. versionadded:: 0.3.2
        `combined_filename` parameter

    .. versionadded:: 0.3.5
        `timestamp` parameter
    combined = options.pop('combined', False)
    timestamp = options.pop('timestamp', False)
    beaker_options = options.pop('beaker_kwargs', False)
    fs_root = config.get('pylons.paths').get('static_files')

    sources = list(sources)
    if not (config.get('debug', False) or options.get('builtins', False)):
        if beaker_options:

        # use beaker_cache to cache the returned sources
        sources = beaker_cache(**beaker_kwargs)(process_sources)(
            sources, ext, fs_root, combined, timestamp)
        for i in range(len(sources)):
            if isinstance(sources[i], dict):
                sources[i] = sources[i]['file']

    if 'js' in ext:
        return __javascript_link(*sources, **options)
    if 'css' in ext:
        return __stylesheet_link(*sources, **options)
Пример #9
def base_link(ext, *sources, **options):
    from pylons import config
    from pylons.decorators.cache import beaker_cache

    combined = options.pop('combined', False)
    minified = options.pop('minified', False)
    beaker_options = options.pop('beaker_kwargs', False)
    fs_root = config.get('pylons.paths').get('static_files')

    if not (config.get('debug', False) or options.get('builtins', False)):
        if beaker_options:

        if combined:
            sources = beaker_cache(**beaker_kwargs)(combine_sources)(list(sources), ext, fs_root)

        if minified:
            sources = beaker_cache(**beaker_kwargs)(minify_sources)(list(sources), '.min.' + ext, fs_root)

    if 'js' in ext:
        return __javascript_link(*sources, **options)
    if 'css' in ext:
        return __stylesheet_link(*sources, **options)
Пример #10
class CacheController(WSGIController):
    def test_default_cache_decorator(self):
        pylons.g.counter += 1
        return Response('Counter=%s' % pylons.g.counter)

    test_default_cache_decorator = beaker_cache(

    def test_get_cache_decorator(self):
        pylons.g.counter += 1
        return Response('Counter=%s' % pylons.g.counter)

    test_get_cache_decorator = beaker_cache(
        key="param", query_args=True)(test_get_cache_decorator)

    def test_get_cache_default(self):
        pylons.g.counter += 1
        return Response('Counter=%s' % pylons.g.counter)

    test_get_cache_default = beaker_cache(

    def test_expire_cache_decorator(self):
        pylons.g.counter += 1
        return Response('Counter=%s' % pylons.g.counter)

    test_expire_cache_decorator = beaker_cache(

    def test_key_cache_decorator(self, id):
        pylons.g.counter += 1
        return Response('Counter=%s, id=%s' % (pylons.g.counter, id))

    test_key_cache_decorator = beaker_cache(key="id")(test_key_cache_decorator)

    def test_keyslist_cache_decorator(self, id, id2="123"):
        pylons.g.counter += 1
        return Response('Counter=%s, id=%s' % (pylons.g.counter, id))

    test_keyslist_cache_decorator = beaker_cache(
        key=["id", "id2"])(test_keyslist_cache_decorator)

    def test_header_cache(self):
        pylons.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
        pylons.response.headers['x-powered-by'] = 'pylons'
        return "Hello folks, time is %s" % time.time()

    test_header_cache = beaker_cache()(test_header_cache)
Пример #11
def base_link(ext, *sources, **options):
    """Base function that glues all logic together.

    It parses options and calls :func:`minify_sources` or :func:`combine_sources`
    if apropriate.

    :param ext: js or css helper
    :param sources: paths to your files
    :param combined: if True combines sources into one file
    :param minified: if True minifies javascript or css files
    :param beaker_kwargs: Beaker options to pass to caching decorators
    :param combined_filename: filename that will be used when combining files
    :param timestamp: append `time.time` timestamp to file, eg. test.js?t=123012343
    :param strip_prefix: prefix to be stripped from `sources` URL list
    :type ext: string
    :type sources: string
    :type combined_filename: keyword arg
    :type combined: keyword arg
    :type minified: keyword arg
    :type beaker_kwargs: dict
    :type timestamp: bool
    :type strip_prefix: string
    :returns: HTML source code

    .. versionadded:: 0.3.1
        `beaker_kwargs` parameter

    .. versionadded:: 0.3.2
        `combined_filename` parameter

    .. versionadded:: 0.3.5
        `timestamp` parameter

    .. versionadded:: 0.3.6
        `strip_prefix` parameter
    filename = options.pop('combined_filename', False)
    combined = options.pop('combined', False)
    minified = options.pop('minified', False)
    timestamp = options.pop('timestamp', False)
    strip_prefix = options.pop('strip_prefix', False)
    beaker_options = options.pop('beaker_kwargs', False)
    fs_root = config.get('pylons.paths').get('static_files')
    stripped_sources = []

    if filename and not combined:
        raise ValueError("combined_filename=True specifies filename for"
            " combined=True parameter which is not set.")

    if not (config.get('debug', False) or options.get('builtins', False)):
        if beaker_options:

        if strip_prefix:
            stripped_sources = [source.replace(strip_prefix, '', 1)
                                for source in sources
                                if source.startswith(strip_prefix)]
            if stripped_sources:
                sources = stripped_sources

        if combined:
            # use beaker_cache decorator to cache the return value
            sources = beaker_cache(**beaker_kwargs)\
                (combine_sources)(list(sources), ext, fs_root,
                    filename, timestamp)

        if minified:
            # use beaker_cache decorator to cache the return value
            sources = beaker_cache(**beaker_kwargs)\
                (minify_sources)(list(sources), '.min.' + ext, fs_root, timestamp)

        if stripped_sources:
            sources = [strip_prefix + source for source in sources]

        sources = [url(source) for source in sources]

    if 'js' in ext:
        return __javascript_link(*sources, **options)
    if 'css' in ext:
        return __stylesheet_link(*sources, **options)
Пример #12
 def test_default_cache_decorator_func(self):
     def func():
         pylons.app_globals.counter += 1
         return 'Counter=%s' % pylons.app_globals.counter
     func = beaker_cache(key=None)(func)
     return func()