def PrestackInversion(data, theta, wav, m0=None, linearization='akirich', explicit=False, simultaneous=False, epsI=None, epsR=None, dottest=False, returnres=False, epsRL1=None, kind='centered', **kwargs_solver): r"""Pre-stack linearized seismic inversion. Invert pre-stack seismic operator to retrieve a set of elastic property profiles from band-limited seismic pre-stack data (i.e., angle gathers). Depending on the choice of input parameters, inversion can be trace-by-trace with explicit operator or global with either explicit or linear operator. Parameters ---------- data : :obj:`np.ndarray` Band-limited seismic post-stack data of size :math:`[(n_{lins} \times) n_{t0} \times n_{\theta} (\times n_x \times n_y)]` theta : :obj:`np.ndarray` Incident angles in degrees wav : :obj:`np.ndarray` Wavelet in time domain (must had odd number of elements and centered to zero) m0 : :obj:`np.ndarray`, optional Background model of size :math:`[n_{t0} \times n_{m} (\times n_x \times n_y)]` linearization : :obj:`str` or :obj:`list`, optional choice of linearization, ``akirich``: Aki-Richards, ``fatti``: Fatti ``PS``: PS or a combination of them (required only when ``m0`` is ``None``). explicit : :obj:`bool`, optional Create a chained linear operator (``False``, preferred for large data) or a ``MatrixMult`` linear operator with dense matrix (``True``, preferred for small data) simultaneous : :obj:`bool`, optional Simultaneously invert entire data (``True``) or invert trace-by-trace (``False``) when using ``explicit`` operator (note that the entire data is always inverted when working with linear operator) epsI : :obj:`float` or :obj:`list`, optional Damping factor(s) for Tikhonov regularization term. If a list of :math:`n_{m}` elements is provided, the regularization term will have different strenght for each elastic property epsR : :obj:`float`, optional Damping factor for additional Laplacian regularization term dottest : :obj:`bool`, optional Apply dot-test returnres : :obj:`bool`, optional Return residuals epsRL1 : :obj:`float`, optional Damping factor for additional blockiness regularization term kind : :obj:`str`, optional Derivative kind (``forward`` or ``centered``). **kwargs_solver Arbitrary keyword arguments for :py:func:`scipy.linalg.lstsq` solver (if ``explicit=True`` and ``epsR=None``) or :py:func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr` solver (if ``explicit=False`` and/or ``epsR`` is not ``None``)) Returns ------- minv : :obj:`np.ndarray` Inverted model of size :math:`[n_{t0} \times n_{m} (\times n_x \times n_y)]` datar : :obj:`np.ndarray` Residual data (i.e., data - background data) of size :math:`[n_{t0} \times n_{\theta} (\times n_x \times n_y)]` Notes ----- The different choices of cost functions and solvers used in the seismic pre-stack inversion module follow the same convention of the seismic post-stack inversion module. Refer to :py:func:`pylops.avo.poststack.PoststackInversion` for more details. """ ncp = get_array_module(data) # find out dimensions if m0 is None and linearization is None: raise NotImplementedError('either m0 or linearization ' 'must be provided') elif m0 is None: if isinstance(linearization, str): nm = _linearizations[linearization] else: nm = _linearizations[linearization[0]] else: nm = m0.shape[1] data_shape = data.shape data_ndim = data.ndim n_lins = 1 multi = 0 if not isinstance(linearization, str): n_lins = data_shape[0] data_shape = data_shape[1:] data_ndim -= 1 multi = 1 if data_ndim == 2: dims = 1 nt0, ntheta = data_shape nspat = None nspatprod = nx = 1 elif data_ndim == 3: dims = 2 nt0, ntheta, nx = data_shape nspat = (nx, ) nspatprod = nx else: dims = 3 nt0, ntheta, nx, ny = data_shape nspat = (nx, ny) nspatprod = nx * ny data = data.reshape(nt0, ntheta, nspatprod) # check if background model and data have same shape if m0 is not None: if nt0 != m0.shape[0] or\ (dims >= 2 and nx != m0.shape[2]) or\ (dims == 3 and ny != m0.shape[3]): raise ValueError('data and m0 must have same time and space axes') # create operator if isinstance(linearization, str): # single operator PPop = PrestackLinearModelling(wav, theta, nt0=nt0, spatdims=nspat, linearization=linearization, explicit=explicit, kind=kind) else: # multiple operators if not isinstance(wav, (list, tuple)): wav = [ wav, ] * n_lins PPop = [ PrestackLinearModelling(w, theta, nt0=nt0, spatdims=nspat, linearization=lin, explicit=explicit) for w, lin in zip(wav, linearization) ] if explicit: PPop = MatrixMult(np.vstack([Op.A for Op in PPop]), dims=nspat, dtype=PPop[0].A.dtype) else: PPop = VStack(PPop) if dottest: Dottest(PPop, n_lins * nt0 * ntheta * nspatprod, nt0 * nm * nspatprod, raiseerror=True, verb=True, backend=get_module_name(ncp)) # swap axes for explicit operator if explicit: data = data.swapaxes(0 + multi, 1 + multi) if m0 is not None: m0 = m0.swapaxes(0, 1) # invert model if epsR is None: # create and remove background data from original data datar = data.flatten() if m0 is None else \ data.flatten() - PPop * m0.flatten() # inversion without spatial regularization if explicit: if epsI is None and not simultaneous: # solve unregularized equations indipendently trace-by-trace minv = \ get_lstsq(data)(PPop.A, datar.reshape(n_lins*nt0*ntheta, nspatprod).squeeze(), **kwargs_solver)[0] elif epsI is None and simultaneous: # solve unregularized equations simultaneously if ncp == np: minv = lsqr(PPop, datar, **kwargs_solver)[0] else: minv = cgls(PPop, datar, x0=ncp.zeros(int(PPop.shape[1]), PPop.dtype), **kwargs_solver)[0] elif epsI is not None: # create regularized normal equations PP =, PPop.A) + \ epsI * ncp.eye(nt0*nm, dtype=PPop.A.dtype) datarn =, datar.reshape(nt0 * ntheta, nspatprod)) if not simultaneous: # solve regularized normal eqs. trace-by-trace minv = get_lstsq(data)(PP, datarn, **kwargs_solver)[0] else: # solve regularized normal equations simultaneously PPop_reg = MatrixMult(PP, dims=nspatprod) if ncp == np: minv = lsqr(PPop_reg, datarn.ravel(), **kwargs_solver)[0] else: minv = cgls(PPop_reg, datarn.ravel(), x0=ncp.zeros(int(PPop_reg.shape[1]), PPop_reg.dtype), **kwargs_solver)[0] #else: # # create regularized normal eqs. and solve them simultaneously # PP =, PPop.A) + epsI * np.eye(nt0*nm) # datarn = PPop.A.T * datar.reshape(nt0*ntheta, nspatprod) # PPop_reg = MatrixMult(PP, dims=ntheta*nspatprod) # minv = lstsq(PPop_reg, datarn.flatten(), **kwargs_solver)[0] else: # solve unregularized normal equations simultaneously with lop if ncp == np: minv = lsqr(PPop, datar, **kwargs_solver)[0] else: minv = cgls(PPop, datar, x0=ncp.zeros(int(PPop.shape[1]), PPop.dtype), **kwargs_solver)[0] else: # Create Thicknov regularization if epsI is not None: if isinstance(epsI, (list, tuple)): if len(epsI) != nm: raise ValueError('epsI must be a scalar or a list of' 'size nm') RegI = Diagonal(np.array(epsI), dims=(nt0, nm, nspatprod), dir=1) else: RegI = epsI * Identity(nt0 * nm * nspatprod) if epsRL1 is None: # L2 inversion with spatial regularization if dims == 1: Regop = SecondDerivative(nt0 * nm, dtype=PPop.dtype, dims=(nt0, nm)) elif dims == 2: Regop = Laplacian((nt0, nm, nx), dirs=(0, 2), dtype=PPop.dtype) else: Regop = Laplacian((nt0, nm, nx, ny), dirs=(2, 3), dtype=PPop.dtype) if epsI is None: Regop = (Regop, ) epsR = (epsR, ) else: Regop = (Regop, RegI) epsR = (epsR, 1) minv = \ RegularizedInversion(PPop, Regop, data.ravel(), x0=m0.flatten() if m0 is not None else None, epsRs=epsR, returninfo=False, **kwargs_solver) else: # Blockiness-promoting inversion with spatial regularization if dims == 1: RegL1op = FirstDerivative(nt0 * nm, dtype=PPop.dtype) RegL2op = None elif dims == 2: RegL1op = FirstDerivative(nt0 * nx * nm, dims=(nt0, nm, nx), dir=0, dtype=PPop.dtype) RegL2op = SecondDerivative(nt0 * nx * nm, dims=(nt0, nm, nx), dir=2, dtype=PPop.dtype) else: RegL1op = FirstDerivative(nt0 * nx * ny * nm, dims=(nt0, nm, nx, ny), dir=0, dtype=PPop.dtype) RegL2op = Laplacian((nt0, nm, nx, ny), dirs=(2, 3), dtype=PPop.dtype) if dims == 1: if epsI is not None: RegL2op = (RegI, ) epsR = (1, ) else: if epsI is None: RegL2op = (RegL2op, ) epsR = (epsR, ) else: RegL2op = (RegL2op, RegI) epsR = (epsR, 1) epsRL1 = (epsRL1, ) if 'mu' in kwargs_solver.keys(): mu = kwargs_solver['mu'] kwargs_solver.pop('mu') else: mu = 1. if 'niter_outer' in kwargs_solver.keys(): niter_outer = kwargs_solver['niter_outer'] kwargs_solver.pop('niter_outer') else: niter_outer = 3 if 'niter_inner' in kwargs_solver.keys(): niter_inner = kwargs_solver['niter_inner'] kwargs_solver.pop('niter_inner') else: niter_inner = 5 minv = SplitBregman(PPop, (RegL1op, ), data.ravel(), RegsL2=RegL2op, epsRL1s=epsRL1, epsRL2s=epsR, mu=mu, niter_outer=niter_outer, niter_inner=niter_inner, x0=None if m0 is None else m0.flatten(), **kwargs_solver)[0] # compute residual if returnres: if epsR is None: datar -= PPop * minv.ravel() else: datar = data.ravel() - PPop * minv.ravel() # re-swap axes for explicit operator if explicit: if m0 is not None: m0 = m0.swapaxes(0, 1) # reshape inverted model and residual data if dims == 1: if explicit: minv = minv.reshape(nm, nt0).swapaxes(0, 1) if returnres: datar = datar.reshape(n_lins, ntheta, nt0).squeeze().swapaxes( 0 + multi, 1 + multi) else: minv = minv.reshape(nt0, nm) if returnres: datar = datar.reshape(n_lins, nt0, ntheta).squeeze() elif dims == 2: if explicit: minv = minv.reshape(nm, nt0, nx).swapaxes(0, 1) if returnres: datar = datar.reshape(n_lins, ntheta, nt0, nx).squeeze().swapaxes( 0 + multi, 1 + multi) else: minv = minv.reshape(nt0, nm, nx) if returnres: datar = datar.reshape(n_lins, nt0, ntheta, nx).squeeze() else: if explicit: minv = minv.reshape(nm, nt0, nx, ny).swapaxes(0, 1) if returnres: datar = datar.reshape(n_lins, ntheta, nt0, nx, ny).squeeze().swapaxes( 0 + multi, 1 + multi) else: minv = minv.reshape(nt0, nm, nx, ny) if returnres: datar = datar.reshape(n_lins, nt0, ntheta, nx, ny).squeeze() if m0 is not None and epsR is None: minv = minv + m0 if returnres: return minv, datar else: return minv
def FISTA(Op, data, niter, eps=0.1, alpha=None, eigsiter=None, eigstol=0, tol=1e-10, returninfo=False, show=False, threshkind='soft', perc=None, callback=None): r"""Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm (FISTA). Solve an optimization problem with :math:`L1` regularization function given the operator ``Op`` and data ``y``. The operator can be real or complex, and should ideally be either square :math:`N=M` or underdetermined :math:`N<M`. Parameters ---------- Op : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` Operator to invert data : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Data niter : :obj:`int` Number of iterations eps : :obj:`float`, optional Sparsity damping alpha : :obj:`float`, optional Step size (:math:`\alpha \le 1/\lambda_{max}(\mathbf{Op}^H\mathbf{Op})` guarantees convergence. If ``None``, the maximum eigenvalue is estimated and the optimal step size is chosen. If provided, the condition will not be checked internally). eigsiter : :obj:`int`, optional Number of iterations for eigenvalue estimation if ``alpha=None`` eigstol : :obj:`float`, optional Tolerance for eigenvalue estimation if ``alpha=None`` tol : :obj:`float`, optional Tolerance. Stop iterations if difference between inverted model at subsequent iterations is smaller than ``tol`` returninfo : :obj:`bool`, optional Return info of FISTA solver show : :obj:`bool`, optional Display iterations log threshkind : :obj:`str`, optional Kind of thresholding ('hard', 'soft', 'half', 'soft-percentile', or 'half-percentile' - 'soft' used as default) perc : :obj:`float`, optional Percentile, as percentage of values to be kept by thresholding (to be provided when thresholding is soft-percentile or half-percentile) callback : :obj:`callable`, optional Function with signature (``callback(x)``) to call after each iteration where ``x`` is the current model vector Returns ------- xinv : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Inverted model niter : :obj:`int` Number of effective iterations cost : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional History of cost function Raises ------ NotImplementedError If ``threshkind`` is different from hard, soft, half, soft-percentile, or half-percentile ValueError If ``perc=None`` when ``threshkind`` is soft-percentile or half-percentile See Also -------- OMP: Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP). ISTA: Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm (ISTA). SPGL1: Spectral Projected-Gradient for L1 norm (SPGL1). SplitBregman: Split Bregman for mixed L2-L1 norms. Notes ----- Solves the following optimization problem for the operator :math:`\mathbf{Op}` and the data :math:`\mathbf{d}`: .. math:: J = ||\mathbf{d} - \mathbf{Op} \mathbf{x}||_2^2 + \epsilon ||\mathbf{x}||_p using the Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm (FISTA) [1]_, where :math:`p=0, 1, 1/2`. This is a modified version of ISTA solver with improved convergence properties and limited additional computational cost. Similarly to the ISTA solver, the choice of the thresholding algorithm to apply at every iteration is based on the choice of :math:`p`. .. [1] Beck, A., and Teboulle, M., “A Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm for Linear Inverse Problems”, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, vol. 2, pp. 183-202. 2009. """ if not threshkind in ['hard', 'soft', 'half', 'hard-percentile', 'soft-percentile', 'half-percentile']: raise NotImplementedError('threshkind should be hard, soft, half,' 'hard-percentile, soft-percentile, ' 'or half-percentile') if threshkind in ['hard-percentile', 'soft-percentile', 'half-percentile'] and perc is None: raise ValueError('Provide a percentile when choosing hard-percentile,' 'soft-percentile, or half-percentile thresholding') # choose thresholding function if threshkind == 'soft': threshf = _softthreshold elif threshkind == 'hard': threshf = _hardthreshold elif threshkind == 'half': threshf = _halfthreshold elif threshkind == 'hard-percentile': threshf = _hardthreshold_percentile elif threshkind == 'soft-percentile': threshf = _softthreshold_percentile else: threshf = _halfthreshold_percentile # identify backend to use ncp = get_array_module(data) if show: tstart = time.time() print('FISTA optimization (%s thresholding)\n' '-----------------------------------------------------------\n' 'The Operator Op has %d rows and %d cols\n' 'eps = %10e\ttol = %10e\tniter = %d' % (threshkind, Op.shape[0], Op.shape[1], eps, tol, niter)) # step size if alpha is None: if not isinstance(Op, LinearOperator): Op = LinearOperator(Op, explicit=False) # compute largest eigenvalues of Op^H * Op Op1 = LinearOperator(Op.H * Op, explicit=False) if get_module_name(ncp) == 'numpy': maxeig = np.abs(Op1.eigs(neigs=1, symmetric=True, niter=eigsiter, **dict(tol=eigstol, which='LM')))[0] else: maxeig = np.abs(power_iteration(Op1, niter=eigsiter, tol=eigstol, dtype=Op1.dtype, backend='cupy')[0]) alpha = 1. / maxeig # define threshold thresh = eps * alpha * 0.5 if show: if perc is None: print('alpha = %10e\tthresh = %10e' % (alpha, thresh)) else: print('alpha = %10e\tperc = %.1f' % (alpha, perc)) print('-----------------------------------------------------------\n') head1 = ' Itn x[0] r2norm r12norm xupdate' print(head1) # initialize model and cost function xinv = ncp.zeros(int(Op.shape[1]), dtype=Op.dtype) zinv = xinv.copy() t = 1 if returninfo: cost = np.zeros(niter + 1) # iterate for iiter in range(niter): xinvold = xinv.copy() # compute residual resz = data - Op.matvec(zinv) # compute gradient grad = alpha * Op.rmatvec(resz) # update inverted model xinv_unthesh = zinv + grad if perc is None: xinv = threshf(xinv_unthesh, thresh) else: xinv = threshf(xinv_unthesh, 100 - perc) # update auxiliary coefficients told = t t = (1. + np.sqrt(1. + 4. * t ** 2)) / 2. zinv = xinv + ((told - 1.) / t) * (xinv - xinvold) # model update xupdate = np.linalg.norm(xinv - xinvold) if returninfo or show: costdata = 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(data - Op.matvec(xinv)) ** 2 costreg = eps * np.linalg.norm(xinv, ord=1) if returninfo: cost[iiter] = costdata + costreg # run callback if callback is not None: callback(xinv) if show: if iiter < 10 or niter - iiter < 10 or iiter % 10 == 0: msg = '%6g %12.5e %10.3e %9.3e %10.3e' % \ (iiter + 1, to_numpy(xinv[:2])[0], costdata, costdata + costreg, xupdate) print(msg) # check tolerance if xupdate < tol: niter = iiter break # get values pre-threshold at locations where xinv is different from zero # xinv = np.where(xinv != 0, xinv_unthesh, xinv) if show: print('\nIterations = %d Total time (s) = %.2f' % (niter, time.time() - tstart)) print('---------------------------------------------------------\n') if returninfo: return xinv, niter, cost[:niter] else: return xinv, niter
def MDD( G, d, dt=0.004, dr=1.0, nfmax=None, wav=None, twosided=True, causality_precond=False, adjoint=False, psf=False, dtype="float64", dottest=False, saveGt=True, add_negative=True, smooth_precond=0, fftengine="numpy", **kwargs_solver ): r"""Multi-dimensional deconvolution. Solve multi-dimensional deconvolution problem using :py:func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr` iterative solver. Parameters ---------- G : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Multi-dimensional convolution kernel in time domain of size :math:`[n_s \times n_r \times n_t]` for ``twosided=False`` or ``twosided=True`` and ``add_negative=True`` (with only positive times) or size :math:`[n_s \times n_r \times 2n_t-1]` for ``twosided=True`` and ``add_negative=False`` (with both positive and negative times) d : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Data in time domain :math:`[n_s \,(\times n_{vs}) \times n_t]` if ``twosided=False`` or ``twosided=True`` and ``add_negative=True`` (with only positive times) or size :math:`[n_s \,(\times n_{vs}) \times 2n_t-1]` if ``twosided=True`` dt : :obj:`float`, optional Sampling of time integration axis dr : :obj:`float`, optional Sampling of receiver integration axis nfmax : :obj:`int`, optional Index of max frequency to include in deconvolution process wav : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Wavelet to convolve to the inverted model and psf (must be centered around its index in the middle of the array). If ``None``, the outputs of the inversion are returned directly. twosided : :obj:`bool`, optional MDC operator and data both negative and positive time (``True``) or only positive (``False``) add_negative : :obj:`bool`, optional Add negative side to MDC operator and data (``True``) or not (``False``)- operator and data are already provided with both positive and negative sides. To be used only with ``twosided=True``. causality_precond : :obj:`bool`, optional Apply causality mask (``True``) or not (``False``) smooth_precond : :obj:`int`, optional Lenght of smoothing to apply to causality preconditioner adjoint : :obj:`bool`, optional Compute and return adjoint(s) psf : :obj:`bool`, optional Compute and return Point Spread Function (PSF) and its inverse dtype : :obj:`bool`, optional Type of elements in input array. dottest : :obj:`bool`, optional Apply dot-test saveGt : :obj:`bool`, optional Save ``G`` and ``G.H`` to speed up the computation of adjoint of :class:`pylops.signalprocessing.Fredholm1` (``True``) or create ``G.H`` on-the-fly (``False``) Note that ``saveGt=True`` will be faster but double the amount of required memory fftengine : :obj:`str`, optional Engine used for fft computation (``numpy``, ``scipy`` or ``fftw``) **kwargs_solver Arbitrary keyword arguments for chosen solver (:py:func:`` and :py:func:`` are used as default for numpy and cupy `data`, respectively) Returns ------- minv : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Inverted model of size :math:`[n_r \,(\times n_{vs}) \times n_t]` for ``twosided=False`` or :math:`[n_r \,(\times n_vs) \times 2n_t-1]` for ``twosided=True`` madj : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Adjoint model of size :math:`[n_r \,(\times n_{vs}) \times n_t]` for ``twosided=False`` or :math:`[n_r \,(\times n_r) \times 2n_t-1]` for ``twosided=True`` psfinv : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Inverted psf of size :math:`[n_r \times n_r \times n_t]` for ``twosided=False`` or :math:`[n_r \times n_r \times 2n_t-1]` for ``twosided=True`` psfadj : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Adjoint psf of size :math:`[n_r \times n_r \times n_t]` for ``twosided=False`` or :math:`[n_r \times n_r \times 2n_t-1]` for ``twosided=True`` See Also -------- MDC : Multi-dimensional convolution Notes ----- Multi-dimensional deconvolution (MDD) is a mathematical ill-solved problem, well-known in the image processing and geophysical community [1]_. MDD aims at removing the effects of a Multi-dimensional Convolution (MDC) kernel or the so-called blurring operator or point-spread function (PSF) from a given data. It can be written as .. math:: \mathbf{d}= \mathbf{D} \mathbf{m} or, equivalently, by means of its normal equation .. math:: \mathbf{m}= (\mathbf{D}^H\mathbf{D})^{-1} \mathbf{D}^H\mathbf{d} where :math:`\mathbf{D}^H\mathbf{D}` is the PSF. .. [1] Wapenaar, K., van der Neut, J., Ruigrok, E., Draganov, D., Hunziker, J., Slob, E., Thorbecke, J., and Snieder, R., "Seismic interferometry by crosscorrelation and by multi-dimensional deconvolution: a systematic comparison", Geophyscial Journal International, vol. 185, pp. 1335-1364. 2011. """ ncp = get_array_module(d) ns, nr, nt = G.shape if len(d.shape) == 2: nv = 1 else: nv = d.shape[1] if twosided: if add_negative: nt2 = 2 * nt - 1 else: nt2 = nt nt = (nt2 + 1) // 2 nfmax_allowed = int(np.ceil((nt2 + 1) / 2)) else: nt2 = nt nfmax_allowed = nt # Fix nfmax to be at maximum equal to half of the size of fft samples if nfmax is None or nfmax > nfmax_allowed: nfmax = nfmax_allowed logging.warning("nfmax set equal to ceil[(nt+1)/2=%d]" % nfmax) # Add negative part to data and model if twosided and add_negative: G = np.concatenate((ncp.zeros((ns, nr, nt - 1)), G), axis=-1) d = np.concatenate((np.squeeze(np.zeros((ns, nv, nt - 1))), d), axis=-1) # Bring kernel to frequency domain Gfft = np.fft.rfft(G, nt2, axis=-1) Gfft = Gfft[..., :nfmax] # Bring frequency/time to first dimension Gfft = np.moveaxis(Gfft, -1, 0) d = np.moveaxis(d, -1, 0) if psf: G = np.moveaxis(G, -1, 0) # Define MDC linear operator MDCop = MDC( Gfft, nt2, nv=nv, dt=dt, dr=dr, twosided=twosided, transpose=False, saveGt=saveGt, fftengine=fftengine, ) if psf: PSFop = MDC( Gfft, nt2, nv=nr, dt=dt, dr=dr, twosided=twosided, transpose=False, saveGt=saveGt, fftengine=fftengine, ) if dottest: Dottest( MDCop, nt2 * ns * nv, nt2 * nr * nv, verb=True, backend=get_module_name(ncp) ) if psf: Dottest( PSFop, nt2 * ns * nr, nt2 * nr * nr, verb=True, backend=get_module_name(ncp), ) # Adjoint if adjoint: madj = MDCop.H * d.ravel() madj = np.squeeze(madj.reshape(nt2, nr, nv)) madj = np.moveaxis(madj, 0, -1) if psf: psfadj = PSFop.H * G.ravel() psfadj = np.squeeze(psfadj.reshape(nt2, nr, nr)) psfadj = np.moveaxis(psfadj, 0, -1) # Inverse if twosided and causality_precond: P = np.ones((nt2, nr, nv)) P[: nt - 1] = 0 if smooth_precond > 0: P = filtfilt(np.ones(smooth_precond) / smooth_precond, 1, P, axis=0) P = to_cupy_conditional(d, P) Pop = Diagonal(P) minv = PreconditionedInversion( MDCop, Pop, d.ravel(), returninfo=False, **kwargs_solver ) else: if ncp == np and "callback" not in kwargs_solver: minv = lsqr(MDCop, d.ravel(), **kwargs_solver)[0] else: minv = cgls( MDCop, d.ravel(), ncp.zeros(int(MDCop.shape[1]), dtype=MDCop.dtype), **kwargs_solver )[0] minv = np.squeeze(minv.reshape(nt2, nr, nv)) minv = np.moveaxis(minv, 0, -1) if wav is not None: wav1 = wav.copy() for _ in range(minv.ndim - 1): wav1 = wav1[ncp.newaxis] minv = get_fftconvolve(d)(minv, wav1, mode="same") if psf: if ncp == np: psfinv = lsqr(PSFop, G.ravel(), **kwargs_solver)[0] else: psfinv = cgls( PSFop, G.ravel(), ncp.zeros(int(PSFop.shape[1]), dtype=PSFop.dtype), **kwargs_solver )[0] psfinv = np.squeeze(psfinv.reshape(nt2, nr, nr)) psfinv = np.moveaxis(psfinv, 0, -1) if wav is not None: wav1 = wav.copy() for _ in range(psfinv.ndim - 1): wav1 = wav1[np.newaxis] psfinv = get_fftconvolve(d)(psfinv, wav1, mode="same") if adjoint and psf: return minv, madj, psfinv, psfadj elif adjoint: return minv, madj elif psf: return minv, psfinv else: return minv
def ISTA(Op, data, niter, eps=0.1, alpha=None, eigsiter=None, eigstol=0, tol=1e-10, monitorres=False, returninfo=False, show=False, threshkind='soft', perc=None, callback=None): r"""Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm (ISTA). Solve an optimization problem with :math:`Lp, \quad p=0, 1/2, 1` regularization, given the operator ``Op`` and data ``y``. The operator can be real or complex, and should ideally be either square :math:`N=M` or underdetermined :math:`N<M`. Parameters ---------- Op : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` Operator to invert data : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Data niter : :obj:`int` Number of iterations eps : :obj:`float`, optional Sparsity damping alpha : :obj:`float`, optional Step size (:math:`\alpha \le 1/\lambda_{max}(\mathbf{Op}^H\mathbf{Op})` guarantees convergence. If ``None``, the maximum eigenvalue is estimated and the optimal step size is chosen. If provided, the condition will not be checked internally). eigsiter : :obj:`float`, optional Number of iterations for eigenvalue estimation if ``alpha=None`` eigstol : :obj:`float`, optional Tolerance for eigenvalue estimation if ``alpha=None`` tol : :obj:`float`, optional Tolerance. Stop iterations if difference between inverted model at subsequent iterations is smaller than ``tol`` monitorres : :obj:`bool`, optional Monitor that residual is decreasing returninfo : :obj:`bool`, optional Return info of CG solver show : :obj:`bool`, optional Display iterations log threshkind : :obj:`str`, optional Kind of thresholding ('hard', 'soft', 'half', 'hard-percentile', 'soft-percentile', or 'half-percentile' - 'soft' used as default) perc : :obj:`float`, optional Percentile, as percentage of values to be kept by thresholding (to be provided when thresholding is soft-percentile or half-percentile) callback : :obj:`callable`, optional Function with signature (``callback(x)``) to call after each iteration where ``x`` is the current model vector Returns ------- xinv : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Inverted model niter : :obj:`int` Number of effective iterations cost : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional History of cost function Raises ------ NotImplementedError If ``threshkind`` is different from hard, soft, half, soft-percentile, or half-percentile ValueError If ``perc=None`` when ``threshkind`` is soft-percentile or half-percentile ValueError If ``monitorres=True`` and residual increases See Also -------- OMP: Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP). FISTA: Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm (FISTA). SPGL1: Spectral Projected-Gradient for L1 norm (SPGL1). SplitBregman: Split Bregman for mixed L2-L1 norms. Notes ----- Solves the following optimization problem for the operator :math:`\mathbf{Op}` and the data :math:`\mathbf{d}`: .. math:: J = ||\mathbf{d} - \mathbf{Op} \mathbf{x}||_2^2 + \epsilon ||\mathbf{x}||_p using the Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithms (ISTA) [1]_, where :math:`p=0, 1, 1/2`. This is a very simple iterative algorithm which applies the following step: .. math:: \mathbf{x}^{(i+1)} = T_{(\epsilon \alpha /2, p)} (\mathbf{x}^{(i)} + \alpha \mathbf{Op}^H (\mathbf{d} - \mathbf{Op} \mathbf{x}^{(i)})) where :math:`\epsilon \alpha /2` is the threshold and :math:`T_{(\tau, p)}` is the thresholding rule. The most common variant of ISTA uses the so-called soft-thresholding rule :math:`T(\tau, p=1)`. Alternatively an hard-thresholding rule is used in the case of `p=0` or a half-thresholding rule is used in the case of `p=1/2`. Finally, percentile bases thresholds are also implemented: the damping factor is not used anymore an the threshold changes at every iteration based on the computed percentile. .. [1] Daubechies, I., Defrise, M., and De Mol, C., “An iterative thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems with a sparsity constraint”, Communications on pure and applied mathematics, vol. 57, pp. 1413-1457. 2004. """ if not threshkind in ['hard', 'soft', 'half', 'hard-percentile', 'soft-percentile', 'half-percentile']: raise NotImplementedError('threshkind should be hard, soft, half,' 'hard-percentile, soft-percentile, ' 'or half-percentile') if threshkind in ['hard-percentile', 'soft-percentile', 'half-percentile'] and perc is None: raise ValueError('Provide a percentile when choosing hard-percentile,' 'soft-percentile, or half-percentile thresholding') # choose thresholding function if threshkind == 'soft': threshf = _softthreshold elif threshkind == 'hard': threshf = _hardthreshold elif threshkind == 'half': threshf = _halfthreshold elif threshkind == 'hard-percentile': threshf = _hardthreshold_percentile elif threshkind == 'soft-percentile': threshf = _softthreshold_percentile else: threshf = _halfthreshold_percentile # identify backend to use ncp = get_array_module(data) if show: tstart = time.time() print('ISTA optimization (%s thresholding)\n' '-----------------------------------------------------------\n' 'The Operator Op has %d rows and %d cols\n' 'eps = %10e\ttol = %10e\tniter = %d' % (threshkind, Op.shape[0], Op.shape[1], eps, tol, niter)) # step size if alpha is None: if not isinstance(Op, LinearOperator): Op = LinearOperator(Op, explicit=False) # compute largest eigenvalues of Op^H * Op Op1 = LinearOperator(Op.H * Op, explicit=False) if get_module_name(ncp) == 'numpy': maxeig = np.abs(Op1.eigs(neigs=1, symmetric=True, niter=eigsiter, **dict(tol=eigstol, which='LM'))[0]) else: maxeig = np.abs(power_iteration(Op1, niter=eigsiter, tol=eigstol, dtype=Op1.dtype, backend='cupy')[0]) alpha = 1./maxeig # define threshold thresh = eps * alpha * 0.5 if show: if perc is None: print('alpha = %10e\tthresh = %10e' % (alpha, thresh)) else: print('alpha = %10e\tperc = %.1f' % (alpha, perc)) print('-----------------------------------------------------------\n') head1 = ' Itn x[0] r2norm r12norm xupdate' print(head1) # initialize model and cost function xinv = ncp.zeros(int(Op.shape[1]), dtype=Op.dtype) if monitorres: normresold = np.inf if returninfo: cost = np.zeros(niter+1) # iterate for iiter in range(niter): xinvold = xinv.copy() # compute residual res = data - Op.matvec(xinv) if monitorres: normres = np.linalg.norm(res) if normres > normresold: raise ValueError('ISTA stopped at iteration %d due to ' 'residual increasing, consider modifying ' 'eps and/or alpha...' % iiter) else: normresold = normres # compute gradient grad = alpha * Op.rmatvec(res) # update inverted model xinv_unthesh = xinv + grad if perc is None: xinv = threshf(xinv_unthesh, thresh) else: xinv = threshf(xinv_unthesh, 100 - perc) # model update xupdate = np.linalg.norm(xinv - xinvold) if returninfo or show: costdata = 0.5 * np.linalg.norm(res) ** 2 costreg = eps * np.linalg.norm(xinv, ord=1) if returninfo: cost[iiter] = costdata + costreg # run callback if callback is not None: callback(xinv) if show: if iiter < 10 or niter - iiter < 10 or iiter % 10 == 0: msg = '%6g %12.5e %10.3e %9.3e %10.3e' % \ (iiter+1, to_numpy(xinv[:2])[0], costdata, costdata + costreg, xupdate) print(msg) # check tolerance if xupdate < tol: logging.warning('update smaller that tolerance for ' 'iteration %d' % iiter) niter = iiter break # get values pre-threshold at locations where xinv is different from zero # xinv = np.where(xinv != 0, xinv_unthesh, xinv) if show: print('\nIterations = %d Total time (s) = %.2f' % (niter, time.time() - tstart)) print('---------------------------------------------------------\n') if returninfo: return xinv, niter, cost[:niter] else: return xinv, niter
def apply_multiplepoints(self, trav, G0=None, nfft=None, rtm=False, greens=False, dottest=False, usematmul=False, **kwargs_solver): r"""Marchenko redatuming for multiple points Solve the Marchenko redatuming inverse problem for multiple points given their direct arrival traveltime curves (``trav``) and waveforms (``G0``). Parameters ---------- trav : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Traveltime of first arrival from subsurface points to surface receivers of size :math:`[n_r \times n_{vs}]` G0 : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Direct arrival in time domain of size :math:`[n_r \times n_{vs} \times n_t]` (if None, create arrival using ``trav``) nfft : :obj:`int`, optional Number of samples in fft when creating the analytical direct wave rtm : :obj:`bool`, optional Compute and return rtm redatuming greens : :obj:`bool`, optional Compute and return Green's functions dottest : :obj:`bool`, optional Apply dot-test usematmul : :obj:`bool`, optional Use :func:`numpy.matmul` (``True``) or for-loop with :func:`` (``False``) in :py:class:`pylops.signalprocessing.Fredholm1` operator. Refer to Fredholm1 documentation for details. **kwargs_solver Arbitrary keyword arguments for chosen solver (:py:func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr` and :py:func:`pylops.optimization.solver.cgls` are used as default for numpy and cupy `data`, respectively) Returns ---------- f1_inv_minus : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Inverted upgoing focusing function of size :math:`[n_r \times n_{vs} \times n_t]` f1_inv_plus : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Inverted downgoing focusing functionof size :math:`[n_r \times n_{vs} \times n_t]` p0_minus : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Single-scattering standard redatuming upgoing Green's function of size :math:`[n_r \times n_{vs} \times n_t]` g_inv_minus : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Inverted upgoing Green's function of size :math:`[n_r \times n_{vs} \times n_t]` g_inv_plus : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Inverted downgoing Green's function of size :math:`[n_r \times n_{vs} \times n_t]` """ nvs = trav.shape[1] # Create window trav_off = trav - self.toff trav_off = np.round(trav_off / self.dt).astype(int) w = np.zeros((, nvs, self.nt), dtype=self.dtype) for ir in range( for ivs in range(nvs): w[ir, ivs, :trav_off[ir, ivs]] = 1 w = np.concatenate((np.flip(w, axis=-1), w[:, :, 1:]), axis=-1) if self.nsmooth > 0: smooth = np.ones(self.nsmooth, dtype=self.dtype) / self.nsmooth w = filtfilt(smooth, 1, w) w = to_cupy_conditional(self.Rtwosided_fft, w) # Create operators Rop = MDC( self.Rtwosided_fft, self.nt2, nv=nvs, dt=self.dt, dr=self.dr, twosided=True, conj=False, fftengine=self.fftengine, transpose=False, prescaled=self.prescaled, usematmul=usematmul, dtype=self.dtype, ) R1op = MDC( self.Rtwosided_fft, self.nt2, nv=nvs, dt=self.dt, dr=self.dr, twosided=True, conj=True, fftengine=self.fftengine, transpose=False, prescaled=self.prescaled, usematmul=usematmul, dtype=self.dtype, ) Rollop = Roll( self.ns * nvs * self.nt2, dims=(self.nt2, self.ns, nvs), dir=0, shift=-1, dtype=self.dtype, ) Wop = Diagonal(w.transpose(2, 0, 1).ravel()) Iop = Identity( * nvs * self.nt2) Mop = Block([[Iop, -1 * Wop * Rop], [-1 * Wop * Rollop * R1op, Iop] ]) * BlockDiag([Wop, Wop]) Gop = Block([[Iop, -1 * Rop], [-1 * Rollop * R1op, Iop]]) if dottest: Dottest( Gop, 2 * * nvs * self.nt2, 2 * * nvs * self.nt2, raiseerror=True, verb=True, backend=get_module_name(self.ncp), ) if dottest: Dottest( Mop, 2 * self.ns * nvs * self.nt2, 2 * * nvs * self.nt2, raiseerror=True, verb=True, backend=get_module_name(self.ncp), ) # Create input focusing function if G0 is None: if self.wav is not None and nfft is not None: G0 = np.zeros((, nvs, self.nt), dtype=self.dtype) for ivs in range(nvs): G0[:, ivs] = (directwave( self.wav, trav[:, ivs], self.nt, self.dt, nfft=nfft, derivative=True, )).T G0 = to_cupy_conditional(self.Rtwosided_fft, G0) else: logging.error("wav and/or nfft are not provided. " "Provide either G0 or wav and nfft...") raise ValueError("wav and/or nfft are not provided. " "Provide either G0 or wav and nfft...") fd_plus = np.concatenate(( np.flip(G0, axis=-1).transpose(2, 0, 1), self.ncp.zeros((self.nt - 1,, nvs), dtype=self.dtype), )) # Run standard redatuming as benchmark if rtm: p0_minus = Rop * fd_plus.ravel() p0_minus = p0_minus.reshape(self.nt2, self.ns, nvs).transpose(1, 2, 0) # Create data and inverse focusing functions d = Wop * Rop * fd_plus.ravel() d = np.concatenate(( d.reshape(self.nt2, self.ns, nvs), self.ncp.zeros((self.nt2, self.ns, nvs), dtype=self.dtype), )) # Invert for focusing functions if self.ncp == np: f1_inv = lsqr(Mop, d.ravel(), **kwargs_solver)[0] else: f1_inv = cgls(Mop, d.ravel(), x0=self.ncp.zeros(2 * (2 * self.nt - 1) * * nvs, dtype=self.dtype), **kwargs_solver)[0] f1_inv = f1_inv.reshape(2 * self.nt2,, nvs) f1_inv_tot = f1_inv + np.concatenate((self.ncp.zeros( (self.nt2,, nvs), dtype=self.dtype), fd_plus)) f1_inv_minus = f1_inv_tot[:self.nt2].transpose(1, 2, 0) f1_inv_plus = f1_inv_tot[self.nt2:].transpose(1, 2, 0) if greens: # Create Green's functions g_inv = Gop * f1_inv_tot.ravel() g_inv = g_inv.reshape(2 * self.nt2, self.ns, nvs) g_inv_minus = -g_inv[:self.nt2].transpose(1, 2, 0) g_inv_plus = np.flip(g_inv[self.nt2:], axis=0).transpose(1, 2, 0) if rtm and greens: return f1_inv_minus, f1_inv_plus, p0_minus, g_inv_minus, g_inv_plus elif rtm: return f1_inv_minus, f1_inv_plus, p0_minus elif greens: return f1_inv_minus, f1_inv_plus, g_inv_minus, g_inv_plus else: return f1_inv_minus, f1_inv_plus
def PoststackInversion(data, wav, m0=None, explicit=False, simultaneous=False, epsI=None, epsR=None, dottest=False, epsRL1=None, **kwargs_solver): r"""Post-stack linearized seismic inversion. Invert post-stack seismic operator to retrieve an elastic parameter of choice from band-limited seismic post-stack data. Depending on the choice of input parameters, inversion can be trace-by-trace with explicit operator or global with either explicit or linear operator. Parameters ---------- data : :obj:`np.ndarray` Band-limited seismic post-stack data of size :math:`[n_{t0} (\times n_x \times n_y)]` wav : :obj:`np.ndarray` Wavelet in time domain (must have odd number of elements and centered to zero). If 1d, assume stationary wavelet for the entire time axis. If 2d of size :math:`[n_{t0} \times n_h]` use as non-stationary wavelet m0 : :obj:`np.ndarray`, optional Background model of size :math:`[n_{t0} (\times n_x \times n_y)]` explicit : :obj:`bool`, optional Create a chained linear operator (``False``, preferred for large data) or a ``MatrixMult`` linear operator with dense matrix (``True``, preferred for small data) simultaneous : :obj:`bool`, optional Simultaneously invert entire data (``True``) or invert trace-by-trace (``False``) when using ``explicit`` operator (note that the entire data is always inverted when working with linear operator) epsI : :obj:`float`, optional Damping factor for Tikhonov regularization term epsR : :obj:`float`, optional Damping factor for additional Laplacian regularization term dottest : :obj:`bool`, optional Apply dot-test epsRL1 : :obj:`float`, optional Damping factor for additional blockiness regularization term **kwargs_solver Arbitrary keyword arguments for :py:func:`scipy.linalg.lstsq` solver (if ``explicit=True`` and ``epsR=None``) or :py:func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr` solver (if ``explicit=False`` and/or ``epsR`` is not ``None``) Returns ------- minv : :obj:`np.ndarray` Inverted model of size :math:`[n_{t0} (\times n_x \times n_y)]` datar : :obj:`np.ndarray` Residual data (i.e., data - background data) of size :math:`[n_{t0} (\times n_x \times n_y)]` Notes ----- The cost function and solver used in the seismic post-stack inversion module depends on the choice of ``explicit``, ``simultaneous``, ``epsI``, and ``epsR`` parameters: * ``explicit=True``, ``epsI=None`` and ``epsR=None``: the explicit solver :py:func:`scipy.linalg.lstsq` is used if ``simultaneous=False`` (or the iterative solver :py:func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr` is used if ``simultaneous=True``) * ``explicit=True`` with ``epsI`` and ``epsR=None``: the regularized normal equations :math:`\mathbf{W}^T\mathbf{d} = (\mathbf{W}^T \mathbf{W} + \epsilon_I^2 \mathbf{I}) \mathbf{AI}` are instead fed into the :py:func:`scipy.linalg.lstsq` solver if ``simultaneous=False`` (or the iterative solver :py:func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr` if ``simultaneous=True``) * ``explicit=False`` and ``epsR=None``: the iterative solver :py:func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr` is used * ``explicit=False`` with ``epsR`` and ``epsRL1=None``: the iterative solver :py:func:`pylops.optimization.leastsquares.RegularizedInversion` is used to solve the spatially regularized problem. * ``explicit=False`` with ``epsR`` and ``epsRL1``: the iterative solver :py:func:`pylops.optimization.sparsity.SplitBregman` is used to solve the blockiness-promoting (in vertical direction) and spatially regularized (in additional horizontal directions) problem. Note that the convergence of iterative solvers such as :py:func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr` can be very slow for this type of operator. It is suggested to take a two steps approach with first a trace-by-trace inversion using the explicit operator, followed by a regularized global inversion using the outcome of the previous inversion as initial guess. """ ncp = get_array_module(wav) # check if background model and data have same shape if m0 is not None and data.shape != m0.shape: raise ValueError('data and m0 must have same shape') # find out dimensions if data.ndim == 1: dims = 1 nt0 = data.size nspat = None nspatprod = nx = 1 elif data.ndim == 2: dims = 2 nt0, nx = data.shape nspat = (nx, ) nspatprod = nx else: dims = 3 nt0, nx, ny = data.shape nspat = (nx, ny) nspatprod = nx * ny data = data.reshape(nt0, nspatprod) # create operator PPop = PoststackLinearModelling(wav, nt0=nt0, spatdims=nspat, explicit=explicit) if dottest: Dottest(PPop, nt0 * nspatprod, nt0 * nspatprod, raiseerror=True, backend=get_module_name(ncp), verb=True) # create and remove background data from original data datar = data.flatten() if m0 is None else \ data.flatten() - PPop * m0.flatten() # invert model if epsR is None: # inversion without spatial regularization if explicit: if epsI is None and not simultaneous: # solve unregularized equations indipendently trace-by-trace minv = \ get_lstsq(data)(PPop.A, datar.reshape(nt0, nspatprod).squeeze(), **kwargs_solver)[0] elif epsI is None and simultaneous: # solve unregularized equations simultaneously if ncp == np: minv = lsqr(PPop, datar, **kwargs_solver)[0] else: minv = \ cgls(PPop, datar, x0=ncp.zeros(int(PPop.shape[1]), PPop.dtype), **kwargs_solver)[0] elif epsI is not None: # create regularized normal equations PP =, PPop.A) + \ epsI * ncp.eye(nt0, dtype=PPop.A.dtype) datarn =, datar.reshape(nt0, nspatprod)) if not simultaneous: # solve regularized normal eqs. trace-by-trace minv = get_lstsq(data)(PP, datarn, **kwargs_solver)[0] else: # solve regularized normal equations simultaneously PPop_reg = MatrixMult(PP, dims=nspatprod) if ncp == np: minv = lsqr(PPop_reg, datar.ravel(), **kwargs_solver)[0] else: minv = cgls(PPop_reg, datar.ravel(), x0=ncp.zeros(int(PPop_reg.shape[1]), PPop_reg.dtype), **kwargs_solver)[0] else: # create regularized normal eqs. and solve them simultaneously PP =, PPop.A) + \ epsI * ncp.eye(nt0, dtype=PPop.A.dtype) datarn = PPop.A.T * datar.reshape(nt0, nspatprod) PPop_reg = MatrixMult(PP, dims=nspatprod) minv = \ get_lstsq(data)(PPop_reg.A, datarn.flatten(), **kwargs_solver)[0] else: # solve unregularized normal equations simultaneously with lop if ncp == np: minv = lsqr(PPop, datar, **kwargs_solver)[0] else: minv = \ cgls(PPop, datar, x0=ncp.zeros(int(PPop.shape[1]), PPop.dtype), **kwargs_solver)[0] else: if epsRL1 is None: # L2 inversion with spatial regularization if dims == 1: Regop = SecondDerivative(nt0, dtype=PPop.dtype) elif dims == 2: Regop = Laplacian((nt0, nx), dtype=PPop.dtype) else: Regop = Laplacian((nt0, nx, ny), dirs=(1, 2), dtype=PPop.dtype) minv = RegularizedInversion( PPop, [Regop], data.flatten(), x0=None if m0 is None else m0.flatten(), epsRs=[epsR], returninfo=False, **kwargs_solver) else: # Blockiness-promoting inversion with spatial regularization if dims == 1: RegL1op = FirstDerivative(nt0, kind='forward', dtype=PPop.dtype) RegL2op = None elif dims == 2: RegL1op = FirstDerivative(nt0 * nx, dims=(nt0, nx), dir=0, kind='forward', dtype=PPop.dtype) RegL2op = SecondDerivative(nt0 * nx, dims=(nt0, nx), dir=1, dtype=PPop.dtype) else: RegL1op = FirstDerivative(nt0 * nx * ny, dims=(nt0, nx, ny), dir=0, kind='forward', dtype=PPop.dtype) RegL2op = Laplacian((nt0, nx, ny), dirs=(1, 2), dtype=PPop.dtype) if 'mu' in kwargs_solver.keys(): mu = kwargs_solver['mu'] kwargs_solver.pop('mu') else: mu = 1. if 'niter_outer' in kwargs_solver.keys(): niter_outer = kwargs_solver['niter_outer'] kwargs_solver.pop('niter_outer') else: niter_outer = 3 if 'niter_inner' in kwargs_solver.keys(): niter_inner = kwargs_solver['niter_inner'] kwargs_solver.pop('niter_inner') else: niter_inner = 5 if not isinstance(epsRL1, (list, tuple)): epsRL1 = list([epsRL1]) if not isinstance(epsR, (list, tuple)): epsR = list([epsR]) minv = SplitBregman(PPop, [RegL1op], data.ravel(), RegsL2=[RegL2op], epsRL1s=epsRL1, epsRL2s=epsR, mu=mu, niter_outer=niter_outer, niter_inner=niter_inner, x0=None if m0 is None else m0.flatten(), **kwargs_solver)[0] # compute residual if epsR is None: datar -= PPop * minv.ravel() else: datar = data.ravel() - PPop * minv.ravel() # reshape inverted model and residual data if dims == 1: minv = minv.squeeze() datar = datar.squeeze() elif dims == 2: minv = minv.reshape(nt0, nx) datar = datar.reshape(nt0, nx) else: minv = minv.reshape(nt0, nx, ny) datar = datar.reshape(nt0, nx, ny) if m0 is not None and epsR is None: minv = minv + m0 return minv, datar
def apply_onepoint(self, trav, G0=None, nfft=None, rtm=False, greens=False, dottest=False, fast=None, **kwargs_solver): r"""Marchenko redatuming for one point Solve the Marchenko redatuming inverse problem for a single point given its direct arrival traveltime curve (``trav``) and waveform (``G0``). Parameters ---------- trav : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Traveltime of first arrival from subsurface point to surface receivers of size :math:`[n_r \times 1]` G0 : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Direct arrival in time domain of size :math:`[n_r \times n_t]` (if None, create arrival using ``trav``) nfft : :obj:`int`, optional Number of samples in fft when creating the analytical direct wave rtm : :obj:`bool`, optional Compute and return rtm redatuming greens : :obj:`bool`, optional Compute and return Green's functions dottest : :obj:`bool`, optional Apply dot-test fast : :obj:`bool` *Deprecated*, will be removed in v2.0.0 **kwargs_solver Arbitrary keyword arguments for chosen solver (:py:func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr` and :py:func:`pylops.optimization.solver.cgls` are used as default for numpy and cupy `data`, respectively) Returns ---------- f1_inv_minus : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Inverted upgoing focusing function of size :math:`[n_r \times n_t]` f1_inv_plus : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Inverted downgoing focusing function of size :math:`[n_r \times n_t]` p0_minus : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Single-scattering standard redatuming upgoing Green's function of size :math:`[n_r \times n_t]` g_inv_minus : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Inverted upgoing Green's function of size :math:`[n_r \times n_t]` g_inv_plus : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Inverted downgoing Green's function of size :math:`[n_r \times n_t]` """ # Create window trav_off = trav - self.toff trav_off = np.round(trav_off / self.dt).astype( w = np.zeros((, self.nt), dtype=self.dtype) for ir in range( w[ir, :trav_off[ir]] = 1 w = np.hstack((np.fliplr(w), w[:, 1:])) if self.nsmooth > 0: smooth = np.ones(self.nsmooth, dtype=self.dtype) / self.nsmooth w = filtfilt(smooth, 1, w) w = to_cupy_conditional(self.Rtwosided_fft, w) # Create operators Rop = MDC(self.Rtwosided_fft, self.nt2, nv=1, dt=self.dt, dr=self.dr, twosided=True, conj=False, transpose=False, saveGt=self.saveRt, prescaled=self.prescaled, dtype=self.dtype) R1op = MDC(self.Rtwosided_fft, self.nt2, nv=1, dt=self.dt, dr=self.dr, twosided=True, conj=True, transpose=False, saveGt=self.saveRt, prescaled=self.prescaled, dtype=self.dtype) Rollop = Roll(self.nt2 * self.ns, dims=(self.nt2, self.ns), dir=0, shift=-1, dtype=self.dtype) Wop = Diagonal(w.T.flatten()) Iop = Identity( * self.nt2) Mop = Block([[Iop, -1 * Wop * Rop], [-1 * Wop * Rollop * R1op, Iop] ]) * BlockDiag([Wop, Wop]) Gop = Block([[Iop, -1 * Rop], [-1 * Rollop * R1op, Iop]]) if dottest: Dottest(Gop, 2 * self.ns * self.nt2, 2 * * self.nt2, raiseerror=True, verb=True, backend=get_module_name(self.ncp)) if dottest: Dottest(Mop, 2 * self.ns * self.nt2, 2 * * self.nt2, raiseerror=True, verb=True, backend=get_module_name(self.ncp)) # Create input focusing function if G0 is None: if self.wav is not None and nfft is not None: G0 = (directwave(self.wav, trav, self.nt, self.dt, nfft=nfft, derivative=True)).T G0 = to_cupy_conditional(self.Rtwosided_fft, G0) else: logging.error('wav and/or nfft are not provided. ' 'Provide either G0 or wav and nfft...') raise ValueError('wav and/or nfft are not provided. ' 'Provide either G0 or wav and nfft...') fd_plus = np.concatenate((np.fliplr(G0).T, self.ncp.zeros((self.nt - 1,, dtype=self.dtype))) # Run standard redatuming as benchmark if rtm: p0_minus = Rop * fd_plus.flatten() p0_minus = p0_minus.reshape(self.nt2, self.ns).T # Create data and inverse focusing functions d = Wop * Rop * fd_plus.flatten() d = np.concatenate((d.reshape(self.nt2, self.ns), self.ncp.zeros((self.nt2, self.ns), self.dtype))) # Invert for focusing functions if self.ncp == np: f1_inv = lsqr(Mop, d.flatten(), **kwargs_solver)[0] else: f1_inv = cgls(Mop, d.flatten(), x0=self.ncp.zeros(2 * (2 * self.nt - 1) *, dtype=self.dtype), **kwargs_solver)[0] f1_inv = f1_inv.reshape(2 * self.nt2, f1_inv_tot = f1_inv + np.concatenate((self.ncp.zeros( (self.nt2,, dtype=self.dtype), fd_plus)) f1_inv_minus = f1_inv_tot[:self.nt2].T f1_inv_plus = f1_inv_tot[self.nt2:].T if greens: # Create Green's functions g_inv = Gop * f1_inv_tot.flatten() g_inv = g_inv.reshape(2 * self.nt2, self.ns) g_inv_minus, g_inv_plus = -g_inv[:self.nt2].T, \ np.fliplr(g_inv[self.nt2:].T) if rtm and greens: return f1_inv_minus, f1_inv_plus, p0_minus, g_inv_minus, g_inv_plus elif rtm: return f1_inv_minus, f1_inv_plus, p0_minus elif greens: return f1_inv_minus, f1_inv_plus, g_inv_minus, g_inv_plus else: return f1_inv_minus, f1_inv_plus
def WavefieldDecomposition(p, vz, nt, nr, dt, dr, rho, vel, nffts=(None, None, None), critical=100.0, ntaper=10, scaling=1.0, kind="inverse", restriction=None, sptransf=None, solver=lsqr, dottest=False, dtype="complex128", **kwargs_solver): r"""Up-down wavefield decomposition. Apply seismic wavefield decomposition from multi-component (pressure and vertical particle velocity) data. This process is also generally referred to as data-based deghosting. Parameters ---------- p : :obj:`np.ndarray` Pressure data of size :math:`\lbrack n_{r_x} \,(\times n_{r_y}) \times n_t \rbrack` (or :math:`\lbrack n_{r_{x,\text{sub}}} \,(\times n_{r_{y,\text{sub}}}) \times n_t \rbrack` in case a ``restriction`` operator is provided. Note that :math:`n_{r_{x,\text{sub}}}` (and :math:`n_{r_{y,\text{sub}}}`) must agree with the size of the output of this operator.) vz : :obj:`np.ndarray` Vertical particle velocity data of same size as pressure data nt : :obj:`int` Number of samples along the time axis nr : :obj:`int` or :obj:`tuple` Number of samples along the receiver axis (or axes) dt : :obj:`float` Sampling along the time axis dr : :obj:`float` or :obj:`tuple` Sampling along the receiver array (or axes) rho : :obj:`float` Density :math:`\rho` along the receiver array (must be constant) vel : :obj:`float` Velocity :math:`c` along the receiver array (must be constant) nffts : :obj:`tuple`, optional Number of samples along the wavenumber and frequency axes critical : :obj:`float`, optional Percentage of angles to retain in obliquity factor. For example, if ``critical=100`` only angles below the critical angle :math:`\frac{f(k_x)}{c}` will be retained ntaper : :obj:`float`, optional Number of samples of taper applied to obliquity factor around critical angle kind : :obj:`str`, optional Type of separation: ``inverse`` (default) or ``analytical`` scaling : :obj:`float`, optional Scaling to apply to the operator (see Notes of :func:`pylops.waveeqprocessing.wavedecomposition.UpDownComposition2D` for more details) restriction : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator`, optional Restriction operator sptransf : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator`, optional Sparsifying operator solver : :obj:`float`, optional Function handle of solver to be used if ``kind='inverse'`` dottest : :obj:`bool`, optional Apply dot-test dtype : :obj:`str`, optional Type of elements in input array. **kwargs_solver Arbitrary keyword arguments for chosen ``solver`` Returns ------- pup : :obj:`np.ndarray` Up-going wavefield pdown : :obj:`np.ndarray` Down-going wavefield Raises ------ KeyError If ``kind`` is neither ``analytical`` nor ``inverse`` Notes ----- Up- and down-going components of seismic data :math:`p^-(x, t)` and :math:`p^+(x, t)` can be estimated from multi-component data :math:`p(x, t)` and :math:`v_z(x, t)` by computing the following expression [1]_: .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} \hat{p}^+ \\ \hat{p}^- \end{bmatrix}(k_x, \omega) = \frac{1}{2} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & \frac{\omega \rho}{k_z} \\ 1 & - \frac{\omega \rho}{k_z} \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \hat{p} \\ \hat{v}_z \end{bmatrix}(k_x, \omega) if ``kind='analytical'`` or alternatively by solving the equation in :func:`ptcpy.waveeqprocessing.UpDownComposition2D` as an inverse problem, if ``kind='inverse'``. The latter approach has several advantages as data regularization can be included as part of the separation process allowing the input data to be aliased. This is obtained by solving the following problem: .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{p} \\ s\mathbf{v_z} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{R}\mathbf{F} & 0 \\ 0 & s\mathbf{R}\mathbf{F} \end{bmatrix} \mathbf{W} \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{F}^H \mathbf{S} & 0 \\ 0 & \mathbf{F}^H \mathbf{S} \end{bmatrix} \mathbf{p^{\pm}} where :math:`\mathbf{R}` is a :class:`ptcpy.basicoperators.Restriction` operator and :math:`\mathbf{S}` is sparsyfing transform operator (e.g., :class:`ptcpy.signalprocessing.Radon2D`). .. [1] Wapenaar, K. "Reciprocity properties of one-way propagators", Geophysics, vol. 63, pp. 1795-1798. 1998. """ ncp = get_array_module(p) backend = get_module_name(ncp) ndims = p.ndim if ndims == 2: dims = (nr, nt) dims2 = (2 * nr, nt) nr2 = nr decomposition = _obliquity2D composition = UpDownComposition2D else: dims = (nr[0], nr[1], nt) dims2 = (2 * nr[0], nr[1], nt) nr2 = nr[0] decomposition = _obliquity3D composition = UpDownComposition3D if kind == "analytical": FFTop, OBLop = decomposition( nt, nr, dt, dr, rho, vel, nffts=nffts, critical=critical, ntaper=ntaper, composition=False, backend=backend, dtype=dtype, ) VZ = FFTop * vz.ravel() # scaled Vz VZ_obl = OBLop * VZ vz_obl = FFTop.H * VZ_obl vz_obl = ncp.real(vz_obl.reshape(dims)) # separation pup = (p - vz_obl) / 2 pdown = (p + vz_obl) / 2 elif kind == "inverse": d = ncp.concatenate((p.ravel(), scaling * vz.ravel())) UDop = composition( nt, nr, dt, dr, rho, vel, nffts=nffts, critical=critical, ntaper=ntaper, scaling=scaling, backend=backend, dtype=dtype, ) if restriction is not None: UDop = restriction * UDop if sptransf is not None: UDop = UDop * BlockDiag([sptransf, sptransf]) UDop.dtype = ncp.real(ncp.ones(1, UDop.dtype)).dtype if dottest: Dottest( UDop, UDop.shape[0], UDop.shape[1], complexflag=2, backend=backend, verb=True, ) # separation by inversion dud = solver(UDop, d.ravel(), **kwargs_solver)[0] if sptransf is None: dud = ncp.real(dud) else: dud = BlockDiag([sptransf, sptransf]) * ncp.real(dud) dud = dud.reshape(dims2) pdown, pup = dud[:nr2], dud[nr2:] else: raise KeyError("kind must be analytical or inverse") return pup, pdown