Пример #1
def extract_lzma(buf, fname, res_dir):    
    b = Buffer(buf)
    stream_prop = b.GetByte()
    dico_size = b.GetDword()
    final_length = b.GetQword()
    new_head = struct.pack("<B", stream_prop) + struct.pack("<I", dico_size)
    open(res_dir + fname, "wb").write(pylzma.decompress_compat(new_head + buf[13:]))
Пример #2
def decompress(f, rename_to=None):
    Decompress a compressed file by the extension.
    Only supports .7z and .zip files.

    :type f: str
    :param f: Full path to file
    f_types = ['.7z', '.zip']
    fn, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
    if ext not in f_types:
        raise ValueError("f extension must be one of %s" % f_types)
    fn = fn if rename_to is None else rename_to
    if ext == f_types[0]:
        with open(f, "rb") as fl:
            cdata = fl.read()
        with open(fn, 'wb') as fl:
            # pylint: disable=E1101
            fl.write(pylzma.decompress_compat(cdata[0:5] + cdata[13:]))
    elif ext == f_types[1]:
        with zipf.ZipFile(f) as z:
            p = os.path.dirname(f)
            fn = z.namelist()
            fn = [os.path.join(p, i) for i in fn]
            if len(fn) == 1: fn = fn[0]
    return fn
Пример #3
 def test_compression_decompression_noeos(self):
     # call compression and decompression on random data of various sizes
     for i in range(18):
         size = 1 << i
         original = generate_random(size)
         result = pylzma.decompress_compat(pylzma.compress(original, eos=0))[:size]
         self.assertEqual(md5(original).hexdigest(), md5(result).hexdigest())
Пример #4
 def test_compression_decompression_noeos(self):
     # call compression and decompression on random data of various sizes
     for i in range(18):
         size = 1 << i
         original = generate_random(size)
         result = pylzma.decompress_compat(pylzma.compress(original, eos=0))[:size]
         self.assertEqual(md5(original).hexdigest(), md5(result).hexdigest())
Пример #5
def decompress(f, rename_to=None):
    Decompress a compressed file by the extension.
    Only supports .7z and .zip files.

    :type f: str
    :param f: Full path to file
    f_types = ['.7z', '.zip']
    fn, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
    if ext not in f_types:
        raise ValueError("f extension must be one of %s" % f_types)
    fn = fn if rename_to is None else rename_to
    if ext == f_types[0]:
        with open(f, "rb") as fl: cdata = fl.read()
        with open(fn, 'wb') as fl:
            # pylint: disable=E1101
            fl.write(pylzma.decompress_compat(cdata[0:5] + cdata[13:]))
    elif ext == f_types[1]:
        with zipf.ZipFile(f) as z:
            p = os.path.dirname(f)
            fn = z.namelist()
            fn = [os.path.join(p, i) for i in fn]
            if len(fn) == 1: fn = fn[0]
    return fn
Пример #6
def extract_lzma(buf, fname, res_dir):
    b = Buffer(buf)
    stream_prop = b.GetByte()
    dico_size = b.GetDword()
    final_length = b.GetQword()
    new_head = struct.pack("<B", stream_prop) + struct.pack("<I", dico_size)
    open(res_dir + fname,
         "wb").write(pylzma.decompress_compat(new_head + buf[13:]))
Пример #7
def ParseFile(data, name):

    rule = yara.compile("rules.yr")
    matches = rule.match(data=data)
    if len(matches) > 0:
        for hit in matches['main']:
            print name, hit['rule']

    if data[:3] == 'CWS':
        #print "Zlib Compressed"
            new = 'FWS' + data[3:8] + zlib.decompress(data[8:])
            print "zlib error "
        ParseFile(new, name)

    elif data[:3] == 'ZWS':
        #print "lzma compressed"
            new = 'FWS' + data[3:8] + pylzma.decompress_compat(data[12:])
            print "pylzma error "
        ParseFile(new, name)

    elif data[:3] == "GET":

        # Angler
        search = re.search(
            r'(GET /.{1,25}/index.php\?PHPSESSID=.{1,6}&action=.{12}.{1,512})\r\n\r\n',
            data, re.S)
        if search:
            print "Angler GET", name
            print search.group(1)

        search = re.search(
            r'(GET .{0,100}/.{1,25}/viewtopic.php\?t=.{1,6}&f=.{12}.{1,512})\r\n\r\n',
            data, re.S)
        if search:
            print "Angler GET", name
            print search.group(1)

        search = re.search(
            r'(GET .{0,100}/.{1,25}/viewforum.php\?f=.{1,6}&sid=.{12}.{1,512})\r\n\r\n',
            data, re.S)
        if search:
            print "Angler GET", name
            print search.group(1)

        search = re.search(
            r'(GET .{0,100}/.{1,25}/search.php\?keywords=.{1,6}&fid0=.{12}.{1,512})\r\n\r\n',
            data, re.S)
        if search:
            print "Angler GET", name
            print search.group(1)

        search = re.search(
            r'(GET .{0,100}/topic/[0-9]{4,12}(-[a-z]{3,20}){3,10}/ HTTP.{1,512})\r\n\r\n',
            data, re.S)
        if search:
            print "Angler GET", name
            print search.group(1)

        # RIG
        search = re.search(
            r'(GET .{0,100}/\?[a-zA-Z0-9]{15}=[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{100,200} HTTP.{1,512})\r\n\r\n',
            data, re.S)
        if search:
            print "RIG GET", name
            print search.group(1)

        # Eltest Gate
        search = re.search(
            r'(GET /[a-z0-9\-]{80,150}/[a-z]{1,20}\.html HTTP.{1,512})\r\n\r\n',
            data, re.S)
        if search:
            print "EItest GET", name
            print search.group(1)

        # Magnitude
        search = re.search(
            r'(GET .{0,100}/\?[a-z0-9]{38} HTTP.{1,512})\r\n\r\n', data, re.S)
        if search:
            print "Magnitude GET", name
            print search.group(1)

        # Neutrino
        search = re.search(
            r'(GET.{1,512}Media Center PC 6\.0; rv.{1,100})\r\n\r\n', data,
        if search:
            print "Neutrino GET", name
            print search.group(1)
        # AfraidGate
        search = re.search(
            r'^(document\.write\(.{200,400}i\'\+\'frame.{5,20}\))', data, re.S)
        if search:
            print "AfraidGate", name
            print search.group(1)

        # Pseudo Darkleech
        search = re.search(
            r'(<span id=\".{1,20} style=\"display:none\">).{3000,10000}</span>',
            data, re.S)
        if search:
            print "Psuedo Darkleech", name
            print search.group(1)
Пример #8
 def test_decompression_noeos(self):
     # test decompression without the end of stream marker
     decompressed = pylzma.decompress_compat(self.plain_without_eos)
     self.assertEqual(decompressed, self.plain)
Пример #9
 def test_decompression_noeos(self):
     # test decompression without the end of stream marker
     decompressed = pylzma.decompress_compat(self.plain_without_eos)
     self.assertEqual(decompressed, self.plain)