Пример #1
class JmolNNTest(PymatgenTest):

    def setUp(self):
        self.jmol = JmolNN()
        self.jmol_update = JmolNN(el_radius_updates={"Li": 1})

    def test_get_nn(self):
        s = self.get_structure('LiFePO4')

        # Test the default near-neighbor finder.
        nsites_checked = 0

        for site_idx, site in enumerate(s):
            if site.specie == Element("Li"):
                self.assertEqual(self.jmol.get_cn(s, site_idx), 0)
                nsites_checked += 1
            elif site.specie == Element("Fe"):
                self.assertEqual(self.jmol.get_cn(s, site_idx), 6)
                nsites_checked += 1
            elif site.specie == Element("P"):
                self.assertEqual(self.jmol.get_cn(s, site_idx), 4)
                nsites_checked += 1
        self.assertEqual(nsites_checked, 12)

        # Test a user override that would cause Li to show up as 6-coordinated
        self.assertEqual(self.jmol_update.get_cn(s, 0), 6)

        # Verify get_nn function works
        self.assertEqual(len(self.jmol_update.get_nn(s, 0)), 6)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.jmol
        del self.jmol_update
Пример #2
class JmolNNTest(PymatgenTest):

    def setUp(self):
        self.jmol = JmolNN()
        self.jmol_update = JmolNN(el_radius_updates={"Li": 1})

    def test_get_nn(self):
        s = self.get_structure('LiFePO4')

        # Test the default near-neighbor finder.
        nsites_checked = 0

        for site_idx, site in enumerate(s):
            if site.specie == Element("Li"):
                self.assertEqual(self.jmol.get_cn(s, site_idx), 0)
                nsites_checked += 1
            elif site.specie == Element("Fe"):
                self.assertEqual(self.jmol.get_cn(s, site_idx), 6)
                nsites_checked += 1
            elif site.specie == Element("P"):
                self.assertEqual(self.jmol.get_cn(s, site_idx), 4)
                nsites_checked += 1
        self.assertEqual(nsites_checked, 12)

        # Test a user override that would cause Li to show up as 6-coordinated
        self.assertEqual(self.jmol_update.get_cn(s, 0), 6)

        # Verify get_nn function works
        self.assertEqual(len(self.jmol_update.get_nn(s, 0)), 6)

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.jmol
        del self.jmol_update
def find_surface_atoms_indices(bulk_cn_dict, atoms):
    struct = AseAtomsAdaptor.get_structure(atoms, cls=None)
    nn_analyzer = JmolNN()

    # Identify index of the surface atoms
    indices_list = []
    weights = [site.species.weight for site in struct]
    center_of_mass = np.average(struct.frac_coords, weights=weights, axis=0)

    for idx, site in enumerate(struct):
        if site.frac_coords[2] > center_of_mass[2]:
                cn = nn_analyzer.get_cn(struct, idx, use_weights=True)
                cn = float('%.5f' % (round(cn, 5)))
                # surface atoms are undercoordinated
                if cn < min(bulk_cn_dict[site.species_string]):
            except RuntimeError:
                # or if pathological error is returned,
                # indicating a surface site
    return indices_list
Пример #4
class MOFChecker:  # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-public-methods
    """MOFChecker performs basic sanity checks for MOFs"""

    def __init__(self, structure: Structure):
        """Class that can perform basic sanity checks for MOF structures

            structure (Structure): pymatgen Structure object
        self.structure = structure
        self.metal_indices = [
            i for i, species in enumerate(self.structure.species) if species.is_metal
        self.porous_adjustment = True
        self.metal_features = None
        self._open_indices: set = set()
        self._has_oms = None
        self._cnn = None
        self._cnn_method = None
        self._filename = None
        self._atomic_overlaps = None
        self._name = None
        self.c_indices = [
            i for i, species in enumerate(self.structure.species) if str(species) == "C"
        self.h_indices = [
            i for i, species in enumerate(self.structure.species) if str(species) == "H"
        self.n_indices = [
            i for i, species in enumerate(self.structure.species) if str(species) == "N"
        self._overvalent_c = None
        self._overvalent_n = None
        self._overvalent_h = None
        self._undercoordinated_carbon = None
        self._undercoordinated_nitrogen = None
        self.check_expected_values = EXPECTED_CHECK_VALUES
        self.check_descriptions = CHECK_DESCRIPTIONS

    def _set_filename(self, path):
        self._filename = os.path.abspath(path)
        self._name = Path(path).stem

    def _get_atomic_overlaps(self):
        if self._atomic_overlaps is not None:
            return self._atomic_overlaps

        self._atomic_overlaps = get_overlaps(self.structure)
        return self._atomic_overlaps

    def get_overlapping_indices(self):
        """Return the indices of overlapping atoms"""
        return self._get_atomic_overlaps()

    def has_atomic_overlaps(self):
        """Check if there are any overlaps in the structure"""
        atomic_overlaps = self._get_atomic_overlaps()
        return len(atomic_overlaps) > 0

    def name(self):
        """Return filename if the MOFChecker instance was created based on
        a histogram."""
        return self._name

    def has_carbon(self):
        """Check if there is any carbon atom in the structure"""
        return len(self.c_indices) > 0

    def has_hydrogen(self):
        """Check if there is any hydrogen atom in the structure"""
        return len(self.h_indices) > 0

    def density(self):
        """Density of structure"""
        return self.structure.density

    def volume(self):
        """Volume of structure in A^3"""
        return self.structure.volume

    def formula(self):
        """Return the chemical formula of the structure"""
        return self.structure.formula

    def has_overvalent_c(self) -> bool:
        """Returns true if there is some carbon in the structure
        that has more than 4 neighbors.

            [bool]: True if carbon with CN > 4 in structure.
        if self._overvalent_c is not None:
            return self._overvalent_c

        return self._overvalent_c

    def has_overvalent_h(self) -> bool:
        """Returns true if there is some hydrogen in the structure
        that has more than 1 neighbor.

            [bool]: True if hydrogen with CN > 1 in structure.
        if self._overvalent_h is not None:
            return self._overvalent_h

        return self._overvalent_h

    def has_undercoordinated_c(self) -> bool:
        """Check if there is a carbon that likely misses
        if self._undercoordinated_carbon is not None:
            return self._undercoordinated_carbon

        return self._undercoordinated_carbon

    def has_undercoordinated_n(self) -> bool:
        """Check if there is a nitrogen that likely misses
        if self._undercoordinated_nitrogen is not None:
            return self._undercoordinated_nitrogen

        return self._undercoordinated_nitrogen

    def _has_overvalent_c(self):
        overvalent_c = False
        for site_index in self.c_indices:
            cn = self.get_cn(site_index)  # pylint:disable=invalid-name
            if cn > 4:
                overvalent_c = True
        self._overvalent_c = overvalent_c

    def _has_overvalent_h(self):
        overvalent_h = False
        for site_index in self.h_indices:
            cn = self.get_cn(site_index)  # pylint:disable=invalid-name
            if cn > 1:
                overvalent_h = True
        self._overvalent_h = overvalent_h

    def _has_undercoordinated_carbon(self, tolerance=10):
        """Idea is that carbon should at least have three neighbors if it is not sp1.
        In sp1 case it is linear. So we can just check if there are carbons with
        non-linear coordination with less than three neighbors. An example in CoRE
        MOF would be AHOKIR. In principle this should also flag the quite common
        case of benzene rings with missing hydrogens.
        undercoordinated_carbon = False
        for site_index in self.c_indices:
            cn = self.get_cn(site_index)  # pylint:disable=invalid-name
            if cn == 2:
                # ToDo: Check if it is bound to metal, then it might be a carbide
                graph = StructureGraph.with_local_env_strategy(
                    self.structure, self._cnn
                neighbors = graph.get_connected_sites(site_index)
                angle = self.structure.get_angle(
                    site_index, neighbors[0].index, neighbors[1].index
                if np.abs(90 - angle) > tolerance:
                    undercoordinated_carbon = True
        self._undercoordinated_carbon = undercoordinated_carbon

    def _has_undercoordinated_nitrogen(self, tolerance=10):
        Captures missing hydrogens on amino groups.
        Basically two common cases:
            1. Have the N on a carbon and no hydrogen at all
            2. (not that common) due to incorrect symmetry resolution
                we have only one h in a bent orientation
        undercoordinated_nitrogen = False
        for site_index in self.n_indices:
            cn = self.get_cn(site_index)  # pylint:disable=invalid-name
            if cn == 1:
                # this is suspicous, but it also might a CN wish is perfectly fine
                # to check this, we first see if the neighbor is carbon
                # and then what its coordination number is
                graph = StructureGraph.with_local_env_strategy(
                    self.structure, self._cnn
                neighbors = graph.get_connected_sites(site_index)
                if (self.get_cn(neighbors[0].index) > 2) and (
                    str(neighbors[0].periodic_site.specie) == "C"
                    undercoordinated_nitrogen = True
            if cn == 2:
                # ToDo: Check if it is bound to metal, then it might be a nitride
                graph = StructureGraph.with_local_env_strategy(
                    self.structure, self._cnn
                neighbors = graph.get_connected_sites(site_index)
                angle = self.structure.get_angle(
                    site_index, neighbors[0].index, neighbors[1].index
                if np.abs(90 - angle) > tolerance:
                    undercoordinated_nitrogen = True
        self._undercoordinated_nitrogen = undercoordinated_nitrogen

    def has_overvalent_n(self) -> bool:
        """Returns true if there is some nitrogen in the structure
        that has more than 4 neighbors.

            [bool]: True if nitrogen with CN > 4 in structure.
        if self._overvalent_n is not None:
            return self._overvalent_n

        return self._overvalent_n

    def has_lone_atom(self) -> bool:
        """Returns True if there is a isolated floating atom"""
        return self._has_lone_atom()

    def has_lone_molecule(self) -> bool:
        """Returns true if there is a isolated floating atom or molecule"""
        return self._has_stray_molecules()

    def _has_lone_atom(self):
        graph = StructureGraph.with_local_env_strategy(self.structure, self._cnn)
        for site in range(len(self.structure)):
            nbr = graph.get_connected_sites(site)
            if not nbr:
                return True
        return False

    def _has_overvalent_n(self):
        overvalent_n = False
        for site_index in self.n_indices:
            cn = self.get_cn(site_index)  # pylint:disable=invalid-name
            if cn > 4:
                overvalent_n = True
        self._overvalent_n = overvalent_n

    def _from_file(cls, path: str):
        structure = Structure.from_file(path)
        omscls = cls(structure)
        omscls._set_filename(path)  # pylint:disable=protected-access
        return omscls

    def from_cif(cls, path: Union[str, Path]):
        """Create a MOFChecker instance from a CIF file

            path (Union[str, Path]): Path to string file

            MOFChecker: Instance of MOFChecker
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            cifparser = CifParser(path)
            structure = cifparser.get_structures()[0]
            omscls = cls(structure)
            omscls._set_filename(path)  # pylint:disable=protected-access
            return omscls

    def _set_cnn(self, method="JmolNN", porous_adjustment: bool = True):
        self.porous_adjustment = porous_adjustment
        if self._cnn is None or self._cnn_method != method.lower():
            if method.lower() == "crystalnn":
                self._cnn = CrystalNN(porous_adjustment=self.porous_adjustment)
                self._cnn = JmolNN()
            self._cnn_method = method.lower()

    def get_cn(self, site_index: int) -> int:
        """Compute coordination number (CN) for site with CrystalNN method

            site_index (int): index of site in pymatgen Structure

            int: Coordination number
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            return self._cnn.get_cn(self.structure, site_index)

    def _get_ops_for_site(self, site_index):
        cn = self.get_cn(site_index)  # pylint:disable=invalid-name
            names = OP_DEF[cn]["names"]
            is_open = OP_DEF[cn]["open"]
            weights = OP_DEF[cn]["weights"]
            lsop = LocalStructOrderParams(names)
            return (
                lsop.get_order_parameters(self.structure, site_index),
        except KeyError:
            # For a bit more fine grained error messages
            if cn <= 3:  # pylint:disable=no-else-raise
                raise LowCoordinationNumber(
                    "Coordination number {} is low \
                        and order parameters undefined".format(
            elif cn > 8:
                raise HighCoordinationNumber(
                    "Coordination number {} is high \
                        and order parameters undefined".format(

            return cn, None, None, None, None

    def is_site_open(self, site_index: int) -> bool:
        """Check for a site if is open (based on the values of
        some coordination geomeetry fingerprints)

            site_index (int): Index of the site in the structure

            bool: True if site is open
        if site_index not in self._open_indices:
                _, names, lsop, is_open, weights = self._get_ops_for_site(site_index)
                print(list(zip(names, lsop)))
                site_open = MOFChecker._check_if_open(lsop, is_open, weights)
                if site_open:
                return site_open
            except LowCoordinationNumber:
                return True
            except HighCoordinationNumber:
                return None
        return True

    def _check_if_open(lsop, is_open, weights, threshold: float = 0.5):
        if lsop is not None:
            if is_open is None:
                return False
            lsop = np.array(lsop) * np.array(weights)
            open_contributions = lsop[is_open].sum()
            close_contributions = lsop.sum() - open_contributions
            return (
                open_contributions / (open_contributions + close_contributions)
                > threshold
        return None

    def _get_metal_descriptors_for_site(self, site_index: int):
        metal = str(self.structure[site_index].species)
                cn,  # pylint:disable=invalid-name
            ) = self._get_ops_for_site(site_index)
            site_open = MOFChecker._check_if_open(lsop, is_open, weights)
            if site_open:
            descriptors = {
                "metal": metal,
                "lsop": dict(zip(names, lsop)),
                "open": site_open,
                "cn": cn,
        except LowCoordinationNumber:
            descriptors = {"metal": metal, "lsop": None, "open": True, "cn": None}
        except HighCoordinationNumber:
            descriptors = {"metal": metal, "lsop": None, "open": None, "cn": None}
        return descriptors

    def _has_stray_molecules(self) -> bool:
        sgraph = StructureGraph.with_local_env_strategy(self.structure, self._cnn)
        molecules = get_subgraphs_as_molecules_all(sgraph)
        if len(molecules) > 0:
            return True
        return False

    def get_mof_descriptors(self) -> dict:
        """Run most of the sanity checks
        and get a dictionary with the result

            dict: result of overall checks
        result_dict = {
            "name": self.name,
            "path": self._filename,
            "has_oms": self.has_oms,
            "has_carbon": self.has_carbon,
            "has_hydrogen": self.has_hydrogen,
            "has_atomic_overlaps": self.has_atomic_overlaps,
            "has_overcoordinated_c": self.has_overvalent_c,
            "has_overcoordinated_n": self.has_overvalent_n,
            "has_overcoordinated_h": self.has_overvalent_h,
            "has_undercoordinated_c": self.has_undercoordinated_c,
            "has_undercoordinated_n": self.has_undercoordinated_n,
            "has_metal": self.has_metal,
            "has_lone_atom": self.has_lone_atom,
            "has_lone_molecule": self.has_lone_molecule,
            "density": self.density,
        return result_dict

    def get_metal_descriptors_for_site(self, site_index: int) -> dict:
        """Computes the checks for one metal site"""
        if not self.has_metal:
            raise NoMetal
        return self._get_metal_descriptors_for_site(site_index)

    def _get_metal_descriptors(self):
        descriptordict = {}
        for site_index in self.metal_indices:
            descriptordict[site_index] = self._get_metal_descriptors_for_site(

        self.metal_features = descriptordict

        return descriptordict

    def get_metal_descriptors(self) -> dict:
        """Return local structure order parameters for coordination number (CN),
        element string and wheter site is open or not. Key is the site index.

            NoMetal: If no metal can be found in the structure

            dict: Key is the site index.
        if not self.has_metal:
            raise NoMetal
        return self._get_metal_descriptors()

    def has_metal(self):
        """Checks if there is at least one metal in the structure"""
        if self.metal_indices:
            return True
        return False

    def has_oms(self) -> bool:
        """True if the structure contains open metal sites (OMS).
        Also returns True in case of low coordination numbers (CN <=3)
        which typically also means open coordination for MOFs.
        For high coordination numbers, for which we do not have a good order
        parameter for open structures. For this reason we return None even though
        this might change in a future release.

            NoMetal: Raised if the structure contains no metal

            [bool]: True if the structure contains OMS
        if not self.has_metal:
            raise NoMetal("This structure does not contain a metal")
        if self._has_oms is not None:  # pylint:disable=no-else-return
            return self._has_oms
            for site_index in self.metal_indices:
                if self.is_site_open(site_index):
                    self._has_oms = True
                    return True
            self._has_oms = False
            return False