Пример #1
    def setUp(self):
        self.pbe_db = df_database(XcFunc.from_name("PBE"))
        assert self.pbe_db.xc == "PBE"
        # Cached?
        assert df_database(XcFunc.from_abinit_ixc(11)) is self.pbe_db
        assert "WIEN2k" in self.pbe_db.codes
        assert "VASP" in self.pbe_db.codes

        spinat, spin_mode = self.pbe_db.spinat_spinmode_for_symbol("Si")
        assert spinat is None and spin_mode == "unpolarized"
        spinat, spin_mode = self.pbe_db.spinat_spinmode_for_symbol("Fe")
        assert spinat == 2 * [(0, 0, 2.3)] and spin_mode == "polarized"

        self.pw_db = df_database("PW")
        assert self.pw_db.xc == "PW"
        assert self.pw_db is not self.pbe_db
        assert "WIEN2k" in self.pw_db.codes

        # Accept PW_MOD as well.
        self.pwmod_db = df_database("PW_MOD")
        assert self.pwmod_db.xc == "PW_MOD"
        assert self.pwmod_db is not self.pw_db
Пример #2
    def setUp(self):
        self.pbe_db = df_database(XcFunc.from_name("PBE"))
        assert self.pbe_db.xc == "PBE"
        # Cached?
        assert df_database(XcFunc.from_abinit_ixc(11)) is self.pbe_db
        assert "WIEN2k" in self.pbe_db.codes
        assert "VASP" in self.pbe_db.codes

        spinat, spin_mode = self.pbe_db.spinat_spinmode_for_symbol("Si")
        assert spinat is None and spin_mode == "unpolarized"
        spinat, spin_mode = self.pbe_db.spinat_spinmode_for_symbol("Fe")
        assert spinat == 2 * [(0, 0, 2.3)] and spin_mode == "polarized"

        self.pw_db = df_database("PW")
        assert self.pw_db.xc == "PW"
        assert self.pw_db is not self.pbe_db
        assert "WIEN2k" in self.pw_db.codes

        # Accept PW_MOD as well.
        self.pwmod_db = df_database("PW_MOD")
        assert self.pwmod_db.xc == "PW_MOD"
        assert self.pwmod_db is not self.pw_db
Пример #3
class DojoInfo(AttrDict):
    Dictionary with metadata associated to the PseudoDojo table.
    # See https://github.com/Julian/jsonschema
        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/schema#",

        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "pp_type": {"type": "string", "enum": ["NC", "PAW"]},
            "xc_name": {"type": "string", "enum": XcFunc.aliases()},
            "authors": {"type": "array"},
            "description": {"type": "string"},
            "references": {"type": "array"},
            "dojo_dir": {"type": "string"},
            #"generation_date": {"type": "string", "format": "date"},
            #"tags": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string", "enum": ["accuracy", "efficiency"]}},
            #"relativity": {"type": "string", "enum": ["non-relativistic", "scalar-relativistic", "relativistic"]}
        "required": ["pp_type", "xc_name", "authors", "description", "references", "dojo_dir",
                    #"generation_date", "tags", "relativity"

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DojoInfo, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self["xc"] = XcFunc.from_name(self["xc_name"])

    def validate_json_schema(self):
        """Validate DojoInfo with validictory."""
        from jsonschema import validate
        validate(self, self.JSON_SCHEMA)

    def get_template_dict(cls):
        """Return a dictionary with the keys that must be filled by the user."""
        return {k: str(v) for k, v in cls.JSON_SCHEMA["properties"].items()}

    def isnc(self):
        """True if norm-conserving pseudopotential."""
        return self.pp_type == "NC"

    def ispaw(self):
        """True if PAW pseudopotential."""
        return self.pp_type == "PAW"
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, xc):
        Read data from CSV files and initialize the object.
        xc specifies the XC functionals used.
        self.xc = XcFunc.asxc(xc)
        if self.xc != "PBE":
            raise ValueError("Gbrv database supports only PBE pseudos")

        # Directory containing the GBRV tables in CSV format.
        datadir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        datadir = os.path.join(datadir, "data")

        # Build dictionary of tables.
        self.tables = tables = {}

        for stype in self.all_struct_types:
            filepath = os.path.join(datadir, stype + ".csv")
            tables[stype] = read_table_from_file(filepath)
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, xc):
        Read data from CSV files and initialize the object.
        xc specifies the XC functionals used.
        self.xc = XcFunc.asxc(xc)
        if self.xc != "PBE":
            raise ValueError("Gbrv database supports only PBE pseudos")

        # Directory containing the GBRV tables in CSV format.
        datadir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        datadir = os.path.join(datadir, "data")

        # Build dictionary of tables.
        self.tables = tables = {}

        for stype in self.all_struct_types:
            filepath = os.path.join(datadir, stype + ".csv")
            tables[stype] = read_table_from_file(filepath)
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, xc):
        """"xc specifies the XC functionals used."""
        self.xc = XcFunc.asxc(xc)
        dirpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        self.dirpath = os.path.join(dirpath, "data")

        self._data = {}
        for bname in self._FILES4XC[self.xc]:
            file_path = os.path.join(self.dirpath, bname)
            if os.path.isfile(file_path) and file_path.endswith(".txt"):
                code, ext = os.path.splitext(bname)
                code = code.split("-")[0]
                self._data[code] = read_data_from_filepath(file_path, self.xc)

        self._cif_paths = {}

        #loc = "CIFs" + "-" + str(self.xc)
        loc = self._CIFDIR4XC[self.xc]
        cif_dirpath = os.path.join(self.dirpath, loc)
        for bname in os.listdir(cif_dirpath):
            if bname.endswith(".cif"):
                symbol, ext = os.path.splitext(bname)
                self._cif_paths[symbol] = os.path.join(cif_dirpath, bname)
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, xc):
        """"xc specifies the XC functionals used."""
        self.xc = XcFunc.asxc(xc)
        dirpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        self.dirpath = os.path.join(dirpath, "data")

        self._data = {}
        for bname in self._FILES4XC[self.xc]:
            file_path = os.path.join(self.dirpath, bname)
            if os.path.isfile(file_path) and file_path.endswith(".txt"):
                code, ext = os.path.splitext(bname)
                code = code.split("-")[0]
                self._data[code] = read_data_from_filepath(file_path, self.xc)

        self._cif_paths = {}

        #loc = "CIFs" + "-" + str(self.xc)
        loc = self._CIFDIR4XC[self.xc]
        cif_dirpath = os.path.join(self.dirpath, loc)
        for bname in os.listdir(cif_dirpath):
            if bname.endswith(".cif"):
                symbol, ext = os.path.splitext(bname)
                self._cif_paths[symbol] = os.path.join(cif_dirpath, bname)
Пример #8
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(DojoInfo, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self["xc"] = XcFunc.from_name(self["xc_name"])
Пример #9
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(DojoInfo, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self["xc"] = XcFunc.from_name(self["xc_name"])
Пример #10
    def test_xcfunc_api(self):
        """Testing XcFunc API."""
        # Aliases should be unique
        assert len(XcFunc.aliases()) == len(set(XcFunc.aliases()))

        # LDA-Teter
        ixc_1 = XcFunc.from_abinit_ixc(1)
        assert ixc_1.type == "LDA"
        assert ixc_1.name == "LDA_XC_TETER93"
        assert ixc_1 == ixc_1
        assert ixc_1 == "LDA_XC_TETER93"
        assert ixc_1 != "PBE"
        assert ixc_1.name not in XcFunc.aliases()
        assert ixc_1 == XcFunc.from_name(ixc_1.name)

        # LDA-PW (in aliases)
        ixc_7 = XcFunc.from_abinit_ixc(7)
        assert ixc_7.type == "LDA"
        assert ixc_7.name == "PW"
        assert ixc_7.name in XcFunc.aliases()
        assert ixc_7.name == XcFunc.from_name(ixc_7.name)
        assert ixc_7 != ixc_1

        # GGA-PBE from ixc == 11 (in aliases)
        ixc_11 = XcFunc.from_abinit_ixc(11)
        assert ixc_11.type == "GGA" and ixc_11.name == "PBE"
        assert ixc_11.name in XcFunc.aliases()
        assert ixc_1 != ixc_11
        # Test asxc
        assert XcFunc.asxc(ixc_11) is ixc_11
        assert XcFunc.asxc("PBE") == ixc_11

        d = {ixc_11: ixc_11.name}
        assert "PBE" in d
        assert ixc_11 in d

        # Test if object can be serialized with Pickle.
        self.serialize_with_pickle(ixc_11, test_eq=True)

        # Test if object supports MSONable
        # TODO
        # print("in test", type(ixc_11.x), type(ixc_11.c), type(ixc_11.xc))
        # ixc_11.x.as_dict()
        # self.assertMSONable(ixc_11)

        # GGA-PBE from ixc given in abinit-libxc mode
        ixc_101130 = XcFunc.from_abinit_ixc(-101130)
        assert ixc_101130.type == "GGA" and ixc_101130.name == "PBE"
        assert ixc_101130 == ixc_11

        # GGA-PBE built from name
        gga_pbe = XcFunc.from_name("PBE")
        assert gga_pbe.type == "GGA" and gga_pbe.name == "PBE"
        assert ixc_11 == gga_pbe

        # Use X from GGA and C from LDA!
        unknown_xc = XcFunc.from_name("GGA_X_PBE+ LDA_C_PW")
        assert unknown_xc not in XcFunc.aliases()
        assert unknown_xc.type == "GGA+LDA"
        assert unknown_xc.name == "GGA_X_PBE+LDA_C_PW"

        gga_pbe = XcFunc.from_type_name("GGA", "GGA_X_PBE+GGA_C_PBE")
        assert gga_pbe.type == "GGA" and gga_pbe.name == "PBE"
        assert str(gga_pbe) == "PBE"
Пример #11
 def read_abinit_xcfunc(self):
     Read ixc from an Abinit file. Return :class:`XcFunc` object.
     ixc = int(self.read_value("ixc"))
     return XcFunc.from_abinit_ixc(ixc)
Пример #12
    def test_gbrv(self):
        """Testing GBRV database..."""
        # Init the database.
        db = gbrv_database(xc="PBE")
        assert db.xc == "PBE"

        # Cached?
        assert gbrv_database(XcFunc.from_abinit_ixc(11)) is db

        # Test basic methods
        assert db.has_symbol("Si", stype="fcc")
        assert not db.has_symbol("Si", stype="rocksalt")
        assert "KMgF3" in db.all_symbols

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        # Get FCC entry for Silicon
        fcc_si = db.get_fcc_entry("Si")
        assert fcc_si.ae == 3.857 and fcc_si.gbrv_uspp == 3.853
        assert fcc_si.struct_type == "fcc" and fcc_si.species == ["Si"]
        sfcc = fcc_si.build_structure()
        self.assert_almost_equal(sfcc.volume, fcc_si.ae**3 /4.)

        # Get BCC entry for H
        bcc_h = db.get_bcc_entry("H")
        assert bcc_h.ae == 1.806 and bcc_h.gbrv_paw == 1.807
        assert bcc_h.struct_type == "bcc" and bcc_h.species == ["H"]
        sbcc = bcc_h.build_structure()
        self.assert_almost_equal(sbcc.volume, bcc_h.ae**3 /2.)

        # Hg is missing.
        missing = db.get_bcc_entry("Hg")
        assert missing.ae is None

        # Get Rocksalt entry for LiF
        lif = db.get_rocksalt_entry("LiF")
        assert lif.symbol == "LiF"  and lif.struct_type == "rocksalt"
        assert lif.species == ["Li", "F"]
        assert lif.ae == 4.076  and lif.pslib == 4.081
        struct = lif.build_structure()

        # Get AB03 entry for SrLiF3
        srlif3 = db.get_abo3_entry("SrLiF3")
        assert srlif3.symbol == "SrLiF3" and srlif3.struct_type == "ABO3"
        assert srlif3.ae == 3.884  and srlif3.gbrv_paw == 3.883
        # TODO

        # Get hH entry for SrLiF3
        agalge = db.get_hH_entry("AgAlGe")
        assert agalge.symbol == "AgAlGe" and agalge.struct_type == "hH"
        assert agalge.ae == 6.224  and agalge.gbrv_paw == 6.218
        # TODO

        assert len(db.entries_with_symbol("Si")) == 10
        assert not db.entries_with_symbol("Lu")
        assert db.match_symbols(["Si", "Lu"]) is None
        assert db.match_symbols(["Si", "O"]).formula == "SiO"
        e = db.entries_with_symbols(["Sr", "Si", "O"])
        assert e and len(e) == 1 and e[0].formula == "SrSiO3"
Пример #13
 def read_abinit_xcfunc(self):
     Read ixc from an Abinit file. Return :class:`XcFunc` object.
     ixc = int(self.read_value("ixc"))
     return XcFunc.from_abinit_ixc(ixc)
Пример #14
 def __init__(self, xc):
     """xc is the exchange-correlation functional e.g. PBE, PW."""
     self.xc = XcFunc.asxc(xc)
Пример #15
    def test_xcfunc_api(self):
        """Testing XcFunc API."""
        # Aliases should be unique
        assert len(XcFunc.aliases()) == len(set(XcFunc.aliases()))

        # LDA-Teter
        ixc_1 = XcFunc.from_abinit_ixc(1)
        assert ixc_1.type == "LDA"
        assert ixc_1.name == "LDA_XC_TETER93"
        assert ixc_1 == ixc_1
        assert ixc_1 == "LDA_XC_TETER93"
        assert ixc_1 != "PBE"
        assert ixc_1.name not in XcFunc.aliases()
        assert ixc_1 == XcFunc.from_name(ixc_1.name)

        # LDA-PW (in aliases)
        ixc_7 = XcFunc.from_abinit_ixc(7)
        assert ixc_7.type == "LDA"
        assert ixc_7.name == "PW"
        assert ixc_7.name in XcFunc.aliases()
        assert ixc_7.name == XcFunc.from_name(ixc_7.name)
        assert ixc_7 != ixc_1

        # GGA-PBE from ixc == 11 (in aliases)
        ixc_11 = XcFunc.from_abinit_ixc(11)
        assert ixc_11.type == "GGA" and ixc_11.name == "PBE"
        assert ixc_11.name in XcFunc.aliases()
        assert ixc_1 != ixc_11
        # Test asxc
        assert XcFunc.asxc(ixc_11) is ixc_11
        assert XcFunc.asxc("PBE") == ixc_11

        d = {ixc_11: ixc_11.name}
        assert "PBE" in d
        assert ixc_11 in d

        # Test if object can be serialized with Pickle.
        self.serialize_with_pickle(ixc_11, test_eq=True)

        # Test if object supports MSONable
        # TODO
        #print("in test", type(ixc_11.x), type(ixc_11.c), type(ixc_11.xc))

        # GGA-PBE from ixc given in abinit-libxc mode
        ixc_101130 = XcFunc.from_abinit_ixc(-101130)
        assert ixc_101130.type == "GGA" and ixc_101130.name == "PBE"
        assert ixc_101130 == ixc_11

        # GGA-PBE built from name
        gga_pbe = XcFunc.from_name("PBE")
        assert gga_pbe.type == "GGA" and gga_pbe.name == "PBE"
        assert ixc_11 == gga_pbe

        # Use X from GGA and C from LDA!
        unknown_xc = XcFunc.from_name("GGA_X_PBE+ LDA_C_PW")
        assert unknown_xc not in XcFunc.aliases()
        assert unknown_xc.type == "GGA+LDA"
        assert unknown_xc.name == "GGA_X_PBE+LDA_C_PW"