Пример #1
def _get_kpoints(kpoint_mesh: Union[float, int, List[int]],
                 structure: Structure,
                 symprec: float = 0.01,
                 return_full_kpoints: bool = False
                 ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]:
    """Gets the symmetry inequivalent k-points from a k-point mesh.

    Follows the same process as SpacegroupAnalyzer.get_ir_reciprocal_mesh
    but is faster and allows returning of the full k-point mesh and mapping.

        kpoint_mesh: The k-point mesh as a 1x3 array. E.g.,``[6, 6, 6]``.
            Alternatively, if a single value is provided this will be
            treated as a reciprocal density and the k-point mesh dimensions
            generated automatically.
        structure: A structure.
        symprec: Symmetry tolerance used when determining the symmetry
            inequivalent k-points on which to interpolate.
        return_full_kpoints: Whether to return the full list of k-points
            covering the entire Brillouin zone and the indices of
            inequivalent k-points.

        The irreducible k-points and their weights as tuple, formatted as::

            (ir_kpoints, weights)

        If return_full_kpoints, the data will be returned as::

            (ir_kpoints, weights, full_kpoints, ir_kpoints_idx, ir_to_full_idx)

        Where ``ir_kpoints_idx`` is the index of the unique irreducible k-points
        in ``full_kpoints``. ``ir_to_full_idx`` is a list of indices that can be
        used to construct the full Brillouin zone from the ir_mesh. Note the
        ir -> full conversion will only work with calculated scalar properties
        such as energy (not vector properties such as velocity).
    if isinstance(kpoint_mesh, (int, float)):
        # TODO: Update this to use reciprocal length as in kgrid
        kpoint_mesh = Kpoints.automatic_density_by_vol(structure, kpoint_mesh)

    atoms = AseAtomsAdaptor().get_atoms(structure)

    if not symprec:
        symprec = 0.1

    mapping, grid = spglib.get_ir_reciprocal_mesh(
        kpoint_mesh, atoms, symprec=symprec)
    full_kpoints = grid / kpoint_mesh

    ir_kpoints_idx, ir_to_full_idx, weights = np.unique(
        mapping, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)
    ir_kpoints = full_kpoints[ir_kpoints_idx]

    if return_full_kpoints:
        return ir_kpoints, weights, full_kpoints, ir_kpoints_idx, ir_to_full_idx
        return ir_kpoints, weights