Пример #1
def _snl_to_spec(snl, enforce_gga=False):
    spec = {}

    incar_enforce = {'NPAR': 2}
    structure = snl.structure
    mpvis = MPGGAVaspInputSet(user_incar_settings=incar_enforce) if enforce_gga else MPVaspInputSet(user_incar_settings=incar_enforce)

    incar = mpvis.get_incar(structure)
    poscar = mpvis.get_poscar(structure)
    kpoints = mpvis.get_kpoints(structure)
    potcar = mpvis.get_potcar(structure)

    spec['vasp'] = {}
    spec['vasp']['incar'] = incar.to_dict
    spec['vasp']['poscar'] = poscar.to_dict
    spec['vasp']['kpoints'] = kpoints.to_dict
    spec['vasp']['potcar'] = potcar.to_dict

    # Add run tags of pseudopotential
    spec['run_tags'] = spec.get('run_tags', [potcar.functional])

    # Add run tags of +U
    u_tags = ['%s=%s' % t for t in
              zip(poscar.site_symbols, incar.get('LDAUU', [0] * len(poscar.site_symbols)))]

    spec['_dupefinder'] = DupeFinderVasp().to_dict()
    spec['vaspinputset_name'] = mpvis.__class__.__name__
    spec['task_type'] = 'GGA+U optimize structure (2x)' if spec['vasp'][
        'incar'].get('LDAU', False) else 'GGA optimize structure (2x)'

    return spec
Пример #2
def _snl_to_spec(snl, enforce_gga=False, parameters=None):

    parameters = parameters if parameters else {}
    parameters['boltztrap'] = parameters.get('boltztrap',
                                             True)  # by default run boltztrap
    spec = {'parameters': parameters}

    incar_enforce = {'NPAR': 2}
    if 'exact_structure' in parameters and parameters['exact_structure']:
        structure = snl.structure
        structure = snl.structure.get_primitive_structure()

    mpvis = MPGGAVaspInputSet(
        user_incar_settings=incar_enforce) if enforce_gga else MPVaspInputSet(

    incar = mpvis.get_incar(structure)
    poscar = mpvis.get_poscar(structure)
    kpoints = mpvis.get_kpoints(structure)
    potcar = mpvis.get_potcar(structure)

    spec['vasp'] = {}
    spec['vasp']['incar'] = incar.as_dict()
    spec['vasp']['poscar'] = poscar.as_dict()
    spec['vasp']['kpoints'] = kpoints.as_dict()
    spec['vasp']['potcar'] = potcar.as_dict()

    # Add run tags of pseudopotential
    spec['run_tags'] = spec.get('run_tags', [potcar.functional])

    # Add run tags of +U
    u_tags = [
        '%s=%s' % t
        for t in zip(poscar.site_symbols,
                     incar.get('LDAUU', [0] * len(poscar.site_symbols)))

    # add user run tags
    if 'run_tags' in parameters:
        del spec['parameters']['run_tags']

    # add exact structure run tag automatically if we have a unique situation
    if 'exact_structure' in parameters and parameters[
            'exact_structure'] and snl.structure != snl.structure.get_primitive_structure(

    spec['_dupefinder'] = DupeFinderVasp().to_dict()
    spec['vaspinputset_name'] = mpvis.__class__.__name__
    spec['task_type'] = 'GGA+U optimize structure (2x)' if spec['vasp'][
        'incar'].get('LDAU', False) else 'GGA optimize structure (2x)'

    return spec
Пример #3
def _snl_to_spec(snl, enforce_gga=False, parameters=None):

    parameters = parameters if parameters else {}

    spec = {'parameters': parameters}

    incar_enforce = {'NPAR': 2}
    if 'exact_structure' in parameters and parameters['exact_structure']:
        structure = snl.structure
        structure = snl.structure.get_primitive_structure()

    mpvis = MPGGAVaspInputSet(user_incar_settings=incar_enforce) if enforce_gga else MPVaspInputSet(user_incar_settings=incar_enforce)

    incar = mpvis.get_incar(structure)
    poscar = mpvis.get_poscar(structure)
    kpoints = mpvis.get_kpoints(structure)
    potcar = mpvis.get_potcar(structure)

    spec['vasp'] = {}
    spec['vasp']['incar'] = incar.to_dict
    spec['vasp']['poscar'] = poscar.to_dict
    spec['vasp']['kpoints'] = kpoints.to_dict
    spec['vasp']['potcar'] = potcar.to_dict

    # Add run tags of pseudopotential
    spec['run_tags'] = spec.get('run_tags', [potcar.functional])

    # Add run tags of +U
    u_tags = ['%s=%s' % t for t in
              zip(poscar.site_symbols, incar.get('LDAUU', [0] * len(poscar.site_symbols)))]

    # add user run tags
    if 'run_tags' in parameters:
        del spec['parameters']['run_tags']

    # add exact structure run tag automatically if we have a unique situation
    if 'exact_structure' in parameters and parameters['exact_structure'] and snl.structure != snl.structure.get_primitive_structure():

    spec['_dupefinder'] = DupeFinderVasp().to_dict()
    spec['vaspinputset_name'] = mpvis.__class__.__name__
    spec['task_type'] = 'GGA+U optimize structure (2x)' if spec['vasp'][
        'incar'].get('LDAU', False) else 'GGA optimize structure (2x)'

    return spec
Пример #4
def _snl_to_spec(snl, enforce_gga=False):
    spec = {}

    incar_enforce = {'NPAR': 2}
    structure = snl.structure
    mpvis = MPGGAVaspInputSet(
        user_incar_settings=incar_enforce) if enforce_gga else MPVaspInputSet(

    incar = mpvis.get_incar(structure)
    poscar = mpvis.get_poscar(structure)
    kpoints = mpvis.get_kpoints(structure)
    potcar = mpvis.get_potcar(structure)

    spec['vasp'] = {}
    spec['vasp']['incar'] = incar.to_dict
    spec['vasp']['poscar'] = poscar.to_dict
    spec['vasp']['kpoints'] = kpoints.to_dict
    spec['vasp']['potcar'] = potcar.to_dict

    # Add run tags of pseudopotential
    spec['run_tags'] = spec.get('run_tags', [potcar.functional])

    # Add run tags of +U
    u_tags = [
        '%s=%s' % t
        for t in zip(poscar.site_symbols,
                     incar.get('LDAUU', [0] * len(poscar.site_symbols)))

    spec['_dupefinder'] = DupeFinderVasp().to_dict()
    spec['vaspinputset_name'] = mpvis.__class__.__name__
    spec['task_type'] = 'GGA+U optimize structure (2x)' if spec['vasp'][
        'incar'].get('LDAU', False) else 'GGA optimize structure (2x)'

    return spec
Пример #5
def _snl_to_spec(snl, enforce_gga=True):
    spec = {}

    mpvis = MPGGAVaspInputSet() if enforce_gga else MPVaspInputSet()
    structure = snl.structure

    spec['vasp'] = {}
    spec['vasp']['incar'] = mpvis.get_incar(structure).to_dict
    spec['vasp']['incar']['NPAR'] = 2
    spec['vasp']['poscar'] = mpvis.get_poscar(structure).to_dict
    spec['vasp']['kpoints'] = mpvis.get_kpoints(structure).to_dict
    spec['vasp']['potcar'] = mpvis.get_potcar(structure).to_dict
    spec['_dupefinder'] = DupeFinderVasp().to_dict()
    spec['_priority'] = 2
    # TODO: restore category
    # spec['_category'] = 'Materials Project'
    spec['vaspinputset_name'] = mpvis.__class__.__name__
    spec['task_type'] = 'GGA+U optimize structure (2x)' if spec['vasp'][
        'incar'].get('LDAU', False) else 'GGA optimize structure (2x)'


    return spec
Пример #6
def structure_to_wf(structure):
    This method starts with a Structure object and creates a Workflow object
    The workflow has two steps - a structure relaxation and a static run
    :param structure:
    fws = []  # list of FireWorks to run
    connections = defaultdict(list)  # dependencies between FireWorks

    # generate VASP input objects for 1st VASP run - this is put in the FW spec
    mpvis = MPGGAVaspInputSet(user_incar_settings={'NPAR': 2})
    incar = mpvis.get_incar(structure)
    poscar = mpvis.get_poscar(structure)
    kpoints = mpvis.get_kpoints(structure)
    potcar = mpvis.get_potcar(structure)

    # serialize the VASP input objects to the FW spec
    spec = {}
    spec['vasp'] = {}
    spec['vasp']['incar'] = incar.as_dict()
    spec['vasp']['poscar'] = poscar.as_dict()
    spec['vasp']['kpoints'] = kpoints.as_dict()
    spec['vasp']['potcar'] = potcar.as_dict()
    spec['vaspinputset_name'] = mpvis.__class__.__name__
    spec['task_type'] = 'GGA optimize structure (2x) example'

    # set up the custodian that we want to run
    jobs = VaspJob.double_relaxation_run('', gzipped=False)
    for j in jobs: # turn off auto npar, it doesn't work for >1 node
            j.auto_npar = False
    handlers = [VaspErrorHandler(), FrozenJobErrorHandler(), MeshSymmetryErrorHandler(),
    c_params = {'jobs': [j.as_dict() for j in jobs], 'handlers': [h.as_dict() for h in handlers], 'max_errors': 5}
    custodiantask = VaspCustodianTaskEx(c_params)

    # 1st Firework - run GGA optimize structure
    # VaspWriterTask - write input files (INCAR, POSCAR, KPOINTS, POSCAR) based on spec
    # CustodianTaskEx - run VASP within a custodian
    tasks = [VaspWriterTask(), custodiantask]
    fws.append(Firework(tasks, spec, name=get_name(structure, spec['task_type']), fw_id=1))

    # 2nd Firework - insert previous run into DB
    spec = {'task_type': 'VASP db insertion example'}
        Firework([VaspToDBTaskEx()], spec, name=get_name(structure, spec['task_type']), fw_id=2))
    connections[1] = [2]

    # 3rd Firework - static run.
    # VaspCopyTask - copy output from previous run to this directory
    # SetupStaticRunTask - override old parameters for static run
    # CustodianTaskEx - run VASP within a custodian
    spec = {'task_type': 'GGA static example'}
    copytask = VaspCopyTask({'use_CONTCAR': True, 'skip_CHGCAR': True})
    setuptask = SetupStaticRunTask()
    custodiantask = VaspCustodianTaskEx({'jobs': [VaspJob('', auto_npar=False).as_dict()], 'handlers': [h.as_dict() for h in handlers], 'max_errors': 5})
    fws.append(Firework([copytask, setuptask, custodiantask], spec, name=get_name(structure, spec['task_type']), fw_id=3))
    connections[2] = [3]

    # 4th Firework - insert previous run into DB
    spec = {'task_type': 'VASP db insertion example'}
        Firework([VaspToDBTaskEx()], spec, name=get_name(structure, spec['task_type']), fw_id=4))
    connections[3] = [4]

    return Workflow(fws, connections, name=get_slug(structure.formula))
Пример #7
def structure_to_wf(structure):
    This method starts with a Structure object and creates a Workflow object
    The workflow has two steps - a structure relaxation and a static run
    :param structure:
    fws = []  # list of FireWorks to run
    connections = defaultdict(list)  # dependencies between FireWorks

    # generate VASP input objects for 1st VASP run - this is put in the FW spec
    mpvis = MPGGAVaspInputSet(user_incar_settings={'NPAR': 2})
    incar = mpvis.get_incar(structure)
    poscar = mpvis.get_poscar(structure)
    kpoints = mpvis.get_kpoints(structure)
    potcar = mpvis.get_potcar(structure)

    # serialize the VASP input objects to the FW spec
    spec = {}
    spec['vasp'] = {}
    spec['vasp']['incar'] = incar.to_dict
    spec['vasp']['poscar'] = poscar.to_dict
    spec['vasp']['kpoints'] = kpoints.to_dict
    spec['vasp']['potcar'] = potcar.to_dict
    spec['vaspinputset_name'] = mpvis.__class__.__name__
    spec['task_type'] = 'GGA optimize structure (2x) example'

    # set up the custodian that we want to run
    jobs = VaspJob.double_relaxation_run('', gzipped=False)
    for j in jobs: # turn off auto npar, it doesn't work for >1 node
            j.auto_npar = False
    handlers = [VaspErrorHandler(), FrozenJobErrorHandler(), MeshSymmetryErrorHandler(),
    c_params = {'jobs': [j.to_dict for j in jobs], 'handlers': [h.to_dict for h in handlers], 'max_errors': 5}
    custodiantask = VaspCustodianTaskEx(c_params)

    # 1st FireWork - run GGA optimize structure
    # VaspWriterTask - write input files (INCAR, POSCAR, KPOINTS, POSCAR) based on spec
    # CustodianTaskEx - run VASP within a custodian
    tasks = [VaspWriterTask(), custodiantask]
    fws.append(FireWork(tasks, spec, name=get_name(structure, spec['task_type']), fw_id=1))

    # 2nd FireWork - insert previous run into DB
    spec = {'task_type': 'VASP db insertion example'}
        FireWork([VaspToDBTaskEx()], spec, name=get_name(structure, spec['task_type']), fw_id=2))
    connections[1] = [2]

    # 3rd FireWork - static run.
    # VaspCopyTask - copy output from previous run to this directory
    # SetupStaticRunTask - override old parameters for static run
    # CustodianTaskEx - run VASP within a custodian
    spec = {'task_type': 'GGA static example'}
    copytask = VaspCopyTask({'use_CONTCAR': True, 'skip_CHGCAR': True})
    setuptask = SetupStaticRunTask()
    custodiantask = VaspCustodianTaskEx({'jobs': [VaspJob('', auto_npar=False).to_dict], 'handlers': [h.to_dict for h in handlers], 'max_errors': 5})
    fws.append(FireWork([copytask, setuptask, custodiantask], spec, name=get_name(structure, spec['task_type']), fw_id=3))
    connections[2] = [3]

    # 4th FireWork - insert previous run into DB
    spec = {'task_type': 'VASP db insertion example'}
        FireWork([VaspToDBTaskEx()], spec, name=get_name(structure, spec['task_type']), fw_id=4))
    connections[3] = [4]

    return Workflow(fws, connections, name=get_slug(structure.formula))