Пример #1
    def _cart_dists(self, s1, s2, avg_lattice, mask, normalization, frac_tol=None):
        Finds a matching in cartesian space. Finds an additional
        fractional translation vector to minimize RMS distance

            s1, s2: numpy arrays of fractional coordinates. len(s1) >= len(s2)
            avg_lattice: Lattice on which to calculate distances
            mask: numpy array of booleans. mask[i, j] = True indicates
                that s2[i] cannot be matched to s1[j]
            normalization (float): inverse normalization length

            Distances from s2 to s1, normalized by (V/Natom) ^ 1/3
            Fractional translation vector to apply to s2.
            Mapping from s1 to s2, i.e. with numpy slicing, s1[mapping] => s2
        if len(s2) > len(s1):
            raise ValueError("s1 must be larger than s2")
        if mask.shape != (len(s2), len(s1)):
            raise ValueError("mask has incorrect shape")

        #vectors are from s2 to s1
        vecs, d_2 = pbc_shortest_vectors(avg_lattice, s2, s1, mask, return_d2=True, frac_tol=frac_tol)
        lin = LinearAssignment(d_2)
        s = lin.solution
        short_vecs = vecs[np.arange(len(s)), s]
        translation = np.average(short_vecs, axis=0)
        f_translation = avg_lattice.get_fractional_coords(translation)
        new_d2 = np.sum((short_vecs - translation) ** 2, axis=-1)

        return new_d2 ** 0.5 * normalization, f_translation, s
Пример #2
    def _cart_dists(self, s1, s2, avg_lattice, mask, normalization, frac_tol=None):
        Finds a matching in cartesian space. Finds an additional
        fractional translation vector to minimize RMS distance

            s1, s2: numpy arrays of fractional coordinates. len(s1) >= len(s2)
            avg_lattice: Lattice on which to calculate distances
            mask: numpy array of booleans. mask[i, j] = True indicates
                that s2[i] cannot be matched to s1[j]
            normalization (float): inverse normalization length

            Distances from s2 to s1, normalized by (V/Natom) ^ 1/3
            Fractional translation vector to apply to s2.
            Mapping from s1 to s2, i.e. with numpy slicing, s1[mapping] => s2
        if len(s2) > len(s1):
            raise ValueError("s1 must be larger than s2")
        if mask.shape != (len(s2), len(s1)):
            raise ValueError("mask has incorrect shape")

        #vectors are from s2 to s1
        vecs, d_2 = pbc_shortest_vectors(avg_lattice, s2, s1, mask, return_d2=True, frac_tol=frac_tol)
        lin = LinearAssignment(d_2)
        s = lin.solution
        short_vecs = vecs[np.arange(len(s)), s]
        translation = np.average(short_vecs, axis=0)
        f_translation = avg_lattice.get_fractional_coords(translation)
        new_d2 = np.sum((short_vecs - translation) ** 2, axis=-1)

        return new_d2 ** 0.5 * normalization, f_translation, s
Пример #3
def pbc_shortest_vectors(lattice, fcoords1, fcoords2, mask=None, return_d2=False):
    Returns the shortest vectors between two lists of coordinates taking into
    account periodic boundary conditions and the lattice.

        lattice: lattice to use
        fcoords1: First set of fractional coordinates. e.g., [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]
            or [[1.1, 1.2, 4.3], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]]. It can be a single
            coord or any array of coords.
        fcoords2: Second set of fractional coordinates.
        mask (boolean array): Mask of matches that are not allowed.
            i.e. if mask[1,2] == True, then subset[1] cannot be matched
            to superset[2]
        return_d2 (boolean): whether to also return the squared distances

        array of displacement vectors from fcoords1 to fcoords2
        first index is fcoords1 index, second is fcoords2 index
    return cuc.pbc_shortest_vectors(lattice, fcoords1, fcoords2, mask, return_d2)
Пример #4
def pbc_shortest_vectors(lattice, fcoords1, fcoords2, mask=None, return_d2=False):
    Returns the shortest vectors between two lists of coordinates taking into
    account periodic boundary conditions and the lattice.

        lattice: lattice to use
        fcoords1: First set of fractional coordinates. e.g., [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]
            or [[1.1, 1.2, 4.3], [0.5, 0.6, 0.7]]. It can be a single
            coord or any array of coords.
        fcoords2: Second set of fractional coordinates.
        mask (boolean array): Mask of matches that are not allowed.
            i.e. if mask[1,2] == True, then subset[1] cannot be matched
            to superset[2]
        return_d2 (boolean): whether to also return the squared distances

        array of displacement vectors from fcoords1 to fcoords2
        first index is fcoords1 index, second is fcoords2 index
    return cuc.pbc_shortest_vectors(lattice, fcoords1, fcoords2, mask, return_d2)