Пример #1
    def test_random_seed(self):
        seedx = aesara.shared(np.random.default_rng(1))
        seedy = aesara.shared(np.random.default_rng(1))
        x = at.random.normal(rng=seedx)
        y = at.random.normal(rng=seedy)

        # Shared variables are the same, so outputs will be identical
        f0 = aesara.function([], [x, y])
        x0_eval, y0_eval = f0()
        assert x0_eval == y0_eval

        # The variables will be reseeded with new seeds by default
        f1 = compile_pymc([], [x, y])
        x1_eval, y1_eval = f1()
        assert x1_eval != y1_eval

        # Check that seeding works
        f2 = compile_pymc([], [x, y], random_seed=1)
        x2_eval, y2_eval = f2()
        assert x2_eval != x1_eval
        assert y2_eval != y1_eval

        f3 = compile_pymc([], [x, y], random_seed=1)
        x3_eval, y3_eval = f3()
        assert x3_eval == x2_eval
        assert y3_eval == y2_eval
Пример #2
def _logp_forw(point, out_vars, in_vars, shared):
    """Compile Aesara function of the model and the input and output variables.

    out_vars: List
        containing :class:`pymc.Distribution` for the output variables
    in_vars: List
        containing :class:`pymc.Distribution` for the input variables
    shared: List
        containing :class:`aesara.tensor.Tensor` for depended shared data

    # Replace integer inputs with rounded float inputs
    if any(var.dtype in discrete_types for var in in_vars):
        replace_int_input = {}
        new_in_vars = []
        for in_var in in_vars:
            if in_var.dtype in discrete_types:
                float_var = at.TensorType("floatX",
                replace_int_input[in_var] = at.round(float_var)

        out_vars = clone_replace(out_vars, replace_int_input, strict=False)
        in_vars = new_in_vars

    out_list, inarray0 = join_nonshared_inputs(point, out_vars, in_vars,
    f = compile_pymc([inarray0], out_list[0])
    f.trust_input = True
    return f
Пример #3
    def test_layers(self):
        with pm.Model(rng_seeder=232093) as model:
            a = pm.Uniform("a", lower=0, upper=1, size=10)
            b = pm.Binomial("b", n=1, p=a, size=10)

        b_sampler = compile_pymc([], b, mode="FAST_RUN")
        avg = np.stack([b_sampler() for i in range(10000)]).mean(0)
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(avg, 0.5 * np.ones((10,)), decimal=2)
Пример #4
    def test_check_bounds_flag(self):
        """Test that CheckParameterValue Ops are replaced or removed when using compile_pymc"""
        logp = at.ones(3)
        cond = np.array([1, 0, 1])
        bound = check_parameters(logp, cond)

        with pm.Model() as m:

        with pytest.raises(ParameterValueError):
            aesara.function([], bound)()

        m.check_bounds = False
        with m:
            assert np.all(compile_pymc([], bound)() == 1)

        m.check_bounds = True
        with m:
            assert np.all(compile_pymc([], bound)() == -np.inf)
Пример #5
def delta_logp(point, logp, vars, shared):
    [logp0], inarray0 = pm.join_nonshared_inputs(point, [logp], vars, shared)

    tensor_type = inarray0.type
    inarray1 = tensor_type("inarray1")

    logp1 = pm.CallableTensor(logp0)(inarray1)

    f = compile_pymc([inarray1, inarray0], logp1 - logp0)
    f.trust_input = True
    return f
Пример #6
    def test_compile_pymc_custom_update_op(self):
        """Test that custom MeasurableVariable Op updates are used by compile_pymc"""
        class UnmeasurableOp(OpFromGraph):
            def update(self, node):
                return {node.inputs[0]: node.inputs[0] + 1}

        dummy_inputs = [at.scalar(), at.scalar()]
        dummy_outputs = [at.add(*dummy_inputs)]
        dummy_x = UnmeasurableOp(dummy_inputs,
                                 dummy_outputs)(aesara.shared(1.0), 1.0)

        # Check that there are no updates at first
        fn = compile_pymc(inputs=[], outputs=dummy_x)
        assert fn() == fn() == 2.0

        # And they are enabled once the Op is registered as Measurable
        fn = compile_pymc(inputs=[], outputs=dummy_x)
        assert fn() == 2.0
        assert fn() == 3.0
Пример #7
    def test_compile_pymc_sets_rng_updates(self):
        rng = aesara.shared(np.random.default_rng(0))
        x = pm.Normal.dist(rng=rng)
        assert x.owner.inputs[0] is rng
        f = compile_pymc([], x)
        assert not np.isclose(f(), f())

        # Check that update was not done inplace
        assert not hasattr(rng, "default_update")
        f = aesara.function([], x)
        assert f() == f()
Пример #8
    def test_compile_pymc_missing_default_explicit_updates(self):
        rng = aesara.shared(np.random.default_rng(0))
        x = pm.Normal.dist(rng=rng)

        # By default, compile_pymc should update the rng of x
        f = compile_pymc([], x)
        assert f() != f()

        # An explicit update should override the default_update, like aesara.function does
        # For testing purposes, we use an update that leaves the rng unchanged
        f = compile_pymc([], x, updates={rng: rng})
        assert f() == f()

        # If we specify a custom default_update directly it should use that instead.
        rng.default_update = rng
        f = compile_pymc([], x)
        assert f() == f()

        # And again, it should be overridden by an explicit update
        f = compile_pymc([], x, updates={rng: x.owner.outputs[0]})
        assert f() != f()
Пример #9
def replace_with_values(vars_needed, replacements=None, model=None):
    Replace random variable nodes in the graph with values given by the replacements dict.
    Uses untransformed versions of the inputs, performs some basic input validation.

    vars_needed: list of TensorVariables
        A list of variable outputs
    replacements: dict with string keys, numeric values
        The variable name and values to be replaced in the model graph.
    model: Model
        A PyMC model object
    model = modelcontext(model)

    inputs, input_names = [], []
    for rv in walk_model(vars_needed, walk_past_rvs=True):
        if rv in model.named_vars.values() and not isinstance(
                rv, SharedVariable):

    # Then it's deterministic, no inputs are required, can eval and return
    if len(inputs) == 0:
        return tuple(v.eval() for v in vars_needed)

    fn = compile_pymc(

    # Remove unneeded inputs
    replacements = {
        name: val
        for name, val in replacements.items() if name in input_names
    missing = set(input_names) - set(replacements.keys())

    # Error if more inputs are needed
    if len(missing) > 0:
        missing_str = ", ".join(missing)
        raise ValueError(
            f"Values for {missing_str} must be included in `replacements`.")

    return fn(**replacements)
Пример #10
    def test_compile_pymc_updates_inputs(self):
        """Test that compile_pymc does not include rngs updates of variables that are inputs
        or ancestors to inputs
        x = at.random.normal()
        y = at.random.normal(x)
        z = at.random.normal(y)

        for inputs, rvs_in_graph in (
            ([], 3),
            ([x], 2),
            ([y], 1),
            ([z], 0),
            ([x, y], 1),
            ([x, y, z], 0),
            fn = compile_pymc(inputs, z, on_unused_input="ignore")
            fn_fgraph = fn.maker.fgraph
            # Each RV adds a shared input for its rng
            assert len(fn_fgraph.inputs) == len(inputs) + rvs_in_graph
            # If the output is an input, the graph has a DeepCopyOp
            assert len(fn_fgraph.apply_nodes) == max(rvs_in_graph, 1)
            # Each RV adds a shared output for its rng
            assert len(fn_fgraph.outputs) == 1 + rvs_in_graph
Пример #11
def make_initial_point_fn(
    overrides: Optional[StartDict] = None,
    jitter_rvs: Optional[Set[TensorVariable]] = None,
    default_strategy: str = "moment",
    return_transformed: bool = True,
) -> Callable:
    """Create seeded function that computes initial values for all free model variables.

    jitter_rvs : set
        The set (or list or tuple) of random variables for which a U(-1, +1) jitter should be
        added to the initial value. Only available for variables that have a transform or real-valued support.
    default_strategy : str
        Which of { "moment", "prior" } to prefer if the initval setting for an RV is None.
    overrides : dict
        Initial value (strategies) to use instead of what's specified in `Model.initial_values`.
    return_transformed : bool
        If `True` the returned variables will correspond to transformed initial values.

    def find_rng_nodes(variables):
        return [
            for node in graph_inputs(variables)
            if isinstance(

    overrides = convert_str_to_rv_dict(model, overrides or {})

    initial_values = make_initial_point_expression(
        initval_strategies={**model.initial_values, **(overrides or {})},

    # Replace original rng shared variables so that we don't mess with them
    # when calling the final seeded function
    graph = FunctionGraph(outputs=initial_values, clone=False)
    rng_nodes = find_rng_nodes(graph.outputs)
    new_rng_nodes = []
    for rng_node in rng_nodes:
        if isinstance(rng_node, at.random.var.RandomStateSharedVariable):
            new_rng = np.random.RandomState(np.random.PCG64())
            new_rng = np.random.Generator(np.random.PCG64())
    graph.replace_all(zip(rng_nodes, new_rng_nodes), import_missing=True)
    func = compile_pymc(inputs=[], outputs=graph.outputs, mode=aesara.compile.mode.FAST_COMPILE)

    varnames = []
    for var in model.free_RVs:
        transform = getattr(model.rvs_to_values[var].tag, "transform", None)
        if transform is not None and return_transformed:
            name = get_transformed_name(var.name, transform)
            name = var.name

    def make_seeded_function(func):

        rngs = find_rng_nodes(func.maker.fgraph.outputs)

        def inner(seed, *args, **kwargs):
            seeds = [
                for sub_seed in np.random.SeedSequence(seed).spawn(len(rngs))
            for rng, seed in zip(rngs, seeds):
                if isinstance(rng, at.random.var.RandomStateSharedVariable):
                    new_rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
                    new_rng = np.random.Generator(seed)
                rng.set_value(new_rng, True)
            values = func(*args, **kwargs)
            return dict(zip(varnames, values))

        return inner

    return make_seeded_function(func)
Пример #12
 def test_compile_pymc_with_updates(self):
     x = aesara.shared(0)
     f = compile_pymc([], x, updates={x: x + 1})
     assert f() == 0
     assert f() == 1