def __init__(self, mean=0, sigma=1, name="", model=None): super().__init__(name, model) self.register_rv(Normal.dist(mu=mean, sigma=sigma), "v1") Normal("v2", mu=mean, sigma=sigma) Normal("v3", mu=mean, sigma=Normal("sd", mu=10, sigma=1, initval=1.0)) Deterministic("v3_sq", self.v3 ** 2) Potential("p1", at.constant(1))
def __init__(self, mean=0, sigma=1, name='', model=None): super().__init__(name, model) self.Var('v1', Normal.dist(mu=mean, sigma=sigma)) Normal('v2', mu=mean, sigma=sigma) Normal('v3', mu=mean, sigma=HalfCauchy('sd', beta=10, testval=1.)) Deterministic('v3_sq', self.v3 ** 2) Potential('p1', tt.constant(1))
def __init__(self, mean=0, sigma=1, name="", model=None): super().__init__(name, model) self.Var("v1", Normal.dist(mu=mean, sigma=sigma)) Normal("v2", mu=mean, sigma=sigma) Normal("v3", mu=mean, sigma=HalfCauchy("sd", beta=10, testval=1.0)) Deterministic("v3_sq", self.v3 ** 2) Potential("p1", aet.constant(1))
class LinearComponent(Model): """Creates linear component, y_est is accessible via attribute Parameters ---------- name: str - name, associated with the linear component x: pd.DataFrame or np.ndarray y: pd.Series or np.array intercept: bool - fit with intercept or not? labels: list - replace variable names with these labels priors: dict - priors for coefficients use `Intercept` key for defining Intercept prior defaults to Flat.dist() use `Regressor` key for defining default prior for all regressors defaults to Normal.dist(mu=0, tau=1.0E-6) vars: dict - random variables instead of creating new ones offset: scalar, or numpy/theano array with the same shape as y this can be used to specify an a priori known component to be included in the linear predictor during fitting. """ default_regressor_prior = Normal.dist(mu=0, tau=1.0e-6) default_intercept_prior = Flat.dist() def __init__( self, x, y, intercept=True, labels=None, priors=None, vars=None, name="", model=None, offset=0.0, ): super().__init__(name, model) if len(y.shape) > 1: err_msg = ("Only one-dimensional observed variable objects (i.e." " of shape `(n, )`) are supported") raise TypeError(err_msg) if priors is None: priors = {} if vars is None: vars = {} x, labels = any_to_tensor_and_labels(x, labels) # now we have x, shape and labels if intercept: x = tt.concatenate([tt.ones((x.shape[0], 1), x.dtype), x], axis=1) labels = ["Intercept"] + labels coeffs = list() for name in labels: if name == "Intercept": if name in vars: v = Deterministic(name, vars[name]) else: v = self.Var(name=name, dist=priors.get(name, self.default_intercept_prior)) coeffs.append(v) else: if name in vars: v = Deterministic(name, vars[name]) else: v = self.Var( name=name, dist=priors.get( name, priors.get("Regressor", self.default_regressor_prior)), ) coeffs.append(v) self.coeffs = tt.stack(coeffs, axis=0) self.y_est = + offset @classmethod def from_formula(cls, formula, data, priors=None, vars=None, name="", model=None, offset=0.0, eval_env=0): """Creates linear component from `patsy` formula. Parameters ---------- formula: str - a patsy formula data: a dict-like object that can be used to look up variables referenced in `formula` eval_env: either a `patsy.EvalEnvironment` or else a depth represented as an integer which will be passed to `patsy.EvalEnvironment.capture()`. See `patsy.dmatrix` and `patsy.EvalEnvironment` for details. Other arguments are documented in the constructor. """ import patsy eval_env = patsy.EvalEnvironment.capture(eval_env, reference=1) y, x = patsy.dmatrices(formula, data, eval_env=eval_env) labels = x.design_info.column_names return cls( np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y)[:, -1], intercept=False, labels=labels, priors=priors, vars=vars, name=name, model=model, offset=offset, )
class FrailtyIndependentComponent_Fix(Model): """ General Class for transformation multivariate frailty model Hack of pm.GLM.LinearComponent Parameters ---------- name : str - name, associated with the linear component x : pd.DataFrame or np.ndarray y : pd.Series or np.array e: pd.Series or np.array intercept : bool - fit with intercept or not? labels : list - replace variable names with these labels priors : dict - priors for coefficients use `Intercept` key for defining Intercept prior defaults to Flat.dist() use `Regressor` key for defining default prior for all regressors defaults to Normal.dist(mu=0, tau=1.0E-6) vars : dict - random variables instead of creating new ones """ # First thing we need to do is define default priors for the model parameters default_regressor_prior = Normal.dist(mu=0, tau=1 / 100) default_lambda_prior = Gamma.dist(0.001, 0.001, testval=1.) default_rho_prior = Gamma.dist(0.001, 0.001, testval=1.) default_theta_prior = Gamma.dist(0.001, 0.001, testval=1.) def __init__(self, time, event, x, rs, minibatch=1, labels=None, priors=None, vars=None, name='', model=None): super(FrailtyIndependentComponent_Fix, self).__init__(name, model) if priors is None: priors = {} if vars is None: vars = {} ### first thing to do is determine whether we are working with tensors or np.matrices ## Debugging print(str(time)) # if we are working with a matrix, we need to grab the value of the array that populates it if str(time) == '<TensorType(float64, matrix)>': data_tensor = True self.k = k = time.get_value().shape[1] # outcome dimentionality self.n = n = time.get_value().shape[ 0] # total number of observations self.p = p = x.get_value().shape[1] # number of covariates else: data_tensor = False self.k = k = time.shape[1] # outcome dimentionality self.n = n = time.shape[0] # total number of observations self.p = p = x.shape[1] # number of covariates x, labels = any_to_tensor_and_labels( x, labels) # might need to do this for the other variables ## now for secondary delta for the gamma frac if data_tensor == True: # Create tensor variable for the gamma_frac component of the likelihood self.event_change = event_change = theano.shared(np.array([np.append(np.repeat(1, s), np.repeat(0, k-s)).tolist()\ for s in np.sum(event.get_value(), axis = 1)]), borrow = True) else: self.event_change = event_change = np.array([np.append(np.repeat(1, s), np.repeat(0, k-s)).tolist()\ for s in np.sum(event, axis = 1)]) ## Keep track of total size of the dataset, for minibatching ## new 10.10.2018 # If minibatch, then we need the x component to be a generator and not just a tensor # by this step in the computation, X is already in tensor form if minibatch >= 2: # kinda hacky but whatever, we can fix this later print("We're Mini batching") # If we're using mini-batch, then we have to tell the inner workings to fix the MAP estimate minibatch = int( minibatch) #just in case some n00b puts in a double/float here x_mini = pm.Minibatch( data=x.get_value(), batch_size=minibatch ) # make minibatch instance of the design matrix time_mini = pm.Minibatch( data=time.get_value(), batch_size=minibatch) # minibatch instance of the time array event_mini = pm.Minibatch( data=event.get_value(), batch_size=minibatch) # minibatch instance of the event array event_change_mini = pm.Minibatch( data=event_change.get_value(), batch_size=minibatch ) # minibatch instance of the transformed event array ## assign self. attributes to later parameterize the logp function self.x = x_mini self.time = time_mini self.event = event_mini self.event_change = event_change_mini else: # if not minibatching, just pass the tensors as they are self.x = x self.time = time self.event = event self.event_change = event_change # now we have x, shape and labels # init a list to store all of the parameters that go into our likelihood coeffs_all = list() lams = list() rhos = list() for level in range( k ): # for each dimension, instantiate a covariate effect for each predictor labels_this = [s + "_" + str(level) for s in labels] coeffs_this = list() for name in labels_this: if name in vars: v = Deterministic(name, vars[name]) else: v = self.Var(name=name, dist=priors.get( name, priors.get('Regressor', self.default_regressor_prior))) coeffs_this.append(v) coeffs_this = tt.stack(coeffs_this, axis=0) coeffs_all.append(coeffs_this) ### Now for the baseline hazard portions lam_name = 'lam_' + str(level) lam = self.Var(name=lam_name, dist=priors.get( lam_name, priors.get('lam', self.default_lambda_prior)) ) # create labels for the lambdas lams.append(lam) # rhos rho_name = 'rho_' + str(level) rho = self.Var(name=rho_name, dist=priors.get( rho_name, priors.get('rho', self.default_rho_prior))) rhos.append(rho) # finally, transformation parameters r # frailty parameter theta = self.Var(name='theta', dist=priors.get( 'theta', priors.get('Theta', self.default_theta_prior))) # make self attribute for the coefficients self.coeffs_all = coeffs_all # changing 10.18 self.theta = theta self.lams = lams = tt.stack(lams, axis=0) self.rhos = rhos = tt.stack(rhos, axis=0)
class IndependentComponent(Model): """Creates independent component for independent variables, y_est is accessible via attribute Need to be able to hack this for usage with non-linear component Will be compatible with non-linear components as well Hack of pm.GLM.LinearComponent Parameters ---------- name : str - name, associated with the linear component x : pd.DataFrame or np.ndarray y : pd.Series or np.array e: pd.Series or np.array intercept : bool - fit with intercept or not? labels : list - replace variable names with these labels priors : dict - priors for coefficients use `Intercept` key for defining Intercept prior defaults to Flat.dist() use `Regressor` key for defining default prior for all regressors defaults to Normal.dist(mu=0, tau=1.0E-6) vars : dict - random variables instead of creating new ones """ default_regressor_prior = Normal.dist(mu=0, tau=1.0E-6) default_intercept_prior = Flat.dist() def __init__(self, x, y, e, intercept=True, labels=None, priors=None, vars=None, name='', model=None): super(IndependentComponent, self).__init__(name, model) if priors is None: priors = {} if vars is None: vars = {} x, labels = any_to_tensor_and_labels(x, labels) # now we have x, shape and labels if intercept: x = tt.concatenate([tt.ones((x.shape[0], 1), x.dtype), x], axis=1) labels = ['Intercept'] + labels self.x = x coeffs = list() for name in labels: if name == 'Intercept': if name in vars: v = Deterministic(name, vars[name]) else: v = self.Var(name=name, dist=priors.get(name, self.default_intercept_prior)) coeffs.append(v) else: if name in vars: v = Deterministic(name, vars[name]) else: v = self.Var(name=name, dist=priors.get( name, priors.get('Regressor', self.default_regressor_prior))) coeffs.append(v) self.coeffs = tt.stack(coeffs, axis=0) self.y_est =
class CopulaIndependentComponent(Model): """Creates independent component for independent variables, y_est is accessible via attribute Need to be able to hack this for usage with non-linear component Will be compatible with non-linear components as well Hack of pm.GLM.LinearComponent Parameters ---------- name : str - name, associated with the linear component x : pd.DataFrame or np.ndarray y : pd.Series or np.array e: pd.Series or np.array intercept : bool - fit with intercept or not? labels : list - replace variable names with these labels priors : dict - priors for coefficients use `Intercept` key for defining Intercept prior defaults to Flat.dist() use `Regressor` key for defining default prior for all regressors defaults to Normal.dist(mu=0, tau=1.0E-6) vars : dict - random variables instead of creating new ones """ default_regressor_prior = Normal.dist(mu=0, tau=1 / 100) def __init__(self, time_1, time_2, e_1, e_2, x, labels=None, priors=None, vars=None, name='', model=None): super(CopulaIndependentComponent, self).__init__(name, model) if priors is None: priors = {} if vars is None: vars = {} # we need 2 sets of these x, labels = any_to_tensor_and_labels(x, labels) # now we have x, shape and labels self.x = x labels_1 = [s + "_1" for s in labels] ###First Dimension coeffs_1 = list() for name in labels_1: if name in vars: v = Deterministic(name, vars[name]) else: v = self.Var(name=name, dist=priors.get( name, priors.get('Regressor', self.default_regressor_prior))) coeffs_1.append(v) self.coeffs_1 = tt.stack(coeffs_1, axis=0) #### Second Dimension labels_2 = [s + "_2" for s in labels] coeffs_2 = list() for name in labels_2: if name in vars: v = Deterministic(name, vars[name]) else: v = self.Var(name=name, dist=priors.get( name, priors.get('Regressor', self.default_regressor_prior))) coeffs_2.append(v) self.coeffs_2 = tt.stack(coeffs_2, axis=0) ### create independent components as attributes of self. self.indep_1 = self.indep_2 = self.labels_1 = labels_1 self.labels_2 = labels_2