Пример #1
def CreateNewMapFileJava(path, number, colors):
    map = TAG_Compound()
    map["data"] = TAG_Compound()
    map["data"]["scale"] = TAG_Byte(4)
    map["data"]["dimension"] = TAG_Byte(0)
    map["data"]["height"] = TAG_Short(128)
    map["data"]["width"] = TAG_Short(128)
    map["data"]["xCenter"] = TAG_Int(2147483647)
    map["data"]["yCenter"] = TAG_Int(2147483647)
    map["data"]["colors"] = TAG_Byte_Array(colors)
    map.save(os.path.join(path, "map_" + str(number) + ".dat"))
Пример #2
def CreateNewMapFilePE(level, number, colors):
    map = TAG_Compound()
    map["mapId"] = TAG_Long(number)
    map["parentMapId"] = TAG_Long(-1)
    map["decorations"] = TAG_List()
    map["dimension"] = TAG_Byte(0)
    map["fullyExplored"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    map["scale"] = TAG_Byte(4)
    map["height"] = TAG_Short(128)
    map["width"] = TAG_Short(128)
    map["xCenter"] = TAG_Int(2147483647)
    map["zCenter"] = TAG_Int(2147483647)
    map["colors"] = TAG_Byte_Array(colors)
    with level.worldFile.world_db() as db:
        wop = level.worldFile.writeOptions
        with nbt.littleEndianNBT():
            db.Put(wop, 'map_' + str(number), map.save(compressed=False))
Пример #3
def perform(level, box, options):
        raise Exception(
            'This filter requires level.gamePlatform. You will need a version of MCedit that has this'
    global idcount
    nearest = options[
        "Use Nearest-Color Transparency (recommended for lossy image formats):"]
    tmode = options["Transparency Mode:"]
    tcolor = options["Transparency Color:"]
    if tmode == "Use Default Color (#FF00FF)":
        transparent = (255, 0, 255)
    elif tmode == "User-Specified Color Below":
        if tcolor[0] == "#":
            alphacolor = int(tcolor[1:7], 16)
            transparent = (alphacolor >> 16, (alphacolor >> 8) & 0xff,
                           alphacolor & 0xff)
            raise Exception(
                "ERROR! The provided transparency color was formatted incorrectly! Colors must in hexadecimal format, in the form #RRGGBB"
        transparent = None

    invulnerable = options["Item Frames are invulnerable:"]
    imgpath = options["Image path:"]
    facing = options["Item Frames are facing:"]
    backing = options["Item Frame backing block (replaces air blocks only):"]
    if backing.ID == 0:
        raise Exception("ERROR! The backing block CANNOT be air!")
    toosmall = options["If selection is too small for image size:"]

    if level.gamePlatform == 'Java':
        if level.dimNo:
            datafolder = level.parentWorld.worldFolder.getFolderPath("data")
            datafolder = level.worldFolder.getFolderPath("data")

        if not os.path.exists(datafolder):
                raise OSError(
                    "ERROR! Data folder does not exist and could not be created. Please create a \"data\" folder at: "
                    + datafolder)
        idcountpath = os.path.join(datafolder, "idcounts.dat")
        if os.path.exists(idcountpath):
            idcountfile = nbt.load(idcountpath)
            if "map" in idcountfile:
                idcount = idcountfile["map"].value
                idcount = 0
                idcountfile["map"] = TAG_Short(0)
            idcount = 0
            idcountfile = TAG_Compound()
            idcountfile["map"] = TAG_Short(0)

    elif level.gamePlatform == 'PE':
            with level.worldFile.world_db() as db:
                rop = level.worldFile.readOptions
                idcountfile = loadNBTCompoundList(db.Get(rop,
            if "map" in idcountfile:
                idcount = idcountfile["map"].value
                idcount = 0
                idcountfile["map"] = TAG_Long(0)
            idcount = 0
            idcountfile = TAG_Compound()
            idcountfile["map"] = TAG_Long(0)

    if imgpath != "None":
        if os.path.exists(imgpath):
            image_path = imgpath
            image_path = mcplatform.askOpenFile(title="Select an Image",
        image_path = mcplatform.askOpenFile(title="Select an Image",

    if image_path == None:
        raise Exception("ERROR: No file provided!")
    surface = pygame.image.load(image_path)

    # Adrian Brightmoore
    # Modification to allow auto-resize to selection dimensions
    sx, sy, sz = box.size
    xsize, ysize, zsize = box.size * 128

    if toosmall == "Scale to selection":
        if (facing == "Eastwards (-X to +X)"
                or facing == "Westwards (+X to -X)"):
            surface = pygame.transform.smoothscale(surface, (zsize, ysize))
        elif (facing == "Northwards (+Z to -Z)"
              or facing == "Southwards (-Z to +Z)"):
            surface = pygame.transform.smoothscale(surface, (xsize, ysize))
    (height, width) = surface.get_size()

    # End modification to allow auto-resize to selection dimensions

    loopx = int(math.ceil(float(width) / 128.0))
    loopy = int(math.ceil(float(height) / 128.0))

    if level.gamePlatform == 'Java':
        if (loopx * loopy) + idcount > 32767:
            raise Exception(
                "\nERROR! The image size is too large or there are not enough maps left for this world.\n"
                "Only 32,767 map files are allowed per world, and there are",
                idcount, "maps in this world.\n"
                "The image specified requires", (loopx * loopy), "maps.\n")
    # elif level.gamePlatform == 'PE':
    # could do similar code to above but the limit is 2^63 rather than 2^15 so it will never be reached ever

    chestorframe = "item frames"
    if ysize < width:
        if toosmall == "Cancel Image Processing":
            raise Exception(
                "\nERROR! The selection height is too small! Your selection should be at least "
                + str(loopx) + "H in size.\n"
                "Cancelled image processing.")

            print "Creating chests instead of Item Frames"
            chestorframe = "chests"
    if chestorframe == "item frames" and (facing == "Eastwards (-X to +X)"
                                          or facing == "Westwards (+X to -X)"):
        if zsize < height or sx < 2:
            if toosmall == "Cancel Image Processing":
                raise Exception(
                    "\nERROR! The selection size is too small; it selection should be at least\n"
                    "2W x " + str(loopy) + "L x " + str(loopx) + "H in size.\n"
                    "Cancelled image processing.")

                print "Creating chests instead of Item Frames"
                chestorframe = "chests"
    elif chestorframe == "item frames" and (facing == "Northwards (+Z to -Z)"
                                            or facing
                                            == "Southwards (-Z to +Z)"):
        if xsize < height or sz < 2:
            if toosmall == "Cancel Image Processing":
                raise Exception(
                    "\nERROR! The selection size is too small; it should be at least\n"
                    "" + str(loopy) + "W x 2L x " + str(loopx) + "H in size.\n"
                    "Cancelled image processing.")
                print "Creating chests instead of Item Frames"
                chestorframe = "chests"

    image = numpy.fromstring(pygame.image.tostring(surface, "RGB"),
                             dtype=numpy.uint8).reshape(width, height, 3)
    progresscount = 1
    progressmax = loopx * loopy
    startid = idcount + 1

    def processImageJava(image, loopx, loopy, width, height, cache,
                         transparent, nearest, image_path, progresscount,
        global idcount
        for lx in xrange(loopx):
            for ly in xrange(loopy):
                yield idcount - 1, progressmax, "of image " + image_path
                progresscount += 1
                idcount += 1
                converted = numpy.zeros((128, 128), dtype=numpy.uint8)
                offsetx = lx * 128
                offsety = ly * 128
                for x in xrange(128):
                    for y in xrange(128):
                        if (offsetx + x) >= width:
                        elif (offsety + y) >= height:
                        r, g, b = (image[offsetx + x, offsety + y,
                                         0], image[offsetx + x, offsety + y,
                                                   1], image[offsetx + x,
                                                             offsety + y, 2])
                        if (r, g, b) in cache:
                            converted[x, y] = cache[(r, g, b)]
                            converted[x, y] = FindClosestPaletteIndex(
                                r, g, b, transparent, nearest)
                    if (offsetx + x) >= width:
                CreateNewMapFileJava(datafolder, idcount, converted)

    def processImagePE(image, loopx, loopy, width, height, image_path,
                       progresscount, progressmax):
        global idcount
        for lx in xrange(loopx):
            for ly in xrange(loopy):
                yield idcount - 1, progressmax, "of image " + image_path
                progresscount += 1
                idcount += 1
                print idcount
                converted = numpy.zeros((65536), dtype=numpy.uint8)
                offsetx = lx * 128
                offsety = ly * 128
                for x in xrange(128):
                    for y in xrange(128):
                        if (offsetx + x) >= width:
                        elif (offsety + y) >= height:
                        r, g, b = (image[offsetx + x, offsety + y,
                                         0], image[offsetx + x, offsety + y,
                                                   1], image[offsetx + x,
                                                             offsety + y, 2])
                        converted[4 * (x * 128 + y)] = r
                        converted[4 * (x * 128 + y) + 1] = g
                        converted[4 * (x * 128 + y) + 2] = b
                        converted[4 * (x * 128 + y) + 3] = 255
                    if (offsetx + x) >= width:
                CreateNewMapFilePE(level, idcount, converted)

    if level.gamePlatform == 'Java':
            "Processing image pieces:",
            processImageJava(image, loopx, loopy, width, height, cache,
                             transparent, nearest, image_path, progresscount,
    elif level.gamePlatform == 'PE':
            "Processing image pieces:",
            processImagePE(image, loopx, loopy, width, height, image_path,
                           progresscount, progressmax))
    print idcount
    endid = idcount
    print endid
    if level.gamePlatform == 'Java':
        idcountfile["map"] = TAG_Short(idcount)
        idcountfile.save(idcountpath, compressed=False)
    elif level.gamePlatform == 'PE':
        idcountfile["map"] = TAG_Long(idcount)
        with level.worldFile.world_db() as db:
            wop = level.worldFile.writeOptions
            with nbt.littleEndianNBT():
                db.Put(wop, 'MCeditMapIt', idcountfile.save(compressed=False))
    print "Finished processing image " + image_path + ". Creating " + chestorframe + "..."

    if chestorframe == "item frames":
        if level.gamePlatform == 'Java':
            if facing == "Northwards (+Z to -Z)" or facing == "Southwards (-Z to +Z)":
                if facing == "Northwards (+Z to -Z)":
                    dir = 0
                    posIncrement = False
                    dir = 2
                    posIncrement = True
                if facing == "Eastwards (-X to +X)":
                    dir = 3
                    posIncrement = True
                    dir = 1
                    posIncrement = False
            if facing == "Northwards (+Z to -Z)" or facing == "Southwards (-Z to +Z)":
                z = box.minz
                if posIncrement:
                    z += 1
                for y in xrange(box.miny - 1 + loopx, box.miny - 1, -1):
                    for x in xrange(box.minx, box.minx +
                                    loopy) if posIncrement else xrange(
                                        box.minx - 1 + loopy, box.minx -
                                        1, -1):
                        level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 0)
                        level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, 0)
                        if level.blockAt(x, y,
                                         z + (-1 if posIncrement else 1)) == 0:
                            level.setBlockAt(x, y,
                                             z + (-1 if posIncrement else 1),
                                x, y, z + (-1 if posIncrement else 1),
                        chunk = level.getChunk(x >> 4, z >> 4)
                            CreateItemFrameJava(x, y, z, dir, startid,
                        chunk.dirty = True
                        startid += 1
            elif facing == "Eastwards (-X to +X)" or facing == "Westwards (+X to -X)":
                x = box.minx
                if posIncrement:
                    x += 1
                for y in xrange(box.miny - 1 + loopx, box.miny - 1, -1):
                    for z in xrange(box.minz, box.minz +
                                    loopy) if not posIncrement else xrange(
                                        box.minz - 1 + loopy, box.minz -
                                        1, -1):
                        level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 0)
                        level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, 0)
                        if level.blockAt(x + (-1 if posIncrement else 1), y,
                                         z) == 0:
                            level.setBlockAt(x + (-1 if posIncrement else 1),
                                             y, z, backing.ID)
                                x + (-1 if posIncrement else 1), y, z,
                        chunk = level.getChunk(x >> 4, z >> 4)
                            CreateItemFrameJava(x, y, z, dir, startid,
                        chunk.dirty = True
                        startid += 1

        elif level.gamePlatform == 'PE':
            if facing == "Northwards (+Z to -Z)" or facing == "Southwards (-Z to +Z)":
                if facing == "Northwards (+Z to -Z)":
                    dir = 3
                    posIncrement = False
                    dir = 2
                    posIncrement = True
                if facing == "Eastwards (-X to +X)":
                    dir = 0
                    posIncrement = True
                    dir = 1
                    posIncrement = False
            if facing == "Northwards (+Z to -Z)" or facing == "Southwards (-Z to +Z)":
                z = box.minz
                if posIncrement:
                    z += 1
                for y in xrange(box.miny - 1 + loopx, box.miny - 1, -1):
                    for x in xrange(box.minx, box.minx +
                                    loopy) if posIncrement else xrange(
                                        box.minx - 1 + loopy, box.minx -
                                        1, -1):
                        level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 199)
                        level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, dir)
                        if level.blockAt(x, y,
                                         z + (-1 if posIncrement else 1)) == 0:
                            level.setBlockAt(x, y,
                                             z + (-1 if posIncrement else 1),
                                x, y, z + (-1 if posIncrement else 1),
                        chunk = level.getChunk(x >> 4, z >> 4)
                            CreateItemFramePE(x, y, z, startid))
                        chunk.dirty = True
                        startid += 1
            elif facing == "Eastwards (-X to +X)" or facing == "Westwards (+X to -X)":
                x = box.minx
                if posIncrement:
                    x += 1
                for y in xrange(box.miny - 1 + loopx, box.miny - 1, -1):
                    for z in xrange(box.minz, box.minz +
                                    loopy) if not posIncrement else xrange(
                                        box.minz - 1 + loopy, box.minz -
                                        1, -1):
                        level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 199)
                        level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, dir)
                        if level.blockAt(x + (-1 if posIncrement else 1), y,
                                         z) == 0:
                            level.setBlockAt(x + (-1 if posIncrement else 1),
                                             y, z, backing.ID)
                                x + (-1 if posIncrement else 1), y, z,
                        chunk = level.getChunk(x >> 4, z >> 4)
                            CreateItemFramePE(x, y, z, startid))
                        chunk.dirty = True
                        startid += 1

        if level.gamePlatform == 'Java':
            breakout = False
            entsToAdd = []
            for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):
                for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
                    for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
                        newchest = TAG_Compound()
                        newchest["id"] = TAG_String("Chest")
                        newchest["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
                        newchest["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
                        newchest["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
                        newchest["Lock"] = TAG_String()
                        newchest["Items"] = TAG_List()
                        mapitem = TAG_Compound()
                        mapitem["id"] = TAG_String("minecraft:filled_map")
                        mapitem["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
                        mapitem["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
                        mapitem["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                        for c in xrange(27):
                            newitem = deepcopy(mapitem)
                            newitem["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(c)
                            newitem["Damage"] = TAG_Short(startid)
                            startid += 1
                            if startid > endid:
                                breakout = True
                        level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 54)
                        level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, 4)
                            (level.getChunk(x >> 4,
                                            z >> 4), deepcopy(newchest)))
                        if breakout:
                    if breakout:
                if breakout:
        elif level.gamePlatform == 'PE':
            breakout = False
            entsToAdd = []
            for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):
                for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
                    for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
                        newchest = TAG_Compound()
                        newchest["id"] = TAG_String("Chest")
                        newchest["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
                        newchest["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
                        newchest["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
                        newchest["Items"] = TAG_List()
                        mapitem = TAG_Compound()
                        mapitem["id"] = TAG_Short(358)
                        mapitem["Count"] = TAG_Byte(16)
                        mapitem["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
                        mapitem["tag"] = TAG_Compound()
                        for c in xrange(27):
                            newitem = deepcopy(mapitem)
                            newitem["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(c)
                            newitem["tag"]["map_uuid"] = TAG_Long(startid)
                            startid += 1
                            if startid > endid:
                                breakout = True
                        level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 54)
                        level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, 4)
                            (level.getChunk(x >> 4,
                                            z >> 4), deepcopy(newchest)))
                        if breakout:
                    if breakout:
                if breakout:

        for (chunk, entity) in entsToAdd:
            chunk.dirty = True
    print "-------------------"
    print "Filtering complete."
Пример #4
def genWallMap(level, box, options):
    mapScale = options["Scale"]
    wallMapCentreX = options["x"]
    wallMapCentreZ = options["z"]
    gridAlign = options["Align with Grid"]
    renderMaps = options["Render Maps"]
    if dimNo != 0:
        dataFolder = level.parentWorld.worldFolder.getFolderPath("data")
        dataFolder = level.worldFolder.getFolderPath("data")
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dataFolder, "idcounts.dat")):
        idcountsTag = nbt.load(os.path.join(dataFolder, "idcounts.dat"))
        # Value of last existing map, new map should be map_(mapCount+1)
        mapCount = idcountsTag["map"].value
        mapCount = -1
    if gridAlign:
        wallMapCentreX = int(round(wallMapCentreX/8.0))*8
        wallMapCentreZ = int(round(wallMapCentreZ/8.0))*8
    # if the box is not 1 thick
    if box.width != 1 and box.length != 1:
        raise Exception("The selection box needs to be 1 block thick")
    for chunk, slices, point in level.getChunkSlices(box):
        if chunk.Blocks[slices].any():
            raise Exception("The selection box should be clear of blocks")
    # facing
    # 0 : south, +x map left to right
    # 1 : west, +z
    # 2 : north, -x
    # 3 : east, -z
    positive = 0
    negative = 0
    if box.width == 1:
        # wall map along y-z plane
        for chunk, slices, point in level.getChunkSlices(pymclevel.box.BoundingBox(box.origin + (1, 0, 0), box.size)):
            positive += chunk.Blocks[slices][chunk.Blocks[slices] != 0].size
        for chunk, slices, point in level.getChunkSlices(pymclevel.box.BoundingBox(box.origin + (-1, 0, 0), box.size)):
            negative += chunk.Blocks[slices][chunk.Blocks[slices] != 0].size
        if positive > negative:
            facing = 1
            facing = 3
        wallMapWidth = box.length
        # wall map along x-y plane
        for chunk, slices, point in level.getChunkSlices(pymclevel.box.BoundingBox(box.origin + (0, 0, 1), box.size)):
            positive += chunk.Blocks[slices][chunk.Blocks[slices] != 0].size
        for chunk, slices, point in level.getChunkSlices(pymclevel.box.BoundingBox(box.origin + (0, 0, -1), box.size)):
            negative += chunk.Blocks[slices][chunk.Blocks[slices] != 0].size
        if positive > negative:
            facing = 2
            facing = 0
        wallMapWidth = box.width
    wallMapHeight = box.height
    for chunk, slices, point in level.getChunkSlices(pymclevel.box.BoundingBox(box.origin + (1*[0, 1, 0, -1][facing], 0, 1*[-1, 0, 1, 0][facing], box.size))):
        if not chunk.Blocks[slices].all():
            raise Exception("The selection box should be against a wall")
    def itemFramePosIter(box, facing):
        if facing == 0:
            return ((x, y, box.minz) for y in xrange(box.maxy-1, box.miny-1, -1) for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx))
        elif facing == 1:
            return ((box.minx, y, z) for y in xrange(box.maxy-1, box.miny-1, -1) for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz))
        elif facing == 2:
            return ((x, y, box.minz) for y in xrange(box.maxy-1, box.miny-1, -1) for x in xrange(box.maxx-1, box.minx-1, -1))
        elif facing == 3:
            return ((box.minx, y, z) for y in xrange(box.maxy-1, box.miny-1, -1) for z in xrange(box.maxz-1, box.minz-1, -1))
    def mapCentreIter(wallMapCentreX, wallMapCentreZ, wallMapWidth, wallMapHeight, mapScale, upDir):
        mapWidthInBlocks = 128 * 2**mapScale
        if upDir == 2:
            topLeftMapCentreX = wallMapCentreX - wallMapWidth*mapWidthInBlocks/2 + mapWidthInBlocks/2
            topLeftMapCentreZ = wallMapCentreZ - wallMapHeight*mapWidthInBlocks/2 + mapWidthInBlocks/2
            for h in xrange(wallMapHeight):
                for w in xrange(wallMapWidth):
                    yield (topLeftMapCentreX + w * mapWidthInBlocks, topLeftMapCentreZ + h * mapWidthInBlocks)
        elif upDir == 3:
            topLeftMapCentreX = wallMapCentreX + wallMapHeight*mapWidthInBlocks/2 - mapWidthInBlocks/2
            topLeftMapCentreZ = wallMapCentreZ - wallMapWidth*mapWidthInBlocks/2 + mapWidthInBlocks/2
            for h in xrange(wallMapHeight):
                for w in xrange(wallMapWidth):
                    yield (topLeftMapCentreX - h * mapWidthInBlocks, topLeftMapCentreZ + w * mapWidthInBlocks)
        elif upDir == 0:
            topLeftMapCentreX = wallMapCentreX + wallMapWidth*mapWidthInBlocks/2 - mapWidthInBlocks/2
            topLeftMapCentreZ = wallMapCentreZ + wallMapHeight*mapWidthInBlocks/2 - mapWidthInBlocks/2
            for h in xrange(wallMapHeight):
                for w in xrange(wallMapWidth):
                    yield (topLeftMapCentreX - w * mapWidthInBlocks, topLeftMapCentreZ - h * mapWidthInBlocks)
        elif upDir == 1:
            topLeftMapCentreX = wallMapCentreX - wallMapHeight*mapWidthInBlocks/2 + mapWidthInBlocks/2
            topLeftMapCentreZ = wallMapCentreZ + wallMapWidth*mapWidthInBlocks/2 - mapWidthInBlocks/2
            for h in xrange(wallMapHeight):
                for w in xrange(wallMapWidth):
                    yield (topLeftMapCentreX + h * mapWidthInBlocks, topLeftMapCentreZ - w * mapWidthInBlocks)
    upDir = {"North":2, "East":3, "South":0, "West":1}[options["Up is"]]
    itemRotation = [2, 1, 0, 3][upDir]
    progressBarMapCount = 0
    numMaps = wallMapWidth * wallMapHeight
    numCols = numMaps * 128
    for itemFramePos, mapCentre in itertools.izip(itemFramePosIter(box, facing), mapCentreIter(wallMapCentreX, wallMapCentreZ, wallMapWidth, wallMapHeight, mapScale, upDir)):
        mapCount += 1
        mapTag = makeMapTag(*mapCentre, scale=mapScale)
        if renderMaps:
            for column in renderMap(level, mapTag):
                yield progressBarMapCount * 128 + column, numCols, "Map: "+str(progressBarMapCount)+"/"+str(numMaps)
        saveMapTag(level, mapTag, mapCount)
        mapItem = makeMapItemTag(mapCount)
        itemFrame = makeItemFrameEntity(*itemFramePos, facing=facing, itemtag=mapItem, itemRotation=itemRotation)
        progressBarMapCount += 1
    if mapCount >= 0:
        idcountsTag = TAG_Compound()
        idcountsTag["map"] = TAG_Short(mapCount)
        idcountsTag.save(os.path.join(dataFolder, "idcounts.dat"))