Пример #1
 def _init_from_path(self, path):
     path = Path(path)
     self.folder_path = path.parent
     self.ext = path.ext
     self.descriptor, self.task, ver = path.name.stripext().split("_")
     self.ver = int(ver.split("v")[-1])
Пример #2
    def path(self):

        return Path(self.dir) / self.basename()
Пример #3
 def folder_path(self, val):
     self._folder_path = Path(val)
Пример #4
    def dir(self):

        return Path(self._dir)
Пример #5
    def dir(self, val):

        self._dir = Path(val)
Пример #6
def _set_working_drive(working_drive):
    #set the working drive if it's not already
    if not working_drive:
        for c in reversed(get_available_drives()):
            d = Path(c + ':')
            if not (d / 'lavaWorkingDrive').isfile(): continue
            working_drive = d.drive
        if not working_drive: return False
    working_drive = Path(working_drive[0] + ':/')

    #set the maya path
    maya_path = Path(working_drive) / 'maya'
    if not maya_path.isdir(): return False

    #it's too late at this point, unfortunately, to pick up the latest version of pymel,
    #nor does the Maya.env PYTHONPATH seem to work like it should, so,
    #assuming your working drive is Z, your Maya path is z:/maya and you've
    #installed the latest version of pymel in your Maya path, you need to edit the
    #environment variables for your account to include
    #PYTHONPATH: z:/maya/scripts;z:/maya/pymel-1.x.x
    #i wish there was a better way and maybe there is, but i really devoted a lot
    #of time and energy into solving this problem with python scripts and this is
    #the only solution that worked.

    #look for and load the maya/plug-ins folder too.
    env_key = 'MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH'
    pips = getEnvs(env_key)
    for i, p in enumerate(pips):
        pips[i] = _fix_path(Path(p))
    for f in maya_path.listdir():
        if f.name == 'plug-ins':
            f = _fix_path(f)
            if f in pips:
                del pips[pips.index(f)]
            pips.insert(0, f)
    putEnv(env_key, ';'.join(pips))

    #set the workspace
    workspace(maya_path / 'projects', openWorkspace=True)

    #set the script path
    script_path = maya_path / 'scripts'
    if script_path.isdir():

        #prepare some empty dictionaries to store unique
        #folder paths as keys for script locations.
        mels, pys, pymods = {}, {}, {}

        #put the file's folder path in the appropriate mel, mods
        #or pys dictionary.
        pats = {'__init__.py*': pymods, '*.mel': mels, '*.py': pys}
        for f in script_path.walkfiles():
            for k, v in pats.items():
                if f.fnmatch(k):
                    v[_fix_path(f.dirname())] = None

        #remove any pys keys that are also found in pymods.
        #this is the only reason we made pymods in the first place, so
        #delete pymods to make it clear that we're done with it.
        for k in (k for k in pymods.keys() if k in pys):
            del pys[k]
        del pymods

        #fix all the sys.paths to make them consistent with pys
        #key-searches and add any py leftovers to the sys.paths.
        pys[_fix_path(script_path)] = None
        sp = []
        for p in sys.path:
            p = _fix_path(Path(p))
            if p in pys:
                del pys[p]
        sys.path = [k
                    for k in reversed(sorted(pys.keys(), key=str.lower))] + sp

        #fix all the maya script paths to make them consistent with mels
        #key-searches and add any mel leftovers to the env var.
        mels[_fix_path(script_path)] = None
        env_key = 'MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH'
        sps = getEnvs(env_key)
        for i, p in enumerate(sps):
            sps[i] = _fix_path(Path(p))
            if sps[i] in mels:
                del mels[sps[i]]
        for k in reversed(sorted(mels.keys(), key=str.lower)):
            sps.insert(0, k)
        putEnv(env_key, ';'.join(sps))

        #sourcing the scriptEditorPanel, for some reason, will actually check
        #the pymelScrollFieldReporter.py in the Plug-in Manager. if this is not
        #done, it will throw an error whenever the script editor is opened.
        sep = 'scriptEditorPanel.mel'
        if (script_path / sep).isfile():

    return True
Пример #7
 def __init__(self, dir='', descriptor='main', version=1, ext="ma"):
     """Returns the DCC scene file name"""
     self._dir = Path(dir)
     self.descriptor = descriptor
     self.version = version
     self.ext = ext
 def dir(self, val):
     self._dir = Path(val)
Пример #9
 def _init_from_path(self, path):
     path = Path(path)
     self.folder_path = Path("C:\\test\\")
     self.filename = "my_maya_scene.ma"
     self.basename = Path("my_maya_scene.ma").stripext()
Пример #10
 def dir(self):
     current_path = Path(pmc.system.sceneName())
     self.dir = current_path.parent
Пример #11
 def path(self):
     #This function returns a path to scene file, includes drive letter and directory path
     return Path(self.dir) / self.basename()
Пример #12
 def dir(self):
     return Path(self._dir)