Пример #1
    def _conductord_winding_squared(self, pts, distance):
        """Compute and returned the signed distances between particles and mesh.

        The distances are computed via the functions of winding number and squared distance provided by PyMesh.
        PyMesh's distance_to_mesh function needs to compute BVH engine every time it is called.
        The PyMesh library has been modified so distance_to_mesh can take BVH engine as an argument
        to avoid this time consuming step called every time.

          pts: numpy.ndarray of Nx3 storing the positions of particles for query. 
          distance: A list to store the computed distance

          distance: A list. Points outside conductor have positive values, and those inside have negative values.
        winding_number = pymesh.compute_winding_number(self.surface, pts)
        winding_number[np.abs(winding_number) < self._winding_fuzz] = 0.0
        pts_inside = winding_number > 0.

            distance[:], _, _ = pymesh.distance_to_mesh(self.surface,
        except TypeError:
            distance[:], _, _ = pymesh.distance_to_mesh(self.surface, pts)

        distance[:] = np.sqrt(distance)
        distance[pts_inside] *= -1
Пример #2
    def _conductord_winding_squared(self, pts, distance):
        """Compute and returned the signed distances between particles and mesh.

        The distances are computed via the functions of winding number and squared distance provided by PyMesh.
        PyMesh's distance_to_mesh function needs to compute BVH engine every time it is called.
        The PyMesh library has been modified so distance_to_mesh can take BVH engine as an argument
        to avoid this time consuming step called every time.

          pts: numpy.ndarray of Nx3 storing the positions of particles for query. 
          distance: A list to store the computed distance

          distance: A list. Points outside conductor have positive values, and those inside have negative values.
        winding_number = pymesh.compute_winding_number(self.surface, pts)
        winding_number[np.abs(winding_number) < self._winding_fuzz] = 0.0
        pts_inside = winding_number > 0.

            distance[:], _, _ = pymesh.distance_to_mesh(self.surface, pts, bvh=self._bvh)
        except TypeError:
            distance[:], _, _ = pymesh.distance_to_mesh(self.surface, pts)

        distance[:] = np.sqrt(distance)
        distance[pts_inside] *= -1
Пример #3
def pick_points(mesh, mesh_pymesh, object_name):
  Function for inteactively picking points
    print("1) Pick points using [shift + left click]")
    print("   Press [shift + right click] to undo point picking")
    print("2) After picking points, press q for close the window")
    # sample points on the mesh surface to be picked from
    pcd = mesh.sample_points_poisson_disk(10000)

    # create interactive visualizer
    vis = o3dv.VisualizerWithEditing()
    # vis.add_geometry(mesh)
    vis.run()  # user picks points
    pt_idxs = vis.get_picked_points()

    # get the picked points and normals of the faces closest to those points
    pts = np.asarray(pcd.points)[pt_idxs]
    _, face_idxs, _ = pymesh.distance_to_mesh(mesh_pymesh, pts)
    normals = np.asarray(mesh.triangle_normals)[face_idxs]
    # normals = np.asarray(pcd.normals)[pt_idxs]
    if normals.ndim == 1:
        normals = normals[np.newaxis, :]
    return pts, normals
Пример #4
    def test_boundary_pts_geogram(self):
        mesh = generate_box_mesh(np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([1, 1, 1]))
        pts = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]])

        if "geogram" in BVH.available_engines:
            sq_dist, face_idx, closest_pts = distance_to_mesh(
                mesh, pts, "geogram")
            self.assert_array_equal(sq_dist, np.zeros(2))
Пример #5
    def test_boundary_pts_cgal(self):
        mesh = generate_box_mesh(
                np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([1, 1, 1]));
        pts = np.array([
            [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
            [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] ]);

        sq_dist, face_idx, closest_pts = distance_to_mesh(mesh, pts, "cgal");
        self.assert_array_equal(sq_dist, np.zeros(2));
Пример #6
    def test_boundary_pts_cgal(self):
        mesh = generate_box_mesh(
                np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([1, 1, 1]));
        pts = np.array([
            [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
            [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] ]);

        sq_dist, face_idx, closest_pts = distance_to_mesh(mesh, pts, "cgal");
        self.assert_array_equal(sq_dist, np.zeros(2));
Пример #7
def process_marker_locations(mesh_o3d, mesh_pymesh, markers):
  snaps marker locations to object surface
  and computes surface normals at marker locations
    dist2, face_idxs, nbrs = pymesh.distance_to_mesh(mesh_pymesh, markers)
    normals = np.asarray(mesh_o3d.triangle_normals)[face_idxs]

    # snap to surface
    vs = markers - nbrs
    vs /= np.linalg.norm(vs, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    markers -= np.sqrt(dist2)[:, np.newaxis] * vs
    return markers, normals
Пример #8
def calculate_rmse_and_density(ground_truth_mesh, cropped_pointcloud,
                               depth_scale, camera_angle):
    # need to get the reference mesh and the pointcloud in the same units
    squared_distances, _, _ = pymesh.distance_to_mesh(
        np.asarray(cropped_pointcloud.points) / depth_scale)

    rmse = np.sqrt(np.sum(squared_distances) / len(squared_distances))
    distance_thresh = 2  # mm of distance
    threshold = distance_thresh**2
    num_valid_pixels = len(squared_distances[squared_distances < threshold])

    valid_pattern_surface_area = ground_truth_mesh.get_pattern_surface_area(

    return rmse, num_valid_pixels / valid_pattern_surface_area
Пример #9
 def preprocess_to_find_kp_uv(
     mesh = pymesh.form_mesh(verts, faces)
     dist, face_ind, closest_pts = pymesh.distance_to_mesh(mesh, kp3d)
     dist_to_verts = np.square(kp3d[:, None, :] - verts[None, :, :]).sum(-1)
     closest_pts = closest_pts / np.linalg.norm(
         closest_pts, axis=1, keepdims=1)
     min_inds = np.argmin(dist_to_verts, axis=1)
     kp_verts_sphere = verts_sphere[min_inds]
     kp_uv = geom_utils.convert_3d_to_uv_coordinates(closest_pts)
     return kp_uv
def measure_distances_on_surface_non_registered_pymesh(
    import pymesh

    #source_mesh = np.array(read_mesh(source_obj_file))
    destination_mesh = pymesh.load_mesh(destination_obj_file)
    #for index_source in range(len(source_mesh)):
    # if index in list of given vertices or if list empty measure all distances
    #	if (measure_on_source_vertices==ALL_POINTS or index_source in measure_on_source_vertices):
    if measure_on_source_vertices == ALL_POINTS:
        measure_on_source_vertices = range(destination_mesh.num_vertices)
    source_points = get_vertex_positions(source_obj_file,
    squared_distances, face_indices, closest_points = pymesh.distance_to_mesh(
        destination_mesh, source_points)
    distances = [math.sqrt(d2) for d2 in squared_distances]
    return distances
Пример #11
def voxelized_pointcloud_boundary_sampling(path, sigmas, res, inp_points,
        out_voxelization_file = path + '/voxelized_point_cloud_{}res_{}points.npz'.format(
            res, inp_points)

        off_path = path + '/mesh.off'
        mesh = trimesh.load(off_path)
        py_mesh = pymesh.load_mesh(off_path)

        # =====================
        # Voxelized point cloud
        # =====================

        if not os.path.exists(out_voxelization_file):

            bb_min = -0.5
            bb_max = 0.5

            point_cloud = mesh.sample(inp_points)

            # Grid Points used for computing occupancies
            grid_points = create_grid_points_from_bounds(
                bb_min, bb_max, args.res)

            # KDTree creation for fast querying nearest neighbour to points on the point cloud
            kdtree = KDTree(grid_points)
            _, idx = kdtree.query(point_cloud)

            occupancies = np.zeros(len(grid_points), dtype=np.int8)
            occupancies[idx] = 1
            compressed_occupancies = np.packbits(occupancies)

            print('Finished Voxelized point cloud {}'.format(path))

        # ==================
        # Boundary Sampling
        # ==================
        for sigma in sigmas:
            out_sampling_file = path + '/pymesh_boundary_{}_samples.npz'.format(

            if not os.path.exists(out_sampling_file):
                points = mesh.sample(sample_points)
                if sigma == 0:
                    boundary_points = points
                    boundary_points = points + sigma * np.random.randn(
                        sample_points, 3)

                # Transform the boundary points to grid coordinates
                grid_coords = boundary_points.copy()
                            0], grid_coords[:,
                                            2] = boundary_points[:,
                                                                 2], boundary_points[:,

                grid_coords = 2 * grid_coords

                # distance field calculation
                if sigma == 0:
                    df = np.zeros(boundary_points.shape[0])
                    df = np.sqrt(
                        pymesh.distance_to_mesh(py_mesh, boundary_points)[0])

                    'Finished boundary sampling {}'.format(out_sampling_file))

    except Exception as err:
        print('Error with {}: {}'.format(path, traceback.format_exc()))
Пример #12
 def contains_point(self, x, epsilon=0.001):
     (dists, faces, pts) = pymesh.distance_to_mesh(self.component_mesh, [x])
     if dists == 0.0:
         return True
     return False
Пример #13
def map_shape_to_ico_sphere(mapping, uv_map_size=(1001, 1001), transform=None):
    vshape = mapping['vshape'].transpose(1,0).astype(np.float)
    vsphere = mapping['vsphere'].transpose(1,0).astype(np.float)
    faces = mapping['face'].transpose(1,0).astype(np.int)
    if transform is not None:
        vshape = np.dot(vshape, transform.transpose())

    mesh_sphere = pymesh.form_mesh(vsphere, faces)
    mesh_shape = pymesh.form_mesh(vshape, faces)

    pymesh.meshio.save_mesh('test_shape.obj', mesh_shape)
    pymesh.meshio.save_mesh('test_sphere.obj', mesh_sphere)
    # # pdb.set_trace()
    map_H = uv_map_size[1]
    map_W = uv_map_size[0]
    x = np.arange(0, 1 + 1.0/(map_W-1), 1.0/(map_W-1))
    y = np.arange(0, 1 + 1.0/(map_H-1), 1.0/(map_H-1))

    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='xy')

    map_uv = np.stack([xx, yy], axis=2)
    map_uv  = map_uv.reshape(-1, 2)
    map_3d = geom_utils.convert_uv_to_3d_coordinates(map_uv)
    # fig = plt.figure()
    # ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    dist , face_inds, closest_points = pymesh.distance_to_mesh(mesh_sphere, map_3d)
    # face_ind = face_inds.reshape(map_H, map_W,)
    barycentric_coordinates = convert_to_barycentric_coordinates(faces, vsphere, face_inds, map_3d)
    # ax.scatter(map_3d[:,0],map_3d[:,1], map_3d[:,2] ,'r')
    # ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
    # ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')
    # ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')
    uv_cords = geom_utils.convert_3d_to_uv_coordinates(vsphere)

    # plt.savefig('3d_uv_points.png')
    face_verts_ind = faces[face_inds]
    uv_vertsA =  uv_cords[face_verts_ind[:, 0]]
    uv_vertsB =  uv_cords[face_verts_ind[:, 1]]
    uv_vertsC =  uv_cords[face_verts_ind[:, 2]]
    new_uv = uv_vertsA*barycentric_coordinates[:,None,0] + uv_vertsB*barycentric_coordinates[:,None, 0] + uv_vertsC*barycentric_coordinates[:,None, 2]
    dist = dist.reshape(map_H, map_W)
    barycentric_coordinates = barycentric_coordinates.reshape(map_H, map_W, 3)
    face_inds = face_inds.reshape(map_H, map_W)
    map_3d = map_3d.reshape(map_H, map_W, -1)
    closest_points = closest_points.reshape(map_H, map_W, -1)
    map_uv = map_uv.reshape(map_H, map_W,2)
    stuff = {}
    stuff['map_3d'] = map_3d
    stuff['sphere_verts'] = vsphere 
    stuff['verts'] = vshape
    stuff['faces'] = faces
    stuff['uv_verts'] = uv_cords
    stuff['uv_map'] = map_uv
    stuff['bary_cord'] = barycentric_coordinates
    stuff['face_inds'] = face_inds

    return stuff
Пример #14
def map_cmr_mean_to_uv_image(uv_map_size=(1001, 1001)):
    cub_cache_dir = '/home/nileshk/CMR/birds3d/cachedir/cub/'
    anno_sfm_path = osp.join(cub_cache_dir, 'sfm', 'anno_train.mat')
    anno_sfm = sio.loadmat(anno_sfm_path, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True)
    sfm_mean_shape = (np.transpose(anno_sfm['S']), anno_sfm['conv_tri']-1)
    cmr_mean_shape_path = osp.join('/home/nileshk/CorrespNet/icn/cachedir/cub/', 'uv', 'cmr_mean.mat')
    cmr_mean = sio.loadmat(cmr_mean_shape_path)
    verts_proj, faces = cmr_mean['verts'].squeeze(), cmr_mean['faces'].squeeze()
    bird_mesh = pymesh.form_mesh(verts_proj, faces)
    # pymesh.meshio.save_mesh('cmr_bird.obj', bird_mesh)
    verts = verts_sphere = verts_proj/np.linalg.norm(verts_proj, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    mesh_sphere = pymesh.form_mesh(verts_sphere, faces)
    # pymesh.meshio.save_mesh('cmr_sphere.obj', sphere_mesh)
    # verts, faces = create_sphere(3)
    # verts_proj = project_verts_on_mesh(verts, sfm_mean_shape[0], sfm_mean_shape[1])
    # mesh_sphere = pymesh.form_mesh(verts, faces)
    # mesh_shape = pymesh.form_mesh(verts_proj, faces)

    # pymesh.meshio.save_mesh('test_sphere.obj', mesh_sphere)
    # uv = np.zeros((uv_map_size[1], uv_map_size[0], 2))
    # u_step = 1.0/1920
    # v_step = 1.0/960
    map_H = uv_map_size[1]
    map_W = uv_map_size[0]
    x = np.arange(0, 1 + 1.0/(map_W-1), 1.0/(map_W-1))
    y = np.arange(0, 1 + 1.0/(map_H-1), 1.0/(map_H-1))

    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='xy')

    map_uv = np.stack([xx, yy], axis=2)
    map_uv  = map_uv.reshape(-1, 2)
    map_3d = geom_utils.convert_uv_to_3d_coordinates(map_uv)
    # # fig = plt.figure()
    # # ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    dist , face_inds, closest_points = pymesh.distance_to_mesh(mesh_sphere, map_3d)
    # # face_ind = face_inds.reshape(map_H, map_W,)
    barycentric_coordinates = convert_to_barycentric_coordinates(faces, verts, face_inds, map_3d)
    # # ax.scatter(map_3d[:,0],map_3d[:,1], map_3d[:,2] ,'r')
    # # ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
    # # ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')
    # # ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')
    uv_cords = geom_utils.convert_3d_to_uv_coordinates(verts)
    # # plt.savefig('3d_uv_points.png')
    # face_verts_ind = faces[face_inds]
    # uv_vertsA =  uv_cords[face_verts_ind[:, 0]]
    # uv_vertsB =  uv_cords[face_verts_ind[:, 1]]
    # uv_vertsC =  uv_cords[face_verts_ind[:, 2]]
    # new_uv = uv_vertsA*barycentric_coordinates[:,None,0] + uv_vertsB*barycentric_coordinates[:,None, 0] + uv_vertsC*barycentric_coordinates[:,None, 2]
    # dist = dist.reshape(map_H, map_W)
    # barycentric_coordinates = barycentric_coordinates.reshape(map_H, map_W, 3)
    # map_3d = map_3d.reshape(map_H, map_W, -1)
    # closest_points = closest_points.reshape(map_H, map_W, -1)

    face_inds = face_inds.reshape(map_H, map_W)
    map_uv = map_uv.reshape(map_H, map_W,2)
    stuff = {}
    stuff['sphere_verts'] = verts 
    stuff['verts'] = verts_proj 
    stuff['faces'] = faces
    stuff['uv_verts'] = uv_cords
    stuff['uv_map'] = map_uv
    # stuff['bary_cord'] = barycentric_coordinates
    stuff['face_inds'] = face_inds

    stuff['S'] = sfm_mean_shape[0]
    stuff['conv_tri'] = sfm_mean_shape[1]
    return stuff
Пример #15
def map_shape_to_ico_sphere(uv_map_size=(1001, 1001)):
    p3d_cache_dir = '/home/nileshk/CorrespNet/icn/cachedir/p3d/'
    anno_sfm_path = osp.join(p3d_cache_dir, 'sfm', '{}_train.mat'.format(p3d_class))
    anno_sfm = sio.loadmat(anno_sfm_path, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True)
    sfm_mean_shape = (np.transpose(anno_sfm['S']), anno_sfm['conv_tri']-1)
    verts, faces = create_sphere(3)
    verts_proj = project_verts_on_mesh(verts, sfm_mean_shape[0], sfm_mean_shape[1])
    mesh_sphere = pymesh.form_mesh(verts, faces)
    mesh_shape = pymesh.form_mesh(verts_proj, faces)

    # pymesh.meshio.save_mesh('test_sphere.obj', mesh_sphere)
    # pymesh.meshio.save_mesh('{}.obj'.format(p3d_class), mesh_shape)
    # uv = np.zeros((uv_map_size[1], uv_map_size[0], 2))
    # u_step = 1.0/1920
    # v_step = 1.0/960
    map_H = uv_map_size[1]
    map_W = uv_map_size[0]
    x = np.arange(0, 1 + 1.0/(map_W-1), 1.0/(map_W-1))
    y = np.arange(0, 1 + 1.0/(map_H-1), 1.0/(map_H-1))

    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='xy')

    map_uv = np.stack([xx, yy], axis=2)
    map_uv  = map_uv.reshape(-1, 2)
    map_3d = geom_utils.convert_uv_to_3d_coordinates(map_uv)
    # fig = plt.figure()
    # ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    dist , face_inds, closest_points = pymesh.distance_to_mesh(mesh_sphere, map_3d)
    # face_ind = face_inds.reshape(map_H, map_W,)
    barycentric_coordinates = convert_to_barycentric_coordinates(faces, verts, face_inds, map_3d)
    # ax.scatter(map_3d[:,0],map_3d[:,1], map_3d[:,2] ,'r')
    # ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
    # ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')
    # ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')
    uv_cords = geom_utils.convert_3d_to_uv_coordinates(verts)
    # plt.savefig('3d_uv_points.png')
    face_verts_ind = faces[face_inds]
    uv_vertsA =  uv_cords[face_verts_ind[:, 0]]
    uv_vertsB =  uv_cords[face_verts_ind[:, 1]]
    uv_vertsC =  uv_cords[face_verts_ind[:, 2]]
    new_uv = uv_vertsA*barycentric_coordinates[:,None,0] + uv_vertsB*barycentric_coordinates[:,None, 0] + uv_vertsC*barycentric_coordinates[:,None, 2]
    dist = dist.reshape(map_H, map_W)
    barycentric_coordinates = barycentric_coordinates.reshape(map_H, map_W, 3)
    face_inds = face_inds.reshape(map_H, map_W)
    map_3d = map_3d.reshape(map_H, map_W, -1)
    closest_points = closest_points.reshape(map_H, map_W, -1)
    map_uv = map_uv.reshape(map_H, map_W,2)
    stuff = {}
    stuff['sphere_verts'] = verts 
    stuff['verts'] = verts_proj 
    # stuff['verts'] = verts ## Deliberate change, restore later
    stuff['faces'] = faces
    stuff['uv_verts'] = uv_cords
    stuff['uv_map'] = map_uv
    stuff['bary_cord'] = barycentric_coordinates
    stuff['face_inds'] = face_inds

    stuff['S'] = sfm_mean_shape[0]
    stuff['conv_tri'] = sfm_mean_shape[1]
    return stuff
Пример #16
def compute_vertices_to_mesh_distances(groundtruth_vertices,
    This script computes the reconstruction error between an input mesh and a ground truth mesh.
    :param groundtruth_vertices: An n x 3 numpy array of vertices from a ground truth scan.
    :param grundtruth_landmark_points: A 7 x 3 list with annotations of the ground truth scan.
    :param predicted_mesh_vertices: An m x 3 numpy array of vertices from a predicted mesh.
    :param predicted_mesh_faces: A k x 3 numpy array of vertex indices composing the predicted mesh.
    :param predicted_mesh_landmark_points: A 7 x 3 list containing the annotated 3D point locations in the predicted mesh.
    :param out_filename: Filename to write the resulting distances to (e.g. F1008_A_distances.txt).
    :return: A list of distances (errors), one for each vertex in the groundtruth mesh, and the associated vertex index in the ground truth scan.

    The grundtruth_landmark_points and predicted_mesh_landmark_points have to contain points in the following order:
    (1) right eye outer corner, (2) right eye inner corner, (3) left eye inner corner, (4) left eye outer corner,
    (5) nose bottom, (6) right mouth corner, (7) left mouth corner.

    # Do procrustes based on the 7 points:
    # The ground truth scan is in mm, so by aligning the prediction to the ground truth, we get meaningful units.
    d, Z, tform = procrustes(np.array(grundtruth_landmark_points),
    # Use tform to transform all vertices in predicted_mesh_vertices to the ground truth reference space:
    predicted_mesh_vertices_aligned = []
    for v in predicted_mesh_vertices:
        s = tform['scale']
        R = tform['rotation']
        t = tform['translation']
        transformed_vertex = s * np.dot(v, R) + t

    # Compute the mask: A circular area around the center of the face. Take the nose-bottom and go upwards a bit:
    nose_bottom = np.array(grundtruth_landmark_points[4])
    nose_bridge = (np.array(grundtruth_landmark_points[1]) + np.array(
        grundtruth_landmark_points[2])) / 2  # between the inner eye corners
    face_centre = nose_bottom + 0.3 * (nose_bridge - nose_bottom)
    # Compute the radius for the face mask:
    outer_eye_dist = np.linalg.norm(
        np.array(grundtruth_landmark_points[0]) -
    nose_dist = np.linalg.norm(nose_bridge - nose_bottom)
    mask_radius = 1.2 * (outer_eye_dist + nose_dist) / 2

    # Find all the vertex indices in the ground truth scan that lie within the mask area:
    vertex_indices_mask = [
    ]  # vertex indices in the source mesh (the ground truth scan)
    points_on_groundtruth_scan_to_measure_from = []
    for vertex_idx, vertex in enumerate(groundtruth_vertices):
        dist = np.linalg.norm(
            vertex - face_centre
        )  # We use Euclidean distance for the mask area for now.
        if dist <= mask_radius:
    assert len(vertex_indices_mask) == len(

    # For each vertex on the ground truth mesh, find the closest point on the surface of the predicted mesh:
    predicted_mesh_pymesh = pymesh.meshio.form_mesh(
        np.array(predicted_mesh_vertices_aligned), predicted_mesh_faces)
    squared_distances, face_indices, closest_points = pymesh.distance_to_mesh(
        predicted_mesh_pymesh, points_on_groundtruth_scan_to_measure_from)
    distances = [sqrt(d2) for d2 in squared_distances]

    # Save the distances to a file, alongside with each vertex id of the ground truth scan that the distance has been computed for:
    with open(out_filename, 'w') as csv_file:
        wr = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=' ')
        vertex_indices_with_distances = [
            [v_idx, v] for v_idx, v in zip(vertex_indices_mask, distances)