def make_gradient(sel, gradient, nbins, sat, value, hs, he, ss, se, vs, ve, colorname): if gradient == 'bgr' or gradient == 'rainbow': col = [] coldesc = [] for j in range(nbins): # must append the str(sel[j]) to the color name so that it is unique # for the selection coldesc.append(colorname + str(j)) # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) # create colors using hsv scale (fractional) starting at blue(.6666667) # through red(0.00000) in intervals of .6666667/(nbins -1) (the "nbins-1" # ensures that the last color is, in fact, red (0) # rewrote this to use the colorsys module to convert hsv to rgb hsv = (hs - (hs - he) * float(j) / (nbins - 1), ss - (ss - se) * float(j) / (nbins - 1), vs - (vs - ve) * float(j) / (nbins - 1)) # convert to rgb and append to color list rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0], hsv[1], hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) cmd.set_color(colorname + str(j), col[j]) # cmd.color(,resi[j]) # return the gradient as a list of colors named by their index (i.e. col0,col1,col2,col3,...) return coldesc
def color_frags(fA, pymol_file, single_color=''): warm = [] x = math.ceil((len(fA) / 8.)**(1. / 3.)) for li in range(int(2 * x)): i = 1.0 - li * (1.0 - 0.4) / (2 * x - 1) for lj in range(int(4 * x)): j = lj * (1.0 - 0.0) / (4 * x - 1) for lk in range(int(x)): safe = x if x != 1: safe = x - 1 k = lk * (0.25 - 0.0) / (safe) warm.append([i, j, k]) for frag in range(len(fA)): selection = '' for atom in range(len(fA[frag][1:])): key = str(fA[frag][1 + atom]) selection += 'rank ' + key + ' ' #linspace through color vector safefA = len(fA) if len(fA) != 1: safefA = len(fA) - 1 fragind = int(math.floor(frag * ((len(warm)) - 1) / safefA)) if single_color == '': color = warm[fragind] else: color = single_color pymol_file.write('"(' + fA[frag][0] + ')", "' + selection + '")\n') pymol_file.write('cmd.set_color("A_' + fA[frag][0] + '", ' + str(color) + ')\n') pymol_file.write('cmd.color("A_' + fA[frag][0] + '","(' + fA[frag][0] + ')")\n') if pymol:"(" + fA[frag][0] + ")", selection) cmd.set_color("A_" + fA[frag][0], color) cmd.color("A_" + fA[frag][0], "(" + fA[frag][0] + ")")
def color_destab(posfile, binding=False): #re_pos = re.compile('([A-Z])\s+([0-9]+)\s+[a-zA-Z]+\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)') re_pos = re.compile('([A-Z])\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)') cols = [('destab%i' % i, [float(i) / 20, 0, 0]) for i in range(20)] print cols for name, col in cols: cmd.set_color(name, col) cmd.color('gray', 'all') for match in re_pos.finditer(open(posfile).read()): #chain,pos,ndestab,nbind = match.groups() chain, pos, ndestab = match.groups() which_n = ndestab if binding: which_n = nbind print chain, pos, which_n print cols[int(which_n)] cmd.color(cols[int(which_n)][0], 'c. %s and i. %s' % (chain, pos)) # the following only works if DNASelections has alreay been run/called cmd.hide('everything')'ribbon', 'notDNA') cmd.set('ribbon_sampling', 5)'lines', 'notDNA') cmd.set('ray_trace_mode', 0) cmd.create('dnao', 'DNA') cmd.hide('labels') cmd.hide('everything', 'dnao') cmd.hide('everything', 'DNA')'surface', 'dnao')'spheres', 'r. hoh w. 4 of DNA') cmd.color('marine', 'r. hoh')
def add_color(col2, butt): # checking if the button was already hit # if so, toggling the selection off button_list.append(butt) if button_list.count(butt) > 1: button_list.remove(butt) button_list.remove(butt) cmd.util.cbag ('all') elif butt != button_list[0]: button_list.remove(button_list[0]) cmd.util.cbag ('all') curSel = col2 else: cmd.util.cbag ('all') curSel = col2 # colouring selection with specified colour scheme cmd.set_color('siff', curSel ) cmd.color('siff', InteractionButton[InteractionName.index(butt)]+'_'+butt ) butt=[]
def set_colors(replace=False): '''Add the color blind-friendly colors to PyMOL.''' # Track the added colors added_colors = [] for color, properties in CB_COLORS.items(): # RGB tuple shortcut rgb = properties['rgb'] # Get the primary and alternate color names into a single list names = [color] if properties['alt']: names.extend(properties['alt']) # Set the colors for name in names: # Set the cb_color cb_name = 'cb_{}'.format(name) cmd.set_color(cb_name, rgb) # Optionally replace built-in colors if replace: cmd.set_color(name, rgb) spacer = (20 - len(name)) * ' ' added_colors.append(' {}{}{}'.format(name, spacer, cb_name)) else: added_colors.append(' {}'.format(cb_name)) # Notify user of newly available colors print('\nColor blind-friendly colors are now available:') print('\n'.join(added_colors)) print('')
def updateColor(self): if self.ss_asgn_prog is None: err_msg = 'Run DSSP or Stride to assign secondary structures first!' print('ERROR: %s' % (err_msg,)) tkMessageBox.showinfo(title='ERROR', message=err_msg) else: print('Update color for %s' % (self.pymol_sel.get()), end=' ') print('using secondary structure assignment by %s' % (self.ss_asgn_prog,)) if self.ss_asgn_prog == 'DSSP': SSE_list = self.DSSP_SSE_list elif self.ss_asgn_prog == 'Stride': SSE_list = self.STRIDE_SSE_list for sse in SSE_list: # give color names cmd.set_color('%s_color' % (sse,), self.SSE_col_RGB[sse]) for sse in SSE_list: # color each SSE for sel_obj in self.sel_obj_list: if self.SSE_sel_dict[sel_obj][sse] is not None: cmd.color('%s_color' % (sse,), self.SSE_sel_dict[sel_obj][sse]) print('color', self.SSE_sel_dict[sel_obj][sse], ',', self.SSE_col_RGB[sse]) else: print('No residues with SSE \'%s\' to color.' % (sse,)) return
def genColor(color="wolfgang.v1", reverse="OFF", colorDict=colorDict, dpi=300, ray=1, N=256): """ color : Color ramp to be used for value mapping. reverse : Reverse color ramp for value mapping. maxCut : Maximum value (cutoff) allowed for redefined value range. minCut : Minimum value (cutoff) allowed for redefined value range. dpi : PyMol resolution; dots per inch. ray : PyMol rendering mode. N : Color ramp size. """ # Load color map. Note that colors come inverted: colorMix = list(colorDict[color]) if reverse == "OFF": colorMix.reverse() colorMap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(colorMix, colors=colorMix, N=N) color256 = colorMap(numpy.arange(N)) print print "ColorMap:", color print "Colors:", len(color256) print # color residues: k = 1 for i in color256: colorName = color + "." + str(k) r, g, b, f = color256[k] cmd.set_color(colorName, str([r, g, b]))
def fade_color( sele = "all", fade_extent = 0.7, by_chain = True ): """ Fade out RGB color values associated with a selection. The by_chain variable assumes that chains are uniform color, to allow speedy color setting based on chain, rather than based on residue (which can take a long time!) """ pymol.stored.colors = [] cmd.iterate( sele, "stored.colors.append( (chain, resi, name, color))") res_colors = {} stored_colors = pymol.stored.colors; cols = [] colorname = '' chain = '' prev_chain = '' for chain, resi, name, color in stored_colors: if name == 'CA' or name == 'P': # c-alpha atom if by_chain and chain != prev_chain and len( colorname ) > 0: cmd.color( colorname, 'chain %s and %s' % (prev_chain,sele) ) color_tuple = cmd.get_color_tuple(color) cols = []; for i in range(3): cols.append( fade_extent + ( 1.0 - fade_extent ) * float(color_tuple[ i ]) ) colorname = 'temp_chain%s' % chain cmd.set_color( colorname, cols ) if not by_chain: cmd.color( colorname, 'resi %s and chain %s and %s' % (resi,chain,sele) ) prev_chain = chain if by_chain: cmd.color( colorname, 'chain %s and %s' % (chain,sele) )
def update_pymod_color_dict_with_list(self, color_list, update_in_pymol=False): for color_name in color_list: if update_in_pymol: cmd.set_color(color_name, color_name) self.all_colors_dict_tkinter.update({color_name: color_name})
def rpcLabel(pos, labelText, id='lab1', color=(1, 1, 1)): """ create a text label Arguments: pos: a 3 tuple with the position of the label text: a string with the label color: a 3 tuple with the color of the label. (1,1,1) is white id: (OPTIONAL) the name of the object to be created NOTE: at the moment this is, how you say, a hack """ x, y, z = pos text = """ Atom 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0999 V2000 % 10.4f% 10.4f%10.4f C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M END""" % (x, y, z) cmd.read_molstr(text, id) cmd.label("%s" % (id), '"%s"' % labelText) cmd.hide("nonbonded", id) cmd.set_color("%s-color" % id, color) cmd.color("%s-color" % id, id) return 1
def pymol_color_atoms_by_elem(elem_colors=CPK_COLORS): """Color atoms by element in PyMOL""""Coloring atoms.") for elem, rgb in elem_colors.items(): color_name = elem + "_color" cmd.set_color(color_name, list(rgb)) cmd.color(color_name, "e. {}".format(elem))
def color_destab(posfile,binding=False): #re_pos = re.compile('([A-Z])\s+([0-9]+)\s+[a-zA-Z]+\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)') re_pos = re.compile('([A-Z])\s+([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)') cols = [ ('destab%i' %i, [float(i)/20,0,0]) for i in range(20) ] print cols for name,col in cols: cmd.set_color(name,col) cmd.color('gray','all') for match in re_pos.finditer( open(posfile).read() ): #chain,pos,ndestab,nbind = match.groups() chain,pos,ndestab = match.groups() which_n = ndestab if binding: which_n = nbind print chain, pos, which_n print cols[int(which_n)] cmd.color( cols[int(which_n)][0], 'c. %s and i. %s' %(chain,pos) ) # the following only works if DNASelections has alreay been run/called cmd.hide('everything')'ribbon','notDNA') cmd.set('ribbon_sampling',5)'lines','notDNA') cmd.set('ray_trace_mode',0) cmd.create('dnao','DNA') cmd.hide('labels') cmd.hide('everything','dnao') cmd.hide('everything','DNA')'surface','dnao')'spheres','r. hoh w. 4 of DNA') cmd.color('marine','r. hoh')
def make_gradient(sel,gradient,nbins,sat,value,hs,he,ss,se,vs,ve,colorname): if gradient == 'bgr' or gradient == 'rainbow': col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # must append the str(sel[j]) to the color name so that it is unique # for the selection coldesc.append(colorname + str(j)) # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) # create colors using hsv scale (fractional) starting at blue(.6666667) # through red(0.00000) in intervals of .6666667/(nbins -1) (the "nbins-1" # ensures that the last color is, in fact, red (0) # rewrote this to use the colorsys module to convert hsv to rgb hsv = (hs - (hs-he) * float(j) / (nbins-1), ss-(ss-se)*float(j)/(nbins-1), vs-(vs-ve)*float(j)/(nbins-1) ) #convert to rgb and append to color list rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) cmd.set_color(colorname + str(j),col[j]) #cmd.color(,resi[j]) # return the gradient as a list of colors named by their index (i.e. col0,col1,col2,col3,...) return coldesc
def _cartoon(selection='all'): """ Draw `selection` in a cartoon style. """'spheres', selection) cmd.set('sphere_scale', 0.23, selection) cmd.hide('sticks', selection)'lines', selection) cmd.set('line_as_cylinders', 1) cmd.set('line_radius', 0.08) cmd.set('line_use_shader', 1) cmd.set('valence_mode', 0, selection) cmd.set('valence_size', 0.14, selection) cmd.set('ray_trace_mode', 3) cmd.set('ray_trace_color', 'black') cmd.set_color('lgray', [0.6, 0.6, 0.6]) cmd.color('lgray', 'elem C') cmd.orient(selection) cmd.zoom(selection, 3, complete=1)
def sele2Color(self, sele): globalShader = self.optionMenu_shader.getvalue() newShader = self.seleShaderDict[sele] if newShader != globalShader: # should be different from global shader, otherwise do nothing newColorInc = ShaderFactory.seleSlot[newShader] stored.idcolor_list = set() cmd.iterate(sele, 'stored.idcolor_list.add(int(color))') if(len(stored.idcolor_list)>1): self.selectionConsole.set('Warning: Selection [%s] contains more than one color.' % sele) color = stored.idcolor_list.pop() rgb_color = cmd.get_color_tuple(color) if rgb_color[2] >= 0.990: color_id = '%s %s %s' % (str(rgb_color[0])[0:5].ljust(5, '0'), str(rgb_color[1])[0:5].ljust(5, '0'), str(rgb_color[2]-newColorInc)[0:5]) else: color_id = '%s %s %s' % (str(rgb_color[0])[0:5].ljust(5, '0'), str(rgb_color[1])[0:5].ljust(5, '0'), str(rgb_color[2]+newColorInc)[0:5]) # color_id from all the sele:shader dictionary # determine color_id:shader pair if color_id not in self.spColorShaderDict: self.spColorShaderDict[color_id] = [newShader, sele] # apply new color to atom set newRGB = color_id.split(' ') newColor = [float(newRGB[0]), float(newRGB[1]), float(newRGB[2])] cmd.set_color(color_id, newColor) cmd.color(color_id, sele) print 'apply shader [%s] to selection [%s].' % (newShader, sele)
def update_pymod_color_dict_with_dict(self, color_dict, update_in_pymol=True): for color_name in list(color_dict.keys()): if update_in_pymol: cmd.set_color(color_name, color_dict[color_name]) self.all_colors_dict_tkinter.update( {color_name: pmdt.convert_rgb_to_hex(color_dict[color_name])})
def heatmap(scores): colors = make_colors(scores) df = pd.read_csv(scores) nscores = normalize(df['score']) for i, j in zip(colors.keys(), nscores): cmd.set_color(f'c{i}', colors[i].tolist())'sticks', f'(sidechain, resi {i})') cmd.color(f'c{i}', f'resi {i}')
def paintChain(self, chainID, **kw): colormapname = kw.get('colormapname', self.colormapname) Norm = self.norms[kw.get('norm', 'global')] cmap = ScalarMappable(Norm, get_cmap(colormapname)) for resnum,value in self.chains[chainID].iteritems(): colorname = "chain{}res{}".format(chainID, resnum) cmd.set_color(colorname, cmap.to_rgba(value)[:-1]) cmd.color(colorname, "chain {} and resi {}".format(chainID, resnum))
def color_resi(): # change absolute path here df = pd.read_csv("CgDODAa1_col_out.tsv", header=0, sep="\t") rgbList = [[x, y, z] for x, y, z in zip(df['r'], df['g'], df['b'])] colDict = dict([x, y] for x, y in zip(df['pos'], rgbList)) for k, v in colDict.items(): colorName = "mycol" + str(k) cmd.set_color(colorName, v) cmd.color(selection="(resi " + str(k) + ")", color=colorName)
def add_new_color(self, new_color_rgb, new_color_hex): """ Adds a new color to PyMod/PyMOL. """ new_color_name = "custom_color_%s" % self.custom_colors_index self.all_colors_dict_tkinter[new_color_name] = new_color_hex cmd.set_color(new_color_name, new_color_rgb) self.custom_colors_index += 1 return new_color_name
def color_obj(rainbow=0): """ stolen from :) AUTHOR Gareth Stockwell USAGE color_obj(rainbow=0) This function colours each object currently in the PyMOL heirarchy with a different colour. Colours used are either the 22 named colours used by PyMOL (in which case the 23rd object, if it exists, gets the same colour as the first), or are the colours of the rainbow """ # Process arguments rainbow = int(rainbow) # Get names of all PyMOL objects obj_list = cmd.get_names('objects') if rainbow: print("\nColouring objects as rainbow\n") nobj = len(obj_list) # Create colours starting at blue(240) to red(0), using intervals # of 240/(nobj-1) for j in range(nobj): hsv = (240-j*240/(nobj-1), 1, 1) # Convert to RGB rgb = hsv_to_rgb(hsv) # Define the new colour cmd.set_color("col" + str(j), rgb) print(obj_list[j], rgb) # Colour the object cmd.color("col" + str(j), obj_list[j]) else: # List of available colours colours = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'violet', 'cyan', \ 'salmon', 'lime', 'pink', 'slate', 'magenta', 'orange', 'marine', \ 'olive', 'purple', 'teal', 'forest', 'firebrick', 'chocolate', \ 'wheat', 'white', 'grey' ] ncolours = len(colours) # Loop over objects i = 0 for obj in obj_list: print(" ", obj, colours[i]) cmd.color(colours[i], obj) i = i+1 if(i == ncolours): i = 0
def set_acv_style(donor_name, acceptor_name, donor_site, acceptor_site, labels, volume_type="AV", transparency=False): """ Set a default style for the ACV clouds Parameters ---------- donor_name, acceptor_name : str names of the donor and acceptor ACV donor_site : str reference identifier for the donor labeling position acceptor_site : str reference identifier for the acceptor labeling position labels : dict dye, linker and setup parameters for the accessible volume calculation volume_type : {'AV', 'CV'} entire accessible volume or contact volume transparency : bool make volume transparent """ cmd.set_color("donor_green", [108, 179, 129]) cmd.set_color("acceptor_red", [194, 84, 73]) if volume_type == "CV": contour_level = "contour_level_CV" donor_sele = "{} and resn CV".format(donor_name) acceptor_sele = "{} and resn CV".format(acceptor_name) donor_name = donor_name + "_CV" acceptor_name = acceptor_name + "_CV" else: contour_level = "contour_level_AV" donor_sele = donor_name acceptor_sele = acceptor_name smooth_map_from_xyz( donor_name, donor_sele, labels["Position"][donor_site][contour_level], labels["Position"][donor_site]["grid_spacing"], labels["Position"][donor_site]["state"], ) smooth_map_from_xyz( acceptor_name, acceptor_sele, labels["Position"][acceptor_site][contour_level], labels["Position"][acceptor_site]["grid_spacing"], labels["Position"][acceptor_site]["state"], ) cmd.color("donor_green", donor_name + "_isosurf") cmd.color("acceptor_red", acceptor_name + "_isosurf") if transparency: cmd.set("transparency", 0.4, donor_name + "_isosurf") cmd.set("transparency", 0.4, acceptor_name + "_isosurf")
def _handle_atom_color(c, at): return ck = tuple((int(255. * x) for x in c)) if ck not in colors: name = "rmf" + str(len(colors)) print "color", name, c, ck cmd.set_color(name, list(c)) colors[ck] = name at.color = name else: at.color = colors[ck]
def sele2Color_deprecated(self): globalShader = self.optionMenu_shader.getvalue() # (color:shader) dictionary # be used in shaderFactory.SCString() #self.spColorShaderDict = {} # get all the selection name sess = cmd.get_session()['names'] for i in sess: if type(i) is ListType: # for each selection in the scene # also should exist in seleShaderDict if i[0] in self.seleShaderDict: newShader = self.seleShaderDict[i[0]] if newShader != globalShader: # should be different from global shader, otherwise do nothing newColorInc = ShaderFactory.seleSlot[newShader] # pymol api routine # get the color for all the atoms in current selection stored.idcolor_list = [] cmd.iterate(i[0], 'stored.idcolor_list.append((ID, int(color)))') # for a set of atoms have the same new color # apply color all at once for better performance # cmd.color is slow # example result: (color_index: [atom ids]) # {25: [2, 3, 6], 6: [1], 9: [4, 5]} colorSetDict = {} for (atom_id, color) in stored.idcolor_list: colorSetDict.setdefault(color, []).append(str(atom_id)) #print repr(colorSetDict) # for each color #for (atom_id, color) in stored.idcolor_list: for color in colorSetDict: atom_set = colorSetDict[color] rgb_color = cmd.get_color_tuple(color) #newColorInc = 0.001 if rgb_color[2] >= 0.990: color_id = '%s %s %s' % (str(rgb_color[0])[0:5].ljust(5, '0'), str(rgb_color[1])[0:5].ljust(5, '0'), str(rgb_color[2]-newColorInc)[0:5]) else: color_id = '%s %s %s' % (str(rgb_color[0])[0:5].ljust(5, '0'), str(rgb_color[1])[0:5].ljust(5, '0'), str(rgb_color[2]+newColorInc)[0:5]) #print atom_id, color, color_id, repr(rgb_color) # color_id from all the sele:shader dictionary # determine color_id:shader pair if color_id not in self.spColorShaderDict: self.spColorShaderDict[color_id] = [newShader, i[0]] # apply new color to atom set newRGB = color_id.split(' ') newColor = [float(newRGB[0]), float(newRGB[1]), float(newRGB[2])] cmd.set_color(color_id, newColor) cmd.color(color_id, ('ID %s' % '+'.join(atom_set))) print 'apply shader [%s] to selection [%s].' % (newShader, i[0])
def color_residues(filename, color_by='propensity', power=1, gradient="bwr", scale=None): power = float(power) f = open(filename, "r") reader = csv.reader(f) residues = [] header = column = [i for i, col in enumerate(header) if col == color_by] if len(column) == 0: raise ValueError('No %s column found. Check your input file' % (color_by)) elif len(column) > 1: raise ValueError('More than one %s column' % (color_by)) else: column = column[0] for line in reader: residues.append( (line[0], line[1], float(line[column]))) #changed from line[1] and line[2] f.close() num_residues = len(residues) scores = [float(residue[2]) for residue in residues] if scale: min_value = scale[0] max_value = scale[1] else: max_value = max(scores) min_value = min(scores) if gradient == 'bwr': for residue in residues: res_num, chain, score = residue scaled_score = (score - min_value) / (max_value - min_value) curve1 = round((2**power) * (scaled_score**power), 5) curve2 = round((2**power) * ((1 - scaled_score)**power), 5) rgb = [min(1, curve1), min(curve1, curve2), min(curve2, 1)] cmd.set_color('r_color' + res_num + chain, rgb) cmd.color('r_color' + res_num + chain, 'resi ' + res_num + ' AND chain ' + chain) print 'colored residue' + res_num + ' chain ' + chain
def color_selections(selections): cl = len(selections) hsv_range = [(float(i + 1) * 1.0 / float(cl), 0.5, 0.5) for i in range(cl)] # *x means the same as in # rgb_range = map(lambda x: hsv_to_rgb(x[0], x[1], x[2]), hsv_range) rgb_range = map(lambda x: hsv_to_rgb(*x), hsv_range) colornames = [] for [selection, color] in zip(selections, rgb_range): cmd.set_color(selection, color) colornames.append(selection) cmd.color(colornames[-1], selection) return colornames
def testSetColor(self): self._testSpectrum_setup() cmd.color('red') self.assertImageHasColor('red') # redefine existing name, [0-1] float range cmd.set_color('red', [0., 0., 1.]) cmd.recolor() self.assertImageHasColor('blue') # add new name, [0-1] float range cmd.set_color('thomas', [0., 1., 0.]) cmd.color('thomas') self.assertImageHasColor('green') # redefine existing (custom) name, [0-255] int range cmd.set_color('thomas', [0x00, 0x80, 0x80]) cmd.recolor() self.assertImageHasColor('0x008080') # add new very long name, [0-255] int range longname = 'some' + 'very' * 10 + 'longcolorname' cmd.set_color(longname, [0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00]) cmd.color(longname) self.assertImageHasColor('yellow')
def color_bonds(filename, color_by='pp', name='bond', power=1, gradient="bwr", scale=None): power = float(power) bonds = [] f = open(filename, "r") reader = csv.reader(f) header = column = [i for i, col in enumerate(header) if col == color_by] if len(column) > 1: raise ValueError('More than one {0} column'.format(color_by)) else: column = column[0] for line in reader: bonds.append([line[0], float(line[column])]) f.close() num_bonds = len(bonds) scores = [bond[1] for bond in bonds] if scale: score_min = float(scale[0]) score_max = float(scale[1]) else: score_max = max(scores) score_min = min(scores) for bond in bonds: id_ = bond[0] score = bond[1] scaled_score = (score - score_min) / (score_max - score_min) curve1 = round((2**power) * (scaled_score**power), 5) curve2 = round((2**power) * ((1 - scaled_score)**power), 5) rgb = [min(1, curve1), min(curve1, curve2), min(curve2, 1)] cmd.set_color('b_color' + name + id_, rgb) cmd.color('b_color' + name + id_, name + id_)
def make_gradient(self, name, init, end, steps): i0 = 0 # look for free space !!! #while is_color("%s%d"%(name,i0)): i0+=1 iS=range(i0,i0+steps) cS=[] # start creating colors for i in range(steps): g=[] for j in range(len(init)): g.append(init[j]+float(end[j]-init[j])/steps*i) c = "%s%d"%(name,iS[i]) cS.append(c) cmd.set_color(c, g) return cS
def make_gradient(self, name, init, end, steps): i0 = 0 # look for free space !!! #while is_color("%s%d"%(name,i0)): i0+=1 iS = range(i0, i0 + steps) cS = [] # start creating colors for i in range(steps): g = [] for j in range(len(init)): g.append(init[j] + float(end[j] - init[j]) / steps * i) c = "%s%d" % (name, iS[i]) cS.append(c) cmd.set_color(c, g) return cS
def bgcolor_switch(tag): if tag == 'Black': cmd.bg_color('black') elif tag == 'White': cmd.bg_color('white') elif tag == 'Grey': cmd.bg_color('grey') elif tag == 'Other': color = askcolor(title = "Background Color Chooser") clr = str(color[1]) newcolor = 'newcolor%s' % glb.incnewcolor() if clr != None: cmd.set_color(newcolor, ([int(n, 16) for n in (clr[1:3], clr[3:5], clr[5:7])])) cmd.bg_color(newcolor)
def stucture_attribution(pdb_id, attributions_path, pdb_path, flag=False): ''' ''' data = np.load(attributions_path) attributions = data['data'] kernels = data['kernels'] labels = data['labels'] offsets = data['offsets'] ind = np.where(labels == pdb_id) #attribution = attributions[ind][0][:,-1] if flag: a_ = data["all_"][0] a_[a_ <= 0] = 0.0 attribution = data['all_'][0] + data['all_'][1] attribution[attribution <= 0] = 0.0 attribution = a_ * attribution else: a_ = data["all_"][1] a_[a_ <= 0] = 0.0 attribution = data['all_'][0] + data['all_'][1] attribution[attribution <= 0] = 0.0 attribution = a_ * attribution # Load PDB cmd.load(pdb_path + pdb_id[:-2] + '.pdb') cmd.split_chains(pdb_id[:-2]) for name in cmd.get_names('objects', 0, '(all)'): if not name.endswith(pdb_id[-1].upper()) and name.startswith( pdb_id[:4]): cmd.delete(name) else: zero_residues(name) cmd.reset() cmd.color('white', pdb_id) for i, _ in enumerate(attribution): #if flag: _ = _ *-1'toBecolored', pdb_id + ' and res ' + str(i + offsets[ind][0])) cmd.set_color('saliency' + str(i) + pdb_id, list(cmap(norm(_)))[:3]) #else: cmd.set_color('saliency'+str(i)+pdb_id, list(cmap2(norm(_)))[:3]) cmd.color('saliency' + str(i) + pdb_id, 'toBecolored')'selected', pdb_id)'mesh', 'selected')'sticks', 'selected') cmd.deselect()
def paint_vars_f(vars_file, show_var_labels=False): import pandas as pd ## Should labels be colored the same way as atoms? match_label_color = False cmd.bg_color("white") cmd.set("depth_cue", 0) cmd.set("ray_trace_fog", 0) cmd.show_as("cartoon", "all") cmd.set("transparency", 0.5, "all")"surface", "not chain F")"surface", "all") #chain_colors = ("gray40", "gray60", "gray80") chain_colors = ("palecyan", "wheat", "paleyellow") for chain, col in zip("DEF", chain_colors): sel = "chain {}".format(chain) color_sel(col, sel, set_label_color=match_label_color) cmd.set("cartoon_color", col, sel)"epi", "resi 62-69+196-212")"F2", "resi 22-109")"F1", "resi 160-516")"near_epi", "byres epi expand 10") color_sel("tv_green", "epi", set_label_color=match_label_color) #"smudge" cmd.set("transparency", 0.3, "epi") vars_all = pd.read_csv(vars_file, dialect="excel-tab") for item in vars_all.itertuples(): res_sel = "resi {}".format(item.pos) cmd.alter(res_sel, "b={}".format(item.freq)) rgb = (,, rgb_str = "_".join([str(_) for _ in rgb]) color_name = "var_freq_{}".format(rgb_str) cmd.set_color(color_name, rgb) color_sel(color_name, res_sel, set_label_color=match_label_color) vars_sel = "resi " + "+".join(vars_all.pos.astype(str))"vars", vars_sel) #cmd.show_as("spheres","vars") #color_sel("red","vars",set_label_color=match_label_color) #cmd.spectrum("b","blue_red","vars", # minimum=min(freq_all), # maximum=max(freq_all), # byres=1) if show_var_labels: set_labels() cmd.label("vars and name cb and near_epi and (chain F or epi)", "'%s'%(resi,)") show_spheres("vars") show_spheres("vars and epi", spikes=True)
def rpcLabel(pos,labelText,id='lab1',color=(1,1,1)): """ create a text label Arguments: pos: a 3 tuple with the position of the label text: a string with the label color: a 3 tuple with the color of the label. (1,1,1) is white id: (OPTIONAL) the name of the object to be created NOTE: at the moment this is, how you say, a hack """ cmd.pseudoatom(id, label=repr(labelText), elem='C', pos=pos) cmd.set_color("%s-color"%id,color) cmd.color("%s-color"%id,id) return 1
def color_by_rgb( filename, selection = "all" ): """ Read in a text file with rows like: 125 0.1 0.1 0.1 126 0.5 0.2 0.2 and color specified residue numbers by RGB values. """ lines = open( filename ).readlines() print "Applying RGB values from: " , filename for line in lines: cols = string.split( line ) j = cols[0] colorname = string.split(filename)[0] + str(j) cmd.set_color( colorname, (float(cols[1]),float(cols[2]),float(cols[3])) ) #print colorname cmd.color( colorname, 'resi %s and %s' % (cols[0],selection) )
def get_colors(self, nbins, sat=1.0, value=1.0): import colorsys self.col = [] self.coldesc = [] for j in range(nbins): self.coldesc.append("col" + str(j)) # create colors in a gradient from red through magenta to blue rgb = [min(1.0, float(j) * 2 / (nbins - 1)), 0.0, min(1.0, float(nbins - j - 1) * 2 / (nbins - 1))] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2])) hsv[1] *= sat hsv[2] *= value # hsv = (colorsys.TWO_THIRD - colorsys.TWO_THIRD * float(j) / (nbins-1), sat, value) # convert to rgb and append to color list rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0], hsv[1], hsv[2]) self.col.append(rgb) cmd.set_color(self.coldesc[j], self.col[j])
def color_rbw(rainbow=0): """ similar to color_obj() but this time colors every obect as rainbow """ rainbow = int(rainbow) # Get names of all PyMOL objects obj_list = cmd.get_names('objects') if rainbow: print("\nColouring objects as rainbow\n") nobj = len(obj_list) # Create colours starting at blue(240) to red(0), using intervals # of 240/(nobj-1) for j in range(nobj): hsv = (240-j*240/(nobj-1), 1, 1) # Convert to RGB rgb = hsv_to_rgb(hsv) # Define the new colour cmd.set_color("col" + str(j), rgb) print(obj_list[j], rgb) # Colour the object cmd.color("col" + str(j), obj_list[j]) else: colours = ['rainbow'] ncolours = len(colours) # Loop over objects i = 0 for obj in obj_list: print(" ", obj, colours[i]) cmd.spectrum('count', colours[i], obj) # cmd.color(colours[i], obj) i = i+1 if(i == ncolours): i = 0
def SetPartitionColor(self, Sel): try: mycolors = {'colors': []} cmd.iterate( Sel, 'colors.append(color)', space=mycolors) for color in mycolors['colors']: one = list( cmd.get_color_tuple(color) ) break for i in range(0,3): if one[i] <= 0.80: one[i] += 0.20 else: one[i] -= 0.20 cmd.set_color(self.PartitionColor, one) partition_rgb = General.one_to_rgb(one) except: return tuple() return tuple(partition_rgb)
def show(sel, file,min=-1,max=1): f = open(file) header = f.readline() #read in atom term data statesdata = [] data = [] pregex = re.compile('<(.*),(.*),(.*)>') for line in f: d = line.split() if len(d) > 3 and d[0] != "atomid": pos = d[2] m = pregex.match(pos) energy = sum(float(e) for e in d[3:]) data.append({'pos':map(float,m.groups()), 'energy': energy}) elif line.count("END"): #reset for next molecule statesdata.append(data); data = []; #now get atom data from pymol n_states = cmd.count_states(sel) if(n_states != len(statesdata)): print "Inconsistent number of states/molecules"; return; for i in xrange(1,n_states+1): energies = MolPosLookup(statesdata[i-1]) model = cmd.get_model(sel,i) for a in model.atom: e = energies.energyForPos(a.coord) if e is None: print "Missing",i,a.coord else: color = gwr(e,min,max,0) cmd.set_color("smina_color%d" % a.index,color) cmd.color("smina_color%d" %a.index,"%s and index %d" % (sel,a.index))
def color_sel(tag): if tag == 'Red': cmd.color('red', glb.SELE) elif tag == 'Green': cmd.color('green', glb.SELE) elif tag == 'Orange': cmd.color('orange', glb.SELE) elif tag == 'Yellow': cmd.color('yellow', glb.SELE) elif tag == 'Blue': cmd.color('blue', glb.SELE) elif tag == 'Violet': cmd.color('violet', glb.SELE) elif tag == 'CPK': glb.procolor(selection=glb.SELE, show_selection='sticks', color_selection='cpk', show_all=None) elif tag == 'Other': color = askcolor(title = "Selection Color Chooser") clr = str(color[1]) newcolor = 'newcolor%s' % glb.incnewcolor() if clr != None: cmd.set_color(newcolor, ([int(n, 16) for n in (clr[1:3], clr[3:5], clr[5:7])])) cmd.color(newcolor, glb.SELE)
def create_FMN_colors(self): cmd.set_color("FMN001", [0.00, 0.00, 1.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN002", [0.04, 0.02, 0.96]) cmd.set_color("FMN003", [0.08, 0.05, 0.92]) cmd.set_color("FMN004", [0.12, 0.08, 0.87]) cmd.set_color("FMN005", [0.16, 0.10, 0.84]) cmd.set_color("FMN006", [0.20, 0.13, 0.79]) cmd.set_color("FMN007", [0.24, 0.16, 0.75]) cmd.set_color("FMN008", [0.28, 0.18, 0.71]) cmd.set_color("FMN009", [0.33, 0.21, 0.67]) cmd.set_color("FMN010", [0.36, 0.24, 0.63]) cmd.set_color("FMN011", [0.41, 0.26, 0.59]) cmd.set_color("FMN012", [0.45, 0.29, 0.55]) cmd.set_color("FMN013", [0.49, 0.31, 0.51]) cmd.set_color("FMN014", [0.53, 0.34, 0.47]) cmd.set_color("FMN015", [0.57, 0.37, 0.43]) cmd.set_color("FMN016", [0.61, 0.40, 0.38]) cmd.set_color("FMN017", [0.65, 0.42, 0.35]) cmd.set_color("FMN018", [0.69, 0.45, 0.31]) cmd.set_color("FMN019", [0.73, 0.47, 0.26]) cmd.set_color("FMN020", [0.77, 0.50, 0.22]) cmd.set_color("FMN021", [0.82, 0.53, 0.18]) cmd.set_color("FMN022", [0.85, 0.55, 0.14]) cmd.set_color("FMN023", [0.89, 0.58, 0.10]) cmd.set_color("FMN024", [0.94, 0.60, 0.06]) cmd.set_color("FMN025", [0.98, 0.63, 0.02]) cmd.set_color("FMN026", [1.00, 0.63, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN027", [1.00, 0.60, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN028", [1.00, 0.58, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN029", [1.00, 0.55, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN030", [1.00, 0.53, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN031", [1.00, 0.50, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN032", [1.00, 0.47, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN033", [1.00, 0.45, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN034", [1.00, 0.42, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN035", [1.00, 0.40, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN036", [1.00, 0.37, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN037", [1.00, 0.34, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN038", [1.00, 0.31, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN039", [1.00, 0.29, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN040", [1.00, 0.26, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN041", [1.00, 0.24, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN042", [1.00, 0.21, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN043", [1.00, 0.18, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN044", [1.00, 0.16, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN045", [1.00, 0.13, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN046", [1.00, 0.10, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN047", [1.00, 0.08, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN048", [1.00, 0.05, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN049", [1.00, 0.02, 0.00]) cmd.set_color("FMN050", [1.00, 0.00, 0.00])
# The RGB percentage values given on that page are less precise than the 0-255 # values, so the 0-255 values are converted here (e.g. 230/255 = 0.902). cb_colors = ( ("black", (0.000, 0.000, 0.000), # ( 0, 0, 0) ()), ("orange", (0.902, 0.624, 0.000), # (230, 159, 0) ()), ("sky_blue", (0.337, 0.706, 0.914), # ( 86, 180, 233) ("skyblue", "light_blue", "lightblue")), ("bluish_green", (0.000, 0.620, 0.451), # ( 0, 158, 115) ("bluishgreen", "green")), ("yellow", (0.941, 0.894, 0.259), # (240, 228, 66) ()), ("blue", (0.000, 0.447, 0.698), # ( 0, 114, 178) ()), ("vermillion", (0.835, 0.369, 0.000), # (213, 94, 0) ("red", "red_orange", "redorange")), ("reddish_purple", (0.800, 0.475, 0.655), # (204, 121, 167) ("reddishpurple", "rose", "violet", "magenta")), ) for c in cb_colors: # main name cmd.set_color("cb_%s" % c[0], c[1]) print "Set color: cb_%s" % c[0] # alternate names for alt in c[2]: cmd.set_color("cb_%s" % alt, c[1]) print " cb_%s" % alt
def color_as(col, str): hsv = (col, 1, 1) rgb = hsv_to_rgb(hsv) cmd.set_color("color"+str, rgb) cmd.color("color"+str, str) cmd.disable(str)
def make_gradient(sel,gradient,nbins,sat,value,user_rgb,debug=0): if gradient == 'bgr' or gradient == 'rainbow': gradient = 'bgr' col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # must append the str(sel[j]) to the color name so that it is unique # for the selection coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) # create colors using hsv scale (fractional) starting at blue(.6666667) # through red(0.00000) in intervals of .6666667/(nbins -1) (the "nbins-1" # ensures that the last color is, in fact, red (0) # rewrote this to use the colorsys module to convert hsv to rgb hsv = (colorsys.TWO_THIRD - colorsys.TWO_THIRD * float(j) / (nbins-1), sat, value) #convert to rgb and append to color list rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) #cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) #print col[j],"defined as ", "col"+str(j) elif gradient == 'user': # -------------------------------------------- # Modified color ramp by Mark Wall 2007.07.20 # -------------------------------------------- # assign 3-color ramp values (rgb 0-255) # could easily assign RGB color values between 0.0 and 1.0 below # !!! Black must be at least 1,0,0 or div by zero error !!! # #r1, g1, b1 = 255, 255, 225 # low white #r1, g1, b1 = 170, 170, 170 # low gray user_rgb = re.compile('[\[\](){}]').sub('',user_rgb) user_rgb_fract = 0 try: r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2, r3,g3,b3 = map(int,user_rgb.split(',')) except ValueError: r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2, r3,g3,b3 = map(float,user_rgb.split(',')) user_rgb_fract = 1 print 'user_rgb', r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2, r3,g3,b3 # r1, g1, b1 = 50, 50, 195 # low med blue # r2, g2, b2 = 245, 245, 20 # mid yellow # r3, g3, b3 = 255, 20, 20 # high red # #r1, g1, b1 = 255, 20, 20 # low red #r2, g2, b2 = 150, 150, 20 # mid yellow #r3, g3, b3 = 20, 20, 195 # high med blue # #r1, g1, b1 = 1, 0, 0 # low black #r2, g2, b2 = 155, 155, 155 # mid gray #r3, g3, b3 = 255, 255, 255 # high white # #r1, g1, b1 = 0, 50, 200 # low blue #r2, g2, b2 = 1, 0, 0 # mid black #r3, g3, b3 = 255, 255, 20 # high yellow # #r1, g1, b1 = 0, 0, 1 # low black #r2, g2, b2 = 200, 0, 0 # mid red #r3, g3, b3 = 255, 255, 0 # high yellow # #r1, g1, b1 = 180, 170, 170 # low gray #r2, g2, b2 = 250, 90, 40 # mid orange #r3, g3, b3 = 255, 255, 0 # high yellow # #r1, g1, b1 = 235, 255, 255 # low white #r2, g2, b2 = 55, 255, 255 # mid cyan #r3, g3, b3 = 0, 0, 180 # high blue # # change color values to fractions # if max(r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2,r3,g3,b3) > 1: r1, g1, b1 = float(r1)/255.0, float(g1)/255.0, float(b1)/255.0 r2, g2, b2 = float(r2)/255.0, float(g2)/255.0, float(b2)/255.0 r3, g3, b3 = float(r3)/255.0, float(g3)/255.0, float(b3)/255.0 col=[] coldesc=[] # print "r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2, r3,g3,b3", r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2, r3,g3,b3 for j in range(nbins/2): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from low to mid rgb = [r1*((float(nbins)-float(j)*2.0)/float(nbins))+r2*(float(j)*2.0/float(nbins)), \ g1*((float(nbins)-float(j)*2.0)/float(nbins))+g2*(float(j)*2.0/float(nbins)), \ b1*((float(nbins)-float(j)*2.0)/float(nbins))+b2*(float(j)*2.0/float(nbins))] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) print j,"rgb: %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f"% rgb col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) for j in range(nbins/2,nbins): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from mid to high rgb = [r2*((float(nbins)-((float(j+1)-float(nbins)/2.0)*2.0))/float(nbins))+r3*(((float(j+1)-float(nbins)/2.0)*2.0)/float(nbins)), \ g2*((float(nbins)-((float(j+1)-float(nbins)/2.0)*2.0))/float(nbins))+g3*(((float(j+1)-float(nbins)/2.0)*2.0)/float(nbins)), \ b2*((float(nbins)-((float(j+1)-float(nbins)/2.0)*2.0))/float(nbins))+b3*(((float(j+1)-float(nbins)/2.0)*2.0)/float(nbins))] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) print j,"rgb: %4.3f %4.3f %4.3f"% rgb col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'rgb' or gradient == 'reverserainbow': gradient = 'rgb' col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # must append the str(sel[j]) to the color name so that it is unique # for the selection # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors using hsv scale (fractional) starting at red(.00000) # through blue(0.66667) in intervals of .6666667/(nbins -1) (the "nbins-1" # ensures that the last color is, in fact, red (0) # rewrote this to use the colorsys module to convert hsv to rgb hsv = (colorsys.TWO_THIRD * float(j) / (nbins-1), sat, value) #convert to rgb and append to color list rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'bmr': col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from blue through magenta to red rgb = [min(1.0, float(j)*2/(nbins-1)), 0.0, min(1.0, float(nbins-j-1)*2/(nbins-1))] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'rmb': col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from red through magenta to blue rgb = [min(1.0, float(nbins-j-1)*2/(nbins-1)), 0.0, min(1.0, float(j)*2/(nbins-1))] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'rw': col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from red through white rgb = [1.0, float(j)/(nbins-1), float(j)/(nbins-1)] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'wr': col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from white through red rgb = [1.0, float(nbins-j-1)/(nbins-1), float(nbins-j-1)/(nbins-1)] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'ry': col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from red through white rgb = [1.0, float(j)/(nbins-1), 0] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'yr': col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from white through red rgb = [1.0, float(nbins-j-1)/(nbins-1), 0] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'gw': col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from green through white rgb = [float(j)/(nbins-1), 1.0, float(j)/(nbins-1)] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'wg': col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from white through green rgb = [float(nbins-j-1)/(nbins-1), 1.0, float(nbins-j-1)/(nbins-1)] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'bw': col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from blue through white rgb = [float(j)/(nbins-1), float(j)/(nbins-1), 1.0 ] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'wb': col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from blue through white rgb = [float(nbins-j-1)/(nbins-1), float(nbins-j-1)/(nbins-1), 1.0 ] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'wr': col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from white through blue rgb = [float(nbins-j-1)/(nbins-1), float(nbins-j-1)/(nbins-1), 1.0] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'gy': col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from green through yellow rgb = [float(j)/(nbins-1), 1.0, 0.] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'yg': col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from green through yellow rgb = [float(nbins-j-1)/(nbins-1), 1.0, 0.] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'bwr': col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins/2): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from blue to white rgb = [min(1.0, float(j)*2/(nbins-1)), min(1.0,float(j)*2/(nbins-1)), min(1.0, float(nbins-j-1)*2/(nbins-1))] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) for j in range(nbins/2,nbins): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from white to red rgb = [min(1.0, float(j)*2/(nbins-1)), min(1.0,float(nbins-j-1)*2/(nbins-1)), min(1.0, float(nbins-j-1)*2/(nbins-1))] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'rwb': col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins/2): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient from red to white rgb = [min(1.0, float(nbins-j-1)*2/(nbins-1)), min(1.0,float(j)*2/(nbins-1)), min(1.0, float(j)*2/(nbins-1))] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) for j in range(nbins/2,nbins): coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j))) # create colors in a gradient from white to blue rgb = [min(1.0, float(nbins-j-1)*2/(nbins-1)), min(1.0,float(nbins-j-1)*2/(nbins-1)), min(1.0, float(j)*2/(nbins-1))] # convert rgb to hsv, modify saturation and value and convert back to rgb hsv = list(colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2])) hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'gray' or gradient == 'grey': # if it is "gray" then sat must be 0! sat = 0.0 col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient of grays from "sat" to "value" hsv = [0, 0, sat + (value-sat)*float(j)/(nbins-1)] # hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat # hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) elif gradient == 'reversegray' or gradient == 'reversegrey': # if it is "gray" then sat must be 0! sat = 0.0 col=[] coldesc=[] for j in range(nbins): # coldesc.append('col' + str(sel[j]) + str(j)) coldesc.append('col' + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j])) # create colors in a gradient of grays from "sat" to "value" hsv = [0, 0, value - (value-sat)*float(j)/(nbins-1)] # hsv[1] = hsv[1]*sat # hsv[2] = hsv[2]*value rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]) col.append(rgb) # cmd.set_color("col" + str(sel[j]) + str(j),col[j]) if debug: print "Colour RGB triplet [ %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f ] is defined as %s" % (col[j][0],col[j][1],col[j][2],"col"+str(j)+str(sel[j])) cmd.set_color("col" + gradient + str(j) + str(sel[j]),col[j]) # if debug: # for j in range(nbins): # print "colour #:",j,"colour RGB triplet: ",col[j] #print coldesc # return the gradient as a list of colors named by their gradient & index (i.e. colbw0,colbw1,colbw2,...) return coldesc
# Copyright (c) 2004 Robert L. Campbell import colorsys,sys from pymol import cmd cmd.set_color('lightblue', [0.6, 0.8, 1.0]) def color_by_attype(selection="all", hydrophobic='white', positive='blue', negative='red', polar_n='lightblue', polar_o='salmon', sulfur='yellow'): """ usage: color_by_attype <selection>, <optional overrides of default colors> e.g. color_by_attype protein and chain A, hydrophobic=white Atom types: Default colours: hydrophobic white polar_n lightblue polar_o salmon positive blue negative red sulfur yellow """ # used a list to maintain order! at_list = ['positive','negative','polar_o','polar_n','sulfur']
def color_chains(rainbow=0): """ AUTHOR Kevin Houlihan adapted from a script by Gareth Stockwell USAGE color_chains(rainbow=0) This function colours each object currently in the PyMOL heirarchy with a different colour. Colours used are either the 22 named colours used by PyMOL (in which case the 23rd object, if it exists, gets the same colour as the first), or are the colours of the rainbow SEE ALSO util.color_objs() """ # Process arguments rainbow = int(rainbow) # Get names of all PyMOL objects # obj_list = cmd.get_names('objects') # don't color selections, alignments, measurements, etc. obj_list = cmd.get_names_of_type("object:molecule") chain_list = [] for obj in obj_list: for ch in cmd.get_chains(obj): # there seems to be a bug in pymol, some CA don't get colored #sele = obj + " and c. " + ch + " and (e. C or name CA)" #sele = obj + " and c. " + ch + " and e. C" sele = obj + " and c. " + ch chain_list.append(sele) if rainbow: #print "\nColouring objects as rainbow\n" nobj = len(obj_list) nchain = len(chain_list) # Create colours starting at blue(240) to red(0), using intervals # of 240/(nobj-1) for j in range(nchain): # hsv = (240-j*240/(nobj-1), 1, 1) # disparate colors for adjacent objects in sequence, colors heterodimers nicely hsv = (240 - ( (120*(j - j%2))/(nchain-1) + 120*(j%2) ), 1, 1) # Convert to RGB rgb = hsv_to_rgb(hsv) # Define the new colour cmd.set_color("col" + str(j), rgb) #print chain_list[j], rgb # Colour the object cmd.color("col" + str(j), chain_list[j]) util.cnc(chain_list[j]) else: #print "\nColouring objects using PyMOL defined colours\n" # List of available colours # standard pymol colors, I like these better # color sets listed at mainset1_colours = ['carbon', 'cyan', 'lightmagenta', 'yellow', 'salmon', 'hydrogen', 'slate', 'orange'] mainset2_colours = ['lime', 'deepteal', 'hotpink', 'yelloworange', 'violetpurple', 'grey70', 'marine', 'olive'] mainset3_colours = ['smudge', 'teal', 'dirtyviolet', 'wheat', 'deepsalmon', 'lightpink', 'aquamarine', 'paleyellow'] mainset4_colours = ['limegreen', 'skyblue', 'warmpink', 'limon', 'violet', 'bluewhite', 'greencyan', 'sand'] mainset5_colours = ['forest', 'lightteal', 'darksalmon', 'splitpea', 'raspberry', 'grey50', 'deepblue', 'brown'] #colours = mainset1_colours + mainset4_colours colours = mainset1_colours + mainset2_colours + mainset3_colours + mainset4_colours + mainset5_colours # colors in original script extra_colours = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'violet', 'cyan', \ 'salmon', 'lime', 'pink', 'slate', 'magenta', 'orange', 'marine', \ 'olive', 'purple', 'teal', 'forest', 'firebrick', 'chocolate', \ 'wheat', 'white', 'grey' ] ncolours = len(colours) # Loop over objects i = 0 for ch in chain_list: #print " ", obj, ch, colours[i] cmd.color(colours[i], ch) util.cnc(ch) i += 1 i %= ncolours
#Rudimentary summation of the two sequences h_seq = holo.unaligned_edge_weights_by_seq a_seq = apo.unaligned_edge_weights_by_seq seq_scores = [i + j for i, j in zip(h_seq, a_seq)] #Modify these to use different colors, use valid PyMOL named colors start_color= 'yelloworange' end_color = 'density' #seq_offset = 12 # The first residue number of the sequence def get_color_rgb(color): try: return cmd.get_color_tuple(color) except: print('Could not find a reference for that color') return None start_rgb = get_color_rgb(start_color) end_rgb = get_color_rgb(end_color) diffs = [end_rgb[i] - start_rgb[i] for i in xrange(3)] min_score = min(seq_scores) diff_score = max(seq_scores) - min_score for i in xrange(len(seq_scores)):'heatmap', 'chain a and resi {0}'.format(i)) norm_score = (seq_scores[i] - min_score) / diff_score temp_color = [start_rgb[j] + norm_score * diffs[j] for j in xrange(3)] color_name = 'heat_col{0}'.format(i) cmd.set_color(color_name, temp_color) cmd.color(color_name, 'heatmap')
def color_obj(rainbow=0,cnc=1): """ AUTHOR Gareth Stockwell Modified by Spencer Bliven USAGE color_obj(rainbow=0, cnc=0) ARGUMENTS rainbow = integer: 0 to use the 22 named colors, or 1 to generate a rainbow based on the number of objects currently cnc = integer: 0 to color all atoms by object, 1 to color non-carbon atoms according to their element. NOTES This function colours each object currently in the PyMOL heirarchy with a different colour. Colours used are either the 22 named colours used by PyMOL (in which case the 23rd object, if it exists, gets the same colour as the first), or are the colours of the rainbow If cnc is set, color non-carbon atoms by their element SEE ALSO util.color_objs() """ # Process arguments rainbow = int(rainbow) cnc = int(cnc) # Get names of all PyMOL objects obj_list = cmd.get_names('objects') if rainbow: print "\nColouring objects as rainbow\n" nobj = len(obj_list) # Create colours starting at blue(240) to red(0), using intervals # of 240/(nobj-1) for j in range(nobj): hsv = (240-j*240/(nobj-1), 1, 1) # Convert to RGB rgb = hsv_to_rgb(hsv) # Define the new colour cmd.set_color("col" + str(j), rgb) print obj_list[j], rgb # Colour the object cmd.color("col" + str(j), obj_list[j]) else: print "\nColouring objects using PyMOL defined colours\n" # List of available colours colours = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'violet', 'cyan', \ 'salmon', 'lime', 'pink', 'slate', 'magenta', 'orange', 'marine', \ 'olive', 'purple', 'teal', 'forest', 'firebrick', 'chocolate', \ 'wheat', 'white', 'grey' ] ncolours = len(colours) # Loop over objects i = 0 for obj in obj_list: print " ", obj, colours[i] cmd.color(colours[i], obj) i = i+1 if(i == ncolours): i = 0 if cnc: #color non-carbons appropriately util.cnc()