Пример #1
    def multisave(filename, pattern="all", state=-1,
                  append=0, format='', quiet=1, _self=cmd):

    "multisave" will save a multi-entry PDB file.

    Every object in the given selection (pattern) will have a HEADER and a
    CRYST (if symmetry is defined) record, and is terminated with END.
    Loading such a multi-entry PDB file into PyMOL will load each entry
    as a separate object.

    This behavior is different to the "save" command, where a multi-object
    selection is written "flat" to a PDB file, without HEADER or CRYST


    filename = string: file path to be written

    pattern = str: atom selection (before 1.8.4: object name pattern)

    state = int: object state (-1=current, 0=all) {default: -1}

    append = 0/1: append to existing file {default: 0}

    format = str: file format {default: guess from extension, or 'pdb'}
        from pymol.importing import filename_to_format
        _, _, format_guessed, zipped = filename_to_format(filename)

        if zipped:
            raise pymol.CmdException(zipped + ' not supported with multisave')

        if not format:
            format = format_guessed or 'pdb'

        if format == 'pmo':
            raise pymol.CmdException('pmo format not supported anymore')

        if format not in ('pdb', 'cif'):
            raise pymol.CmdException(format + ' format not supported with multisave')

        s = get_str(format, pattern, state, '', -1, 1, quiet, _self)

        if s is None:
            if _self._raising(): raise QuietException
            return DEFAULT_ERROR

        filename = _self.exp_path(filename)

        with open(filename, 'a' if int(append) else 'w') as handle:

        return DEFAULT_SUCCESS
Пример #2
    def multisave(filename, pattern="all", state=-1,
                  append=0, format='', quiet=1, _self=cmd): 

    "multisave" will save a multi-entry PDB file.

    Every object in the given selection (pattern) will have a HEADER and a
    CRYST (if symmetry is defined) record, and is terminated with END.
    Loading such a multi-entry PDB file into PyMOL will load each entry
    as a separate object.

    This behavior is different to the "save" command, where a multi-object
    selection is written "flat" to a PDB file, without HEADER or CRYST


    filename = string: file path to be written

    pattern = str: atom selection (before 1.8.4: object name pattern)

    state = int: object state (-1=current, 0=all) {default: -1}

    append = 0/1: append to existing file {default: 0}

    format = str: file format {default: guess from extension, or 'pdb'}
        from pymol.importing import filename_to_format
        _, _, format_guessed, zipped = filename_to_format(filename)

        if zipped:
            raise pymol.CmdException(zipped + ' not supported with multisave')

        if not format:
            format = format_guessed or 'pdb'

        if format == 'pmo':
            raise pymol.CmdException('pmo format not supported anymore')

        if format not in ('pdb', 'cif'):
            raise pymol.CmdException(format + ' format not supported with multisave')

        s = get_str(format, pattern, state, '', -1, 1, quiet, _self)

        if s is None:
            if _self._raising(): raise QuietException
            return DEFAULT_ERROR

        filename = _self.exp_path(filename)

        with open(filename, 'a' if int(append) else 'w') as handle:

        return DEFAULT_SUCCESS
Пример #3
def ext_get_primary(ext):
    If `ext` is an alias for another extension, return the other, otherwise return `ext`
        from pymol import importing
    except ImportError:
        print('import pymol failed')
        return ext

    return importing.filename_to_format('.' + ext)[2]
Пример #4
    def save(filename,

    "save" writes content to a file.

    save filename [, selection [, state [, format ]]]


    filename = string: file path to be written

    selection = string: atoms to save {default: (all)}

    state = integer: state to save {default: -1 (current state)}

    cmd.save(string file, string selection, int state, string format)


    The file format is automatically chosen if the extesion is one of
    the supported output formats: pdb, pqr, mol, sdf, pkl, pkla, mmd, out,
    dat, mmod, cif, pov, png, pse, psw, aln, fasta, obj, mtl, wrl, dae, idtf,
    or mol2.

    If the file format is not recognized, then a PDB file is written
    by default.

    For molecular files and where applicable and supported:
    * if state = -1 (default), then only the current state is written.

    * if state = 0, then a multi-state output file is written.

    load, get_model
        quiet = int(quiet)

        # preprocess selection
        selection = selector.process(selection)
        r = DEFAULT_ERROR

        # analyze filename
        from pymol.importing import filename_to_format, _eval_func
        _, _, format_guessed, zipped = filename_to_format(filename)
        filename = _self.exp_path(filename)

        # file format
        if not format:
            if not format_guessed:
                raise pymol.CmdException('Unrecognized file format')
            format = format_guessed

        # PyMOL session
        if format in (
                # always use unix-like path separators
                filename.replace("\\", "/"),
            if not quiet:
                print(" Save: Please wait -- writing session file...")

        func_type4 = {
            'mmod': io.mmd.toFile,
            'pkl': io.pkl.toFile,  # binary pickle
            'pkla': lambda model, filename: io.pkl.toFile(
                model, filename, bin=0),  # ascii pickle

        contents = None

        if format in savefunctions:
            # generic forwarding to format specific save functions
            func = savefunctions[format]
            func = _eval_func(func)
            kw_all = {
                'filename': filename,
                'selection': selection,
                'name': selection,  # alt (get_ccp4str)
                'state': state,
                'format': format,
                'ref': ref,
                'ref_state': ref_state,
                'quiet': quiet,
                'partial': partial,
                '_self': _self,

            import inspect
            sig = inspect.signature(func, follow_wrapped=False)
            kw = {}

            for n, param in sig.parameters.items():
                if param.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD:
                    kw = kw_all

                if param.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
                    print('FIXME: savefunctions[%s]: *args' % (format))
                elif param.kind == inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY:
                    raise Exception('positional-only arguments not supported')
                elif n in kw_all:
                    kw[n] = kw_all[n]

            contents = func(**kw)

            if 'filename' in sig.parameters:
                # assume function wrote directly to file and returned a status
                return contents

        elif format in func_type4:
            func_type4[format](_self.get_model(selection, state, ref,
                                               ref_state), filename)
            r = DEFAULT_SUCCESS
            raise pymol.CmdException('File format not supported for export')

        # function returned sequence of strings or bytes
        if isinstance(contents, (tuple, list)) and contents:
            contents = contents[0][:0].join(contents)

        if cmd.is_string(contents):
            if not isinstance(contents, bytes):
                contents = contents.encode()

            if zipped == 'gz':
                import gzip
                fopen = gzip.open
                fopen = open
                if zipped == 'bz2':
                    import bz2
                    contents = bz2.compress(contents)

            with fopen(filename, 'wb') as handle:
            r = DEFAULT_SUCCESS

        if _self._raising(r): raise QuietException

        if not quiet:
            if r == DEFAULT_SUCCESS:
                print(' Save: wrote "' + filename + '".')
                print(' Save-Error: no file written')

        return r
Пример #5
    def save(filename, selection='(all)', state=-1, format='', ref='',
             ref_state=-1, quiet=1, partial=0,_self=cmd):

    "save" writes content to a file.

    save filename [, selection [, state [, format ]]]


    filename = string: file path to be written

    selection = string: atoms to save {default: (all)}

    state = integer: state to save {default: -1 (current state)}

    cmd.save(string file, string selection, int state, string format)


    The file format is automatically chosen if the extesion is one of
    the supported output formats: pdb, pqr, mol, sdf, pkl, pkla, mmd, out,
    dat, mmod, cif, pov, png, pse, psw, aln, fasta, obj, mtl, wrl, dae, idtf,
    or mol2.

    If the file format is not recognized, then a PDB file is written
    by default.

    For molecular files and where applicable and supported:
    * if state = -1 (default), then only the current state is written.

    * if state = 0, then a multi-state output file is written.

    load, get_model
        quiet = int(quiet)

        # preprocess selection
        selection = selector.process(selection)
        r = DEFAULT_ERROR

        # analyze filename
        from pymol.importing import filename_to_format, _eval_func
        _, _, format_guessed, zipped = filename_to_format(filename)
        filename = _self.exp_path(filename)

        # file format
        if not format:
            if not format_guessed:
                raise pymol.CmdException('Unrecognized file format')
            format = format_guessed

        # PyMOL session
        if format in ('pse', 'psw',):
                    # always use unix-like path separators
                    filename.replace("\\", "/"), quiet=1)
            if not quiet:
                print(" Save: Please wait -- writing session file...")

        func_type4 = {
            'mmod': io.mmd.toFile,
            'pkl': io.pkl.toFile, # binary pickle
            'pkla': lambda model, filename: io.pkl.toFile(model, filename, bin=0), # ascii pickle

        contents = None

        if format in savefunctions:
            # generic forwarding to format specific save functions
            func = savefunctions[format]
            func = _eval_func(func)
            kw = {
                'filename': filename,
                'selection': selection,
                'name': selection,      # alt (get_ccp4str)
                'state': state,
                'format': format,
                'ref': ref,
                'ref_state': ref_state,
                'quiet': quiet,
                'partial': partial,
                '_self': _self,

            import inspect
            spec = inspect.getargspec(func)

            if spec.varargs:
                print('FIXME: savefunctions[%s]: *args' % (format))

            if not spec.keywords:
                kw = dict((n, kw[n]) for n in spec.args if n in kw)

            contents = func(**kw)

            if 'filename' in spec.args:
                # assume function wrote directly to file and returned a status
                return contents

        elif format in func_type4:
            func_type4[format](_self.get_model(selection, state, ref, ref_state), filename)
            r = DEFAULT_SUCCESS
            raise pymol.CmdException('File format not supported for export')

        # function returned sequence of strings or bytes
        if isinstance(contents, (tuple, list)) and contents:
            contents = contents[0][:0].join(contents)

        if cmd.is_string(contents):
            if not isinstance(contents, bytes):
                contents = contents.encode()

            if zipped == 'gz':
                import gzip
                fopen = gzip.open
                fopen = open
                if zipped == 'bz2':
                    import bz2
                    contents = bz2.compress(contents)

            with fopen(filename, 'wb') as handle:
            r = DEFAULT_SUCCESS
        if _self._raising(r,_self): raise QuietException

        if not quiet:
            if r == DEFAULT_SUCCESS:
                print(' Save: wrote "' + filename + '".')
                print(' Save-Error: no file written')

        return r