def indicator(X): T = np.logical_and(float_cmp(X[:, 1], dd.domain[1, 1]), == bt) B = np.logical_and(float_cmp(X[:, 1], dd.domain[0, 1]), dd.bottom == bt) TB = np.logical_or(T, B) return TB
def indicator(X): L = np.logical_and(float_cmp(X[:, 0], dd.domain[0, 0]), dd.left == bt) R = np.logical_and(float_cmp(X[:, 0], dd.domain[1, 0]), dd.right == bt) T = np.logical_and(float_cmp(X[:, 1], dd.domain[1, 1]), == bt) B = np.logical_and(float_cmp(X[:, 1], dd.domain[0, 1]), dd.bottom == bt) LR = np.logical_or(L, R) TB = np.logical_or(T, B) return np.logical_or(LR, TB)
def test_other_functions(self): order = GaussQuadratures.orders[-1] for name, function, integral in FUNCTIONS: Q = GaussQuadratures.iter_quadrature(order) ret = sum([function(p) * w for (p, w) in Q]) assert float_cmp(ret, integral), '{} integral wrong: {} vs {} (quadrature order {})'.format( name, integral, ret, order)
def test_newton(order, error_measure): mop = MonomOperator(order) U, _ = _newton(mop, atol=1e-15 if error_measure == 'residual' else 1e-7, rtol=0., error_measure=error_measure) assert float_cmp(mop.apply(U).to_numpy(), 0.0)
def test_quadrature_other_functions(): order = GaussQuadratures.orders[-1] for name, function, integral in FUNCTIONS: Q = GaussQuadratures.iter_quadrature(order) ret = sum([function(p) * w for (p, w) in Q]) assert float_cmp(ret, integral), \ f'{name} integral wrong: {integral} vs {ret} (quadrature order {order})'
def test_other_functions(self): order = GaussQuadratures.orders[-1] for name, function, integral in FUNCTIONS: Q = GaussQuadratures.iter_quadrature(order) ret = sum([function(p) * w for (p, w) in Q]) assert float_cmp(ret, integral), \ f'{name} integral wrong: {integral} vs {ret} (quadrature order {order})'
def __init__(self, thetas_prime, thetas, mu_bar, gamma_mu_bar=1., name=None): assert isinstance(thetas_prime, (list, tuple)) assert isinstance(thetas, (list, tuple)) assert len(thetas) > 0 assert len(thetas) == len(thetas_prime) assert all([isinstance(theta, (Number, ParameterFunctional)) for theta in thetas]) assert all([isinstance(theta, (Number, ParameterFunctional)) for theta in thetas_prime]) thetas = tuple(ConstantParameterFunctional(f) if not isinstance(f, ParameterFunctional) else f for f in thetas) thetas_prime = tuple(ConstantParameterFunctional(f) if not isinstance(f, ParameterFunctional) else f for f in thetas_prime) if not isinstance(mu_bar, Mu): mu_bar = Parameters.of(thetas).parse(mu_bar) assert Parameters.of(thetas).assert_compatible(mu_bar) thetas_mu_bar = np.array([theta(mu_bar) for theta in thetas]) assert not np.any(float_cmp(thetas_mu_bar, 0)) assert isinstance(gamma_mu_bar, Number) assert gamma_mu_bar > 0 self.__auto_init(locals()) self.thetas_mu_bar = thetas_mu_bar self.theta_mu_bar_has_negative = True if np.any(thetas_mu_bar < 0) else False if self.theta_mu_bar_has_negative: # If 0 is in theta_prime(mu), we need to use the absolute value to ensure # that the bound is still valid (and not zero) self.abs_thetas_mu_bar = np.array([np.abs(theta(mu_bar)) for theta in thetas])
def test_polynomials(self): for n, function, _, integral in polynomials(GaussQuadratures.orders[-1]): name = 'x^{}'.format(n) for order in GaussQuadratures.orders: if n > order / 2: continue Q = GaussQuadratures.iter_quadrature(order) ret = sum([function(p) * w for (p, w) in Q]) assert float_cmp(ret, integral), '{} integral wrong: {} vs {} (quadrature order {})'.format( name, integral, ret, order)
def test_quadrature_polynomials(): for n, function, _, integral in polynomials(GaussQuadratures.orders[-1]): name = f'x^{n}' for order in GaussQuadratures.orders: if n > order / 2: continue Q = GaussQuadratures.iter_quadrature(order) ret = sum([function(p) * w for (p, w) in Q]) assert float_cmp(ret, integral), \ f'{name} integral wrong: {integral} vs {ret} (quadrature order {order})'
def test_polynomials(self): for n, function, _, integral in polynomials(GaussQuadratures.orders[-1]): name = f'x^{n}' for order in GaussQuadratures.orders: if n > order / 2: continue Q = GaussQuadratures.iter_quadrature(order) ret = sum([function(p) * w for (p, w) in Q]) assert float_cmp(ret, integral), \ f'{name} integral wrong: {integral} vs {ret} (quadrature order {order})'
def __init__(self, thetas, mu_bar, gamma_mu_bar=1., name=None): assert isinstance(thetas, (list, tuple)) assert len(thetas) > 0 assert all([isinstance(theta, (Number, ParameterFunctional)) for theta in thetas]) thetas = tuple(ConstantParameterFunctional(f) if not isinstance(f, ParameterFunctional) else f for f in thetas) self.build_parameter_type(*thetas) mu_bar = self.parse_parameter(mu_bar) thetas_mu_bar = np.array([theta(mu_bar) for theta in thetas]) assert not np.any(float_cmp(thetas_mu_bar, 0)) assert isinstance(gamma_mu_bar, Number) assert gamma_mu_bar > 0 self.__auto_init(locals()) self.thetas_mu_bar = thetas_mu_bar
def test_props(self): tol_range = [0.0, 1e-8, 1] nan = float('nan') inf = float('inf') for (rtol, atol) in itertools.product(tol_range, tol_range): msg = 'rtol: {} | atol {}'.format(rtol, atol) assert float_cmp(0., 0., rtol, atol), msg assert float_cmp(-0., -0., rtol, atol), msg assert float_cmp(-1., -1., rtol, atol), msg assert float_cmp(0., -0., rtol, atol), msg assert not float_cmp(2., -2., rtol, atol), msg assert not float_cmp(nan, nan, rtol, atol), msg assert nan != nan assert not (nan == nan) assert not float_cmp(-nan, nan, rtol, atol), msg assert not float_cmp(inf, inf, rtol, atol), msg assert not (inf != inf) assert inf == inf if rtol > 0: assert float_cmp(-inf, inf, rtol, atol), msg else: assert not float_cmp(-inf, inf, rtol, atol), msg
def test_props(self): tol_range = [None, 0.0, 1] nan = float('nan') inf = float('inf') for (rtol, atol) in itertools.product(tol_range, tol_range): msg = 'rtol: {} | atol {}'.format(rtol, atol) self.assertTrue(float_cmp(0, 0, rtol, atol), msg) self.assertTrue(float_cmp(-0, -0, rtol, atol), msg) self.assertTrue(float_cmp(-1, -1, rtol, atol), msg) self.assertTrue(float_cmp(0, -0, rtol, atol), msg) self.assertFalse(float_cmp(2, -2, rtol, atol), msg) self.assertFalse(float_cmp(nan, nan, rtol, atol), msg) self.assertTrue(nan != nan) self.assertFalse(nan == nan) self.assertFalse(float_cmp(-nan, nan, rtol, atol), msg) self.assertFalse(float_cmp(inf, inf, rtol, atol), msg) self.assertFalse(inf != inf) self.assertTrue(inf == inf) self.assertTrue(float_cmp(-inf, inf, rtol, atol), msg)
def contains_zero_vector(vector_array, rtol=None, atol=None): """returns `True` iff any vector in the array float_compares to 0s of the same dim Parameters ---------- vector_array a |VectorArray| implementation rtol relative tolerance for float_cmp atol absolute tolerance for float_cmp """ for i in range(len(vector_array)): sup = vector_array[i].sup_norm() if float_cmp(sup, 0.0, rtol, atol): return True return False
def almost_equal(self, other, ind=None, o_ind=None, rtol=None, atol=None): assert self.check_ind(ind) assert other.check_ind(o_ind) assert self.dim == other.dim if NUMPY_INDEX_QUIRK: if self._len == 0 and hasattr(ind, '__len__'): ind = None if other._len == 0 and hasattr(o_ind, '__len__'): o_ind = None A = self._array[:self._len] if ind is None else \ self._array[ind] if hasattr(ind, '__len__') else self._array[ind:ind + 1] B = other._array[:other._len] if o_ind is None else \ other._array[o_ind] if hasattr(o_ind, '__len__') else other._array[o_ind:o_ind + 1] R = np.all(float_cmp(A, B, rtol=rtol, atol=atol), axis=1).squeeze() if R.ndim == 0: R = R[np.newaxis, ...] return R
def test_copy_repeated_index(vector_array): v = vector_array if len(v) == 0: return ind = [int(len(v) * 3 / 4)] * 2 for deep in (True, False): c = v[ind].copy(deep) assert almost_equal(c[0], v[ind[0]]) assert almost_equal(c[1], v[ind[0]]) try: assert indexed(v.to_numpy(), ind).shape == c.to_numpy().shape except NotImplementedError: pass c[0].scal(2.) assume(c[0].norm() != np.inf) assert almost_equal(c[1], v[ind[0]]) assert float_cmp(c[0].norm(), 2 * v[ind[0]].norm()) try: assert indexed(v.to_numpy(), ind).shape == c.to_numpy().shape except NotImplementedError: pass
def test_weights(self): for order in GaussQuadratures.orders: _, W = GaussQuadratures.quadrature(order) assert float_cmp(sum(W), 1)
def test_newton(order): U, _ = _newton(order, atol=1e-15) assert float_cmp(, 0.0)
def flatten_grid(grid): """This method is used by our visualizers to render n-dimensional grids which cannot be embedded into R^n by duplicating vertices which would have to be mapped to multiple points at once. (Think of grids on rectangular domains with identified edges.) Parameters ---------- grid The |Grid| to flatten. Returns ------- subentities The `subentities(0, grid.dim)` relation for the flattened grid. coordinates The coordinates of the codim-`grid.dim` entities. entity_map Maps the indices of the codim-`grid.dim` entities of the flattened grid to the indices of the corresponding entities in the original grid. """ # special handling of known flat grids if isinstance(grid, (RectGrid, TriaGrid)) and not grid.identify_left_right and not grid.identify_bottom_top: subentities = grid.subentities(0, grid.dim) coordinates = grid.centers(grid.dim) entity_map = np.arange(grid.size(grid.dim), dtype=np.int32) return subentities, coordinates, entity_map # first we determine which vertices are mapped to different coordinates when using the # embeddings of their codim-0 superentities dim = grid.dim global_coordinates = grid.embeddings(dim)[1] subentities = grid.subentities(0, dim) super_entities = grid.superentities(dim, 0) superentity_indices = grid.superentity_indices(dim, 0) A, B = grid.embeddings(0) ref_el_coordinates = grid.reference_element.subentity_embedding(dim)[1] local_coordinates = np.einsum('eij,vj->evi', A, ref_el_coordinates) + B[:, np.newaxis, :] critical_vertices = np.unique(subentities[np.logical_not(np.all(float_cmp(global_coordinates[subentities], local_coordinates), axis=2))]) del A del B # when there are critical vertices, we have to create additional vertices if len(critical_vertices) > 0: subentities = subentities.copy() supe = super_entities[critical_vertices] supi = superentity_indices[critical_vertices] coord = local_coordinates[supe, supi] new_points = np.ones_like(supe, dtype=np.int32) * -1 new_points[:, 0] = critical_vertices num_points = grid.size(dim) entity_map = np.empty((0,), dtype=np.int32) for i in xrange(new_points.shape[1]): for j in xrange(i): new_points[:, i] = np.where(supe[:, i] == -1, new_points[:, i], np.where(np.all(float_cmp(coord[:, i], coord[:, j]), axis=1), new_points[:, j], new_points[:, i])) new_point_inds = np.where(np.logical_and(new_points[:, i] == -1, supe[:, i] != -1))[0] new_points[new_point_inds, i] = np.arange(num_points, num_points + len(new_point_inds)) num_points += len(new_point_inds) entity_map = np.hstack((entity_map, critical_vertices[new_point_inds])) entity_map = np.hstack((np.arange(grid.size(dim), dtype=np.int32), entity_map)) # handle -1 entries in supe/supi correctly ... ci = np.where(critical_vertices == subentities[-1, -1])[0] if len(ci) > 0: assert len(ci) == 1 ci = ci[0] i = np.where(supe[ci] == (grid.size(0) - 1))[0] if len(i) > 0: assert len(i) == 1 i = i[0] new_points[supe == -1] = new_points[ci, i] else: new_points[supe == -1] = subentities[-1, -1] else: new_points[supe == -1] = subentities[-1, -1] subentities[supe, supi] = new_points super_entities, superentity_indices = inverse_relation(subentities, size_rhs=num_points, with_indices=True) coordinates = local_coordinates[super_entities[:, 0], superentity_indices[:, 0]] else: coordinates = global_coordinates entity_map = np.arange(grid.size(dim), dtype=np.int32) return subentities, coordinates, entity_map
def flatten_grid(grid): """This method is used by our visualizers to render n-dimensional grids which cannot be embedded into R^n by duplicating vertices which would have to be mapped to multiple points at once. (Think of grids on rectangular domains with identified edges.) Parameters ---------- grid The |Grid| to flatten. Returns ------- subentities The `subentities(0, grid.dim)` relation for the flattened grid. coordinates The coordinates of the codim-`grid.dim` entities. entity_map Maps the indices of the codim-`grid.dim` entities of the flattened grid to the indices of the corresponding entities in the original grid. """ # special handling of known flat grids if isinstance( grid, (RectGrid, TriaGrid )) and not grid.identify_left_right and not grid.identify_bottom_top: subentities = grid.subentities(0, grid.dim) coordinates = grid.centers(grid.dim) entity_map = np.arange(grid.size(grid.dim), dtype=np.int32) return subentities, coordinates, entity_map # first we determine which vertices are mapped to different coordinates when using the # embeddings of their codim-0 superentities dim = grid.dim global_coordinates = grid.embeddings(dim)[1] subentities = grid.subentities(0, dim) super_entities = grid.superentities(dim, 0) superentity_indices = grid.superentity_indices(dim, 0) A, B = grid.embeddings(0) ref_el_coordinates = grid.reference_element.subentity_embedding(dim)[1] local_coordinates = np.einsum('eij,vj->evi', A, ref_el_coordinates) + B[:, np.newaxis, :] critical_vertices = np.unique(subentities[np.logical_not( np.all(float_cmp(global_coordinates[subentities], local_coordinates), axis=2))]) del A del B # when there are critical vertices, we have to create additional vertices if len(critical_vertices) > 0: subentities = subentities.copy() supe = super_entities[critical_vertices] supi = superentity_indices[critical_vertices] coord = local_coordinates[supe, supi] new_points = np.ones_like(supe, dtype=np.int32) * -1 new_points[:, 0] = critical_vertices num_points = grid.size(dim) entity_map = np.empty((0, ), dtype=np.int32) for i in range(new_points.shape[1]): for j in range(i): new_points[:, i] = np.where( supe[:, i] == -1, new_points[:, i], np.where( np.all(float_cmp(coord[:, i], coord[:, j]), axis=1), new_points[:, j], new_points[:, i])) new_point_inds = np.where( np.logical_and(new_points[:, i] == -1, supe[:, i] != -1))[0] new_points[new_point_inds, i] = np.arange(num_points, num_points + len(new_point_inds)) num_points += len(new_point_inds) entity_map = np.hstack( (entity_map, critical_vertices[new_point_inds])) entity_map = np.hstack((np.arange(grid.size(dim), dtype=np.int32), entity_map)) # handle -1 entries in supe/supi correctly ... ci = np.where(critical_vertices == subentities[-1, -1])[0] if len(ci) > 0: assert len(ci) == 1 ci = ci[0] i = np.where(supe[ci] == (grid.size(0) - 1))[0] if len(i) > 0: assert len(i) == 1 i = i[0] new_points[supe == -1] = new_points[ci, i] else: new_points[supe == -1] = subentities[-1, -1] else: new_points[supe == -1] = subentities[-1, -1] subentities[supe, supi] = new_points super_entities, superentity_indices = inverse_relation( subentities, size_rhs=num_points, with_indices=True) coordinates = local_coordinates[super_entities[:, 0], superentity_indices[:, 0]] else: coordinates = global_coordinates entity_map = np.arange(grid.size(dim), dtype=np.int32) return subentities, coordinates, entity_map
def test_newton_residual_is_zero(order=5): mop = MonomOperator(order) U, _ = _newton(mop, initial_value=0.0) assert float_cmp(mop.apply(U).to_numpy(), 0.0)
def test_newton_with_line_search(): mop = MonomOperator(3) - 2 * MonomOperator(1) + 2 * MonomOperator(0) U, _ = _newton(mop, initial_value=0.0, atol=1e-15, relax='armijo') assert float_cmp(mop.apply(U).to_numpy(), 0.0)
def test_newton(order): U, _ = _newton(order) assert float_cmp(, 0.0)
def test_newton(order): U, _ = _newton(order, atol=1e-15) assert float_cmp(U.to_numpy(), 0.0)
def indicator(X): L = np.logical_and(float_cmp(X[:, 0], dd.domain[0]), dd.left == bt) R = np.logical_and(float_cmp(X[:, 0], dd.domain[1]), dd.right == bt) return np.logical_or(L, R)