def test_read_pose(self): """ Test if we can connect to the pose data stream, and read from it. """ morse = Morse() pose_stream ='Pose') pose = pose_stream.get() for coord in pose.values(): self.assertAlmostEqual(coord, 0.0, 2) morse.close()
def test_get_pose_streams_service(self): """ Tests if we can retrieve the list of published data streams. """ morse = Morse() self.assertEquals(set(morse.streams()), set(["robot.pose"])) morse.close()
def test_base_service_connection(self): """ Simply tests if the simulator is reachable by its socket interface. """ morse = Morse() morse.close()
return lift_commands.append(floor) for t in ["call","command"]: for i in range(0,4): rospy.Subscriber("/lift_sim/%s%s"%(t,doors[i]), Bool, on_floor_call_command, callback_args=(t,i)) morse = None while morse is None: try: morse = Morse() except ConnectionError as e:# ConnectionError as e: rospy.loginfo("Waiting for Morse...") print("[!!!!!] ",e,"Waiting for Morse...") rospy.sleep(3) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if len(lift_commands)>1: rospy.loginfo("Closing door %s"%doors[lift_commands[0]]) morse.rpc('lift.door%s'%doors[lift_commands[0]],'change_door_state',0) lift_commands=lift_commands[1:] rospy.loginfo("Moving to floor %s"%doors[lift_commands[0]]) morse.rpc('lift.platform','move_to_floor',lift_commands[0]-1) rospy.loginfo("Opening door %s"%doors[lift_commands[0]]) morse.rpc('lift.door%s'%doors[lift_commands[0]],'change_door_state',1) rospy.sleep(8) morse.close()
for t in ["call", "command"]: for i in range(0, 4): rospy.Subscriber("/lift_sim/%s%s" % (t, doors[i]), Bool, on_floor_call_command, callback_args=(t, i)) morse = None while morse is None: try: morse = Morse() except ConnectionError as e: # ConnectionError as e: rospy.loginfo("Waiting for Morse...") print("[!!!!!] ", e, "Waiting for Morse...") rospy.sleep(3) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if len(lift_commands) > 1: rospy.loginfo("Closing door %s" % doors[lift_commands[0]]) morse.rpc('lift.door%s' % doors[lift_commands[0]], 'change_door_state', 0) lift_commands = lift_commands[1:] rospy.loginfo("Moving to floor %s" % doors[lift_commands[0]]) morse.rpc('lift.platform', 'move_to_floor', lift_commands[0] - 1) rospy.loginfo("Opening door %s" % doors[lift_commands[0]]) morse.rpc('lift.door%s' % doors[lift_commands[0]], 'change_door_state', 1) rospy.sleep(8) morse.close()