Пример #1
def get_rms(truePos, estimated, align=False, scale=False, norm=False):
    Returns root mean square error of estimated positions.

    Set align if estimated positions need to be transformed (rotated and
    translated) before calculating rms error of localization. Set scale=True
    if they needs to be scaled also.

    If norm is True then rms is divided with norm of the true formation
    translated to centroid.

    truePos = Positions.create(truePos)
    assert(len(truePos) == 1)
    estimated = Positions.create(estimated)

    if align:
        estimated = deepcopy(estimated)
        align_clusters(truePos, estimated, scale)

    suma = 0
    node_count = 0
    for estimated_subcluster in estimated:
        for n in estimated_subcluster:
            suma += (estimated_subcluster[n][0] - truePos[0][n][0]) ** 2 + \
                    (estimated_subcluster[n][1] - truePos[0][n][1]) ** 2
            node_count += 1

    rms = sqrt(suma / node_count)
    if norm:
        sc = truePos.subclusters[0]
        truePos.subclusters[0] = {n: p for n, p in sc.items()
                                  if n in estimated.subclusters[0]}
        rms = rms/get_pos_norm(truePos)
    return rms
Пример #2
def show_localized(net, estimated, scale=False, align=True,\
                   display_loc_err=True, show_labels=True):
    Display estimated positions.

    estimated should be a list of dictionaries.

    from matplotlib.pylab import gca
    from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection

    truePos = Positions.create(net.pos)
    estimated = Positions.create(estimated)
    # copy estimated so that passed estimated remains unchanged
    estimated = deepcopy(estimated)
    if align:
        # rotate, translate and if needed scale estimated w.r.t. true positions
        align_clusters(truePos, estimated, scale)

    #TODO: implement display of all subclusters
    if len(estimated) > 1:
        raise (NotImplementedError)
        estimated_sc = estimated[0]

        #net.show(positions=estimated_sc, show_labels=show_labels)
        fig = net.get_fig(positions=estimated_sc, show_labels=show_labels)
        ax = fig.gca()
        minpos = min(estimated_sc.values(), axis=0)
        maxpos = max(estimated_sc.values(), axis=0)
        minpos -= (maxpos - minpos) * 0.1
        maxpos += (maxpos - minpos) * 0.1

        ax.set_xlim(minpos[0], maxpos[0])
        ax.set_ylim(minpos[1], maxpos[1])
        if display_loc_err:
            #TODO: not working in ipython notepad
            ax = gca()
            ax.set_title('Localized positions')
            ax.set_title('Localization error display')
            edge_pos = asarray([(net.pos[n], estimated_sc[n])
                                for n in estimated_sc.keys()])
            errorCollection = LineCollection(edge_pos,
            errorCollection.set_zorder(1)  # errors go behind nodes
Пример #3
def show_localized(net, estimated, scale=False, align=True,\
                   display_loc_err=True, show_labels=True):
    Display estimated positions.

    estimated should be a list of dictionaries.

    from matplotlib.pylab import gca
    from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection

    truePos = Positions.create(net.pos)
    estimated = Positions.create(estimated)
    # copy estimated so that passed estimated remains unchanged
    estimated = deepcopy(estimated)
    if align:
        # rotate, translate and if needed scale estimated w.r.t. true positions
        align_clusters(truePos, estimated, scale)

    #TODO: implement display of all subclusters
    if len(estimated)>1:
        estimated_sc = estimated[0]

        #net.show(positions=estimated_sc, show_labels=show_labels)
        fig = net.get_fig(positions=estimated_sc, show_labels=show_labels)
        ax = fig.gca()
        minpos = min(estimated_sc.values(), axis=0)
        maxpos = max(estimated_sc.values(), axis=0)
        minpos -= (maxpos-minpos)*0.1
        maxpos += (maxpos-minpos)*0.1

        ax.set_xlim(minpos[0], maxpos[0])
        ax.set_ylim(minpos[1], maxpos[1])
        if display_loc_err:
            #TODO: not working in ipython notepad
            ax = gca()
            ax.set_title('Localized positions')
            ax.set_title('Localization error display')
            edge_pos = asarray([(net.pos[n], estimated_sc[n])
                                for n in estimated_sc.keys()])
            errorCollection = LineCollection(edge_pos, colors='r',
            errorCollection.set_zorder(1)  # errors go behind nodes
Пример #4
    def on_actionShowLocalizedSubclusters_triggered(self):
        if len(self.ui.nodeInspector.selectedIndexes()) == 1:
            qModelIndex = self.ui.nodeInspector.selectedIndexes()[0]
            treeItem = qModelIndex.internalPointer()
            assert(isinstance(treeItem.itemDataValue, Positions))

            estimated = deepcopy(treeItem.itemDataValue)
            estimatedsub = estimated.subclusters[0]
            # rotate, translate and optionally scale
            # w.r.t. original positions (pos)
            align_clusters(Positions.create(self.net.pos), estimated, True)
            net = self.net.subnetwork(estimatedsub.keys(), pos=estimatedsub)

            self.draw_network(net=net, drawMessages=False)

            edge_pos = numpy.asarray([(self.net.pos[node], estimatedsub[node][:2])
                                       for node in net])
            error_collection = LineCollection(edge_pos, colors='r')

            rms = get_rms(self.net.pos, estimated, scale=False)
            self.update_log('rms = %.3f' % rms)
            self.update_log('localized = %.2f%% (%d/%d)' %
                            (len(estimatedsub) * 1. / len(self.net.pos) * 100,
                            len(estimatedsub), len(self.net.pos)))
Пример #5
    def on_actionShowLocalizedSubclusters_triggered(self):
        if len(self.ui.nodeInspector.selectedIndexes()) == 1:
            qModelIndex = self.ui.nodeInspector.selectedIndexes()[0]
            treeItem = qModelIndex.internalPointer()
            assert (isinstance(treeItem.itemDataValue, Positions))

            estimated = deepcopy(treeItem.itemDataValue)
            estimatedsub = estimated.subclusters[0]
            # rotate, translate and optionally scale
            # w.r.t. original positions (pos)
            align_clusters(Positions.create(self.net.pos), estimated, True)
            net = self.net.subnetwork(estimatedsub.keys(), pos=estimatedsub)

            self.draw_network(net=net, drawMessages=False)

            edge_pos = numpy.asarray([
                (self.net.pos[node], estimatedsub[node][:2]) for node in net
            error_collection = LineCollection(edge_pos, colors='r')

            rms = get_rms(self.net.pos, estimated, scale=False)
            self.update_log('rms = %.3f' % rms)
            self.update_log('localized = %.2f%% (%d/%d)' %
                            (len(estimatedsub) * 1. / len(self.net.pos) * 100,
                             len(estimatedsub), len(self.net.pos)))
Пример #6
def get_aoa_gdop_rel(estimated):
    Calculation of relative GDOP is based on CRB.

    GDOP_rel = sigma_CRB/sigma_d = sqrt(tr((G^TG)^-1)/(sum(Di^2))/M)
    As regular GDOP, it is not dependent on scale nor on sigma_AoA.
    estimated = Positions.create(estimated)
    assert len(estimated.subclusters) == 1
    pos = estimated.subclusters[0]
    nodes = pos.keys()
    edges = [
        e for e in pos.keys()[0].network.edges()
        if e[0] in nodes and e[1] in nodes
    G = construct_G(pos, edges, 3, 'AoASensor')
    J = dot(G.T, G)
    cov = pinv(J)
    di = diag(cov)
    di = concatenate((di[::3], di[1::3]))
    var_p = sum(di) / len(nodes)
    distances = [
        sqrt(dot(pos[n1][:2] - pos[n2][:2], pos[n1][:2] - pos[n2][:2]))
        for n1, n2 in edges
    var_d = sum(square(distances)) / len(edges)
    return sqrt(var_p / var_d)
Пример #7
def get_pos_norm(pos):
    """ Translate positions so that centroid is in the origin and return mean
    norm of the translated positions. """
    pos = Positions.create(pos)
    assert(len(pos) == 1)
    n = len(pos[0])
    p = zeros((n, 2))
    for i, node in enumerate(pos[0]):
        p[i, :] = pos[0][node]
    centroid = p.sum(axis=0)/n
    p -= tile(centroid, (n, 1))
    p_norm = nsum(sqrt(nsum(square(p), axis=1)))/n
    return p_norm
Пример #8
def get_pos_norm(pos):
    """ Translate positions so that centroid is in the origin and return mean
    norm of the translated positions. """
    pos = Positions.create(pos)
    assert (len(pos) == 1)
    n = len(pos[0])
    p = zeros((n, 2))
    for i, node in enumerate(pos[0]):
        p[i, :] = pos[0][node][:2]
    centroid = p.sum(axis=0) / n
    p -= tile(centroid, (n, 1))
    p_norm = nsum(sqrt(nsum(square(p), axis=1))) / n
    return p_norm
Пример #9
def get_rms(truePos, estimated, align=False, scale=False, norm=False):
    Returns root mean square error of estimated positions.

    Set align if estimated positions need to be transformed (rotated and
    translated) before calculating rms error of localization. Set scale=True
    if they needs to be scaled also.

    If norm is True then rms is divided with norm of the true formation
    translated to centroid.

    truePos = Positions.create(truePos)
    assert (len(truePos) == 1)
    estimated = Positions.create(estimated)

    if align:
        estimated = deepcopy(estimated)
        align_clusters(truePos, estimated, scale)

    suma = 0
    node_count = 0
    for estimated_subcluster in estimated:
        for n in estimated_subcluster:
            suma += (estimated_subcluster[n][0] - truePos[0][n][0]) ** 2 + \
                    (estimated_subcluster[n][1] - truePos[0][n][1]) ** 2
            node_count += 1

    rms = sqrt(suma / node_count)
    if norm:
        sc = truePos.subclusters[0]
        truePos.subclusters[0] = {
            n: p
            for n, p in sc.items() if n in estimated.subclusters[0]
        rms = rms / get_pos_norm(truePos)
    return rms
Пример #10
def get_aoa_gdop_rel(estimated):
    Calculation of relative GDOP is based on CRB.

    GDOP_rel = sigma_CRB/sigma_d = sqrt(tr((G^TG)^-1)/(sum(Di^2))/M)
    As regular GDOP, it is not dependent on scale nor on sigma_AoA.
    estimated = Positions.create(estimated)
    assert len(estimated.subclusters)==1
    pos = estimated.subclusters[0]
    nodes = pos.keys()
    edges = [e for e in pos.keys()[0].network.edges()
             if e[0] in nodes and e[1] in nodes]
    G = construct_G(pos, edges, 3, 'AoASensor')
    J = dot(G.T, G)
    cov = pinv(J)
    di = diag(cov)
    di = concatenate((di[::3], di[1::3]))
    var_p = sum(di)/len(nodes)
    distances = [sqrt(dot(pos[n1][:2] - pos[n2][:2],
                          pos[n1][:2] - pos[n2][:2]))
                 for n1, n2 in edges]
    var_d = sum(square(distances))/len(edges)
    return sqrt(var_p/var_d)
Пример #11
def get_aoa_gdops(estimated):
    estimated = Positions.create(estimated)
    assert len(estimated.subclusters)==1
    estimated = estimated.subclusters[0]
    return [get_aoa_gdop_node(estimated, node) for node in estimated]
Пример #12
def get_aoa_gdops(estimated):
    estimated = Positions.create(estimated)
    assert len(estimated.subclusters) == 1
    estimated = estimated.subclusters[0]
    return [get_aoa_gdop_node(estimated, node) for node in estimated]