Пример #1
 def _init_collection(self):
     self.collections = Collections()
Пример #2
class myModel(QAbstractItemModel):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(myModel, self).__init__(parent)
        self.treeView = parent
        self.headers = ['Item', 'State', 'type']

        self.columns = 3
        # Create items

    def _init_collection(self):
        self.collections = Collections()
    def collection_rescan(self, name):
            returns: True, if collection scan started
                    False, if collection is already scanning
        if name not in self.collections.names():
            print "collection-name does not exist."
            return False
        if not self.collections[name].is_scanning():
            return True
        return False

    def collection_rescan_stop(self, name):
        if name not in self.collections.names():
            print "collection-name does not exist."
            return False
        if self.collections[name].scanning:
            return True
        return False

    def collection_is_scanning(self, name):
        if name not in self.collections.names():
            print "collection-name does not exist."
            return False
        return self.collections[name].scanning

    def collection_delete(self, name):
        if name not in self.collections.names():
            print "collection-name does not exist."
            return False
        if not self.collections[name].scanning:
            return True
            print "can't delete collection(%s) while it is scanning..." % name
        return False

    def supportedDropActions(self):
        return Qt.CopyAction | Qt.MoveAction

    def flags(self, index):
        defaultFlags = QAbstractItemModel.flags(self, index)
        if index.isValid():
            return Qt.ItemIsEditable | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled | \
                Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled | defaultFlags
            return Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled | defaultFlags

    def headerData(self, section, orientation, role):
        if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            return QVariant(self.headers[section])
        return QVariant()

    def mimeTypes(self):
        types = QStringList()
        return types

    def mimeData(self, index):
        node = self.nodeFromIndex(index[0])
        mimeData = PyMimeData(node)
        return mimeData

    def dropMimeData(self, mimedata, action, row, column, parentIndex):
        if action == Qt.IgnoreAction:
            return True

        dragNode = mimedata.instance()
        parentNode = self.nodeFromIndex(parentIndex)

        # make an copy of the node being moved
        newNode = deepcopy(dragNode)
        self.insertRow(len(parentNode)-1, parentIndex)
        self.emit(SIGNAL("dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)"), parentIndex, parentIndex)
        return True
    def insertRow(self, row, parent):
        return self.insertRows(row, 1, parent)
    def insertRows(self, row, count, parent):
        self.beginInsertRows(parent, row, (row + (count - 1)))
        return True

    def removeRow(self, row, parentIndex):
        return self.removeRows(row, 1, parentIndex)

    def removeRows(self, row, count, parentIndex):
        self.beginRemoveRows(parentIndex, row, row)
        node = self.nodeFromIndex(parentIndex)
        return True

    def index(self, row, column, parent):
        node = self.nodeFromIndex(parent)
        return self.createIndex(row, column, node.childAtRow(row))

    def data(self, index, role):
        if role == Qt.DecorationRole:
            return QVariant()
        if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
            return QVariant(int(Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignLeft))
        if role != Qt.DisplayRole:
            return QVariant()
        node = self.nodeFromIndex(index)
        if index.column() == 0:
            return QVariant(node.name)
        elif index.column() == 1:
            return QVariant(node.state)
        elif index.column() == 2:
            return QVariant(node.description)
            return QVariant()

    def columnCount(self, parent):
        return self.columns
    def rowCount(self, parent):
        node = self.nodeFromIndex(parent)
        if node is None:
            return 0
        return len(node)

    def parent(self, child):
        if not child.isValid():
            return QModelIndex()
        node = self.nodeFromIndex(child)
        if node is None:
            return QModelIndex()

        parent = node.parent
        if parent is None:
            return QModelIndex()
        grandparent = parent.parent
        if grandparent is None:
            return QModelIndex()
        row = grandparent.rowOfChild(parent)
        assert row != - 1
        return self.createIndex(row, 0, parent)

    def nodeFromIndex(self, index):
        return index.internalPointer() if index.isValid() else self.root

    def _load(self):
        self.root = myNode('root', 'on', 'this is root', 'ROOT', None)
        collection = myNode('Collection n', 'on', 'collection', 'COLLECTION', self.root)
        artist = myNode('Artist n', 'on', 'artist', 'ARTIST', collection)
        album = myNode('Album n', 'on', 'album', 'ALBUM', artist)
        track = myNode('Track n', 'on', 'track', 'track', album)
        self.root = myNode('root', 'on', 'this is root', 'ROOT', None)
        self.__tree = {}
        cols = self.collections.get_collections()
        for cid, v in cols.items():
            cname = v['name']
            self.__tree[cname] = {}
            ctcount = pymp.sqldb.count_collection_tracks(cid)
            collectionNode = myNode(cname, "%s files" % ctcount, 'collection', 'COLLECTION', self.root)
            self.__tree[cname + 'node'] = collectionNode

            cnodeTracks = myNode('noid3', 'on', 'no id3 tag', 'NOID3', collectionNode)
            self.__tree[cname + 'tracks'] = cnodeTracks

            treedata = pymp.sqldb.tree_dict(cid, '')
            if not treedata:
            for val in treedata:
                artist = val['tpe1']

                if val['talb']:
                    if val['tdrc']:
                        album = '%s %s' % (val['tdrc'], val['talb'])
                        album = val['talb']
                    album = ''

                if val['tit2']:
                    if val['trck']:
                        title = '%s %s' % (val['trck'], val['tit2'])
                        title = '%s' % val['tit2']
                    title = ''
                path = [val['tid'], val['tit2'], val['tpe1'], val['talb'], val['tcon'],
                    val['tdrc'], val['tlen'], val['trck'], val['path']]

                if not val['hid3']:
                    h, t = os.path.split(val['path'])
                    trackNode = myNode(t, 'on', 'noid3', 'NOID3', self.__tree[cname + 'tracks'])
                    if artist not in self.__tree[cname]:
                        if not artist:
                        self.__tree[cname][artist] = {}
#                        count_files = pymp.sqldb.count_artist_files(cid, artist)
                        artistNode = myNode(artist, 'on', 'artist', 'ARTIST', self.__tree[cname + 'node'])
                        self.__tree[cname]['node'] = artistNode

                    if album not in self.__tree[cname][artist]:
                        if not album:
                            trackNode = myNode(artist, 'on', 'artist', 'Album', self.__tree[cname]['node'])
                        self.__tree[cname][artist][album] = {}
                        albumNode = myNode(album, 'on', 'album', 'ALBUM', self.__tree[cname]['node'])
                        self.__tree[cname][artist]['node'] = albumNode

                    if title not in self.__tree[cname][artist][album]:
                        if album:
                            myNode(title, 'on', 'title', path, self.__tree[cname][artist]['node'])