def talkerpozicija1(): pub = rospy.Publisher('pozicija', Imu, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('letjelica', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(1) # 10hz #board = MultiWii("/dev/ttyUSB0") board = MultiWii("/dev/virtualcom0") while not rospy.is_shutdown(): board.getData(MultiWii.RAW_IMU) message = Imu() message.header.frame_id = "/map" message.header.stamp = message.orientation_covariance[0] = -1 message.angular_velocity_covariance[0] = -1 message.linear_acceleration_covariance[0] = -1 message.linear_acceleration.x = board.rawIMU['ax'] message.linear_acceleration.y = board.rawIMU['ay'] message.linear_acceleration.z = board.rawIMU['az'] message.angular_velocity.x = board.rawIMU['gx'] message.angular_velocity.y = board.rawIMU['gy'] message.angular_velocity.z = board.rawIMU['gz'] message.orientation.w = 1 message.orientation.x = board.rawIMU['ax'] * 3.14159265 / 180 message.orientation.y = board.rawIMU['ay'] * 3.14159265 / 180 message.orientation.z = board.rawIMU['az'] * 3.14159265 / 180 #elapsed = board.attitude['elapsed'] #message = "ax = {:+.0f} \t ay = {:+.0f} \t az = {:+.0f} gx = {:+.0f} \t gy = {:+.0f} \t gz = {:+.0f} mx = {:+.0f} \t my = {:+.0f} \t mz = {:+.0f} \t elapsed = {:+.4f} \t" .format(float(message.linear_acceleration.x),float(message.linear_acceleration.y),float(message.linear_acceleration.z),float(message.angular_velocity.x),float(message.angular_velocity.y),float(message.angular_velocity.z),float(message.orientation.x),float(message.orientation.y),float(message.orientation.z)) rospy.loginfo(message) pub.publish(message) rate.sleep()
def runAttitude(): board = MultiWii("/dev/bus/usb/001/002") print "MARK2" try: while True: board.getData(MultiWii.ATTITUDE) message = "angx = {:+.2f} \t angy = {:+.2f} \t heading = {:+.2f} \t elapsed = {:+.4f} \t".format( float(board.attitude['angx']), float(board.attitude['angy']), float(board.attitude['heading']), float(board.attitude['elapsed'])) stdout.write("\r%s" % message) stdout.flush() except Exception, error: print "Error on Main: " + str(error)
class FlightController: def __init__(self): self.im_width = 640 self.im_height = 480 self.board = MultiWii("COM4") def compute_action(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, scale_factor=0.25): # define the possible turning and moving action self.board.getData(MultiWii.RAW_IMU) turning, moving, vertical = self.board.rawIMU area = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) center = [(x2 + x1) / 2, (y2 + y1) / 2] # obtain a x center between 0.0 and 1.0 normalized_center = center[0] / self.im_width # obtain a y center between 0.0 and 1.0 normalized_center.append(center[1] / self.im_height) if normalized_center[0] > 0.6: turning += scale_factor elif normalized_center[0] < 0.4: turning -= scale_factor if normalized_center[1] > 0.6: vertical += scale_factor elif normalized_center[1] < 0.4: vertical -= scale_factor # if the area is too big move backwards if area > 100: moving += scale_factor elif area < 80: moving -= scale_factor return [turning, moving, vertical] def get_observation(self, velocities): #imu [ax, ay, az] self.board.getData(MultiWii.RAW_IMU) imu = self.board.rawIMU return imu[:3] - velocities def send_action(self, motors): self.board.sendCMD(16, MultiWii.SET_MOTORS, motors)
def talkerpozicija(): pub = rospy.Publisher('pozicija', koordinate, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('letjelica', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(1) # 10hz #board = MultiWii("/dev/ttyUSB0") board = MultiWii("/dev/virtualcom0") while not rospy.is_shutdown(): board.getData(MultiWii.RAW_IMU) ax = board.rawIMU['ax'] ay = board.rawIMU['ay'] az = board.rawIMU['az'] gx = board.rawIMU['gx'] gy = board.rawIMU['gy'] gz = board.rawIMU['gz'] mx = board.rawIMU['mx'] my = board.rawIMU['my'] mz = board.rawIMU['mz'] elapsed = board.attitude['elapsed'] #message = "ax = {:+.0f} \t ay = {:+.0f} \t az = {:+.0f} gx = {:+.0f} \t gy = {:+.0f} \t gz = {:+.0f} mx = {:+.0f} \t my = {:+.0f} \t mz = {:+.0f} \t elapsed = {:+.4f} \t" .format(float(board.rawIMU['ax']),float(board.rawIMU['ay']),float(board.rawIMU['az']),float(board.rawIMU['gx']),float(board.rawIMU['gy']),float(board.rawIMU['gz']),float(board.rawIMU['mx']),float(board.rawIMU['my']),float(board.rawIMU['mz']),float(board.attitude['elapsed'])) #rospy.loginfo(message) pub.publish(koordinate(ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz, mx, my, mz, elapsed)) rate.sleep()
def talkerpid(): pub = rospy.Publisher('pid', pid, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('letjelica', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(1) # 10hz #board = MultiWii("/dev/ttyUSB0") board = MultiWii("/dev/virtualcom0") while not rospy.is_shutdown(): board.getData(MultiWii.PID) message = pid() message.rp = board.PIDcoef['rp'] message.ri = board.PIDcoef['ri'] message.rd = board.PIDcoef['rd'] message.pp = board.PIDcoef['pp'] message.pi = board.PIDcoef['pi'] message.pd = board.PIDcoef['pd'] message.yp = board.PIDcoef['yp'] message.yi = board.PIDcoef['yi'] message.yd = board.PIDcoef['yd'] #message = "ax = {:+.0f} \t ay = {:+.0f} \t az = {:+.0f} gx = {:+.0f} \t gy = {:+.0f} \t gz = {:+.0f} mx = {:+.0f} \t my = {:+.0f} \t mz = {:+.0f} \t elapsed = {:+.4f} \t" .format(float(message.linear_acceleration.x),float(message.linear_acceleration.y),float(message.linear_acceleration.z),float(message.angular_velocity.x),float(message.angular_velocity.y),float(message.angular_velocity.z),float(message.orientation.x),float(message.orientation.y),float(message.orientation.z)) rospy.loginfo(message) pub.publish(message) rate.sleep()
class Monitor(): def __init__(self, direccion, port): self._s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self._address = (direccion,port) def run(self): self._board = MultiWii('/dev/ttyUSB0') while True: try: message =str(self._board.getData(MultiWii.ATTITUDE)) print message self._s.sendto(message,self._address) except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'Liberando socket...' self._s.close() break
def main(): board = MultiWii("/dev/ttyACM0") """Creation de la video""" # Video Resolution VIDEO_HEIGHT = 960 VIDEO_WIDTH = 1280 # Cross Hair Image crossHair ="RGBA", (VIDEO_WIDTH, VIDEO_HEIGHT), (0, 0, 0, 0)) crossHairPixels = crossHair.load() with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (VIDEO_WIDTH, VIDEO_HEIGHT) camera.framerate = 30 camera.led = False overlay_renderer = None camera.start_preview(fullscreen=True, window=(0, 0, 720, 1280)) #Add cockpit img ='cockpit.png') img = img.resize((1280, 960)) # Create an image padded to the required size with # mode 'RGB' pad ='RGBA', ( ((img.size[0] + 31) // 32) * 32, ((img.size[1] + 15) // 16) * 16, )) pad.paste(img, (0, 0)) # Add the overlay with the padded image as the source, # but the original image's dimensions topOverlay = camera.add_overlay(pad.tobytes(), size=img.size) topOverlay.alpha = 128 topOverlay.layer = 3 time.sleep(0.5) """Connection de la board Inav Mavlink""" board.getData(MultiWii.ATTITUDE) #print board.attitude #uncomment for regular printing message = "angx = {:+.2f} \t angy = {:+.2f} \t heading = {:+.2f} \t elapsed = {:+.4f} \t".format( float(board.attitude['angx']), float(board.attitude['angy']), float(board.attitude['heading']), float(board.attitude['elapsed'])) stdout.write("\r%s" % message) print "\r" """Connection du IR RX""" irRxPin = 16 irRx = IRModule.IRRemote(callback='DECODE') GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # uses numbering outside circles GPIO.setup(irRxPin, GPIO.IN) # set irPin to input print( 'Starting IR remote sensing using DECODE function and verbose setting equal True ' ) GPIO.add_event_detect(irRxPin, GPIO.BOTH, callback=irRx.pWidth) irRx.set_verbose(False) irRx.set_callback(remote_callback) print('Use ctrl-c to exit program') """Connection du IR TX""" irTxPin = 21 # --> PIN11/GPIO17 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(irTxPin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(irTxPin, GPIO.HIGH) """----""" try: while True: if (hit >= 4): print "PERDU drone a terre" GPIO.output(irTxPin, GPIO.LOW) break time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: camera.remove_overlay(topOverlay) print "Cancelled"
""" Script to ask the MultiWii Board attitude and print it.""" __author__ = "Aldo Vargas" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2017" __license__ = "GPL" __version__ = "1.1" __maintainer__ = "Aldo Vargas" __email__ = "*****@*****.**" __status__ = "Development" from pymultiwii import MultiWii from sys import stdout if __name__ == "__main__": #board = MultiWii("/dev/ttyUSB0") board = MultiWii("/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART") try: while True: board.getData(MultiWii.ATTITUDE) #print (board.attitude) #uncomment for regular printing # Fancy printing (might not work on windows...) message = "angx = {:+.2f} \t angy = {:+.2f} \t heading = {:+.2f} \t elapsed = {:+.4f} \t".format(float(board.attitude['angx']),float(board.attitude['angy']),float(board.attitude['heading']),float(board.attitude['elapsed'])) stdout.write("\r%s" % message ) stdout.flush() # End of fancy printing except Exception,error: print ("Error on Main: "+str(error))
""" Script to ask the MultiWii Board attitude and print it.""" __author__ = "Aldo Vargas" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2017" __license__ = "GPL" __version__ = "1" __maintainer__ = "Aldo Vargas" __email__ = "*****@*****.**" __status__ = "Development" from pymultiwii import MultiWii from sys import stdout if __name__ == "__main__": #board = MultiWii("/dev/ttyUSB0") board = MultiWii("/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART") try: while True: board.getData(MultiWii.RAW_IMU) #print (board.attitude) #uncomment for regular printing # Fancy printing (might not work on windows...) message = "ax = {:+.0f} \t ay = {:+.0f} \t az = {:+.0f} gx = {:+.0f} \t gy = {:+.0f} \t gz = {:+.0f} mx = {:+.0f} \t my = {:+.0f} \t mz = {:+.0f} \t elapsed = {:+.4f} \t" .format(float(board.rawIMU['ax']),float(board.rawIMU['ay']),float(board.rawIMU['az']),float(board.rawIMU['gx']),float(board.rawIMU['gy']),float(board.rawIMU['gz']),float(board.rawIMU['mx']),float(board.rawIMU['my']),float(board.rawIMU['mz']),float(board.attitude['elapsed'])) stdout.write("\r%s" % message ) stdout.flush() # End of fancy printing except Exception,error: print ("Error on Main: "+str(error))
from pymultiwii import MultiWii from sys import stdout import time if __name__ == "__main__": #board = MultiWii("/dev/ttyUSB0") board = MultiWii("/dev/serial0") try: while True: board.getData(MultiWii.ATTITUDE) print board.attitude time.sleep(1) except Exception, error: print "Error on Main: " + str(error)
from pymultiwii import MultiWii import struct import time serialPort = "/dev/tty.usbmodem1411" board = MultiWii(serialPort) while True: # print board.sendCMD(4,MultiWii.SET_RAW_RC,[1500,1500,1500,1599]) #MSP_SET_RAW_RC print board.getData(MultiWii.STATUS) print board.getData(MultiWii.RAW_IMU) print board.getData(MultiWii.ATTITUDE) print board.getData(MultiWii.ALTITUDE) print board.getData(MultiWii.MOTOR) print board.getData(MultiWii.RC) print board.getData(MultiWii.ANALOG) print board.getData(MultiWii.RC_TUNING) print board.getData(MultiWii.DEBUG) # board.arm() # # board.sendCMD(8,214,[1500]) # data = [1000,2000] # checksum = 0 # total_data = ['$', 'M', '<', 100, 214] + data # for i in struct.pack('<2B%dH' % len(data), *total_data[3:len(total_data)]): # checksum = checksum ^ ord(i) # print checksum # total_data.append(checksum) # print total_data # print len(data) #
__maintainer__ = "Aldo Vargas" __email__ = "*****@*****.**" __status__ = "Development" from pymultiwii import MultiWii from sys import stdout import time if __name__ == "__main__": board = MultiWii("/dev/ttyACM0") i = 0 try: while True: print "\r ####Boucle ", i v = board.getData(MultiWii.RC) r = board.rcChannels['roll'] p = board.rcChannels['pitch'] y = board.rcChannels['yaw'] t = board.rcChannels['throttle'] aux1 = board.rcChannels['aux1'] aux2 = board.rcChannels['aux2'] aux3 = board.rcChannels['aux3'] aux4 = board.rcChannels['aux4'] print "V==>", v if (i > 5 and i < 15 and v != None): print "\r\r#########\r" datas = [1500, 1500, 1800, 1500] print "\rsend =", datas board.sendCMDreceiveATT(16, MultiWii.SET_RAW_RC, datas) print "###########\r\r"
placa.arm() arm = 1 elif boton_up == 12 and arm ==1: placa.disarm() arm = 0 if arm ==1: data =[roll,pitch,yaw,trothle,1000,1000,1000,1000] placa.sendCMDreceiveATT(16,MultiWii.SET_RAW_RC,data) x = int(placa.attitude['angx']) y = int(placa.attitude['angy']) z = int(placa.attitude['heading']) array = [x,y,z,bat] msg = pickle.dumps(array) sock.sendto(msg, (UDP_HOST,UDP_PORT)) elif arm ==0: placa.getData(MultiWii.ATTITUDE) x = int(placa.attitude['angx']) y = int(placa.attitude['angy']) z = int(placa.attitude['heading']) array = [x,y,z,bat] msg = pickle.dumps(array) sock.sendto(msg, (UDP_HOST,UDP_PORT)) HayDatosSocket =[sock],[],[],0.5) if HayDatosSocket[0]: Socketdata = sock.recv(bufer) mando = pickle.loads(Socketdata) roll = ROLL + mando[3] pitch = PITCH + mando[2] yaw = YAW + mando[1] trothle = TROTHLE + mando[0] boton_up = mando[5]
from pymultiwii import MultiWii serialPort = "/dev/ttyACM0" board = MultiWii(serialPort) while True: print(board.getData(MultiWii.ATTITUDE))
def main(): global laserOverlay, camera, hit, vivant laserShot = None board = MultiWii("/dev/ttyACM0") """Creation de la video""" # Video Resolution VIDEO_HEIGHT = 960 VIDEO_WIDTH = 1280 # Cross Hair Image crossHair ="RGBA", (VIDEO_WIDTH, VIDEO_HEIGHT), (0, 0, 0, 0)) crossHairPixels = crossHair.load() with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (VIDEO_WIDTH, VIDEO_HEIGHT) camera.framerate = 30 camera.led = False overlay_renderer = None camera.start_preview(fullscreen=True, window=(0, 0, 720, 1280)) #Add cockpit img ='cockpit.png') img = img.resize((1280, 960)) # Add cockpit Image to FPV feed pad ='RGBA', ( ((img.size[0] + 31) // 32) * 32, ((img.size[1] + 15) // 16) * 16, )) pad.paste(img, (0, 0)) topOverlay = camera.add_overlay(pad.tobytes(), size=img.size) topOverlay.alpha = 128 topOverlay.layer = 3 #Add Laser PNG for fire imgLaser ='laser-fire.png') imgLaser = imgLaser.resize((1280, 960)) laser ='RGBA', ( ((img.size[0] + 31) // 32) * 32, ((img.size[1] + 15) // 16) * 16, )) laser.paste(imgLaser, (0, 0)) laserOverlay = camera.add_overlay(laser.tobytes(), size=imgLaser.size, layer=1) laserOverlay.alpha = 128 #laserOverlay.layer = 2 #Add Explosion layer imgExpl ='explosion.png') imgExpl = imgExpl.resize((1280, 960)) explosion ='RGBA', ( ((img.size[0] + 31) // 32) * 32, ((img.size[1] + 15) // 16) * 16, )) explosion.paste(imgExpl, (0, 0)) explOverlay = camera.add_overlay(explosion.tobytes(), size=imgExpl.size, layer=1) explOverlay.alpha = 128 time.sleep(0.1) """Connection de la board Inav Mavlink""" board.getData(MultiWii.ATTITUDE) #print board.attitude #uncomment for regular printing message = "angx = {:+.2f} \t angy = {:+.2f} \t heading = {:+.2f} \t elapsed = {:+.4f} \t".format( float(board.attitude['angx']), float(board.attitude['angy']), float(board.attitude['heading']), float(board.attitude['elapsed'])) stdout.write("\r%s" % message) print "\r" """Connection du IR RX""" irRxPin = 16 irRx = IRModule.IRRemote(callback='DECODE') GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # uses numbering outside circles GPIO.setup(irRxPin, GPIO.IN) # set irPin to input print( 'Starting IR remote sensing using DECODE function and verbose setting equal True ' ) GPIO.add_event_detect(irRxPin, GPIO.BOTH, callback=irRx.pWidth) irRx.set_verbose(False) irRx.set_callback(remote_callback) print('Use ctrl-c to exit program') """Connection du IR TX""" irTxPin = 21 # --> PIN11/GPIO17 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(irTxPin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(irTxPin, GPIO.HIGH) """----""" try: while True: while vivant == 1: if (hit >= 4): GPIO.output(irTxPin, GPIO.LOW) explOverlay.layer = 5 vivant = 0 print "Fin - Toucher #", hit, "fois" except KeyboardInterrupt: camera.remove_overlay(topOverlay) print "Cancelled"
from pymultiwii import MultiWii import time #serialPort = "/dev/ttyAMA0" serialPort = "/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART" board = MultiWii(serialPort) print("woken up") #board.sendCMD(0,MultiWii.REBOOT,[],'') time.sleep(1) board.setVTX(5, 5, 1) time.sleep(3) test = board.getData(MultiWii.ATTITUDE) print(test) while True: test = board.getData(MultiWii.ATTITUDE) #print board.getData(MultiWii.STATUS) print(board.getData(MultiWii.VTX_CONFIG)) test = 1
from pymultiwii import MultiWii from sys import stdout import time if __name__ == "__main__": #board = MultiWii("/dev/ttyUSB0") board = MultiWii("/dev/serial0") try: print("start") board.arm() print("armed") while True: data = [1500, 1550, 1600, 1560, 1000, 1040, 1000, 1000] board.sendCMDreceiveATT(16, MultiWii.SET_RAW_RC, data) #board.sendCMD(16,MultiWii.SET_RAW_RC,data) print board.getData(MultiWii.RC) time.sleep(0.5) except Exception, error: print "Error on Main: " + str(error) print("end")
__status__ = "Development" from pymultiwii import MultiWii from sys import stdout import time if __name__ == "__main__": board = MultiWii("/dev/ttyACM0") i=0 #board = MultiWii("/dev/serial0") #board.sendCMD(8,MultiWii.RESET_CONF,[]) try: while True: board.getData(MultiWii.ATTITUDE) #print board.attitude #uncomment for regular printing # Fancy printing (might not work on windows...) message = "angx = {:+.2f} \t angy = {:+.2f} \t heading = {:+.2f} \t elapsed = {:+.4f} \t".format(float(board.attitude['angx']),float(board.attitude['angy']),float(board.attitude['heading']),float(board.attitude['elapsed'])) stdout.write("\r ATTITUDE: %s" % message ) print "\r" board.getData(MultiWii.RAW_IMU) message = "ax = {:+.0f} \t ay = {:+.0f} \t az = {:+.0f} gx = {:+.0f} \t gy = {:+.0f} \t gz = {:+.0f} mx = {:+.0f} \t my = {:+.0f} \t mz = {:+.0f} \t elapsed = {:+.4f} \t" .format(float(board.rawIMU['ax']),float(board.rawIMU['ay']),float(board.rawIMU['az']),float(board.rawIMU['gx']),float(board.rawIMU['gy']),float(board.rawIMU['gz']),float(board.rawIMU['mx']),float(board.rawIMU['my']),float(board.rawIMU['mz']),float(board.attitude['elapsed'])) stdout.write("\r RAW IMU: %s" % message ) print "\r GPS",board.getData(MultiWii.RAW_GPS) #board.arm() # End of fancy printing #print "-->debut rc channel" # ROLL/PITCH/YAW/THROTTLE/AUX1/AUX2/AUX3AUX4 #data = [1500,1550,1600,1560,1800,1800,1800,1800]
def main(): laserShot=None board = MultiWii("/dev/ttyACM0") """Creation de la video""" # Cross Hair Image crossHair ="RGBA", (VIDEO_WIDTH, VIDEO_HEIGHT),(0, 0, 0, 0)) crossHairPixels = crossHair.load() #Add cockpit img ='cockpit.png') img = img.resize((1280,960)) # Create an image padded to the required size with # mode 'RGB' pad ='RGBA', ( ((img.size[0] + 31) // 32) * 32, ((img.size[1] + 15) // 16) * 16, )) pad.paste(img, (0, 0)) # Add the overlay with the padded image as the source, # but the original image's dimensions topOverlay = camera.add_overlay(pad.tobytes(), size=img.size) topOverlay.alpha = 128 topOverlay.layer = 3 imgLaser ='laser-fire.png') imgLaser = imgLaser.resize((1280,960)) # Create an image padded to the required size with # mode 'RGB' laser ='RGBA', ( ((img.size[0] + 31) // 32) * 32, ((img.size[1] + 15) // 16) * 16, )) laser.paste(imgLaser, (0, 0)) laserOverlay = camera.add_overlay(laser.tobytes(), size=imgLaser.size) laserOverlay.alpha = 128 laserOverlay.layer = 2 time.sleep(0.5) #camera.remove_overlay(laserOverlay) """Connection de la board Inav Mavlink""" board.getData(MultiWii.ATTITUDE) #print board.attitude #uncomment for regular printing message = "angx = {:+.2f} \t angy = {:+.2f} \t heading = {:+.2f} \t elapsed = {:+.4f} \t".format(float(board.attitude['angx']),float(board.attitude['angy']),float(board.attitude['heading']),float(board.attitude['elapsed'])) stdout.write("\r%s" % message ) print "\r" """Connection du IR RX""" irRxPin = 16 irRx = IRModule.IRRemote(callback='DECODE') GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # uses numbering outside circles GPIO.setup(irRxPin,GPIO.IN) # set irPin to input print('Starting IR remote sensing using DECODE function and verbose setting equal True ') GPIO.add_event_detect(irRxPin,GPIO.BOTH,callback=irRx.pWidth) irRx.set_verbose(False) irRx.set_callback(remote_callback) print('Use ctrl-c to exit program') """Connection du IR TX""" irTxPin = 21 # --> PIN11/GPIO17 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(irTxPin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(irTxPin, GPIO.HIGH) """----"""
for i in range(100): getTheta() print((time.time() - t1) / 100.) def getLateralVelocity(): global data1, board board.getData(MultiWii.RAW_IMU) if __name__ == '__main__': global data1, board board = MultiWii("/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART") t0 = time.time() deltaT = 0 velocity = 0 position = 0 for i in range(1000): board.getData(MultiWii.RAW_IMU) velocity += board.rawIMU['az'] * (time.time() - t0) position += velocity * (time.time() - t0) t0 = time.time() if i % 10 == 0: print("acceleration: ", board.rawIMU['az'], "velocity: ", velocity, "position ", position) #print(getTheta(), "degrees") getTheta() #print("rotationalV",get_dtheta_dt()) #print(getTime())
class pi_drone_driver(): def __init__(self): self.board = MultiWii("/dev/ttyACM0") rospy.init_node("pi_drone", anonymous=True) self.imu_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pi_drone/imu", Imu, queue_size=1) self.attitude_pub = rospy.Publisher("/pi_drone/rpy", Vector3, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber("/pi_drone/RC_in", sendRC, self.send_rc_callback) rospy.Subscriber("/pi_drone/arm", Bool, self.arm_callback) self.imu_msg = Imu() self.rpy_msg = Vector3() self.rc_channels = [1500, 1500, 1500, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000] self.arm = False self.prev_imu_time = 0 self.prev_attitude_time = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.attitude_publisher(30) self.imu_publisher(50) def deg2rad(self, deg): rad = (3.14159/180.0) * deg return rad def attitude_publisher(self, rate): if ((time.time() - self.prev_attitude_time) >= (1.0 / rate)): self.prev_attitude_time = time.time() self.board.getData(MultiWii.ATTITUDE) self.rpy_msg.x = self.board.attitude['angx'] self.rpy_msg.y = self.board.attitude['angy'] self.rpy_msg.z = self.board.attitude['heading'] self.attitude_pub.publish(self.rpy_msg) def imu_publisher(self, rate): if ((time.time() - self.prev_imu_time) >= (1.0 / rate)): self.prev_imu_time = time.time() self.board.getData(MultiWii.RAW_IMU) ax = self.board.rawIMU['ax'] ay = self.board.rawIMU['ay'] az = self.board.rawIMU['az'] gx = self.board.rawIMU['gx'] gy = self.board.rawIMU['gy'] gz = self.board.rawIMU['gz'] self.imu_msg.header.stamp = self.imu_msg.header.frame_id = "imu_link" self.imu_msg.orientation_covariance = [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.imu_msg.angular_velocity_covariance = [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance = [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = 9.81 * ax/512 self.imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = 9.81 * ay/512 self.imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = -9.81 * az/512 self.imu_msg.angular_velocity.x = self.deg2rad(gx/4.096) self.imu_msg.angular_velocity.y = self.deg2rad(gy/4.096) self.imu_msg.angular_velocity.z = self.deg2rad(gz/4.096) #rospy.loginfo(imu_msg) self.imu_pub.publish(self.imu_msg) def send_rc_callback(self, rc_data): self.rc_channels[0] = rc_data.channels[0] self.rc_channels[1] = rc_data.channels[1] self.rc_channels[2] = rc_data.channels[2] self.rc_channels[3] = rc_data.channels[3] if self.arm: self.rc_channels[4] = 2000 else: self.rc_channels[4] = 1000 #print(self.rc_channels) self.board.sendCMD(16,MultiWii.SET_RAW_RC, self.rc_channels) def arm_callback(self, msg): if self.arm = True else: self.arm = False