Пример #1
    def update(self, dt):
        def f(arbiter):
            n = -arbiter.contacts[0].normal
            if n.y > 0.0:
                self.platformNormal = n
                self.platformBody = arbiter.shapes[1].body

        self.platformNormal = Vec2d.zero()
        self.platformBody = None

        # if ground body is found and slope induced grounding normal is lower than feet friction
        # (find out if grounded)
        grounded = False
        ground_velocity = Vec2d.zero()
        if self.platformBody != None and abs(self.platformNormal.x / self.platformNormal.y) < self.feet.friction:
            grounded = True
            self.remaining_jumps = JUMP_TIMES
            ground_velocity = self.platformBody.velocity

            # control inputs
        targetXVel = 0
        if self.keyboard[key.LEFT]:
            targetXVel -= PLAYER_VELOCITY
        if self.keyboard[key.RIGHT]:
            targetXVel += PLAYER_VELOCITY
        if self.keyboard[key.DOWN]:
            self.slide = True
            self.slide = False
        if self.jumpTrigger == True:
            self.jumpTrigger = False
            if grounded or self.remaining_jumps > 0:
                # add target jump velocity to body
                jumpVel = math.sqrt(2.0 * JUMP_HEIGHT * abs(self.scene.space.gravity.y))
                self.body.velocity.y = ground_velocity.y + jumpVel
                self.remaining_jumps -= 1

                # if on ground
        if self.platformBody != None:
            # if slide key and on slope (normal is (0,1) when on level ground)
            if self.slide == True and (self.platformNormal.x / self.platformNormal.y) != 0.0:
                self.feet.friction = 0
                self.feet.friction = abs(PLAYER_GROUND_ACCEL / self.scene.space.gravity.y)
            self.head.friciton = HEAD_FRICTION
            # apply target x velocity to surface velocity of feet..
            self.feet.surface_velocity = targetXVel, 0
            self.feet.friction, self.head.friction = 0, 0
            self.body.apply_impulse((targetXVel / 6, 0))

            # fall rate limiter
        self.body.velocity.y = max(self.body.velocity.y, -FALL_VELOCITY)  # clamp upwards as well?

        super(Avatar, self).update(dt)
def main():
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width,height)) 
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    running = True
    space = pymunk.Space()
    space.gravity = 0,-1000
    # box walls 
    static = [pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (10, 50), (300, 50), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (300, 50), (325, 50), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (325, 50), (350, 50), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (350, 50), (375, 50), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (375, 50), (680, 50), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (680, 50), (680, 370), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (680, 370), (10, 370), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (10, 370), (10, 50), 5)
    static[1].color = pygame.color.THECOLORS['red']
    static[2].color = pygame.color.THECOLORS['green']
    static[3].color = pygame.color.THECOLORS['red']
    # player
    body = pymunk.Body(5, pymunk.inf)
    body.position = 100,100
    head = pymunk.Circle(body, 10, (0,5))
    head2 = pymunk.Circle(body, 10, (0,13))
    feet = pymunk.Circle(body, 10, (0,-5))
    head.layers = head2.layers = 0b1000
    feet.collision_type = 1
    feet.ignore_draw = head.ignore_draw = head2.ignore_draw = True
    space.add(body, head, feet,head2)
    direction = 1
    remaining_jumps = 2
    landing = {'p':Vec2d.zero(), 'n':0}
    frame_number = 0
    landed_previous = False

    while running:

        grounding = {
            'normal' : Vec2d.zero(),
            'penetration' : Vec2d.zero(),
            'impulse' : Vec2d.zero(),
            'position' : Vec2d.zero(),
            'body' : None
        # find out if player is standing on ground

Пример #3
    def __init__(self):
        self.vel = Vec2d.zero()
        self.tile = Vec2d.zero()
        self.pos = Vec2d.zero()
        self.size = Vec2d(22, 23)
        self.half = self.size / 2

        self.can_jump = True
        self.is_jump = False
        self.standing = True
Пример #4
    def __init__(self):
        Entity.__init__(self, 2)
        self.head = pymunk.Circle(self, 18)
        self.head2 = pymunk.Circle(self, 18)
        self.head2.elasticity = 0.95
        self.feet = pymunk.Circle(self, 18)

        self.head.color = pygame.Color(200, 78, 0)
        self.head2.color = pygame.Color(200, 78, 0)
        self.feet.color = pygame.Color(200, 78, 0)

        self.head.layers = self.head2.layers = 0b1000
        self.feet.collision_type = 1


        self.moveStyle = MoveStyle.PHYSICS_DRIVEN
        self.direction = 1
        self.jumpsLeft = 1
        self.onGround = False
        self.helpless = False

        self.isBusy = False
        self.controller = Controller(self)

        self.__currentAttack = None
        self.__groundVelocity = Vec2d.zero()
Пример #5
    def __init__(self):

        self.space = pymunk.Space()
        self.space.gravity = self.SPACEGRAVITY
        self.ground_velocity = Vec2d.zero()

        self.fps = 60
        self.dt = 1. / self.fps
Пример #6
 def initPhysics(self):
     self.feet = pymunk.Circle(self.body, 20)
     self.mid = pymunk.Circle(self.body, 20, (0,40))
     self.head = pymunk.Circle(self.body, 20, (0,75))
     self.feet.collisionType = platform_collType
     self.feet.elasticity = 1.
     self.platformNormal = Vec2d.zero()
     self.platformBody = None
     self.slide = False
Пример #7
 def __init__(self, pos, collid, frame=0):
     self.pos = pos
     self.frame = frame
     self.body = pymunk.Body(body_type=pymunk.Body.STATIC)
     self.body.position = pos
     self.body.collected = False
     p = []
     for i in range(6):
         p.append(cpoint(math.radians(i * 60 + 180), 5, Vector2.zero()))
     self.poly = pymunk.Poly(self.body, p)
     self.poly.sensor = True
     self.poly.collision_type = collid
Пример #8
def on_update(delta_time):
    global score

    # player actions
    if keys_pressed[arcade.key.SPACE]:
        lazer = player.fire_lazer()
        if lazer:

    # movement
    if keys_pressed[arcade.key.W]:
    if keys_pressed[arcade.key.S]:
    if keys_pressed[arcade.key.A]:
    if keys_pressed[arcade.key.D]:


    # lazer bolt distance checks
    for lazer in player_lazerbolts:
        center = Vec2d(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2)
        max_dist = center.get_distance(Vec2d.zero())
        if lazer.position.get_distance(center) > max_dist:

    powerup_collisions = arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(player, powerups)
    if powerup_collisions:
        for powerup in powerup_collisions:
            score += 1

    # powerup boundary checks
    for pu in powerups:
        if pu.position.x < 0:
            pu.position.x = 0
            pu.velocity.x *= -1
        elif pu.position.x > WIDTH:
            pu.position.x = WIDTH
            pu.velocity.x *= -1

        if pu.position.y < 0:
            pu.position.y = 0
            pu.velocity.y *= -1
        elif pu.position.y > HEIGHT:
            pu.position.y = HEIGHT
            pu.velocity.y *= -1
Пример #9
 def __init__(self):
     platform = pyglet.window.get_platform()
     display = platform.get_default_display()
     screen = display.get_default_screen()
     template = pyglet.gl.Config(double_buffer=True)
     config = screen.get_best_config(template)
     context = config.create_context(None)
     self.clock = pyglet.clock.Clock()
     self.kb_handler = pyglet.window.key.KeyStateHandler()
     super(Main, self).__init__(resizable=True, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, caption="pymunk test" , context=context)
     self.batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch()
     self.direction = 1
     self.remaining_jumps = 2
     self.landing = {'p':Vec2d.zero(), 'n':0}
     self.landed_previous = False
     # box walls 
     self.space = world.World()
     def passthrough_handler(space, arbiter):
         if arbiter.shapes[0].body.velocity.y < 0:
             return True
             return False
     self.space.add_collision_handler(1,2, begin=passthrough_handler)
     # player
     self.body = pymunk.Body(5, pymunk.inf)
     self.body.position = 100,100
     self.head = pymunk.Circle(self.body, 10, (0,5))
     self.head2 = pymunk.Circle(self.body, 10, (0,13))
     self.feet = pymunk.Circle(self.body, 10, (0,-5))
     self.head.layers = self.head2.layers = 0b1000
     self.feet.collision_type = 1
     self.feet.ignore_draw = self.head.ignore_draw = self.head2.ignore_draw = True
     self.space.add(self.body, self.head, self.feet, self.head2)
     self.target_vx = 0
Пример #10
    def update(self, dt, socketio):

        for p in self.players:
            force = (BOOST_FORCE
                     if p.is_boosting() else NORMAL_FORCE) * Vec2d.unit()
            force.angle = p.rotation
            if p.living:
                p.body.velocity += force / p.body.mass
                p.body.angular_velocity = 0

        for body in self.space.bodies:
            speed = body.velocity.get_length()
            if speed > 0:
                fricDir = -body.velocity.normalized()
                fricAmount = body.mass * FRICTION
                frictionForce = fricDir * fricAmount * dt
                if speed < MIN_SPEED:
                    body.velocity = Vec2d.zero()
                    body.velocity += frictionForce / body.mass
            if body.velocity.get_length() > MAX_SPEED:
                if not body.player.living:
                    max_speed = DEAD_MAX_SPEED
                elif body.player.is_boosting():
                    max_speed = BOOST_MAX_SPEED
                elif body.player.braking:
                    max_speed = BRAKE_MAX_SPEED
                    max_speed = MAX_SPEED
                body.velocity = max_speed * body.velocity.normalized()


Пример #11
    def movement(self):
        grounding = {
            'normal' : Vec2d.zero(),
            'penetration' : Vec2d.zero(),
            'impulse' : Vec2d.zero(),
            'position' : Vec2d.zero(),
            'body' : None
        # find out if player is standing on ground
        def f(arbiter):
            n = -arbiter.contacts[0].normal
            if n.y > grounding['normal'].y:
                grounding['normal'] = n
                grounding['penetration'] = -arbiter.contacts[0].distance
                grounding['body'] = arbiter.shapes[1].body
                grounding['impulse'] = arbiter.total_impulse
                grounding['position'] = arbiter.contacts[0].position
        self.well_grounded = False
        if grounding['body'] != None and abs(grounding['normal'].x/grounding['normal'].y) < self.feet.friction:
            self.well_grounded = True
            self.remaining_jumps = 2
        self.ground_velocity = Vec2d.zero()
        if self.well_grounded:
            self.ground_velocity = grounding['body'].velocity
        self.target_vx = 0
        if self.body.velocity.x > .01:
            self.direction = 1
        elif self.body.velocity.x < -.01:
            self.direction = -1
        if self.kb_handler[pyglet.window.key.LEFT]:
            self.direction = -1
            self.target_vx -= PLAYER_VELOCITY
        if self.kb_handler[pyglet.window.key.RIGHT]:
            self.direction = 1
            self.target_vx += PLAYER_VELOCITY
        if self.kb_handler[pyglet.window.key.DOWN]:
            self.direction = -3    
        self.feet.surface_velocity = self.target_vx, 0

        if grounding['body'] != None:
            self.feet.friction = -PLAYER_GROUND_ACCEL/self.space.gravity.y #IGNORE:E1101
            self.head.friciton = HEAD_FRICTION
            self.feet.friction, self.head.friction = 0, 0
        # Air control
        if grounding['body'] == None:
            self.body.velocity.x = cpflerpconst(self.body.velocity.x, self.target_vx + self.ground_velocity.x, PLAYER_AIR_ACCEL * DT)
        self.body.velocity.y = max(self.body.velocity.y, -FALL_VELOCITY) # clamp upwards as well?
        # Move the moving platform
        destination = self.space.platform_path[self.space.platform_path_index]
        current = Vec2d(self.space.platform_body.position)
        distance = current.get_distance(destination)
        if distance < PLATFORM_SPEED:
            self.space.platform_path_index += 1
            self.space.platform_path_index = self.space.platform_path_index % len(self.space.platform_path)
            t = 1
            t = PLATFORM_SPEED / distance
        new = current.interpolate_to(destination, t)
        self.space.platform_body.position = new
        self.space.platform_body.velocity = (new - current) / DT
        # Did we land?
        if abs(grounding['impulse'].y) / self.body.mass > 200 and not self.landed_previous:
            self.landing = {'p':grounding['position'],'n':5}
            self.landed_previous = True
            self.landed_previous = False
        if self.landing['n'] > 0:
            #pygame.draw.circle(screen, pygame.color.THECOLORS['yellow'], to_pygame(landing['p'], screen), 5)
            self.landing['n'] -= 1
Пример #12
    def update(self, dt):
        """ Run the physics simulation a step """

        # find out if player is standing on ground
        # thanks to https://github.com/viblo/pymunk/blob/master/examples/platformer.py
        grounding = {
            "normal": Vec2d.zero(),
            "penetration": Vec2d.zero(),
            "impulse": Vec2d.zero(),
            "position": Vec2d.zero(),
            "body": None
        def f(arbiter):
            n = arbiter.contact_point_set.normal
            if n.y > grounding["normal"].y:
                grounding["normal"] = n
                grounding["penetration"] = -arbiter.contact_point_set.points[0].distance
                grounding["body"] = arbiter.shapes[1].body
                grounding["impulse"] = arbiter.total_impulse
                grounding["position"] = arbiter.contact_point_set.points[0].point_b

        well_grounded = False
        self.player.grounded = False
        if grounding["body"] != None and abs(grounding["normal"].x/grounding["normal"].y) < 1:
            well_grounded = True
            self.player.grounded = True
            self.player.remaining_jumps = self.player.allowed_jumps

        # persistent keys
        keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        v = self.player.body.velocity
        if keys[K_d]:
            # NOTE: allow slowing down from going the opposite direction quickly
            if v.x < 0 and well_grounded: v = (min(v.x + 100, 0), v.y)
            elif well_grounded: v = (min(v.x + 20, 2000), v.y)
            else: v = (min(v.x + 15, 2000), v.y)
        if keys[K_a]:
            v = self.player.body.velocity
            if v.x > 0 and well_grounded: v = (max(v.x - 100, 0), v.y)
            elif well_grounded: v = (max(v.x - 20, -2000), v.y)
            else: v = (max(v.x - 15, -2000), v.y)

        self.player.body.velocity = v
        self.player.jump_refresh -= 1
        if self.player.jump_refresh < 0: self.player.jump_refresh = 0

        # mob movement
        for m in self.mobs:

        # scroll viewport



Пример #13
def main():

    ### PyGame init
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))

    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    running = True
    font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 16)
    sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("sfx.wav")
    img = pygame.image.load("xmasgirl1.png")

    ### Physics stuff
    space = pymunk.Space()
    space.gravity = 0, -1000
    draw_options = pymunk.pygame_util.DrawOptions(screen)

    # box walls
    static = [
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (10, 50), (300, 50), 3),
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (300, 50), (325, 50), 3),
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (325, 50), (350, 50), 3),
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (350, 50), (375, 50), 3),
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (375, 50), (680, 50), 3),
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (680, 50), (680, 370), 3),
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (680, 370), (10, 370), 3),
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (10, 370), (10, 50), 3)
    static[1].color = pygame.color.THECOLORS['red']
    static[2].color = pygame.color.THECOLORS['green']
    static[3].color = pygame.color.THECOLORS['red']

    # rounded shape
    rounded = [
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (500, 50), (520, 60), 3),
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (520, 60), (540, 80), 3),
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (540, 80), (550, 100), 3),
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (550, 100), (550, 150), 3)

    # static platforms
    platforms = [
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (170, 50), (270, 150), 3)
        #, pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (270, 100), (300, 100), 5)
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (400, 150), (450, 150), 3),
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (400, 200), (450, 200), 3),
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (220, 200), (300, 200), 3),
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (50, 250), (200, 250), 3),
        pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (10, 370), (50, 250), 3)

    for s in static + platforms + rounded:
        s.friction = 1.
        s.group = 1
    space.add(static, platforms + rounded)

    # moving platform
    platform_path = [(650, 100), (600, 200), (650, 300)]
    platform_path_index = 0
    platform_body = pymunk.Body(body_type=pymunk.Body.KINEMATIC)
    platform_body.position = 650, 100
    s = pymunk.Segment(platform_body, (-25, 0), (25, 0), 5)
    s.friction = 1.
    s.group = 1
    s.color = pygame.color.THECOLORS["blue"]

    # pass through platform
    passthrough = pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (270, 100), (320, 100), 5)
    passthrough.color = pygame.color.THECOLORS["yellow"]
    passthrough.friction = 1.
    passthrough.collision_type = 2
    passthrough.filter = pymunk.ShapeFilter(categories=0b1000)

    def passthrough_handler(arbiter, space, data):
        if arbiter.shapes[0].body.velocity.y < 0:
            return True
            return False

    space.add_collision_handler(1, 2).begin = passthrough_handler

    # player
    body = pymunk.Body(5, pymunk.inf)
    body.position = 100, 100

    head = pymunk.Circle(body, 10, (0, 5))
    head2 = pymunk.Circle(body, 10, (0, 13))
    feet = pymunk.Circle(body, 10, (0, -5))
    # Since we use the debug draw we need to hide these circles. To make it
    # easy we just set their color to black.
    feet.color = 0, 0, 0, 0
    head.color = 0, 0, 0, 0
    head2.color = 0, 0, 0, 0
    mask = pymunk.ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS ^ passthrough.filter.categories
    sf = pymunk.ShapeFilter(mask=mask)
    head.filter = sf
    head2.filter = sf
    feet.collision_type = 1
    feet.ignore_draw = head.ignore_draw = head2.ignore_draw = True

    space.add(body, head, feet, head2)
    direction = 1
    remaining_jumps = 2
    landing = {'p': Vec2d.zero(), 'n': 0}
    frame_number = 0

    landed_previous = False

    while running:

        grounding = {
            'normal': Vec2d.zero(),
            'penetration': Vec2d.zero(),
            'impulse': Vec2d.zero(),
            'position': Vec2d.zero(),
            'body': None

        # find out if player is standing on ground

        def f(arbiter):
            n = -arbiter.contact_point_set.normal
            if n.y > grounding['normal'].y:
                grounding['normal'] = n
                grounding['penetration'] = -arbiter.contact_point_set.points[
                grounding['body'] = arbiter.shapes[1].body
                grounding['impulse'] = arbiter.total_impulse
                grounding['position'] = arbiter.contact_point_set.points[


        well_grounded = False
        if grounding['body'] != None and abs(
                grounding['normal'].x / grounding['normal'].y) < feet.friction:
            well_grounded = True
            remaining_jumps = 2

        ground_velocity = Vec2d.zero()
        if well_grounded:
            ground_velocity = grounding['body'].velocity

        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT or \
                event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key in [K_ESCAPE, K_q]):
                running = False
            elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_p:
                pygame.image.save(screen, "platformer.png")

            elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_UP:
                if well_grounded or remaining_jumps > 0:
                    jump_v = math.sqrt(2.0 * JUMP_HEIGHT *
                    impulse = (0, body.mass * (ground_velocity.y + jump_v))
                    remaining_jumps -= 1
            elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_UP:
                body.velocity.y = min(body.velocity.y, JUMP_CUTOFF_VELOCITY)

        # Target horizontal velocity of player
        target_vx = 0

        if body.velocity.x > .01:
            direction = 1
        elif body.velocity.x < -.01:
            direction = -1

        keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        if (keys[K_LEFT]):
            direction = -1
            target_vx -= PLAYER_VELOCITY
        if (keys[K_RIGHT]):
            direction = 1
            target_vx += PLAYER_VELOCITY
        if (keys[K_DOWN]):
            direction = -3

        feet.surface_velocity = -target_vx, 0

        if grounding['body'] != None:
            feet.friction = -PLAYER_GROUND_ACCEL / space.gravity.y
            head.friction = HEAD_FRICTION
            feet.friction, head.friction = 0, 0

        # Air control
        if grounding['body'] == None:
            body.velocity = Vec2d(
                cpflerpconst(body.velocity.x, target_vx + ground_velocity.x,
                             PLAYER_AIR_ACCEL * dt), body.velocity.y)

        body.velocity.y = max(body.velocity.y,
                              -FALL_VELOCITY)  # clamp upwards as well?

        # Move the moving platform
        destination = platform_path[platform_path_index]
        current = Vec2d(platform_body.position)
        distance = current.get_distance(destination)
        if distance < PLATFORM_SPEED:
            platform_path_index += 1
            platform_path_index = platform_path_index % len(platform_path)
            t = 1
            t = PLATFORM_SPEED / distance
        new = current.interpolate_to(destination, t)
        platform_body.position = new
        platform_body.velocity = (new - current) / dt

        ### Clear screen

        ### Helper lines
        for y in [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300]:
            color = pygame.color.THECOLORS['darkgrey']
            pygame.draw.line(screen, color, (10, y), (680, y), 1)

        ### Draw stuff

        direction_offset = 48 + (1 * direction + 1) // 2 * 48
        if grounding['body'] != None and abs(target_vx) > 1:
            animation_offset = 32 * (frame_number // 8 % 4)
        elif grounding['body'] is None:
            animation_offset = 32 * 1
            animation_offset = 32 * 0
        position = body.position + (-16, 28)
        p = pymunk.pygame_util.to_pygame(position, screen)
        screen.blit(img, p, (animation_offset, direction_offset, 32, 48))

        # Did we land?
        if abs(grounding['impulse'].y
               ) / body.mass > 200 and not landed_previous:
            landing = {'p': grounding['position'], 'n': 5}
            landed_previous = True
            landed_previous = False
        if landing['n'] > 0:
            p = pymunk.pygame_util.to_pygame(landing['p'], screen)
            pygame.draw.circle(screen, pygame.color.THECOLORS['yellow'], p, 5)
            landing['n'] -= 1

        # Info and flip screen
            font.render("fps: " + str(clock.get_fps()), 1, THECOLORS["white"]),
            (0, 0))
                "Move with Left/Right, jump with Up, press again to double jump",
                1, THECOLORS["darkgrey"]), (5, height - 35))
            font.render("Press ESC or Q to quit", 1, THECOLORS["darkgrey"]),
            (5, height - 20))

        frame_number += 1

        ### Update physics


Пример #14
def main():

    ### PyGame init
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width,height)) 

    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    running = True
    font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 16)
    sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("sfx.wav")
    img = pygame.image.load("xmasgirl1.png")
    ### Physics stuff
    space = pymunk.Space()   
    space.gravity = 0,-1000
    # box walls 
    static = [pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (10, 50), (300, 50), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (300, 50), (325, 50), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (325, 50), (350, 50), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (350, 50), (375, 50), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (375, 50), (680, 50), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (680, 50), (680, 370), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (680, 370), (10, 370), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (10, 370), (10, 50), 5)
    static[1].color = pygame.color.THECOLORS['red']
    static[2].color = pygame.color.THECOLORS['green']
    static[3].color = pygame.color.THECOLORS['red']
    # rounded shape
    rounded = [pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (500, 50), (520, 60), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (520, 60), (540, 80), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (540, 80), (550, 100), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (550, 100), (550, 150), 5)
    # static platforms
    platforms = [pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (170, 50), (270, 150), 5)
                #, pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (270, 100), (300, 100), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (400, 150), (450, 150), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (400, 200), (450, 200), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (220, 200), (300, 200), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (50, 250), (200, 250), 5)
                , pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (10, 370), (50, 250), 5)
    for s in static + platforms+rounded:
        s.friction = 1.
        s.group = 1
    space.add(static, platforms+rounded)
    # moving platform
    platform_path = [(650,100),(600,200),(650,300)]
    platform_path_index = 0
    platform_body = pymunk.Body(pymunk.inf, pymunk.inf)
    platform_body.position = 650,100
    s = pymunk.Segment(platform_body, (-25, 0), (25, 0), 5)
    s.friction = 1.
    s.group = 1
    s.color = pygame.color.THECOLORS["blue"]
    # pass through platform
    passthrough = pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (270, 100), (320, 100), 5)
    passthrough.color = pygame.color.THECOLORS["yellow"]
    passthrough.friction = 1.
    passthrough.collision_type = 2
    passthrough.layers = passthrough.layers ^ 0b1000
    def passthrough_handler(space, arbiter):
        if arbiter.shapes[0].body.velocity.y < 0:
            return True
            return False
    space.add_collision_handler(1,2, begin=passthrough_handler)
    # player
    body = pymunk.Body(5, pymunk.inf)
    body.position = 100,100
    head = pymunk.Circle(body, 10, (0,5))
    head2 = pymunk.Circle(body, 10, (0,13))
    feet = pymunk.Circle(body, 10, (0,-5))

    head.layers = head2.layers = 0b1000
    feet.collision_type = 1
    feet.ignore_draw = head.ignore_draw = head2.ignore_draw = True
    space.add(body, head, feet,head2)
    direction = 1
    remaining_jumps = 2
    landing = {'p':Vec2d.zero(), 'n':0}
    frame_number = 0
    landed_previous = False
    while running:
        grounding = {
            'normal' : Vec2d.zero(),
            'penetration' : Vec2d.zero(),
            'impulse' : Vec2d.zero(),
            'position' : Vec2d.zero(),
            'body' : None
        # find out if player is standing on ground
        def f(arbiter):
            n = -arbiter.contacts[0].normal
            if n.y > grounding['normal'].y:
                grounding['normal'] = n
                grounding['penetration'] = -arbiter.contacts[0].distance
                grounding['body'] = arbiter.shapes[1].body
                grounding['impulse'] = arbiter.total_impulse
                grounding['position'] = arbiter.contacts[0].position
        well_grounded = False
        if grounding['body'] != None and abs(grounding['normal'].x/grounding['normal'].y) < feet.friction:
            well_grounded = True
            remaining_jumps = 2
        ground_velocity = Vec2d.zero()
        if well_grounded:
            ground_velocity = grounding['body'].velocity
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT or \
                event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key in [K_ESCAPE, K_q]):  
                running = False
            elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_p:
                pygame.image.save(screen, "platformer.png")

            elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_d:
                feet.ignore_draw = not feet.ignore_draw
                head.ignore_draw = not head.ignore_draw
                head2.ignore_draw = not head2.ignore_draw
            elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_UP:
                if well_grounded or remaining_jumps > 0:                    
                    jump_v = math.sqrt(2.0 * JUMP_HEIGHT * abs(space.gravity.y))
                    body.velocity.y = ground_velocity.y + jump_v;
                    remaining_jumps -=1
            elif event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_UP:                
                body.velocity.y = min(body.velocity.y, JUMP_CUTOFF_VELOCITY)
        # Target horizontal velocity of player
        target_vx = 0
        if body.velocity.x > .01:
            direction = 1
        elif body.velocity.x < -.01:
            direction = -1
        keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        if (keys[K_LEFT]):
            direction = -1
            target_vx -= PLAYER_VELOCITY
        if (keys[K_RIGHT]):
            direction = 1
            target_vx += PLAYER_VELOCITY
        if (keys[K_DOWN]):
            direction = -3
        feet.surface_velocity = target_vx,0

        if grounding['body'] != None:
            feet.friction = -PLAYER_GROUND_ACCEL/space.gravity.y
            head.friciton = HEAD_FRICTION
            feet.friction,head.friction = 0,0
        # Air control
        if grounding['body'] == None:
            body.velocity.x = cpflerpconst(body.velocity.x, target_vx + ground_velocity.x, PLAYER_AIR_ACCEL*dt)
        body.velocity.y = max(body.velocity.y, -FALL_VELOCITY) # clamp upwards as well?
        # Move the moving platform
        destination = platform_path[platform_path_index]
        current = Vec2d(platform_body.position)
        distance = current.get_distance(destination)
        if distance < PLATFORM_SPEED:
            platform_path_index += 1
            platform_path_index = platform_path_index % len(platform_path)
            t = 1
            t = PLATFORM_SPEED / distance
        new = current.interpolate_to(destination, t)
        platform_body.position = new
        platform_body.velocity = (new - current) / dt
        ### Clear screen
        ### Helper lines
        for y in [50,100,150,200,250,300]:
            color = pygame.color.THECOLORS['darkgrey']
            pygame.draw.line(screen, color, (10,y), (680,y), 1)
        ### Draw stuff
        draw(screen, space)
        if feet.ignore_draw:
            direction_offset = 48+(1*direction+1)/2 * 48
            if grounding['body'] != None and abs(target_vx) > 1:
                animation_offset = 32 * (frame_number / 8 % 4)
            elif grounding['body'] is None:
                animation_offset = 32*1
                animation_offset = 32*0
            position = body.position +(-16,28)
            screen.blit(img, to_pygame(position, screen), (animation_offset, direction_offset, 32, 48))

        # Did we land?
        if abs(grounding['impulse'].y) / body.mass > 200 and not landed_previous:
            landing = {'p':grounding['position'],'n':5}
            landed_previous = True
            landed_previous = False
        if landing['n'] > 0:
            pygame.draw.circle(screen, pygame.color.THECOLORS['yellow'], to_pygame(landing['p'], screen), 5)
            landing['n'] -= 1
        # Info and flip screen
        screen.blit(font.render("fps: " + str(clock.get_fps()), 1, THECOLORS["white"]), (0,0))
        screen.blit(font.render("Move with Left/Right, jump with Up, press again to double jump", 1, THECOLORS["darkgrey"]), (5,height - 35))
        screen.blit(font.render("Press D to toggle sprite draw, ESC or Q to quit", 1, THECOLORS["darkgrey"]), (5,height - 20))
        frame_number += 1
        ### Update physics
Пример #15
    def update(self, delta):

        self.isBusy = self.__currentAttack is not None

        if len(self.controller.events) > 0:
            inputEvent = self.controller.pop()
            if not self.isBusy and not self.helpless:

        if self.isBusy:
            except StopIteration:
                 self.__currentAttack = None

        self.onGround = False

        grounding = {
            'normal' : Vec2d.zero(),
            'penetration' : Vec2d.zero(),
            'impulse' : Vec2d.zero(),
            'position' : Vec2d.zero(),
            'body' : None,

        def onHit(arbiter):
            n = -arbiter.contacts[0].normal
            if n.y > grounding['normal'].y:
                grounding['normal'] = n
                grounding['penetration'] = -arbiter.contacts[0].distance
                grounding['body'] = arbiter.shapes[1].body
                grounding['impulse'] = arbiter.total_impulse
                grounding['position'] = arbiter.contacts[0].position

        if grounding['body'] != None and abs(grounding['normal'].x/grounding['normal'].y) < self.feet.friction:
            self.onGround = True
            self.helpless = False
            self.jumpsLeft = 1

        if self.moveStyle == MoveStyle.PHYSICS_DRIVEN:
            self.__groundVelocity = Vec2d.zero()
            if self.onGround:
                self.__groundVelocity = grounding['body'].velocity

            target_vx = 0

            if not self.isBusy:
                xdir = self.controller.xdir
                if xdir != 0:
                    if self.onGround:
                        self.direction = xdir
                    target_vx += PLAYER_VELOCITY * xdir

            self.feet.surface_velocity = target_vx,0

            if grounding['body'] != None:
                self.feet.friction = -PLAYER_GROUND_ACCEL/self.scene.space.gravity.y
                self.head.friciton = HEAD_FRICTION
                self.feet.friction, self.head.friction = 0,0

            # Air control
            if not self.isBusy:
                if grounding['body'] == None:
                    self.velocity.x = cpflerpconst(self.velocity.x, target_vx + self.__groundVelocity.x, PLAYER_AIR_ACCEL*delta)

            self.velocity.y = max(self.velocity.y, -FALL_VELOCITY)
Пример #16
    def tick(self, deltaTime):
        if self.body.position.y < -200:
            self.dead = True
            self.died = time.time()

        self.raycast_normal = Vec2d.zero()
        self.raycast_penetration = Vec2d.zero()
        self.raycast_impulse = Vec2d.zero()
        self.raycast_position = Vec2d.zero()
        self.raycast_body = None

        self.smoothTheta = math.atan2(
            math.sin(self.smoothTheta or 0) +
            math.sin(self.theta or 0) * 5 * deltaTime,
            math.cos(self.smoothTheta or 0) +
            math.cos(self.theta or 0) * 5 * deltaTime)

        self.smoothDist += (self.dist - self.smoothDist) * deltaTime * 5

        # Do raycasting to check for collisions beneath player
        self.body.each_arbiter(lambda ray: self.raycastCallback(ray))

        grounded = self.raycast_body != None and abs(
            self.raycast_normal.x / self.raycast_normal.y
        ) < -PLAYER_GROUND_ACCEL / self.space.gravity.y
        self.grounded = grounded
        if grounded:
            self.footTheta += self.body.velocity.x * 0.1 * deltaTime + math.pi * 2
        elif self.jumping:
            self.jumping = False

        self.footTheta %= math.pi * 2

        if grounded and self.jumping:

            jumpVelocity = math.sqrt(2.0 * JUMP_HEIGHT * abs(GRAVITY))
            impulse = (0, self.body.mass * jumpVelocity)
            self.jumping = False

        # Direction player is facing
        self.direction = self.body.velocity.x > 0

        vx = 0
        magnitude = math.cos(self.theta) * self.smoothDist

        if abs(magnitude) > 0.1:
            vx = PLAYER_VELOCITY * magnitude

        self.poly.surface_velocity = -vx, 0

        if self.raycast_body != None:
            self.poly.friction = -PLAYER_GROUND_ACCEL / GRAVITY
            self.poly.friction = 0
            # Air movement
            self.body.velocity.x = lerp(self.body.velocity.x, vx,
                                        PLAYER_AIR_ACCEL * deltaTime)

        # Falling max speed
        self.body.velocity.y = max(self.body.velocity.y, -FALL_VELOCITY)