Пример #1
    def __init__(self, document, page_number, bg_source=None):
        QtGui.QGraphicsItem.__init__(self, None, document.scene())

        self.document = document
        self.bg_source = bg_source
        self.bg_graphics_item = None
        self.page_number = page_number
        self._bounding = None
        self.control_panel = PageControl(self)
        self.loader = None
        self.background_is_dirty = True


        # This needs to be done here because a QPaintDevice needs to be initialized.
        # TODO: Do this somewhere else...
        if DocumentPage.placeholder_pixmap is None:
            DocumentPage.placeholder_pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap()
Пример #2
class DocumentPage(QtGui.QGraphicsItem):
    A page of a PynalDocument. Can have a background (like a
    page from a pdf) and contain QGraphicItems drawn by the user.

    Size is either specified by the size of the background image
    or the preceding image.

    document    -- The PynalDocument that contains this page.
    bg_source   -- The source from which the background is created.
                   Can be the poppler document page that is to be
                   Reference kept to quickly exchange the pixmap for a new one.
    _bounding   -- The boundingRect of this page. Usually specified
                   by the background_source.
                   Marked private to underline that access to this should always
                   go over boundingRect().
    page_number -- The number of this page. Counting starts at 0
                   and is equal to this page's position in the
                   document's page list.
    loader      -- The background generating thread of this page.
                   This is checked to be not None to prevent
                   the start of another thread to render the bg
                   which will result in a crash.

    bg_graphics_item    -- The QGraphicsItem that contains the background pixmap.
    background_is_dirty -- Flag indicates that the background needs to
                           be re-rendered because the user zoomed or
                           something else made it unneeded.


    This is an empty pixmap that is used by the pages when the pixmap
    needs to be replaced.
    placeholder_pixmap = None

    def __init__(self, document, page_number, bg_source=None):
        QtGui.QGraphicsItem.__init__(self, None, document.scene())

        self.document = document
        self.bg_source = bg_source
        self.bg_graphics_item = None
        self.page_number = page_number
        self._bounding = None
        self.control_panel = PageControl(self)
        self.loader = None
        self.background_is_dirty = True


        # This needs to be done here because a QPaintDevice needs to be initialized.
        # TODO: Do this somewhere else...
        if DocumentPage.placeholder_pixmap is None:
            DocumentPage.placeholder_pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap()

    def prevpage(self):
        Return the previous page, or None when there is none.
            return self.document.pages[self.page_number -1]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def update_bounding_rect(self):
        Update the bounding rect of this page.
        size = self.bounding_size()
        topleft = self.bounding_topleft(size)

        Find the scaling factor needed to transform
        the page to the needed size.
        Then scale, to transform all children so they stay
        where they are relative to the page.
        newwidth = size.width()
        oldwidth = self.sceneBoundingRect().width()
        scale = newwidth / oldwidth
        self.scale(scale, scale)



        if self.bg_graphics_item is not None:
            p = self.bg_graphics_item.pixmap()
            if p.isNull:
            self.background_is_dirty = True

    def bounding_topleft(self, size=None):
        Calculate the position of the page.

          size -- The size is needed to center the page within the scene.
                  When None, the size is calculated with self.bounding_size().
        if size is None:
            size = self.bounding_size()

        if self.page_number == 0:
            top = 0
            space = Config.min_space_between_pages * self.document.scale_level

            ## Make enough Space for the page control of the previous page.
            space += self.prevpage().control_panel.sizeF().height()

            top = self.prevpage().sceneBoundingRect().bottom() + space

        ## Move to the left by half width so center is on y-axis of scene.
        left_pos = -size.width() / 2

        return QtCore.QPointF(left_pos, top)

    def type(self):
        return DocumentPage.TYPE_DOCUMENT_PAGE

    def scale(self, x, y):
        Reimplementation to prevent the background pixmaps and page controls
        from getting scaled. Scaling these Objects will result in an off
        scale value which will distort the re-rendered pdf pages.

        These must always be kept at a 1.0 scale.
        Detection for these is a zValue check, as these have a value <= 0.
        for item in self.childItems():
            if item.zValue() > 0:
                item.scale(x, y)

    def boundingRect(self):
        Return the bounding box of the page.
        if self._bounding is None:
            self._bounding = QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, 1, 1)
        return self._bounding

    def bounding_size(self):
        Calculate the size of the page by using the dimensions of the
        background source.
        bg_size = self.bg_source.sizeF()

        ## Scale the background according to the documents scale level.
        size = QtCore.QSizeF(math.ceil(bg_size.width()  * self.document.scale_level),
                            math.ceil(bg_size.height() * self.document.scale_level))
        return size

    def paint(self, painter, option, widget=None):
        Nothing to paint as all paintables are children of this item.

        This method is used as the notification to start rendering this
        page's background and pre-caching following/previous pages.
        if not self.bg_source.ready_to_render():

        if self.background_is_dirty:
            self.bg_source.get_image(self.document.scale_level, self.background_ready)
            self.background_is_dirty = False
            #TODO: call paint on previous/next page to pre-cache.

    def background_ready(self, result):
        Callback method for the bg_source to bring the rendered background to.
        Creates/Uses the given pixmap as a new background for this page.

        TODO: send the image or a notification to the document to act as a
        central cache store that removes rendered pages at a certain threshold.

          result -- QImage or QPixmap.

        When the rendered result does not fit (nearly) exactly in the current
        bounding box, it was an older job that finished. We need a new

        When the pixmap does get replaced with an unfit one, it creates a
        flickering of weird sized pages in the document.
        if math.fabs(result.size().width() - self.boundingRect().size().width()) < 2 :
            self.background_is_dirty = False
            # Image does not fit. Don't replace the background pixmap.

            if self.isVisible():
                self.update() # To force a new call to paint().

        # Replace the new_pixmap of the background with the new one.
        if type(result) is QtGui.QImage:
            new_pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(result)
            new_pixmap = result

        # Tell the pixmap cache that a new background is in use.
        self.document.cache.addBackground(self, new_pixmap)

        if self.bg_graphics_item is None:
            self.bg_graphics_item = QtGui.QGraphicsPixmapItem(new_pixmap, self)


    def append(self):
        """ Append a new page after this. """
        self.document.insert_new_page_after(self.page_number, self.bg_source)

    def move_down(self):
        Move this page below the page after this.
        if self.page_number == len(self.document.pages) - 1:
        self.document.switch_pages(self.page_number, self.page_number + 1)

    def move_up(self):
        """ Move this page on top of the one over this. """
        if self.page_number == 0:
        self.document.switch_pages(self.page_number, self.page_number - 1)

    def remove(self):
        """ Remove this page. """

    def duplicate(self):
        """ Insert a duplicate of this page below it. """

    def clear_bg_pixmap(self):
        Remove the current pixmap of the background with an empty one.
        The pixmap is rendered again when needed.
        self.background_is_dirty = True