Пример #1
def create_empty_array(yS, yE, mS, mE, opt_type):
    '''create blank array for use when something may be/is wrong.'''
    if yS is None or yE is None:
        yS.values[:] = 1
        yE.values[:] = 50

    timeT = ncl.yyyymm_time(yS, yE, int)
    time = timeT.sel(time=slice(yS * 100 + mS, yE * 100 + mE))

    if opt_type == 'time_lat_lon':
        blank_array_values = np.empty((time.sizes['time'], 90, 180),
        lat = xr.DataArray(np.linspace(-89, 89, 90),
                           attrs={'units': 'degrees_north'})
        lon = xr.DataArray(np.linspace(0, 358, 180),
                           attrs={'units': 'degrees_east'})
        blank_array = xr.DataArray(blank_array_values,
                                   dims=('time', 'lat', 'lon'),
                                       'time': time,
                                       'lat': lat,
                                       'lon': lon

    elif opt_type == 'time_lev_lat':
        blank_array_values = np.empty((time.sizes['time'], 41, 90),
        lat = xr.DataArray(np.linspace(-89, 89, 90),
                           attrs={'units': 'degrees_north'})
        lev = xr.DataArray(np.linspace(0, 500, 41),
                               'units': 'm',
                               'positive': 'down'
        blank_array = xr.DataArray(blank_array_values,
                                   dims=('time', 'lev', 'lat'),
                                       'time': time,
                                       'lev': lev,
                                       'lat': lat

    blank_array.attrs['units'] = ''
    blank_array.attrs['is_all_missing'] = True

    return blank_array
Пример #2
import pyncl.nclfuncs as ncl

# tests of yyyymm_time
t = ncl.yyyymm_time(1800, 1900)

t = ncl.yyyymm_time(1800, 1900, float)
print(t.sel(time=slice(180001, 180012)))
Пример #3
def data_read_in_ice(zpath, vn, yearS, yearE):
    read in ice data from given files
    assign time coordinate variables, check for issues with the array, assign _FillValue (if needed)
    assign dimension names (for ease-of-use), check and modify units

    arr = None

    if vn == 'aice_nh':  # line 620 of ncl script
        vname = ("aice_nh", "aice", "sic", "SIC", "CN", "ice", "icec")
    if vn == 'aice_sh':
        vname = ("aice_sh", "aice", "sic", "SIC", "CN", "ice", "icec")

    if zpath is None:
            'File missing, creating blank array of data. View {vn} namelist for details.'
        arr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, 1, 12, "time_lat_lon")
        sydata = yearS  # assign these variables based on yearS/yearE provided in namelist. Doesn't matter
        eydata = yearE  # as data array is totally missing..
        smdata = 1
        emdata = 12
        tfiles = glob.glob(zpath)  # line 638 of ncl script
        c = xr.open_mfdataset(tfiles)
        for v in vname:
            if v in c:
                if v.name == 'aice_nh' or v.name == 'aice_sh' or v.name == 'aice':  # CCSM/CESM file
                    arr = c[v]
                    if 'coordinates' in arr.attrs:
                        strarr = arr.attrs['coordinates'].split()
                        if 'TLON' in strarr:  # CESM longitude 2D coordinate
                            if len(c.TLON.dims) == 3:
                                arr.attrs['lon2d'] = c.TLON[0, :, :]
                            arr.attrs['lon2d'] = c.TLON
                        if 'TLAT' in strarr:  # CESM latitude 2D coordinate
                            if len(c.TLAT.dims) == 3:
                                arr.attrs['lat2d'] = c.TLAT[0, :, :]
                                arr.attrs['lat2d'] = c.TLAT

                    if 'cell_measures' in arr and 'tarea' in c:  # if an attribute named cell_measures exists, and tarea is on file(0)
                        if arr.attrs['cell_measures'] == 'area: tarea':
                            arr.attrs['area'] = c.tarea.values.astype(
                                arr.dtype)  # in units of m^2
                    if vname == 'CN':  # GFDL file       line 674 in ncl script
                        arrT = c.variables[vname]
                        arr = arrT.sum(1)
                        arr = xr.where(arr > 1, 1, arr)  # optional
                        arr = c.variables[vname]
                    if "coordinates" in arr.attrs:
                        strarr = arr.attrs['coordinates'].split()
                        if 'lon' in strarr:  #IPCC longitude 2D coordinate
                            arr.attrs['lon2d'] = c.lon
                        if 'lat' in strarr:  # IPCC latitude 2D coordinate
                            arr.attrs['lat2d'] = c.lat
                        if 'longitude' in strarr:  # NSIDC longitude 2D coordinate
                            arr.attrs['lon2d'] = c.longitude
                        if 'latitude' in strarr:  # NSIDC latitude 2D coordinate
                            arr.attrs['lat2d'] = c.latitude

#                       else:
#                           print("2D coordinates for ice data are not detected")

                    dir_name = tfiles[0].split('/')  # line 700 ncl script
                    if len(dir_name) >= 8:
                        dir_name_new = "/".join(
                        ) + '/fx/areacello/' + dir_name[7] + '/r0i0p0/*.nc'
                        ufile = glob.glob(dir_name_new)
                        ufile = ''
                    if len(ufile) > 0:
                        d = xr.open_dataset(ufile)
                        arr.attrs['area'] = d.areacello.values.astype(
                        dimQ = arr.shape
                        if arr.attrs['area'].size != (
                                dimQ[1] *
                                dimQ[2]):  # the dimension sizes of areacello
                            )  # do not match sizes of area j,i dimensions

                    if 'AREA' in c:  # check to see if there is an AREA array present and if so use it
                        areaT = c.AREA
                        if areaT.attr['units'] == 'km^2':
                            area_unit_km2_to_m2 = True
                            areaT = areaT * 1000000.
                            areaT.attr['units'] = "m^2"
                        areaT.attr['_FillValue'] = 1.e20
                        arr.attr['area'] = areaT.astype(arr.values.dtype.name)
                        if "pole_hole_area" in areaT.attrs:  # format of ystart, yend, value, ystart, yend, value
                                "area_unit_km2_to_m2"  # ensure this variable exists...
                                extra_area = areaT.attrs[
                                extra_area[2::3] = extra_area[
                                    3] * 1000000.  # convert pole hole area from km^2->m^2
                                    'pole_hole_area'] = extra_area.astype(
                            except NameError:
                                arr.attrs['pole_hole_area'] = areaT.attrs[

        cpathS = tfiles[0]  # line 745 of NCL script
        cpathE = tfiles[len(tfiles) - 1]
        ncharS = len(cpathS)
        ncharE = len(cpathE)
        sydata = cpathS[ncharS - 17:ncharS - 14]
        smdata = cpathS[ncharS - 13:ncharS - 12]
        eydata = cpathE[ncharE - 10:ncharE - 7]
        emdata = cpathE[ncharE - 6:ncharE - 5]

    if arr is None:
            f'Variable ({vn}) not found. Examine input file {zpath}. Creating empty array and continuing'
        arr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, 1, 12, "time_lat_lon")

    if 'area' not in arr.attrs:  # calculate grid cell areas manually (not implemented)
        # print("Grid cell areas not found.")

    if arr.dtype == 'int16':  # line 765 of NCL script
        arr = arr.values.astype('float32')

    if "_FillValue" not in arr.attrs:  # assign _FillValue if one is not present
        if 'missing_value' in arr.attrs:
            arr.attrs['_FillValue'] = arr.attrs['missing_value']
            arr.attrs['_FillValue'] = ncl.default_fillvalues[arr.dtype.name]

    arr.rename({arr.dims[0]: 'time'})  # line 778 of NCL script
    arr.rename({arr.dims[1]: 'j'})
    arr.rename({arr.dims[2]: 'i'})

    if 'lat2d' not in arr.attrs:  # if latitudes are 1D, make sure latitudes run from south to north +
        if arr.coords['j'][0] >= 0:  # calculate area of 1D lat/lon arrays
            tarr = arr[:, ::-1, :]
            arr = tarr

        if arr.coords['i'].min() >= 0 and arr.coords['i'].max() <= 360:
            fctr = 111120  # how many meters per degree of latitude (approximate)
            pi = 4. * math.atan(1.0)
            rad = (pi / 180.)
            lat = arr.coords['j'].astype('float32')
            dimlat = lat.sizes
            latr = np.array(dimlat, lat.dtype)

            for gg in range(0, dimlat - 1):  # line 797 in NCL script
                if gg == 0:
                    latr[gg] = abs(-90 - (lat[1] + lat[0]) / 2.)
                elif gg == (dimlat - 1):
                    latr[gg] = abs(90 -
                                   (lat[dimlat - 2] + lat[dimlat - 1]) / 2.)
                    latr[gg] = abs((lat[gg - 1] + lat[gg]) / 2. -
                                   (lat[gg] + lat[gg + 1]) / 2.)

            lon = arr.coords['i'].astype('float32')
            dimlon = lon.shape
            lonr = np.array(dimlon, 'float32')
            for gg in range(0, dimlon - 1):
                if gg == 0:
                    lonr[gg] = abs((lon[1] + lon[0]) / 2. -
                                   (((lon[dimlon - 1] +
                                      (lon[0] + 360)) / 2.) - 360))
                elif gg == (dimlon - 1):
                    lonr[gg] = abs(((lon[dimlon - 1] + (lon[0] + 360)) / 2.) -
                                   (lon[gg - 1] + lon[gg]) / 2.)
                    lonr[gg] = abs((lon[gg] + lon[gg + 1]) / 2. -
                                   (lon[gg - 1] + lon[gg]) / 2.)

            area = arr[0, :, :].astype('float32')
            area = area.attrs['_FillValue']
            area.attrs['long_name'] = "Area of grid box"
            area.attrs['units'] = "m2"

            #   printVarSummary(area)
            for ff in range(0, dimlat - 1):  # line 828 in NCL script
                for gg in range(0, dimlon - 1):
                    ###RLB the following line had (/ ...  /) around the expression ??
                    area[ff, gg] = (fctr * latr[ff]) * (math.cos(
                        rad * lat[ff]) * lonr[gg] * fctr)  # cosine weighting
            # print("Total area = "+sum(area))
            arr.attrs['area'] = area.astype(arr.dtype.name)

    if 'is_all_missing' not in arr.attrs:  # erase data in hemisphere not specified via vn
        if 'lat2d' in arr.attr:
            tlat2 = ncl.conform(arr, arr.coords['lat2d'], (1, 2))
            tlon2 = ncl.conform(arr, arr.coords['lon2d'], (1, 2))
            if vn == 'aice_nh':
                arr = xr.where(tlat2 >= 0, arr, arr.attrs['_FillValue'])
            if vn == 'aice_sh':
                arr = xr.where(tlat2 < 0, arr, arr.attrs['_FillValue'])
            if vn == 'aice_nh':
                arr.loc[:, :-1., :] = arr.attrs[
                    '_FillValue']  ##RLB not so sure about coordinate indexing here?
            if vn == 'aice_sh':
                arr.loc[:, 0:, :] = arr.attrs[
                    '_FillValue']  ##RLB not so sure about coordinate indexing here?

    if yearS < int(sydata) or yearE > int(eydata):  # line 860 of NCL script...
            f'Requested {yearS}-{yearE} time span is outside the input file {zpath} time span of {sydata}-{eydata}'
        print("Setting array to all missing")
        arr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, smdata, emdata, "time_lat_lon")
        sydata = yearS  # assign these variables based on yearS/yearE provided in namelist. Doesn't matter
        eydata = yearE  # as data array is totally missing..
        smdata = 1
        emdata = 12
        timeT = ncl.yyyymm_time(sydata, eydata, "integer")
        time = timeT.loc[sydata * 100 + smdata, eydata * 100 + emdata]
        if 'time' in arr.coords:
        dimz = arr.shape
        if dimz[0] == time.sizes:
            arr.coords['time'] = time
                'Possible mismatch detected between time specified in file name and file variables, setting array to missing'
            print(f'File = {zpath}')
            print("Read from file name: " + min(time) + "-" + max(time))
            arr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, smdata, emdata,
            sydata = yearS  # assign these variables based on yearS/yearE provided in namelist. Doesn't matter
            eydata = yearE  # as data array is totally missing..
            smdata = 1
            emdata = 12

    farr = arr.loc[yearS * 100 + 1:yearE * 100 + 12, :, :]
    #   printVarSummary(farr)

    mocheck = np.array((yearS * 100 + 1) - min(farr.coords['time']),
                       (yearE * 100 + 12) -
                       max(farr.coords['time']))  # line 897 of NCL script
    if [True for m in mocheck if m != 0
        ]:  # previously: if (mod(dimsizes(farr&time),12).ne.0) then
        if mocheck[0] != 0:
            print("First requested year is incomplete")
        if mocheck[1] != 0:
            print("Last requested year is incomplete")
            f'Incomplete data year(s) requested for file {zpath}, printing out time and creating blank array'
        print(f'Time requested: {yearS}-{yearE}')
            f'From file: Times present from {farr.coords["time"].min()}-{farr.coords["time"].max()})'
        farr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, 1, 12, "time_lat_lon")

    if farr.attrs['units'] == "0-1" or farr.attrs[
            'units'] == "1":  # GFDL units, NSIDC units
        farr.values = farr.values * 100  ###RLB -- was (/ farr*100. /)   metadata stripped?
        farr.attrs['units'] = "%"

    date = farr.coords['time']  # switch time to be CF-conforming
    yyyy = date / 100
    mm = date - (yyyy * 100)
    days = (ncl.days_in_month(yyyy, mm)) / 2
    hms = days
    hms = 0  # hours, minutes, seconds all the same (=0)
    time = ncl.cd_inv_calendar(yyyy, mm, days, hms, hms, hms,
                               "months since " + min(yyyy) + "-01-15 00:00:00",
    time.attrs['long_name'] = "Time"
    time.attrs['standard_name'] = "time"
    time.rename({time.dims[0]: 'time'})
    time.coords['time'] = time
    farr.coords['time'] = time
    return farr
Пример #4
def data_read_in(zpath, vn, yearS, yearE):
    read in atmospheric / land data from selected files
    assign time coordinate variables, check for issues with the array, assign _FillValue ( if needed)
    assign dimension names(for ease - of - use), check and modify units

    vname settings at top of this script can be modified if a different variable name is
    encountered. For instance, if a TS data file has the TS array named as "sfc_t", one
    could add "sfc_t" to the vname TS coding as follows:
        if (vn.eq."TS") then
            vname = (/ "TS", "ts", "sst", "sfc_t" /)
        end if
    # path for TS file(s), variable name, start year, and end year are read in.

    arr = None
    vname = None

    if vn == 'TS':
        vname = ("TS", "ts", "sst", "t_surf", "skt")
    elif vn == "PSL":
        vname = ("PSL", "psl", "slp", "SLP", "prmsl", "msl", "slp_dyn")
    elif vn == "TREFHT":
        vname = ("TREFHT", "tas", "temp", "air", "temperature_anomaly",
                 "temperature", "t2m", "t_ref", "T2", "tempanomaly")
    elif vn == "PRECT":
        vname = ("PRECC", "PRECL", "PRECT", "pr", "PPT", "ppt", "p", "P",
                 "precip", "PRECIP", "tp", "prcp", "prate")
    elif vn == "SNOWDP":
        vname = ("SNOWDP", "snd")

    if zpath is None:
            f'File missing, creating blank array of data. View {vn} namelist for details.'
        arr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, 1, 12, "time_lat_lon")
        sydata = yearS  # assign these variables based on yearS/yearE provided in namelist. Doesn't matter
        eydata = yearE  # as data array is totally missing..
        smdata = 1
        emdata = 12
        if '*' in zpath or '{' in zpath:  # check for "*" and "{" denoting multiple files
            tfiles = glob.glob(zpath)
            if vn == 'PRECT':  # special section for precip, as might need to do PRECC+PRECL
                b = xr.open_dataset(tfiles[0])
                if 'PRECC' in b or 'PRECL' in b:  # PRECC/PRECL section
                    fils_precc = []
                    fils_precl = []
                    for f in b:
                        if 'PRECC' in b:
                        elif 'PRECL' in b:

                    if len(fils_precc) == 0 or len(fils_precl) == 0:
                            'Fatal: Need both PRECC and PRECL file(s), creating blank array'
                        arr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, 1, 12,
                        sydata = yearS  # assign these variables based on yearS/yearE provided in namelist. Doesn't matter
                        eydata = yearE  # as data array is totally missing..
                        smdata = 1
                        emdata = 12
                        ## In the NCL code, there is a break here, however I don't
                        ## think it works as intended. Replacing with a return  -- RLB

                    with xr.open_mfdataset(fils_precc) as c:
                        arr1 = c.data_vars['PRECC']
                    with xr.open_mfdataset('fils_precl') as c:
                        arr2 = c.data_vars['PRECL']
                    arr = xr.concat(arr1, arr2)
                        'long_name'] = 'Large-scale (stable) + convective precipitation rate (liq + ice)'

                else:  # pr, ppt, PPT, PRECT multiple/single file read-in here..
                    c = xr.open_mfdataset(tfiles)
                    for v in vname:
                        if v in b:
                            arr = c.data_vars[v]
                c = xr.open_mfdatatset(tfiles)
                for v in vname:
                    if v in c:
                        arr = c.data_vars[v]

            cpathS = tfiles[0]
            cpathE = tfiles[len(tfiles) - 1]
            sydata = cpathS[len(cpathS) - 17:len(cpathS) - 13]
            smdata = cpathS[len(cpathS) - 13:len(cpathS) - 11]
            eydata = cpathE[len(cpathE) - 10:len(cpathE) - 6]
            emdata = cpathE[len(cpathE) - 6:len(cpathS) - 4]

        else:  # single file case...
            c = xr.open_dataset(zpath)
            for v in vname:
                if v in c:
                    arr = c.data_vars[v]
            sydata = zpath[len(zpath) - 17:len(zpath) - 13]
            smdata = zpath[len(zpath) - 13:len(zpath) - 11]
            eydata = zpath[len(zpath) - 10:len(zpath) - 6]
            emdata = zpath[len(zpath) - 6:len(zpath) - 4]

    if arr is None:
            f'Variable {vn} not found. Examine input file {zpath}. Creating empty array and continuing'
        arr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, 1, 12, "time_lat_lon")

    if arr.values.dtype == 'int16':
        arr.values = arr.values.astype('float32')

    if '_FillValue' not in arr.attrs:  # assign _FillValue if one is not present
        if 'missing_value' in arr.attrs:
            arr.attrs['_FillValue'] = arr.attrs['missing_value']
            arr.attrs['_FillValue'] = ncl.default_fillvalues[arr.dtype.name]

    if [True for dimsize in arr.sizes if dimsize == 1]:
        arr = arr.squeeze()

    if len(arr.dims) <= 2:
            'Possible curvilinear (or unstructured) grid detected. The CVDP cannot analyze curvilinear data. Please regrid to a rectilinear grid for inclusion in CVDP comparisons.'
        print(f'Input file: {zpath}')
        print('Setting array to all missing')
        arr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, smdata, emdata, "time_lat_lon")
        sydata = yearS  # assign these variables based on yearS/yearE provided in namelist. Doesn't matter
        eydata = yearE  # as data array is totally missing..
        smdata = 1
        emdata = 12

    ###RLB - is this the correct idiom in Xarrays for NCL's dimension (re)naming?
    arr.rename({arr.dims[0]: 'time'})
    arr.rename({arr.dims[1]: 'lat'})
    arr.rename({arr.dims[2]: 'lon'})

    if 'valid_range' in arr.attrs:  # check to make sure data is in valid range. Reset to stay within the valid range if needed.
        arr.data = xr.where(arr.data < arr.attrs['valid_range'][0],
                            arr.attrs['valid_range'][0], arr.data)
        arr.data = xr.where(arr.data > arr.attrs['valid_range'][1],
                            arr.attrs['valid_range'][1], arr.data)

    ###RLB - what are we doing with _FillValues?
    ###  if arr.abs() > 1.e20:   # check for inf values or values way out of range, reset to _FillValue.
    ###      print(f'Values greater than 1.e20 or less than -1.e20 detected in {zpath}, resetting to _FillValue')
    ###      arr = xr.where(arr.abs() > 1.e20, arr@_FillValue,arr)

    if yearS < int(sydata) or yearE > int(eydata):
            f'Requested {yearS}-{yearE} time span is outside the input file {zpath} time span of {sydata}-{eydata}'
        print('Setting array to all missing')
        arr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, smdata, emdata, "time_lat_lon")
        sydata = yearS  # assign these variables based on yearS/yearE provided in namelist. Doesn't matter
        eydata = yearE  # as data array is totally missing..
        smdata = 1
        emdata = 12
        timeT = ncl.yyyymm_time(sydata, eydata, "integer")
        time = timeT[slice(sydata * 100 + smdata, eydata * 100 + emdata)]
        if 'time' in arr.coords:
        dimz = arr.values.shape
        if dimz[0] == time.values.shape[0]:
                'Possible mismatch detected between time specified in file name and file variables, setting array to missing'
            print(f'File = {zpath}')
            print(f'Read from file name: {min(time)}-{max(time)}')
            arr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, smdata, emdata,
            sydata = yearS  # assign these variables based on yearS/yearE provided in namelist. Doesn't matter
            eydata = yearE  # as data array is totally missing..
            smdata = 1
            emdata = 12

    if arr.coords['lat'][0] >= 0:
        farr = arr[slice(yearS * 100 + 1,
                         yearE * 100 + 12), ::-1, :]  # flip the latitudes
        farr = arr[slice(yearS * 100 + 1, yearE * 100 + 12), :, :]

    mocheck = np.array((yearS * 100 + 1) -
                       min(farr.coords['time'], (yearE * 100 + 12) -
    if [True for mon in mocheck if mon != 0
        ]:  # previously: if (mod(dimsizes(farr&time),12).ne.0) then
        if mocheck[0] != 0:
            print("First requested year is incomplete")
        if mocheck[1] != 0:
            print("Last requested year is incomplete")
            f'Incomplete data year(s) requested for file {zpath}, printing out time and creating blank array'
        print(f'Time requested: {yearS}-{yearE}')
        farr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, 1, 12, "time_lat_lon")

    if farr.coords['lon'][0] < 0:
        farr = ncl.lonFlip(
            farr)  # lon flip    #####RLB: THIS IS STUBBED FOR RIGHT NOW!!!

    if farr.coords['lon'].min() < 0 or farr.coords['lon'].max() > 360:
        print(f'path = {zpath}')
            "Fatal: Longitudes not in expected 0-360E range, creating blank array"
        farr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, 1, 12, "time_lat_lon")

    if vn == 'TREFHT' or vn == 'TS':  # units check
        if farr.attrs['units']  == 'K' or farr.attrs['units'] == 'Kelvin' or \
                farr.attrs['units'] == 'deg_k' or farr.attrs['units'] == 'deg_K':
            if farr.max(
            ) >= 100:  # data sets can be anomalies with units of K, so check for range before subtracting
                farr.values = farr.values - 273.15
            farr.attrs['units'] = 'C'
        if farr.attrs['units'] == 'degrees_C' or farr.attrs['units'] == 'degrees C' or \
                farr.attrs['units'] == 'degree_C' or farr.attrs['units'] == 'degree C':
            farr.attrs['units'] = 'C'

    if vn == 'PSL':
        if farr.attrs['units'] == 'Pa' or farr.attrs[
                'units'] == 'Pascals' or farr.attrs['units'] == 'Pascal':
            farr.values = farr.values / 100.
            farr.attrs['units'] = 'hPa'

    if vn == 'PRECT':  # convert (if necessary) to mm/day
        if farr.attrs['units'] == 'm/s' or farr.attrs['units'] == 'm s-1':
            farr.values = farr.values * 86400000.
        if farr.attrs['units'] == 'kg m-2 s-1' or farr.attrs['units'] == 'kg/m2/s' or \
                farr.attrs['units'] == 'kg/m^2/s ' or farr.attrs['units'] == 'kg/(s*m2)' or \
                farr.attrs['units'] == 'mm/s':
            farr.values = farr.values * 86400.
        if farr.attrs['units'] == 'm' or farr.attrs['units'] == 'm/month' or \
                farr.attrs['units'] == 'cm'  or farr.attrs['units'] == 'cm/month' or \
                farr.attrs['units'] == 'mm' or farr.attrs['units'] == 'mm/month':
            yr = farr.coords['time'].values.astype(int) / 100
            mo = farr.coords['time'].values.astype(
                int) - yr * 100  ##RLB THE WHOLE EXPRESSION WAS toint()!
            days = ncl.days_in_month(yr, mo)
            for gg in range(0, farr.coords['time'].sizes - 1):
                farr.values[gg, :, :] = farr.values[gg, :, :] / days(
                    gg)  ##RLB IS THIS RIGHT? LINE 322
            if farr.attrs['units'] == 'cm' or farr.attrs['units'] == 'cm/month':
                farr.values = farr.values * 10.  # convert from cm/day to mm/day
            if farr.attrs['units'] == 'm' or farr.attrs['units'] == 'm/month':
                farr.values = farr.values * 1000.  # convert from m/day to mm/day

        if farr.attrs['units'] == 'm/day' or farr.attrs['units'] == 'm day-1':
            farr.values = farr.values * 1000.
            farr.attrs['units'] = 'mm/day'

    if vn == 'SNOWDP':
        if 'is_all_missing' not in farr.attrs:
            if farr.attrs['units'] != 'm' and farr.attrs['units'] != 'meters':
                    f'Warning: SNOWDP/snd units may not be in meters. listed units = {farr.attrs["units"]}'

    date = farr.coords['time']  # switch time to be CF-conforming
    yyyy = date / 100
    mm = date - (yyyy * 100)
    days = (ncl.days_in_month(yyyy, mm)) / 2
    hms = days
    hms = 0  # hours, minutes, seconds all the same (=0)
    time = ncl.cd_inv_calendar(yyyy, mm, days, hms, hms, hms,
                               "months since " + min(yyyy) + "-01-15 00:00:00",
    time.attrs['long_name'] = 'Time'
    time.attrs['standard_name'] = 'time'
    time.attrs['actual_range'] = np.array(min(time), max(time))
    time.rename({time.dims[0]: 'time'})
    time.coords['time'] = time
    farr.coords['time'] = time
    return farr
Пример #5
def data_read_in_ocean_MOC(zpath, vn, yearS, yearE):
        read in MOC ocean data from given files

        assign time coordinate variables, check for issues with the array, assign _FillValue (if needed)
        assign dimension names (for ease-of-use), check and modify units

        path for MOC file(s), variable name, start year, and end year are read in.

    arr = None
    vname = None

    if vn == 'MOC':  # line 375 in ncl version
        vname = np.array('MOC', 'msftmyz', 'stfmmc')

    if zpath is None:
            f'File missing, creating blank array of data. View {vn} namelist for details.'
        arr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, 1, 12, "time_lev_lat")
        sydata = yearS  # assign these variables based on yearS/yearE provided in namelist. Doesn't matter
        eydata = yearE  # as data array is totally missing..
        smdata = 1
        emdata = 12
        if '*' in zpath or '{' in zpath:  # check for "*" and "{" denoting multiple files
            tfiles = glob.glob(zpath)
            c = xr.open_mfdataset(tfiles)
            for v in vname:
                if v in c:
                    dimC = c.variables['MOC'].shape
                    if v == 'MOC':  # CCSM/CESM file
                        if dimC[2] >= 2:
                            arr = c[v][:, 1, :, :, :].sum(
                            )  # select Atl+Med+Labrador+GIN sea+Arctic+Hudson Bay transport region and sum over moc_comp
                            arr = c[
                                v][:, 1,
                                   0, :, :]  # select Atl+Med+Labrador+GIN sea+Arctic+Hudson Bay transport region and the only moc_comp dimension
                    else:  # CMIP file
                        arr = c[
                               0, :, :]  # CMIP file: 0th basin/region = atlantic_ocean (CMIP3) or atlantic_arctic_ocean (CMIP5)

            cpathS = tfiles[0]
            cpathE = tfiles[len(tfiles) - 1]
            sydata = cpathS[len(cpathS) - 17:len(cpathS) - 14]
            smdata = cpathS[len(cpathS) - 13:len(cpathS) - 12]
            eydata = cpathE[len(cpathE) - 10:len(cpathE) - 7]
            emdata = cpathE[len(cpathE) - 6:len(cpathE) - 5]
            c = xr.open_dataset(zpath)
            for v in vname:
                if v in c:
                    dimC = c.variables["MOC"].shape
                    if v == 'MOC':  # CCSM/CESM file
                        if dimC[2] >= 2:
                            arr = c[v][:, 1, :, :, :].sum(
                            )  # select Atl+Med+Labrador+GIN sea+Arctic+Hudson Bay transport region and sum over moc_comp
                            arr = c[
                                v][:, 1,
                                   0, :, :]  # select Atl+Med+Labrador+GIN sea+Arctic+Hudson Bay transport region
                    else:  # CMIP file
                        arr = c[
                               0, :, :]  # CMIP file: 0th basin/region = atlantic_ocean (CMIP3) or atlantic_arctic_ocean (CMIP5)
            sydata = zpath[len(zpath) - 17:len(zpath) - 14]
            smdata = zpath[len(zpath) - 13:len(zpath) - 12]
            eydata = zpath[len(zpath) - 10:len(zpath) - 7]
            emdata = zpath[len(zpath) - 6:len(zpath) - 5]

    if arr is None:  # line 450 in ncl version
            f'Variable {vn} not found. Examine input file {zpath}. Creating empty array and continuing'
        arr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, 1, 12, "time_lev_lat")

    if arr.values.dtype == 'int16':
        arr.values = arr.values.astype('float32')

    if '_FillValue' not in arr.attrs:  # assign _FillValue if one is not present
        if 'missing_value' in arr.attrs:
            arr.attrs['_FillValue'] = arr.attrs['missing_value']
            arr.attrs['_FillValue'] = ncl.default_fillvalues(arr.dtype.name)

    arr.rename({arr.dims[0]: 'time'})
    arr.rename({arr.dims[1]: 'lev'})
    arr.rename({arr.dims[2]: 'lat'})

    if 'coordinates' in arr.attrs:

    if arr.coords['lev'].attrs['units'] == 'centimeters' or arr.coords[
            'lev'].attrs['units'] == 'cm':  # line 475 of ncl version
        lev = arr.coords['lev']
        lev.attrs['units'] = "m"
        lev = lev / 100.
        ##RLB do thes next two statements carry over automatically?
        ## lev&lev = lev
        ## arr&lev = lev

    if arr.coords['lev'][
            2] < 0:  # check for negative levels     line 488 ncl script
        arr.coords['lev'] = arr.coords['lev'] * -1.
        if [True for l in arr.coords['lev'] if l < 0]:
            print("Error detected in MOC level sign conversion")
        arr.coords['lev'].attrs['positive'] = 'down'
        ##RLB again, are these necessary?
        ##lev&lev = lev
        ##arr&lev = lev

    if 'valid_range' in arr.attrs:  # check to make sure data is in valid range. Reset to stay within the valid range if needed.
        arr.data = xr.where(arr.data < arr.attrs['valid_range'][0],
                            arr.attrs['valid_range'][0], arr.data)
        arr.data = xr.where(arr.data > arr.attrs['valid_range'][1],
                            arr.attrs['valid_range'][1], arr.data)

    if [
            True for a in arr.data if abs(a) >= 1.e20
    ]:  # check for inf values or values way out of range, reset to _FillValue.
            f'Values greater than 1.e20 or less than -1.e20 detected in {zpath}, resetting to _FillValue'
        arr.data = xr.where(
            abs(arr.data) >= 1.e20, arr.attrs['_FillValue'], arr.data)

    if yearS < int(sydata) or yearE > int(eydata):  # line 517 of ncl script
            f'Requested {yearS}-{yearE} time span is outside the input file {zpath} time span of {sydata}-{eydata}'
        print('Setting array to all missing')
        arr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, smdata, emdata, "time_lev_lat")
        sydata = yearS  # assign these variables based on yearS/yearE provided in namelist. Doesn't matter
        eydata = yearE  # as data array is totally missing..
        smdata = 1
        emdata = 12
        timeT = ncl.yyyymm_time(sydata, eydata, "integer")
        time = timeT[slice(sydata * 100 + smdata, eydata * 100 + emdata)]
        if 'time' in arr.coords:
        dimz = arr.values.shape

        if dimz[0] == time.values.shape[0]:
                'Possible mismatch detected between time specified in file name and file variables, setting array to missing'
            print(f'File = {zpath}')
            print(f'Read from file name: {min(time)}-{max(time)}')
            arr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, smdata, emdata,
            sydata = yearS  # assign these variables based on yearS/yearE provided in namelist. Doesn't matter
            eydata = yearE  # as data array is totally missing..
            smdata = 1
            emdata = 12

    if arr.coords['lat'][0] >= 0:  # line 553 in ncl script
        farr = arr[slice(yearS * 100 + 1,
                         yearE * 100 + 12), :, ::-1]  # flip the latitudes
        farr = arr[slice(yearS * 100 + 1, yearE * 100 + 12), :, :]

    mocheck = np.array((yearS * 100 + 1) -
                       min(farr.coords['time'], (yearE * 100 + 12) -
    if [True for mon in mocheck if mon != 0
        ]:  # previously: if (mod(dimsizes(farr&time),12).ne.0) then
        if mocheck[0] != 0:
            print("First requested year is incomplete")
        if mocheck[1] != 0:
            print("Last requested year is incomplete")
            f'Incomplete data year(s) requested for file {zpath}, printing out time and creating blank array'
        print(f'Time requested: {yearS}-{yearE}')
        farr = create_empty_array(yearS, yearE, 1, 12, "time_lat_lon")

    # check units for MOC array. CMIP5 = "kg s-1"  CMIP3 = "m3 s-1" CCSM3 = "Sverdrups" CCSM4 = "Sverdrups"

    if farr.attrs['units'] == 'Sverdrups':  # line 579 of ncl script
        farr.attrs['units'] = "Sv"
    if farr.attrs['units'] == "kg s-1" or farr.attrs['units'] == "KG S-1" or  \
            farr.attrs['units'] == "kg/s" or farr.attrs['units'] == "KG/S":     # 1 Sv = 1.e9 kg/s
        farr.values = farr.values / 1.e9  ###RLB -- original strips metadata???
        farr.attrs['units'] = "Sv"
    if farr.attrs['units'] == 'm3 s-1' or farr.attrs['units'] == 'M3 S-1' or \
            farr.attrs['units'] == 'm3/s' or farr.attrs['units'] == 'M3/S':     # 1 Sv = 1.e6 m3/s
        farr.values = farr.values / 1.e6  ###RLB -- original strips metadata???
        farr.attrs['units'] = "Sv"

    date = farr.coords['time']  # switch time to be CF-conforming
    yyyy = date / 100
    mm = date - (yyyy * 100)
    days = (ncl.days_in_month(yyyy, mm)) / 2
    hms = days
    hms = 0  # hours, minutes, seconds all the same (=0)
    time = ncl.cd_inv_calendar(yyyy, mm, days, hms, hms, hms,
                               "months since " + min(yyyy) + "-01-15 00:00:00",
    time.attrs['long_name'] = 'Time'
    time.attrs['standard_name'] = 'time'
    time.attrs['actual_range'] = np.array(min(time), max(time))
    time.rename({time.dims[0]: 'time'})
    time.coords['time'] = time
    farr.coords['time'] = time
    return farr