Пример #1
    def wireEncode(self, wireFormat = None):
        Encode this Data for a particular wire format. If wireFormat is the
        default wire format, also set the defaultWireEncoding field to the
        encoded result.

        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode this
           Data object. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        :return: The encoded buffer in a SignedBlob object.
        :rtype: SignedBlob
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        if (not self.getDefaultWireEncoding().isNull() and
            self.getDefaultWireEncodingFormat() == wireFormat):
            # We already have an encoding in the desired format.
            return self.getDefaultWireEncoding()

        (encoding, signedPortionBeginOffset, signedPortionEndOffset) = \
        wireEncoding = SignedBlob(
          encoding, signedPortionBeginOffset, signedPortionEndOffset)

        if wireFormat == WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat():
            # This is the default wire encoding.
              wireEncoding, WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat())
        return wireEncoding
Пример #2
    def wireEncode(self, wireFormat=None):
        Encode this Interest for a particular wire format. If wireFormat is the
        default wire format, also set the defaultWireEncoding field to the
        encoded result.

        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode this
           Interest. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        :return: The encoded buffer.
        :rtype: SignedBlob
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        if (not self.getDefaultWireEncoding().isNull()
                and self.getDefaultWireEncodingFormat() == wireFormat):
            # We already have an encoding in the desired format.
            return self.getDefaultWireEncoding()

        (encoding, signedPortionBeginOffset, signedPortionEndOffset) = \
        wireEncoding = SignedBlob(encoding, signedPortionBeginOffset,

        if wireFormat == WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat():
            # This is the default wire encoding.
        return wireEncoding
Пример #3
    def wireDecode(self, input, wireFormat=None):
        Decode the input using a particular wire format and update this Interest.
        If wireFormat is the default wire format, also set the
        defaultWireEncoding to another pointer to the input.

        :param input: The array with the bytes to decode. If input is not a
          Blob, then copy the bytes to save the defaultWireEncoding (otherwise
          take another pointer to the same Blob).
        :type input: A Blob or an array type with int elements
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to decode this
           Interest. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        if isinstance(input, Blob):
            # Input is a blob, so get its buf() and set copy False.
            result = wireFormat.decodeInterest(self, input.buf(), False)
            result = wireFormat.decodeInterest(self, input, True)
        (signedPortionBeginOffset, signedPortionEndOffset) = result

        if wireFormat == WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat():
            # This is the default wire encoding.  In the Blob constructor, set
            #   copy true, but if input is already a Blob, it won't copy.
                SignedBlob(Blob(input, True), signedPortionBeginOffset,
            self._setDefaultWireEncoding(SignedBlob(), None)
Пример #4
    def wireDecode(self, input, wireFormat = None):
        Decode the input using a particular wire format and update this Data.
        If wireFormat is the default wire format, also set the
        defaultWireEncoding to another pointer to the input.

        :param input: The array with the bytes to decode. If input is not a
          Blob, then copy the bytes to save the defaultWireEncoding (otherwise
          take another pointer to the same Blob).
        :type input: A Blob or an array type with int elements
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to decode this
           Data object. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        # If input is a blob, get its buf().
        decodeBuffer = input.buf() if isinstance(input, Blob) else input
        (signedPortionBeginOffset, signedPortionEndOffset) = \
          wireFormat.decodeData(self, decodeBuffer)

        if wireFormat == WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat():
            # This is the default wire encoding.  In the Blob constructor, set
            #   copy true, but if input is already a Blob, it won't copy.
                Blob(input, True),
                signedPortionBeginOffset, signedPortionEndOffset),
            self._setDefaultWireEncoding(SignedBlob(), None)
Пример #5
    def signInterestWithSha256(self, interest, wireFormat=None):
        Append a SignatureInfo for DigestSha256 to the Interest name, digest the
        name components and append a final name component with the signature
        bits (which is the digest).

        :param Interest interest: The Interest object to be signed. This appends
          name components of SignatureInfo and the signature bits.
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode the
           input. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        signature = DigestSha256Signature()
        # Append the encoded SignatureInfo.

        # Append an empty signature so that the "signedPortion" is correct.
        # Encode once to get the signed portion.
        encoding = interest.wireEncode(wireFormat)

        # Digest and set the signature.
        sha256 = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA256(), backend=default_backend())
        signatureBits = sha256.finalize()
        signature.setSignature(Blob(bytearray(signatureBits), False))

        # Remove the empty signature and append the real one.
Пример #6
    def _signInterest(self, interest, certificateName, wireFormat = None):
        Append a SignatureInfo to the Interest name, sign the name components
        and append a final name component with the signature bits.

        :param Interest interest: The Interest object to be signed. This appends
          name components of SignatureInfo and the signature bits.
        :param Name certificateName: The certificate name of the key to use for
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode the
           input. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        # TODO: Handle signature algorithms other than Sha256WithRsa.
        signature = Sha256WithRsaSignature()

        # Append the encoded SignatureInfo.

        # Append an empty signature so that the "signedPortion" is correct.
        # Encode once to get the signed portion.
        encoding = interest.wireEncode(wireFormat)
        signedSignature = self.sign(encoding.toSignedBuffer(), certificateName)

        # Remove the empty signature and append the real one.
Пример #7
    def signWithSha256(self, data, wireFormat=None):
        Wire encode the Data object, digest it and set its SignatureInfo to a

        :param Data data: The Data object to be signed. This updates its
          signature and wireEncoding.
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode the
           input. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        # Encode once to get the signed portion.
        encoding = data.wireEncode(wireFormat)

        # Digest and set the signature.
        sha256 = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA256(), backend=default_backend())
        signatureBits = sha256.finalize()
        data.getSignature().setSignature(Blob(bytearray(signatureBits), False))

        # Encode again to include the signature.
Пример #8
    def signWithSha256(self, data, wireFormat = None):
        Wire encode the Data object, digest it and set its SignatureInfo to a

        :param Data data: The Data object to be signed. This updates its
          signature and wireEncoding.
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode the
           input. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        # Encode once to get the signed portion.
        encoding = data.wireEncode(wireFormat)

        # Get the bytes to sign.
        signedPortion = encoding.toSignedBuffer()
        if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
            # In Python 2.x, we need a str.  Use Blob to convert signedPortion.
            signedPortion = Blob(signedPortion, False).toRawStr()

        # Digest and set the signature.

        # Encode again to include the signature.
Пример #9
    def signWithSha256(self, data, wireFormat = None):
        Wire encode the Data object, digest it and set its SignatureInfo to a

        :param Data data: The Data object to be signed. This updates its
          signature and wireEncoding.
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode the
           input. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        # Encode once to get the signed portion.
        encoding = data.wireEncode(wireFormat)

        # Digest and set the signature.
        sha256 = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA256(), backend=default_backend())
        signatureBits = sha256.finalize()
        data.getSignature().setSignature(Blob(bytearray(signatureBits), False))

        # Encode again to include the signature.
Пример #10
    def getLinkWireEncoding(self, wireFormat=None):
        Get the wire encoding of the link object. If there is already a wire
        encoding then return it. Otherwise encode from the link object (if

        :param WireFormat wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to
          encode the Link. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :return: The wire encoding, or an isNull Blob if the link is not
        :rtype: Blob
        :deprecated: Use getForwardingHint.
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        if (not self._linkWireEncoding.isNull()
                and self._linkWireEncodingFormat == wireFormat):
            return self._linkWireEncoding

        link = self.getLink()
        if link != None:
            return link.wireEncode(wireFormat)
            return Blob()
Пример #11
    def signInterestWithSha256(self, interest, wireFormat = None):
        Append a SignatureInfo for DigestSha256 to the Interest name, digest the
        name components and append a final name component with the signature
        bits (which is the digest).

        :param Interest interest: The Interest object to be signed. This appends
          name components of SignatureInfo and the signature bits.
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode the
           input. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        signature = DigestSha256Signature()
        # Append the encoded SignatureInfo.

        # Append an empty signature so that the "signedPortion" is correct.
        # Encode once to get the signed portion.
        encoding = interest.wireEncode(wireFormat)

        # Digest and set the signature.
        sha256 = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA256(), backend=default_backend())
        signatureBits = sha256.finalize()
        signature.setSignature(Blob(bytearray(signatureBits), False))

        # Remove the empty signature and append the real one.
Пример #12
    def signWithHmacWithSha256(target, key, wireFormat = None):
        Wire encode the target, compute an HmacWithSha256 and update the
        signature value.
        Note: This method is an experimental feature. The API may change.

        :param target: If this is a Data object, update its signature and wire
        :type target: Data
        :param Blob key: The key for the HmacWithSha256.
        :param wireFormat: (optional) The WireFormat for calling encodeData,
          etc., or WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat() if omitted.
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        if isinstance(target, Data):
            data = target
            # Encode once to get the signed portion.
            encoding = data.wireEncode(wireFormat)

            signer = hmac.HMAC(key.toBytes(), hashes.SHA256(),
              backend = default_backend())
              Blob(bytearray(signer.finalize()), False))
            raise SecurityException("signWithHmacWithSha256: Unrecognized target type")
Пример #13
    def putData(self, data, wireFormat=None):
        The OnInterest callback calls this to put a Data packet which satisfies
        an Interest.

        :param Data data: The Data packet which satisfies the interest.
        :param WireFormat wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to
          encode the Data packet. If omitted, use
        :throws: RuntimeError If the encoded Data packet size exceeds
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        # We get the encoding now before calling send because it may dispatch to
        # asyncio to be called later, and the caller may modify data before then.
        encoding = data.wireEncode(wireFormat)
        if encoding.size() > self.getMaxNdnPacketSize():
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The encoded Data packet size exceeds the maximum limit getMaxNdnPacketSize()"

Пример #14
    def setLinkWireEncoding(self, encoding, wireFormat = None):
        Set the link wire encoding bytes, without decoding them. If there is a
        link object, set it to null. If you later call getLink(), it will decode
        the wireEncoding to create the link object.

        :param Blob encoding: The Blob with the bytes of the link wire encoding.
          If no link is specified, set to an empty Blob() or call unsetLink().
        :param WireFormat wireFormat: The wire format of the encoding, to be
          used later if necessary to decode. If omitted, use
        :return: This Interest so that you can chain calls to update values.
        :rtype: Interest
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        self._linkWireEncoding = encoding
        self._linkWireEncodingFormat = wireFormat

        # Clear the link object, assuming that it has a different encoding.

        self._changeCount += 1
        return self
Пример #15
    def getLinkWireEncoding(self, wireFormat = None):
        Get the wire encoding of the link object. If there is already a wire
        encoding then return it. Otherwise encode from the link object (if

        :param WireFormat wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to
          encode the Link. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :return: The wire encoding, or an isNull Blob if the link is not
        :rtype: Blob
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        if (not self._linkWireEncoding.isNull() and
            self._linkWireEncodingFormat == wireFormat):
          return self._linkWireEncoding

        link = self.getLink()
        if link != None:
          return link.wireEncode(wireFormat)
          return Blob()
Пример #16
    def verifyDataWithHmacWithSha256(data, key, wireFormat = None):
        Compute a new HmacWithSha256 for the target and verify it against the
        signature value.
        Note: This method is an experimental feature. The API may change.

        :param target: The Data object to verify.
        :type target: Data
        :param Blob key: The key for the HmacWithSha256.
        :param wireFormat: (optional) The WireFormat for calling encodeData,
          etc., or WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat() if omitted.
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        :return: True if the signature verifies, otherwise False.
        :rtype: bool
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        # wireEncode returns the cached encoding if available.
        encoding = data.wireEncode(wireFormat)

        signer = hmac.HMAC(key.toBytes(), hashes.SHA256(),
          backend = default_backend())
        newSignatureBits = Blob(bytearray(signer.finalize()), False)

        # Use the flexible Blob.equals operator.
        return newSignatureBits == data.getSignature().getSignature()
Пример #17
    def verifyInterest(
      self, interest, onVerified, onVerifyFailed, stepCount = 0,
      wireFormat = None):
        Check the signature on the signed interest and call either onVerify or
        onVerifyFailed. We use callback functions because verify may fetch
        information to check the signature.

        :param Interest interest: The interest with the signature to check.
        :param onVerified: If the signature is verified, this calls
        :type onVerified: function object
        :param onVerifyFailed: If the signature check fails or can't find the
          public key, this calls onVerifyFailed(interest).
        :type onVerifyFailed: function object
        :param int stepCount: (optional) The number of verification steps that
          have been done. If omitted, use 0.
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        if self._policyManager.requireVerify(interest):
            nextStep = self._policyManager.checkVerificationPolicy(
              interest, stepCount, onVerified, onVerifyFailed, wireFormat)
            if nextStep != None:
                  nextStep.interest, self._makeOnCertificateData(nextStep),
                    nextStep.retry, onVerifyFailed, interest, nextStep))
        elif self._policyManager.skipVerifyAndTrust(interest):
    def generate(self, interest, keyChain, certificateName, wireFormat=None):
        Append a timestamp component and a random value component to interest's
        name. This ensures that the timestamp is greater than the timestamp used
        in the previous call. Then use keyChain to sign the interest which
        appends a SignatureInfo component and a component with the signature
        bits. If the interest lifetime is not set, this sets it.

        :param Interest interest: The interest whose name is append with
        :param KeyChain keyChain: The KeyChain for calling sign.
        :param Name certificateName: The certificate name of the key to use for
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode the
          SignatureInfo and to encode interest name for signing. If omitted, use
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        self.prepareCommandInterestName(interest, wireFormat)
        keyChain.sign(interest, certificateName, wireFormat)

        if (interest.getInterestLifetimeMilliseconds() == None
                or interest.getInterestLifetimeMilliseconds() < 0):
            # The caller has not set the interest lifetime, so set it here.
    def generate(self, interest, keyChain, certificateName, wireFormat = None):
        Append a timestamp component and a random value component to interest's
        name. This ensures that the timestamp is greater than the timestamp used
        in the previous call. Then use keyChain to sign the interest which
        appends a SignatureInfo component and a component with the signature
        bits. If the interest lifetime is not set, this sets it.

        :param Interest interest: The interest whose name is append with
        :param KeyChain keyChain: The KeyChain for calling sign.
        :param Name certificateName: The certificate name of the key to use for
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode the
          SignatureInfo and to encode interest name for signing. If omitted, use
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        self.prepareCommandInterestName(interest, wireFormat)
        keyChain.sign(interest, certificateName, wireFormat)

        if (interest.getInterestLifetimeMilliseconds() == None or
            interest.getInterestLifetimeMilliseconds()< 0):
          # The caller has not set the interest lifetime, so set it here.
Пример #20
    def registerPrefix(
      self, prefix, onInterest, onRegisterFailed, flags = None,
      wireFormat = None):
        Register prefix with the connected NDN hub and call onInterest when a
        matching interest is received.

        :param Name prefix: The Name for the prefix to register which is NOT
          copied for this internal Node method. The Face registerPrefix is
          reponsible for making a copy for Node to use..
        :param onInterest: A function object to call when a matching interest is
        :type onInterest: function object
        :param onRegisterFailed: A function object to call if failed to retrieve
          the connected hub's ID or failed to register the prefix.
        :type onRegisterFailed: function object
        :param ForwardingFlags flags: The flags for finer control of which
          interests are forwardedto the application.
        :param wireFormat: A WireFormat object used to encode the message.
        :type wireFormat: a subclass of WireFormat
        if flags == None:
            flags = ForwardingFlags()
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        # Node.expressInterest requires a copy of the prefix.
          prefix, onInterest, onRegisterFailed, flags, wireFormat)
Пример #21
    def setLinkWireEncoding(self, encoding, wireFormat=None):
        Set the link wire encoding bytes, without decoding them. If there is a
        link object, set it to None. If you later call getLink(), it will decode
        the wireEncoding to create the link object.

        :param Blob encoding: The Blob with the bytes of the link wire encoding.
          If no link is specified, set to an empty Blob() or call unsetLink().
        :param WireFormat wireFormat: The wire format of the encoding, to be
          used later if necessary to decode. If omitted, use
        :return: This Interest so that you can chain calls to update values.
        :rtype: Interest
        :deprecated: Use setForwardingHint.
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        self._linkWireEncoding = encoding
        self._linkWireEncodingFormat = wireFormat

        # Clear the link object, assuming that it has a different encoding.

        self._changeCount += 1
        return self
Пример #22
    def verifyInterestSignature(interest,
        Verify the Interest packet using the public key, where the last two name
        components are the SignatureInfo and signature bytes. This does not
        check the type of public key or digest algorithm against the type of
        SignatureInfo such as Sha256WithRsaSignature.

        :param Interest interest: The Interest packet to verify.
        :param publicKeyOrCertificate: The object containing the public key, or
          the public key DER which is used to make the PublicKey object, or the
          certificate containing the public key.
        :type publicKeyOrCertificate: Blob, or an object which is the same as
          the bytes() operator, or CertificateV2
        :param digestAlgorithm: (optional) The digest algorithm. If omitted, use
        :param WireFormat wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to
          encode the Interest packet. If omitted, use
        :raises: ValueError for an invalid public key type or digestAlgorithm.
        arg3 = digestAlgorithm
        arg4 = wireFormat

        if type(arg3) is int:
            digestAlgorithm = arg3
            digestAlgorithm = None

        if isinstance(arg3, WireFormat):
            wireFormat = arg3
        elif isinstance(arg4, WireFormat):
            wireFormat = arg4
            wireFormat = None

        if isinstance(publicKeyOrCertificate, CertificateV2):
                publicKey = publicKeyOrCertificate.getPublicKey()
                return False
            publicKey = publicKeyOrCertificate

        if wireFormat == None:
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()
        signature = VerificationHelpers._extractSignature(interest, wireFormat)
        if signature == None:
            return False

        encoding = interest.wireEncode(wireFormat)
        return VerificationHelpers.verifySignature(encoding.toSignedBytes(),
                                                   publicKey, digestAlgorithm)
Пример #23
    def checkVerificationPolicy(self,
        Look in the IdentityStorage for the public key with the name in the
        KeyLocator (if available) and use it to verify the data packet or
        signed interest. If the public key can't be found, call onVerifyFailed.

        :param dataOrInterest: The Data object or interest with the signature to
        :type dataOrInterest: Data or Interest
        :param int stepCount: The number of verification steps that have been
          done, used to track the verification progress.
        :param onVerified: If the signature is verified, this calls
        :type onVerified: function object
        :param onVerifyFailed: If the signature check fails, this calls
        :type onVerifyFailed: function object
        :return: None for no further step for looking up a certificate chain.
        :rtype: ValidationRequest
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        if isinstance(dataOrInterest, Data):
            data = dataOrInterest
            # wireEncode returns the cached encoding if available.
            if self._verify(data.getSignature(), data.wireEncode()):
        elif isinstance(dataOrInterest, Interest):
            interest = dataOrInterest
            # Decode the last two name components of the signed interest
            signature = wireFormat.decodeSignatureInfoAndValue(

            # wireEncode returns the cached encoding if available.
            if self._verify(signature, interest.wireEncode()):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "checkVerificationPolicy: unrecognized type for dataOrInterest"

        # No more steps, so return a None.
        return None
Пример #24
    def verifyInterestSignature(
      interest, publicKeyOrCertificate, digestAlgorithm = None, wireFormat = None):
        Verify the Interest packet using the public key, where the last two name
        components are the SignatureInfo and signature bytes. This does not
        check the type of public key or digest algorithm against the type of
        SignatureInfo such as Sha256WithRsaSignature.

        :param Interest interest: The Interest packet to verify.
        :param publicKeyOrCertificate: The object containing the public key, or
          the public key DER which is used to make the PublicKey object, or the
          certificate containing the public key.
        :type publicKeyOrCertificate: Blob, or an object which is the same as
          the bytes() operator, or CertificateV2
        :param digestAlgorithm: (optional) The digest algorithm. If omitted, use
        :param WireFormat wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to
          encode the Interest packet. If omitted, use
        :raises: ValueError for an invalid public key type or digestAlgorithm.
        arg3 = digestAlgorithm
        arg4 = wireFormat

        if type(arg3) is int:
            digestAlgorithm = arg3
            digestAlgorithm = None

        if isinstance(arg3, WireFormat):
            wireFormat = arg3
        elif isinstance(arg4, WireFormat):
            wireFormat = arg4
            wireFormat = None

        if isinstance(publicKeyOrCertificate, CertificateV2):
              publicKey = publicKeyOrCertificate.getPublicKey()
              return False
            publicKey = publicKeyOrCertificate;

        if wireFormat == None:
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()
        signature = VerificationHelpers._extractSignature(interest, wireFormat)
        if signature == None:
            return False

        encoding = interest.wireEncode(wireFormat)
        return VerificationHelpers.verifySignature(
          encoding.toSignedBytes(), signature.getSignature(), publicKey,
Пример #25
    def signByCertificate(self, target, certificateName, wireFormat=None):
        Sign the target based on the certificateName. If it is a Data object,
        set its signature. If it is an array, return a signature object.

        :param target: If this is a Data object, wire encode for signing,
          update its signature and key locator field and wireEncoding. If it is
          an array, sign it and return a Signature object.
        :param Name certificateName: The Name identifying the certificate which
          identifies the signing key.
        :param wireFormat: (optional) The WireFormat for calling encodeData, or
          WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat() if omitted.
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        :return: The Signature object (only if the target is an array).
        :rtype: An object of a subclass of Signature
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        if isinstance(target, Data):
            data = target
            digestAlgorithm = [0]
            signature = self._makeSignatureByCertificate(
                certificateName, digestAlgorithm)

            # Encode once to get the signed portion.
            encoding = data.wireEncode(wireFormat)

                        certificateName), digestAlgorithm[0]))

            # Encode again to include the signature.
            digestAlgorithm = [0]
            signature = self._makeSignatureByCertificate(
                certificateName, digestAlgorithm)

                        certificateName), digestAlgorithm[0]))

            return signature
Пример #26
    def _registerPrefixHelper(self,
        This is a protected helper method to do the work of registerPrefix to
        resolve the different overloaded forms. The registeredPrefixId is from
        getNextEntryId(). This has no return value and can be used in a callback.
        # arg5, arg6, arg7 may be:
        # OnRegisterSuccess, ForwardingFlags, WireFormat
        # OnRegisterSuccess, ForwardingFlags, None
        # OnRegisterSuccess, WireFormat,      None
        # OnRegisterSuccess, None,            None
        # ForwardingFlags,   WireFormat,      None
        # ForwardingFlags,   None,            None
        # WireFormat,        None,            None
        # None,              None,            None
        if isinstance(arg5, collections.Callable):
            onRegisterSuccess = arg5
            onRegisterSuccess = None

        if isinstance(arg5, ForwardingFlags):
            flags = arg5
        elif isinstance(arg6, ForwardingFlags):
            flags = arg6
            flags = ForwardingFlags()

        if isinstance(arg5, WireFormat):
            wireFormat = arg5
        elif isinstance(arg6, WireFormat):
            wireFormat = arg6
        elif isinstance(arg7, WireFormat):
            wireFormat = arg7
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        return self._node.registerPrefix(registeredPrefixId, prefixCopy,
                                         onInterest, onRegisterFailed,
                                         onRegisterSuccess, flags, wireFormat,
                                         self._commandCertificateName, self)
Пример #27
    def verifyInterest(self,
        Check the signature on the signed interest and call either onVerify or
        onVerifyFailed. We use callback functions because verify may fetch
        information to check the signature.

        :param Interest interest: The interest with the signature to check.
        :param onVerified: If the signature is verified, this calls
          NOTE: The library will log any exceptions raised by this callback, but
          for better error handling the callback should catch and properly
          handle any exceptions.
        :type onVerified: function object
        :param onVerifyFailed: If the signature check fails or can't find the
          public key, this calls onVerifyFailed(interest).
          NOTE: The library will log any exceptions raised by this callback, but
          for better error handling the callback should catch and properly
          handle any exceptions.
        :type onVerifyFailed: function object
        :param int stepCount: (optional) The number of verification steps that
          have been done. If omitted, use 0.
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        if self._policyManager.requireVerify(interest):
            nextStep = self._policyManager.checkVerificationPolicy(
                interest, stepCount, onVerified, onVerifyFailed, wireFormat)
            if nextStep != None:
                    nextStep.interest, self._makeOnCertificateData(nextStep),
                        nextStep.retry, onVerifyFailed, interest, nextStep))
        elif self._policyManager.skipVerifyAndTrust(interest):
                logging.exception("Error in onVerified")
                logging.exception("Error in onVerifyFailed")
Пример #28
    def signByCertificate(self, target, certificateName, wireFormat = None):
        Sign the target based on the certificateName. If it is a Data object,
        set its signature. If it is an array, return a signature object.

        :param target: If this is a Data object, wire encode for signing,
          update its signature and key locator field and wireEncoding. If it is
          an array, sign it and return a Signature object.
        :param Name certificateName: The Name identifying the certificate which
          identifies the signing key.
        :param wireFormat: (optional) The WireFormat for calling encodeData, or
          WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat() if omitted.
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        :return: The Signature object (only if the target is an array).
        :rtype: An object of a subclass of Signature
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        if isinstance(target, Data):
            data = target
            digestAlgorithm = [0]
            signature = self._makeSignatureByCertificate(
              certificateName, digestAlgorithm)

            # Encode once to get the signed portion.
            encoding = data.wireEncode(wireFormat)


            # Encode again to include the signature.
            digestAlgorithm = [0]
            signature = self._makeSignatureByCertificate(
              certificateName, digestAlgorithm)


            return signature
Пример #29
    def wireEncode(self, wireFormat=None):
        Encode this EncryptedContent for a particular wire format.

        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode this
           EncryptedContent. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        :return: The encoded buffer.
        :rtype: Blob
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        return wireFormat.encodeEncryptedContent(self)
Пример #30
    def wireEncodeV2(self, wireFormat = None):
        Encode this to an EncryptedContent v2 for a particular wire format.

        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode this
           EncryptedContent. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        :return: The encoded buffer.
        :rtype: Blob
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        return wireFormat.encodeEncryptedContentV2(self)
Пример #31
    def getFullName(self, wireFormat=None):
        Get the Data packet's full name, which includes the final
        ImplicitSha256Digest component based on the wire encoding for a
        particular wire format.

        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode
           this object. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        :return: The full name. You must not change the Name object - if you
          need to change it then make a copy.
        :rtype: Name
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        # The default full name depends on the default wire encoding.
        if (not self.getDefaultWireEncoding().isNull()
                and self._defaultFullName.size() > 0
                and self.getDefaultWireEncodingFormat() == wireFormat):
            # We already have a full name. A non-null default wire encoding
            # means that the Data packet fields have not changed.
            return self._defaultFullName

        fullName = Name(self.getName())
        sha256 = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA256(), backend=default_backend())
            Blob(bytearray(sha256.finalize()), False))

        if wireFormat == WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat():
            # wireEncode has already set defaultWireEncodingFormat_.
            self._defaultFullName = fullName

        return fullName
Пример #32
    def getFullName(self, wireFormat = None):
        Get the Data packet's full name, which includes the final
        ImplicitSha256Digest component based on the wire encoding for a
        particular wire format.

        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode
           this object. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        :return: The full name. You must not change the Name object - if you
          need to change it then make a copy.
        :rtype: Name
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        # The default full name depends on the default wire encoding.
        if (not self.getDefaultWireEncoding().isNull() and
            self._defaultFullName.size() > 0 and
            self.getDefaultWireEncodingFormat() == wireFormat):
            # We already have a full name. A non-null default wire encoding
            # means that the Data packet fields have not changed.
            return self._defaultFullName

        fullName = Name(self.getName())
        sha256 = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA256(), backend=default_backend())
          Blob(bytearray(sha256.finalize()), False))

        if wireFormat == WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat():
          # wireEncode has already set defaultWireEncodingFormat_.
          self._defaultFullName = fullName

        return fullName
Пример #33
    def wireEncode(self, wireFormat = None):
        Encode this ControlResponse for a particular wire format.

        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode this
           ControlParameters. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        :return: The encoded buffer.
        :rtype: Blob
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        return wireFormat.encodeControlResponse(self)
Пример #34
    def checkVerificationPolicy(self, dataOrInterest, stepCount, onVerified, onVerifyFailed, wireFormat=None):
        Look in the IdentityStorage for the public key with the name in the
        KeyLocator (if available) and use it to verify the data packet or
        signed interest. If the public key can't be found, call onVerifyFailed.

        :param dataOrInterest: The Data object or interest with the signature to
        :type dataOrInterest: Data or Interest
        :param int stepCount: The number of verification steps that have been
          done, used to track the verification progress.
        :param onVerified: If the signature is verified, this calls
        :type onVerified: function object
        :param onVerifyFailed: If the signature check fails, this calls
        :type onVerifyFailed: function object
        :return: None for no further step for looking up a certificate chain.
        :rtype: ValidationRequest
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        if isinstance(dataOrInterest, Data):
            data = dataOrInterest
            # wireEncode returns the cached encoding if available.
            if self._verify(data.getSignature(), data.wireEncode()):
        elif isinstance(dataOrInterest, Interest):
            interest = dataOrInterest
            # Decode the last two name components of the signed interest
            signature = wireFormat.decodeSignatureInfoAndValue(
                interest.getName().get(-2).getValue().buf(), interest.getName().get(-1).getValue().buf()

            # wireEncode returns the cached encoding if available.
            if self._verify(signature, interest.wireEncode()):
            raise RuntimeError("checkVerificationPolicy: unrecognized type for dataOrInterest")

        # No more steps, so return a None.
        return None
    def generate(self, interest, keyChain, certificateName, wireFormat = None):
        Append a timestamp component and a random value component to interest's
        name. This ensures that the timestamp is greater than the timestamp used 
        in the previous call. Then use keyChain to sign the interest which 
        appends a SignatureInfo component and a component with the signature 
        bits. If the interest lifetime is not set, this sets it.

        :param Interest interest: The interest whose name is append with 
        :param KeyChain keyChain: The KeyChain for calling sign.
        :param Name certificateName: The certificate name of the key to use for 
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode the 
          SignatureInfo and to encode interest name for signing. If omitted, use
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        timestamp =  round(Common.getNowMilliseconds())
        while timestamp <= self._lastTimestamp:
          timestamp += 1.0

        # The timestamp is encoded as a TLV nonNegativeInteger.
        encoder = TlvEncoder(8)
        interest.getName().append(Blob(encoder.getOutput(), False))
        # The random value is a TLV nonNegativeInteger too, but we know it is 8 
        # bytes, so we don't need to call the nonNegativeInteger encoder.        
        randomBuffer = bytearray(8)
        for i in range(len(randomBuffer)):
            randomBuffer[i] = _systemRandom.randint(0, 0xff)                
        interest.getName().append(Blob(randomBuffer, False))

        keyChain.sign(interest, certificateName, wireFormat)

        if (interest.getInterestLifetimeMilliseconds() == None or
            interest.getInterestLifetimeMilliseconds()< 0):
          # The caller has not set the interest lifetime, so set it here.

        # We successfully signed the interest, so update the timestamp.
        self._lastTimestamp = timestamp
Пример #36
    def generate(self, interest, keyChain, certificateName, wireFormat=None):
        Append a timestamp component and a random value component to interest's
        name. This ensures that the timestamp is greater than the timestamp used
        in the previous call. Then use keyChain to sign the interest which
        appends a SignatureInfo component and a component with the signature
        bits. If the interest lifetime is not set, this sets it.

        :param Interest interest: The interest whose name is append with
        :param KeyChain keyChain: The KeyChain for calling sign.
        :param Name certificateName: The certificate name of the key to use for
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode the
          SignatureInfo and to encode interest name for signing. If omitted, use
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        timestamp = round(Common.getNowMilliseconds())
        while timestamp <= self._lastTimestamp:
            timestamp += 1.0

        # The timestamp is encoded as a TLV nonNegativeInteger.
        encoder = TlvEncoder(8)
        interest.getName().append(Blob(encoder.getOutput(), False))

        # The random value is a TLV nonNegativeInteger too, but we know it is 8
        # bytes, so we don't need to call the nonNegativeInteger encoder.
        randomBuffer = bytearray(8)
        for i in range(len(randomBuffer)):
            randomBuffer[i] = _systemRandom.randint(0, 0xff)
        interest.getName().append(Blob(randomBuffer, False))

        keyChain.sign(interest, certificateName, wireFormat)

        if (interest.getInterestLifetimeMilliseconds() == None
                or interest.getInterestLifetimeMilliseconds() < 0):
            # The caller has not set the interest lifetime, so set it here.

        # We successfully signed the interest, so update the timestamp.
        self._lastTimestamp = timestamp
Пример #37
    def putData(self, data, wireFormat = None):
        The OnInterest callback calls this to put a Data packet which satisfies
        an Interest.

        :param Data data: The Data packet which satisfies the interest.
        :param WireFormat wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to
          encode the Data packet. If omitted, use
        :throws: RuntimeError If the encoded Data packet size exceeds
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        self._node.putData(data, wireFormat)
Пример #38
    def _registerPrefixHelper(
      self, registeredPrefixId, prefixCopy, onInterest, onRegisterFailed,
      flags = None, wireFormat = None):
        This is a protected helper method to do the work of registerPrefix to
        resolve the different overloaded forms. The registeredPrefixId is from
        getNextEntryId(). This has no return value and can be used in a callback.
        if flags == None:
            flags = ForwardingFlags()
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        return self._node.registerPrefix(
          registeredPrefixId, prefixCopy, onInterest, onRegisterFailed, flags,
          wireFormat, self._commandKeyChain, self._commandCertificateName, self)
Пример #39
    def wireDecode(self, input, wireFormat=None):
        Decode the input using a particular wire format and update this

        :param input: The array with the bytes to decode.
        :type input: An array type with int elements
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to decode this
           ForwardingEntry. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        # If input is a blob, get its buf().
        decodeBuffer = input.buf() if isinstance(input, Blob) else input
        wireFormat.decodeForwardingEntry(self, decodeBuffer)
Пример #40
    def wireDecode(self, input, wireFormat = None):
        Decode the input using a particular wire format and update this

        :param input: The array with the bytes to decode.
        :type input: An array type with int elements
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to decode this
           ControlParameters. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        # If input is a blob, get its buf().
        decodeBuffer = input.buf() if isinstance(input, Blob) else input
        wireFormat.decodeControlResponse(self, decodeBuffer)
Пример #41
    def makeCommandInterest(self, name, params=None, wireFormat=None):
        Append the timestamp and nonce name components to the supplied name,
        create an Interest object and signs it with the KeyChain given to the
        constructor. This ensures that the timestamp is greater than the
        timestamp used in the previous call.

        :param Name name: The Name for the Interest, which is copied.
        :param SigningInfo params: (optional) The signing parameters. If omitted,
          use a default SigningInfo().
        :param WireFormat wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to
          encode the SignatureInfo and to encode interest name for signing. If
          omitted, use WireFormat getDefaultWireFormat().
        :return: The new command Interest object.
        :rtype: Interest
        arg2 = params
        arg3 = wireFormat
        if isinstance(arg2, SigningInfo):
            params = arg2
            params = None

        if isinstance(arg2, WireFormat):
            wireFormat = arg2
        elif isinstance(arg3, WireFormat):
            wireFormat = arg3
            wireFormat = None

        if params == None:
            params = SigningInfo()

        if wireFormat == None:
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        # This copies the Name.
        commandInterest = Interest(name)

        self.prepareCommandInterestName(commandInterest, wireFormat)
        self._keyChain.sign(commandInterest, params, wireFormat)

        return commandInterest
Пример #42
    def _registerPrefixHelper(
      self, registeredPrefixId, prefixCopy, onInterest, onRegisterFailed,
      arg5 = None, arg6 = None, arg7 = None):
        This is a protected helper method to do the work of registerPrefix to
        resolve the different overloaded forms. The registeredPrefixId is from
        getNextEntryId(). This has no return value and can be used in a callback.
        # arg5, arg6, arg7 may be:
        # OnRegisterSuccess,   RegistrationOptions, WireFormat
        # OnRegisterSuccess,   RegistrationOptions, None
        # OnRegisterSuccess,   WireFormat,          None
        # OnRegisterSuccess,   None,                None
        # RegistrationOptions, WireFormat,          None
        # RegistrationOptions, None,                None
        # WireFormat,          None,                None
        # None,                None,                None
        if isinstance(arg5, collections.Callable):
            onRegisterSuccess = arg5
            onRegisterSuccess = None

        if isinstance(arg5, RegistrationOptions):
            registrationOptions = arg5
        elif isinstance(arg6, RegistrationOptions):
            registrationOptions = arg6
            registrationOptions = RegistrationOptions()

        if isinstance(arg5, WireFormat):
            wireFormat = arg5
        elif isinstance(arg6, WireFormat):
            wireFormat = arg6
        elif isinstance(arg7, WireFormat):
            wireFormat = arg7
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        return self._node.registerPrefix(
          registeredPrefixId, prefixCopy, onInterest, onRegisterFailed,
          onRegisterSuccess, registrationOptions, wireFormat, self._commandKeyChain,
          self._commandCertificateName, self)
Пример #43
    def registerPrefix(
      self, prefix, onInterest, onRegisterFailed, flags = None, 
      wireFormat = None):
        Register prefix with the connected NDN hub and call onInterest when a 
        matching interest is received. If you have not called 
        setCommandSigningInfo, this assumes you are connecting to NDNx. If you 
        have called setCommandSigningInfo, this first sends an NFD registration 
        request, and if that times out then this sends an NDNx registration 
        request. If need to register a prefix with NFD, you must first call 
        :param Name prefix: The Name for the prefix to register which is NOT 
          copied for this internal Node method. The Face registerPrefix is 
          reponsible for making a copy for Node to use..
        :param onInterest: When an interest is received which matches the name 
          prefix, this calls 
          onInterest(prefix, interest, transport, registeredPrefixId). NOTE: 
          You must not change the prefix object - if you need to change it then 
          make a copy.
        :type onInterest: function object
        :param onRegisterFailed: If register prefix fails for any reason, this 
          calls onRegisterFailed(prefix).
        :type onRegisterFailed: function object
        :param ForwardingFlags flags: The flags for finer control of which 
          interests are forwardedto the application.
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode this 
           ControlParameters. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        :raises: This raises an exception if setCommandSigningInfo has not been 
          called to set the KeyChain, etc. for signing the command interest.
        if flags == None:
            flags = ForwardingFlags()
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        # Node.expressInterest requires a copy of the prefix.
          prefix, onInterest, onRegisterFailed, flags, wireFormat, 
          self._commandKeyChain, self._commandCertificateName)
Пример #44
    def wireDecode(self, input, wireFormat=None):
        Decode the input using a particular wire format and update this

        :param input: The array with the bytes to decode.
        :type input: A Blob or an array type with int elements
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to decode this
           EncryptedContent. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        if isinstance(input, Blob):
            # Input is a blob, so get its buf() and set copy False.
            wireFormat.decodeEncryptedContent(self, input.buf(), False)
            wireFormat.decodeEncryptedContent(self, input, True)
Пример #45
    def wireDecode(self, input, wireFormat = None):
        Decode the input using a particular wire format and update this

        :param input: The array with the bytes to decode.
        :type input: A Blob or an array type with int elements
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to decode this
           DelegationSet. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        if isinstance(input, Blob):
          # Input is a blob, so get its buf() and set copy False.
          wireFormat.decodeDelegationSet(self, input.buf(), False)
          wireFormat.decodeDelegationSet(self, input, True)
Пример #46
    def makeCommandInterest(self, interest, wireFormat = None):
        Append a timestamp component and a random value component to interest's
        name. Then use the keyChain and certificateName from 
        setCommandSigningInfo to sign the interest. If the interest lifetime is 
        not set, this sets it.

        :param Interest interest: The interest whose name is append with 
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode the 
          SignatureInfo and to encode interest name for signing. If omitted, use 
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()
          interest, self._commandKeyChain, self._commandCertificateName, 
Пример #47
    def __init__(self, arg1, privateKeyBag = None,
      publicKeyEncoding = None, password = None,
      digestAlgorithm = DigestAlgorithm.SHA256, wireFormat = None):
        if isinstance(arg1, Name):
            keyName = arg1
            if wireFormat == None:
                # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
                wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

            self._certificate = SafeBag._makeSelfSignedCertificate(
              keyName, privateKeyBag, publicKeyEncoding, password,
              digestAlgorithm, wireFormat)
            self._privateKeyBag = privateKeyBag
        elif isinstance(arg1, Data):
            # The certificate is supplied.
            self._certificate = Data(arg1)
            self._privateKeyBag = privateKeyBag
            # Assume the first argument is the encoded SafeBag.
Пример #48
    def getKeyLocatorName(dataOrInterest, state):
        Extract the KeyLocator Name from a Data or signed Interest packet. The
        SignatureInfo in the packet must contain a KeyLocator of type KEYNAME.
        Otherwise, state.fail is invoked with INVALID_KEY_LOCATOR.

        :param dataOrInterest: The Data or Interest packet with the KeyLocator.
        :type dataOrInterest: Data or Interest
        :param ValidationState state: On error, this calls state.fail and
          returns an empty Name.
        :return: The KeyLocator name, or an empty Name for failure.
        :rtype: Name
        if isinstance(dataOrInterest, Data):
            data = dataOrInterest
            return ValidationPolicy._getKeyLocatorNameFromSignature(
                data.getSignature(), state)
            interest = dataOrInterest

            name = interest.getName()
            if name.size() < 2:
                                    "Invalid signed Interest: name too short"))
                return Name()

                # TODO: Generalize the WireFormat.
                signatureInfo = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat(
            except Exception as ex:
                                    "Invalid signed Interest: " + repr(ex)))
                return Name()

            return ValidationPolicy._getKeyLocatorNameFromSignature(
                signatureInfo, state)
Пример #49
    def __init__(self,
        if isinstance(keyNameOrCertificate, Name):
            keyName = keyNameOrCertificate
            if wireFormat == None:
                # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
                wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

            self._certificate = SafeBag._makeSelfSignedCertificate(
                keyName, privateKeyBag, publicKeyEncoding, password,
                digestAlgorithm, wireFormat)
            self._privateKeyBag = privateKeyBag
            # The certificate is supplied.
            self._certificate = Data(keyNameOrCertificate)
            self._privateKeyBag = privateKeyBag
Пример #50
    def wireDecode(self, input, wireFormat=None):
        Override to call the base class wireDecode then populate the list of
        delegations from the content.

        :param input: The array with the bytes to decode.
        :type input: A Blob or an array type with int elements
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to decode this
           DelegationSet. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        Data.wireDecode(self, input, wireFormat)
        if self.getMetaInfo().getType() != ContentType.LINK:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Link.wireDecode: MetaInfo ContentType is not LINK.")

Пример #51
    def wireDecode(self, input, wireFormat = None):
        Override to call the base class wireDecode then populate the list of
        delegations from the content.

        :param input: The array with the bytes to decode.
        :type input: A Blob or an array type with int elements
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to decode this
           DelegationSet. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        Data.wireDecode(self, input, wireFormat)
        if self.getMetaInfo().getType() != ContentType.LINK:
            raise RuntimeError(
              "Link.wireDecode: MetaInfo ContentType is not LINK.")

Пример #52
    def signInterestByCertificate(self,
        Append a SignatureInfo to the Interest name, sign the name components
        and append a final name component with the signature bits.

        :param Interest interest: The Interest object to be signed. This appends
          name components of SignatureInfo and the signature bits.
        :param Name certificateName: The certificate name of the key to use for
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode the
           input. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        digestAlgorithm = [0]
        signature = self._makeSignatureByCertificate(certificateName,

        # Append the encoded SignatureInfo.

        # Append an empty signature so that the "signedPortion" is correct.
        # Encode once to get the signed portion, and sign.
        encoding = interest.wireEncode(wireFormat)
                    certificateName), digestAlgorithm[0]))

        # Remove the empty signature and append the real one.
Пример #53
    def removeDelegation(self, name, wireFormat = None):
        Remove every delegation with the given name. Re-encode this object's
        content using the optional wireFormat.

        :param Name name: Then name to match the name of the delegation(s) to be
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode the
           DelegationSet. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        :return: True if a delegation was removed, otherwise False.
        :rtype: bool
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        wasRemoved = self._delegations.remove(name)
        if wasRemoved:

        return wasRemoved