def test_thing_query_URL(): """Thing - URL query - : Should pass """ thing = Thing(url='', endpoints=[e for e in Endpoint]) thing.query(strict_mode=True) assert u'' in thing.attributes.get( u'owl:sameAs')
def test_thing_deepen_search(): """Thing - find_more_about(): Should pass""" endpoints = [ Endpoint.dbpedia_fr, Endpoint.dbpedia, Endpoint.wikidata, Endpoint.bnf ] thing = Thing(url='') thing.add_query_endpoints(endpoints) thing.query(strict_mode=True) attr_before_deep_search = len(thing.attributes) thing.find_more_about() attr_after_deep_search = len(thing.attributes) assert attr_before_deep_search < attr_after_deep_search
def find_author_organisation(self, author, query_language, strict_mode=True, check_type=True): """ Find an Organisation corresponding to an author name. :param author: Full name of the Organisation :param query_language: The language declared in the Book query :return: """ # raise NotImplementedError("The Class 'Organisation' is not implemented yet !") author = Thing(label=author, query_language=query_language, endpoints=[e for e in Endpoint]) author.query(strict_mode=strict_mode, check_type=check_type) if not author.attributes: raise QueryException( "The authoring organisation could be found on the Semantic Web." ) return author.get_uris()
def test_query_content_multiple_labels_nochecktype_strictmode(): """Thing - query multiple labels - check_type=False, strict_mode=True: Should pass""" thing = Thing(label=["A", 2, ""], limit=1, endpoints=[e for e in Endpoint]) thing.query(check_type=False, strict_mode=True) expected_queries = { Endpoint.DEFAULT: u' SELECT DISTINCT ?Thing ?pred ?obj WHERE { ?Thing ?pred ?obj . { ?Thing ?has_label <> } UNION { ?Thing ?has_label "A"@en } UNION { ?Thing ?has_label 2 } . } LIMIT 1', Endpoint.wikidata: u' SELECT DISTINCT ?Thing ?pred ?obj WHERE { SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } ?Thing ?pred ?obj . { ?Thing ?has_label <> } UNION { ?Thing ?has_label "A"@en } UNION { ?Thing ?has_label 2 } . } LIMIT 1', Endpoint.dbpedia_fr: u' SELECT DISTINCT ?Thing ?pred ?obj WHERE { ?Thing ?pred ?obj . { ?Thing ?has_label <> } UNION { ?Thing ?has_label "A"@en } UNION { ?Thing ?has_label 2 } . } LIMIT 1', Endpoint.bnf: u' SELECT DISTINCT ?Thing ?pred ?obj WHERE { ?Thing ?pred ?obj . { ?Thing ?has_label <> } UNION { ?Thing ?has_label "A" } UNION { ?Thing ?has_label 2 } . } LIMIT 1' } for e in Endpoint: assert fuzz.token_sort_ratio(expected_queries[e], thing.query_builder.queries[e]) > 90
def test_query_content_multiple_labels_checktype_nostrictmode(): """Thing - query multiple labels - check_type=True, strict_mode=False: Should pass""" thing = Thing(label=["A", 2, ""], limit=1, endpoints=[e for e in Endpoint]) thing.query(check_type=True, strict_mode=True) expected_queries = { Endpoint.DEFAULT: u'PREFIX owl: <> PREFIX wd: <> PREFIX wdt_o: <> PREFIX dbo: <> PREFIX schema: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?Thing ?pred ?obj WHERE { ?Thing ?pred ?obj . { ?Thing a wdt_o:Item } UNION { ?Thing a owl:Class } UNION { ?Thing a schema:Thing } UNION { ?Thing a wd:Q35120 } UNION { ?Thing a owl:Thing } UNION { ?Thing a schema:Class } UNION { ?Thing a dbo:Thing } . { ?Thing ?has_label "A"@en } UNION { ?Thing ?has_label 2 } UNION { ?Thing ?has_label <> } . } LIMIT 1', Endpoint.wikidata: u'PREFIX owl: <> PREFIX wd: <> PREFIX wdt_o: <> PREFIX dbo: <> PREFIX schema: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?Thing ?pred ?obj WHERE { SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } ?Thing ?pred ?obj . { ?Thing a wdt_o:Item } UNION { ?Thing a owl:Class } UNION { ?Thing a schema:Thing } UNION { ?Thing a wd:Q35120 } UNION { ?Thing a owl:Thing } UNION { ?Thing a schema:Class } UNION { ?Thing a dbo:Thing } . { ?Thing ?has_label "A"@en } UNION { ?Thing ?has_label 2 } UNION { ?Thing ?has_label <> } . } LIMIT 1', Endpoint.dbpedia_fr: u'PREFIX owl: <> PREFIX wd: <> PREFIX wdt_o: <> PREFIX dbo: <> PREFIX schema: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?Thing ?pred ?obj WHERE { ?Thing ?pred ?obj . { ?Thing a wdt_o:Item } UNION { ?Thing a owl:Class } UNION { ?Thing a schema:Thing } UNION { ?Thing a wd:Q35120 } UNION { ?Thing a owl:Thing } UNION { ?Thing a schema:Class } UNION { ?Thing a dbo:Thing } . { ?Thing ?has_label "A"@en } UNION { ?Thing ?has_label 2 } UNION { ?Thing ?has_label <> } . } LIMIT 1', Endpoint.bnf: u'PREFIX owl: <> PREFIX wd: <> PREFIX wdt_o: <> PREFIX dbo: <> PREFIX schema: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?Thing ?pred ?obj WHERE { ?Thing ?pred ?obj . { ?Thing a wdt_o:Item } UNION { ?Thing a owl:Class } UNION { ?Thing a schema:Thing } UNION { ?Thing a wd:Q35120 } UNION { ?Thing a owl:Thing } UNION { ?Thing a schema:Class } UNION { ?Thing a dbo:Thing } . { ?Thing ?has_label "A" } UNION { ?Thing ?has_label 2 } UNION { ?Thing ?has_label <> } . } LIMIT 1' } for e in Endpoint: assert fuzz.token_sort_ratio(expected_queries[e], thing.query_builder.queries[e]) > 90
def test_thing_wikidata_query_strict_True(): """Thing - wikidata - strict=True - : Should pass """ thing = Thing() thing.add_query_endpoint(Endpoint.wikidata) thing.query(strict_mode=True) assert thing.endpoints == set([Endpoint.wikidata]) assert thing.query_language == Lang.English expected_query = """ PREFIX owl: <> PREFIX wd: <> PREFIX schema: <> PREFIX dbo: <> PREFIX wdt_o: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?Thing ?pred ?obj WHERE { SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } ?Thing ?pred ?obj . { ?Thing a owl:Class } UNION { ?Thing a schema:Class } UNION { ?Thing a wd:Q35120 } UNION { ?Thing a schema:Thing } UNION { ?Thing a wdt_o:Item } UNION { ?Thing a dbo:Thing } UNION { ?Thing a owl:Thing } . } LIMIT 1500 """ ratio = fuzz.token_sort_ratio( thing.query_builder.queries[Endpoint.wikidata], expected_query) assert ratio > 90
def test_thing_dbpedia_fr_query_strict_True(): """Thing - dbpedia_fr - strict=True - : Should pass """ label = "Acide pinique" thing = Thing(label=label, query_language=Lang.French) thing.add_query_endpoint(Endpoint.dbpedia_fr) thing.query(strict_mode=True) assert thing.endpoints == set([Endpoint.dbpedia_fr]) assert thing.has_label == u'Acide pinique' assert thing.query_language == Lang.French assert thing.attributes assert thing.labels_by_languages
def test_thing_query_URLs(): """Thing - URLs list query - : Should pass """ thing = Thing(url=[ '', '', '' ]) thing.add_query_endpoints([e for e in Endpoint]) thing.query(strict_mode=True) assert u'' in thing.attributes.get( u'owl:sameAs')
def test_thing_dbpedia_fr_query_strict_False(): """Thing - dbpedia_fr - strict=False - : Should pass """ label = u"11e régiment du génie" thing = Thing(label=label, query_language=Lang.French) thing.add_query_endpoint(Endpoint.dbpedia_fr) thing.query(strict_mode=False) assert thing.endpoints == set([Endpoint.dbpedia_fr]) assert thing.has_label == u'11e r\xe9giment du g\xe9nie' assert thing.query_language == Lang.French assert thing.labels_by_languages assert thing.attributes
def test_thing_dbpedia_query_strict_False(): """Thing - dbpedia - strict=False - : Should pass """ thing = Thing(label=u"Paris", query_language=Lang.French, limit=666) thing.add_query_endpoint(Endpoint.dbpedia) thing.query(strict_mode=False) expected = { 'endpoints': set([Endpoint.dbpedia]), 'has_label': u"Paris", 'query_language': Lang.French, } assert thing.endpoints == expected.get('endpoints') assert thing.has_label == expected.get('has_label') assert thing.query_language == expected.get('query_language') assert thing.attributes assert thing.labels_by_languages
def test_thing_dbpedia_query_strict_True(): """Thing - dbpedia - strict=True - : Should pass""" thing = Thing(label=u'አዲስ አበባ', query_language=Lang.Amharic) thing.add_query_endpoint(Endpoint.dbpedia) thing.query(strict_mode=True) expected = { 'args': { 'object': u'?obj', 'predicate': u'?pred', 'subject': u'?Thing' }, 'class_name': u'Thing', 'endpoints': set([Endpoint.dbpedia]), 'has_label': u'\u12a0\u12f2\u1235 \u12a0\u1260\u1263', 'query_language': Lang.Amharic, } assert thing.args == expected.get('args') assert thing.class_name == expected.get('class_name') assert thing.endpoints == expected.get('endpoints') assert thing.has_label == expected.get('has_label') assert thing.query_language == expected.get('query_language') assert thing.attributes
def test_thing_wikidata_query_strict_False(): """Thing - wikidata - strict=True, check_type=False - : Should pass""" thing = Thing(label=u"혁kστ혁ηjh혁kي혁ةsjdジアh", query_language=Lang.DEFAULT) thing.add_query_endpoint(Endpoint.wikidata) thing.query(strict_mode=True, check_type=False) assert thing.endpoints == set([Endpoint.wikidata]) assert thing.has_label == u'혁kστ혁ηjh혁kي혁ةsjdジアh' assert thing.query_language == Lang.English expected_query = u''' PREFIX wdt: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?Thing ?pred ?obj WHERE { SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } ?Thing ?pred ?obj . { ?Thing rdfs:label "혁kστ혁ηjh혁kي혁ةsjdジアh"@en } UNION { ?Thing wdt:P1813 "혁kστ혁ηjh혁kي혁ةsjdジアh"@en } . } LIMIT 1500''' ratio = fuzz.token_sort_ratio( thing.query_builder.queries[Endpoint.wikidata], expected_query) assert ratio > 90
endpoints=[Endpoint.wikidata], query_language=Lang.French) work3.query(strict_mode=False, check_type=True) print(work3.query_builder.queries.get(Endpoint.wikidata)) exit(0) ipdb.set_trace() lemmas = ["chair", "law", "right", "beaver"] things = [] for lemma in lemmas: thing = Thing( label=lemma, limit=100, endpoints=[Endpoint.wikidata, Endpoint.dbpedia, Endpoint.dbpedia_fr], query_language=Lang.English) thing.query(check_type=False, strict_mode=False) thing.find_more_about() things.append(thing) book = Book(author='Virginia Woolf', title="A Room of One's Own", endpoints=[e for e in Endpoint]) book.query() #for e in Endpoint: # assert fuzz.token_sort_ratio(expected_queries[e], thing.query_builder.queries[e]) == 100
def test_thing_bad_language(): """Thing - wrong language definition: Should fail""" thing = Thing(query_language="fr")
def test_thing_add_query_endpoints(): """Thing - add_query_endpoints: Should pass""" thing = Thing() all_endpoints = set([e for e in Endpoint if not e == Endpoint.DEFAULT]) thing.add_query_endpoints(all_endpoints) assert thing.endpoints == all_endpoints
def test_thing_bnf_query_strict_False(): """Thing - bnf - strict=False - : Should pass """ thing = Thing(label="Nothing", query_language=Lang.English) thing.add_query_endpoint(Endpoint.bnf) thing.query(strict_mode=False) assert thing.attributes.get(u'owl:complementOf') == u'owl:Thing'
def test_thing_bnf_query_strict_True(): """Thing - bnf - strict=True - : Should pass """ thing = Thing(label="Thing", query_language=Lang.English) thing.add_query_endpoint(Endpoint.bnf) thing.query(strict_mode=True) assert thing.attributes.get(u'owl:sameAs') == u'owl:Thing'