Пример #1
    def test_string(self):
        """Check string output."""
        primitive = UserIdentityNegotiation()
        primitive.user_identity_type = 1
        primitive.positive_response_requested = True
        primitive.primary_field = b'\x00\x01'
        primitive.secondary_field = b'\x00\x21'
        assert 'requested: True' in primitive.__str__()
        assert 'type: 1' in primitive.__str__()
        assert 'Primary' in primitive.__str__()
        assert 'Secondary' in primitive.__str__()

        primitive.server_response = b'\x00\x31'
        assert 'Server response' in primitive.__str__()
Пример #2
    def test_conversion(self):
        """ Check converting to PDU item works correctly """
        primitive = UserIdentityNegotiation()
        # -RQ
        primitive.user_identity_type = 1
        primitive.primary_field = b'test'
        item = primitive.from_primitive()

        primitive.user_identity_type = 2
        primitive.secondary_field = b''
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            item = primitive.from_primitive()

        # -AC
        primitive = UserIdentityNegotiation()
        primitive.server_response = b'Test'
        item = primitive.from_primitive()
        assert item.encode() == b'\x59\x00\x00\x06\x00\x04\x54\x65\x73\x74'
Пример #3
from pynetdicom import (AE, StoragePresentationContexts,
                        QueryRetrievePresentationContexts, build_role)
from pynetdicom.pdu_primitives import UserIdentityNegotiation

ae = AE()
# Contexts proposed as a QR SCU
ae.requested_contexts = QueryRetrievePresentationContexts
# Contexts supported as a Storage SCP - requires Role Selection
ae.requested_contexts = StoragePresentationContexts

# Add role selection items for the storage contexts we will be supporting
# as an SCP
negotiation_items = []
for context in StoragePresentationContexts:
    role = build_role(context.abstract_syntax, scp_role=True)

# Add user identity negotiation request
user_identity = UserIdentityNegotiation()
user_identity.user_identity_type = 2
user_identity.primary_field = b'username'
user_identity.secondary_field = b'password'

# Associate with the peer at IP address and port 11112
assoc = ae.associate('', 11112, ext_neg=negotiation_items)

if assoc.is_established: