def test_NexSlider(port): nexSerial = PySerialNex(port) nexSlider = NexSlider(nexSerial, "h0", cid=4) nexSerial.send("page pg_slider") time.sleep(0.1) nexSlider.value = 43691 # 0-65535 time.sleep(1) # nexSlider.cursor.color = Colour.GRAY nexSlider.forecolor = Colour.GRAY time.sleep(1) w = 10 nexSlider.cursor.width = w assert nexSlider.cursor.width == w time.sleep(1) h = 13 nexSlider.cursor.height = h assert nexSlider.cursor.height == h time.sleep(1) nexSerial.close()
def test_NexCheckbox(port): nexSerial = PySerialNex(port) nexCheckbox0 = NexCheckbox(nexSerial, "c0", cid=4) nexCheckbox1 = NexCheckbox(nexSerial, "c1", cid=5) nexCheckbox2 = NexCheckbox(nexSerial, "c2", cid=7) nexSerial.send("page pg_dsb_chk_rad") nexCheckbox0.value = False nexCheckbox1.value = False nexCheckbox2.value = False assert not nexCheckbox0.value time.sleep(1) nexCheckbox0.value = True assert nexCheckbox0.value time.sleep(1) nexCheckbox0.value = False assert not nexCheckbox0.value time.sleep(1) nexSerial.close()
def test_NexQRCode(port): nexSerial = PySerialNex(port) nexQRcode = NexQRcode(nexSerial, "qr0", cid=1) nexText = NexText(nexSerial, "t1", cid=3) nexSerial.send("page pg_qr") time.sleep(1) text = "Hello" nexQRcode.text = text nexText.text = text time.sleep(2) # text = "" text = "" nexText.text = text # nexQRcode.textmaxlength = len(text) # nexQRcode.textmaxlength = 50 # time.sleep(1) nexQRcode.text = text assert nexText.text == text assert nexQRcode.text == text nexSerial.close()
def test_NexRadio(port): nexSerial = PySerialNex(port) nexRadio0 = NexRadio(nexSerial, "r0", cid=8) nexRadio1 = NexRadio(nexSerial, "r1", cid=9) nexRadio2 = NexRadio(nexSerial, "r2", cid=10) nexSerial.send("page pg_dsb_chk_rad") nexRadio0.value = False nexRadio1.value = False nexRadio2.value = False assert not nexRadio0.value time.sleep(1) nexRadio0.value = True assert nexRadio0.value time.sleep(1) nexRadio0.value = False assert not nexRadio0.value time.sleep(1) nexSerial.close()
def test_NexPicture(port): nexSerial = PySerialNex(port) nexPicture = NexPicture(nexSerial, "p0", cid=1) nexSerial.send("page pg_pic") for i in range(1, 5): time.sleep(1) # nexPicture.picture = i nexPicture.picture = Picture(i) # assert nexPicture.picture == Picture(i) # ToDo nexSerial.close()
def test_NexNumber(port): nexSerial = PySerialNex(port) nexNumber = NexNumber(nexSerial, "n0", cid=1) nexSerial.send("page pg_num") time.sleep(1) nexNumber.value = 1 time.sleep(1) nexNumber.value = 2 nexNumber.backcolor = Colour.RED nexNumber.forecolor = Colour.WHITE time.sleep(1) assert nexNumber.value == 2 time.sleep(1) nexNumber.value = 3 nexNumber.backcolor = Colour.WHITE nexNumber.forecolor = Colour.RED time.sleep(1) """ n = typemax(Int32) # how to get max and min val of C integers (from Python) # see also nexNumber.value = n time.sleep(1) assert nexNumber.value == n """ """ n = typemin(Int32) nexNumber.value = n time.sleep(1) assert nexNumber.value == n """ n = -2 nexNumber.value = n time.sleep(1) assert nexNumber.value == n nexSerial.close()
def test_waveform(port, delay): nexSerial = PySerialNex(port) nexPage = NexPage(nexSerial, "pg_waveform", pid=12) nexWaveform = NexWaveform(nexSerial, "s0", cid=2) nexSerial.send("cls WHITE") nexWaveform.grid.width = 20 nexWaveform.grid.height = 20 nexWaveform.grid.color = NamedColor.GRAY time.sleep(1) # send(nexSerial, "s0.pco0=65535") # nb_channels = len(nexWaveform.channels) # @test nb_channels == 4 nb_channels = 4 channel = nexWaveform.channels[2] # 0, 1, 2, 3 channel.color = NamedColor.RED # channel.append(123) # values in 0:255 (add cid,chid,val) # channel.append(133) # values in 0:255 (add) # channel.append(143) # values in 0:255 (add) # channel.append(153) # values in 0:255 (add) # channel.append([123, 133, 143, 153, 163, 173, 183]) # (addt) vals = [51 * x for x in range(1, 5)] dt_start = datetime.datetime.utcnow() while True: for ch in range(nb_channels): channel = nexWaveform.channels[ch] val = vals[ch] channel.append(val) vals[ch] = int(vals[ch] + 2 * random.uniform(-1, 1)) if datetime.datetime.utcnow() - dt_start > datetime.timedelta(seconds=delay): break time.sleep(0.01)
def test_pages(port): nexSerial = PySerialNex(port) nexButtonPlus = NexButton(nexSerial, "b0", cid=1) nexNumber0 = NexNumber(nexSerial, "n0", cid=2) nexButtonMinus = NexButton(nexSerial, "b1", cid=3) nexButtonEnter = NexButton(nexSerial, "b2", cid=4) # noqa: F841 nexSerial.send("page pg_but") nexButtonPlus.backcolor = Colour.GREEN nexButtonMinus.backcolor = Colour.RED # nexNumber0.value = value value = nexNumber0.value while True: time.sleep(0.2) new_value = nexNumber0.value if new_value != value: value = new_value print(value) nexSerial.close()
def test_pages(port): nexserial = PySerialNex(port) nexWaveform = NexWaveform(nexserial, "s0", cid=2) nexserial.send("cls WHITE") nexserial.send("page pg_waveform") nexWaveform.grid.width = 20 nexWaveform.grid.height = 20 nexWaveform.grid.color = Colour.GRAY time.sleep(1) # send(nexSerial, "s0.pco0=65535") # nb_channels = len(nexWaveform.channels) # @test nb_channels == 4 nb_channels = 4 channel = nexWaveform.channels[2] # 0, 1, 2, 3 channel.color = Colour.RED # channel.append(123) # values in 0:255 (add cid,chid,val) # channel.append(133) # values in 0:255 (add) # channel.append(143) # values in 0:255 (add) # channel.append(153) # values in 0:255 (add) # channel.append([123, 133, 143, 153, 163, 173, 183]) # (addt) vals = [51 * x for x in range(1, 5)] while True: for ch in range(nb_channels): channel = nexWaveform.channels[ch] val = vals[ch] channel.append(val) vals[ch] = int(vals[ch] + 2 * random.uniform(-1, 1)) time.sleep(0.01)
def test_draw(port): nexSerial = PySerialNex(port) nexSerial.send("page0") cls(nexSerial, DEFAULT_COLOUR) def print_several_lines(nexSerial, lcd_width=LCD_WIDTH, color1="WHITE", color2="BLACK"): def swap(x, y): return y, x x, y = 0, 10 w, h = lcd_width, 30 font = Font(0) fontcolor = color1 backcolor = color2 xcenter = Alignment.Horizontal.CENTRE # NONE/LEFT/CENTRE/RIGHT ycenter = Alignment.Vertical.CENTRE # NONE/UP/CENTRE/DOWN sta = Background.SOLIDCOLOUR # NONE/CROPIMAGE/SOLIDCOLOUR/IMAGE/NOBACKCOLOUR rows = [ "Hello Python!", "", "This is Nextion", "", "I'm an intelligent display", "", "", "", "", "/pynextion" ] for row in rows: print(nexSerial, row, x, y, w, h, font, fontcolor, backcolor, xcenter, ycenter, sta) xstr(nexSerial, row, x, y, w, h, font, fontcolor, backcolor, xcenter, ycenter, sta) y = y + h fontcolor, backcolor = swap(fontcolor, backcolor) def diagonal_line(nexSerial, lcd_width=LCD_WIDTH, lcd_height=LCD_HEIGHT): x1, y1 = 0, 0 x2, y2 = lcd_width, lcd_height colour = Colour.BLUE line(nexSerial, x1, y1, x2, y2, colour) def circle_frame_fill(nexSerial, lcd_width=LCD_WIDTH, lcd_height=LCD_HEIGHT, delay=1): x = int(round(lcd_width / 2)) y = int(round(lcd_height / 2)) r = 100 colour = Colour.BLUE circle(nexSerial, x, y, r, colour) time.sleep(delay) circle(nexSerial, x, y, r, colour, Background.SOLIDCOLOUR) def clear_screen_color_france(nexSerial, delay=1): cls(nexSerial, Colour.BLUE) time.sleep(delay) cls(nexSerial, Colour.WHITE) time.sleep(delay) cls(nexSerial, Colour.RED) def france_flag(nexSerial, lcd_width=LCD_WIDTH, lcd_height=LCD_HEIGHT): w, h = int(round(lcd_width / 3)), lcd_height x1, y1 = 0, 0 y2 = h x2 = x1 + w colour = Colour.BLUE rectangle(nexSerial, x1, y1, x2, y2, colour, Background.SOLIDCOLOUR) x1 = x1 + 2 * w x2 = x1 + w colour = Colour.RED rectangle(nexSerial, x1, y1, x2, y2, colour, Background.SOLIDCOLOUR) def rectangle_frame_fill(nexSerial, lcd_width=LCD_WIDTH, lcd_height=LCD_HEIGHT): w, h = 120, 80 x1 = int(round((lcd_width - w) / 2)) y1 = int(round((lcd_height - h) / 2)) x2 = x1 + w y2 = y1 + h colour = Colour.RED rectangle(nexSerial, x1, y1, x2, y2, colour) time.sleep(1) rectangle(nexSerial, x1, y1, x2, y2, colour, Background.SOLIDCOLOUR) def picture_example(nexSerial, lcd_width=LCD_WIDTH, lcd_height=LCD_HEIGHT, img_width=IMG_WIDTH, img_height=IMG_HEIGHT, delay=0.5): x = int(round((lcd_width - img_width) / 2)) y = int(round((lcd_height - img_height) / 2)) for picid in range(5): picture(nexSerial, x, y, Picture(picid)) time.sleep(delay) cls(nexSerial) print_several_lines(nexSerial) time.sleep(2) cls(nexSerial, DEFAULT_COLOUR) diagonal_line(nexSerial) time.sleep(2) cls(nexSerial) circle_frame_fill(nexSerial) time.sleep(2) cls(nexSerial) clear_screen_color_france(nexSerial) time.sleep(2) cls(nexSerial) france_flag(nexSerial) time.sleep(2) cls(nexSerial) time.sleep(1) rectangle_frame_fill(nexSerial) time.sleep(2) cls(nexSerial) picture_example(nexSerial) nexSerial.close()
def test_NexSlider(port): nexSerial = PySerialNex(port) print("Init") nexSerial.init() print("Create objects") # nexText = NexText(nexSerial, "t1", pid=2, cid=1) # nexText = NexText(nexSerial, "t1") nexText = NexText(nexSerial, "t1", cid=1) print("Reset") nexSerial.reset() time.sleep(1) nexSerial.send("page pg_text") time.sleep(1) msg = "Hello" nexText.text = msg time.sleep(1) assert nexText.text == msg time.sleep(0.5) nexText.backcolor = Colour.BLUE nexText.text = "1" time.sleep(0.5) nexText.backcolor = Colour.WHITE nexText.text = "2" time.sleep(0.5) nexText.backcolor = Colour.RED nexText.text = "3" time.sleep(0.5) nexText.text = "Bye nexText" time.sleep(0.5) nexText.visible = False nexText.backcolor = Colour.WHITE time.sleep(2) nexText.visible = True time.sleep(0.5) nexText.alignment.horizontal = Alignment.Horizontal.RIGHT nexText.alignment.vertical = Alignment.Vertical.DOWN nexText.forecolor = Colour.BLUE # Change fontid from 0 to 1 nexText.font = Font(1) # nexSerial.reset() # time.sleep(0.5) nexSerial.close()