Пример #1
class TestCase(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """An abstract base implementation for a test case.

    Serves as an interface for test-case implementations

    _id_generator = AtomicInteger()

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._statements: List[stmt.Statement] = []

    def statements(self) -> List[stmt.Statement]:
        """Provides the list of statements in this test case.

            The list of statements in this test case
        return self._statements

    def accept(self, visitor: tcv.TestCaseVisitor) -> None:
        """Handles a test visitor.

            visitor: The test visitor to accept

    def add_statement(self,
                      statement: stmt.Statement,
                      position: int = -1) -> vr.VariableReference:
        """Adds a new statement to the test case.

        The optional position parameter specifies the position.  If it is not given,
        the statement will be added to the end of the test case.

            statement: The new statement
            position: The optional position where to put the statement

        Returns:  # noqa: DAR202
            The return value of the statement.  Notice that the test might
            choose to modify the statement you inserted.  You should use the returned
            variable reference and not use references.

    def add_statements(self, statements: List[stmt.Statement]) -> None:
        """Adds a list of statements to the end of the test case.

            statements: The list of statements to add

    def append_test_case(self, test_case: TestCase) -> None:
        """Appends a test case to this test case.

            test_case: The test case to append

    def remove(self, position: int) -> None:
        """Removes a statement a the given position

            position: The position of the test case to be removed

    def chop(self, pos: int) -> None:
        """Remove all statements after a given position.

            pos: The length of the test case after chopping

    def contains(self, statement: stmt.Statement) -> bool:
        """Determines whether or not the test case contains a specific statement.

            statement: The statement to search in the test case

            Whether or not the test case contains the statement  # noqa: DAR202

    def get_statement(self, position: int) -> stmt.Statement:
        """Provides access to a statement at a given position.

            position: The position of the statement in the test case

            The statement at the position  # noqa: DAR202

    def set_statement(self, statement: stmt.Statement,
                      position: int) -> vr.VariableReference:
        """Set new statement at position.

            statement: the new statement
            position: the position for the new statement

            A variable reference to the statements return value  # noqa: DAR202

    def has_statement(self, position: int) -> bool:
        """Check if there is a statement at the given position.

            position: The index of the statement

            Whether or not there is a statement at the given position  # noqa: DAR202

    def clone(self) -> TestCase:
        """Provides a deep copy of the test case.

            A deep copy of this test case  # noqa: DAR202

    def size(self) -> int:
        """Provides the number of statements in the test case.

            The number of statements in the test case  # noqa: DAR202

    def size_with_assertions(self) -> int:
        """Provides the number of statements and assertions in the test case.

            The number of statements and assertions in the test case # noqa: DAR202

    def get_assertions(self) -> List[ass.Assertion]:
        """Get all assertions that exist for this test case."""

    def get_dependencies(
            self, var: vr.VariableReference) -> Set[vr.VariableReference]:
        """Provides all variables on which var depends.

            var: the variable whose dependencies we are looking for.

            a set of variables on which var depends on. # noqa: DAR202

    def get_objects(self, parameter_type: Optional[Type],
                    position: int) -> List[vr.VariableReference]:
        """Provides a list of variable references satisfying a certain type before a
        given position.

        If the position value is larger than the number of statements, only these
        statements will be considered.  Otherwise the first `position` statements of
        the test case will be considered.

            parameter_type: The type of the parameter we search references for
            position: The position in the statement list until we search

            A list of variable references satisfying the parameter type
        if not parameter_type:
            # TODO(fk) return get_all_objects instead?
            return []
        variables: List[vr.VariableReference] = []
        bound = min(len(self._statements), position)
        for i in range(bound):
            statement = self._statements[i]
            var = statement.ret_val
            if not var.is_none_type() and is_assignable_to(
                    var.variable_type, parameter_type):

        return variables

    def get_all_objects(self, position: int) -> List[vr.VariableReference]:
        """Get all objects that are defined up to the given position (exclusive).

            position: the position

            A list of all objects defined up to the given position
        variables: List[vr.VariableReference] = []
        bound = min(len(self._statements), position)
        for i in range(bound):
            var = self.get_statement(i).ret_val
            if not var.is_none_type():
        return variables

    def get_random_object(self, parameter_type: Type,
                          position: int) -> vr.VariableReference:
        """Get a random object of the given type up to the given position (exclusive).

            parameter_type: the parameter type
            position: the position

            A random object of given type up to the given position

            ConstructionFailedException: if no object could be found
        variables = self.get_objects(parameter_type, position)
        if len(variables) == 0:
            raise ConstructionFailedException(
                f"Found no variables of type {parameter_type} at position {position}"
        return randomness.choice(variables)
Пример #2
def atomic_integer_null():
    return AtomicInteger()
Пример #3
def atomic_integer_nonnull():
    return AtomicInteger(value=42)
Пример #4
class TestCase(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """An abstract base implementation for a test case.

    Serves as an interface for test-case implementations

    _id_generator = AtomicInteger()

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._statements: List[stmt.Statement] = []

    def statements(self) -> List[stmt.Statement]:
        """Provides the list of statements in this test case.

        :return: The list of statements in this test case
        return self._statements

    def accept(self, visitor: tcv.TestCaseVisitor) -> None:
        """Handles a test visitor.

        :param visitor: The test visitor to accept

    def add_statement(self,
                      statement: stmt.Statement,
                      position: int = -1) -> vr.VariableReference:
        """Adds a new statement to the test case.

        The optional position parameter specifies the position.  If it is not given,
        the statement will be added to the end of the test case.

        :param statement: The new statement
        :param position: The optional position where to put the statement
        :return: The return value of the statement.  Notice that the test might
        choose to modify the statement you inserted.  You should use the returned
        variable reference and not use references.

    def add_statements(self, statements: List[stmt.Statement]) -> None:
        """Adds a list of statements to the end of the test case.

        :param statements: The list of statements to add

    def append_test_case(self, test_case: TestCase) -> None:
        """Appends a test case to this test case.

        :param test_case: The test case to append

    def remove(self, position: int) -> None:
        """Removes a statement a the given position

        :param position: The position of the test case to be removed

    def chop(self, pos: int) -> None:
        """Remove all statements after a given position.

        :param pos: The length of the test case after chopping

    def contains(self, statement: stmt.Statement) -> bool:
        """Determines whether or not the test case contains a specific statement.

        :param statement: The statement to search in the test case
        :return: Whether or not the test case contains the statement

    def get_statement(self, position: int) -> stmt.Statement:
        """Provides access to a statement at a given position.

        :param position: The position of the statement in the test case
        :return: The statement at the position

    def set_statement(self, statement: stmt.Statement,
                      position: int) -> vr.VariableReference:
        """Set new statement at position."""

    def has_statement(self, position: int) -> bool:
        """Check if there is a statement at the given position.

        :param position: The index of the statement
        :return: Whether or not there is a statement at the given position

    def clone(self) -> TestCase:
        """Provides a deep copy of the test case.

        :return: A deep copy of this test case

    def is_failing(self) -> bool:
        """Checks if the test case is a failing test or not

        :return: Whether or not the test case is failing

    def set_failing(self) -> None:
        """Marks the test case as a failing test."""

    def size(self) -> int:
        """Provides the number of statements in the test case.

        :return: The number of statements in the test case

    def get_objects(self, parameter_type: Optional[Type],
                    position: int) -> List[vr.VariableReference]:
        """Provides a list of variable references satisfying a certain type before a
        given position.

        If the position value is larger than the number of statements, only these
        statements will be considered.  Otherwise the first `position` statements of
        the test case will be considered.

        :param parameter_type: The type of the parameter we search references for
        :param position: The position in the statement list until we search
        :return: A list of variable references satisfying the parameter type
        if not parameter_type:
            return []
        variables: List[vr.VariableReference] = []
        bound = min(len(self._statements), position)
        for i in range(bound):
            statement = self._statements[i]
            var = statement.return_value
            if not var.is_none_type() and is_assignable_to(
                    var.variable_type, parameter_type):

        return variables

    def get_all_objects(self, position: int) -> List[vr.VariableReference]:
        """Get all objects that are defined up to the given position (exclusive)."""
        variables: List[vr.VariableReference] = []
        bound = min(len(self._statements), position)
        for i in range(bound):
            var = self.get_statement(i).return_value
            if not var.is_none_type():
        return variables

    def get_random_object(self, parameter_type: Type,
                          position: int) -> vr.VariableReference:
        """Get a random object of the given type up to the given position (exclusive)."""
        variables = self.get_objects(parameter_type, position)
        if len(variables) == 0:
            raise ConstructionFailedException(
                f"Found no variables of type {parameter_type} at position {position}"
        return randomness.choice(variables)

    def mutate(self) -> None:
        """Mutate this test case."""

    def has_changed(self) -> bool:
        """Has this test case changed since the last execution?"""

    def set_changed(self, value: bool) -> None:
        """Mark this test case as changed."""

    def get_last_execution_result(self) -> Optional[ExecutionResult]:
        """Get the last execution result."""

    def set_last_execution_result(self, result: ExecutionResult) -> None:
        """Set the last execution result."""