def replace(self, words): if len(words) == 1: api.send_string('{esc}:%s///g{left}{left}{left}') return api.send_string(r'{alt+1}{esc}:%s/\<{ctrl+r+w}\>/' + vimutils.guess_at_text(words[1:]) + '/g{enter}i{alt+2}')
def launch_shell(self, words): buff_path = vimutils.get_clipboard_contents( "{escape}:let @+ = expand('%:p'){enter}")['x-terminal-emulator']) time.sleep(1) print(os.path.split(buff_path)) api.send_string('cd ' + os.path.split(buff_path)[0] + '{enter}')
def manip_text_object(self, words): num = self._num(words) text_obj = self.text_objects[' '.join(words[1:])] action = self._actions[words[0]][0] cleanup = '' if words[0] != 'copy' else self._shortcuts['clearSelect'] command = (text_obj + action + cleanup) * num api.send_string(command)
def new_method(self, words): if len(words) == 1: api.send_string( 'def (self):{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}') return func_name = baseutils.get_case(words[1:], self.variable_mode) api.send_string('def {}(self):{{left}}{{left}}'.format(func_name))
def get_clipboard_contents(keys): clipboard_contents = baseutils.get_clipboard_contents() api.send_string(keys) time.sleep(.1) new_contents = baseutils.get_clipboard_contents() baseutils.set_clipboard_contents(clipboard_contents) return new_contents
def new_function(self, words): if len(words) == 1: api.send_string("function () {{{left}{left}{left}{left}") return func_name = vimutils.create_variable_name(words[1:]) api.send_string("function {}() ".format(func_name) + "{{{left}{left}{left}") vimextension.VimExtensionGrammar.definitions.append("{}_function".format(func_name))
def new_function(self, words): if len(words) == 1: api.send_string('def ():{left}{left}{left}') return func_name = vimutils.guess_at_text(words[1:]) api.send_string('def {}():{{left}}{{left}}'.format(func_name)) vimextension.VimExtensionGrammar.definitions.append('{}_function'.format(func_name))
def new_class(self, words): if len(words) == 1: api.send_string('class ') return class_name = ''.join([word.title() for word in words[1:]]) api.send_string('class {}:'.format(class_name)) vimextension.VimExtensionGrammar.definitions.append('{}_class'.format(class_name))
def index(self, words): api.send_string('[]{left}') if len(words) > 1: num = words[-1] if words[-2] in ['minus', 'negative']: num = str(-int(num)) api.send_string(num + '{right}')
def new_list(self, words): if len(words) == 1: api.send_string(' = []{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}') return list_name = vimutils.create_variable_name(words[1:]) api.send_string('{} = []{{left}}'.format(list_name)) vimextension.VimExtensionGrammar.definitions.append('{}_list'.format(list_name))
def new_dictionary(self, words): if len(words) == 1: api.send_string(' = {{}}{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}') return dict_name = vimutils.create_variable_name(words[1:]) api.send_string(dict_name + ' = ' + '{{}}' + '{left}') vimextension.VimExtensionGrammar.definitions.append('{}_dictionary'.format(dict_name))
def index(self, words): api.send_string("[]{left}") if len(words) > 1: num = words[-1] if words[-2] in ["minus", "negative"]: num = str(-int(num)) api.send_string(num + "{right}")
def do_surround_same(self, words): text = self.activate + '1-' + atomutils.ACTIONS[words[0]] if words[1] == 'outer': text += '-a-' else: text += '-i-' text += ''.join(atomutils.STRING_OBJECTS[words[-1]]) + '`^' api.send_string(text)
def letters(self, words): num = int(words.pop()) if words[-1].isdigit() else 1 letter = baseutils.ALPHABET[words[-1]] if len(words) > 1 or api.send_string(letter.upper()) return for i in range(num): api.send_string(letter)
def new_class(self, words): if len(words) == 1: api.send_string('class ') return class_name = ''.join([word.title() for word in words[1:]]) api.send_string('class {}:'.format(class_name)) vimextension.VimExtensionGrammar.definitions.append( '{}_class'.format(class_name))
def do_motion(self, words): if not words[-1].isdigit(): words.append('1') select_default = 's' if words[0] not in atomutils.ACTIONS: select_default = 'm' api.send_string(self.activate + select_default + atomutils.MOTIONS[words[-2]] + words[-1] + '!') atomutils.do_action(words[0])
def new_list(self, words): if len(words) == 1: api.send_string(' = []{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}') return list_name = vimutils.create_variable_name(words[1:]) api.send_string('{} = []{{left}}'.format(list_name)) vimextension.VimExtensionGrammar.definitions.append( '{}_list'.format(list_name))
def upper_incremental(self, words): if not words[-1].isdigit(): words.append('1') action = atomutils.ACTIONS.get(words[0], 'm') limit = atomutils.INCREMENTAL_LIMITS[words[-4]] search_value = self.search_chars[words[-2]].upper() num = words[-1] api.send_string(self.activate + '{}-{}-{}-{}`^'.format(num, action, limit, search_value))
def count(self, words): iter_count = int(words[-1]) + 1 send_str = '' for i, num in enumerate(range(iter_count)): send_str += str(num) if i != iter_count - 1: send_str += ', ' api.send_string(send_str)
def new_dictionary(self, words): if len(words) == 1: api.send_string(' = {{}}{left}{left}{left}{left}{left}') return dict_name = vimutils.create_variable_name(words[1:]) api.send_string(dict_name + ' = ' + '{{}}' + '{left}') vimextension.VimExtensionGrammar.definitions.append( '{}_dictionary'.format(dict_name))
def execute_string_or_func(self, action): if isinstance(action, str): api.send_string(action) return True elif isinstance(action, tuple): action[0](*action[1], **action[2]) return True return False
def new_function(self, words): if len(words) == 1: api.send_string('def ():{left}{left}{left}') return func_name = vimutils.guess_at_text(words[1:]) api.send_string('def {}():{{left}}{{left}}'.format(func_name)) vimextension.VimExtensionGrammar.definitions.append( '{}_function'.format(func_name))
def bottom(self, words): text = (vimutils.FUNCTIONS['RightIfNotFirstCol'] + vimutils.FUNCTIONS['GoToVisualMode'] + '{F11}G$') if words[0] != 'select': text += vimutils.commands[words[0]] if words[0] == 'copy': text += 'i' api.send_string(text)
def increment(self, words): keys = "{ctrl+a}" if words[0] == "decrease": keys = "{ctrl+x}" num = "" if words[-1].isdigit(): num = words[-1] api.send_string("{esc}" + "{}{}{}a".format(vimutils.FUNCTIONS["number jump"], num, keys))
def tab_direction(self, words): direction = '{ctrl+shift+tab}' if 'right' in [words[-1], words[-2]]: direction = '{ctrl+tab}' num = baseutils.last_number(words) for i in range(num): api.send_string(direction) if i + 1 < num: time.sleep(.2)
def numbered_action(self, words): action = self._actions.get(words[0], [None])[0] count = self._num(words) if action is None: send_str = ''.join([self._shortcuts[words[0]] for i in range(count)]) else: keys = '+'.join([self.numbered_directions[words[1]][1:-1] for i in range(count)]) send_str = '{shift+' + keys + '}' + action api.send_string(send_str)
def tag(self, words): text = '<' if words[-1] == 'close': text += '/' text += self.tags[' '.join(words[1:])] text += '>' if words[-1] != 'close': text += '{left}' api.send_string(text)
def change_tab(self, words): direction = 'gt' if words[0] == 'left': direction = 'gT' num = int(baseutils.set_number(words)) for i in range(num): if i != 0: time.sleep(.1) api.send_string('{escape}{escape}' + direction)
def operator(self, words): text = '' if words[0] == 'short': text += vimutils.OPERATORS[words[1]] else: text += '{}{}{}'.format(vimutils.FUNCTIONS['SmartSpace'], vimutils.OPERATORS[words[0]], vimutils.FUNCTIONS['EndSpace']) if words[-1].isdigit(): text += words[-1] api.send_string(text)
def new_function(self, words): if len(words) == 1: api.send_string('function () {{{left}{left}{left}{left}') return func_name = vimutils.create_variable_name(words[1:]) api.send_string('function {}() '.format(func_name) + '{{{left}{left}{left}') vimextension.VimExtensionGrammar.definitions.append( '{}_function'.format(func_name))
def top(self, words): text = (vimutils.FUNCTIONS['UpIfFirstCol'] + vimutils.FUNCTIONS['TrimLineWhitespace'] + vimutils.FUNCTIONS['GoToVisualMode'] + 'gg') if words[0] != 'select': text += vimutils.commands[words[0]] if words[0] == 'copy': text += 'i' api.send_string(text)
def manip_text_object_card(self, words): action = self._actions.get(words[0], '') if action: action = action[0] cleanup = '' if words[0] != 'copy' else self._shortcuts['clearSelect'] text_obj = self.text_objects[words[-1]] if len(words) > 1: api.send_string('{{shift+{}}}{}{}'.format(text_obj, action, cleanup)) else: api.send_string('{{{}}}{}{}'.format(text_obj, action, cleanup))
def search_ahead(self, words): if not words[-1].isdigit(): words.append('1') action = atomutils.ACTIONS.get(words[0], 'm') limit = atomutils.INCREMENTAL_LIMITS[words[-3]] search_value = self.search_chars[words[-2]] num = words[-1] api.send_string( self.activate + '{}-{}-{}-{}`^'.format(num, action, limit, search_value))
def new_function(self, words): # create a camelcase function name from the words parameter func_name = words[2].lower() + ''.join([w.title() for w in words[3:]]) if self.language == 'python': api.send_string('def ' + func_name + '():{left}{left}') # press left twice when we're done to put the cursor between the # parentheses. Keypresses are enclosed in curly braces and can be # combined with the plus sign e.g. {ctrl+alt+delete} elif self.language == 'perl': api.send_string('sub ' + func_name + '() {{}}')
def increment(self, words): keys = '{ctrl+a}' if words[0] == 'decrease': keys = '{ctrl+x}' num = '' if words[-1].isdigit(): num = words[-1] api.send_string( '{esc}' + '{}{}{}a'.format(vimutils.FUNCTIONS['number jump'], num, keys))
def manip_text_object(self, words): num = self._num(words) text_obj = self.text_objects[' '.join(words[1:])] action = self._actions[words[0]] cleanup = '' if words[0] != 'copy' else '{esc}' if text_obj == '{ctrl+i}' and words[0] in ('grab', 'delete'): cleanup += '{back}' command = (text_obj * num) + action + cleanup print(command) api.send_string(command)
def open_shell(): clipboard_contents = baseutils.get_clipboard_contents() api.send_string("{escape}:let @+ = expand('%:p'){enter}")['x-terminal-emulator']) time.sleep(1) api.send_string( 'cd {}'.format(os.path.dirname(baseutils.get_clipboard_contents())) + '{enter}') baseutils.set_clipboard_contents(clipboard_contents) time.sleep(.2)
def numbered_action(self, words): action = self._actions.get(words[0], None) count = self._num(words) if action is None: send_str = ('{' + words[0] + '}') * count # send_str = ''.join([self._shortcuts[words[0]] for i in range(count)]) else: # send_str = '{shift}' + (('{' + words[0] + '}') * count) + action send_str = ''.join(['{shift+' + words[1] + '}' + action for i in range(count)]) api.send_string(send_str)
def indent(self, words): indent_commands = { 'shoot': '{alt+h}', 'ball': '{alt+l}', } cmd = indent_commands[words[0]] num = baseutils.set_number(words) if num == '1': api.send_string(cmd) return api.send_string('{escape}' + num + indent_commands[words[0]] + 'i')
def left_right(self, words): num = 1 if words[-1].isdigit(): num = int(words[-1]) for i in range(num): if words[0] == 'left': api.send_string('{ctrl+pageup}') else: api.send_string('{ctrl+pagedown}') if i != num: time.sleep(.1)
def up_down(self, words): direction = '{up}' if words[0] == 'low': direction = '{down}' num = 1 if len(words) > 1: num = int(words[-1]) for i in range(num): api.send_string(direction) if i + 1 != num: time.sleep(.1)
def dictate(self, words): if words[0] == 'camel': api.send_string(words[1] + ''.join(w.title() for w in words[2:])) elif words[0] == 'score': api.send_string('_'.join(words[1:])) elif words[0] == 'word': api.send_string(''.join(words[1:])) elif words[0] == 'dictate': api.send_string(' '.join(words[1:])) elif words[0] == 'title': api.send_string(''.join(w.title() for w in words[1:]))