plt.axvline(t, color='green', linewidth=1.) max_v = np.max(segment.filter(name='v')[0]) ax0.plot(segment.spiketrains[0], 0.99 * max_v * np.ones_like(segment.spiketrains[0]), '.b') ax0.plot(segment.filter(name='v')[0], color='blue') timestep = 1. runtime = 1000. sim.setup(timestep) n_neurons = 1 preExc = sim.Population(n_neurons, sim.SpikeSourcePoisson(rate=100), label='input') preExc.record('spikes') preInh = sim.Population(n_neurons, sim.SpikeSourcePoisson(rate=100), label='input') preInh.record('spikes') parameters = { 'v_rest': -65.0, # Resting membrane potential in mV. 'cm': 1.0, # Capacity of the membrane in nF 'tau_m': 20.0, # Membrane time constant in ms. 'tau_refrac': 0.1, # Duration of refractory period in ms. 'tau_syn_E': 3.0, # Decay time of excitatory synaptic current in ms. 'tau_syn_I': 5.0, # Decay time of inhibitory synaptic current in ms.
else: # create separate populations for excitatory and inhibitory neurons exc_cells = sim.Population(n_exc, celltype(**cell_params), label="Excitatory_Cells") inh_cells = sim.Population(n_inh, celltype(**cell_params), label="Inhibitory_Cells") if use_assembly: # group the populations into an assembly all_cells = exc_cells + inh_cells if benchmark == "COBA": ext_stim = sim.Population(20, sim.SpikeSourcePoisson(rate=rate, duration=stim_dur), label="expoisson") rconn = 0.01 ext_conn = sim.FixedProbabilityConnector(rconn) ext_syn = sim.StaticSynapse(weight=0.1) print("%s Initialising membrane potential to random values..." % node_id) uniformDistr = RandomDistribution('uniform', low=v_reset, high=v_thresh, rng=rng) if use_views: all_cells.initialize(v=uniformDistr) else: exc_cells.initialize(v=uniformDistr)
'.', color=COLORS[nid]) volts = segment.filter(name='v')[0] for nid, vs in enumerate(volts.T): # print(volts.shape) ax0.plot(vs, color=COLORS[nid]) timestep = 0.1 runtime = 200. sim.setup(timestep) n_neurons = 3 preExc = sim.Population(n_neurons, sim.SpikeSourcePoisson(rate=200), label='input') preExc.record('spikes') parameters = { 'v_rest': -65.0, # Resting membrane potential in mV. 'cm': 1.0, # Capacity of the membrane in nF 'tau_m': 20.0, # Membrane time constant in ms. 'tau_refrac': 0.1, # Duration of refractory period in ms. 'tau_syn_E': 3.0, # Decay time of excitatory synaptic current in ms. 'tau_syn_I': 5.0, # Decay time of inhibitory synaptic current in ms. 'tau_syn_S': 5.0, 'i_offset': 0.0, # Offset current in nA 'v_reset': -65.0, # Reset potential after a spike in mV. 'v_threshold': -50.0, # Spike threshold in mV. STATIC, MIN 'i': 0.0, # nA total input current
# Take the neuron layers that need to be updated online or that we want to take records of LGNBright = network.get_population("LGNBright") LGNDark = network.get_population("LGNDark") V1 = network.get_population("V1LayerToPlot") V2 = network.get_population("V2LayerToPlot") V4Bright = network.get_population("V4Brightness") V4Dark = network.get_population("V4Darkness") LGNBright.record("spikes") LGNDark.record("spikes") V1.record("spikes") V2.record("spikes") V4Bright.record("spikes") V4Dark.record("spikes") if inputPoisson: LGNBrightInput = sim.Population(ImageNumPixelRows * ImageNumPixelColumns, sim.SpikeSourcePoisson()) LGNDarkInput = sim.Population(ImageNumPixelRows * ImageNumPixelColumns, sim.SpikeSourcePoisson()) sim.Projection(LGNBrightInput, LGNBright, sim.OneToOneConnector(), sim.StaticSynapse(weight=connections['brightInputToLGN'])) sim.Projection(LGNDarkInput, LGNDark, sim.OneToOneConnector(), sim.StaticSynapse(weight=connections['darkInputToLGN'])) if numSegmentationLayers > 1: if useSurfaceSegmentation: SurfaceSegmentationOff = network.get_population( "SurfaceSegmentationOff") SurfaceSegmentationOn = network.get_population("SurfaceSegmentationOn") if useBoundarySegmentation: BoundarySegmentationOff = network.get_population( "BoundarySegmentationOff") BoundarySegmentationOn = network.get_population(
'tau_syn_E': 1.0, # ms 'tau_syn_I': 5.0, # ms } timestep = 0.1 max_w = 0.01 start_w = max_w / 2.0 min_delay = 0.1 sim.setup(timestep, min_delay=min_delay, backend='CUDA' # backend='SingleThreadedCPU' ) pre = sim.Population(10, sim.SpikeSourcePoisson(**{'rate': 10})) post = sim.Population(100, neuron_class(**base_params)) # w = 1.0 w = sim.RandomDistribution('normal', [5.0, 1.0]) synapse = sim.StaticSynapse(weight=w) prj = sim.Projection( pre, post, sim.FixedProbabilityConnector(0.25), # prj = sim.Projection(pre, post, sim.AllToAllConnector(), # prj = sim.Projection(pre, post, sim.OneToOneConnector(), synapse_type=synapse, receptor_type='excitatory')