Пример #1
    def __setitem__(self, args, yobs):
        if isinstance(args,
                      (int, numpy.int32, numpy.int64, slice, numpy.ndarray)):
            args = [args]
        if (self.mean[tuple(args)].size == 1):
            if yobs.size != 1:
                raise pyobs.PyobsError('set item : dimensions do not match')
            if self.mean[tuple(args)].shape != yobs.shape:
                raise pyobs.PyobsError('set item : dimensions do not match')
        self.mean[tuple(args)] = yobs.mean

        idx = numpy.arange(self.size).reshape(self.shape)[tuple(args)]
        submask = idx.flatten()

        for key in yobs.delta:
            if not key in self.delta:
                raise pyobs.PyobsError(
                    'Ensembles do not match; can not set item')
            self.delta[key].assign(submask, yobs.delta[key])

        for key in yobs.cdata:
            if not key in self.cdata:
                raise pyobs.PyobsError(
                    'Covariance data do not match; can not set item')
            self.cdata[key].assign(submask, yobs.cdata[key])
Пример #2
 def create_from_cov(self, cname, value, covariance):
     Create observables based on covariance matrices
        cname (str): label that uniquely identifies the data set
        value (array): central value of the observable; only 1-D arrays are supported
        covariance (array): a 2-D covariance matrix; if `covariance` is a 1-D array of
           same length as `value`, a diagonal covariance matrix is assumed.
        >>> mpi = pyobs.observable(description='pion masses, charged and neutral')
        >>> mpi.create_cd('mpi-pdg18',[139.57061,134.9770],[0.00023**2,0.0005**2])
        >>> print(mpi)
        139.57061(23)    134.97700(50)
     if isinstance(value, (int, float, numpy.float64, numpy.float32)):
         self.mean = numpy.reshape(value, (1, ))
         cov = numpy.reshape(covariance, (1, ))
         self.mean = numpy.array(value)
         cov = numpy.array(covariance)
     self.shape = numpy.shape(self.mean)
     if numpy.ndim(self.shape) != 1:
         raise pyobs.PyobsError(
             f'Unexpected value, only 1-D arrays are supported')
     self.size = numpy.prod(self.shape)
     if cov.shape != (self.size, ) and cov.shape != (self.size, self.size):
         raise pyobs.PyobsError(
             f'Unexpected shape for covariance {cov.shape}')
     pyobs.check_type(cname, 'cname', str)
     self.cdata[cname] = cdata(cov)
Пример #3
def load(fname):
    Load the observable/data from disk.

       name (str): string with the source file (path+filename)

       observable: the loaded observable

       >>> obsA = pyobs.load('~/analysis/obsA.json.gz')

    if not os.path.isfile(fname):
        raise pyobs.PyobsError(f'File {fname} does not exists')

    if '.pyobs' in fname:
        fmt = default
    elif '.json.gz' in fname:
        fmt = json
    else:  # pragma: no cover
        raise pyobs.PyobsError(f'Format not supported')

    return fmt.load(fname)
Пример #4
 def add_syst_err(self, name, err):
     Add a systematic error to the observable
        name (str): label that uniquely identifies the syst. error
        err (array): array with the same dimensions of the observable
           with the systematic error
        >>> data = [0.198638, 0.403983, 1.215960, 1.607684, 0.199049, ... ]
        >>> vec = pyobs.observable(description='vector')
        >>> vec.create('A',data,shape=(4,))
        >>> print(vec)
        0.201(13)    0.399(26)    1.199(24)    1.603(47)
        >>> vec.add_syst_err('syst.err',[0.05,0.05,0,0])
        >>> print(vec)
        0.201(52)    0.399(56)    1.199(24)    1.603(47)
     pyobs.check_type(name, 'name', str)
     if name in self.cdata:
         raise pyobs.PyobsError(f'Label {name} already used')
     if numpy.shape(err) != self.shape:
         raise pyobs.PyobsError(
             f'Unexpected error, dimensions do not match {self.shape}')
     cov = numpy.reshape(numpy.array(err)**2, (self.size, ))
     self.cdata[name] = cdata(cov)
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, mask, idx, data=None, mean=None, lat=None):
        # idx is expected to be a list or range
        self.size = len(mask)
        self.mask = [m for m in mask]
        self.it = 0
        if lat is None:
            self.lat = None
            self.lat = numpy.array(lat, dtype=numpy.int32)

        if (type(idx) is list):
            dc = numpy.unique(numpy.diff(idx))
            if numpy.any(dc < 0):
                raise pyobs.PyobsError(f'Unsorted idx')
            if len(dc) == 1:
                self.idx = range(idx[0], idx[-1] + dc[0], dc[0])
                self.idx = list(idx)
        elif (type(idx) is range):
            self.idx = idx
            raise pyobs.PyobsError(f'Unexpected idx')
        self.n = len(self.idx)

        self.delta = numpy.zeros((self.size, self.n), dtype=numpy.float64)

        if not mean is None:
            self.delta = numpy.reshape(data,
                                       (self.n, self.size)).T - numpy.stack(
                                           [mean] * self.n, axis=1)
Пример #6
 def __init__(self, x, W, f, df, v):
     self.v = v
     if numpy.ndim(x) == 2:
         (self.n, self.nx) = numpy.shape(x)
     elif numpy.ndim(x) == 1:
         self.n = len(x)
         self.nx = 1
         raise pyobs.PyobsError(f'Unexpected x')
     if len(self.v) != self.nx:
         raise pyobs.PyobsError(f'Unexpected x')
     self.x = numpy.reshape(x, (self.n, self.nx))
     self.W = numpy.array(W)
     self.f = f
     self.df = df
     if f.__code__.co_varnames != df.__code__.co_varnames:
         raise pyobs.PyobsError(
             f'Unexpected f and df: varnames do not match')
     self.pars = []
     for vn in f.__code__.co_varnames:
         if not vn in self.v:
     self.np = len(self.pars)
     self.e = numpy.zeros((self.n, ), dtype=numpy.float64)
     self.de = numpy.zeros((self.n, self.np), dtype=numpy.float64)
     self.p = [0.0] * self.np
Пример #7
 def __call__(self, y):
     if len(y) != self.n:
         raise pyobs.PyobsError(
             f'Unexpected length of observable {len(y)} w.r.t. x-axis {self.n}'
     if numpy.shape(self.W)[0] != self.n:
         raise pyobs.PyobsError(
             f'Unexpected size of W matrix {numpy.shape(self.W)} w.r.t. x-axis {self.n}'
     for i in range(self.n):
         self.e[i] = self.f(*self.x[i, :], *self.p) - y[i]
     return self.e @ self.W @ self.e
Пример #8
 def __init__(self, x, W, f, df, v='x'):
     if numpy.ndim(W) == 1:
         r = len(W)
         W = numpy.diag(W)
     elif numpy.ndim(W) == 2:
         [r, c] = numpy.shape(W)
         if r != c:
             raise pyobs.PyobsError(f'Rectangular W matrix, must be square')
         raise pyobs.PyobsError(f'Unexpected size of W matrix')
     tmp = v.rsplit(',')
     self.csq = {0: chisquare(x, W, f, df, tmp)}
     self.pdict = {}
     for i in range(len(self.csq[0].pars)):
         self.pdict[self.csq[0].pars[i]] = i
Пример #9
    def __init__(self, orig=None, description='unknown'):
        if orig is None:
            pyobs.check_type(description, 'text', str)
            self.description = description
            self.www = [
            self.shape = []
            self.size = 0
            self.mean = []
            self.ename = []
            self.delta = {}
            self.cdata = {}
            if isinstance(orig, observable):
                self.description = orig.description
                self.www = orig.www
                self.shape = orig.shape
                self.size = numpy.prod(self.shape)
                self.mean = numpy.array(orig.mean)  # or orig.mean.copy()

                self.ename = [e for e in orig.ename]
                self.delta = {}
                for key in orig.delta:
                    self.delta[key] = orig.delta[key].copy()

                self.cdata = {}
                for key in orig.cdata:
                    self.cdata[key] = cdata(orig.cdata[key].cov)
                raise pyobs.PyobsError('Unexpected orig argument')
Пример #10
 def __mul__(self, y):
     if isinstance(y, observable):
         if self.shape == y.shape:
             g0 = pyobs.gradient(lambda x: x * y.mean,
             g1 = pyobs.gradient(lambda x: self.mean * x,
         elif self.shape == (1, ):
             g0 = pyobs.gradient(lambda x: x * y.mean,
             g1 = pyobs.gradient(lambda x: self.mean * x,
         elif y.shape == (1, ):
             g0 = pyobs.gradient(lambda x: x * y.mean,
             g1 = pyobs.gradient(lambda x: self.mean * x,
             raise pyobs.PyobsError('Shape mismatch, cannot multiply')
         return pyobs.derobs([self, y], self.mean * y.mean, [g0, g1])
         # if gradient below was 'full' it would allow scalar_obs * array([4,5,6])
         # which would create a vector obs. right now that generates an error
         # but is faster for large gradients
         g0 = pyobs.gradient(lambda x: x * y, self.mean, gtype='diag')
         return pyobs.derobs([self], self.mean * y, [g0])
Пример #11
 def slice(self, *args):
     na = len(args)
     if na != len(self.shape):
         raise pyobs.PyobsError('Unexpected argument')
     f = lambda x: pyobs.slice_ndarray(x, *args)
     g0 = pyobs.gradient(f, self.mean, gtype='slice')
     return pyobs.derobs([self], f(self.mean), [g0])
Пример #12
def inv(x):
    Compute the inverse of a square matrix

       x (obs): Matrix to be inverted
       obs: (Multiplicative) inverse of `x`
       >>> from pyobs.linalg import inv
       >>> a = pyobs.observable()
       >>> a.create('A',data,shape=(2,2))
       >>> ainv = pyobs.inv(a)
       If the number of dimensions is bigger than 2, 
       `x` is treated as a stack of matrices residing 
       in the last two indexes and broadcast accordingly.
    if (x.shape[-2] != x.shape[-1]):  # pragma: no cover
        raise pyobs.PyobsError(
            f'Unexpected matrix for inverse with shape={x.shape}')
    mean = numpy.linalg.inv(x.mean)
    # V Vinv = 1,   dV Vinv + V dVinv = 0 ,  dVinv = - Vinv dV Vinv
    g = pyobs.gradient(lambda x: -mean @ x @ mean, x.mean)
    return pyobs.derobs([x], mean, [g])
Пример #13
def load(fname):
    tmp = json.loads(gzip.open(fname, 'r').read())
    res = pyobs.observable(description=tmp['description'])
    res.www = list(tmp['www'])

    res.mean = numpy.array(tmp['mean'])
    res.shape = tuple(tmp['shape'])
    res.ename = list(tmp['ename'])
    for key in tmp['delta']:
        if (type(tmp['delta'][key]['idx']) is str):
            h = regex.split(tmp['delta'][key]['idx'])
            if h[0]!='range': # pragma: no cover
                raise pyobs.PyobsError('Unexpected idx')
            res.delta[key] = pyobs.core.data.delta(tmp['delta'][key]['mask'],range(int(h[1]),int(h[2]),int(h[3])),lat=tmp['delta'][key]['lat'])
            res.delta[key] = pyobs.core.data.delta(tmp['delta'][key]['mask'],tmp['delta'][key]['idx'],lat=tmp['delta'][key]['lat'])
        res.delta[key].delta = numpy.array(tmp['delta'][key]['delta'])
    for key in tmp['cdata']:
        res.cdata[key] = pyobs.core.cdata.cdata(tmp['cdata'][key]['cov'])
    return res
Пример #14
def eig(x):
    Computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square matrix observable.
    The central values are computed using the `numpy.linalg.eig` routine.

       x (obs): a symmetric square matrix (observable) with dimensions `NxN`

       list of obs: a vector observable with the eigenvalues and a matrix observable whose columns correspond to the eigenvectors

       The error on the eigenvectors is based on the assumption that the input
       matrix is symmetric. If this not respected, the returned eigenvectors will
       have under or over-estimated errors.
       >>> [w,v] = pyobs.linalg.eig(mat)
       >>> for i in range(N):
       >>>     # check eigenvalue equation  
       >>>     print(mat @ v[:,i] - v[:,i] * w[i])
    if len(x.shape) > 2:  # pragma: no cover
        raise pyobs.PyobsError(
            f'Unexpected matrix with shape {x.shape}; only 2-D arrays are supported'
    if numpy.any(numpy.fabs(x.mean - x.mean.T) > 1e-10):  # pragma: no cover
        raise pyobs.PyobsError(f'Unexpected non-symmetric matrix: user eigLR')

    [w, v] = numpy.linalg.eig(x.mean)

    # d l_n = (v_n, dA v_n)
    gw = pyobs.gradient(lambda x: numpy.diag(v.T @ x @ v), x.mean)

    # d v_n = sum_{m \neq n} (v_m, dA v_n) / (l_n - l_m) v_m
    def gradv(y):
        tmp = v.T @ y @ v
        h = []
        for m in range(x.shape[0]):
            h.append((w != w[m]) * 1.0 / (w - w[m] + 1e-16))
        h = numpy.array(h)
        return v @ (tmp * h)

    gv = pyobs.gradient(gradv, x.mean)
    return [pyobs.derobs([x], w, [gw]), pyobs.derobs([x], v, [gv])]
Пример #15
def save(fname, *args):
    Save data to disk. 

       name (str): string with the destination (path+filename). To select
       the file format the user must provide one file extension among 
       `.pyobs` (default) and `.json.gz`.
       args : data to save (see below)

       Available output formats:

       * pyobs: the default binary format, with automatic checksums
         for file corruptions and fast read/write speed. It is based
         on the `bison <https://mbruno46.github.io/bison/>`_ file 
         format. `args` can be an arbitrary sequence of python basic
         types, numpy arrays and observables. (check the bison 
         documentation for more information).

       * json.gz: apart from the compression with gunzip, the file 
         is a plain text file generated with json format, for easy 
         human readability and compatibility with other programming 
         languages (json format is widely supported). Currently this
         format supports only a single observable.

       >>> obsA = pyobs.observable('obsA')
       >>> obsA.create('A',data)
       >>> pyobs.save('~/analysis/obsA.json.gz', obsA)
    if os.path.isfile(fname) is True:
        raise pyobs.PyobsError(f'File {fname} already exists')

    if '.pyobs' in fname:
        fmt = default
    elif '.json.gz' in fname:
        fmt = json
        if len(args) > 1 or not isinstance(args[0], pyobs.observable):
            raise pyobs.PyobsError(
                f'json file format supports only single observable')
        raise pyobs.PyobsError(f'Format not supported')

    fmt.save(fname, *args)
Пример #16
    def __init__(self, g, x0=None, gtype='full'):
        if not callable(g):
            (self.Na, self.Ni) = numpy.shape(g)
            self.gtype = 'full'
            self.grad = g

        self.Na = numpy.size(g(x0))
        self.Ni = numpy.size(x0)
        self.gtype = gtype

        if gtype is 'full':
            gsh = (self.Na, self.Ni)
        elif gtype is 'diag':
            gsh = self.Na
            if self.Na != self.Ni:
                raise pyobs.PyobsError('diagonal gradient error')
        elif gtype is 'slice':
            gsh = self.Na
        elif gtype is 'extend':
            gsh = self.Ni
            raise pyobs.PyobsError('gradient error')

        self.grad = numpy.zeros(gsh, dtype=numpy.float64)

        if gtype is 'full':
            dx = numpy.zeros(self.Ni)
            for i in range(self.Ni):
                dx[i] = 1.0
                self.grad[:, i] = numpy.reshape(g(numpy.reshape(dx, x0.shape)),
                dx[i] = 0.0
        elif gtype is 'diag':
            self.grad = g(numpy.ones(x0.shape)).flatten()
        elif gtype is 'slice':
            self.grad = numpy.reshape(
                g(numpy.arange(self.Ni).reshape(x0.shape)), self.Na)
        elif gtype is 'extend':
            self.grad = numpy.nonzero(g(numpy.ones(x0.shape)).flatten())[0]
Пример #17
 def __getitem__(self, args):
     if isinstance(args,
                   (int, numpy.int32, numpy.int64, slice, numpy.ndarray)):
         args = [args]
     na = len(args)
     if na != len(self.shape):
         raise pyobs.PyobsError('Unexpected argument')
     if self.mean[tuple(args)].size == 1:
         f = lambda x: numpy.reshape(x[tuple(args)], (1, ))
         f = lambda x: x[tuple(args)]
     g0 = pyobs.gradient(f, self.mean, gtype='slice')
     return pyobs.derobs([self], f(self.mean), [g0])
Пример #18
    def __call__(self, yobs, p0=None, min_search=None):
        if len(self.csq) > 1:
            pyobs.check_type(yobs, 'yobs', list)
            if isinstance(yobs, pyobs.observable):
                yobs = [yobs]
        if len(yobs) != len(self.csq):
            raise pyobs.PyobsError(
                f'Unexpected number of observables for {len(self.csq)} fits')
        if p0 is None:
            p0 = [1.0] * len(self.pdict)
        if min_search is None:
            min_search = lm

        def csq(p0):
            res = 0.0
            for i in range(len(yobs)):
                self.csq[i].set_pars(self.pdict, p0)
                res += self.csq[i](yobs[i].mean)
            return res

        dcsq = lambda x: sum([
            self.csq[i].grad(yobs[i].mean, self.pdict)
            for i in range(len(yobs))
        ddcsq = lambda x: sum([
            self.csq[i].hess(yobs[i].mean, self.pdict)
            for i in range(len(yobs))

        t0 = time()
        res = min_search(csq, p0, jac=dcsq, hess=ddcsq)

        # properly create gradients
        H = self.csq[0].Hmat(self.pdict, res.x)
        for i in range(1, len(yobs)):
            H += self.csq[i].Hmat(self.pdict, res.x)
        Hinv = numpy.linalg.inv(H)

        g = []
        for i in range(len(yobs)):
            tmp = self.csq[i].gvec(self.pdict, res.x)
            g.append(pyobs.gradient(Hinv @ tmp))

        if pyobs.is_verbose('mfit.run') or pyobs.is_verbose('mfit'):
            print(f'chisquare = {res.fun}')
            print(f'minimizer iterations = {res.nit}')
            print(f'minimizer status: {res.message}')
            print(f'mfit.run executed in {time()-t0:g} secs')
        return pyobs.derobs(yobs, res.x, g)
Пример #19
    def eval(self, x, pdict, p0):
        if numpy.ndim(x) == 2:
            (n, nx) = numpy.shape(x)
        elif numpy.ndim(x) == 1:
            n = len(x)
            nx = 1
        elif numpy.ndim(x) == 0:
            n = 1
            nx = 1
            raise pyobs.PyobsError(f'Unexpected x')
        x = numpy.reshape(x, (n, nx))
        res = numpy.zeros((n, len(pdict)))

        self.set_pars(pdict, p0)
        new_mean = numpy.array([self.f(*x[i, :], *self.p) for i in range(n)])
        g = numpy.array([self.df(*x[i, :], *self.p)
                         for i in range(n)])  # N x Na
        for pn in self.pars:
            a = pdict[pn]
            i = self.pars.index(pn)
            res[:, a] = g[:, i]
        return [new_mean, res]
Пример #20
    def eval(self, xax, pars):
        Evaluates the function on a list of coordinates using the parameters
        obtained from a :math:`\chi^2` minimization.
           xax (array,list of arrays) : the coordinates :math:`x_i^\mu` where 
              the function must be evaluated. For combined fits, a list of 
              arrays must be passed, one for each fit.
           pars (obs) : the observable returned by calling this class
           list of obs : observables corresponding to the functions evaluated 
           at the coordinates `xax`.
           >>> fit1 = mfit(xax,W,f,df)
           >>> pars = fit1(yobs1)
           >>> print(pars)
           0.925(35)    2.050(19)
           >>> xax = numpy.arange(0,10,0.2)
           >>> yeval = fit1.eval(xax, pars)

        if not type(xax) is list:
            xax = [xax]
        pyobs.check_type(pars, 'pars', pyobs.observable)
        N = len(xax)
        if N != len(self.csq):
            raise pyobs.PyobsError(
                f'Coordinates and Paramters do not match number of internal functions'
        out = []
        for ic in self.csq:
            [m, g] = self.csq[ic].eval(xax[ic], self.pdict, pars.mean)
            out.append(pyobs.derobs([pars], m, [pyobs.gradient(g)]))
        return out
Пример #21
def derobs(inps, mean, grads, description=None):
    t0 = time()
    pyobs.check_type(inps, 'inps', list)
    pyobs.check_type(mean, 'mean', numpy.ndarray, int, float, numpy.float32,
    pyobs.check_type(grads, 'grads', list)
    if len(inps) != len(grads):
        raise pyobs.PyobsError('Incompatible inps and grads')
    if description is None:
        description = ', '.join(set([i.description for i in inps]))
    res = pyobs.observable(description=description)

    allkeys = []
    for i in inps:
        for dn in i.delta:
            if not dn in allkeys:

    for key in allkeys:
        new_idx = []
        new_mask = []
        lat = None
        for i in range(len(inps)):
            if key in inps[i].delta:
                data = inps[i].delta[key]
                h = grads[i].get_mask(data.mask)
                if not h is None:
                    new_mask += h
                    if not new_idx:
                        new_idx = data.idx
                        new_idx = merge_idx(new_idx, data.idx)
                    if lat is None:
                        lat = data.lat
                        if numpy.any(lat != data.lat):  # pragma: no cover
                            raise pyobs.PyobsError(
                                f'Unexpected lattice size for master fields with same tag'
        if len(new_mask) > 0:
            res.delta[key] = delta(list(set(new_mask)), new_idx, lat=lat)
            for i in range(len(inps)):
                if key in inps[i].delta:
                    res.delta[key].axpy(grads[i], inps[i].delta[key])

    res.ename = []
    for key in res.delta:
        name = key.split(':')[0]
        if not name in res.ename:

    res.cdata = {}
    allkeys = []
    for i in inps:
        for cd in i.cdata:
            if not cd in allkeys:
    for key in allkeys:
        for i in range(len(inps)):
            if key in inps[i].cdata:
                if not key in res.cdata:
                    res.cdata[key] = cdata(numpy.zeros(res.size))
                res.cdata[key].axpy(grads[i], inps[i].cdata[key])

    if pyobs.is_verbose('derobs'):
        print(f'derobs executed in {time()-t0:g} secs')
    return res
Пример #22
 def assign(self, submask, rd):
     if len(submask) != len(rd.mask):
         raise pyobs.PyobsError('Dimensions do not match in assignment')
     a = numpy.nonzero(numpy.in1d(self.mask, submask))[0]
     self.delta[a, :] = rd.delta
Пример #23
def eigLR(x):
    Computes the eigenvalues and the left and right eigenvectors of a 
    square matrix observable. The central values are computed using 
    the `numpy.linalg.eig` routine.

       x (obs): a square matrix (observable) with dimensions `NxN`; 

       list of obs: a vector observable with the eigenvalues and two 
       matrix observables whose columns correspond to the right and 
       left eigenvectors respectively.

       This input matrix is not expected to be symmetric. If it is the 
       usage of `eig` is recommended for better performance.
       >>> [l,v,w] = pyobs.linalg.eigLR(mat)
       >>> for i in range(N):
       >>>     # check eigenvalue equation  
       >>>     print(mat @ v[:,i] - v[:,i] * l[i])
       >>>     print(w[:,i] @ mat - w[:,i] * l[i])
    if len(x.shape) > 2:  # pragma: no cover
        raise pyobs.PyobsError(
            f'Unexpected matrix with shape {x.shape}; only 2-D arrays are supported'

    # left and right eigenvectors
    [l, v] = numpy.linalg.eig(x.mean)
    [l, w] = numpy.linalg.eig(x.mean.T)

    # d l_n = (w_n, dA v_n) / (w_n, v_n)
    gl = pyobs.gradient(
        lambda x: numpy.diag(w.T @ x @ v) / numpy.diag(w.T @ v), x.mean)

    # d v_n = sum_{m \neq n} (w_m, dA v_n) / (l_n - l_m) w_m
    def gradv(y):
        tmp = w.T @ y @ v
        gv = numpy.zeros(x.shape)
        for n in range(x.shape[0]):
            for m in range(x.shape[1]):
                if n != m:
                    gv[:, n] += tmp[m, n] / (l[n] - l[m]) * w[:, m]
        return gv

    gv = pyobs.gradient(gradv, x.mean)

    # d w_n = sum_{m \neq n} (v_m, dA^T w_n) / (l_n - l_m) v_m
    def gradw(y):
        tmp = v.T @ y.T @ w
        gw = numpy.zeros(x.shape)
        for n in range(x.shape[0]):
            for m in range(x.shape[1]):
                if n != m:
                    gw[:, n] += tmp[m, n] / (l[n] - l[m]) * v[:, m]
        return gw

    gw = pyobs.gradient(gradw, x.mean)
    return [
        pyobs.derobs([x], l, [gl]),
        pyobs.derobs([x], v, [gv]),
        pyobs.derobs([x], w, [gw])
Пример #24
    def create(self,
               shape=(1, ),
        Create an observable
           ename (str): label of the ensemble
           data (array, list of arrays): the data generated from a single 
              or multiple replica
           icnfg (array of ints or list of arrays of ints, optional): indices 
              of the configurations corresponding to data; if not passed the 
              measurements are assumed to be contiguous
           rname (str or list of str, optional): identifier of the replica; if 
              not passed integers from 0 are automatically assigned
           shape (tuple, optional): shape of the observable, data must be passed accordingly
           lat (list of ints, optional): the size of each dimension of the master-field;
              if passed data is assumed to be obtained from observables measured at different
              sites and `icnfg` is re-interpreted as the index labeling the sites; if `icnfg`
              is not passed data is assumed to be contiguous on all sites.
           For data and icnfg array can mean either a list or a 1-D numpy.array.
           If the observable has already been created, calling create again will add
           a new replica to the same ensemble.
           >>> data = [0.43, 0.42, ... ] # a scalar observable
           >>> a = pyobs.observable(description='test')
           >>> a.create('EnsembleA',data)

           >>> data0 = [0.43,0.42, ... ] # replica 0
           >>> data1 = [0.40,0.41, ... ] # replica 1
           >>> a = pyobs.observable(description='test')
           >>> a.create('EnsembleA',[data0,data1],rname=['r0','r1'])

           >>> data = [0.43, 0.42, 0.44, ... ]
           >>> icnfg= [  10,   11,   13, ... ]
           >>> a = pyobs.observable(description='test')
           >>> a.create('EnsembleA',data,icnfg=icnfg)

           >>> data = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, ... ]
           >>> a = pyobs.observable(description='matrix')
           >>> a.create('EnsembleA',data,shape=(2,2))
           >>> data = [0.43, 0.42, 0.44, ... ]
           >>> lat = [64,32,32,32]
           >>> a = pyobs.observable(description='test-mf')
           >>> a.create('EnsembleA',data,lat=lat)
           >>> data = [0.43, 0.42, 0.44, ... ]
           >>> idx = [0, 2, 4, 6, ...] # measurements on all even points of time-slice
           >>> lat = [32, 32, 32]
           >>> a = pyobs.observable(description='test-mf')
           >>> a.create('EnsembleA',data,lat=lat,icnfg=idx)           
        t0 = time()
        pyobs.check_type(ename, 'ename', str)
        if ':' in ename:
            raise pyobs.PyobsError(
                f'Column symbol not allowed in ename {ename}')
        pyobs.check_type(shape, 'shape', tuple)
        self.shape = shape
        self.size = numpy.prod(shape)
        mask = range(self.size)
        if not ename in self.ename:

        if isinstance(data[0], (list, numpy.ndarray)):
            R = len(data)
        elif isinstance(data[0], (int, float, numpy.float64, numpy.float32)):
            R = 1
            raise pyobs.PyobsError(f'Unexpected data type')

        if R == 1:
            pyobs.check_type(data, f'data', list, numpy.ndarray)
            nc = int(len(data) / self.size)
            if rname is None:
                rname = 0
                pyobs.check_not_type(rname, 'rname', list)
            if icnfg is None:
                icnfg = range(nc)
                pyobs.check_type(icnfg, 'icnfg', list, range)
                pyobs.check_type(icnfg[0], 'icnfg[:]', int, numpy.int32,
                if len(icnfg) * self.size != len(data):
                    raise pyobs.PyobsError(
                        f'Incompatible icnfg and data, for shape={shape}')
            if numpy.size(self.mean) != 0:
                N0 = sum([self.delta[key].n for key in self.delta])
                mean0 = numpy.reshape(self.mean, (self.size, ))
                mean1 = numpy.mean(numpy.reshape(data, (nc, self.size)), 0)
                self.mean = (N0 * mean0 + nc * mean1) / (N0 + nc)
                shift = nc * (mean0 - mean1) / (N0 + nc)
                for key in self.delta:
                    self.delta[key].delta += shift[:, None]
                self.mean = numpy.mean(numpy.reshape(data, (nc, self.size)), 0)

            key = f'{ename}:{rname}'
            self.delta[key] = delta(mask, icnfg, data, self.mean, lat)
            if numpy.size(self.mean) != 0:
                raise pyobs.PyobsError(
                    'Only a single replica can be added to existing observables'
            for ir in range(R):
                pyobs.check_type(data[ir], f'data[{ir}]', list, numpy.ndarray)
            self.mean = numpy.zeros((self.size, ))
            nt = 0
            for dd in data:
                nc = int(len(dd) / self.size)
                self.mean += numpy.sum(numpy.reshape(dd, (nc, self.size)), 0)
                nt += nc
            self.mean *= 1.0 / float(nt)
            if rname is None:
                rname = range(R)
                pyobs.check_type(rname, 'rname', list)
                if len(rname) != R:
                    raise pyobs.PyobsError('Incompatible rname and data')
            if not icnfg is None:
                pyobs.check_type(icnfg, 'icnfg', list)

            if icnfg is None:
                icnfg = []
                for ir in range(len(data)):
                    nc = int(len(data[ir]) / self.size)
                for ir in range(len(data)):
                    if len(icnfg[ir]) * self.size != len(data[ir]):
                        raise pyobs.PyobsError(
                            f'Incompatible icnfg[{ir}] and data[{ir}], for shape={shape}'
            for ir in range(len(data)):
                key = f'{ename}:{rname[ir]}'
                self.delta[key] = delta(mask, icnfg[ir], data[ir], self.mean,
        self.mean = numpy.reshape(self.mean, self.shape)
        if pyobs.is_verbose('create'):
            print(f'create executed in {time()-t0:g} secs')