def test_analogs(idx, names, expected_shape, expected_values, extension): """Assert markers shape.""" if extension == "csv": arr = Analogs3d.from_csv( ANALOGS_CSV, first_row=5, first_column=2, header=3, prefix=":", idx=idx, names=names, ) elif extension == "c3d": arr = Analogs3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, prefix=".", idx=idx, names=names) else: raise ValueError( f'extension should be "csv", "c3d". You provided {extension}') # test shape np.testing.assert_equal(arr.shape, expected_shape) # test values d = arr[:, 0, int(arr.shape[2] / 2)] np.testing.assert_almost_equal(d, expected_values, decimal=2)
def compare_csv(filename, kind): """Assert analogs's to_csv method.""" idx = [0, 1, 2, 3] out = Path(".") / "temp.csv" if kind == "markers": header = 2 arr_ref, arr = Markers3d(), Markers3d() else: header = 3 arr_ref, arr = Analogs3d(), Analogs3d() # read a csv arr_ref = arr_ref.from_csv(filename, first_row=5, first_column=2, header=header, prefix=":", idx=idx) # write a csv arr_ref.to_csv(out, header=False) # read the generated csv arr = arr.from_csv(out, first_row=0, first_column=0, header=0, prefix=":", idx=idx) out.unlink() a = arr_ref[:, :, 1:100] b = arr[:, :, 1:100] np.testing.assert_equal(a.shape, b.shape) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(a, b, decimal=1)
def __init__(self): self.osim_model = -1 self.output_path = "" self.muscle_length_path = "" # Do a first muscle analysis self.data_of_the_subject = Analogs3d(np.ndarray((0, 0))) self.data_template = Analogs3d(np.ndarray((0, 0))) self.analyse_must_be_perform = True self.initialSizes = []
def get_osim_model(self): osim_model, idx, state, all_q, time_frames = get_open_sim_model(self) if self.osim_model != idx: self.osim_model = idx self.output_path = f'template_temp_optim_wrap_{self.osim_model}' self.muscle_length_path = f"{(PROJECT_PATH / subject / self.output_path / f'{mot_file[:-4]}_MuscleAnalysis_Length.sto').resolve()}" # Do a first muscle analysis self.data_of_the_subject = Analogs3d(np.ndarray((0, 0))) self.analyse_must_be_perform = True self.perform_muscle_analysis_derivative(template_model) self.data_template = self.data_of_the_subject self.analyse_must_be_perform = True self.perform_muscle_analysis_derivative(subject_model) # Remember initial sizes # Waitin opensim API to be ready self.initialSizes = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ]) # for now suppose only one wrap # wraps = self.get_wrappings() # for i in range(len(wraps)): # wrapEll = osim.WrapEllipsoid.safeDownCast(wraps[i]) # if wrapEll: # pass # # Waiting for opensim api to be ready # # self.initialSizes.append(np.array(wrapEll.get_dimensions())) # # wrapCyl = osim.WrapCylinder.safeDownCast(wraps[i]) # if wrapCyl: # pass # # Waiting for opensim api to be ready # # self.initialSizes.append(np.array(wrapCyl.get_dimensions())) # # wrapTor = osim.WrapTorus.safeDownCast(wraps[i]) # if wrapTor: # pass # # Waiting for opensim api to be ready # # self.initialSizes.append(np.array(wrapTor.get_dimensions())) # # wrapSphere = osim.WrapSphere.safeDownCast(wraps[i]) # if wrapSphere: # pass # # Waiting for opensim api to be ready # # self.initialSizes.append(np.array(wrapSphere.get_dimensions())) return osim_model
def perform_muscle_analysis_derivative(self, path_model): if self.analyse_must_be_perform: model, idx, state, all_q, time_frames = get_open_sim_model(self) lengths = list() for frame in all_q: state.setQ(frame) model.realizePosition(state) model.equilibrateMuscles(state) muscles = model.getMuscles() lengths.append([ muscles.get(m).getLength(state) for m in range(muscles.getSize()) ]) # muscles.get(0).computeMomentArm(state, corresponding_q) a = Analogs3d(np.array(lengths)) a.get_time_frames = time_frames self.data_of_the_subject = a.derivative().abs()[:, :, 1:-1]
ANALOGS_CSV = DATA_FOLDER / 'analogs.csv' # read 11 first markers of a csv file markers_1 = Markers3d.from_csv(MARKERS_CSV, first_row=5, first_column=2, header=2, idx=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], prefix=':') # mean of 1st and 4th markers of a csv file markers_2 = Markers3d.from_csv(MARKERS_CSV, first_row=5, first_column=2, header=2, idx=[[0, 1, 2], [0, 4, 2]], prefix=':') # get markers by names in a csv file markers_3 = Markers3d.from_csv(MARKERS_CSV, first_row=5, first_column=2, header=2, names=['CLAV_post', 'PSISl', 'STERr', 'CLAV_post'], prefix=':') # write a csv file from a Markers3d types markers_3.to_csv('../Misc/mtest.csv', header=False) # read 4 first markers of a c3d file markers_4 = Markers3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, idx=[0, 1, 2, 3]) # get 5 first analogs of a csv file analogs_1 = Analogs3d.from_csv(ANALOGS_CSV, first_row=5, first_column=2, header=3, idx=[[0, 1, 2], [0, 4, 2]]) # get analogs by names in a c3d file analogs_2 = Analogs3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, prefix=':', names=['Delt_ant.EMG1', 'Subscap.EMG11', 'Triceps.EMG5', 'Gd_dors.IM EMG13']) # write analogs to a csv file without header analogs_2.to_csv('../Misc/atest.csv', header=True)
def test_slicing_data(): c = Analogs3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D) n_frames = c.shape[2] analog1 = "Delt_ant.EMG1" analog2 = "Delt_med.EMG2" analog1_idx = c.get_index(analog1)[0] analog2_idx = c.get_index(analog2)[0] # Accessing all values a = c.copy() # Normal slicing one value c[:, 0, :] = 1.0 np.testing.assert_almost_equal(c[:, 0, :], np.ones((1, 1, n_frames)), decimal=2) # Normal slicing more than one values c[:, 0:2, :] = 2.0 np.testing.assert_almost_equal(c[:, 0:2, :], np.ones((1, 2, n_frames)) * 2, decimal=2) # Normal slicing using list c[:, [0, 1], :] = 3.0 np.testing.assert_almost_equal(c[:, 0:2, :], np.ones((1, 2, n_frames)) * 3, decimal=2) # Normal slicing using tuple c[:, (0, 1), :] = 4.0 np.testing.assert_almost_equal(c[:, 0:2, :], np.ones((1, 2, n_frames)) * 4, decimal=2) # Normal slicing one value part of the time c[:, 0:2, :] = 1.0 # Reset c[:, 0, -10:] = 2.0 np.testing.assert_almost_equal( c[:, 0, :], np.concatenate((np.ones((1, 1, n_frames - 10)) * 1, np.ones( (1, 1, 10)) * 2), axis=2), decimal=2, ) # Normal slicing more than one values c[:, 0:2, -10:] = 3.0 np.testing.assert_almost_equal( c[:, 0:2, :], np.concatenate((np.ones((1, 2, n_frames - 10)) * 1, np.ones( (1, 2, 10)) * 3), axis=2), decimal=2, ) # Normal slicing using list c[:, [0, 1], -10:] = 4.0 np.testing.assert_almost_equal( c[:, 0:2, :], np.concatenate((np.ones((1, 2, n_frames - 10)) * 1, np.ones( (1, 2, 10)) * 4), axis=2), decimal=2, ) # Normal slicing using tuple c[:, (0, 1), -10:] = 4.0 np.testing.assert_almost_equal( c[:, 0:2, :], np.concatenate((np.ones((1, 2, n_frames - 10)) * 1, np.ones( (1, 2, 10)) * 4), axis=2), decimal=2, ) # Slicing the whole data via its name c[analog1] = 1.0 np.testing.assert_almost_equal(c[:, analog1_idx, :], np.ones((1, 1, n_frames)), decimal=2) # Slicing the whole data via their names (list) c[[analog1, analog2]] = 2.0 np.testing.assert_almost_equal(c[:, [analog1_idx, analog2_idx], :], np.ones((1, 2, n_frames)) * 2, decimal=2) # Slicing the whole data via their names (tuple) c[(analog1, analog2)] = 3.0 np.testing.assert_almost_equal(c[:, [analog1_idx, analog2_idx], :], np.ones((1, 2, n_frames)) * 3, decimal=2) # Slicing part of the data c[:, analog1, -10:] = 4.0 np.testing.assert_almost_equal( c[:, analog1_idx, :], np.concatenate((np.ones((1, 1, n_frames - 10)) * 3, np.ones( (1, 1, 10)) * 4), axis=2), decimal=2, ) # Slicing part of the data (list) c[:, 0, :] = 1.0 # Reset c[:, analog1, :] = 1.0 # Reset c[:, analog2, :] = 1.0 # Reset c[:, [0, analog1, analog2], :10] = 5.0 c[:, [0, analog1, analog2], -10:] = 5.0 np.testing.assert_almost_equal( c[:, [0, analog1_idx, analog2_idx], :], np.concatenate( ( np.ones((1, 3, 10)) * 5, np.ones((1, 3, n_frames - 20)), np.ones((1, 3, 10)) * 5, ), axis=2, ), decimal=2, ) # Slicing part of the data (tuple) c[:, (0, analog1, analog2), :10] = 6.0 c[:, (0, analog1, analog2), -10:] = 6.0 np.testing.assert_almost_equal( c[:, [0, analog1_idx, analog2_idx], :], np.concatenate( ( np.ones((1, 3, 10)) * 6, np.ones((1, 3, n_frames - 20)), np.ones((1, 3, 10)) * 6, ), axis=2, ), decimal=2, )
Signal processing examples in pyomeca """ from pathlib import Path import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from pyomeca import Analogs3d # Path to data DATA_FOLDER = Path("..") / "tests" / "data" MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D = DATA_FOLDER / "markers_analogs.c3d" # read an emg from a c3d file a = Analogs3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, names=["Delt_ant.EMG1"]) a.plot() # --- Pyomeca types method implementation # every function described below are implemented as method in pyomeca types and can be chained: amp_, freqs_ = (a.rectify().center().moving_rms( window_size=100).moving_average(window_size=100).moving_median( window_size=100 - 1).low_pass( freq=a.get_rate, order=2, cutoff=5).band_pass(freq=a.get_rate, order=4, cutoff=[ 10, 200 ]).band_stop(freq=a.get_rate, order=4, cutoff=[ 49.9, 50.1 ]).high_pass(freq=a.get_rate, order=4,
def static_optimization_example(model_type, calc_classic=True, calc_lin_max=True, calc_lin_prev=True, calc_cubic=True, force_classic_recompute=False, show_results=True, verbose=True, ipopt_print_level=0, number_of_running=1, time_functions=False): if model_type == "shoulder": dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) setup = { "model": f"{dir_path}/template/arm26.osim", "mot": f"{dir_path}/data/arm26_InverseKinematics.mot", "filter_param": (2, 4), "muscle_physiology": True, "external_load_xml": None, "residual_actuator_xml": None } elif model_type == "walking": dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) setup = { "model": f"{dir_path}template/gait2392.osim", "mot": f"{dir_path}data/gait2392_walk1_ik.mot", "filter_param": (2, 6), "muscle_physiology": True, # "external_load_xml": f"{dir_path}data/gait2392_walk1_grf.xml", "residual_actuator_xml": f"{dir_path}data/gait2392_actuators.xml" } else: raise RuntimeError("Wrong model type selected") model_for_frame = None # Classic static optimization model if calc_classic: model_classic = StaticOptimization( setup["model"], setup["mot"], setup["filter_param"], residual_actuator_xml=setup["residual_actuator_xml"]) model_for_frame = model_classic if not force_classic_recompute and os.path.isfile( f'{dir_path}/{model_type}_data_classic_all.npy'): # If possible load the data since classic is very slow x0_classic_all = np.load( f'{dir_path}/{model_type}_data_classic_all.npy') info_classic = dict() info_classic["obj_val"] = 0 info_classic["g"] = 0 else: x0_classic_all = [] force_classic_recompute = True # optimization options lb_classic, ub_classic = model_classic.get_bounds() # problem problem_classic = ipopt.problem( n=model_classic.n_actuators, # Nb of variables lb=lb_classic, # Variables lower bounds ub=ub_classic, # Variables upper bounds m=model_classic.n_dof, # Nb of constraints cl=np.zeros(model_classic.n_dof), # Lower bound constraints cu=np.zeros(model_classic.n_dof), # Upper bound constraints problem_obj=model_classic, # Class that defines the problem ) problem_classic.addOption("tol", 1e-7) problem_classic.addOption("print_level", ipopt_print_level) n_frames = int(model_classic.n_frame) # linPrev static optimization model if calc_lin_prev: model_lin_prev = LinPrev( setup["model"], setup["mot"], setup["filter_param"], muscle_physiology=setup["muscle_physiology"], residual_actuator_xml=setup["residual_actuator_xml"]) # optimization options lb_lin_prev, ub_lin_prev = model_lin_prev.get_bounds() # problem problem_lin_prev = ipopt.problem( n=model_lin_prev.n_actuators, # Nb of variables lb=lb_lin_prev, # Variables lower bounds ub=ub_lin_prev, # Variables upper bounds m=model_lin_prev.n_dof, # Nb of constraints cl=np.zeros(model_lin_prev.n_dof), # Lower bound constraints cu=np.zeros(model_lin_prev.n_dof), # Upper bound constraints problem_obj=model_lin_prev, # Class that defines the problem ) problem_lin_prev.addOption("tol", 1e-7) problem_lin_prev.addOption("print_level", ipopt_print_level) model_for_frame = model_lin_prev # LinMax static optimization model if calc_lin_max: model_lin_max = LinMax( setup["model"], setup["mot"], setup["filter_param"], muscle_physiology=setup["muscle_physiology"], residual_actuator_xml=setup["residual_actuator_xml"]) # optimization options lb_lin_max, ub_lin_max = model_lin_max.get_bounds() # problem problem_lin_max = ipopt.problem( n=model_lin_max.n_actuators, # Nb of variables lb=lb_lin_max, # Variables lower bounds ub=ub_lin_max, # Variables upper bounds m=model_lin_max.n_dof, # Nb of constraints cl=np.zeros(model_lin_max.n_dof), # Lower bound constraints cu=np.zeros(model_lin_max.n_dof), # Upper bound constraints problem_obj=model_lin_max, # Class that defines the problem ) problem_lin_max.addOption("tol", 1e-7) problem_lin_max.addOption("print_level", ipopt_print_level) model_for_frame = model_lin_max if calc_cubic: # Cubic static optimization model model_cubic = StaticOptimizationCubicSplineConstraints( setup["model"], setup["mot"], setup["filter_param"], residual_actuator_xml=setup["residual_actuator_xml"]) # optimization options lb_cubic, ub_cubic = model_cubic.get_bounds() # problem problem_cubic = ipopt.problem( n=model_cubic.n_actuators, # Nb of variables lb=lb_cubic, # Variables lower bounds ub=ub_cubic, # Variables upper bounds m=model_cubic.n_dof, # Nb of constraints cl=np.zeros(model_cubic.n_dof), # Lower bound constraints cu=np.zeros(model_cubic.n_dof), # Upper bound constraints problem_obj=model_cubic, # Class that defines the problem ) problem_cubic.addOption("tol", 1e-7) problem_cubic.addOption("print_level", ipopt_print_level) model_for_frame = model_cubic if model_for_frame is None: raise RuntimeError('No algorithm was selected') # Prepare running time if time_functions: running_time_classic = np.zeros((number_of_running, )) running_time_lin_max = np.zeros((number_of_running, )) running_time_lin_prev = np.zeros((number_of_running, )) running_time_cubic = np.zeros((number_of_running, )) for n in range(number_of_running): if verbose: print(f"** Passage number {n} **") # set initial guesses if calc_classic: activation_initial_guess_classic = np.zeros( [model_classic.n_actuators]) activations_classic = [] if calc_lin_max: activation_initial_guess_lin_max = np.zeros( [model_lin_max.n_actuators]) activations_lin_max = [] if calc_lin_prev: activation_initial_guess_lin_prev = np.zeros( [model_lin_prev.n_actuators]) + 1 activations_lin_prev = [] if calc_cubic: activation_initial_guess_cubic = np.zeros( [model_cubic.n_actuators]) + 1 activations_cubic = [] for iframe in range(0, int(model_for_frame.n_frame)): if time_functions: start_time = time.time() if verbose: print( f'frame: {iframe} | time: {model_for_frame.get_time(iframe)}' ) # Reference if calc_classic: if force_classic_recompute: try: if time_functions: t = time.time() model_classic.upd_model_kinematics(iframe) x_classic, info_classic = problem_classic.solve( activation_initial_guess_classic) if time_functions: running_time_classic[n] += time.time() - t except RuntimeError: print(f"Error while computing the frame #{iframe}") x0_classic_all.append(x_classic) else: x_classic = x0_classic_all[iframe] # lin_prev optim if calc_lin_prev: try: if time_functions: t = time.time() model_lin_prev.set_previous_activation( activation_initial_guess_lin_prev) model_lin_prev.upd_model_kinematics(iframe) x_lin_prev, info_lin_prev = problem_lin_prev.solve( activation_initial_guess_lin_prev) if time_functions: running_time_lin_prev[n] += time.time() - t except RuntimeError: print(f"Error while computing the frame #{iframe}") # LinMax optim if calc_lin_max: try: if time_functions: t = time.time() model_lin_max.set_previous_activation( activation_initial_guess_lin_max) model_lin_max.upd_model_kinematics(iframe) x_lin_max, info_lin_max = problem_lin_max.solve( activation_initial_guess_lin_max) if time_functions: running_time_lin_max[n] += time.time() - t except RuntimeError: print(f"Error while computing the frame #{iframe}") # cubic optim if calc_cubic: try: if time_functions: t = time.time() model_cubic.upd_model_kinematics(iframe) x_cubic, info_cubic = problem_cubic.solve( activation_initial_guess_cubic) if time_functions: running_time_cubic[n] += time.time() - t except RuntimeError: print(f"Error while computing the frame #{iframe}") # the output is the initial guess for next frame if calc_classic: activation_initial_guess_classic = x_classic activations_classic.append(x_classic) if verbose: print(f'x_classic = {x_classic}') if calc_lin_prev: activation_initial_guess_lin_prev = x_lin_prev activations_lin_prev.append(x_lin_prev) if verbose: print(f'x_lin_prev = {x_lin_prev}') if calc_lin_max: activation_initial_guess_lin_max = x_lin_max activations_lin_max.append(x_lin_max) if verbose: print(f'x_lin_max = {x_lin_max}') if calc_cubic: activation_initial_guess_cubic = x_cubic activations_cubic.append(x_cubic) if verbose: print(f'x_cubic = {x_cubic}') if verbose and calc_classic and calc_lin_prev and calc_lin_max and calc_cubic: print(f'Diff lin_prev = {x_classic - x_lin_prev}') print(f'Diff lin_max = {x_classic - x_lin_max}') print(f'Diff cubic = {x_classic - x_cubic}') if verbose: print('') if verbose: print('') print('') # Save the classic data if calc_classic and force_classic_recompute:'{dir_path}/{model_type}_data_classic_all', x0_classic_all) data = {} if calc_classic: data['classic'] = Analogs3d(np.array(activations_classic)) * 100 if calc_lin_max: data['lin_max'] = Analogs3d(np.array(activations_lin_max)) * 100 if calc_lin_prev: data['lin_prev'] = Analogs3d(np.array(activations_lin_prev)) * 100 if calc_cubic: data['cubic'] = Analogs3d(np.array(activations_cubic)) * 100 # Analyses if calc_classic and calc_lin_prev and calc_lin_max and calc_cubic: if time_functions: # Show total time print("") print("Total time") print(f"classic = {running_time_classic}") print(f"lin_prev = {running_time_lin_prev}") print(f"lin_max = {running_time_lin_max}") print(f"cubic = {running_time_cubic}") print("") print("Mean time per frame") print( f"classic = {running_time_classic.mean()/model_lin_prev.n_frame} ± {np.std(running_time_classic)/model_lin_prev.n_frame}" ) print( f"lin_prev = {running_time_lin_prev.mean()/model_lin_prev.n_frame} ± {np.std(running_time_lin_prev)/model_lin_prev.n_frame}" ) print( f"lin_max = {running_time_lin_max.mean()/model_lin_prev.n_frame} ± {np.std(running_time_lin_max)/model_lin_prev.n_frame}" ) print( f"cubic = {running_time_cubic.mean()/model_lin_prev.n_frame} ± {np.std(running_time_cubic)/model_lin_prev.n_frame}" ) print("") # Compute RMSE if calc_classic: print("") print("RMSE") print( f"SO_lin_max = \t{(data['classic'] - data['lin_max']).rms().squeeze()}" ) print( f"SO_lin_prev = \t{(data['classic'] - data['lin_prev']).rms().squeeze()}" ) print( f"SO_cubic = \t\t{(data['classic'] - data['cubic']).rms().squeeze()}" ) print("") # Peak differences print("") print("Peak differences") max_lin_max, activation_at_max_lin_max = get_peak_differences( data['classic'], data['lin_max']) max_lin_prev, activation_at_max_lin_prev = get_peak_differences( data['classic'], data['lin_prev']) max_cubic, activation_at_max_cubic = get_peak_differences( data['classic'], data['cubic']) print(f"SO_lin_max = \t{max_lin_max} at {activation_at_max_lin_max}") print( f"SO_lin_prev = \t{max_lin_prev} at {activation_at_max_lin_prev}") print(f"SO_cubic = \t{max_cubic} at {activation_at_max_cubic}") print("") # Show the data if show_results: new_prop_cycle = cycler('color', ['r', 'g', 'b', 'k', 'c', 'm']) # Plot 1 # Prepare axes plt.figure() ax = plt.axes() ax.set_title( "Muscle activations generated by the \ndifferent static optimization algorithms" ) ax.set_xlabel("Time (frame)") ax.set_ylabel("Muscle activation (%)") # Prepare legend if calc_classic: data["classic"][:, 0:1, :].plot('k-', ax=ax) if calc_lin_max: data["lin_max"][:, 0:1, :].plot('k--', ax=ax) if calc_lin_prev: data["lin_prev"][:, 0:1, :].plot('k-.', ax=ax) if calc_cubic: data["cubic"][:, 0:1, :].plot('k.-', ax=ax) ax.set_prop_cycle(new_prop_cycle) # Plot actual data legend_name = [] if calc_classic: data["classic"].plot('-', ax=ax) legend_name.append("SO^{Ref}") if calc_lin_max: data["lin_max"].plot('--', ax=ax) legend_name.append("SO^{Lin}_{max}") if calc_lin_prev: data["lin_prev"].plot('-.', ax=ax) legend_name.append("SO^{Lin}_{prev}") if calc_cubic: data["cubic"].plot('.-', ax=ax) legend_name.append("SO^{Spline}") for m in ("Muscle1", "Muscle2", "Muscle3", "Muscle4", "Muscle5", "Muscle6"): legend_name.append(m) ax.legend(legend_name) # Plot 2 if calc_classic: # Prepare axes plt.figure() ax2 = plt.axes() ax2.set_title("Absolute difference between algorithms and SO_ref") ax2.set_xlabel("Time (frame)") ax2.set_ylabel("Absolute difference (%)") # Prepare for legend if calc_lin_max: (data["classic"] - data["lin_max"])[:, 0:1, :].plot('k--', ax=ax2) if calc_lin_prev: (data["classic"] - data["lin_prev"])[:, 0:1, :].plot('k-.', ax=ax2) if calc_cubic: (data["classic"] - data["cubic"])[:, 0:1, :].plot('k-', ax=ax2) ax2.set_prop_cycle(new_prop_cycle) vide = Analogs3d(np.zeros((1, 6, 2)) * np.nan) vide.plot('-', ax=ax2) ax2.set_prop_cycle(new_prop_cycle) # Plot actual data if calc_lin_max: (data["classic"] - data["lin_max"]).plot('--', ax=ax2) if calc_lin_prev: (data["classic"] - data["lin_prev"]).plot('-.', ax=ax2) if calc_cubic: (data["classic"] - data["cubic"]).plot('-', ax=ax2) ax2.legend(legend_name[1:]) # Plot paper (saved at dpi=300) # Prepare axes text_size = 20 plt.figure() ax = plt.axes() ax.set_title( "Muscle activation of the $\it{Biceps'\ long\ head}$\noptimized by the different SO algorithms" ) ax.set_xlabel("Time (second)") ax.set_ylabel("$\it{Biceps'\ long\ head}$ activation (%)") for item in ([ax.title, ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label] + ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(text_size) # Prepare legend t = [ model_for_frame.get_time(i) for i in range(int(model_for_frame.n_frame)) ] if calc_classic: data["classic"][:, 3:4, :].plot('-', x=t, ax=ax, color=[0.7, 0.7, 0.7], linewidth=6) if calc_lin_max: data["lin_max"][:, 3:4, :].plot('k-', x=t, ax=ax) if calc_lin_prev: data["lin_prev"][:, 3:4, :].plot('k--', x=t, ax=ax) if calc_cubic: data["cubic"][:, 3:4, :].plot('k.-', x=t, ax=ax, markersize=5) ax.set_prop_cycle(new_prop_cycle) ax.legend(legend_name[:len(ax.get_lines())]) ax.legend([ r'$SO^{Ref}$', r'$SO^{Lin}_{max}$', r'$SO^{Lin}_{prev}$', r'$SO^{Spline}$' ], prop={'size': text_size}) # plt.savefig('coucou.png', format='png', dpi=300) for item in (ax.get_legend().get_texts()): item.set_fontsize(text_size) # Prepare legend t = [ model_for_frame.get_time(i) for i in range(int(model_for_frame.n_frame)) ] if calc_classic: data["classic"][:, [0], :].plot('-', x=t, ax=ax, color=[0.7, 0.7, 0.7], linewidth=6) if calc_lin_max: data["lin_max"][:, [0], :].plot('k-', x=t, ax=ax) if calc_lin_prev: data["lin_prev"][:, [0], :].plot('k--', x=t, ax=ax) if calc_cubic: data["cubic"][:, [0], :].plot('k.-', x=t, ax=ax, markersize=5) # Show
# get markers by names in a csv file markers_3 = Markers3d.from_csv( MARKERS_CSV, first_row=5, first_column=2, header=2, names=["CLAV_post", "PSISl", "STERr", "CLAV_post"], prefix=":", ) # write a csv file from a Markers3d types markers_3.to_csv("../Misc/mtest.csv", header=False) # read 4 first markers of a c3d file markers_4 = Markers3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, idx=[0, 1, 2, 3]) # get 5 first analogs of a csv file analogs_1 = Analogs3d.from_csv( ANALOGS_CSV, first_row=5, first_column=2, header=3, idx=[[0, 1, 2], [0, 4, 2]] ) # get analogs by names in a c3d file analogs_2 = Analogs3d.from_c3d( MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, prefix=":", names=["Delt_ant.EMG1", "Subscap.EMG11", "Triceps.EMG5", "Gd_dors.IM EMG13"], ) # write analogs to a csv file without header analogs_2.to_csv("../Misc/atest.csv", header=True)