Пример #1
def build_model():
    m = ConcreteModel()
    m.BigM = Suffix(direction=Suffix.LOCAL)

    m.periods_per_year = Param(initialize=4, doc="Quarters per year")
    m.project_life = Param(initialize=15, doc="Years")
    m.time = RangeSet(0,
                      m.periods_per_year * m.project_life - 1,
                      doc="Time periods")
    m.discount_rate = Param(initialize=0.08, doc="8%")
    m.learning_rate = Param(initialize=0.1,
                            doc="Fraction discount for doubling of quantity")

    m.module_setup_time = Param(initialize=1,
                                doc="1 quarter for module transfer")

    def discount_factor(m, t):
        return (1 + m.discount_rate / m.periods_per_year)**(-t /

    xlsx_data = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
    module_sheet = xlsx_data['modules'].set_index('Type')
    m.module_types = Set(initialize=module_sheet.columns.tolist(), )

    def module_base_cost(m, mtype):
        return float(module_sheet[mtype]['Capital Cost [MM$]'])

             doc="Natural gas consumption per module of this type [MMSCF/d]")
    def unit_gas_consumption(m, mtype):
        return float(module_sheet[mtype]['Nat Gas [MMSCF/d]'])

             doc="Gasoline production per module of this type [kBD]")
    def gasoline_production(m, mtype):
        return float(module_sheet[mtype]['Gasoline [kBD]'])

        "Overall conversion of natural gas into gasoline per module of this type [kB/MMSCF]"
    def module_conversion(m, mtype):
        return float(module_sheet[mtype]['Conversion [kB/MMSCF]'])

    site_sheet = xlsx_data['sites'].set_index('Potential site')
    m.potential_sites = Set(initialize=site_sheet.index.tolist())
    m.site_pairs = Set(doc="Pairs of potential sites",
                       initialize=m.potential_sites * m.potential_sites,
                       filter=lambda _, x, y: not x == y)

    def site_x(m, site):
        return float(site_sheet['x'][site])

    def site_y(m, site):
        return float(site_sheet['y'][site])

    well_sheet = xlsx_data['wells'].set_index('Well')
    m.well_clusters = Set(initialize=well_sheet.index.tolist())

    def well_x(m, well):
        return float(well_sheet['x'][well])

    def well_y(m, well):
        return float(well_sheet['y'][well])

    sched_sheet = xlsx_data['well-schedule']
    decay_curve = [1] + [
        3.69 * exp(-1.31 * (t + 1)**0.292) for t in range(m.project_life * 12)
    well_profiles = {
        well: [0 for _ in decay_curve]
        for well in m.well_clusters
    for _, well_info in sched_sheet.iterrows():
        start_time = int(well_info['Month'])
        prod = [0] * start_time + decay_curve[:len(decay_curve) - start_time]
        prod = [x * float(well_info['max prod [MMSCF/d]']) for x in prod]
        current_profile = well_profiles[well_info['well-cluster']]
        well_profiles[well_info['well-cluster']] = [
            val + prod[i] for i, val in enumerate(current_profile)

             doc="Supply of gas from well cluster [MMSCF/day]")
    def gas_supply(m, well, t):
        return sum(well_profiles[well][t * 3:t * 3 + 2]) / 3

    mkt_sheet = xlsx_data['markets'].set_index('Market')
    m.markets = Set(initialize=mkt_sheet.index.tolist())

    def mkt_x(m, mkt):
        return float(mkt_sheet['x'][mkt])

    def mkt_y(m, mkt):
        return float(mkt_sheet['y'][mkt])

    @m.Param(m.markets, doc="Gasoline demand [kBD]")
    def mkt_demand(m, mkt):
        return float(mkt_sheet['demand [kBD]'][mkt])

    m.sources = Set(initialize=m.well_clusters | m.potential_sites)
    m.destinations = Set(initialize=m.potential_sites | m.markets)

    @m.Param(m.sources, m.destinations, doc="Distance [mi]")
    def distance(m, src, dest):
        if src in m.well_clusters:
            src_x = m.well_x[src]
            src_y = m.well_y[src]
            src_x = m.site_x[src]
            src_y = m.site_y[src]
        if dest in m.markets:
            dest_x = m.mkt_x[dest]
            dest_y = m.mkt_y[dest]
            dest_x = m.site_x[dest]
            dest_y = m.site_y[dest]
        return sqrt((src_x - dest_x)**2 + (src_y - dest_y)**2)

    m.num_modules = Var(
        doc="Number of active modules of each type at a site in a period",
        bounds=(0, 50),
    m.modules_transferred = Var(
        "Number of module transfers initiated from one site to another in a period.",
        bounds=(0, 15),
    m.modules_purchased = Var(
        doc="Number of modules of each type purchased for a site in a period",
        bounds=(0, 30),

    m.pipeline_unit_cost = Param(doc="MM$/mile", initialize=2)

    @m.Param(m.time, doc="Module transport cost per mile [M$/100 miles]")
    def module_transport_distance_cost(m, t):
        return 50 * m.discount_factor[t]

    @m.Param(m.time, doc="Module transport cost per unit [MM$/module]")
    def module_transport_unit_cost(m, t):
        return 3 * m.discount_factor[t]

    @m.Param(m.time, doc="Stranded gas price [$/MSCF]")
    def nat_gas_price(m, t):
        return 5 * m.discount_factor[t]

    @m.Param(m.time, doc="Gasoline price [$/gal]")
    def gasoline_price(m, t):
        return 2.5 * m.discount_factor[t]

    @m.Param(m.time, doc="Gasoline transport cost [$/gal/100 miles]")
    def gasoline_tranport_cost(m, t):
        return 0.045 * m.discount_factor[t]

    m.gal_per_bbl = Param(initialize=42, doc="Gallons per barrel")
    m.days_per_period = Param(initialize=90, doc="Days in a production period")

    m.learning_factor = Var(
        doc="Fraction of cost due to economies of mass production",
        bounds=(0, 1),

    def mtype_exists(disj, mtype):
        disj.learning_factor_calc = Constraint(
            expr=m.learning_factor[mtype] == (1 - m.learning_rate)**(
                log(sum(m.modules_purchased[mtype, :, :])) / log(2)))
        m.BigM[disj.learning_factor_calc] = 1
        disj.require_module_purchases = Constraint(
            expr=sum(m.modules_purchased[mtype, :, :]) >= 1)

    def mtype_absent(disj, mtype):
        disj.constant_learning_factor = Constraint(
            expr=m.learning_factor[mtype] == 1)

    def mtype_existence(m, mtype):
        return [m.mtype_exists[mtype], m.mtype_absent[mtype]]

    @m.Expression(m.module_types, m.time, doc="Module unit cost [MM$/module]")
    def module_unit_cost(m, mtype, t):
        return m.module_base_cost[mtype] * m.learning_factor[
            mtype] * m.discount_factor[t]

    m.production = Var(m.potential_sites,
                       doc="Production of gasoline in a time period [kBD]",
                       bounds=(0, 30),
    m.gas_consumption = Var(
        doc="Consumption of natural gas by each module type "
        "at each site in a time period [MMSCF/d]",
        bounds=(0, 250),
    m.gas_flows = Var(
        doc="Flow of gas from a well cluster to a site [MMSCF/d]",
        bounds=(0, 200),
    m.product_flows = Var(
        doc="Product shipments from a site to a market in a period [kBD]",
        bounds=(0, 30),

    @m.Constraint(m.potential_sites, m.module_types, m.time)
    def consumption_capacity(m, site, mtype, t):
        return m.gas_consumption[site, mtype, t] <= (
            m.num_modules[mtype, site, t] * m.unit_gas_consumption[mtype])

    @m.Constraint(m.potential_sites, m.time)
    def production_limit(m, site, t):
        return m.production[site, t] <= sum(
            m.gas_consumption[site, mtype, t] * m.module_conversion[mtype]
            for mtype in m.module_types)

    @m.Expression(m.potential_sites, m.time)
    def capacity(m, site, t):
        return sum(m.num_modules[mtype, site, t] *
                   m.unit_gas_consumption[mtype] * m.module_conversion[mtype]
                   for mtype in m.module_types)

    @m.Constraint(m.potential_sites, m.time)
    def gas_supply_meets_consumption(m, site, t):
        return sum(m.gas_consumption[site, :, t]) == sum(m.gas_flows[:, site,

    @m.Constraint(m.well_clusters, m.time)
    def gas_supply_limit(m, well, t):
        return sum(m.gas_flows[well, site, t]
                   for site in m.potential_sites) <= m.gas_supply[well, t]

    @m.Constraint(m.potential_sites, m.time)
    def gasoline_production_requirement(m, site, t):
        return sum(m.product_flows[site, mkt, t]
                   for mkt in m.markets) == m.production[site, t]

    @m.Constraint(m.potential_sites, m.module_types, m.time)
    def module_balance(m, site, mtype, t):
        if t >= m.module_setup_time:
            modules_added = m.modules_purchased[mtype, site,
                                                t - m.module_setup_time]
            modules_transferred_in = sum(
                m.modules_transferred[mtype, from_site, to_site,
                                      t - m.module_setup_time]
                for from_site, to_site in m.site_pairs if to_site == site)
            modules_added = 0
            modules_transferred_in = 0
        if t >= 1:
            existing_modules = m.num_modules[mtype, site, t - 1]
            existing_modules = 0
        modules_transferred_out = sum(m.modules_transferred[mtype, from_site,
                                                            to_site, t]
                                      for from_site, to_site in m.site_pairs
                                      if from_site == site)

        return m.num_modules[mtype, site,
                             t] == (existing_modules + modules_added +
                                    modules_transferred_in -

    def site_active(disj, site):

    def site_inactive(disj, site):
        disj.no_production = Constraint(expr=sum(m.production[site, :]) == 0)
        disj.no_gas_consumption = Constraint(
            expr=sum(m.gas_consumption[site, :, :]) == 0)
        disj.no_gas_flows = Constraint(expr=sum(m.gas_flows[:, site, :]) == 0)
        disj.no_product_flows = Constraint(
            expr=sum(m.product_flows[site, :, :]) == 0)
        disj.no_modules = Constraint(expr=sum(m.num_modules[:, site, :]) == 0)
        disj.no_modules_transferred = Constraint(expr=sum(
            m.modules_transferred[mtypes, from_site, to_site, t]
            for mtypes in m.module_types for from_site, to_site in m.site_pairs
            for t in m.time if from_site == site or to_site == site) == 0)
        disj.no_modules_purchased = Constraint(expr=sum(
            m.modules_purchased[mtype, site, t] for mtype in m.module_types
            for t in m.time) == 0)

    def site_active_or_not(m, site):
        return [m.site_active[site], m.site_inactive[site]]

    @m.Disjunct(m.well_clusters, m.potential_sites)
    def pipeline_exists(disj, well, site):

    @m.Disjunct(m.well_clusters, m.potential_sites)
    def pipeline_absent(disj, well, site):
        disj.no_natural_gas_flow = Constraint(expr=sum(m.gas_flows[well, site,
                                                       for t in m.time) == 0)

    @m.Disjunction(m.well_clusters, m.potential_sites)
    def pipeline_existence(m, well, site):
        return [m.pipeline_exists[well, site], m.pipeline_absent[well, site]]

    # Objective Function Construnction
    @m.Expression(m.potential_sites, doc="MM$")
    def product_revenue(m, site):
        return sum(m.product_flows[site, mkt, t]  # kBD
                   * 1000  # bbl/kB
                   / 1E6  # $ to MM$
                   * m.days_per_period * m.gasoline_price[t] * m.gal_per_bbl
                   for mkt in m.markets for t in m.time)

    @m.Expression(m.potential_sites, doc="MM$")
    def raw_material_cost(m, site):
        return sum(m.gas_consumption[site, mtype, t] * m.days_per_period /
                   1E6  # $ to MM$
                   * m.nat_gas_price[t] * 1000  # MMSCF to MSCF
                   for mtype in m.module_types for t in m.time)

        doc="Aggregate cost to transport gasoline from a site to market [MM$]")
    def product_transport_cost(m, site, mkt):
        return sum(m.product_flows[site, mkt, t] * m.gal_per_bbl *
                   1000  # bbl/kB
                   / 1E6  # $ to MM$
                   * m.distance[site, mkt] / 100 * m.gasoline_tranport_cost[t]
                   for t in m.time)

    @m.Expression(m.well_clusters, m.potential_sites, doc="MM$")
    def pipeline_construction_cost(m, well, site):
        return (m.pipeline_unit_cost * m.distance[well, site] *
                m.pipeline_exists[well, site].indicator_var)

    # Module transport cost
    @m.Expression(m.site_pairs, doc="MM$")
    def module_relocation_cost(m, from_site, to_site):
        return sum(m.modules_transferred[mtype, from_site, to_site, t] *
                   m.distance[from_site, to_site] / 100 *
                   m.module_transport_distance_cost[t] / 1E3  # M$ to MM$
                   + m.modules_transferred[mtype, from_site, to_site, t] *
                   m.module_transport_unit_cost[t] for mtype in m.module_types
                   for t in m.time)

    @m.Expression(m.potential_sites, doc="MM$")
    def module_purchase_cost(m, site):
        return sum(m.module_unit_cost[mtype, t] *
                   m.modules_purchased[mtype, site, t]
                   for mtype in m.module_types for t in m.time)

    def profit(m):
        return (summation(m.product_revenue) - summation(m.raw_material_cost) -
                summation(m.product_transport_cost) -
                summation(m.pipeline_construction_cost) -
                summation(m.module_relocation_cost) -

    m.neg_profit = Objective(expr=-m.profit)

    # Tightening constraints
    @m.Constraint(doc="Limit total module purchases over project span.")
    def restrict_module_purchases(m):
        return sum(m.modules_purchased[...]) <= 5

    @m.Constraint(m.site_pairs, doc="Limit transfers between any two sites")
    def restrict_module_transfers(m, from_site, to_site):
        return sum(m.modules_transferred[:, from_site, to_site, :]) <= 5

    return m
Пример #2
def build_model(use_cafaro_approximation, num_stages):
    """Build the model."""
    m = ConcreteModel()
    m.hot_process_streams = Set(initialize=['H1', 'H2'])
    m.cold_process_streams = Set(initialize=['C1', 'C2'])
    m.process_streams = m.hot_process_streams | m.cold_process_streams
    m.hot_utility_streams = Set(initialize=['steam'])
    m.cold_utility_streams = Set(initialize=['water'])
    m.hot_streams = Set(
        initialize=m.hot_process_streams | m.hot_utility_streams)
    m.cold_streams = Set(
        initialize=m.cold_process_streams | m.cold_utility_streams)
    m.utility_streams = Set(
        initialize=m.hot_utility_streams | m.cold_utility_streams)
    m.streams = Set(
        initialize=m.process_streams | m.utility_streams)
    m.valid_matches = Set(
        initialize=(m.hot_process_streams * m.cold_streams) |
        (m.hot_utility_streams * m.cold_process_streams),
        doc="Match all hot streams to cold streams, but exclude "
        "matches between hot and cold utilities.")
    # m.EMAT = Param(doc="Exchanger minimum approach temperature [K]",
    #                initialize=1)
    # Unused right now, but could be used for variable bound tightening
    # in the LMTD calculation.

    m.stages = RangeSet(num_stages)

    m.T_in = Param(
        m.streams, doc="Inlet temperature of stream [K]",
        initialize={'H1': 443,
                    'H2': 423,
                    'C1': 293,
                    'C2': 353,
                    'steam': 450,
                    'water': 293})
    m.T_out = Param(
        m.streams, doc="Outlet temperature of stream [K]",
        initialize={'H1': 333,
                    'H2': 303,
                    'C1': 408,
                    'C2': 413,
                    'steam': 450,
                    'water': 313})

    m.heat_exchanged = Var(
        m.valid_matches, m.stages,
        doc="Heat exchanged from hot stream to cold stream in stage [kW]",
        initialize=1, bounds=(0, 5000))

    m.overall_FCp = Param(
        doc="Flow times heat capacity of stream [kW / K]",
        initialize={'H1': 30,
                    'H2': 15,
                    'C1': 20,
                    'C2': 40})
    m.utility_usage = Var(
        doc="Hot or cold utility used [kW]",
        domain=NonNegativeReals, initialize=1, bounds=(0, 5000))
    m.stage_entry_T = Var(
        m.streams, m.stages,
        doc="Temperature of stream at stage entry.",
        bounds=(293, 450)  # TODO set to be equal to min and max temps
    m.stage_exit_T = Var(
        m.streams, m.stages,
        doc="Temperature of stream at stage exit.",
        bounds=(293, 450)  # TODO set to be equal to min and max temps
    # Improve bounds on stage entry and exit temperatures
    for strm, stg in m.process_streams * m.stages:
        m.stage_entry_T[strm, stg].setlb(
            min(value(m.T_in[strm]), value(m.T_out[strm])))
        m.stage_exit_T[strm, stg].setlb(
            min(value(m.T_in[strm]), value(m.T_out[strm])))
        m.stage_entry_T[strm, stg].setub(
            max(value(m.T_in[strm]), value(m.T_out[strm])))
        m.stage_exit_T[strm, stg].setub(
            max(value(m.T_in[strm]), value(m.T_out[strm])))
    for strm, stg in m.utility_streams * m.stages:
        _fix_and_bound(m.stage_entry_T[strm, stg], m.T_in[strm])
        _fix_and_bound(m.stage_exit_T[strm, stg], m.T_out[strm])
    for strm in m.hot_process_streams:
        _fix_and_bound(m.stage_entry_T[strm, 1], m.T_in[strm])
        _fix_and_bound(m.stage_exit_T[strm, num_stages], m.T_out[strm])
    for strm in m.cold_process_streams:
        _fix_and_bound(m.stage_exit_T[strm, 1], m.T_out[strm])
        _fix_and_bound(m.stage_entry_T[strm, num_stages], m.T_in[strm])

    m.BigM = Suffix(direction=Suffix.LOCAL)

    m.utility_unit_cost = Param(
        doc="Annual unit cost of utilities [$/kW]",
        initialize={'steam': 80, 'water': 20})

    m.module_sizes = Set(initialize=[10, 50, 100])
    m.max_num_modules = Param(m.module_sizes, initialize={
        # 5: 100,
        10: 50,
        50: 10,
        100: 5,
        # 250: 2
    }, doc="maximum number of each module size available.")

    m.exchanger_fixed_unit_cost = Param(
        m.valid_matches, default=2000)
    m.exchanger_area_cost_factor = Param(
        m.valid_matches, default=1000,
            ('steam', cold): 1200
            for cold in m.cold_process_streams},
        doc="1200 for heaters. 1000 for all other exchangers.")
    m.area_cost_exponent = Param(default=0.6)

    if use_cafaro_approximation:
        k, b = calculate_cafaro_coefficients(10, 500, m.area_cost_exponent)
        m.cafaro_k = Param(default=k)
        m.cafaro_b = Param(default=b)

    @m.Param(m.valid_matches, m.module_sizes,
             doc="Area cost factor for modular exchangers.")
    def module_area_cost_factor(m, hot, cold, area):
        if hot == 'steam':
            return 1300
            return 1100

    m.module_fixed_unit_cost = Param(default=0)
    m.module_area_cost_exponent = Param(default=0.6)

    @m.Param(m.valid_matches, m.module_sizes,
             doc="Cost of a module with a particular area.")
    def module_area_cost(m, hot, cold, area):
        return (m.module_area_cost_factor[hot, cold, area]
                * area ** m.module_area_cost_exponent)

    m.U = Param(
            ('steam', cold): 1.2
            for cold in m.cold_process_streams},
        doc="Overall heat transfer coefficient."
        "1.2 for heaters. 0.8 for everything else.")

    m.exchanger_hot_side_approach_T = Var(
        m.valid_matches, m.stages,
        doc="Temperature difference between the hot stream inlet and cold "
        "stream outlet of the exchanger.",
        bounds=(0.1, 500), initialize=10
    m.exchanger_cold_side_approach_T = Var(
        m.valid_matches, m.stages,
        doc="Temperature difference between the hot stream outlet and cold "
        "stream inlet of the exchanger.",
        bounds=(0.1, 500), initialize=10
    m.LMTD = Var(
        m.valid_matches, m.stages,
        doc="Log mean temperature difference across the exchanger.",
        bounds=(1, 500), initialize=10
    # Improve LMTD bounds based on T values
    for hot, cold, stg in m.valid_matches * m.stages:
        hot_side_dT_LB = max(0, value(
            m.stage_entry_T[hot, stg].lb - m.stage_exit_T[cold, stg].ub))
        hot_side_dT_UB = max(0, value(
            m.stage_entry_T[hot, stg].ub - m.stage_exit_T[cold, stg].lb))
        cold_side_dT_LB = max(0, value(
            m.stage_exit_T[hot, stg].lb - m.stage_entry_T[cold, stg].ub))
        cold_side_dT_UB = max(0, value(
            m.stage_exit_T[hot, stg].ub - m.stage_entry_T[cold, stg].lb))
        m.LMTD[hot, cold, stg].setlb((
            hot_side_dT_LB * cold_side_dT_LB * (
                hot_side_dT_LB + cold_side_dT_LB) / 2) ** (1 / 3)
        m.LMTD[hot, cold, stg].setub((
            hot_side_dT_UB * cold_side_dT_UB * (
                hot_side_dT_UB + cold_side_dT_UB) / 2) ** (1 / 3)

    m.exchanger_fixed_cost = Var(
        m.stages, m.valid_matches,
        doc="Fixed cost for an exchanger between a hot and cold stream.",
        domain=NonNegativeReals, bounds=(0, 1E5), initialize=0)

    m.exchanger_area = Var(
        m.stages, m.valid_matches,
        doc="Area for an exchanger between a hot and cold stream.",
        domain=NonNegativeReals, bounds=(0, 500), initialize=5)
    m.exchanger_area_cost = Var(
        m.stages, m.valid_matches,
        doc="Capital cost contribution from exchanger area.",
        domain=NonNegativeReals, bounds=(0, 1E5), initialize=1000)

    def overall_hot_stream_heat_balance(m, strm):
        return (m.T_in[strm] - m.T_out[strm]) * m.overall_FCp[strm] == (
            sum(m.heat_exchanged[strm, cold, stg]
                for cold in m.cold_streams for stg in m.stages))

    def overall_cold_stream_heat_balance(m, strm):
        return (m.T_out[strm] - m.T_in[strm]) * m.overall_FCp[strm] == (
            sum(m.heat_exchanged[hot, strm, stg]
                for hot in m.hot_streams for stg in m.stages))

    def overall_utility_stream_usage(m, strm):
        return m.utility_usage[strm] == (
            sum(m.heat_exchanged[hot, strm, stg]
                for hot in m.hot_process_streams
                for stg in m.stages
                ) if strm in m.cold_utility_streams else 0 +
            sum(m.heat_exchanged[strm, cold, stg]
                for cold in m.cold_process_streams
                for stg in m.stages
                ) if strm in m.hot_utility_streams else 0

    @m.Constraint(m.stages, m.hot_process_streams,
                  doc="Hot side overall heat balance for a stage.")
    def hot_stage_overall_heat_balance(m, stg, strm):
        return ((m.stage_entry_T[strm, stg] - m.stage_exit_T[strm, stg])
                * m.overall_FCp[strm]) == sum(
            m.heat_exchanged[strm, cold, stg]
            for cold in m.cold_streams)

    @m.Constraint(m.stages, m.cold_process_streams,
                  doc="Cold side overall heat balance for a stage.")
    def cold_stage_overall_heat_balance(m, stg, strm):
        return ((m.stage_exit_T[strm, stg] - m.stage_entry_T[strm, stg])
                * m.overall_FCp[strm]) == sum(
            m.heat_exchanged[hot, strm, stg]
            for hot in m.hot_streams)

    @m.Constraint(m.stages, m.hot_process_streams)
    def hot_stream_monotonic_T_decrease(m, stg, strm):
        return m.stage_exit_T[strm, stg] <= m.stage_entry_T[strm, stg]

    @m.Constraint(m.stages, m.cold_process_streams)
    def cold_stream_monotonic_T_increase(m, stg, strm):
        return m.stage_exit_T[strm, stg] >= m.stage_entry_T[strm, stg]

    @m.Constraint(m.stages, m.hot_process_streams)
    def hot_stream_stage_T_link(m, stg, strm):
        return (
            m.stage_exit_T[strm, stg] == m.stage_entry_T[strm, stg + 1]
        ) if stg < num_stages else Constraint.NoConstraint

    @m.Constraint(m.stages, m.cold_process_streams)
    def cold_stream_stage_T_link(m, stg, strm):
        return (
            m.stage_entry_T[strm, stg] == m.stage_exit_T[strm, stg + 1]
        ) if stg < num_stages else Constraint.NoConstraint

    @m.Expression(m.valid_matches, m.stages)
    def exchanger_capacity(m, hot, cold, stg):
        return m.exchanger_area[stg, hot, cold] * (
            m.U[hot, cold] * (
                m.exchanger_hot_side_approach_T[hot, cold, stg] *
                m.exchanger_cold_side_approach_T[hot, cold, stg] *
                (m.exchanger_hot_side_approach_T[hot, cold, stg] +
                 m.exchanger_cold_side_approach_T[hot, cold, stg]) / 2
            ) ** (1 / 3))

    def _exchanger_exists(disj, hot, cold, stg):
        disj.indicator_var.value = 1

        # Log mean temperature difference calculation
        disj.LMTD_calc = Constraint(
            doc="Log mean temperature difference",
            expr=m.LMTD[hot, cold, stg] == (
                m.exchanger_hot_side_approach_T[hot, cold, stg] *
                m.exchanger_cold_side_approach_T[hot, cold, stg] *
                (m.exchanger_hot_side_approach_T[hot, cold, stg] +
                 m.exchanger_cold_side_approach_T[hot, cold, stg]) / 2
            ) ** (1 / 3)
        m.BigM[disj.LMTD_calc] = 160

        # disj.MTD_calc = Constraint(
        #     doc="Mean temperature difference",
        #     expr=m.LMTD[hot, cold, stg] <= (
        #         m.exchanger_hot_side_approach_T[hot, cold, stg] +
        #         m.exchanger_cold_side_approach_T[hot, cold, stg]) / 2
        # )

        # Calculation of the approach temperatures
        if hot in m.hot_utility_streams:
            disj.stage_hot_approach_temperature = Constraint(
                expr=m.exchanger_hot_side_approach_T[hot, cold, stg] <=
                m.T_in[hot] - m.stage_exit_T[cold, stg])
            disj.stage_cold_approach_temperature = Constraint(
                expr=m.exchanger_cold_side_approach_T[hot, cold, stg] <=
                m.T_out[hot] - m.stage_entry_T[cold, stg])
        elif cold in m.cold_utility_streams:
            disj.stage_hot_approach_temperature = Constraint(
                expr=m.exchanger_hot_side_approach_T[hot, cold, stg] <=
                m.stage_entry_T[hot, stg] - m.T_out[cold])
            disj.stage_cold_approach_temperature = Constraint(
                expr=m.exchanger_cold_side_approach_T[hot, cold, stg] <=
                m.stage_exit_T[hot, stg] - m.T_in[cold])
            disj.stage_hot_approach_temperature = Constraint(
                expr=m.exchanger_hot_side_approach_T[hot, cold, stg] <=
                m.stage_entry_T[hot, stg]
                - m.stage_exit_T[cold, stg])
            disj.stage_cold_approach_temperature = Constraint(
                expr=m.exchanger_cold_side_approach_T[hot, cold, stg] <=
                m.stage_exit_T[hot, stg]
                - m.stage_entry_T[cold, stg])

    def _exchanger_absent(disj, hot, cold, stg):
        disj.indicator_var.value = 0
        disj.no_match_exchanger_cost = Constraint(
            expr=m.exchanger_area_cost[stg, hot, cold] == 0)
        disj.no_match_exchanger_area = Constraint(
            expr=m.exchanger_area[stg, hot, cold] == 0)
        disj.no_match_exchanger_fixed_cost = Constraint(
            expr=m.exchanger_fixed_cost[stg, hot, cold] == 0)
        disj.no_heat_exchange = Constraint(
            expr=m.heat_exchanged[hot, cold, stg] == 0)

    m.exchanger_exists = Disjunct(
        m.valid_matches, m.stages,
        doc="Disjunct for the presence of an exchanger between a "
        "hot stream and a cold stream at a stage.", rule=_exchanger_exists)
    m.exchanger_absent = Disjunct(
        m.valid_matches, m.stages,
        doc="Disjunct for the absence of an exchanger between a "
        "hot stream and a cold stream at a stage.", rule=_exchanger_absent)

    def _exchanger_exists_or_absent(m, hot, cold, stg):
        return [m.exchanger_exists[hot, cold, stg],
                m.exchanger_absent[hot, cold, stg]]
    m.exchanger_exists_or_absent = Disjunction(
        m.valid_matches, m.stages,
        doc="Disjunction between presence or absence of an exchanger between "
        "a hot stream and a cold stream at a stage.",
        rule=_exchanger_exists_or_absent, xor=True)
    # Only hot utility matches in first stage and cold utility matches in last
    # stage
    for hot, cold in m.valid_matches:
        if hot not in m.utility_streams:
            m.exchanger_exists[hot, cold, 1].deactivate()
            m.exchanger_absent[hot, cold, 1].indicator_var.fix(1)
        if cold not in m.utility_streams:
            m.exchanger_exists[hot, cold, num_stages].deactivate()
            m.exchanger_absent[hot, cold, num_stages].indicator_var.fix(1)
    # Exclude utility-stream matches in middle stages
    for hot, cold, stg in m.valid_matches * (m.stages - [1, num_stages]):
        if hot in m.utility_streams or cold in m.utility_streams:
            m.exchanger_exists[hot, cold, stg].deactivate()
            m.exchanger_absent[hot, cold, stg].indicator_var.fix(1)

    def utility_cost(m, strm):
        return m.utility_unit_cost[strm] * m.utility_usage[strm]

    m.total_cost = Objective(
        expr=sum(m.utility_cost[strm] for strm in m.utility_streams)
        + sum(m.exchanger_fixed_cost[stg, hot, cold]
              for stg in m.stages
              for hot, cold in m.valid_matches)
        + sum(m.exchanger_area_cost[stg, hot, cold]
              for stg in m.stages
              for hot, cold in m.valid_matches),

    return m