Пример #1
    def get_governance_info_from_request(self, json_params=None):
        # Default values for governance headers.
        actor_id = DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID
        expiry = DEFAULT_EXPIRY
        authtoken = ""
        user_session = get_auth()
        if user_session.get("actor_id", None) and user_session.get("valid_until", 0):
            # Get info from current server session
            # NOTE: Actor id may be inside server session
            actor_id = user_session["actor_id"]
            expiry = str(int(user_session.get("valid_until", 0)) * 1000)
            log.info("Request associated with session actor_id=%s, expiry=%s", actor_id, expiry)

        # Developer access using api_key
        if self.develop_mode and "api_key" in request.args and request.args["api_key"]:
            actor_id = str(request.args["api_key"])
            expiry = str(int(user_session.get("valid_until", 0)) * 1000)
            if 0 < int(expiry) < current_time_millis():
                expiry = str(current_time_millis() + 10000)
                # flask.session["valid_until"] = int(expiry / 1000)
            log.info("Request associated with actor_id=%s, expiry=%s from developer api_key", actor_id, expiry)

        # Check in headers for OAuth2 bearer token
        auth_hdr = request.headers.get("authorization", None)
        if auth_hdr:
            valid, req = self.process.oauth.verify_request([self.process.oauth_scope])
            if valid:
                actor_id = flask.g.oauth_user.get("actor_id", "")
                if actor_id:
                    log.info("Request associated with actor_id=%s, expiry=%s from OAuth token", actor_id, expiry)
                    return actor_id, DEFAULT_EXPIRY

        # Try to find auth token override
        if not authtoken:
            if json_params:
                if "authtoken" in json_params:
                    authtoken = json_params["authtoken"]
                if "authtoken" in request.args:
                    authtoken = str(request.args["authtoken"])

        # Enable temporary authentication tokens to resolve to actor ids
        if authtoken:
                token_info = self.idm_client.check_authentication_token(authtoken, headers=self._get_gateway_headers())
                actor_id = token_info.get("actor_id", actor_id)
                expiry = token_info.get("expiry", expiry)
                log.info("Resolved token %s into actor_id=%s expiry=%s", authtoken, actor_id, expiry)
            except NotFound:
                log.info("Provided authentication token not found: %s", authtoken)
            except Unauthorized:
                log.info("Authentication token expired or invalid: %s", authtoken)
            except Exception as ex:
                log.exception("Problem resolving authentication token")

        return actor_id, expiry
Пример #2
    def get_session(self):
            # Get session based on OAuth token
            auth_hdr = request.headers.get("authorization", None)
            if auth_hdr:
                valid, req = self.oauth.verify_request([self.oauth_scope])
                if valid:
                    actor_id = flask.g.oauth_user.get("actor_id", "")
                    actor_user = self.idm_client.read_actor_identity(actor_id)
                    session_attrs = dict(is_logged_in=True, is_registered=True, attributes={"roles":actor_user.details.contact.roles}, roles={})
                    if actor_user.session:

                    return build_json_response(session_attrs)

            # Support quick reload
            access_token = flask.session.get("access_token", None)
            actor_id = flask.session.get("actor_id", None)
            if access_token and actor_id:
                actor_user = self.idm_client.read_actor_identity(actor_id)
                session_attrs = dict(access_token=access_token, is_logged_in=True, is_registered=True, attributes={"roles":actor_user.details.contact.roles}, roles={})
                if actor_user.session:

                return build_json_response(session_attrs)

            # Get session from Flask session and cookie
            user_info = get_auth()
            if 0 < int(user_info.get("valid_until", 0)) * 1000 < current_time_millis():
                user_info = get_auth()
            return build_json_response(user_info)
        except Exception:
            return build_json_error()
Пример #3
def validate_request(ion_actor_id, expiry):
    # There is no point in looking up an anonymous user - so return default values.
    if ion_actor_id == DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID:
        expiry = DEFAULT_EXPIRY  # Since this is now an anonymous request, there really is no expiry associated with it
        return ion_actor_id, expiry

    idm_client = IdentityManagementServiceProcessClient(process=service_gateway_instance)

        user = idm_client.read_actor_identity(actor_id=ion_actor_id,
                                              headers={"ion-actor-id": service_gateway_instance.name,
                                                       'expiry': DEFAULT_EXPIRY})
    except NotFound as e:
        ion_actor_id = DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID  # If the user isn't found default to anonymous
        expiry = DEFAULT_EXPIRY  # Since this is now an anonymous request, there really is no expiry associated with it
        return ion_actor_id, expiry

    # Need to convert to a float first in order to compare against current time.
        int_expiry = int(expiry)
    except Exception as e:
        raise Inconsistent("Unable to read the expiry value in the request '%s' as an int" % expiry)

    # The user has been validated as being known in the system, so not check the expiry and raise exception if
    # the expiry is not set to 0 and less than the current time.
    if 0 < int_expiry < current_time_millis():
        raise Unauthorized('The certificate associated with the user and expiry time in the request has expired.')

    return ion_actor_id, expiry
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, originating_container, actor_id, requesting_message, token):
        self.originator = originating_container
        self.actor_id = actor_id
        self.requesting_message = requesting_message
        self.token = token

        timeout = CFG.get_safe('container.messaging.timeout.receive', 30)
        self.expire_time = current_time_millis() + (timeout * 1000)  # Set the expire time to current time + timeout in ms
Пример #5
    def _retrieve_attribute_values(self):
        Retrieves the attribute values using the given function and calls

        # determine from_time for the request:
        if self._last_ts is None:
            # This is the very first retrieval request, so pick a from_time
            # that makes sense. At the moment, setting from_time to be current
            # system minus the monitoring rate.
            # TODO: determine actual criteria here.
            from_time = current_time_millis() - self._rate_millis

            # TODO: Also note that the "from_time" parameter for the request was
            # influenced by the RSN case (see CI-OMS interface). Need to see
            # whether it also applies to CGSN so eventually adjustments may be needed.
            # note that int(x) returns a long object if needed.
            from_time = int(self._last_ts) + _DELTA_TIME

        log.debug("%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: attr_ids=%r from_time=%s",
                  self._platform_id, self._attr_ids, from_time)

        retrieved_vals = self._get_attribute_values(self._attr_ids, from_time)

            "%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: _get_attribute_values "
            "for attr_ids=%r and from_time=%s returned %s", self._platform_id,
            self._attr_ids, from_time, retrieved_vals)

        # vals_dict: attributes with non-empty reported values:
        vals_dict = {}
        for attr_id in self._attr_ids:
            if not attr_id in retrieved_vals:
                    "%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: unexpected: "
                    "response does not include requested attribute %r. "
                    "Response is: %s", self._platform_id, attr_id,

            attr_vals = retrieved_vals[attr_id]
            if not attr_vals:
                    "%r: No values reported for attribute=%r from_time=%f",
                    self._platform_id, attr_id, from_time)

            if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                self._debug_values_retrieved(attr_id, attr_vals)

            # ok, include this attribute for the notification:
            vals_dict[attr_id] = attr_vals

        if vals_dict:
Пример #6
    def _retrieve_attribute_values(self):
        Retrieves the attribute values using the given function and calls

        # determine from_time for the request:
        if self._last_ts is None:
            # This is the very first retrieval request, so pick a from_time
            # that makes sense. At the moment, setting from_time to be current
            # system minus the monitoring rate.
            # TODO: determine actual criteria here.
            from_time = current_time_millis() - self._rate_millis

            # TODO: Also note that the "from_time" parameter for the request was
            # influenced by the RSN case (see CI-OMS interface). Need to see
            # whether it also applies to CGSN so eventually adjustments may be needed.
            # note that int(x) returns a long object if needed.
            from_time = int(self._last_ts) + _DELTA_TIME

        log.debug("%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: attr_ids=%r from_time=%s",
                  self._platform_id, self._attr_ids, from_time)

        retrieved_vals = self._get_attribute_values(self._attr_ids, from_time)

        log.debug("%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: _get_attribute_values "
                  "for attr_ids=%r and from_time=%s returned %s",
                  self._attr_ids, from_time, retrieved_vals)

        # vals_dict: attributes with non-empty reported values:
        vals_dict = {}
        for attr_id in self._attr_ids:
            if not attr_id in retrieved_vals:
                log.warn("%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: unexpected: "
                         "response does not include requested attribute %r. "
                         "Response is: %s",
                         self._platform_id, attr_id, retrieved_vals)

            attr_vals = retrieved_vals[attr_id]
            if not attr_vals:
                log.debug("%r: No values reported for attribute=%r from_time=%f",
                          self._platform_id, attr_id, from_time)

            if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                self._debug_values_retrieved(attr_id, attr_vals)

            # ok, include this attribute for the notification:
            vals_dict[attr_id] = attr_vals

        if vals_dict:
Пример #7
    def validate_request(self, ion_actor_id, expiry, in_whitelist=False):
        # There is no point in looking up an anonymous user - so return default values.
        if ion_actor_id == DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID:
            # Since this is an anonymous request, there really is no expiry associated with it
            if not in_whitelist and self.require_login:
                raise Unauthorized("Anonymous access not permitted")
                return DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID, DEFAULT_EXPIRY

            user = self.idm_client.read_actor_identity(
                actor_id=ion_actor_id, headers=self._get_gateway_headers())
        except NotFound as e:
            if not in_whitelist and self.require_login:
                # This could be a restart of the system with a new preload.
                # TODO: Invalidate Flask sessions on relaunch/bootstrap with creating new secret
                user_session = get_auth()
                if user_session.get("actor_id", None) == ion_actor_id:
                raise Unauthorized("Invalid identity", exc_id="01.10")
                # If the user isn't found default to anonymous
                return DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID, DEFAULT_EXPIRY

        # Need to convert to int first in order to compare against current time.
            int_expiry = int(expiry)
        except Exception as ex:
            raise Inconsistent(
                "Unable to read the expiry value in the request '%s' as an int"
                % expiry)

        # The user has been validated as being known in the system, so not check the expiry and raise exception if
        # the expiry is not set to 0 and less than the current time.
        if 0 < int_expiry < current_time_millis():
            if not in_whitelist and self.require_login:
                raise Unauthorized("User authentication expired")
                log.warn("User authentication expired")
                return DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID, DEFAULT_EXPIRY

        return ion_actor_id, expiry
Пример #8
    def validate_request(self, ion_actor_id, expiry, in_whitelist=False):
        # There is no point in looking up an anonymous user - so return default values.
        if ion_actor_id == DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID:
            # Since this is an anonymous request, there really is no expiry associated with it
            if not in_whitelist and self.require_login:
                raise Unauthorized("Anonymous access not permitted")
                return DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID, DEFAULT_EXPIRY

            user = self.idm_client.read_actor_identity(actor_id=ion_actor_id, headers=self._get_gateway_headers())
        except NotFound as e:
            if not in_whitelist and self.require_login:
                # This could be a restart of the system with a new preload.
                # TODO: Invalidate Flask sessions on relaunch/bootstrap with creating new secret
                user_session = get_auth()
                if user_session.get("actor_id", None) == ion_actor_id:
                raise Unauthorized("Invalid identity", exc_id="01.10")
                # If the user isn't found default to anonymous
                return DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID, DEFAULT_EXPIRY

        # Need to convert to int first in order to compare against current time.
            int_expiry = int(expiry)
        except Exception as ex:
            raise Inconsistent("Unable to read the expiry value in the request '%s' as an int" % expiry)

        # The user has been validated as being known in the system, so not check the expiry and raise exception if
        # the expiry is not set to 0 and less than the current time.
        if 0 < int_expiry < current_time_millis():
            if not in_whitelist and self.require_login:
                raise Unauthorized("User authentication expired")
                log.warn("User authentication expired")
                return DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID, DEFAULT_EXPIRY

        return ion_actor_id, expiry
Пример #9
    def get_session(self):
        Returns user session information for current authentication.
        This can be polled regularly by client code to detect changes in session state and expiration.
        def call_extend_session_attrs(session_attrs, actor_user):
            """ Call UI extensions to make additions to user session """
            for ext_obj in self.extension_objs:
                func = getattr(ext_obj, "extend_user_session_attributes", None)
                if func:
                        func(session_attrs, actor_user)
                    except Exception:
                        log.exception("Error calling UI extension extend_user_session_attributes()")

            # Get user session from OAuth access token in HTTP Authorization header
            auth_hdr = request.headers.get("authorization", None)
            if auth_hdr:
                valid, req = self.oauth.verify_request([self.oauth_scope])  # Note: Do NOT extend session timeout here!
                if valid:
                    actor_id = flask.g.oauth_user.get("actor_id", "")
                    actor_user = self.idm_client.read_actor_identity(actor_id)
                    session_attrs = dict(is_logged_in=True, is_registered=True,
                                         attributes={"roles": actor_user.details.contact.roles}, roles={})
                    if actor_user.session:
                    call_extend_session_attrs(session_attrs, actor_user)

                    return build_json_response(session_attrs)

            if self.remember_user:
                # Get user session from user_id/access_token placed inside server session (Cookie)
                # This is a feature to allow returning users to resume a session if still valid
                access_token = flask.session.get("access_token", None)
                actor_id = flask.session.get("actor_id", None)
                if access_token and actor_id:
                    actor_user = self.idm_client.read_actor_identity(actor_id)
                    session_attrs = dict(access_token=access_token, is_logged_in=True, is_registered=True,
                                         attributes={"roles": actor_user.details.contact.roles}, roles={})
                    if actor_user.session:
                        # Check validity in persisted user session
                        if 0 < int(actor_user.session.get("valid_until", 0)) * 1000 < current_time_millis():
                            return build_json_response(get_auth())
                        # No trace of existing session in user object
                        return build_json_response(get_auth())
                    call_extend_session_attrs(session_attrs, actor_user)

                    return build_json_response(session_attrs)

            # Get user session from Flask session and cookie (non-token mode)
            user_info = get_auth()
            if 0 < int(user_info.get("valid_until", 0)) * 1000 < current_time_millis():
                clear_auth()    # Clear expired session
                user_info = get_auth()
            call_extend_session_attrs(user_info, None)
            return build_json_response(user_info)
        except Exception:
            return build_json_error()
Пример #10
    def get_session(self):
        Returns user session information for current authentication.
        This can be polled regularly by client code to detect changes in session state and expiration.
        def call_extend_session_attrs(session_attrs, actor_user):
            """ Call UI extensions to make additions to user session """
            for ext_obj in self.extension_objs:
                func = getattr(ext_obj, "extend_user_session_attributes", None)
                if func:
                        func(session_attrs, actor_user)
                    except Exception:
                        log.exception("Error calling UI extension extend_user_session_attributes()")

            # Get user session from OAuth access token in HTTP Authorization header
            auth_hdr = request.headers.get("authorization", None)
            if auth_hdr:
                valid, req = self.oauth.verify_request([self.oauth_scope])  # Note: Do NOT extend session timeout here!
                if valid:
                    actor_id = flask.g.oauth_user.get("actor_id", "")
                    actor_user = self.idm_client.read_actor_identity(actor_id)
                    session_attrs = dict(is_logged_in=True, is_registered=True,
                                         attributes={"roles": actor_user.details.contact.roles}, roles={})
                    if actor_user.session:
                    call_extend_session_attrs(session_attrs, actor_user)

                    return build_json_response(session_attrs)

            if self.remember_user:
                # Get user session from user_id/access_token placed inside server session (Cookie)
                # This is a feature to allow returning users to resume a session if still valid
                access_token = flask.session.get("access_token", None)
                actor_id = flask.session.get("actor_id", None)
                if access_token and actor_id:
                    actor_user = self.idm_client.read_actor_identity(actor_id)
                    session_attrs = dict(access_token=access_token, is_logged_in=True, is_registered=True,
                                         attributes={"roles": actor_user.details.contact.roles}, roles={})
                    if actor_user.session:
                        # Check validity in persisted user session
                        if 0 < int(actor_user.session.get("valid_until", 0)) * 1000 < current_time_millis():
                            return build_json_response(get_auth())
                        # No trace of existing session in user object
                        return build_json_response(get_auth())
                    call_extend_session_attrs(session_attrs, actor_user)

                    return build_json_response(session_attrs)

            # Get user session from Flask session and cookie (non-token mode)
            user_info = get_auth()
            if 0 < int(user_info.get("valid_until", 0)) * 1000 < current_time_millis():
                clear_auth()    # Clear expired session
                user_info = get_auth()
            call_extend_session_attrs(user_info, None)
            return build_json_response(user_info)
        except Exception:
            return build_json_error()
    def test_resource_monitoring_recent(self):
        # https://jira.oceanobservatories.org/tasks/browse/OOIION-1372
        # Verifies that the requests for attribute values are always for
        # the most recent ones, meaning that the retrieved values should *not*
        # be older than a small multiple of the nominal monitoring rate, even
        # after a long period in non-monitoring state.
        # See ResourceMonitor._retrieve_attribute_values

        # start this test as in test_resource_monitoring()
        # which completes right after stopping monitoring. We want that initial
        # start/stop-monitoring phase to make this test more comprehensive.

        # now, the rest of this test does the following:
        # - pick an attribute to use as a basis for the time parameters to
        #   be used in the test
        # - wait for a while in the current non-monitoring mode
        # - re-enable monitoring
        # - wait for a sample to be published
        # - verify that new received data sample is "recent"
        # - stop monitoring

        # first, use an attribute (from the root platform being tested) with
        # a minimal monitoring rate, since that attribute should be reported
        # in a first sample received after re-enabling the monitoring.
        attr = None
        for attr_id, plat_attr in self._platform_attributes[self.PLATFORM_ID].iteritems():
            if attr is None or \
               float(plat_attr['monitor_cycle_seconds']) < float(attr['monitor_cycle_seconds']):
                attr = plat_attr

                             "some attribute expected to be defined for %r to "
                             "actually proceed with this test" % self.PLATFORM_ID)

        attr_id = attr['attr_id']
        monitor_cycle_seconds = attr['monitor_cycle_seconds']
        log.info("test_resource_monitoring_recent: using attr_id=%r: monitor_cycle_seconds=%s",
                 attr_id, monitor_cycle_seconds)

        # sleep for twice the interval defining "recent":
        from ion.agents.platform.resource_monitor import _MULT_INTERVAL
        time_to_sleep = 2 * (_MULT_INTERVAL * monitor_cycle_seconds)
        log.info("test_resource_monitoring_recent: sleeping for %s secs "
                 "before resuming monitoring", time_to_sleep)

        # reset the variables associated with the _wait_for_a_data_sample call below:
        self._samples_received = []
        self._async_data_result = AsyncResult()

        # re-start monitoring and wait for new sample:
        log.info("test_resource_monitoring_recent: re-starting monitoring")
        # should also work with recursion to children but set recursion=False
        # to avoid wasting the extra time in this test.


            # get current time here (right after receiving sample) for comparison below:
            curr_time_millis = current_time_millis()

            # verify that the timestamp of the received sample is not too old.
            # For this, use the minimum of the reported timestamps:
            rdt = RecordDictionaryTool.load_from_granule(self._samples_received[0])
            log.trace("test_resource_monitoring_recent: rdt:\n%s", rdt.pretty_print())
            temporal_parameter_name = rdt.temporal_parameter
            times = rdt[temporal_parameter_name]
            log.trace("test_resource_monitoring_recent: times:\n%s", self._pp.pformat(times))

            # minimum reported timestamp (note the NTP -> ION_time conversion):
            min_reported_time_ntp = min(times)
            min_reported_time_millis = float(ntp_2_ion_ts(min_reported_time_ntp))
            log.info("test_resource_monitoring_recent: sample received, min_reported_time_millis=%s",

            # finally verify that it is actually not older than the small multiple
            # of monitor_cycle_seconds plus some additional tolerance (which is
            # arbitrarily set here to 10 secs):
            lower_limit_millis = \
                curr_time_millis - 1000 * (_MULT_INTERVAL * monitor_cycle_seconds + 10)

                min_reported_time_millis, lower_limit_millis,
                "min_reported_time_millis=%s must be >= %s. Diff=%s millis" % (
                min_reported_time_millis, lower_limit_millis,
                min_reported_time_millis - lower_limit_millis))

Пример #12
    def _retrieve_attribute_values(self):
        Retrieves the attribute values using the given function and calls

        # TODO: note that the "from_time" parameters for the request below
        # as well as the expected response are influenced by the RSN case
        # (see CI-OMS interface). Need to see whether it also applies to
        # CGSN so eventually adjustments may be needed.

        current_time_secs = current_time_millis() / 1000.0

        # determine each from_time for the request:
        attrs = []
        for attr_id in self._attr_ids:
            if self._last_ts[attr_id] is None:
                # Arbitrarily setting from_time to current system time minus a few seconds:
                # TODO: determine actual criteria here.
                win_size_secs = 5
                from_time = current_time_secs - win_size_secs

                # note that int(x) returns a long object if needed.
                from_time = int(self._last_ts[attr_id]) + _DELTA_TIME

            attrs.append((attr_id, from_time))

        log.debug("%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: attrs=%s",
                  self._platform_id, attrs)

        retrieved_vals = self._get_attribute_values(attrs)

        if retrieved_vals is None:
            # lost connection; nothing else to do here:

        good_retrieved_vals = {}

        # do validation: we expect an array of tuples (val, timestamp) for
        # each attribute. If not, log a warning for the attribute and
        # continue processing with the other valid attributes:
        for attr_id, vals in retrieved_vals.iteritems():
            if not isinstance(vals, (list, tuple)):
                log.warn("%r: expecting an array for attribute %r, but got: %r",
                         self._platform_id, attr_id, vals)

            if len(vals):
                if not isinstance(vals[0], (tuple, list)):
                    log.warn("%r: expecting elements in array to be tuples "
                             "(val, ts) for attribute %r, but got: %r",
                             self._platform_id, attr_id, vals[0])

            good_retrieved_vals[attr_id] = vals  # even if empty array.

        if not good_retrieved_vals:
            # nothing else to do.  TODO perhaps an additional warning?

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):  # pragma: no cover
            summary = {attr_id: "(%d vals)" % len(vals)
                       for attr_id, vals in good_retrieved_vals.iteritems()}
            log.debug("%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: _get_attribute_values "
                      "for attrs=%s returned %s",
                      self._platform_id, attrs, summary)
        elif log.isEnabledFor(logging.TRACE):  # pragma: no cover
            # show good_retrieved_vals as retrieved (might be large)
            log.trace("%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: _get_attribute_values "
                      "for attrs=%s returned %s",
                      self._platform_id, attrs, good_retrieved_vals)

        # vals_dict: attributes with non-empty reported values:
        vals_dict = {}
        for attr_id, from_time in attrs:
            if not attr_id in good_retrieved_vals:
                log.warn("%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: unexpected: "
                         "response does not include requested attribute %r. "
                         "Response is: %s",
                         self._platform_id, attr_id, good_retrieved_vals)

            attr_vals = good_retrieved_vals[attr_id]
            if not attr_vals:
                log.debug("%r: No values reported for attribute=%r from_time=%f",
                          self._platform_id, attr_id, from_time)

            if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                self._debug_values_retrieved(attr_id, attr_vals)

            # ok, include this attribute for the notification:
            vals_dict[attr_id] = attr_vals

        if vals_dict:
Пример #13
 def is_expired(self):
     if current_time_millis() > self.expire_time:
         return True
     return False
Пример #14
    def _retrieve_attribute_values(self):
        Retrieves the attribute values using the given function and calls

        # TODO: note that the "from_time" parameters for the request below
        # as well as the expected response are influenced by the RSN case
        # (see CI-OMS interface). Need to see whether it also applies to
        # CGSN so eventually adjustments may be needed.

        current_time_secs = current_time_millis() / 1000.0

        # determine each from_time for the request:
        attrs = []
        for attr_id in self._attr_ids:
            if self._last_ts[attr_id] is None:
                # Arbitrarily setting from_time to current system time minus a few seconds:
                # TODO: determine actual criteria here.
                win_size_secs = 5
                from_time = current_time_secs - win_size_secs

                # note that int(x) returns a long object if needed.
                from_time = int(self._last_ts[attr_id]) + _DELTA_TIME

            attrs.append((attr_id, from_time))

        log.debug("%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: attrs=%s",
                  self._platform_id, attrs)

        retrieved_vals = self._get_attribute_values(attrs)

        if retrieved_vals is None:
            # lost connection; nothing else to do here:

        good_retrieved_vals = {}

        # do validation: we expect an array of tuples (val, timestamp) for
        # each attribute. If not, log a warning for the attribute and
        # continue processing with the other valid attributes:
        for attr_id, vals in retrieved_vals.iteritems():
            if not isinstance(vals, (list, tuple)):
                    "%r: expecting an array for attribute %r, but got: %r",
                    self._platform_id, attr_id, vals)

            if len(vals):
                if not isinstance(vals[0], (tuple, list)):
                        "%r: expecting elements in array to be tuples "
                        "(val, ts) for attribute %r, but got: %r",
                        self._platform_id, attr_id, vals[0])

            good_retrieved_vals[attr_id] = vals  # even if empty array.

        if not good_retrieved_vals:
            # nothing else to do.  TODO perhaps an additional warning?

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.TRACE):  # pragma: no cover
            # show good_retrieved_vals as retrieved (might be large)
                "%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: _get_attribute_values "
                "for attrs=%s returned\n%s", self._platform_id, attrs,
        elif log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):  # pragma: no cover
            summary = {
                attr_id: "(%d vals)" % len(vals)
                for attr_id, vals in good_retrieved_vals.iteritems()
                "%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: _get_attribute_values "
                "for attrs=%s returned %s", self._platform_id, attrs, summary)

        # vals_dict: attributes with non-empty reported values:
        vals_dict = {}
        for attr_id, from_time in attrs:
            if not attr_id in good_retrieved_vals:
                    "%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: unexpected: "
                    "response does not include requested attribute %r. "
                    "Response is: %s", self._platform_id, attr_id,

            attr_vals = good_retrieved_vals[attr_id]
            if not attr_vals:
                    "%r: No values reported for attribute=%r from_time=%f",
                    self._platform_id, attr_id, from_time)

            if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                self._debug_values_retrieved(attr_id, attr_vals)

            # ok, include this attribute for the notification:
            vals_dict[attr_id] = attr_vals

        if vals_dict:
Пример #15
    def _retrieve_attribute_values(self):
        Retrieves the attribute values using the given function and calls

        # TODO: note that the "from_time" parameters for the request below
        # as well as the expected response are influenced by the RSN case
        # (see CI-OMS interface). Need to see whether it also applies to
        # CGSN so eventually adjustments may be needed.

        # note that the "from_time" parameter in each pair (attr_id, from_time)
        # for the _get_attribute_values call below, is in millis in UNIX epoch.

        curr_time_millis = current_time_millis()

        # minimum value for the from_time parameter (OOIION-1372):
        min_from_time = curr_time_millis - 1000 * _MULT_INTERVAL * self._rate_secs
        # this corresponds to (_MULT_INTERVAL * self._rate_secs) ago.

        # determine each from_time for the request:
        attrs = []
        for attr_id in self._attr_ids:
            if self._last_ts_millis[attr_id] is None:
                # Very first request for this attribute. Use min_from_time:
                from_time = min_from_time

                # We've already got values for this attribute. Use the latest
                # timestamp + _DELTA_TIME as a basis for the new request:
                from_time = int(self._last_ts_millis[attr_id]) + _DELTA_TIME

                # but adjust it if it goes too far in the past:
                if from_time < min_from_time:
                    from_time = min_from_time

            log.trace("test_resource_monitoring_recent: attr_id=%s, from_time=%s, %s millis ago",
                      attr_id, from_time, curr_time_millis - from_time)

            attrs.append((attr_id, from_time))

        log.debug("%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: attrs=%s",
                  self._platform_id, attrs)

        retrieved_vals = self._get_attribute_values(attrs)

        if retrieved_vals is None:
            # lost connection; nothing else to do here:

        good_retrieved_vals = {}

        # do validation: we expect an array of tuples (val, timestamp) for
        # each attribute. If not, log a warning for the attribute and
        # continue processing with the other valid attributes:
        for attr_id, vals in retrieved_vals.iteritems():
            if not isinstance(vals, (list, tuple)):
                log.warn("%r: expecting an array for attribute %r, but got: %r",
                         self._platform_id, attr_id, vals)

            if len(vals):
                if not isinstance(vals[0], (tuple, list)):
                    log.warn("%r: expecting elements in array to be tuples "
                             "(val, ts) for attribute %r, but got: %r",
                             self._platform_id, attr_id, vals[0])

            good_retrieved_vals[attr_id] = vals  # even if empty array.

        if not good_retrieved_vals:
            # nothing else to do.  TODO perhaps an additional warning?

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.TRACE):  # pragma: no cover
            # show good_retrieved_vals as retrieved (might be large)
            log.trace("%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: _get_attribute_values "
                      "for attrs=%s returned\n%s",
                      self._platform_id, attrs, self._pp.pformat(good_retrieved_vals))
        elif log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):  # pragma: no cover
            summary = {attr_id: "(%d vals)" % len(vals)
                       for attr_id, vals in good_retrieved_vals.iteritems()}
            log.debug("%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: _get_attribute_values "
                      "for attrs=%s returned %s",
                      self._platform_id, attrs, summary)

        # vals_dict: attributes with non-empty reported values:
        vals_dict = {}
        for attr_id, from_time in attrs:
            if not attr_id in good_retrieved_vals:
                log.warn("%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: unexpected: "
                         "response does not include requested attribute %r. "
                         "Response is: %s",
                         self._platform_id, attr_id, good_retrieved_vals)

            attr_vals = good_retrieved_vals[attr_id]
            if not attr_vals:
                log.debug("%r: No values reported for attribute=%r from_time=%f",
                          self._platform_id, attr_id, from_time)

            if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                self._debug_values_retrieved(attr_id, attr_vals)

            # ok, include this attribute for the notification:
            vals_dict[attr_id] = attr_vals

        if vals_dict:
Пример #16
    def _retrieve_attribute_values(self):
        Retrieves the attribute values using the given function and calls

        # TODO: note that the "from_time" parameters for the request below was
        # influenced by the RSN case (see CI-OMS interface). Need to see
        # whether it also applies to CGSN so eventually adjustments may be needed.

        current_time_secs = current_time_millis() / 1000.0

        # determine each from_time for the request:
        attrs = []
        for attr_id in self._attr_ids:
            if self._last_ts[attr_id] is None:
                # Arbitrarily setting from_time to current system time minus a few seconds:
                # TODO: determine actual criteria here.
                win_size_secs = 5
                from_time = current_time_secs - win_size_secs

                # note that int(x) returns a long object if needed.
                from_time = int(self._last_ts[attr_id]) + _DELTA_TIME

            attrs.append((attr_id, from_time))

        log.debug("%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: attrs=%s",
                  self._platform_id, attrs)

        retrieved_vals = self._get_attribute_values(attrs)

        log.debug("%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: _get_attribute_values "
                  "for attrs=%s returned %s",
                  self._platform_id, attrs, retrieved_vals)

        # vals_dict: attributes with non-empty reported values:
        vals_dict = {}
        for attr_id, from_time in attrs:
            if not attr_id in retrieved_vals:
                log.warn("%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: unexpected: "
                         "response does not include requested attribute %r. "
                         "Response is: %s",
                         self._platform_id, attr_id, retrieved_vals)

            attr_vals = retrieved_vals[attr_id]
            if not attr_vals:
                log.debug("%r: No values reported for attribute=%r from_time=%f",
                          self._platform_id, attr_id, from_time)

            if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                self._debug_values_retrieved(attr_id, attr_vals)

            # ok, include this attribute for the notification:
            vals_dict[attr_id] = attr_vals

        if vals_dict:
Пример #17
    def _retrieve_attribute_values(self):
        Retrieves the attribute values using the given function and calls

        # TODO: note that the "from_time" parameters for the request below
        # as well as the expected response are influenced by the RSN case
        # (see CI-OMS interface). Need to see whether it also applies to
        # CGSN so eventually adjustments may be needed.

        # note that the "from_time" parameter in each pair (attr_id, from_time)
        # for the _get_attribute_values call below, is in millis in UNIX epoch.

        curr_time_millis = current_time_millis()

        # minimum value for the from_time parameter (OOIION-1372):
        min_from_time = curr_time_millis - 1000 * _MULT_INTERVAL * self._rate_secs
        # this corresponds to (_MULT_INTERVAL * self._rate_secs) ago.

        # determine each from_time for the request:
        attrs = []
        for attr_id in self._attr_ids:
            if self._last_ts_millis[attr_id] is None:
                # Very first request for this attribute. Use min_from_time:
                from_time = min_from_time

                # We've already got values for this attribute. Use the latest
                # timestamp + _DELTA_TIME as a basis for the new request:
                from_time = int(self._last_ts_millis[attr_id]) + _DELTA_TIME

                # but adjust it if it goes too far in the past:
                if from_time < min_from_time:
                    from_time = min_from_time

                "test_resource_monitoring_recent: attr_id=%s, from_time=%s, %s millis ago",
                attr_id, from_time, curr_time_millis - from_time)

            attrs.append((attr_id, from_time))

        log.debug("%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: attrs=%s",
                  self._platform_id, attrs)

        retrieved_vals = self._get_attribute_values(attrs)

        if retrieved_vals is None:
            # lost connection; nothing else to do here:

        good_retrieved_vals = {}

        # do validation: we expect an array of tuples (val, timestamp) for
        # each attribute. If not, log a warning for the attribute and
        # continue processing with the other valid attributes:
        for attr_id, vals in retrieved_vals.iteritems():
            if not isinstance(vals, (list, tuple)):
                    "%r: expecting an array for attribute %r, but got: %r",
                    self._platform_id, attr_id, vals)

            if len(vals):
                if not isinstance(vals[0], (tuple, list)):
                        "%r: expecting elements in array to be tuples "
                        "(val, ts) for attribute %r, but got: %r",
                        self._platform_id, attr_id, vals[0])

            good_retrieved_vals[attr_id] = vals  # even if empty array.

        if not good_retrieved_vals:
            # nothing else to do.  TODO perhaps an additional warning?

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.TRACE):  # pragma: no cover
            # show good_retrieved_vals as retrieved (might be large)
                "%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: _get_attribute_values "
                "for attrs=%s returned\n%s", self._platform_id, attrs,
        elif log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):  # pragma: no cover
            summary = {
                attr_id: "(%d vals)" % len(vals)
                for attr_id, vals in good_retrieved_vals.iteritems()
                "%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: _get_attribute_values "
                "for attrs=%s returned %s", self._platform_id, attrs, summary)

        # vals_dict: attributes with non-empty reported values:
        vals_dict = {}
        for attr_id, from_time in attrs:
            if not attr_id in good_retrieved_vals:
                    "%r: _retrieve_attribute_values: unexpected: "
                    "response does not include requested attribute %r. "
                    "Response is: %s", self._platform_id, attr_id,

            attr_vals = good_retrieved_vals[attr_id]
            if not attr_vals:
                    "%r: No values reported for attribute=%r from_time=%f",
                    self._platform_id, attr_id, from_time)

            if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                self._debug_values_retrieved(attr_id, attr_vals)

            # ok, include this attribute for the notification:
            vals_dict[attr_id] = attr_vals

        if vals_dict:
Пример #18
    def get_governance_info_from_request(self, json_params=None):
        # Default values for governance headers.
        actor_id = DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID
        expiry = DEFAULT_EXPIRY
        authtoken = ""
        user_session = get_auth()
        #if user_session.get("actor_id", None) and user_session.get("valid_until", 0):
        if user_session.get("actor_id", None):
            # Get info from current server session
            # NOTE: Actor id may be inside server session
            expiry = int(user_session.get("valid_until", 0)) * 1000
            if expiry:
                # This was a proper non-token server session authentication
                expiry = str(expiry)
                actor_id = user_session["actor_id"]
                    "Request associated with session actor_id=%s, expiry=%s",
                    actor_id, expiry)
                # We are just taking the user_id out of the session
                # TODO: Need to check access token here
                expiry = str(expiry)
                if self.token_from_session:
                    actor_id = user_session["actor_id"]
                        "Request associated with actor's token from session; actor_id=%s, expiry=%s",
                        actor_id, expiry)

        # Developer access using api_key
        if self.develop_mode and "api_key" in request.args and request.args[
            actor_id = str(request.args["api_key"])
            expiry = str(int(user_session.get("valid_until", 0)) * 1000)
            if 0 < int(expiry) < current_time_millis():
                expiry = str(current_time_millis() + 10000)
                # flask.session["valid_until"] = int(expiry / 1000)
                "Request associated with actor_id=%s, expiry=%s from developer api_key",
                actor_id, expiry)

        # Check in headers for OAuth2 bearer token
        auth_hdr = request.headers.get("authorization", None)
        if auth_hdr:
            valid, req = self.process.oauth.verify_request(
            if valid:
                actor_id = flask.g.oauth_user.get("actor_id", "")
                if actor_id:
                        "Request associated with actor_id=%s, expiry=%s from OAuth token",
                        actor_id, expiry)
                    return actor_id, DEFAULT_EXPIRY

        # Try to find auth token override
        if not authtoken:
            if json_params:
                if "authtoken" in json_params:
                    authtoken = json_params["authtoken"]
                if "authtoken" in request.args:
                    authtoken = str(request.args["authtoken"])

        # Enable temporary authentication tokens to resolve to actor ids
        if authtoken:
                token_info = self.idm_client.check_authentication_token(
                    authtoken, headers=self._get_gateway_headers())
                actor_id = token_info.get("actor_id", actor_id)
                expiry = token_info.get("expiry", expiry)
                log.info("Resolved token %s into actor_id=%s expiry=%s",
                         authtoken, actor_id, expiry)
            except NotFound:
                log.info("Provided authentication token not found: %s",
            except Unauthorized:
                log.info("Authentication token expired or invalid: %s",
            except Exception as ex:
                log.exception("Problem resolving authentication token")

        return actor_id, expiry
    def test_resource_monitoring_recent(self):
        # https://jira.oceanobservatories.org/tasks/browse/OOIION-1372
        # Verifies that the requests for attribute values are always for
        # the most recent ones, meaning that the retrieved values should *not*
        # be older than a small multiple of the nominal monitoring rate, even
        # after a long period in non-monitoring state.
        # See ResourceMonitor._retrieve_attribute_values

        # start this test as in test_resource_monitoring()
        # which completes right after stopping monitoring. We want that initial
        # start/stop-monitoring phase to make this test more comprehensive.

        # now, the rest of this test does the following:
        # - pick an attribute to use as a basis for the time parameters to
        #   be used in the test
        # - wait for a while in the current non-monitoring mode
        # - re-enable monitoring
        # - wait for a sample to be published
        # - verify that new received data sample is "recent"
        # - stop monitoring

        # first, use an attribute (from the root platform being tested) with
        # a minimal monitoring rate, since that attribute should be reported
        # in a first sample received after re-enabling the monitoring.
        attr = None
        for attr_id, plat_attr in self._platform_attributes[
            if attr is None or \
               float(plat_attr['monitor_cycle_seconds']) < float(attr['monitor_cycle_seconds']):
                attr = plat_attr

            attr, "some attribute expected to be defined for %r to "
            "actually proceed with this test" % self.PLATFORM_ID)

        attr_id = attr['attr_id']
        monitor_cycle_seconds = attr['monitor_cycle_seconds']
            "test_resource_monitoring_recent: using attr_id=%r: monitor_cycle_seconds=%s",
            attr_id, monitor_cycle_seconds)

        # sleep for twice the interval defining "recent":
        from ion.agents.platform.resource_monitor import _MULT_INTERVAL
        time_to_sleep = 2 * (_MULT_INTERVAL * monitor_cycle_seconds)
            "test_resource_monitoring_recent: sleeping for %s secs "
            "before resuming monitoring", time_to_sleep)

        # reset the variables associated with the _wait_for_a_data_sample call below:
        self._samples_received = []
        self._async_data_result = AsyncResult()

        # re-start monitoring and wait for new sample:
        log.info("test_resource_monitoring_recent: re-starting monitoring")
        # should also work with recursion to children but set recursion=False
        # to avoid wasting the extra time in this test.


            # get current time here (right after receiving sample) for comparison below:
            curr_time_millis = current_time_millis()

            # verify that the timestamp of the received sample is not too old.
            # For this, use the minimum of the reported timestamps:
            rdt = RecordDictionaryTool.load_from_granule(
            log.trace("test_resource_monitoring_recent: rdt:\n%s",
            temporal_parameter_name = rdt.temporal_parameter
            times = rdt[temporal_parameter_name]
            log.trace("test_resource_monitoring_recent: times:\n%s",

            # minimum reported timestamp (note the NTP -> ION_time conversion):
            min_reported_time_ntp = min(times)
            min_reported_time_millis = float(
                "test_resource_monitoring_recent: sample received, min_reported_time_millis=%s",

            # finally verify that it is actually not older than the small multiple
            # of monitor_cycle_seconds plus some additional tolerance (which is
            # arbitrarily set here to 10 secs):
            lower_limit_millis = \
                curr_time_millis - 1000 * (_MULT_INTERVAL * monitor_cycle_seconds + 10)

                min_reported_time_millis, lower_limit_millis,
                "min_reported_time_millis=%s must be >= %s. Diff=%s millis" %
                (min_reported_time_millis, lower_limit_millis,
                 min_reported_time_millis - lower_limit_millis))

Пример #20
    except NotFound, e:
        ion_actor_id = DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID  # If the user isn't found default to anonymous
        expiry = DEFAULT_EXPIRY  #Since this is now an anonymous request, there really is no expiry associated with it
        return ion_actor_id, expiry

    #need to convert to a float first in order to compare against current time.
        int_expiry = int(expiry)
    except Exception, e:
        raise Inconsistent(
            "Unable to read the expiry value in the request '%s' as an int" %

    #The user has been validated as being known in the system, so not check the expiry and raise exception if
    # the expiry is not set to 0 and less than the current time.
    if int_expiry > 0 and int_expiry < current_time_millis():
        raise Unauthorized(
            'The certificate associated with the user and expiry time in the request has expired.'

    return ion_actor_id, expiry

def build_message_headers(ion_actor_id, expiry):

    headers = dict()

    headers['ion-actor-id'] = ion_actor_id
    headers['expiry'] = expiry

    #If this is an anonymous requester then there are no roles associated with the request
Пример #21
 def is_expired(self):
     if current_time_millis() > self.expire_time:
         return True
     return False
Пример #22
    def get_governance_info_from_request(self, json_params=None):
        # Default values for governance headers.
        actor_id = DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID
        expiry = DEFAULT_EXPIRY
        authtoken = ""
        user_session = get_auth()
        #if user_session.get("actor_id", None) and user_session.get("valid_until", 0):
        if user_session.get("actor_id", None):
            # Get info from current server session
            # NOTE: Actor id may be inside server session
            expiry = int(user_session.get("valid_until", 0)) * 1000
            if expiry:
                # This was a proper non-token server session authentication
                expiry = str(expiry)
                actor_id = user_session["actor_id"]
                log.info("Request associated with session actor_id=%s, expiry=%s", actor_id, expiry)
                # We are just taking the user_id out of the session
                # TODO: Need to check access token here
                expiry = str(expiry)
                if self.token_from_session:
                    actor_id = user_session["actor_id"]
                    log.info("Request associated with actor's token from session; actor_id=%s, expiry=%s", actor_id, expiry)

        # Developer access using api_key
        if self.develop_mode and "api_key" in request.args and request.args["api_key"]:
            actor_id = str(request.args["api_key"])
            expiry = str(int(user_session.get("valid_until", 0)) * 1000)
            if 0 < int(expiry) < current_time_millis():
                expiry = str(current_time_millis() + 10000)
                # flask.session["valid_until"] = int(expiry / 1000)
            log.info("Request associated with actor_id=%s, expiry=%s from developer api_key", actor_id, expiry)

        # Check in headers for OAuth2 bearer token
        auth_hdr = request.headers.get("authorization", None)
        if auth_hdr:
            valid, req = self.process.oauth.verify_request([self.process.oauth_scope])
            if valid:
                actor_id = flask.g.oauth_user.get("actor_id", "")
                if actor_id:
                    log.info("Request associated with actor_id=%s, expiry=%s from OAuth token", actor_id, expiry)
                    return actor_id, DEFAULT_EXPIRY

        # Try to find auth token override
        if not authtoken:
            if json_params:
                if "authtoken" in json_params:
                    authtoken = json_params["authtoken"]
                if "authtoken" in request.args:
                    authtoken = str(request.args["authtoken"])

        # Enable temporary authentication tokens to resolve to actor ids
        if authtoken:
                if authtoken.startswith(("Bearer_")):
                    # Backdoor way for OAuth2 access tokens as request args for GET URLs
                    authtoken = authtoken[7:]
                    token_id = "access_token_" + str(authtoken)
                    token_obj = self.process.container.object_store.read(token_id)
                    token = OAuthTokenObj.from_security_token(token_obj)
                    if token.is_valid(check_expiry=True):
                        actor_id = token.user["actor_id"]
                        expiry = str(token._token_obj.expires)
                        log.info("Resolved OAuth2 token %s into actor_id=%s expiry=%s", authtoken, actor_id, expiry)
                    token_info = self.idm_client.check_authentication_token(authtoken, headers=self._get_gateway_headers())
                    actor_id = token_info.get("actor_id", actor_id)
                    expiry = token_info.get("expiry", expiry)
                    log.info("Resolved token %s into actor_id=%s expiry=%s", authtoken, actor_id, expiry)
            except NotFound:
                log.info("Provided authentication token not found: %s", authtoken)
            except Unauthorized:
                log.info("Authentication token expired or invalid: %s", authtoken)
            except Exception as ex:
                log.exception("Problem resolving authentication token")

        return actor_id, expiry
        user = idm_client.read_actor_identity(actor_id=ion_actor_id, headers={"ion-actor-id": service_gateway_instance.name, 'expiry': DEFAULT_EXPIRY })
    except NotFound, e:
        ion_actor_id = DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID  # If the user isn't found default to anonymous
        expiry = DEFAULT_EXPIRY  #Since this is now an anonymous request, there really is no expiry associated with it
        return ion_actor_id, expiry

    #need to convert to a float first in order to compare against current time.
        int_expiry = int(expiry)
    except Exception, e:
        raise Inconsistent("Unable to read the expiry value in the request '%s' as an int" % expiry)

    #The user has been validated as being known in the system, so not check the expiry and raise exception if
    # the expiry is not set to 0 and less than the current time.
    if int_expiry > 0 and int_expiry < current_time_millis():
        raise Unauthorized('The certificate associated with the user and expiry time in the request has expired.')

    return ion_actor_id, expiry

def build_message_headers( ion_actor_id, expiry):

    headers = dict()

    headers['ion-actor-id'] = ion_actor_id
    headers['expiry'] = expiry

    #If this is an anonymous requester then there are no roles associated with the request
    if ion_actor_id == DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID:
        headers['ion-actor-roles'] = dict()
Пример #24
 def is_expired(self):
     return current_time_millis() > self.expire_time