Пример #1
    def nodes(self):
        '''The list of nodes at which this boundary condition applies.'''

        def hermite_stride(bcnodes):
            if isinstance(self._function_space.finat_element, finat.Hermite) and \
               self._function_space.mesh().topological_dimension() == 1:
                return bcnodes[::2]  # every second dof is the vertex value
                return bcnodes

        sub_d = self.sub_domain
        if isinstance(sub_d, str):
            return hermite_stride(self._function_space.boundary_nodes(sub_d, self.method))
            sub_d = as_tuple(sub_d)
            sub_d = [as_tuple(s) for s in sub_d]
            bcnodes = []
            for s in sub_d:
                # s is of one of the following formats:
                # facet: (i, )
                # edge: (i, j)
                # vertex: (i, j, k)

                # take intersection of facet nodes, and add it to bcnodes
                bcnodes1 = []
                if len(s) > 1 and not isinstance(self._function_space.finat_element, finat.Lagrange):
                    raise TypeError("Currently, edge conditions have only been tested with Lagrange elements")
                for ss in s:
                    # intersection of facets
                    # Edge conditions have only been tested with Lagrange elements.
                    # Need to expand the list.
                    bcnodes1.append(hermite_stride(self._function_space.boundary_nodes(ss, self.method)))
                bcnodes1 = functools.reduce(np.intersect1d, bcnodes1)
            return np.concatenate(tuple(bcnodes))
Пример #2
    def nodes(self):
        '''The list of nodes at which this boundary condition applies.'''

        def hermite_stride(bcnodes):
            if isinstance(self._function_space.finat_element, finat.Hermite) and \
               self._function_space.mesh().topological_dimension() == 1:
                return bcnodes[::2]  # every second dof is the vertex value
                return bcnodes

        sub_d = self.sub_domain
        if isinstance(sub_d, str):
            return hermite_stride(self._function_space.boundary_nodes(sub_d, self.method))
            sub_d = as_tuple(sub_d)
            sub_d = [as_tuple(s) for s in sub_d]
            bcnodes = []
            for s in sub_d:
                # s is of one of the following formats:
                # facet: (i, )
                # edge: (i, j)
                # vertex: (i, j, k)

                # take intersection of facet nodes, and add it to bcnodes
                bcnodes1 = []
                if len(s) > 1 and not isinstance(self._function_space.finat_element, finat.Lagrange):
                    raise TypeError("Currently, edge conditions have only been tested with Lagrange elements")
                for ss in s:
                    # intersection of facets
                    # Edge conditions have only been tested with Lagrange elements.
                    # Need to expand the list.
                    bcnodes1.append(hermite_stride(self._function_space.boundary_nodes(ss, self.method)))
                bcnodes1 = functools.reduce(np.intersect1d, bcnodes1)
            return np.concatenate(tuple(bcnodes))
Пример #3
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        key = as_tuple(key)
        # Make indexing with too few indices legal.
        key = key + tuple(
            slice(None) for i in range(self.tensor.rank - len(key)))
        if len(key) > self.tensor.rank:
            raise ValueError(
                "Attempting to index a rank-%s tensor with %s indices." %
                (self.tensor.rank, len(key)))

        block_shape = tuple(len(V) for V in self.tensor.arg_function_spaces)
        # Convert slice indices to tuple of indices.
        blocks = tuple(
            as_tuple(range(k.stop)[k] if isinstance(k, slice) else k)
            for k, n in zip(key, block_shape))

        if blocks == tuple(tuple(range(n)) for n in block_shape):
            return self.tensor
        # Avoid repeated instantiation of an equivalent block
            block = self.block_cache[blocks]
        except KeyError:
            block = Block(tensor=self.tensor, indices=blocks)
            self.block_cache[blocks] = block
        return block
Пример #4
    def domain_args(self):
        r"""The sub_domain the BC applies to."""
        # Define facet, edge, vertex using tuples:
        # Ex in 3D:
        #           user input                                                         returned keys
        # facet  = ((1, ), )                                  ->     ((2, ((1, ), )), (1, ()),         (0, ()))
        # edge   = ((1, 2), )                                 ->     ((2, ()),        (1, ((1, 2), )), (0, ()))
        # vertex = ((1, 2, 4), )                              ->     ((2, ()),        (1, ()),         (0, ((1, 2, 4), ))
        # Multiple facets:
        # (1, 2, 4) := ((1, ), (2, ), (4,))                   ->     ((2, ((1, ), (2, ), (4, ))), (1, ()), (0, ()))
        # One facet and two edges:
        # ((1,), (1, 3), (1, 4))                              ->     ((2, ((1,),)), (1, ((1,3), (1, 4))), (0, ()))

        sub_d = self.sub_domain
        # if string, return
        if isinstance(sub_d, str):
            return (sub_d, )
        # convert: i -> (i, )
        sub_d = as_tuple(sub_d)
        # convert: (i, j, (k, l)) -> ((i, ), (j, ), (k, l))
        sub_d = [as_tuple(i) for i in sub_d]

        ndim = self.function_space().mesh().topology_dm.getDimension()
        sd = [[] for _ in range(ndim)]
        for i in sub_d:
            sd[ndim - len(i)].append(i)
        s = []
        for i in range(ndim):
            s.append((ndim - 1 - i, as_tuple(sd[i])))
        return as_tuple(s)
Пример #5
    def domain_args(self):
        r"""The sub_domain the BC applies to."""
        # Define facet, edge, vertex using tuples:
        # Ex in 3D:
        #           user input                                                         returned keys
        # facet  = ((1, ), )                                  ->     ((2, ((1, ), )), (1, ()),         (0, ()))
        # edge   = ((1, 2), )                                 ->     ((2, ()),        (1, ((1, 2), )), (0, ()))
        # vertex = ((1, 2, 4), )                              ->     ((2, ()),        (1, ()),         (0, ((1, 2, 4), ))
        # Multiple facets:
        # (1, 2, 4) := ((1, ), (2, ), (4,))                   ->     ((2, ((1, ), (2, ), (4, ))), (1, ()), (0, ()))
        # One facet and two edges:
        # ((1,), (1, 3), (1, 4))                              ->     ((2, ((1,),)), (1, ((1,3), (1, 4))), (0, ()))

        sub_d = self.sub_domain
        # if string, return
        if isinstance(sub_d, str):
            return (sub_d, )
        # convert: i -> (i, )
        sub_d = as_tuple(sub_d)
        # convert: (i, j, (k, l)) -> ((i, ), (j, ), (k, l))
        sub_d = [as_tuple(i) for i in sub_d]

        ndim = self.function_space().mesh()._plex.getDimension()
        sd = [[] for _ in range(ndim)]
        for i in sub_d:
            sd[ndim - len(i)].append(i)
        s = []
        for i in range(ndim):
            s.append((ndim - 1 - i, as_tuple(sd[i])))
        return as_tuple(s)
Пример #6
    def _needs_reassembly(self):
        """Does this :class:`Matrix` need reassembly.

        The :class:`Matrix` needs reassembling if the subdomains over
        which boundary conditions were applied the last time it was
        assembled are different from the subdomains of the current set
        of boundary conditions.
        old_subdomains = set(flatten(as_tuple(bc.sub_domain) for bc in self._bcs_at_point_of_assembly))
        new_subdomains = set(flatten(as_tuple(bc.sub_domain) for bc in self.bcs))
        return old_subdomains != new_subdomains
Пример #7
    def _needs_reassembly(self):
        """Does this :class:`Matrix` need reassembly.

        The :class:`Matrix` needs reassembling if the subdomains over
        which boundary conditions were applied the last time it was
        assembled are different from the subdomains of the current set
        of boundary conditions.
        old_subdomains = set(flatten(as_tuple(bc.sub_domain)
                             for bc in self._bcs_at_point_of_assembly))
        new_subdomains = set(flatten(as_tuple(bc.sub_domain)
                             for bc in self.bcs))
        return old_subdomains != new_subdomains
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, mesh, classes, kind, facet_cell, local_facet_number, markers=None,

        self.mesh = mesh

        classes = as_tuple(classes, int, 4)
        self.classes = classes

        self.kind = kind
        assert(kind in ["interior", "exterior"])
        if kind == "interior":
            self._rank = 2
            self._rank = 1

        self.facet_cell = facet_cell

        self.local_facet_number = local_facet_number

        # assert that markers is a proper subset of unique_markers
        if markers is not None:
            for marker in markers:
                assert (marker in unique_markers), \
                    "Every marker has to be contained in unique_markers"

        self.markers = markers
        self.unique_markers = [] if unique_markers is None else unique_markers
        self._subsets = {}
Пример #9
    def c_addto(self,
        # Override global c_addto to index the map locally rather than globally.
        # Replaces MatSetValuesLocal with MatSetValues
        from pyop2.utils import as_tuple
        maps = as_tuple(self.map, op2.Map)
        nrows = maps[0].split[i].arity
        ncols = maps[1].split[j].arity
        rows_str = "%s + n * %s" % (self.c_map_name(0, i), nrows)
        cols_str = "%s + n * %s" % (self.c_map_name(1, j), ncols)

        if extruded is not None:
            rows_str = extruded + self.c_map_name(0, i)
            cols_str = extruded + self.c_map_name(1, j)

        if is_facet:
            nrows *= 2
            ncols *= 2

        ret = []
        rbs, cbs = self.data.sparsity[i, j].dims[0][0]
        rdim = rbs * nrows
        addto_name = buf_name
        addto = 'MatSetValues'
        if self.data._is_vector_field:
            addto = 'MatSetValuesBlocked'
            rmap, cmap = maps
            rdim, cdim = self.data.dims[i][j]
            if rmap.vector_index is not None or cmap.vector_index is not None:
                raise NotImplementedError
            """%(addto)s(%(mat)s, %(nrows)s, %(rows)s,
                                         %(ncols)s, %(cols)s,
                                         (const PetscScalar *)%(vals)s,
                                         %(insert)s);""" % {
                self.c_arg_name(i, j),
                "INSERT_VALUES" if self.access == op2.WRITE else "ADD_VALUES"
        return "\n".join(ret)
Пример #10
def sanitise_input(v, V):
    if isinstance(v, expression.Expression):
        shape = v.value_shape()
        # Build a function space that supports PointEvaluation so that
        # we can interpolate into it.
        deg = max(as_tuple(V.ufl_element().degree()))

        if v.rank() == 0:
            fs = functionspace.FunctionSpace(V.mesh(), 'DG', deg+1)
        elif v.rank() == 1:
            fs = functionspace.VectorFunctionSpace(V.mesh(), 'DG',
            fs = functionspace.TensorFunctionSpace(V.mesh(), 'DG',
        f = function.Function(fs)
        return f
    elif isinstance(v, function.Function):
        return v
    elif isinstance(v, ufl.classes.Expr):
        return v
        raise ValueError("Can't project from source object %r" % v)
Пример #11
 def __init__(self, problems):
     problems = as_tuple(problems)
     self._problems = problems
     # Build the jacobian with the correct sparsity pattern.  Note
     # that since matrix assembly is lazy this doesn't actually
     # force an additional assembly of the matrix since in
     # form_jacobian we call assemble again which drops this
     # computation on the floor.
     from firedrake.assemble import assemble
     self._jacs = tuple(assemble(problem.J, bcs=problem.bcs,
                        for problem in problems)
     if problems[-1].Jp is not None:
         self._pjacs = tuple(assemble(problem.Jp, bcs=problem.bcs,
                             for problem in problems)
         self._pjacs = self._jacs
     # Function to hold current guess
     self._xs = tuple(function.Function(problem.u) for problem in problems)
     self.Fs = tuple(ufl.replace(problem.F, {problem.u: x}) for problem, x in zip(problems,
     self.Js = tuple(ufl.replace(problem.J, {problem.u: x}) for problem, x in zip(problems,
     if problems[-1].Jp is not None:
         self.Jps = tuple(ufl.replace(problem.Jp, {problem.u: x}) for problem, x in zip(problems,
         self.Jps = tuple(None for _ in problems)
     self._Fs = tuple(function.Function(F.arguments()[0].function_space())
                      for F in self.Fs)
     self._jacobians_assembled = [False for _ in problems]
Пример #12
 def c_add_offset_map(self, is_facet=False):
     if self._is_mat:
         dsets = self.data.sparsity.dsets
         dsets = (self.data.dataset, )
     val = []
     for i, (map, dset) in enumerate(zip(as_tuple(self.map, Map), dsets)):
         if not map.iterset._extruded:
         for j, (m, d) in enumerate(zip(map, dset)):
             for idx in range(m.arity):
                     "xtr_%(name)s[%(ind)s] += %(off)d;" % {
                         'name': self.c_map_name(i, j),
                         'off': m.offset[idx],
                         'ind': idx
             if is_facet:
                 for idx in range(m.arity):
                         "xtr_%(name)s[%(ind)s] += %(off)d;" % {
                             'name': self.c_map_name(i, j),
                             'off': m.offset[idx],
                             'ind': m.arity + idx
     return '\n'.join(val) + '\n'
Пример #13
 def c_map_init(self, is_top=False, is_facet=False):
     if self._is_mat:
         dsets = self.data.sparsity.dsets
         dsets = (self.data.dataset, )
     val = []
     for i, (map, dset) in enumerate(zip(as_tuple(self.map, Map), dsets)):
         for j, (m, d) in enumerate(zip(map, dset)):
             for idx in range(m.arity):
                     "xtr_%(name)s[%(ind)s] = *(%(name)s + i * %(dim)s + %(ind)s)%(off_top)s;"
                     % {
                         self.c_map_name(i, j),
                         ' + start_layer * ' +
                         str(m.offset[idx]) if is_top else ''
             if is_facet:
                 for idx in range(m.arity):
                         "xtr_%(name)s[%(ind)s] = *(%(name)s + i * %(dim)s + %(ind_zero)s)%(off_top)s%(off)s;"
                         % {
                             'name': self.c_map_name(i, j),
                             'dim': m.arity,
                             'ind': idx + m.arity,
                             'ind_zero': idx,
                             'off_top': ' + start_layer' if is_top else '',
                             'off': ' + ' + str(m.offset[idx])
     return '\n'.join(val) + '\n'
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, mesh, classes, kind, facet_cell, local_facet_number, markers=None,

        self.mesh = mesh

        classes = as_tuple(classes, int, 4)
        self.classes = classes

        self.kind = kind
        assert(kind in ["interior", "exterior"])
        if kind == "interior":
            self._rank = 2
            self._rank = 1

        self.facet_cell = facet_cell

        self.local_facet_number = local_facet_number

        # assert that markers is a proper subset of unique_markers
        if markers is not None:
            for marker in markers:
                assert (marker in unique_markers), \
                    "Every marker has to be contained in unique_markers"

        self.markers = markers
        self.unique_markers = [] if unique_markers is None else unique_markers
        self._subsets = {}
Пример #15
def sanitise_input(v, V):
    if isinstance(v, expression.Expression):
        shape = v.value_shape()
        # Build a function space that supports PointEvaluation so that
        # we can interpolate into it.
        deg = max(as_tuple(V.ufl_element().degree()))

        if v.rank() == 0:
            fs = functionspace.FunctionSpace(V.mesh(), 'DG', deg+1)
        elif v.rank() == 1:
            fs = functionspace.VectorFunctionSpace(V.mesh(), 'DG',
            fs = functionspace.TensorFunctionSpace(V.mesh(), 'DG',
        f = function.Function(fs)
        return f
    elif isinstance(v, function.Function):
        return v
    elif isinstance(v, ufl.classes.Expr):
        return v
        raise ValueError("Can't project from source object %r" % v)
Пример #16
 def c_wrapper_arg(self):
     if self._is_mat:
         val = "Mat %s_" % self.c_arg_name()
         val = ', '.join(["%s *%s" % (self.ctype, self.c_arg_name(i))
                          for i in range(len(self.data))])
     if self._is_indirect or self._is_mat:
         for i, map in enumerate(as_tuple(self.map, Map)):
             if map is not None:
                 for j, m in enumerate(map):
                     val += ", int *%s" % self.c_map_name(i, j)
     return val
Пример #17
    def bcs(self, bcs):
        """Attach some boundary conditions to this :class:`MatrixBase`.

        :arg bcs: a boundary condition (of type
            :class:`.DirichletBC`), or an iterable of boundary
            conditions.  If bcs is None, erase all boundary conditions
            on the :class:`.MatrixBase`.
        if bcs is not None:
            self._bcs = tuple(itertools.chain(*(as_tuple(bc) for bc in bcs)))
            self._bcs = ()
Пример #18
 def c_map_decl(self, is_facet=False):
     if self._is_mat:
         dsets = self.data.sparsity.dsets
         dsets = (self.data.dataset,)
     val = []
     for i, (map, dset) in enumerate(zip(as_tuple(self.map, Map), dsets)):
         for j, (m, d) in enumerate(zip(map, dset)):
             dim = m.arity
             if is_facet:
                 dim *= 2
             val.append("int xtr_%(name)s[%(dim)s];" %
                        {'name': self.c_map_name(i, j), 'dim': dim})
     return '\n'.join(val)+'\n'
Пример #19
    def subset(self, markers):
        """Return the subset corresponding to a given marker value.

        :param markers: integer marker id or an iterable of marker ids"""
        if self.markers is None:
            return self._null_subset
        markers = as_tuple(markers, int)
            return self._subsets[markers]
        except KeyError:
            indices = np.concatenate([np.nonzero(self.markers == i)[0]
                                      for i in markers])
            self._subsets[markers] = op2.Subset(self.set, indices)
            return self._subsets[markers]
Пример #20
    def c_addto(self,
        # Override global c_addto to index the map locally rather than globally.
        # Replaces MatSetValuesLocal with MatSetValues
        from pyop2.utils import as_tuple
        rmap, cmap = as_tuple(self.map, op2.Map)
        rset, cset = self.data.sparsity.dsets
        nrows = sum(m.arity * s.cdim for m, s in zip(rmap, rset))
        ncols = sum(m.arity * s.cdim for m, s in zip(cmap, cset))
        rows_str = "%s + n * %s" % (self.c_map_name(0, i), nrows)
        cols_str = "%s + n * %s" % (self.c_map_name(1, j), ncols)

        if extruded is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("Not for extruded right now")

        if is_facet:
            raise NotImplementedError("Not for interior facets and extruded")

        ret = []
        addto_name = buf_name
        if rmap.vector_index is not None or cmap.vector_index is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError
            """MatSetValues(%(mat)s, %(nrows)s, %(rows)s,
                                         %(ncols)s, %(cols)s,
                                         (const PetscScalar *)%(vals)s,
                                         %(insert)s);""" % {
                self.c_arg_name(i, j),
                "INSERT_VALUES" if self.access == op2.WRITE else "ADD_VALUES"
        return "\n".join(ret)
Пример #21
    def __new__(cls, tensor, indices):
        if not isinstance(tensor, TensorBase):
            raise TypeError("Can only extract blocks of Slate tensors.")

        if len(indices) != tensor.rank:
            raise ValueError("Length of indices must be equal to the tensor rank.")

        if not all(0 <= i < len(arg.function_space())
                   for arg, idx in zip(tensor.arguments(), indices) for i in as_tuple(idx)):
            raise ValueError("Indices out of range.")

        if not tensor.is_mixed:
            return tensor

        return super().__new__(cls)
Пример #22
    def __new__(cls, tensor, indices):
        if not isinstance(tensor, TensorBase):
            raise TypeError("Can only extract blocks of Slate tensors.")

        if len(indices) != tensor.rank:
            raise ValueError("Length of indices must be equal to the tensor rank.")

        if not all(0 <= i < len(arg.function_space())
                   for arg, idx in zip(tensor.arguments(), indices) for i in as_tuple(idx)):
            raise ValueError("Indices out of range.")

        if not tensor.is_mixed:
            return tensor

        return super().__new__(cls)
Пример #23
 def boundary_nodes(self, V, sub_domain):
     if sub_domain in ["bottom", "top"]:
         if not V.extruded:
             raise ValueError("Invalid subdomain '%s' for non-extruded mesh",
         entity_dofs = eutils.flat_entity_dofs(V.finat_element.entity_dofs())
         key = (entity_dofs_key(entity_dofs), sub_domain)
         return get_top_bottom_boundary_nodes(V.mesh(), key, V)
         if sub_domain == "on_boundary":
             sdkey = sub_domain
             sdkey = as_tuple(sub_domain)
         key = (entity_dofs_key(V.finat_element.entity_dofs()), sdkey)
         return get_facet_closure_nodes(V.mesh(), key, V)
Пример #24
 def c_wrapper_arg(self):
     if self._is_mat:
         val = "Mat %s_" % self.c_arg_name()
         val = ', '.join([
             "%s *%s" % (self.ctype, self.c_arg_name(i))
             for i in range(len(self.data))
     if self._is_indirect or self._is_mat:
         for i, map in enumerate(as_tuple(self.map, Map)):
             if map is not None:
                 for j, m in enumerate(map):
                     val += ", %s *%s" % (as_cstr(IntType),
                                          self.c_map_name(i, j))
     return val
Пример #25
 def boundary_nodes(self, V, sub_domain, method):
     if method not in {"topological", "geometric"}:
         raise ValueError("Don't know how to extract nodes with method '%s'", method)
     if sub_domain in ["bottom", "top"]:
         if not V.extruded:
             raise ValueError("Invalid subdomain '%s' for non-extruded mesh",
         entity_dofs = eutils.flat_entity_dofs(V.finat_element.entity_dofs())
         key = (entity_dofs_key(entity_dofs), sub_domain, method)
         return get_top_bottom_boundary_nodes(V.mesh(), key, V)
         if sub_domain == "on_boundary":
             sdkey = sub_domain
             sdkey = as_tuple(sub_domain)
         key = (entity_dofs_key(V.finat_element.entity_dofs()), sdkey, method)
         return get_boundary_nodes(V.mesh(), key, V)
Пример #26
 def c_map_decl(self, is_facet=False):
     if self._is_mat:
         dsets = self.data.sparsity.dsets
         dsets = (self.data.dataset, )
     val = []
     for i, (map, dset) in enumerate(zip(as_tuple(self.map, Map), dsets)):
         for j, (m, d) in enumerate(zip(map, dset)):
             dim = m.arity
             if is_facet:
                 dim *= 2
                 "%(IntType)s xtr_%(name)s[%(dim)s];" % {
                     'name': self.c_map_name(i, j),
                     'dim': dim,
                     'IntType': as_cstr(IntType)
     return '\n'.join(val) + '\n'
Пример #27
 def nodes(self):
     dm = self.function_space().mesh().topology_dm
     section = self.function_space().dm.getDefaultSection()
     nodes = []
     for sd in as_tuple(self.sub_domain):
         nfaces = dm.getStratumSize(FACE_SETS_LABEL, sd)
         faces = dm.getStratumIS(FACE_SETS_LABEL, sd)
         if nfaces == 0:
         for face in faces.indices:
             # if dm.getLabelValue("interior_facets", face) < 0:
             #    continue
             closure, _ = dm.getTransitiveClosure(face)
             for p in closure:
                 dof = section.getDof(p)
                 offset = section.getOffset(p)
                 nodes.extend((offset + d) for d in range(dof))
     return np.unique(np.asarray(nodes, dtype=IntType))
Пример #28
    def subset(self, markers):
        """Return the subset corresponding to a given marker value.

        :param markers: integer marker id or an iterable of marker ids"""
        if self.markers is None:
            return self._null_subset
        markers = as_tuple(markers, int)
            return self._subsets[markers]
        except KeyError:
            # check that the given markers are valid
            for marker in markers:
                if marker not in self.unique_markers:
                    raise LookupError("{0} is not a valid marker".format(marker))

            # build a list of indices corresponding to the subsets selected by
            # markers
            indices = np.concatenate([np.nonzero(self.markers == i)[0] for i in markers])
            self._subsets[markers] = op2.Subset(self.set, indices)
            return self._subsets[markers]
Пример #29
 def __init__(self, problems):
     problems = as_tuple(problems)
     self._problems = problems
     # Build the jacobian with the correct sparsity pattern.  Note
     # that since matrix assembly is lazy this doesn't actually
     # force an additional assembly of the matrix since in
     # form_jacobian we call assemble again which drops this
     # computation on the floor.
     from firedrake.assemble import assemble
     self._jacs = tuple(
                  nest=problem._nest) for problem in problems)
     if problems[-1].Jp is not None:
         self._pjacs = tuple(
                 nest=problem._nest) for problem in problems)
         self._pjacs = self._jacs
     # Function to hold current guess
     self._xs = tuple(function.Function(problem.u) for problem in problems)
     self.Fs = tuple(
         ufl.replace(problem.F, {problem.u: x})
         for problem, x in zip(problems, self._xs))
     self.Js = tuple(
         ufl.replace(problem.J, {problem.u: x})
         for problem, x in zip(problems, self._xs))
     if problems[-1].Jp is not None:
         self.Jps = tuple(
             ufl.replace(problem.Jp, {problem.u: x})
             for problem, x in zip(problems, self._xs))
         self.Jps = tuple(None for _ in problems)
     self._Fs = tuple(
         for F in self.Fs)
     self._jacobians_assembled = [False for _ in problems]
Пример #30
    def set_argtypes(self, iterset, *args):
        argtypes = [slope.Executor.meta['py_ctype_exec']]
        for itspace in self._all_itspaces:
            if isinstance(itspace.iterset, base.Subset):
        for arg in args:
            if arg._is_mat:
                for d in arg.data:
            if arg._is_indirect or arg._is_mat:
                maps = as_tuple(arg.map, base.Map)
                for map in maps:
                    for m in map:

        # MPI related stuff (rank, region)

        self._argtypes = argtypes
Пример #31
    def __init__(self, mesh, classes, kind, facet_cell, local_facet_number, markers=None,

        self.mesh = mesh

        classes = as_tuple(classes, int, 4)
        self.classes = classes

        self.kind = kind
        assert(kind in ["interior", "exterior"])
        if kind == "interior":
            self._rank = 2
            self._rank = 1

        self.facet_cell = facet_cell

        self.local_facet_number = local_facet_number

        self.markers = markers
        self.unique_markers = [] if unique_markers is None else unique_markers
        self._subsets = {}
Пример #32
    def subset(self, markers):
        """Return the subset corresponding to a given marker value.

        :param markers: integer marker id or an iterable of marker ids"""
        if self.markers is None:
            return self._null_subset
        markers = as_tuple(markers, int)
            return self._subsets[markers]
        except KeyError:
            # check that the given markers are valid
            for marker in markers:
                if marker not in self.unique_markers:
                    raise LookupError(
                        '{0} is not a valid marker'.format(marker))

            # build a list of indices corresponding to the subsets selected by
            # markers
            indices = np.concatenate(
                [np.nonzero(self.markers == i)[0] for i in markers])
            self._subsets[markers] = op2.Subset(self.set, indices)
            return self._subsets[markers]
Пример #33
    def __init__(self, arg, loop_position, gtl_maps=None):
        """Initialize a :class:`TilingArg`.

        :arg arg: a supertype of :class:`TilingArg`, from which this Arg is derived.
        :arg loop_position: the position of the loop in the loop chain that this
            object belongs to.
        :arg gtl_maps: a dict associating global map names to local map names.
        super(TilingArg, self).__init__(arg)
        self.position = arg.position
        self.indirect_position = arg.indirect_position
        self.loop_position = loop_position

        c_local_maps = None
        maps = as_tuple(arg.map, base.Map)
        if gtl_maps:
            c_local_maps = [None]*len(maps)
            for i, map in enumerate(maps):
                c_local_maps[i] = [None]*len(map)
                for j, m in enumerate(map):
                    c_local_maps[i][j] = gtl_maps["%s%d_%d" % (m.name, i, j)]
        self._c_local_maps = c_local_maps
Пример #34
 def c_add_offset_map(self, is_facet=False):
     if self._is_mat:
         dsets = self.data.sparsity.dsets
         dsets = (self.data.dataset,)
     val = []
     for i, (map, dset) in enumerate(zip(as_tuple(self.map, Map), dsets)):
         if not map.iterset._extruded:
         for j, (m, d) in enumerate(zip(map, dset)):
             for idx in range(m.arity):
                 val.append("xtr_%(name)s[%(ind)s] += %(off)d;" %
                            {'name': self.c_map_name(i, j),
                             'off': m.offset[idx],
                             'ind': idx})
             if is_facet:
                 for idx in range(m.arity):
                     val.append("xtr_%(name)s[%(ind)s] += %(off)d;" %
                                {'name': self.c_map_name(i, j),
                                 'off': m.offset[idx],
                                 'ind': m.arity + idx})
     return '\n'.join(val)+'\n'
Пример #35
    def set_argtypes(self, iterset, *args):
        argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int]
        if isinstance(iterset, Subset):
        for arg in args:
            if arg._is_mat:
                for d in arg.data:
            if arg._is_indirect or arg._is_mat:
                maps = as_tuple(arg.map, Map)
                for map in maps:
                    if map is not None:
                        for m in map:

        if iterset._extruded:

        self._argtypes = argtypes
Пример #36
    def set_argtypes(self, iterset, *args):
        index_type = as_ctypes(IntType)
        argtypes = [index_type, index_type]
        if isinstance(iterset, Subset):
        for arg in args:
            if arg._is_mat:
                for d in arg.data:
            if arg._is_indirect or arg._is_mat:
                maps = as_tuple(arg.map, Map)
                for map in maps:
                    if map is not None:
                        for m in map:

        if iterset._extruded:

        self._argtypes = argtypes
Пример #37
    def __getitem__(self, key):

        key = list(as_tuple(key))

        # Make indexing with too few indices legal.
        key += [slice(None) for i in range(self.tensor.rank - len(key))]

        if len(key) > self.tensor.rank:
            raise ValueError("Attempting to index a rank-%s tensor with %s indices."
                             % (self.tensor.rank, len(key)))

        # Convert slice indices to tuple of indices.
        blocks = tuple(range(n)[k] if isinstance(k, slice) else k
                       for k, n in zip(key, self.tensor.shape))

        # Avoid repeated instantiation of an equivalent block
            block = self.block_cache[blocks]
        except KeyError:
            block = Block(tensor=self.tensor, indices=blocks)
            self.block_cache[blocks] = block

        return block
Пример #38
    def __getitem__(self, key):

        key = list(as_tuple(key))

        # Make indexing with too few indices legal.
        key += [slice(None) for i in range(self.tensor.rank - len(key))]

        if len(key) > self.tensor.rank:
            raise ValueError("Attempting to index a rank-%s tensor with %s indices."
                             % (self.tensor.rank, len(key)))

        # Convert slice indices to tuple of indices.
        blocks = tuple(range(n)[k] if isinstance(k, slice) else k
                       for k, n in zip(key, self.tensor.shape))

        # Avoid repeated instantiation of an equivalent block
            block = self.block_cache[blocks]
        except KeyError:
            block = Block(tensor=self.tensor, indices=blocks)
            self.block_cache[blocks] = block

        return block
Пример #39
    def _split_arguments(self):
        """Splits the function space and stores the component
        spaces determined by the indices.
        from firedrake.functionspace import FunctionSpace, MixedFunctionSpace
        from firedrake.ufl_expr import Argument

        tensor, = self.operands
        nargs = []
        for i, arg in enumerate(tensor.arguments()):
            V = arg.function_space()
            V_is = V.split()
            idx = as_tuple(self._blocks[i])
            if len(idx) == 1:
                fidx, = idx
                W = V_is[fidx]
                W = FunctionSpace(W.mesh(), W.ufl_element())
                W = MixedFunctionSpace([V_is[fidx] for fidx in idx])

            nargs.append(Argument(W, arg.number(), part=arg.part()))

        return tuple(nargs)
Пример #40
    def _split_arguments(self):
        """Splits the function space and stores the component
        spaces determined by the indices.
        from firedrake.functionspace import FunctionSpace, MixedFunctionSpace
        from firedrake.ufl_expr import Argument

        tensor, = self.operands
        nargs = []
        for i, arg in enumerate(tensor.arguments()):
            V = arg.function_space()
            V_is = V.split()
            idx = as_tuple(self._blocks[i])
            if len(idx) == 1:
                fidx, = idx
                W = V_is[fidx]
                W = FunctionSpace(W.mesh(), W.ufl_element())
                W = MixedFunctionSpace([V_is[fidx] for fidx in idx])

            nargs.append(Argument(W, arg.number(), part=arg.part()))

        return tuple(nargs)
Пример #41
    def prepare_arglist(self, part, *args):
        arglist = [self._inspection]
        for itspace in self._all_itspaces:
            if isinstance(itspace._iterset, base.Subset):
        for arg in args:
            if arg._is_mat:
                for d in arg.data:
                    # Cannot access a property of the Dat or we will force
                    # evaluation of the trace

            if arg._is_indirect or arg._is_mat:
                maps = as_tuple(arg.map, base.Map)
                for map in maps:
                    for m in map:


        return arglist
Пример #42
def get_sup_element(*elements, continuous=False, max_degree=None):
    """Given ufl elements and a continuity flag, return
    a new ufl element that contains all elements.
    :arg elements: ufl elements.
    :continous: A flag indicating if all elements are continous.
    :returns: A ufl element containing all elements.
        cell, = set(e.cell() for e in elements)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("All cells must be identical")
    degree = max(chain(*(as_tuple(e.degree()) for e in elements)))
    if continuous:
        family = "CG"
        if cell.cellname() in {"interval", "triangle", "tetrahedron"}:
            family = "DG"
            family = "DQ"
    return ufl.FiniteElement(family,
                             degree=degree if max_degree is None else max_degree,
Пример #43
 def c_map_init(self, is_top=False, is_facet=False):
     if self._is_mat:
         dsets = self.data.sparsity.dsets
         dsets = (self.data.dataset,)
     val = []
     for i, (map, dset) in enumerate(zip(as_tuple(self.map, Map), dsets)):
         for j, (m, d) in enumerate(zip(map, dset)):
             for idx in range(m.arity):
                 val.append("xtr_%(name)s[%(ind)s] = *(%(name)s + i * %(dim)s + %(ind)s)%(off_top)s;" %
                            {'name': self.c_map_name(i, j),
                             'dim': m.arity,
                             'ind': idx,
                             'off_top': ' + start_layer * '+str(m.offset[idx]) if is_top else ''})
             if is_facet:
                 for idx in range(m.arity):
                     val.append("xtr_%(name)s[%(ind)s] = *(%(name)s + i * %(dim)s + %(ind_zero)s)%(off_top)s%(off)s;" %
                                {'name': self.c_map_name(i, j),
                                 'dim': m.arity,
                                 'ind': idx + m.arity,
                                 'ind_zero': idx,
                                 'off_top': ' + start_layer' if is_top else '',
                                 'off': ' + ' + str(m.offset[idx])})
     return '\n'.join(val)+'\n'
Пример #44
def condense_and_forward_eliminate(A, b, elim_fields):
    """Returns Slate expressions for the operator and
    right-hand side vector after eliminating specified

    :arg A: a `slate.Tensor` corresponding to the
            mixed UFL operator.
    :arg b: a `firedrake.Function` corresponding
            to the right-hand side.
    :arg elim_fields: a `tuple` of indices denoting
                      which fields to eliminate.

    if not isinstance(A, slate.Tensor):
        raise ValueError("Left-hand operator must be a Slate Tensor")

    # Ensures field indices are in increasing order
    elim_fields = list(as_tuple(elim_fields))

    all_fields = list(range(len(A.arg_function_spaces[0])))

    condensed_fields = list(set(all_fields) - set(elim_fields))

    _A = A.blocks
    _b = slate.AssembledVector(b).blocks

    # NOTE: Does not support non-contiguous field elimination
    e_idx0 = elim_fields[0]
    e_idx1 = elim_fields[-1]
    f_idx0 = condensed_fields[0]
    f_idx1 = condensed_fields[-1]

    # Finite element systems where static condensation
    # is possible have the general form:
    #  | A_ee A_ef || x_e |   | b_e |
    #  |           ||     | = |     |
    #  | A_fe A_ff || x_f |   | b_f |
    # where subscript `e` denotes the coupling with fields
    # that will be eliminated, and `f` denotes the condensed
    # fields.
    Aff = _A[f_idx0:f_idx1 + 1, f_idx0:f_idx1 + 1]
    Aef = _A[e_idx0:e_idx1 + 1, f_idx0:f_idx1 + 1]
    Afe = _A[f_idx0:f_idx1 + 1, e_idx0:e_idx1 + 1]
    Aee = _A[e_idx0:e_idx1 + 1, e_idx0:e_idx1 + 1]

    bf = _b[f_idx0:f_idx1 + 1]
    be = _b[e_idx0:e_idx1 + 1]

    # The reduced operator and right-hand side are:
    #  S = A_ff - A_fe * A_ee.inv * A_ef
    #  r = b_f - A_fe * A_ee.inv * b_e
    # as show in Slate:
    S = Aff - Afe * Aee.inv * Aef
    r = bf - Afe * Aee.inv * be
    field_idx = [idx for idx in range(f_idx0, f_idx1)]

    return LAContext(lhs=S, rhs=r, field_idx=field_idx)
Пример #45
 def _process_args(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     """Convert list of spaces to tuple (to make it hashable)"""
     mesh = args[0][0].mesh()
     pargs = tuple(as_tuple(arg) for arg in args)
     return (mesh, ) + pargs, kwargs
Пример #46
def backward_solve(A, b, x, reconstruct_fields):
    """Returns a sequence of linear algebra contexts containing
    Slate expressions for backwards substitution.

    :arg A: a `slate.Tensor` corresponding to the
            mixed UFL operator.
    :arg b: a `firedrake.Function` corresponding
            to the right-hand side.
    :arg x: a `firedrake.Function` corresponding
            to the solution.
    :arg reconstruct_fields: a `tuple` of indices denoting
                             which fields to reconstruct.

    if not isinstance(A, slate.Tensor):
        raise ValueError("Left-hand operator must be a Slate Tensor")

    all_fields = list(range(len(A.arg_function_spaces[0])))
    nfields = len(all_fields)
    reconstruct_fields = as_tuple(reconstruct_fields)

    _A = A.blocks
    _b = b.split()
    _x = x.split()

    # Ordering matters
    systems = []

    # Reconstruct one unknown from one determined field:
    # | A_ee  A_ef || x_e |   | b_e |
    # |            ||     | = |     |
    # | A_fe  A_ff || x_f |   | b_f |
    # where x_f is known from a previous computation.
    # Returns the system:
    # A_ee x_e = b_e - A_ef * x_f.
    if nfields == 2:
        id_e, = reconstruct_fields
        id_f, = [idx for idx in all_fields if idx != id_e]

        A_ee = _A[id_e, id_e]
        A_ef = _A[id_e, id_f]
        b_e = slate.AssembledVector(_b[id_e])
        x_f = slate.AssembledVector(_x[id_f])

        r_e = b_e - A_ef * x_f
        local_system = LAContext(lhs=A_ee, rhs=r_e, field_idx=(id_e,))


    # Reconstruct two unknowns from one determined field:
    # | A_e0e0  A_e0e1  A_e0f || x_e0 |   | b_e0 |
    # | A_e1e0  A_e1e1  A_e1f || x_e1 | = | b_e1 |
    # | A_fe0   A_fe1   A_ff  || x_f  |   | b_f  |
    # where x_f is the known field. Returns two systems to be
    # solved in order (determined from the reverse order of indices
    # e0 and e1):
    # Solve for e1 first (obtained from eliminating x_e0):
    # S_e1 x_e1 = r_e1
    # where
    # S_e1 = A_e1e1 - A_e1e0 * A_e0e0.inv * A_e0e1, and
    # r_e1 = b_e1 - A_e1e0 * A_e0e0.inv * b_e0
    #      - (A_e1f - A_e1e0 * A_e0e0.inv * A_e0f) * x_f,
    # And then solve for x_e0 given x_f and x_e1:
    # A_e0e0 x_e0 = b_e0 - A_e0e1 * x_e1 - A_e0f * x_f.
    elif nfields == 3:
        if len(reconstruct_fields) != nfields - 1:
            raise NotImplementedError("Implemented for 1 determined field")

        # Order of reconstruction doesn't need to be in order
        # of increasing indices
        id_e0, id_e1 = reconstruct_fields
        id_f, = [idx for idx in all_fields if idx not in reconstruct_fields]

        A_e0e0 = _A[id_e0, id_e0]
        A_e0e1 = _A[id_e0, id_e1]
        A_e1e0 = _A[id_e1, id_e0]
        A_e1e1 = _A[id_e1, id_e1]
        A_e0f = _A[id_e0, id_f]
        A_e1f = _A[id_e1, id_f]

        x_e1 = slate.AssembledVector(_x[id_e1])
        x_f = slate.AssembledVector(_x[id_f])

        b_e0 = slate.AssembledVector(_b[id_e0])
        b_e1 = slate.AssembledVector(_b[id_e1])

        # Solve for e1
        Sf = A_e1f - A_e1e0 * A_e0e0.inv * A_e0f
        S_e1 = A_e1e1 - A_e1e0 * A_e0e0.inv * A_e0e1
        r_e1 = b_e1 - A_e1e0 * A_e0e0.inv * b_e0 - Sf * x_f
        systems.append(LAContext(lhs=S_e1, rhs=r_e1, field_idx=(id_e1,)))

        # Solve for e0
        r_e0 = b_e0 - A_e0e1 * x_e1 - A_e0f * x_f
        systems.append(LAContext(lhs=A_e0e0, rhs=r_e0, field_idx=(id_e0,)))

        msg = "Not implemented for systems with %s fields" % nfields
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    return systems
Пример #47
def slate_to_cpp(expr, temps, prec=None):
    """Translates a Slate expression into its equivalent representation in
    the Eigen C++ syntax.

    :arg expr: a :class:`slate.TensorBase` expression.
    :arg temps: a `dict` of temporaries which map a given expression to its
        corresponding representation as a `coffee.Symbol` object.
    :arg prec: an argument dictating the order of precedence in the linear
        algebra operations. This ensures that parentheticals are placed
        appropriately and the order in which linear algebra operations
        are performed are correct.

        a `string` which represents the C/C++ code representation of the
        `slate.TensorBase` expr.
    # If the tensor is terminal, it has already been declared.
    # Coefficients defined as AssembledVectors will have been declared
    # by now, as well as any other nodes with high reference count or
    # matrix factorizations.
    if expr in temps:
        return temps[expr].gencode()

    elif isinstance(expr, slate.Transpose):
        tensor, = expr.operands
        return "(%s).transpose()" % slate_to_cpp(tensor, temps)

    elif isinstance(expr, slate.Inverse):
        tensor, = expr.operands
        return "(%s).inverse()" % slate_to_cpp(tensor, temps)

    elif isinstance(expr, slate.Negative):
        tensor, = expr.operands
        result = "-%s" % slate_to_cpp(tensor, temps, expr.prec)
        return parenthesize(result, expr.prec, prec)

    elif isinstance(expr, (slate.Add, slate.Mul)):
        op = {slate.Add: '+', slate.Mul: '*'}[type(expr)]
        A, B = expr.operands
        result = "%s %s %s" % (slate_to_cpp(
            A, temps, expr.prec), op, slate_to_cpp(B, temps, expr.prec))

        return parenthesize(result, expr.prec, prec)

    elif isinstance(expr, slate.Block):
        tensor, = expr.operands
        indices = expr._indices
            ridx, cidx = indices
        except ValueError:
            ridx, = indices
            cidx = 0
        rids = as_tuple(ridx)
        cids = as_tuple(cidx)

        # Check if indices are non-contiguous
        if not all(
                all(ids[i] + 1 == ids[i + 1] for i in range(len(ids) - 1))
                for ids in (rids, cids)):
            raise NotImplementedError("Non-contiguous blocks not implemented")

        rshape = expr.shape[0]
        rstart = sum(tensor.shapes[0][:min(rids)])
        if expr.rank == 1:
            cshape = 1
            cstart = 0
            cshape = expr.shape[1]
            cstart = sum(tensor.shapes[1][:min(cids)])

        result = "(%s).block<%d, %d>(%d, %d)" % (slate_to_cpp(
            tensor, temps, expr.prec), rshape, cshape, rstart, cstart)

        return parenthesize(result, expr.prec, prec)

    elif isinstance(expr, slate.Solve):
        A, B = expr.operands
        result = "%s.solve(%s)" % (slate_to_cpp(
            A, temps, expr.prec), slate_to_cpp(B, temps, expr.prec))

        return parenthesize(result, expr.prec, prec)

        raise NotImplementedError("Type %s not supported.", type(expr))
Пример #48
    def c_map_bcs(self, sign, is_facet):
        maps = as_tuple(self.map, Map)
        val = []
        # To throw away boundary condition values, we subtract a large
        # value from the map to make it negative then add it on later to
        # get back to the original
        max_int = 10000000

        need_bottom = False
        # Apply any bcs on the first (bottom) layer
        for i, map in enumerate(maps):
            if not map.iterset._extruded:
            for j, m in enumerate(map):
                bottom_masks = None
                for location, name in m.implicit_bcs:
                    if location == "bottom":
                        if bottom_masks is None:
                            bottom_masks = m.bottom_mask[name].copy()
                            bottom_masks += m.bottom_mask[name]
                        need_bottom = True
                if bottom_masks is not None:
                    for idx in range(m.arity):
                        if bottom_masks[idx] < 0:
                            val.append("xtr_%(name)s[%(ind)s] %(sign)s= %(val)s;" %
                                       {'name': self.c_map_name(i, j),
                                        'val': max_int,
                                        'ind': idx,
                                        'sign': sign})
        if need_bottom:
            val.insert(0, "if (j_0 == 0) {")

        need_top = False
        pos = len(val)
        # Apply any bcs on last (top) layer
        for i, map in enumerate(maps):
            if not map.iterset._extruded:
            for j, m in enumerate(map):
                top_masks = None
                for location, name in m.implicit_bcs:
                    if location == "top":
                        if top_masks is None:
                            top_masks = m.top_mask[name].copy()
                            top_masks += m.top_mask[name]
                        need_top = True
                if top_masks is not None:
                    facet_offset = m.arity if is_facet else 0
                    for idx in range(m.arity):
                        if top_masks[idx] < 0:
                            val.append("xtr_%(name)s[%(ind)s] %(sign)s= %(val)s;" %
                                       {'name': self.c_map_name(i, j),
                                        'val': max_int,
                                        'ind': idx + facet_offset,
                                        'sign': sign})
        if need_top:
            val.insert(pos, "if (j_0 == top_layer - 1) {")
        return '\n'.join(val)+'\n'
Пример #49
    def initialize(self, pc):
        """Set up the problem context. Take the original
        mixed problem and reformulate the problem as a
        hybridized mixed system.

        A KSP is created for the Lagrange multiplier system.
        from firedrake import (FunctionSpace, Function, Constant,
                               TrialFunction, TrialFunctions, TestFunction,
        from firedrake.assemble import (allocate_matrix,
        from firedrake.formmanipulation import split_form
        from ufl.algorithms.replace import replace

        # Extract the problem context
        prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix() + "hybridization_"
        _, P = pc.getOperators()
        self.ctx = P.getPythonContext()

        if not isinstance(self.ctx, ImplicitMatrixContext):
            raise ValueError("The python context must be an ImplicitMatrixContext")

        test, trial = self.ctx.a.arguments()

        V = test.function_space()
        mesh = V.mesh()

        if len(V) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Expecting two function spaces.")

        if all(Vi.ufl_element().value_shape() for Vi in V):
            raise ValueError("Expecting an H(div) x L2 pair of spaces.")

        # Automagically determine which spaces are vector and scalar
        for i, Vi in enumerate(V):
            if Vi.ufl_element().sobolev_space().name == "HDiv":
                self.vidx = i
                assert Vi.ufl_element().sobolev_space().name == "L2"
                self.pidx = i

        # Create the space of approximate traces.
        W = V[self.vidx]
        if W.ufl_element().family() == "Brezzi-Douglas-Marini":
            tdegree = W.ufl_element().degree()

                # If we have a tensor product element
                h_deg, v_deg = W.ufl_element().degree()
                tdegree = (h_deg - 1, v_deg - 1)

            except TypeError:
                tdegree = W.ufl_element().degree() - 1

        TraceSpace = FunctionSpace(mesh, "HDiv Trace", tdegree)

        # Break the function spaces and define fully discontinuous spaces
        broken_elements = ufl.MixedElement([ufl.BrokenElement(Vi.ufl_element()) for Vi in V])
        V_d = FunctionSpace(mesh, broken_elements)

        # Set up the functions for the original, hybridized
        # and schur complement systems
        self.broken_solution = Function(V_d)
        self.broken_residual = Function(V_d)
        self.trace_solution = Function(TraceSpace)
        self.unbroken_solution = Function(V)
        self.unbroken_residual = Function(V)

        shapes = (V[self.vidx].finat_element.space_dimension(),
        domain = "{[i,j]: 0 <= i < %d and 0 <= j < %d}" % shapes
        instructions = """
        for i, j
            w[i,j] = w[i,j] + 1
        self.weight = Function(V[self.vidx])
        par_loop((domain, instructions), ufl.dx, {"w": (self.weight, INC)},

        instructions = """
        for i, j
            vec_out[i,j] = vec_out[i,j] + vec_in[i,j]/w[i,j]
        self.average_kernel = (domain, instructions)

        # Create the symbolic Schur-reduction:
        # Original mixed operator replaced with "broken"
        # arguments
        arg_map = {test: TestFunction(V_d),
                   trial: TrialFunction(V_d)}
        Atilde = Tensor(replace(self.ctx.a, arg_map))
        gammar = TestFunction(TraceSpace)
        n = ufl.FacetNormal(mesh)
        sigma = TrialFunctions(V_d)[self.vidx]

        if mesh.cell_set._extruded:
            Kform = (gammar('+') * ufl.jump(sigma, n=n) * ufl.dS_h
                     + gammar('+') * ufl.jump(sigma, n=n) * ufl.dS_v)
            Kform = (gammar('+') * ufl.jump(sigma, n=n) * ufl.dS)

        # Here we deal with boundaries. If there are Neumann
        # conditions (which should be enforced strongly for
        # H(div)xL^2) then we need to add jump terms on the exterior
        # facets. If there are Dirichlet conditions (which should be
        # enforced weakly) then we need to zero out the trace
        # variables there as they are not active (otherwise the hybrid
        # problem is not well-posed).

        # If boundary conditions are contained in the ImplicitMatrixContext:
        if self.ctx.row_bcs:
            # Find all the subdomains with neumann BCS
            # These are Dirichlet BCs on the vidx space
            neumann_subdomains = set()
            for bc in self.ctx.row_bcs:
                if bc.function_space().index == self.pidx:
                    raise NotImplementedError("Dirichlet conditions for scalar variable not supported. Use a weak bc")
                if bc.function_space().index != self.vidx:
                    raise NotImplementedError("Dirichlet bc set on unsupported space.")
                # append the set of sub domains
                subdom = bc.sub_domain
                if isinstance(subdom, str):
                    neumann_subdomains |= set([subdom])
                    neumann_subdomains |= set(as_tuple(subdom, int))

            # separate out the top and bottom bcs
            extruded_neumann_subdomains = neumann_subdomains & {"top", "bottom"}
            neumann_subdomains = neumann_subdomains - extruded_neumann_subdomains

            integrand = gammar * ufl.dot(sigma, n)
            measures = []
            trace_subdomains = []
            if mesh.cell_set._extruded:
                ds = ufl.ds_v
                for subdomain in sorted(extruded_neumann_subdomains):
                    measures.append({"top": ufl.ds_t, "bottom": ufl.ds_b}[subdomain])
                trace_subdomains.extend(sorted({"top", "bottom"} - extruded_neumann_subdomains))
                ds = ufl.ds
            if "on_boundary" in neumann_subdomains:
                measures.extend((ds(sd) for sd in sorted(neumann_subdomains)))
                markers = [int(x) for x in mesh.exterior_facets.unique_markers]
                dirichlet_subdomains = set(markers) - neumann_subdomains

            for measure in measures:
                Kform += integrand*measure

            trace_bcs = [DirichletBC(TraceSpace, Constant(0.0), subdomain) for subdomain in trace_subdomains]

            # No bcs were provided, we assume weak Dirichlet conditions.
            # We zero out the contribution of the trace variables on
            # the exterior boundary. Extruded cells will have both
            # horizontal and vertical facets
            trace_subdomains = ["on_boundary"]
            if mesh.cell_set._extruded:
                trace_subdomains.extend(["bottom", "top"])
            trace_bcs = [DirichletBC(TraceSpace, Constant(0.0), subdomain) for subdomain in trace_subdomains]

        # Make a SLATE tensor from Kform
        K = Tensor(Kform)

        # Assemble the Schur complement operator and right-hand side
        self.schur_rhs = Function(TraceSpace)
        self._assemble_Srhs = create_assembly_callable(
            K * Atilde.inv * AssembledVector(self.broken_residual),

        mat_type = PETSc.Options().getString(prefix + "mat_type", "aij")

        schur_comp = K * Atilde.inv * K.T
        self.S = allocate_matrix(schur_comp, bcs=trace_bcs,
        self._assemble_S = create_assembly_callable(schur_comp,

        Smat = self.S.petscmat

        nullspace = self.ctx.appctx.get("trace_nullspace", None)
        if nullspace is not None:
            nsp = nullspace(TraceSpace)

        # Set up the KSP for the system of Lagrange multipliers
        trace_ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=pc.comm)
        self.trace_ksp = trace_ksp

        split_mixed_op = dict(split_form(Atilde.form))
        split_trace_op = dict(split_form(K.form))

        # Generate reconstruction calls
        self._reconstruction_calls(split_mixed_op, split_trace_op)
Пример #50
    def initialize(self, pc):
        """Set up the problem context. Take the original
        mixed problem and reformulate the problem as a
        hybridized mixed system.

        A KSP is created for the Lagrange multiplier system.
        from firedrake import (FunctionSpace, Function, Constant,
                               TrialFunction, TrialFunctions, TestFunction,
        from firedrake.assemble import (allocate_matrix,
        from firedrake.formmanipulation import split_form
        from ufl.algorithms.replace import replace

        # Extract the problem context
        prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix() + "hybridization_"
        _, P = pc.getOperators()
        self.ctx = P.getPythonContext()

        if not isinstance(self.ctx, ImplicitMatrixContext):
            raise ValueError(
                "The python context must be an ImplicitMatrixContext")

        test, trial = self.ctx.a.arguments()

        V = test.function_space()
        mesh = V.mesh()

        if len(V) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Expecting two function spaces.")

        if all(Vi.ufl_element().value_shape() for Vi in V):
            raise ValueError("Expecting an H(div) x L2 pair of spaces.")

        # Automagically determine which spaces are vector and scalar
        for i, Vi in enumerate(V):
            if Vi.ufl_element().sobolev_space().name == "HDiv":
                self.vidx = i
                assert Vi.ufl_element().sobolev_space().name == "L2"
                self.pidx = i

        # Create the space of approximate traces.
        W = V[self.vidx]
        if W.ufl_element().family() == "Brezzi-Douglas-Marini":
            tdegree = W.ufl_element().degree()

                # If we have a tensor product element
                h_deg, v_deg = W.ufl_element().degree()
                tdegree = (h_deg - 1, v_deg - 1)

            except TypeError:
                tdegree = W.ufl_element().degree() - 1

        TraceSpace = FunctionSpace(mesh, "HDiv Trace", tdegree)

        # Break the function spaces and define fully discontinuous spaces
        broken_elements = ufl.MixedElement(
            [ufl.BrokenElement(Vi.ufl_element()) for Vi in V])
        V_d = FunctionSpace(mesh, broken_elements)

        # Set up the functions for the original, hybridized
        # and schur complement systems
        self.broken_solution = Function(V_d)
        self.broken_residual = Function(V_d)
        self.trace_solution = Function(TraceSpace)
        self.unbroken_solution = Function(V)
        self.unbroken_residual = Function(V)

        shapes = (V[self.vidx].finat_element.space_dimension(),
        domain = "{[i,j]: 0 <= i < %d and 0 <= j < %d}" % shapes
        instructions = """
        for i, j
            w[i,j] = w[i,j] + 1
        self.weight = Function(V[self.vidx])
        par_loop((domain, instructions),
                 ufl.dx, {"w": (self.weight, INC)},

        instructions = """
        for i, j
            vec_out[i,j] = vec_out[i,j] + vec_in[i,j]/w[i,j]
        self.average_kernel = (domain, instructions)

        # Create the symbolic Schur-reduction:
        # Original mixed operator replaced with "broken"
        # arguments
        arg_map = {test: TestFunction(V_d), trial: TrialFunction(V_d)}
        Atilde = Tensor(replace(self.ctx.a, arg_map))
        gammar = TestFunction(TraceSpace)
        n = ufl.FacetNormal(mesh)
        sigma = TrialFunctions(V_d)[self.vidx]

        if mesh.cell_set._extruded:
            Kform = (gammar('+') * ufl.jump(sigma, n=n) * ufl.dS_h +
                     gammar('+') * ufl.jump(sigma, n=n) * ufl.dS_v)
            Kform = (gammar('+') * ufl.jump(sigma, n=n) * ufl.dS)

        # Here we deal with boundaries. If there are Neumann
        # conditions (which should be enforced strongly for
        # H(div)xL^2) then we need to add jump terms on the exterior
        # facets. If there are Dirichlet conditions (which should be
        # enforced weakly) then we need to zero out the trace
        # variables there as they are not active (otherwise the hybrid
        # problem is not well-posed).

        # If boundary conditions are contained in the ImplicitMatrixContext:
        if self.ctx.row_bcs:
            # Find all the subdomains with neumann BCS
            # These are Dirichlet BCs on the vidx space
            neumann_subdomains = set()
            for bc in self.ctx.row_bcs:
                if bc.function_space().index == self.pidx:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "Dirichlet conditions for scalar variable not supported. Use a weak bc"
                if bc.function_space().index != self.vidx:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "Dirichlet bc set on unsupported space.")
                # append the set of sub domains
                subdom = bc.sub_domain
                if isinstance(subdom, str):
                    neumann_subdomains |= set([subdom])
                    neumann_subdomains |= set(
                        as_tuple(subdom, numbers.Integral))

            # separate out the top and bottom bcs
            extruded_neumann_subdomains = neumann_subdomains & {
                "top", "bottom"
            neumann_subdomains = neumann_subdomains - extruded_neumann_subdomains

            integrand = gammar * ufl.dot(sigma, n)
            measures = []
            trace_subdomains = []
            if mesh.cell_set._extruded:
                ds = ufl.ds_v
                for subdomain in sorted(extruded_neumann_subdomains):
                        "top": ufl.ds_t,
                        "bottom": ufl.ds_b
                    sorted({"top", "bottom"} - extruded_neumann_subdomains))
                ds = ufl.ds
            if "on_boundary" in neumann_subdomains:
                measures.extend((ds(sd) for sd in sorted(neumann_subdomains)))
                markers = [int(x) for x in mesh.exterior_facets.unique_markers]
                dirichlet_subdomains = set(markers) - neumann_subdomains

            for measure in measures:
                Kform += integrand * measure

            trace_bcs = [
                DirichletBC(TraceSpace, Constant(0.0), subdomain)
                for subdomain in trace_subdomains

            # No bcs were provided, we assume weak Dirichlet conditions.
            # We zero out the contribution of the trace variables on
            # the exterior boundary. Extruded cells will have both
            # horizontal and vertical facets
            trace_subdomains = ["on_boundary"]
            if mesh.cell_set._extruded:
                trace_subdomains.extend(["bottom", "top"])
            trace_bcs = [
                DirichletBC(TraceSpace, Constant(0.0), subdomain)
                for subdomain in trace_subdomains

        # Make a SLATE tensor from Kform
        K = Tensor(Kform)

        # Assemble the Schur complement operator and right-hand side
        self.schur_rhs = Function(TraceSpace)
        self._assemble_Srhs = create_assembly_callable(
            K * Atilde.inv * AssembledVector(self.broken_residual),

        mat_type = PETSc.Options().getString(prefix + "mat_type", "aij")

        schur_comp = K * Atilde.inv * K.T
        self.S = allocate_matrix(schur_comp,
        self._assemble_S = create_assembly_callable(

        with timed_region("HybridOperatorAssembly"):

        Smat = self.S.petscmat

        nullspace = self.ctx.appctx.get("trace_nullspace", None)
        if nullspace is not None:
            nsp = nullspace(TraceSpace)

        # Set up the KSP for the system of Lagrange multipliers
        trace_ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=pc.comm)
        self.trace_ksp = trace_ksp

        split_mixed_op = dict(split_form(Atilde.form))
        split_trace_op = dict(split_form(K.form))

        # Generate reconstruction calls
        self._reconstruction_calls(split_mixed_op, split_trace_op)
Пример #51
    def _tile(self):
        """Tile consecutive loops over different iteration sets characterized
        by RAW and WAR dependencies. This requires interfacing with the SLOPE

        loop_chain = self._loop_chain

        if len(loop_chain) == 1:
            # Nothing more to try fusing after soft and hard fusion

        tile_size = self._options.get('tile_size', 1)
        seed_loop = self._options.get('seed_loop', 0)
        extra_halo = self._options.get('extra_halo', False)
        coloring = self._options.get('coloring', 'default')
        use_prefetch = self._options.get('use_prefetch', 0)
        ignore_war = self._options.get('ignore_war', False)
        log = self._options.get('log', False)
        rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank

        # The SLOPE inspector, which needs be populated with sets, maps,
        # descriptors, and loop chain structure
        inspector = slope.Inspector(self._name)

        # Build inspector and argument types and values
        # Note: we need ordered containers to be sure that SLOPE generates
        # identical code for all ranks
        arguments = []
        insp_sets, insp_maps, insp_loops = OrderedDict(), OrderedDict(), []
        for loop in loop_chain:
            slope_desc = set()
            # 1) Add sets
            iterset = loop.it_space.iterset
            iterset = iterset.subset if hasattr(iterset, 'subset') else iterset
            slope_set = create_slope_set(iterset, extra_halo, insp_sets)
            # If iterating over a subset, we fake an indirect parloop from the
            # (iteration) subset to the superset. This allows the propagation of
            # tiling across the hierarchy of sets (see SLOPE for further info)
            if slope_set.superset:
                create_slope_set(iterset.superset, extra_halo, insp_sets)
                map_name = "%s_tosuperset" % slope_set.name
                insp_maps[slope_set.name] = (map_name, slope_set.name,
                                             iterset.superset.name, iterset.indices)
                slope_desc.add((map_name, INC._mode))
            for a in loop.args:
                # 2) Add access descriptors
                maps = as_tuple(a.map, Map)
                if not maps:
                    # Simplest case: direct loop
                    slope_desc.add(('DIRECT', a.access._mode))
                    # Add maps (there can be more than one per argument if the arg
                    # is actually a Mat - in which case there are two maps - or if
                    # a MixedMap) and relative descriptors
                    for i, map in enumerate(maps):
                        for j, m in enumerate(map):
                            map_name = "%s%d_%d" % (m.name, i, j)
                            insp_maps[m.name] = (map_name, m.iterset.name,
                                                 m.toset.name, m.values_with_halo)
                            slope_desc.add((map_name, a.access._mode))
                            create_slope_set(m.iterset, extra_halo, insp_sets)
                            create_slope_set(m.toset, extra_halo, insp_sets)
            # 3) Add loop
            insp_loops.append((loop.kernel.name, slope_set.name, list(slope_desc)))
        # Provide structure of loop chain to SLOPE

        # Set a specific tile size

        # Tell SLOPE the rank of the MPI process

        # Get type and value of additional arguments that SLOPE can exploit

        # Add any available partitioning
        partitionings = [(s[0], v) for s, v in insp_sets.items() if v is not None]

        # Arguments types and values
        argtypes, argvalues = zip(*arguments)

        # Set key tiling properties

        # Generate the C code
        src = inspector.generate_code()

        # Return type of the inspector
        rettype = slope.Executor.meta['py_ctype_exec']

        # Compiler and linker options
        compiler = coffee.system.compiler.get('name')
        cppargs = slope.get_compile_opts(compiler)
        cppargs += ['-I%s/include/SLOPE' % sys.prefix]
        ldargs = ['-L%s/lib' % sys.prefix, '-l%s' % slope.get_lib_name(),
                  '-Wl,-rpath,%s/lib' % sys.prefix, '-lrt']

        # Compile and run inspector
        fun = compilation.load(src, "cpp", "inspector", cppargs, ldargs,
                               argtypes, rettype, compiler)
        inspection = fun(*argvalues)

        # Log the inspector output
        if log and rank == 0:
            estimate_data_reuse(self._name, loop_chain)

        # Finally, get the Executor representation, to be used at executor
        # code generation time
        executor = slope.Executor(inspector)

        kernel = Kernel(tuple(loop.kernel for loop in loop_chain))
        self._schedule = TilingSchedule(self._name, self._schedule, kernel, inspection,
                                        executor, **self._options)
Пример #52
    def c_addto(self, i, j, buf_name, tmp_name, tmp_decl,
                extruded=None, is_facet=False):
        maps = as_tuple(self.map, Map)
        nrows = maps[0].split[i].arity
        ncols = maps[1].split[j].arity
        rows_str = "%s + i * %s" % (self.c_map_name(0, i), nrows)
        cols_str = "%s + i * %s" % (self.c_map_name(1, j), ncols)

        if extruded is not None:
            rows_str = extruded + self.c_map_name(0, i)
            cols_str = extruded + self.c_map_name(1, j)

        if is_facet:
            nrows *= 2
            ncols *= 2

        ret = []
        rbs, cbs = self.data.sparsity[i, j].dims[0][0]
        rdim = rbs * nrows
        addto_name = buf_name
        addto = 'MatSetValuesLocal'
        if self.data._is_vector_field:
            addto = 'MatSetValuesBlockedLocal'
            rmap, cmap = maps
            rdim, cdim = self.data.dims[i][j]
            if rmap.vector_index is not None or cmap.vector_index is not None:
                rows_str = "rowmap"
                cols_str = "colmap"
                addto = "MatSetValuesLocal"
                fdict = {'nrows': nrows,
                         'ncols': ncols,
                         'rdim': rdim,
                         'cdim': cdim,
                         'rowmap': self.c_map_name(0, i),
                         'colmap': self.c_map_name(1, j),
                         'drop_full_row': 0 if rmap.vector_index is not None else 1,
                         'drop_full_col': 0 if cmap.vector_index is not None else 1}
                # Horrible hack alert
                # To apply BCs to a component of a Dat with cdim > 1
                # we encode which components to apply things to in the
                # high bits of the map value
                # The value that comes in is:
                # -(row + 1 + sum_i 2 ** (30 - i))
                # where i are the components to zero
                # So, the actual row (if it's negative) is:
                # (~input) & ~0x70000000
                # And we can determine which components to zero by
                # inspecting the high bits (1 << 30 - i)
                PetscInt rowmap[%(nrows)d*%(rdim)d];
                PetscInt colmap[%(ncols)d*%(cdim)d];
                int discard, tmp, block_row, block_col;
                for ( int j = 0; j < %(nrows)d; j++ ) {
                    block_row = %(rowmap)s[i*%(nrows)d + j];
                    discard = 0;
                    tmp = -(block_row + 1);
                    if ( block_row < 0 ) {
                        discard = 1;
                        block_row = tmp & ~0x70000000;
                    for ( int k = 0; k < %(rdim)d; k++ ) {
                        if ( discard && (!(tmp & 0x70000000) || %(drop_full_row)d || ((tmp & (1 << (30 - k))) != 0)) ) {
                            rowmap[j*%(rdim)d + k] = -1;
                        } else {
                            rowmap[j*%(rdim)d + k] = (block_row)*%(rdim)d + k;
                for ( int j = 0; j < %(ncols)d; j++ ) {
                    discard = 0;
                    block_col = %(colmap)s[i*%(ncols)d + j];
                    tmp = -(block_col + 1);
                    if ( block_col < 0 ) {
                        discard = 1;
                        block_col = tmp & ~0x70000000;
                    for ( int k = 0; k < %(cdim)d; k++ ) {
                        if ( discard && (!(tmp & 0x70000000) || %(drop_full_col)d || ((tmp & (1 << (30 - k))) != 0)) ) {
                            colmap[j*%(cdim)d + k] = -1;
                        } else {
                            colmap[j*%(cdim)d + k] = (block_col)*%(cdim)d + k;
                """ % fdict)
                nrows *= rdim
                ncols *= cdim
        ret.append("""%(addto)s(%(mat)s, %(nrows)s, %(rows)s,
                                         %(ncols)s, %(cols)s,
                                         (const PetscScalar *)%(vals)s,
                                         %(insert)s);""" %
                   {'mat': self.c_arg_name(i, j),
                    'vals': addto_name,
                    'addto': addto,
                    'nrows': nrows,
                    'ncols': ncols,
                    'rows': rows_str,
                    'cols': cols_str,
                    'insert': "INSERT_VALUES" if self.access == WRITE else "ADD_VALUES"})
        ret = " "*16 + "{\n" + "\n".join(ret) + "\n" + " "*16 + "}"
        return ret
Пример #53
 def domain_args(self):
     """The sub_domain the BC applies to."""
     if isinstance(self.sub_domain, str):
         return (self.sub_domain, )
     return (as_tuple(self.sub_domain), )