def get_state_legid(self, legid): # try first to get from cache key = self.KEY_OPENSTATES.format(id=legid) leg = self.cache_get(key, None) if not leg: # or lookup from openstates and save leg = pyopenstates.get_legislator(legid) leg['cache_key'] = key self.cache_set(key, leg) return leg
def query(self, type='active', term_name=None): """ Obtains raw data of legislators, defaults to active legislators from the latest term Args: term_name: term name as it comes from OpenStates API type: Either 'all' or 'active' Returns: String transformed """ Tables.query(self) if type == 'all': if term_name is None: metadata = Metadata() term_name = metadata.latest_term_name legislators = pyopenstates.search_legislators(state=config.STATE, term=term_name, fields='id') else: # 'active' legislators = pyopenstates.search_legislators( state=config.STATE, active='true', # default fields='id') self.raw_dictionary = map( lambda dic: pyopenstates.get_legislator( dic['id'], fields=[ 'id', 'full_name', 'url', 'roles', # 'old_roles', 'party', 'district', 'chamber', 'offices', 'email' ]), legislators)
def check_political_data_cache(key, cache=cache): adapter = adapt_by_key(key) adapted_key, adapter_suffix = adapter.key(key) cached_obj = cache.get(adapted_key) if not cached_obj: # some keys may not be in our local cache # but may be available over external APIs if adapted_key.startswith("us_state:openstates"): leg_id = key.split(':')[-1] leg = pyopenstates.get_legislator(leg_id) leg['cache_key'] = key cache.set(key, leg) cached_obj = leg if type(cached_obj) is list: data =[0]) offices = adapter.offices(cached_obj[0]) elif type(cached_obj) is dict: data = offices = adapter.offices(cached_obj) else: current_app.logger.error('Target.check_political_data_cache got unknown cached_obj type %s for key %s' % (type(cached_obj), key)) # do it live if cached_obj: data = cached_obj else: data = {} try: offices = cached_obj.get('offices', []) except AttributeError: offices = [] data['uid'] = adapted_key data['offices'] = offices return data
def testLegislatorDetails(self): """Legislator details""" _id = "DCL000012" full_name = "Marion Barry" self.assertEqual( pyopenstates.get_legislator(_id)["full_name"], full_name)
for no in vote['no_votes']: if no['leg_id']: legislators.add(no['leg_id']) voteRecord[no['leg_id']] = 'N' for other in vote['other_votes']: if other['leg_id']: legislators.add(other['leg_id']) voteRecord[other['leg_id']] = 'NV' votes.append(voteRecord) # Fetches information on each senator (name, party, district ..etc) senators = [] for leg in legislators: try: fullLeg = pyopenstates.get_legislator(leg) party, district = None, None try: district = fullLeg['roles'][0]['district'] except Exception as e: pass try: party = fullLeg['party'][:3] except Exception as e: jsonAsString = str(fullLeg) republican = 'Republican' in jsonAsString democrat = 'Democrat' in jsonAsString indepdent = 'Independent' in jsonAsString if republican and not democrat: party = 'Rep' if not republican and democrat:
def scrape(self): state = 'MN' session = self.jurisdiction.legislative_sessions[0] apiKey = 'd2c0db7e-6a6e-4606-a9b0-83c18e647ff6' pyopenstates.set_api_key(apiKey) bills_upper = pyopenstates.search_bills(state=state, chamber="upper", updated_since="2017-01-01") bills_lower = pyopenstates.search_bills(state=state, chamber="lower", updated_since="2017-01-01") for b in bills_lower: number = b['bill_id'] title = b['title'] bill_id = b['id'] dbill = pyopenstates.get_bill(bill_id) url = dbill['sources'][0]['url'] bill = Bill(identifier=number, legislative_session=session['identifier'], title=title, classification=b['type'][0], chamber='upper') bill.add_source(url) bill.add_identifier(bill_id, scheme='openstatesv1') subjects = b['subjects'] for s in subjects: bill.add_subject(s) sponsors = dbill['sponsors'] for sponsor in sponsors: if not sponsor['leg_id'] == None: l = pyopenstates.get_legislator(sponsor['leg_id']) full_name = l['full_name'].split(' ') if len(full_name) == 3: full_name.pop(1) full_name = (' ').join(full_name) primary = False if sponsor['type'] == 'primary': primary = True try: bill.add_sponsorship(name=full_name, classification=sponsor['type'], entity_type='person', primary=primary) except: pass actions = dbill['actions'] for act in actions: action = act['action'] actor = act['actor'] date = tz.localize(datetime.strptime(act['date'], DATE_FORMAT)) Action_Type = act['type'] bill.add_action(action, date, chamber=actor) action_dates = dbill['action_dates'] for act in action_dates.items(): k, v = act[0], act[1] if '_' in k: chamber = k.split('_')[1] elif k == 'signed': chamber = 'executive' else: chamber = None k.replace('_', ' ') if not v == None and not k in ['first', 'last']: bill.add_action(k, tz.localize(v), chamber=chamber) yield bill for b in bills_upper: number = b['bill_id'] title = b['title'] bill_id = b['id'] dbill = pyopenstates.get_bill(bill_id) url = dbill['sources'][0]['url'] bill = Bill(identifier=number, legislative_session=session['identifier'], title=title, classification=b['type'][0], chamber='upper') bill.add_source(url) bill.add_identifier(bill_id, scheme='openstatesv1') subjects = b['subjects'] for s in subjects: bill.add_subject(s) sponsors = dbill['sponsors'] for sponsor in sponsors: if not sponsor['leg_id'] == None: l = pyopenstates.get_legislator(sponsor['leg_id']) full_name = l['full_name'].split(' ') if len(full_name) == 3: full_name.pop(1) full_name = (' ').join(full_name) primary = False if sponsor['type'] == 'primary': primary = True try: bill.add_sponsorship(name=full_name, classification=sponsor['type'], entity_type='person', primary=primary) except: pass actions = dbill['actions'] for act in actions: action = act['action'] actor = act['actor'] date = tz.localize(datetime.strptime(act['date'], DATE_FORMAT)) Action_Type = act['type'] bill.add_action(action, date, chamber=actor) action_dates = dbill['action_dates'] for act in action_dates.items(): k, v = act[0], act[1] if '_' in k: chamber = k.split('_')[1] elif k == 'signed': chamber = 'executive' else: chamber = None k.replace('_', ' ') if not v == None and not k in ['first', 'last']: bill.add_action(k, tz.localize(v), chamber=chamber) yield bill