Пример #1
 def func(n, m):
     slices = split(n, m)
     assert_eq(len(slices), m)
     x = np.zeros(n, int)
     for s in slices:
         x[s] += 1
     assert_same(x, 1, broadcasting=True)
     assert_eq([split(n, m, i) for i in range(m)], slices)
Пример #2
 def func(n, m):
     slices = split(n, m)
     assert_eq(len(slices), m)
     x = np.zeros(n, int)
     for s in slices:
         x[s] += 1
     assert_same(x, 1, broadcasting=True)
     assert_eq([split(n, m, i) for i in range(m)], slices)
Пример #3
def test_distribute():
    class MyComm(object):
        def __init__(self, rank, size):
            self.rank = rank
            self.size = size

    if size > 1:

    def func(a, r, shape, shapes):
        assert_equal(a[r], shape[0])
        assert_equal(shapes[r], shape)

    for n in range(10):
        for sz in range(1, 7):
            work = np.zeros(n, int)
            for i in range(n):
                work[i] = i % sz
            a = np.zeros(sz, int)
            for r in range(sz):
                a[r] = sum(work == r)
            stop = tuple(np.cumsum(a))
            start = (0, ) + stop[:-1]
            comm = MyComm(0, sz)
            for s in [(), (1, ), (3, 4)]:
                shapes = distribute_shapes((n, ) + s, comm=comm)
                for r in range(sz):
                    shape = distribute_shape((n, ) + s, rank=r, size=sz)
                    yield func, a, r, shape, shapes
                    if len(s) > 0:
                    sl = slice(start[r], stop[r])
                    yield assert_eq, sl, split(n, sz, r)
Пример #4
 def func(shape, dtype):
     d = MPIDistributionGlobalOperator(shape)
     x_global = np.ones(shape, dtype)
     s = split(shape[0], size, rank)
     x_local = d(x_global)
     assert_eq(x_local, x_global[s])
     assert_eq(d.T(x_local), x_global)
Пример #5
    def scatter(self, comm=None):
        MPI-scatter of the table.

        comm : MPI.Comm
            The MPI communicator of the group of processes in which the table
            will be scattered.

        if self.comm.size > 1:
            raise ValueError('The table is already distributed.')
        if comm is None:
            comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        if comm.size == 1:
            return self

        selection = split(len(self), comm.size, comm.rank)
        out = self[selection]
        for k in out._special_attributes:
            if k in out._reserved_attributes:
                v = out.__dict__[k]
            except KeyError:
            if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) and v.ndim > 0:
                setattr(out, k, v.copy())
        object.__setattr__(out, 'comm', comm)
        return out
Пример #6
 def func(shape, dtype):
     d = MPIDistributionGlobalOperator(shape)
     x_global = np.ones(shape, dtype)
     s = split(shape[0], size, rank)
     x_local = d(x_global)
     assert_eq(x_local, x_global[s])
     assert_eq(d.T(x_local), x_global)
Пример #7
def test_distribute():
    class MyComm(object):
        def __init__(self, rank, size):
            self.rank = rank
            self.size = size
    if size > 1:

    def func(a, r, shape, shapes):
        assert_equal(a[r], shape[0])
        assert_equal(shapes[r], shape)

    for n in range(10):
        for sz in range(1, 7):
            work = np.zeros(n, int)
            for i in range(n):
                work[i] = i % sz
            a = np.zeros(sz, int)
            for r in range(sz):
                a[r] = sum(work == r)
            stop = tuple(np.cumsum(a))
            start = (0,) + stop[:-1]
            comm = MyComm(0, sz)
            for s in [(), (1,), (3, 4)]:
                shapes = distribute_shapes((n,) + s, comm=comm)
                for r in range(sz):
                    shape = distribute_shape((n,) + s, rank=r, size=sz)
                    yield func, a, r, shape, shapes
                    if len(s) > 0:
                    sl = slice(start[r], stop[r])
                    yield assert_eq, sl, split(n, sz, r)
Пример #8
    def scatter(self, comm=None):
        MPI-scatter of the table.

        comm : MPI.Comm
            The MPI communicator of the group of processes in which the table
            will be scattered.

        if self.comm.size > 1:
            raise ValueError('The table is already distributed.')
        if comm is None:
            comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        if comm.size == 1:
            return self

        selection = split(len(self), comm.size, comm.rank)
        out = self[selection]
        for k in out._special_attributes:
            if k in out._reserved_attributes:
                v = out.__dict__[k]
            except KeyError:
            if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) and v.ndim > 0:
                setattr(out, k, v.copy())
        object.__setattr__(out, 'comm', comm)
        return out
Пример #9
def parallel_for_chunk(func, args, nprocs=8):
    pool = Pool(nprocs)
    slices = tuple(split(len(args), nprocs))
    def wrapper(islice):
        return func(args[slices[islice]])
    out = pool.amap(wrapper, xrange(len(slices))).get(TIMEOUT)
    return list(itertools.chain(*out))
Пример #10
def test_scatter():
    n = 4
    x = np.random.random(n)
    layout = PackedTable(n, x=x)
    s = split(n, size, rank)
    scattered = layout.scatter()
    assert_same(scattered.x, x[s])
    assert_same(scattered.all.x, x)
Пример #11
    def _get_synthbeam(scene,
        Return the monochromatic synthetic beam for a specified location
        on the focal plane, multiplied by a given area and bandwidth.

        scene : QubicScene
            The scene.
        position : array-like of shape (..., 3)
            The 3D coordinates where the response is computed, in meters.
        area : array-like
            The integration area, in m^2.
        nu : float
            The frequency for which the response is computed [Hz].
        bandwidth : float
            The filter bandwidth [Hz].
        horn : PackedArray
            The horn layout.
        primary_beam : Beam
            The primary beam.
        secondary_beam : Beam
            The secondary beam.
        synthbeam_dtype : dtype, optional
            The data type for the synthetic beams (default: float32).
            It is the dtype used to store the values of the pointing matrix.
        theta_max : float, optional
            The maximum zenithal angle above which the synthetic beam is
            assumed to be zero, in degrees.

        MAX_MEMORY_B = 1e9
        theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(scene.nside, scene.index)
        index = np.where(theta <= np.radians(theta_max))[0]
        nhorn = int(np.sum(horn.open))
        npix = len(index)
        nbytes_B = npix * nhorn * 24
        ngroup = np.ceil(nbytes_B / MAX_MEMORY_B).astype(np.int)
        out = np.zeros(position.shape[:-1] + (len(scene), ),
        for s in split(npix, ngroup):
            index_ = index[s]
            sb = QubicInstrument._get_response(theta[index_], phi[index_],
                                               bandwidth, position, area, nu,
                                               horn, primary_beam,
            out[..., index_] = abs2(sb, dtype=synthbeam_dtype)
        return out
Пример #12
def test_scatter():
    n = 4
    x = np.random.random(n)
    layout = PackedTable(n, x=x)
    s = split(n, size, rank)
    scattered = layout.scatter()
    assert_same(scattered.x, x[s])
    assert_same(scattered.all.x, x)
    def _get_synthbeam_(
            scene, position, area, nu, bandwidth, horn, primary_beam, 
            secondary_beam, spectral_irradiance=1, 
            synthbeam_dtype=np.float32, theta_max=30):
        Return the monochromatic synthetic beam for a specified location
        on the focal plane, multiplied by a given area and bandwidth.

        scene : QubicScene
            The scene.
        x : array-like
            The X-coordinate in the focal plane where the response is 
            computed, in meters. If not provided, the detector central 
            positions are assumed.
        y : array-like
            The Y-coordinate in the focal plane where the response is 
            computed, in meters. If not provided, the detector central 
            positions are assumed.
        area : array-like
            The integration area, in m^2.
        nu : float
            The frequency for which the response is computed [Hz].
        bandwidth : float
            The filter bandwidth [Hz].
        horn : PackedArray
            The horn layout.
        primary_beam : Beam
            The primary beam.
        secondary_beam : Beam
            The secondary beam.
        synthbeam_dtype : dtype, optional
            The data type for the synthetic beams (default: float32).
            It is the dtype used to store the values of the pointing matrix.
        theta_max : float, optional
            The maximum zenithal angle above which the synthetic beam is
            assumed to be zero, in degrees.

        MAX_MEMORY_B = 1e9
        theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(scene.nside, scene.index)
        index = np.where(theta <= np.radians(theta_max))[0]
        nhorn = int(np.sum(horn.open))
        npix = len(index)
        nbytes_B = npix * nhorn * 24
        ngroup = np.ceil(nbytes_B / MAX_MEMORY_B)
        out = np.zeros(position.shape[:-1] + (len(scene),),
        for s in split(npix, ngroup):
            index_ = index[s]
            sb = MultiQubicInstrument._get_response(
                theta[index_], phi[index_], spectral_irradiance, position, 
                area, nu, horn, primary_beam, secondary_beam)
            out[..., index_] = abs2(sb, dtype=synthbeam_dtype)
        return out * bandwidth * deriv_and_const(nu, scene.nside)
Пример #14
def read_fits(filename, extname, comm):
    Read and distribute a FITS file into local arrays.

    filename : str
        The FITS file name.
    extname : str
        The FITS extension name. Use None to read the first HDU with data.
    comm : mpi4py.Comm
        The MPI communicator of the local arrays.

    # check if the file name is the same for all MPI jobs
    files = comm.allgather(filename+str(extname))
    all_equal = all([f == files[0] for f in files])
    if comm.size > 1 and not all_equal:
        raise ValueError('The file name is not the same for all MPI jobs.')

    # get primary hdu or extension
    fits = pyfits.open(filename)
    if extname is not None:
        hdu = fits[extname]
        ihdu = 0
        while True:
                hdu = fits[ihdu]
            except IndexError:
                raise IOError('The FITS file has no data.')
            if hdu.header['NAXIS'] == 0:
                ihdu += 1
            if hdu.data is not None:

    header = hdu.header
    n = header['NAXIS' + str(header['NAXIS'])]
    s = split(n, comm.size, comm.rank)
    output = pyfits.Section(hdu)[s]

    if not output.dtype.isnative:
        output = output.byteswap().newbyteorder('=')

    # update the header
    header['NAXIS' + str(header['NAXIS'])] = s.stop - s.start
        if header['CTYPE1'] == 'RA---TAN' and header['CTYPE2'] == 'DEC--TAN':
            header['CRPIX2'] -= s.start
    except KeyError:

    return output, header
Пример #15
def read_fits(filename, extname, comm):
    Read and distribute a FITS file into local arrays.

    filename : str
        The FITS file name.
    extname : str
        The FITS extension name. Use None to read the first HDU with data.
    comm : mpi4py.Comm
        The MPI communicator of the local arrays.

    # check if the file name is the same for all MPI jobs
    files = comm.allgather(filename + str(extname))
    all_equal = all([f == files[0] for f in files])
    if comm.size > 1 and not all_equal:
        raise ValueError('The file name is not the same for all MPI jobs.')

    # get primary hdu or extension
    fits = pyfits.open(filename)
    if extname is not None:
        hdu = fits[extname]
        ihdu = 0
        while True:
                hdu = fits[ihdu]
            except IndexError:
                raise IOError('The FITS file has no data.')
            if hdu.header['NAXIS'] == 0:
                ihdu += 1
            if hdu.data is not None:

    header = hdu.header
    n = header['NAXIS' + str(header['NAXIS'])]
    s = split(n, comm.size, comm.rank)
    output = pyfits.Section(hdu)[s]

    if not output.dtype.isnative:
        output = output.byteswap().newbyteorder('=')

    # update the header
    header['NAXIS' + str(header['NAXIS'])] = s.stop - s.start
        if header['CTYPE1'] == 'RA---TAN' and header['CTYPE2'] == 'DEC--TAN':
            header['CRPIX2'] -= s.start
    except KeyError:

    return output, header
Пример #16
    def split(self, n):
        Split the instrument in partitioning groups.

        >>> instr = Instrument('instr', Layout((4, 4)))
        >>> [len(_) for _ in instr.split(2)]
        [8, 8]

        return tuple(self[_] for _ in split(len(self), n))
Пример #17
    def split(self, n):
        Split the table in partitioning groups.

        >>> table = PackedTable((4, 4), selection=[0, 1, 4, 5])
        >>> print(table.split(2))
        (PackedTable((4, 4), index=slice(0, 2, 1)),
         PackedTable((4, 4), index=slice(4, 6, 1)))

        return tuple(self[_] for _ in split(len(self), n))
Пример #18
    def split(self, n):
        Split the table in partitioning groups.

        >>> table = PackedTable((4, 4), selection=[0, 1, 4, 5])
        >>> print(table.split(2))
        (PackedTable((4, 4), index=slice(0, 2, 1)),
         PackedTable((4, 4), index=slice(4, 6, 1)))

        return tuple(self[_] for _ in split(len(self), n))
Пример #19
def scatter_fitsheader(header, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD):
    Return the header of local arrays given that of the global array.
    if 'NAXIS' not in header:
        raise KeyError("The FITS header does not contain the 'NAXIS' keyword.")
    if 'NAXIS1' not in header:
        raise KeyError('Scalar FITS headers cannot be split.')
    axis = str(header['NAXIS'])
    nglobal = header['NAXIS' + axis]
    s = split(nglobal, comm.size, comm.rank)
    header = header.copy()
    header['NAXIS' + axis] = s.stop - s.start
    if 'CRPIX' + axis in header:
        header['CRPIX' + axis] -= s.start
    return header
Пример #20
def scatter_fitsheader(header, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD):
    Return the header of local arrays given that of the global array.
    if 'NAXIS' not in header:
        raise KeyError("The FITS header does not contain the 'NAXIS' keyword.")
    if 'NAXIS1' not in header:
        raise KeyError('Scalar FITS headers cannot be split.')
    axis = str(header['NAXIS'])
    nglobal = header['NAXIS' + axis]
    s = split(nglobal, comm.size, comm.rank)
    header = header.copy()
    header['NAXIS' + axis] = s.stop - s.start
    if 'CRPIX' + axis in header:
        header['CRPIX' + axis] -= s.start
    return header
Пример #21
def gather_fitsheader(header, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD):
    Combine headers of local arrays into a global one.

    if 'NAXIS' not in header:
        raise KeyError("The FITS header does not contain the 'NAXIS' keyword.")
    if 'NAXIS1' not in header:
        raise KeyError('Scalar FITS headers cannot be gathered.')
    naxis = str(header['NAXIS'])
    nlocal = header['NAXIS' + naxis]
    nglobal = combine(nlocal, comm=comm)
    s = split(nglobal, comm.size, comm.rank)
    header = header.copy()
    header['NAXIS' + naxis] = nglobal
    if 'CRPIX' + naxis in header:
        header['CRPIX' + naxis] += s.start
    return header
Пример #22
def gather_fitsheader(header, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD):
    Combine headers of local arrays into a global one.

    if 'NAXIS' not in header:
        raise KeyError("The FITS header does not contain the 'NAXIS' keyword.")
    if 'NAXIS1' not in header:
        raise KeyError('Scalar FITS headers cannot be gathered.')
    naxis = str(header['NAXIS'])
    nlocal = header['NAXIS' + naxis]
    nglobal = combine(nlocal, comm=comm)
    s = split(nglobal, comm.size, comm.rank)
    header = header.copy()
    header['NAXIS' + naxis] = nglobal
    if 'CRPIX' + naxis in header:
        header['CRPIX' + naxis] += s.start
    return header
Пример #23
def write_fits(filename, data, header, extension, extname, comm):
    Collectively write local arrays into a single FITS file.

    filename : str
        The FITS file name.
    data : ndarray
        The array to be written.
    header : pyfits.Header
        The data FITS header. None can be set, in which case a minimal FITS
        header will be inferred from the data.
    extension : boolean
        If True, the data will be written as an extension to an already
        existing FITS file.
    extname : str
        The FITS extension name. Use None to write the primary HDU.
    comm : mpi4py.Comm
        The MPI communicator of the local arrays. Use MPI.COMM_SELF if the data
        are not meant to be combined into a global array. Make sure that the
        MPI processes are not executing this routine with the same file name.

    # check if the file name is the same for all MPI jobs
    files = comm.allgather(filename+str(extname))
    all_equal = all(f == files[0] for f in files)
    if comm.size > 1 and not all_equal:
        raise ValueError('The file name is not the same for all MPI jobs.')
    ndims = comm.allgather(data.ndim)
    if any(n != ndims[0] for n in ndims):
        raise ValueError("The arrays have an incompatible number of dimensions"
                         ": '{0}'.".format(', '.join(str(n) for n in ndims)))
    ndim = ndims[0]
    shapes = comm.allgather(data.shape)
    if any(s[1:] != shapes[0][1:] for s in shapes):
        raise ValueError("The arrays have incompatible shapes: '{0}'.".format(

    # get header
    if header is None:
        header = create_fitsheader_for(data, extname=extname)
        header = header.copy()
    if extname is not None:
        header['extname'] = extname

    # we remove the file first to avoid an annoying pyfits informative message
    if not extension:
        if comm.rank == 0:
            except OSError:

    # case without MPI communication
    if comm.size == 1:
        if not extension:
            hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data, header)
            hdu.writeto(filename, clobber=True)
            pyfits.append(filename, data, header)

    # get global/local parameters
    nglobal = sum(s[0] for s in shapes)
    s = split(nglobal, comm.size, comm.rank)
    nlocal = s.stop - s.start
    if data.shape[0] != nlocal:
        raise ValueError("On rank {}, the local array shape '{}' is invalid. T"
                         "he first dimension does not match the expected local"
                         " number '{}' given the global number '{}'.{}".format(
                         comm.rank, data.shape, nlocal, nglobal, ''
                         if comm.rank > 0 else ' Shapes are: {}.'.format(

    # write FITS header
    if comm.rank == 0:
        header['NAXIS' + str(ndim)] = nglobal
        shdu = pyfits.StreamingHDU(filename, header)
        data_loc = shdu._datLoc
        data_loc = None
    data_loc = comm.bcast(data_loc)

    # get a communicator excluding the processes which have no work to do
    # (Create_subarray does not allow 0-sized subarrays)
    chunk = product(data.shape[1:])
    rank_nowork = min(comm.size, nglobal)
    group = comm.Get_group()
    newcomm = comm.Create(group)

    # collectively write data
    if comm.rank < rank_nowork:
        # mpi4py 1.2.2: pb with viewing data as big endian KeyError '>d'
        if sys.byteorder == 'little' and data.dtype.byteorder == '=' or \
           data.dtype.byteorder == '<':
            data = data.byteswap()
        data = data.newbyteorder('=')
        mtype = DTYPE_MAP[data.dtype]
        ftype = mtype.Create_subarray([nglobal*chunk], [nlocal*chunk],
        f = MPI.File.Open(newcomm, filename, amode=MPI.MODE_APPEND |
                          MPI.MODE_WRONLY | MPI.MODE_CREATE)
        f.Set_view(data_loc, mtype, ftype, 'native', MPI.INFO_NULL)

    # pad FITS file with zeros
    if comm.rank == 0:
        datasize = nglobal * chunk * data.dtype.itemsize
        BLOCK_SIZE = 2880
        padding = BLOCK_SIZE - (datasize % BLOCK_SIZE)
        with open(filename, 'a') as f:
            if f.tell() - data_loc != datasize:
                raise RuntimeError('Unexpected file size.')
            f.write(padding * '\0')

Пример #24
    def gather(self, *args):
        MPI-gather the (already scattered) table or a given array.

        table_global = table_local.gather()
        array_global = table_local.gather(array_local)

        array_local : array-like, optional
            If provided, gather the scattered input array, instead of the whole

        table_global : PackedTable
            The global packed table, whose all special attribute have been
        array_global : array
            The MPI-gathered input array.

        def func(x):
            x = np.asarray(x)
            out = np.empty((ntot, ) + x.shape[1:], x.dtype)
            nbytes = product(x.shape[1:]) * x.itemsize
            self.comm.Allgatherv(x.view(np.byte), [
                ([_ * nbytes for _ in counts], [_ * nbytes for _ in offsets])
            return out

        ntot = np.array(len(self))
        self.comm.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, ntot, op=MPI.SUM)
        counts = []
        offsets = [0]
        for s in split(ntot, self.comm.size):
            n = s.stop - s.start
            offsets.append(offsets[-1] + n)

        if len(args) == 1:
            return func(args[0])
        elif len(args) > 1:
            raise TypeError(
                'gather takes at most 1 argument ({} given)'.format(len(args)))

        out = copy.copy(self)
        out._index = self._normalize_int_selection(
            func(self.index), product(self.shape[:self.ndim]))
        for k in out._special_attributes:
            if k in out._reserved_attributes:
                v = self.__dict__[k]
            except KeyError:
            if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) and v.ndim > 0:
                setattr(out, k, func(v))
        return out
Пример #25
    def _get_synthbeam(
        Return the monochromatic synthetic beam for a specified location
        on the focal plane, multiplied by a given area and bandwidth.

        scene : QubicScene
            The scene.
        position : array-like of shape (..., 3)
            The 3D coordinates where the response is computed, in meters.
        area : array-like
            The integration area, in m^2.
        nu : float
            The frequency for which the response is computed [Hz].
        bandwidth : float
            The filter bandwidth [Hz].
        horn : PackedArray
            The horn layout.
        primary_beam : Beam
            The primary beam.
        secondary_beam : Beam
            The secondary beam.
        synthbeam_dtype : dtype, optional
            The data type for the synthetic beams (default: float32).
            It is the dtype used to store the values of the pointing matrix.
        theta_max : float, optional
            The maximum zenithal angle above which the synthetic beam is
            assumed to be zero, in degrees.
        external_A : list of tables describing the phase and amplitude at each point of the focal
            plane for each of the horns:
            [0] : array of nn with x values in meters
            [1] : array of nn with y values in meters
            [2] : array of [nhorns, nn, nn] with amplitude
            [3] : array of [nhorns, nn, nn] with phase in degrees

        MAX_MEMORY_B = 1e9
        theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(scene.nside, scene.index)
        index = np.where(theta <= np.radians(theta_max))[0]
        nhorn = int(np.sum(horn.open))
        npix = len(index)
        nbytes_B = npix * nhorn * 24
        ngroup = np.ceil(nbytes_B / MAX_MEMORY_B)
        out = np.zeros(position.shape[:-1] + (len(scene),), dtype=synthbeam_dtype)
        for s in split(npix, ngroup):
            index_ = index[s]
            sb = QubicInstrument._get_response(
            out[..., index_] = abs2(sb, dtype=synthbeam_dtype)
        return out
Пример #26
    def gather(self, *args):
        MPI-gather the (already scattered) table or a given array.

        table_global = table_local.gather()
        array_global = table_local.gather(array_local)

        array_local : array-like, optional
            If provided, gather the scattered input array, instead of the whole

        table_global : PackedTable
            The global packed table, whose all special attribute have been
        array_global : array
            The MPI-gathered input array.

        def func(x):
            x = np.asarray(x)
            out = np.empty((ntot,) + x.shape[1:], x.dtype)
            nbytes = product(x.shape[1:]) * x.itemsize
                 ([_ * nbytes for _ in counts],
                  [_ * nbytes for _ in offsets])])
            return out
        ntot = np.array(len(self))
        self.comm.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, ntot, op=MPI.SUM)
        counts = []
        offsets = [0]
        for s in split(ntot, self.comm.size):
            n = s.stop - s.start
            offsets.append(offsets[-1] + n)

        if len(args) == 1:
            return func(args[0])
        elif len(args) > 1:
            raise TypeError(
                'gather takes at most 1 argument ({} given)'.format(len(args)))

        out = copy.copy(self)
        out._index = self._normalize_int_selection(
            func(self.index), product(self.shape[:self.ndim]))
        for k in out._special_attributes:
            if k in out._reserved_attributes:
                v = self.__dict__[k]
            except KeyError:
            if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) and v.ndim > 0:
                setattr(out, k, func(v))
        return out
Пример #27
    def __init__(self, instrument, sampling, scene, block=None,
                 max_nbytes=None, nprocs_instrument=None, nprocs_sampling=None,
        instrument : Instrument
            The Instrument instance.
        sampling : Sampling
            The sampling information (pointings, etc.)
        scene : Scene
            Discretization of the observed scene.
        block : tuple of slices, optional
            Partition of the samplings.
        max_nbytes : int or None, optional
            Maximum number of bytes to be allocated for the acquisition's
        nprocs_instrument : int
            For a given sampling slice, number of procs dedicated to
            the instrument.
        nprocs_sampling : int
            For a given detector slice, number of procs dedicated to
            the sampling.
        comm : mpi4py.MPI.Comm
            The acquisition's MPI communicator. Note that it is transformed
            into a 2d cartesian communicator before being stored as the 'comm'
            attribute. The following relationship must hold:
                comm.size = nprocs_instrument * nprocs_sampling

        if not isinstance(instrument, Instrument):
            raise TypeError(
                "The instrument input has an invalid type '{}'.".format(
        if not isinstance(sampling, Sampling):
            raise TypeError(
                "The sampling input has an invalid type '{}'.".format(
        if not isinstance(scene, Scene):
            raise TypeError(
                "The scene input has an invalid type '{}'.".format(

        if comm is None:
            comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        if nprocs_instrument is None and nprocs_sampling is None:
            nprocs_sampling = comm.size
        if nprocs_instrument is None:
            if nprocs_sampling < 1 or nprocs_sampling > comm.size:
                raise ValueError("Invalid value for nprocs_sampling '{0}'.".
            nprocs_instrument = comm.size // nprocs_sampling
        elif nprocs_sampling is None:
            if nprocs_instrument < 1 or nprocs_sampling > comm.size:
                raise ValueError("Invalid value for nprocs_instrument '{0}'.".
            nprocs_sampling = comm.size // nprocs_instrument
        if nprocs_instrument * nprocs_sampling != comm.size:
            raise ValueError('Invalid MPI distribution of the acquisition.')

        commgrid = comm.Create_cart(
            [nprocs_sampling, nprocs_instrument], reorder=True)

        comm_instrument = commgrid.Sub([False, True])
        comm_sampling = commgrid.Sub([True, False])

        self.scene = scene
        self.instrument = instrument.scatter(comm_instrument)
        self.sampling = sampling.scatter(comm_sampling)
        self.comm = commgrid
        self.block = block
        if block is None:
            self.block = slice(0, len(self.sampling)),
            if max_nbytes is not None:
                nbytes = self.get_operator_nbytes()
                if nbytes > max_nbytes:
                    nblocks = int(np.ceil(nbytes / max_nbytes))
                    self.block = tuple(split(len(self.sampling), nblocks))
        elif not isinstance(block, (list, tuple)) or \
             any(not isinstance(b, slice) for b in block):
            raise TypeError("Invalid block argument '{}'.".format(block))
Пример #28
def write_fits(filename, data, header, extension, extname, comm):
    Collectively write local arrays into a single FITS file.

    filename : str
        The FITS file name.
    data : ndarray
        The array to be written.
    header : pyfits.Header
        The data FITS header. None can be set, in which case a minimal FITS
        header will be inferred from the data.
    extension : boolean
        If True, the data will be written as an extension to an already
        existing FITS file.
    extname : str
        The FITS extension name. Use None to write the primary HDU.
    comm : mpi4py.Comm
        The MPI communicator of the local arrays. Use MPI.COMM_SELF if the data
        are not meant to be combined into a global array. Make sure that the
        MPI processes are not executing this routine with the same file name.

    # check if the file name is the same for all MPI jobs
    files = comm.allgather(filename + str(extname))
    all_equal = all(f == files[0] for f in files)
    if comm.size > 1 and not all_equal:
        raise ValueError('The file name is not the same for all MPI jobs.')
    ndims = comm.allgather(data.ndim)
    if any(n != ndims[0] for n in ndims):
        raise ValueError("The arrays have an incompatible number of dimensions"
                         ": '{0}'.".format(', '.join(str(n) for n in ndims)))
    ndim = ndims[0]
    shapes = comm.allgather(data.shape)
    if any(s[1:] != shapes[0][1:] for s in shapes):
        raise ValueError("The arrays have incompatible shapes: '{0}'.".format(

    # get header
    if header is None:
        header = create_fitsheader_for(data, extname=extname)
        header = header.copy()
    if extname is not None:
        header['extname'] = extname

    # we remove the file first to avoid an annoying pyfits informative message
    if not extension:
        if comm.rank == 0:
            except OSError:

    # case without MPI communication
    if comm.size == 1:
        if not extension:
            hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data, header)
            hdu.writeto(filename, overwrite=True)
            pyfits.append(filename, data, header)

    # get global/local parameters
    nglobal = sum(s[0] for s in shapes)
    s = split(nglobal, comm.size, comm.rank)
    nlocal = s.stop - s.start
    if data.shape[0] != nlocal:
        raise ValueError(
            "On rank {}, the local array shape '{}' is invalid. T"
            "he first dimension does not match the expected local"
            " number '{}' given the global number '{}'.{}".format(
                comm.rank, data.shape, nlocal, nglobal,
                '' if comm.rank > 0 else ' Shapes are: {}.'.format(shapes)))

    # write FITS header
    if comm.rank == 0:
        header['NAXIS' + str(ndim)] = nglobal
        shdu = pyfits.StreamingHDU(filename, header)
        data_loc = shdu._datLoc
        data_loc = None
    data_loc = comm.bcast(data_loc)

    # get a communicator excluding the processes which have no work to do
    # (Create_subarray does not allow 0-sized subarrays)
    chunk = product(data.shape[1:])
    rank_nowork = min(comm.size, nglobal)
    group = comm.Get_group()
    newcomm = comm.Create(group)

    # collectively write data
    if comm.rank < rank_nowork:
        # mpi4py 1.2.2: pb with viewing data as big endian KeyError '>d'
        if sys.byteorder == 'little' and data.dtype.byteorder == '=' or \
           data.dtype.byteorder == '<':
            data = data.byteswap()
        data = data.newbyteorder('=')
        mtype = DTYPE_MAP[data.dtype]
        ftype = mtype.Create_subarray([nglobal * chunk], [nlocal * chunk],
                                      [s.start * chunk])
        f = MPI.File.Open(newcomm,
                          amode=MPI.MODE_APPEND | MPI.MODE_WRONLY
                          | MPI.MODE_CREATE)
        f.Set_view(data_loc, mtype, ftype, 'native', MPI.INFO_NULL)

    # pad FITS file with zeros
    if comm.rank == 0:
        datasize = nglobal * chunk * data.dtype.itemsize
        BLOCK_SIZE = 2880
        padding = BLOCK_SIZE - (datasize % BLOCK_SIZE)
        with open(filename, 'a') as f:
            if f.tell() - data_loc != datasize:
                raise RuntimeError('Unexpected file size.')
            f.write(padding * '\0')
