Пример #1
def horn_schunck(stem, pat:str):
    flist = getimgfiles(stem, pat)

    for i in range(len(flist)-1):
        fn1 = flist[i]
        im1 = imageio.imread(fn1, as_gray=True)

 #       Iold = gaussian_filter(Iold,FILTER)

        fn2 = flist[i+1]
        im2 = imageio.imread(fn2, as_gray=True)
#        Inew = gaussian_filter(Inew,FILTER)

        U,V = HornSchunck(im1, im2, 1., 100)
        compareGraphs(U,V, im2, fn=fn2.name)

    return U,V
Пример #2
def horn_schunck(stem: Path, pat: str, alpha: float, Niter: int,
                 verbose: bool):
    flist = getimgfiles(stem, pat)

    for i in range(len(flist) - 1):
        fn1 = flist[i]
        im1 = imageio.imread(fn1, as_gray=True)

        #       Iold = gaussian_filter(Iold,FILTER)

        fn2 = flist[i + 1]
        im2 = imageio.imread(fn2, as_gray=True)
        #        Inew = gaussian_filter(Inew,FILTER)

        U, V = HornSchunck(im1, im2, alpha=1.0, Niter=100)
        compareGraphs(U, V, im2, fn=fn2.name)

    return U, V
Пример #3
def gif_generator(path, filenames=[]):
    """Saves a sequence of images as a .gif
        path: str, folder path where the images are located. It is also where the gif is saved.
        filenames: list[str], a list containing the file names. If not provided it will use all .png images in the
            folder provided in path. The file names are assumed sorted.
        saves flow.gif in the folder provided in path.
    images = []

    if filenames == []:
        filenames = getimgfiles(path, "*.png")

    for filename in tqdm(filenames, ncols=100, desc="GIFing"):

    imageio.mimsave(path + "/flow.gif", images)
Пример #4
def horn_schunck(stem, pat: str, save_to: str):
    flist = getimgfiles(stem, pat)

    for i in tqdm(range(len(flist) - 1), ncols=100, desc="HS flow"):
        fn1 = flist[i]
        im1 = imageio.imread(fn1, as_gray=False)

        im1 = np.flip(im1, 0)

        fn2 = flist[i + 1]
        im2 = imageio.imread(fn2, as_gray=False)
        im2 = np.flip(im2, 0)

        U, V = HornSchunck(rgb2gray(im1), rgb2gray(im2), 1., 100)

        path = save_to + "/" + fn2.name
        compareGraphs(U, V, im2, fn=fn2.name, save=path)

    return U, V
Пример #5
def lucas_kanade(stem, pat: str, kernel: int = 5, Nfilter: int = 7):
    flist = getimgfiles(stem, pat)

    # %% priming read
    im1 = imageio.imread(flist[0], as_gray=True)

    # %% evaluate the first frame's POI
    X = im1.shape[1] // 16
    Y = im1.shape[0] // 16
    poi = getPOI(X, Y, kernel)
    # % get the weights
    W = gaussianWeight(kernel)
    # %% loop over all images in directory
    for i in range(1, len(flist)):
        im2 = imageio.imread(flist[i], as_gray=True)

        im2 = gaussian_filter(im2, Nfilter)

        V = LucasKanade(im1, im2, kernel, poi, W)

        compareGraphsLK(im1, im2, poi, V)

        im1 = im2.copy()
Пример #6
def test_io():
    flist = pof.getimgfiles(RDIR / 'data/box', 'box*')
Пример #7
def test_io():
    flist = pof.getimgfiles(RDIR / "data/box", "box*")
    assert len(flist) == 2