Пример #1
    def forecast_at_coords(self, lat, lon, interval, limit=None):
        Queries the OWM Weather API for weather forecast for the
        specified geographic coordinates with the given time granularity.
        A *Forecaster* object is returned, containing a *Forecast*: this instance
        encapsulates *Weather* objects corresponding to the provided granularity.

        :param lat: location's latitude, must be between -90.0 and 90.0
        :type lat: int/float
        :param lon: location's longitude, must be between -180.0 and 180.0
        :type lon: int/float
        :param interval: the granularity of the forecast, among `3h` and 'daily'
        :type interval: str among `3h` and 'daily'
        :param limit: the maximum number of *Weather* items to be retrieved
            (default is ``None``, which stands for any number of items)
        :type limit: int or ``None``
        :returns: a *Forecaster* instance or ``None`` if forecast data is not
            available for the specified location
        :raises: *ParseResponseException* when OWM Weather API responses' data
            cannot be parsed, *APICallException* when OWM Weather API can not be
        assert isinstance(interval, str), "Interval must be a string"
        if limit is not None:
            assert isinstance(limit, int), "'limit' must be an int or None"
            if limit < 1:
                raise ValueError("'limit' must be None or greater than zero")
        params = {'lon': lon, 'lat': lat}
        if limit is not None:
            params['cnt'] = limit
        if interval == '3h':
            uri = THREE_HOURS_FORECAST_URI
        elif interval == 'daily':
            uri = DAILY_FORECAST_URI
            raise ValueError("Unsupported time interval for forecast")
        _, json_data = self.http_client.get_json(uri, params=params)
        fc = forecast.Forecast.from_dict(json_data)
        if fc is not None:
            fc.interval = interval
            return forecaster.Forecaster(fc)
            return None
Пример #2
    def forecast_at_id(self, id, interval, limit=None):
        Queries the OWM Weather API for weather forecast for the
        specified city ID (eg: 5128581) with the given time granularity.
        A *Forecaster* object is returned, containing a *Forecast*: this instance
        encapsulates *Weather* objects corresponding to the provided granularity.

        :param id: the location's city ID
        :type id: int
        :param interval: the granularity of the forecast, among `3h` and 'daily'
        :type interval: str among `3h` and 'daily'
        :param limit: the maximum number of *Weather* items to be retrieved
            (default is ``None``, which stands for any number of items)
        :type limit: int or ``None``
        :returns: a *Forecaster* instance or ``None`` if forecast data is not
            available for the specified location
        :raises: *ParseResponseException* when OWM Weather API responses' data
            cannot be parsed, *APICallException* when OWM Weather API can not be
        assert type(id) is int, "'id' must be an int"
        if id < 0:
            raise ValueError("'id' value must be greater than 0")
        assert isinstance(interval, str), "Interval must be a string"
        if limit is not None:
            assert isinstance(limit, int), "'limit' must be an int or None"
            if limit < 1:
                raise ValueError("'limit' must be None or greater than zero")
        params = {'id': id}
        if limit is not None:
            params['cnt'] = limit
        if interval == '3h':
            uri = THREE_HOURS_FORECAST_URI
        elif interval == 'daily':
            uri = DAILY_FORECAST_URI
            raise ValueError("Unsupported time interval for forecast")
        _, json_data = self.http_client.get_json(uri, params=params)
        fc = forecast.Forecast.from_dict(json_data)
        if fc is not None:
            fc.interval = interval
            return forecaster.Forecaster(fc)
            return None