def __init__(self, width=None, height=None): self.canvas ="RGB", (width, height), "white") self.AGG_canvas = Draw(self.canvas) self.helper = PILHelper() self.context = PILContext() self.AGG_canvas.setantialias(True)
class PILCanvas: def __init__(self, width=None, height=None): self.canvas ="RGB", (width, height), "white") self.AGG_canvas = Draw(self.canvas) self.helper = PILHelper() self.context = PILContext() self.AGG_canvas.setantialias(True) def show(self, *arguments): self.AGG_canvas.flush() def output(self, filename, file_ext): self.AGG_canvas.flush(), file_ext) def draw(self, ctx=None): if not ctx: ctx = self.context ## Draws things while not self.grobStack.empty(): (priority, item) = self.grobStack.get() if isinstance(item, RestoreCtx): ctx.restore() else: if isinstance(item, BezierPath): deltax, deltay = m = item._transform.getMatrixWCenter(deltax, deltay, item._transformmode) self.AGG_canvas.settransform(tuple(m)) self.drawpath(item, ctx) elif isinstance(item, Text): x, y = item.bounds deltax, deltay = m = item._transform.getMatrixWCenter(deltax, deltay-item.line_height, item._transformmode) #ctx.transform(m) #ctx.translate(item.x, item.y - item.baseline) self.AGG_canvas.settransform(tuple(m)) self.draw_text(item, ctx) elif isinstance(item, Image): deltax, deltay = m = item._transform.getMatrixWCenter(deltax, deltay, item._transformmode) ctx.transform(m) self.drawimage(item, ctx) self.grobStack.task_done() def draw_text(self, text, ctx=None): #print text.draw_glyph._sentence R, G, B, A = text._fillcolor R=int(R/1.0*255) G=int(G/1.0*255) B=int(B/1.0*255) font = Font((R, G, B), text._fontfile, size=text._fontsize) self.AGG_canvas.text((text.x, text.y), text.text, font) def drawclip(self, path, ctx=None): '''Passes the path to a Cairo context.''' if not isinstance(path, ClippingPath): raise Exception("drawpath(): Expecting a ClippingPath, got %s" % path) if not ctx: ctx = self._context for element in cmd = element[0] values = element[1:] ## apply cairo context commands if cmd == MOVETO: ctx.move_to(*values) elif cmd == LINETO: ctx.line_to(*values) elif cmd == CURVETO: ctx.curve_to(*values) elif cmd == RLINETO: ctx.rel_line_to(*values) elif cmd == RCURVETO: ctx.rel_curve_to(*values) elif cmd == CLOSE: ctx.close_path() elif cmd == ELLIPSE: x, y, w, h = values ctx.translate (x + w / 2., y + h / 2.) ctx.scale (w / 2., h / 2.) ctx.arc (0., 0., 1., 0., 2 * pi) ctx.restore() else: raise Exception("PathElement(): error parsing path element command (got '%s')" % cmd) ctx.restore() ctx.clip() def drawpath(self, path, ctx=None): strokeWidth = None strokeColor = None ellipse = False if not isinstance(path, BezierPath): raise Exception("drawpath(): Expecting a BezierPath, got %s" % (path)) if isinstance(path.path, PathWrap): path.path.initPath() nPath = path.path.path else: return for element in cmd = element[0] values = element[1:] if cmd == MOVETO: nPath.moveto(*values) elif cmd == LINETO: nPath.lineto(*values) elif cmd == CURVETO: nPath.curveto(*values) elif cmd == CURVE3TO: nPath.curve3to(*values) elif cmd == CURVE4TO: nPath.curve4to(*values) elif cmd == RLINETO: nPath.rlineto(*values) elif cmd == RCURVETO: nPath.rcurveto(*values) elif cmd == ARC: nPath.curveto(*values) elif cmd == CLOSE: nPath.close() elif cmd == ELLIPSE: x, y, w, h = values k = 0.5522847498 nPath.moveto(x, y+h/2) nPath.curveto(x, y+(1-k)*h/2, x+(1-k)*w/2, y, x+w/2, y) nPath.curveto(x+(1+k)*w/2, y, x+w, y+(1-k)*h/2, x+w, y+h/2) nPath.curveto(x+w, y+(1+k)*h/2, x+(1+k)*w/2, y+h,x+w/2, y+h) nPath.curveto(x+(1-k)*w/2, y+h, x, y+(1+k)*h/2, x, y+h/2) nPath.close() else: raise Exception("PathElement(): error parsing path element command (got '%s')" % cmd) arguments = self.buildPenBrush(path, templateArgs=nPath) self.AGG_canvas.path(*arguments) self.AGG_canvas.flush() def buildPenBrush(self, path, templateArgs=None): if templateArgs: PathArgs = [templateArgs] else: PathArgs = [] PenArguments = [] PenDict = {} brush = None if path._fillcolor: (R, G, B, A) = self.helper.decToRgba(path._fillcolor) color = (R, G, B) brush = Brush(color, opacity=A) if path._strokecolor: (R, G, B, A) = self.helper.decToRgba(path._strokecolor) PenDict["color"] = (R, G, B) PenDict["opacity"] = A if path._strokewidth: PenDict["width"] = path._strokewidth if PenDict.has_key("color"): PathArgs.append(Pen(**PenDict)) if brush: PathArgs.append(brush) arguments = tuple(PathArgs) return arguments