class Canvas(HasTraits): """ """ image = Property(Array) #chaching doesnt work # ALL INTERNAL REFERENCES SHOULD GO TO _PARTICLES particles = Property(Instance(ParticleManager, depends_on='_particles')) _particles = Instance(ParticleManager) # Background is only a property because for _set validation... background = Property() _background = Array # Use this as a listener for grid _resolution = Tuple(Int, Int) grid = Instance(CartesianGrid) def __init__(self, particles=None, background=None, rez=None, grid=None, _threshfcn=None): #No other traits """ Load with optionally a background image and instance of Particle Manager""" if not particles: particles = ParticleManager() self._particles = particles if background is None and rez is None: self.reset_background() #sets default color/resolution elif background is not None and rez is None: self._resolution = BGRES self.set_bg(background, keepres=False, inplace=True) else: self._resolution = rez self.set_bg(background, keepres=rez, inplace=True) if not grid: self.reset_grid() else: self.grid = grid # _threshfcn through __init__ only really for Cavnas.copy(); not users if _threshfcn is None: self.set_threshfcn(THRESHDEF) else: self._threshfcn = _threshfcn def set_threshfcn(self, fcn_or_string, *args, **kwargs): """ Set a binarization function. """ if isinstance(fcn_or_string, str): # Update later if args: raise CanvasError('Please use keyword args for threshold function') self._threshfcn = choose_thresh(fcn_or_string, **kwargs) self._threshtype = fcn_or_string else: self._threshfcn = functools.partial(fcn_or_string, *args, **kwargs) self._threshtype = fcn_or_string.__name__ @property def threshfcn(self): try: return self._threshtype except CanvasAttributeError: return None @threshfcn.setter def threshfcn(self): raise CanvasAttributeError('Please use "set_threshfcn(fcn/str, *args, ' '**kwargs)" to set the binary function.') # Public Methods # ------------- def add(self, particle, *args, **kwargs): """ Can't rely on __getattr__ because want *args to pass; only kwargs pass correctly; and wrapper was more pain than worth. """ return self._particles.add(particle, *args, **kwargs) def reset_background(self): """ Restore default background image; restores default RES, redraws particles over it.""" self.rez = BGRES #must be set first self._background = self.color_background self._bgstyle = 'default' def reset_grid(self): """ New grid of default x/y spacing; rez is optional """ self.grid = CartesianGrid(rez=self.rez, negative_y=True, xspacing=GRIDYSPACE, yspacing=GRIDXSPACE) def clear_canvas(self): """ Background image to default; removes ALL particles.""" self.clear_particles() self.reset_background() self.reset_grid() def clear_particles(self): """ Clears all particles from image.""" self._particles.plist[:] = [] # @inplace def pmap(self, fcn, *fcnargs, **fcnkwargs): """ Maps a function to each particle in ParticleManger; optionally can be done in place""", *fcnargs, **fcnkwargs) inplace = fcnkwargs.pop('inplace', False) if inplace:, *fcnargs, **fcnkwargs) else: cout = Canvas.copy(self), *fcnargs, **fcnkwargs) return cout def of_ptypes(self, *types, **kwargs): """ Retain only particles pertaining to specified *types; optionally inplace.""" inplace = kwargs.pop('inplace', False) if inplace: self._particles.of_ptypes(*types) else: cout = Canvas.copy(self) cout._particles.of_ptypes(*types) return cout def pixelmap(self, fcn, axis=0, *fcnargs, **fcnkwargs): """ Image mapper (np.apply_along_axis) fcn must be 1d! Notes ----- Calls numpy.apply_along_axis, which doesn't acces keyword arguments. """ return np.apply_along_axis(fcn, axis, self.image, *fcnargs) # # @inplace def from_labels(self, bgout=None, exclude=None, binary=True, pbinary=True, inplace=False, neighbors=4, **pmangerkwds): """ Get morphological labels from gray or binary image. Parameters ---------- exclude : 0, 1, 255, 'w', 'b' Exclude white, black or specified integer from labels. For example, 'b' will prevent black pixels from being labeled. bgout : Valid canvas array/color Background image of resulting canvas. If exclude, then there will be unlabled regions. bgout='r' will overlay the labels onto a red background. By default, self.background is used. binary : bool Use binary image; else use grayimage. pbinary : bool Use self.pbinary to generate thresholded image; else, use self.threshfcn (implicit thresholding function) to binarize. Only valid if binary = True Notes ----- Use binary=False with caution. Many grayimages would lead to tends of thousands of labels due to minute color changes in each pixel. Whitle skimage.label can handle this, pyparty will slow down severaly trying to make so many particles from labels. """ if binary: if pbinary: image = self.pbinary #PBINARY NOT self.binaryimage if len(self.particles) == 0: logger.warn('from_labels() recieved "pbinary=True", but ' 'no particles are stored. Use "pbinary=False" to ' 'use implicit thresholding function.') else: image = self.binaryimage else: image = self.grayimage logger.warn('Labels from grayimage can be very slow (fix coming)') if exclude is None: # scikit api doesn't accept None labels = morphology.label(image, neighbors) else: # Parse various cases if exclude == 'w' or exclude == 'white': if binary: exclude = 1 else: exclude = 255 elif exclude == 'b' or exclude == 'black': exclude = 0 labels = morphology.label(image, neighbors, background=exclude) pout = ParticleManager.from_labels(labels, **pmangerkwds) if inplace: self._particles = pout else: cout = Canvas.copy(self) cout.particles = pout if bgout is not None: cout.background = bgout return cout def patchshow(self, *args, **kwargs): """ ... args/kwargs include alpha, edgecolors, linestyles Notes: Matplotlib API is setup that args or kwargs can be entered. Order is important for args, but the correspond to same kwargs. """ axes, kwargs = _parse_ax(*args, **kwargs) title = kwargs.pop('title', None) bgonly = kwargs.pop('bgonly', False) annotate = kwargs.pop('annotate', False) zoom = kwargs.pop('zoom', None) grid = kwargs.pop('grid', False) gcolor = kwargs.pop('gcolor', None) gstyle = kwargs.pop('gstyle', None) gunder = kwargs.pop('gunder',False) pmap = kwargs.pop('pmap', None) nolabel = kwargs.pop('nolabel', None) alpha = kwargs.get('alpha', None) edgecolor = kwargs.get('edgecolor', None) linewidth = kwargs.get('linewidth', None) linestyle = kwargs.get('linestyle', None) # Some keywords to savefig; not all supported save = kwargs.pop('save', None) dpi = kwargs.pop('dpi', None) bbox_inches = kwargs.pop('bbox_inches', None) # GET NOT POP cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', None) # Implement later if cmap in ['pbinary', 'pbinary_r']: raise CanvasPlotError('"pbinary(_r)" color map only valid for .show()') # grid defaults if gcolor or gunder or gstyle and not grid: grid = True # If user enters gcolor/gstyle, assume default grid if grid and not gcolor: gcolor = GCOLOR if grid and not gstyle: gstyle = 'solid' # Corner case, don't touch if pmap and cmap and bgonly: bgonly = False if bgonly and not cmap: raise CanvasPlotError('"bgonly" is only valid when a colormap is' ' passed.') if cmap: bg = self.graybackground else: bg = self.background if zoom: xi, yi, xf, yf = zoom bg = crop(bg, zoom) #Overwrite axes image if not axes: fig, axes = plt.subplots() else: axes.images=[] # DONT PASS ALL KWARGS axes.imshow(bg, cmap=cmap) # FOR PATICLES IN IMAGE ONLY. in_and_edges = + self.pedge # PARTICLE FACECOLOR, ALPHA and other PATCH ARGS # patches = [p.particle.as_patch(facecolor=p.color, alpha=alpha, edgecolor=edgecolor, linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth) for p in in_and_edges] # If no particles or grid, just pass to avoid deep mpl exceptiosn if patches or grid: if patches: if pmap: kwargs['cmap'] = pmap if 'cmap' in kwargs and not bgonly: ppatch = PatchCollection(patches, **kwargs) #cmap and Patch Args ppatch.set_array(np.arange(len(patches))) # Use settings passed to "patches" else: ppatch = PatchCollection(patches, match_original=True, **kwargs) # # Grid under particles if gunder: axes.add_collection(self.grid.as_patch( edgecolors=gcolor, linestyles=gstyle)) if patches: axes.add_collection(ppatch) # Grid over particles else: if patches: axes.add_collection(ppatch) if grid: axes.add_collection(self.grid.as_patch( edgecolors=gcolor, linestyles=gstyle)) axes = self._annotate_plot(axes, annotate, title) if zoom: axes.set_xlim(xi, xf) axes.set_ylim(yf, yi) if nolabel: axes.xaxis.set_visible(False) axes.yaxis.set_visible(False) if nolabel == 'x': axes.yaxis.set_visible(True) elif nolabel == 'y': axes.xaxis.set_visible(True) if save: path = _parse_path(save) plt.savefig(path, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches=bbox_inches) return axes def _annotate_plot(self, axes, annotate, title): """ Hacky boiler plat reduction. show() and patchshow() both do exact same thing at end; didn't want to put it twice.""" if annotate: axes.set_xlabel('px') axes.set_ylabel('px') if not title: if len(self._particles) == 1: pcnt_str = '1 particle' else: pcnt_str = '%s particles' % len(self._particles) if len(self._particles.ptypes) == 1: ptype_str = '%s' % self._particles.ptypes[0] else: ptype_str = '%s types' % len(self._particles.ptypes) title = '%s (%s) %.2f%% coverage' % \ (pcnt_str, ptype_str, 100.0*self.pixarea) if title: axes.set_title(title) return axes # def show(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper to imshow. Converts to gray to allow color maps. Notes ----- Differs from patchshow in that the collective image (bg, grid, particles) is a series of masks, so they have to be drawn onto a single ndarray and then plotted. Sicne patchshow is writing patchs, it can plot the background separate from the grid and particles, which is slightly easier""" # This will pull out "ax", leaving remaing args/kwargs axes, kwargs = _parse_ax(*args, **kwargs) title = kwargs.pop('title', None) save = kwargs.pop('save', None) bgonly = kwargs.pop('bgonly', False) annotate = kwargs.pop('annotate', False) grid = kwargs.pop('grid', False) gcolor = kwargs.pop('gcolor', None) gunder = kwargs.pop('gunder', False) gstyle = kwargs.pop('gstyle', None) #NOT USED nolabel = kwargs.pop('nolabel', False) zoom = kwargs.pop('zoom', None) if gstyle: raise CanvasPlotError('"gstyle" only valid for patchshow()') if 'pmap' in kwargs: raise CanvasPlotError('"pmap" is only valid for patchshow() method') PBINARY = False if 'cmap' in kwargs: if kwargs['cmap'] == 'pbinary' or kwargs['cmap'] == 'pbinary_r': PBINARY = kwargs['cmap'] del kwargs['cmap'] # Get the background if bgonly: if 'cmap' not in kwargs: raise CanvasPlotError('"bgonly" is only valid when a colormap is' ' passed.') bg = kwargs['cmap'](self.graybackground)[... , :3] del kwargs['cmap'] else: bg = self.background if PBINARY: if PBINARY == 'pbinary_r': bg = np.ones(bg.shape).astype(bool) else: bg = np.zeros(bg.shape).astype(bool) # grid overlay if gcolor or gunder and not grid: grid = True # If user enters gcolor, assume default grid if grid and not gcolor: gcolor = GCOLOR # Map attributes from grid (centers, corners, grid) gattr = np.zeros(bg.shape).astype(bool) #IE pass if grid: if not gcolor: gcolor = GCOLOR if grid == True: grid = 'grid' # Validate grid keyword try: gattr=getattr( self.grid, grid.lower() ) except Exception: raise CanvasPlotError('Invalid grid argument, "%s". Choose from: ' 'True, "grid", "centers", "corners", "hlines", "vlines"' % grid) gcolor = to_normrgb(gcolor) #Draw grid over or under? if gunder: bg[gattr] = gcolor image = self._draw_particles(bg, force_binary=PBINARY) else: image = self._draw_particles(bg, force_binary=PBINARY) image[gattr] = gcolor # GRAY CONVERT if 'cmap' in kwargs: image = rgb2uint(image) # Matplotlib if axes: axes.imshow(image, **kwargs) else: axes = plt.imshow(image, **kwargs).axes axes = self._annotate_plot(axes, annotate, title) # SHOW DOESNT ACTUALLY CROP ANYTHING WHEN ZOOMING if zoom: xi, yi, xf, yf = zoom axes.set_xlim(xi, xf) axes.set_ylim(yf, yi) if nolabel: axes.xaxis.set_visible(False) axes.yaxis.set_visible(False) if nolabel == 'x': axes.yaxis.set_visible(True) elif nolabel == 'y': axes.xaxis.set_visible(True) if save: path = _parse_path(save), image) return axes def scatter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Scatter plot of two particles attributes (eg area vs ccircularity). Parameters ---------- attr1: str X-attribute attr2: str Y-attribute annotate: False Adds title, x and y labels """ # Would it make more sense to default these to something attr1 = kwargs.pop('attr1', None) attr2 = kwargs.pop('attr2', None) if not attr1 or not attr2: raise CanvasPlotError('Scatter attributes must be specified as' ' keywords (IE c.scatter(attr1=area, attr2=eccentricity ...)') annotate = kwargs.pop('annotate', False) title = kwargs.pop('title', None) fancy = kwargs.pop('fancy', False) axes, kwargs = _parse_ax(*args, **kwargs) if fancy: raise NotImplementedError("Fancy kwarg not yet supported.") if not axes: fig, axes = plt.subplots() x, y = getattr(self, attr1), getattr(self, attr2) axes.scatter(x, y, **kwargs) if annotate: if not title: title = '%s - %s' % (attr1.title(), attr2.title()) axes.set_xlabel(attr1) axes.set_ylabel(attr2) if title: axes.set_title(title) return axes def _draw_particles(self, image, force_binary=False): """ Draws particles over any image (ie background, background+grid. force_binary is a hack to allow for drawing binary particles, useful for""" for p in self._particles: rr_cc = p.particle.rr_cc # Lot of crap! Need it this way or grid color will be inverted too if force_binary: if force_binary == 'pbinary_r': color = False else: color = True else: color = p.color rr_cc = coords_in_image(rr_cc, image.shape) image[rr_cc] = color return image def _get_image(self): """ Creates image array of particles. Tried fitting to a property or Traits events interface to control the caching, but manually choosing cache points proved to be easier.""" # self.background is always a new array; otherwise would use np.copy return self._draw_particles(self.background) # Image Attributes Promoted # ------------------ @property def shape(self): """ Avoid recomputing image""" return (self.rx, self.ry, 3) @property def ndim(self): """ Avoid recomputing image for this purpose """ return len(self._background) @property def dtype(self): # Same dtype as image return self._background.dtype @property def grayimage(self): """ Collapse multi-channel, scale to 255 (via ubyte) """ return rgb2uint(self.image) @property def binaryimage(self): return self._threshfcn(self.grayimage) @property def graybackground(self): return rgb2uint(self.background) @property def binarybackground(self): return self._threshfcn(self.graybackground) @property def color_background(self): """ Generate a colored background at current resolution """ return bgu.from_color_res(BGCOLOR, self.rx, self.ry) # Promote most common grid attributes @property def gcenters(self): return self.grid.centers @property def gcorners(self): return self.grid.corners @property def ghlines(self): return self.grid.hlines @property def gvlines(self): return self.grid.vlines def gpairs(self, attr): return self.grid.pairs(attr) #GRID LISTENER def __resolution_changed(self): # BACKWARDS BECAUSE GRID IS RELATIVE INVERSE if self.grid: self.grid.xend = self.ry self.grid.yend = self.rx # Image Resolution @property def rez(self): """ Resoloution; since x,y is wonky on image, rx really is y dim""" return self._resolution @rez.setter def rez(self, rez): rx, ry = rint(rez[0]), rint(rez[1]) self._resolution = rx, ry @property def rx(self): return self.rez[0] @rx.setter def rx(self, rx): self._resolution = ( int(rx), self._resolution[1] ) @property def ry(self): return self.rez[1] @ry.setter def ry(self, ry): self._resolution = ( self._resolution[0], int(ry) ) @property def pbinary(self): """ Returns boolean mask of all particles IN the image, with background removed.""" # Faster to get all coords in image at once since going to paint white out = np.zeros( self.rez, dtype=bool ) if self.particles: rr_cc = coords_in_image( self._particles.rr_cc_all, self.rez) out[rr_cc] = True return out def _whereis(self, choice='in'): """ Wraps utils.where_is_particles for all three possibilities """ return [ for p in self._particles if where_is_particle(p.rr_cc, self.rez) == choice] @property def pin(self): """ Returns all particles appearing FULLY in the image""" return self._particles[self._whereis('in')] @property def pedge(self): """ Returns all particles appearing PARTIALLY in the image""" return self._particles[self._whereis('edge')] @property def pout(self): """ All particles appearing FULLY outside the image""" return self._particles[self._whereis('out')] @property def pixcount(self): """ Image pixel count """ l, w = self.rez return int(l * w) @property def pixarea(self): """ Area white pixels in pbinary """ return float(np.sum(self.pbinary)) / self.pixcount @property def pixperim(self): """ Wraps measure.perimeter to estimate total perimeter of particles in binary image.""" return skimage.measure.perimeter(self.pbinary, neighbourhood=4) # Trait Defaults / Trait Properties # --------------------------------- def _get_particles(self): """ Return a NEW INSTANCE of particles manager (ie new particles instead of in-memory references)""" return ParticleManager(plist=self._particles.plist, fastnames=self._particles.fastnames) def _set_particles(self, particles): """ Make a copy of the particles to avoid passing by reference. Note this is implictly controlled by _COPYPARTICLES in config. """ self._particles = ParticleManager(particles.plist, particles.fastnames) def _set_image(self): raise CanvasError('Image cannot be set; please make changes to particles' ' and/or background attributes.') # BACKGROUND RELATED # ------------------ # @inplace def set_bg(self, bg, keepres=False, inplace=False): """ Public background setting interface. """ #print 'IN SET BG', bg, keepres #oldres = self.rez #self._update_bg(bg) #if keepres: #if keepres == True: #self.rez = oldres #else: #self.rez = keepres #else: #self.rez = self._background.shape[0:2] if inplace: cout = self else: cout = Canvas.copy(self) oldres = cout.rez cout._update_bg(bg) if keepres: if keepres == True: cout.rez = oldres else: cout.rez = keepres else: cout.rez = cout._background.shape[0:2] if not inplace: return cout def zoom_bg(self, *coords, **kwds): """ Zoom in on current image and set the zoomed background as the background of a new canvas. Note that because indicies will always resume at 0, particle positions will not maintain their relative positions. """ # avoid set_bg() because uses size of coords, not coords itself inplace = kwds.pop('inplace', False) autogrid = kwds.pop('autogrid', True) if inplace: cout = self else: cout = Canvas.copy(self) cout._background = crop(cout._background, coords) cout.rez = cout._background.shape[0:2] if autogrid: xmag = self.rx / float(cout.rx) ymag = self.ry / float(cout.ry) cout.grid.xdiv = rint(self.grid.xdiv / xmag) cout.grid.ydiv = rint(self.grid.ydiv / ymag) if not inplace: return cout def _get_background(self): """ Crop or extend self._background based on self.rx, ry. Always returns a new object to avoid accidental refernce passing.""" bgx, bgy = self._background.shape[0:2] rx, ry = self.rez if bgx == rx and bgy == ry: return np.copy(self._background) def _smaller(idx1, idx2): if idx1 < idx2: return idx1 return idx2 xs, ys = _smaller(rx, bgx), _smaller(ry, bgy) out = np.empty( (rx, ry, 3) ) out[:] = BGCOLOR #.fill only works with scalar out[:xs, :ys] = self._background[:xs, :ys] #no copy needed return out def _set_background(self, bg): """ Set background and use new resolution if there is one """ self.set_bg(bg, keepres=False, inplace=True) # REDO THIS WITH COLOR NORM AND STUFF! Also, dtype warning? def _update_bg(self, background): """ Parses several valid inputs including: None, Path, Color (of any valid to_normRGB() type, ndarray, (Color, Resolution).""" if background is None: self._background = self.color_background self._bgstyle = 'default' elif isinstance(background, Grid): self._background = bgu.from_grid(background) self._bgstyle = 'grid' elif isinstance(background, np.ndarray): self._background = background self._bgstyle = 'ndarray' # colorstring or hex elif isinstance(background, basestring): self._background = bgu.from_string(background, self.rx, self.ry) self._bgstyle = 'file/colorstring/url' # If not array, color is assume as valid to_norm_rgb(color) arg # It will raise its own error if failure occurs else: self._background = bgu.from_color_res(background, self.rx, self.ry) self._bgstyle = 'color' # Float-color convert array self._background = any2rgb(self._background, 'background') # IMAGE IS CACHED AT END OF _set_bg() # Delegate dictionary interface to ParticleManager # ----------- def __getitem__(self, keyslice): """ Employs particle manager interface; however, returns single entry as a list to allow slicing directly into get_item[]""" return self._particles.__getitem__(keyslice) #IF WANT TO RETURN CANVAS ALWAYS SEE BELOW #pout = self._particles.__getitem__(keyslice) #return Canvas(background=self.background, particles=pout, rez=self.rez) def __delitem__(self, keyslice): return self._particles.__delitem__(keyslice) def __setitem__(self, key, particle): return self._particles.__setitem__(key, particles) def __getattr__(self, attr): """ Look for missing attributes on particle manager. Notes ----- *args are NOT passed to called methods; kwargs are. If absolutely need ARGS, see how I handled add. Could not get wrapper to work correctly because it generally wanted to return a function but sometimes this returns objects, lists etc... not just functions so doing for example c.plist would try to give c.plist() and so on. """ try: return getattr(self._particles, attr) except ParticleError: raise CanvasAttributeError('"%s" could not be found on %s, ' 'underlying manager, or on one-or multiple of the ' 'Particles' % (attr, self.__class__.__name__) ) def __iter__(self): """ Iteration is blocked """ raise CanvasError("Iteration on canvas is ambiguous. Iterate over " "canvas.image or canvas.particles") @property def _address(self): """ Property to make easily accesible by multicanvas """ return mem_address(super(Canvas, self).__repr__()) def __repr__(self): _bgstyle = self._bgstyle #REPLACE res = '(%s X %s)' % (self.rx, self.ry ) g=self.grid xd, yd = g.xdiv, g.ydiv gridstring = "%sxygrid[%s] --> (%sp X %sp) : (%.1f X %.1f) [pix/tile]" \ % (_PAD, xd*yd, xd, yd, g.xspacing, g.yspacing) # MAY WANT TO USE COLUMN ALIGNMENT outstring = "%s (%s):\n" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._address) outstring += "%sbackground --> %s : %s\n" % (_PAD, res, _bgstyle) outstring += "%sparticles --> %s particles : %s types\n" % (_PAD, \ len(self._particles), len(self._particles.ptype_count)) outstring += gridstring return outstring def __len__(self): return self._particles.__len__() # Arithmetic Operation # -------------------- def __add__(self, c2): return concat_canvas(self, c2, bg_resolve='c2') def __sub__(self, c2): raise CanvasError("%s does not support subtraction" % self.__class__.__name__) # Class methods # ------------ @classmethod def copy(cls, obj, grid=None, background=None, particles=None, rez=None, _threshfcn = None): """ Returns a copied canvas object. __init__ params are taken from object unless explicitly passed. Notes ----- copy grid, bg and particles separately as they are deep objects. Particles is especially finiky so just create a completely new instance of it. Explicit passing is useful, for insance, if one wants to copy a canvas with new particles. This makes the operation quicker than copying the old particles and then overwriting. """ if not grid: grid = copy.copy(obj.grid) if not background: background = copy.copy(obj.background) if not particles: particles = ParticleManager(plist=obj.plist, copy=True) if not rez: rez = obj.rez if not _threshfcn: _threshfcn = obj.threshfcn return cls(background=background, particles=particles, rez=rez, grid=grid, _threshfcn=_threshfcn) # Extend to polygons/other partciles in future # May want to refactor into particle manager method actually @classmethod def random_circles(cls, n=50, rmin=5, rmax=50, background=BGCOLOR, pcolor=None): """ Return a canvas populated with n randomly positioned circles. Radius ranges vary randomly between 5 and 50.""" from random import randint as RIT particles = ParticleManager() # Randomize particle centers within the image default dimensions for i in range(n): cx, cy = RIT(0, BGRES[0]), RIT(0, BGRES[1]) radius = RIT(rmin,rmax) particles.add('circle', center=(cx,cy), radius=radius, color=to_normrgb(pcolor)) # Use default resolution and grid return cls(background=background, particles=particles) @classmethod def random_triangles(cls, n=50, lmin=5, lmax=50, background=BGCOLOR, pcolor=None): """ Return a canvas populated with n randomly positioned circles. Radius ranges vary randomly between 5 and 50.""" from random import randint as RIT particles = ParticleManager() # Randomize particle centers within the image default dimensions for i in range(n): # ADD PADDING ADHOC AT THE MOMENT!! PAD = 2*lmax cx, cy = RIT(0+PAD, BGRES[0]-PAD), RIT(0+PAD, BGRES[1]-PAD) length = RIT(lmin,lmax) particles.add('triangle', center=(cx,cy), length=length, color=to_normrgb(pcolor)) # Use default resolution and grid return cls(background=background, particles=particles)
def reset_grid(self): """ New grid of default x/y spacing; rez is optional """ self.grid = CartesianGrid(rez=self.rez, negative_y=True, xspacing=GRIDYSPACE, yspacing=GRIDXSPACE)