Пример #1
def test_instr_setup(fitsdict):
    """ Test instrument setup naming convention
    from pypit import arsciexp
    arutils.dummy_settings(spectrograph='shane_kast_blue', set_idx=False)
    # Load
    settings.argflag['run']['setup'] = True  # Over-ride default numbers
    filesort = arsort.sort_data(fitsdict)
    # Match and test
    arsort.match_science(fitsdict, filesort)
    # Make a science frame
    sciexp = arsciexp.ScienceExposure(0, fitsdict, do_qa=False)
    # Get an ID
    setup_dict = {}
    setupID = arsort.instr_setup(sciexp, 1, fitsdict, setup_dict)
    assert setupID == 'A_01_aa'
    # Should get same thing
    setupID = arsort.instr_setup(sciexp, 1, fitsdict, setup_dict)
    assert setupID == 'A_01_aa'
    # New det (fake out kast_blue)
    settings.spect['det02'] = dict(numamplifiers=1)
    setupID2 = arsort.instr_setup(sciexp, 2, fitsdict, setup_dict)
    assert setupID2 == 'A_02_aa'
    # New calib set
    settings.spect['arc']['index'][1] = np.array(
        [9])  # Not really an arc, but ok
    sciexp1 = arsciexp.ScienceExposure(1, fitsdict, do_qa=False)
    setupID3 = arsort.instr_setup(sciexp1, 1, fitsdict, setup_dict)
    assert setupID3 == 'A_01_ab'
    assert setup_dict['A']['ab']['arcs'][0] == 'b009.fits'
Пример #2
def test_user_frametype(fitsdict):
    """ Test setting frametype manually
    arutils.dummy_settings(spectrograph='shane_kast_blue', set_idx=False)
    # Modify settings -- WARNING: THIS IS GLOBAL!
    settings.spect['set'] = {}
    settings.spect['set']['standard'] = ['b009.fits']
    filesort = arsort.sort_data(fitsdict)
    assert 9 in filesort['standard']
    settings.spect['set'] = {}
Пример #3
def test_sort_data(fitsdict):
    """ Test sort_data
    arutils.dummy_settings(spectrograph='shane_kast_blue', set_idx=False)
    # Sort
    filesort = arsort.sort_data(fitsdict)
    assert filesort['bias'][0] == 0
    assert filesort['arc'][0] == 1
    assert filesort['trace'][0] == 2
    assert filesort['standard'][0] == 4
    assert len(filesort['science']) == 5
Пример #4
def test_neg_match_science(fitsdict):
    """ Test using negative number for calibs
    arutils.dummy_settings(spectrograph='shane_kast_blue', set_idx=False)
    # Load
    filesort = arsort.sort_data(fitsdict)
    # Use negative number
    for ftype in ['arc', 'pixelflat', 'trace', 'bias']:
        settings.spect[ftype]['number'] = 1
    settings.spect['trace']['number'] = -1
    arsort.match_science(fitsdict, filesort)
    assert len(settings.spect['trace']['index'][1]) == 2
Пример #5
def test_match_science(fitsdict):
    """ Test match_science routine
    arutils.dummy_settings(spectrograph='shane_kast_blue', set_idx=False)
    # Load
    settings.argflag['run']['setup'] = True  # Over-ride default numbers
    filesort = arsort.sort_data(fitsdict)
    # Match and test
    arsort.match_science(fitsdict, filesort)
    assert settings.spect['arc']['index'][1][0] == 1
    assert settings.spect['standard']['index'][1][0] == 4
    assert len(settings.spect['trace']['index'][0]) == 2
Пример #6
    def Setup(self):

        # Sort the data
        msgs.bug("Files and folders should not be deleted -- there should be an option to overwrite files automatically if they already exist, or choose to rename them if necessary")
        self._filesort = arsort.sort_data(self)
        # Write out the details of the sorted files
        if self._argflag['out']['sorted'] is not None: arsort.sort_write(self)
        # Match Science frames to calibration frames
        # If the user is only debugging, then exit now
        if self._argflag['run']['calcheck']:
            msgs.info("Calibration check complete. Change the 'calcheck' flag to continue with data reduction")
        # Make directory structure for different objects
        self._sci_targs = arsort.make_dirs(self)
Пример #7
def SetupScience(argflag, spect, fitsdict):
    """ Create an exposure class for every science frame
    Also links to standard star frames

    argflag : dict
      Arguments and flags used for reduction
    spect : dict
      Properties of the spectrograph.
    fitsdict : dict
      Contains relevant information from fits header files

    sciexp : list
      A list containing all science exposure classes
    # Sort the data
        "Files and folders should not be deleted -- there should be an option to overwrite files automatically if they already exist, or choose to rename them if necessary"
    filesort = arsort.sort_data(argflag, spect, fitsdict)
    # Write out the details of the sorted files
    if argflag['out']['sorted'] is not None:
        arsort.sort_write(argflag['out']['sorted'], spect, fitsdict, filesort)
    # Match calibration frames to science frames
    spect = arsort.match_science(argflag, spect, fitsdict, filesort)
    # If the user is only debugging, then exit now
    if argflag['run']['calcheck']:
            "Calibration check complete. Change the 'calcheck' flag to continue with data reduction"
    # Make directory structure for different objects
    sci_targs = arsort.make_dirs(argflag, fitsdict, filesort)
    # Create the list of science exposures
    numsci = np.size(filesort['science'])
    sciexp = []
    for i in xrange(numsci):
        sciexp.append(arsciexp.ScienceExposure(i, argflag, spect, fitsdict))
    return sciexp
Пример #8
def SetupScience(argflag, spect, fitsdict):
    """ Create an exposure class for every science frame
    Also links to standard star frames

    argflag : dict
      Arguments and flags used for reduction
    spect : dict
      Properties of the spectrograph.
    fitsdict : dict
      Contains relevant information from fits header files

    sciexp : list
      A list containing all science exposure classes
    # Sort the data
    msgs.bug("Files and folders should not be deleted -- there should be an option to overwrite files automatically if they already exist, or choose to rename them if necessary")
    filesort = arsort.sort_data(argflag, spect, fitsdict)
    # Write out the details of the sorted files
    if argflag['out']['sorted'] is not None:
        arsort.sort_write(argflag['out']['sorted'], spect, fitsdict, filesort)
    # Match calibration frames to science frames
    spect = arsort.match_science(argflag, spect, fitsdict, filesort)
    # If the user is only debugging, then exit now
    if argflag['run']['calcheck']:
        msgs.info("Calibration check complete. Change the 'calcheck' flag to continue with data reduction")
    # Make directory structure for different objects
    sci_targs = arsort.make_dirs(argflag, fitsdict, filesort)
    # Create the list of science exposures
    numsci = np.size(filesort['science'])
    sciexp = []
    for i in range(numsci):
        sciexp.append(arsciexp.ScienceExposure(i, argflag, spect, fitsdict))
    return sciexp
Пример #9
def SetupScience(fitsdict):
    """ Create an exposure class for every science frame
    Also links to standard star frames and calibrations

    fitsdict : dict
      Contains relevant information from fits header files

    sciexp : list
      A list containing all science exposure classes
    # Init
    if settings.argflag['run']['calcheck'] or settings.argflag['run']['setup']:
        do_qa = False
        bad_to_unknown = True
        do_qa = True
        bad_to_unknown = False
    if settings.argflag['run']['setup']:
        skip_cset = True
        skip_cset = False
    # Sort the data
        "Files and folders should not be deleted -- there should be an option to overwrite files automatically if they already exist, or choose to rename them if necessary"
    filesort = arsort.sort_data(fitsdict, flag_unknown=bad_to_unknown)
    # Write out the details of the sorted files into a .lst file
    if settings.argflag['output']['sorted'] is not None:
        srt_tbl = arsort.sort_write(fitsdict, filesort)
    # Match calibration frames to science frames
    arsort.match_science(fitsdict, filesort)
    # Make directory structure for different objects
    if do_qa:
        sci_targs = arsort.make_dirs(fitsdict, filesort)
    # Create the list of science exposures
    numsci = np.size(settings.spect['science']['index'])
    sciexp = []
    for i in range(numsci):
        sciexp.append(arsciexp.ScienceExposure(i, fitsdict, do_qa=do_qa))

    # Generate setup and group dicts
    setup_dict = {}
    if settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['force']:
        # Check that setup was input
        if len(settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['setup']) == 0:
                "Need to specify   reduce masters setup   in your PYPIT file!")
        # setup_dict
        setup = settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['setup']
        setup_dict = {}
        setup_dict[setup[0]] = {}
        for ii in range(1, 20):  # Dummy detectors
            setup_dict[setup[0]][arparse.get_dnum(ii)] = dict(binning='1x1')
        setup_dict[setup[0]][setup[-2:]] = {}
        iSCI = filesort['science']
        setup_dict[setup[0]][setup[-2:]]['sci'] = [
            fitsdict['filename'][i] for i in iSCI
        # Write
        calib_file = arsort.write_calib(setup_dict)
        return sciexp, setup_dict
    # Run through the setups to fill setup_dict
    setupIDs = []
    for sc in range(numsci):
        for kk in range(settings.spect['mosaic']['ndet']):
            # Use user-supplied setup name (useful for some book-keeping)?
                cname = settings.argflag['setup']['name']
            except KeyError:
                cname = None
            setupID = arsort.instr_setup(sciexp[sc],
                                         kk + 1,
            if kk == 0:  # Only save the first detector for run setup

    # Calib IDs
    group_dict = {}
    if settings.argflag['run']['setup']:  # Collate all matching files
        for sc, setupID in enumerate(setupIDs):
            scidx = sciexp[sc]._idx_sci[0]
            # Set group_key
            config_key = setupID[0]
            # Plan init
            if config_key not in group_dict.keys():
                group_dict[config_key] = {}
                for key in filesort.keys():
                    if key not in ['unknown', 'dark']:
                        group_dict[config_key][key] = []
                    group_dict[config_key]['sciobj'] = []
                    group_dict[config_key]['stdobj'] = []
            # Fill group_dict too
            for key in filesort.keys():
                if key in ['unknown', 'dark', 'failures']:
                for idx in settings.spect[key]['index'][sc]:
                    # Only add if new
                    if fitsdict['filename'][idx] not in group_dict[config_key][
                        if key == 'standard':  # Add target name
                    if key == 'science':  # Add target name
        # Write .sorted file
        if len(group_dict) > 0:
            arsort.write_sorted(srt_tbl, group_dict, setup_dict)
            msgs.warn("No group dict entries and therefore no .sorted file")

    # Write setup -- only if not present
    setup_file, nexist = arsort.get_setup_file()
    # Write calib file (if not in setup mode)
    if not settings.argflag['run']['setup']:
        calib_file = arsort.write_calib(setup_dict)
    # Finish calcheck or setup
    if settings.argflag['run']['calcheck'] or settings.argflag['run']['setup']:
        if settings.argflag['run']['calcheck']:
            msgs.info("Inspect the .calib file: {:s}".format(calib_file))
            msgs.info("Calibration check complete and successful!")
                "Set 'run calcheck False' to continue with data reduction")
            # Instrument specific (might push into a separate file)
            if settings.argflag['run']['spectrograph'] in ['keck_lris_blue']:
                if settings.argflag['reduce']['flatfield']['useframe'] in [
                        "We recommend a slitless flat for your instrument.")
            return 'calcheck', None
        elif settings.argflag['run']['setup']:
            for idx in filesort['failures']:
                    "No Arc found: Skipping object {:s} with file {:s}".format(
                        fitsdict['target'][idx], fitsdict['filename'][idx]))
            msgs.info("Setup is complete.")
            msgs.info("Inspect the .setups file: {:s}".format(setup_file))
            return 'setup', None
            msgs.error("Should not get here")
    return sciexp, setup_dict